October 7, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 7, 1971 |
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cR 5.6ess "
These last weeks have seen
many shares of family heartaches.
Could the parents know how that
exciting bubble bursts when
young people leave the school
bus, and a running freedom of the
road is exercised? One car took to
the ditch when this happiness
took over and a student ran onto
the highway after the bus had
left. Damages, expense, and a lost
pet resulted for the concerned
There is important news for
the bike rider, pedal or
motorized. You are requested to
obey all the vehicular laws of the
state, to stay on the right of the
road in your lane of travel, and to
ride on the SHOULDER of the
road whenever possible or
necessary. Lack of courtesy in
observing the law is showing and
could be a factor in a serious
Giving a ride to a person
walking on the highway can often
be a great assist - if the family is
called and told of the place of
arrival. Many anxious moments
can be avoided if a phone call is
made home regarding the safe
arrival. This is also true for
youngsters taste-testing the
friendly, habit of visiting the
neighbors. This can be a
coffeebreak for mother IF she
knows her young one is paying a
call and not being a bother.
Let's climb a bit higher on
this soapbox. There are 15 more
peppy youngsters catching the
school bus at the Bear Creek
intersection. With the Friday
Night Gang still on a rampage
against signs, the aU-important
"stop" sign is often missing. A
school bus sign placed there, as in
other traffic areas, could be a
warning to those drivers of
logging and Christmas tree trucks,
and even for the little old ladies in
tenny runners.
Congratulations to Blanche
and Fay Caldwell on reaching that
ever-loving fifty years of wedded
bliss. To add to the festive
planning of the golden day have
been many phone calls, letters,
cards, and even early visits.
A stop was made by Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Burlingame of
Chehalis before going on to
Spokane and then south for the
winter. A very special letter from
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benson was
enjoyed although these first
friends of the O l d ' B el fair
Highway will not be able to
attend the festivities. (For those
who remember the Bensons, their
home is in the Grey Apartments
on Fawcett Street near the
downtown business district of
Mrs. Josephine DeForrest of
Olympia is also among the best
friends sending best wishes. This
dates back to memories of the
two families being shipmates in
the navy.
Mrs. Mary Kieszling has been
staying at the home of her
daughter while recovering from
surgery, and is still undergoing
treatment. She has been happy
with the many calls, and also
appreciates the many cards and
letters. During this recovery
period, it has been difficult for
her to answer phone calls.
However, Mary knows we are all
thinking of her and wish her the
very best.
Our very best singing voice is
showing in wishing a happy
birthday to Mrs. Clara Schubert
celebrating the octogenarian 85th
year on October 1. With her love
of cooking, it has been difficult
for daughter Betty Leatherman to
arrange a family dinrier for the
special occasion. Invitations have
been sent to Mrs. Virginia Greene,
Dick and Phyllis Schubert, and
grandchildren Mike and Susan, to
gather for dinner at the home of
Ken and Betty Leatherman on
Sunday to honor the birthday.
Mrs. Schubert had that special
twinkle in her eye as she told of
her mother living to be a hundred
and of her own plans to do the
same. If gambling were legal in
this state, there would be many of
us making bets that she is just the
one to do so.
The Union River Homemakers
concluded a short business
meeting with a potluck lunch and
an auction. The fun event was
held at the home of Mrs. Lee Serls
with the auction as a means to
raise money for operating
expenses of the group for the
coming year.
Plans are to entertain another
homemaker group at a luncheon.
A selection of gifts to make were
shown with one chosen that will
be a secret until presented to the
Homemade bread, jellies,
butter, and whip cream were
featured along with the white
FD|NNI$ ! elephant items for quick selling.
R|A[ |$TAT| I This meeting was held later than
. | the regular scheduled third
| Specializing in I
Waterfront and View I Wednesday of the month. Mrs.
Cedric Addy will be hostess for
I Belfair Across From | the October meeting.
] CR 5-2254 Belfair State Park I Watch it! Mailboxes are
disappearing like_ a snowball in
-OR -
$1O0 And copy
of this Ad
July. The latest to "get lost" is
the K. W. Spangler box. This box
was mounted on a metal support
inbedded in a wheel bracing, and
estimated to weigh about 100 lbs.
or more. It took a tremendous
effort to lift and transport the
whole thing, so this was no
incident by a souvenir hunter.
Then to add insult to injury,
the next day a pickup truck
stopped and took the two
remaining cement blocks that had
been a part of the base. When
Mrs. Spangler called out to the
two men loading the blocks, they
just drove away - blocks and alL
We do have a mystery, this is
just one of a number of mailboxes
taken recently Along The Old
Belfair Highway.
An unpredictable ladder
turned and spilled Jim Rollins to
the ground while he was picking
prunes from the tree in his yard.
Now the prunes left on the tree
are on their own as he waits for
the swelling to go down so a cast
may be put on the injured ankle.
Let's hope it is a hiking cast so
the enjoyed hunting trips won't
be cancelled.
The Everett Motorcycle Club
sponsored race for September was
held at Mattawa this year. This
small community just south of
Vantage, Wash. was impressive
with the influx of campers,
trailers, bikes, and people. The
two mile course of sand duneg
and sagebrush was marked with
small ribbons tied to the bushes.
There were close to 1,000
entries lined up through the sand
and sagebrush, side by side, for
two miles. The starting signal was
a smoke bomb visible on a nearby
hill followed by a cannon shot
that could be clearly heard.
Following the source of the
smoke gave entrance to the race
course, with the 250 cc class to
do 3 laps and the 125 cc class to
do 2 laps. Each lap was for 35
miles. Six checkpoints were set up
for a specified time lapse on each
lap. Many were forced to drop
out because of flat tires,
backward falls riding the steep
hills, and the 85 degree heat.
Don Carstenson was one to
complete the required 3 laps
placing 68 in the over-all classes
but 46th place in the trophy
award in his class. His son Mark
assisted as pit boy during the
Harley Davis had completed
about 60 of the required 70 miles
and would have placed but for a
flat tire putting him out of action.
Chris Davis was hit by another
bike as they came down a steep
hill together. Chris was thrown
with his bike landing on top of
him. He was going on his second
lap, and thinking he had missed
one checkpoint, dropped out of
the race. Bill Spangler was doing
well but had to discontinue when
told at his checkpoint that time
would run out before the finish
line would be reached.
Others in the racing group
were Bruce Christopherson, Mike
Schubert, Dick Christopherson,
and Roy Christopherson. Having a
run of bad luck during the race
were Bob Newsom with engine
trouble, Lowell Daugherty at 1½
laps when his cycle quit and A1
Saunders with one completed lap
when his cycle motor froze.
There was only one casualty
during the big race and that was
caused by poor visibility from the
dust and sand of the rough desert
! For Delivery
i Seattle Frees
CR 5-2402
| ........ Ervin Furchert
Dace 8 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - October 7, 1971
Jeff Allen returned two weeks
ago from his nationwide travels.
He put a good many miles on his
VW taking in the sights from here
to the East Coast where he
traveled from Niagara Falls, New
York to Savannah, Georgia.
Traveling through Boston,
Mass. with a hitch-hiker he'd
picked up, Jeff learned that he
was driving through one of the
most dangerous parts of the city,
the Rocksbury District. The
hitch-hiker lived there so he left
Jeff to figure out how to get out
of the area by himself, but he
advised him to lock the doors and
not to stop for anyone else! Jeff
spent a little more time in the city
to visit the Harvard Square. Then
he headed for Buzzard Bay to
visit relatives for a week.
With another hitch-hiker who
had been traveling around the
country for several years, Jeff
made it through the rush hour
traffic of New York City taking a
long slow six hours to do it! He
stayed overnight and got up early
the next morning and took the
ferry out to the Statue of Liberty.
Jeff toured Washington D.C.
before going to Atlantic City,
New Jersey which turned out to
be his favorite city of all that he'd
visited. This is the city of the
famous Board Walk and Jeff made
it there on the last day of the
summer season when all of the
quaint little shops along the walk
were having end of the season
The most beautiful state Jeff
traveled through was Tennessee
with the Blue Ridge Mountains.
He recommends this area for
people who prefer to travel for
scenic pleasure.
According to Jeff the most
difficult part of traveling in the
East was getting caught on a
rotary which is where the freeway
forms a circle with a lot of exits
leading off of the circle. One can
go around and around for hours
trying to locate and decide on the
right exit !
After meeting a lot of people
and seeing a lot of country and
getting a little low on funds, Jeff
gave his former employer in
Seattle a call and got his old job
back. So he high-tailed it home
driving through sun, rain and
snow in five days. That's a lot of
driving! Well, when Jeff is a
grandpa and his grandson is sitting
on his knee the story will begin,
"when l was a youngun' back in
Mrs. Butch Holm is the lady
in charge of the Harvest Festival
Bazaar sponsored by the Belfair
Community Baptist Church:
Ladies who have a bit of talent in
the area of sewing or arts and
crafts are invited to contribute
some of their projects for sale at
the Bazaar to be held Saturday,
November 13th.
The Belfair Youth Center is in
need of a name before it opens in
about a month. Any suggestions
are welcome and can be sent or
given to Rev. Harder.
Harvest Bazaar set for
November 13 at church
The annual Harvest Bazaar,
sponsored by the American
Baptist Women of the Belfair
Community Baptist Church, will
be held November 13, it was
announced last week by Mrs. Ivan
Holm, chairman of the event this
Local residents are urged to
set aside this date to visit the
church and browse among the
many items for sale to do some
early Christmas shopping. Gift
items for all occasions will be
Along with the regular booths
Evening and Saturday
swimming lessons at the Peninsula
Swimming Pool began Tuesday,
October 51 All levels of swimming
are being offered. For further
information and registration,
please call the Peninsula Pool, at
offering unique items for sale will
be holiday foods, to enjoy
immediately or take home to
freeze until the busy holiday
season. A snack bar will be
operating all day long.
Announcement of Committee
Chairmen will be made soon.
The October meeting of the
Belfair Fire Department Aux. will
be held October 6 at the home of
President Nellie DeMiero. Plans
for an upcoming fund raising
dinner will be talked over, so all
members are urged to attend.
Women Volunteers For
Girl Scout Program
CR 5-6259
~_~_- - --.-.-_-.-..--.-._.-..._...
For a "like new again" exterior of
• Mobile Homes
• Campers
• Travel Trailers
Also Engine Steam Cleaning
7 Days a Week 6:30 a.m. -- 10 p.m.
Today's column is sympathetically dedicated to all Herald readers
who read last week's paper which mistakenly announced opening day
of hunting as being last Sunday and are now sitting in jail after being
arrested for shooting a deer out of season.
Next time someone says his neighbor told him something is going to
happen on a certain date, I'll double-check with the proper authorities
before takin~ his word for it.
Meanwhile, if you need some reading material to keep you busy
while locked behind bars, let me know and I'll see that a copy of the
paper is sent to you each week.
Lennia Cates, my Tahuya correspondent, was the first to call and
point out the mistake. She had double-checked with her printed
schedule of opening day events and made sure it was supposed to be
October 16 before she called. So I believed her. It spoiled my whole
day. I started worrying about what would happen if someone got mixed
up on the date because of what he'd read in the paper and went out last
Sunday looking for a deer.
In trying to cheer me up when I expressed my concern to Marie
Korski at the coffee shop she pointed out that at least the Herald had
scooped all the other papers in the State by being the first to announce
that opening day of hunting was "next Sunday." Which is one way to
look at it, I guess.
Wouldn't you know that Wildlife Agent Armon Koeneman would
be in the local Sheriff's office talking to dispatcher Onie Sande and
detective Mike Snyder when I went in on Friday morning to get the
news? Almost simultaneously as I opened the door, the three chanted
"Oh boy, are YOU in trouble!"
"What happens if someone read the date in the paper and goes
hunting next Sunday?" I asked Koeneman. "We'll arrest him," he
replied matter-of-factly.
If it's any consolation to those of you confined to a cell in the
Mason County Jail, I did try to help out by asking "Would it help any if
they could prove they were subscribers to the Huckleberry Herald?" He
didn't think that would carry too much weight with the judge.
So now I'm faced with a "long, hot weekend" hoping that when I
check into the Sheriff's office on Monday there will be no news of the
arrest of anyone for jumping the gun on hunting season. If anyone does
go out, I will be praying that his luck is all bad and he doesn't even see
a deer all day.
For those who didn't make it out last weekend but were planning
to go hunting this next weekend, DON'T.
16 to 30 AND NOVEMBER 10 to 14.
It says so, in black and white, right here on a pamphlet issued by
the Game Department, which Ernie Aries of Belfair Hardware delivered
in person a few minutes ago. He and his brother, Harold, have been
busy the past two days answering the phone calls made by persons
double-checking the correct date, so they've kept a few readers from
going out early.
One small bright side to the picture for those arrested is the fact that
the jail, I understand, is one of the main recipients of confiscated deer so
there's a good chance you'll get to enjoy a few of those venison steaks
from YOUR deer before your release.
Local man to appear
at October 14 PTA meeting
Residents of the North Mason
area will have a chance to meet
the candidates of the local taxing
districts who are running for
election on the November 2 ballot
at this month's regular PTA
meeting. All voters are invited to
attend, whether they have
children in school or not.
Invitations have been sent to
candidates and to a representative
of Fire District 5 which has a
special levy on the ballot. One of
the three School Board positions
up for election is being contested
by three candidates, four persons
are running for the three positions
as commissioner of Belfair
Cemetery district. Of special
interest to residents of Tahuya is
re-establishment of the Tahuya
Port district. Two men are
running for each of the two
commission posts open for the
Allyn Port district.
A spokesman for the PTA
says she hopes the meeting has a
good turnout, for although these
are all local issues, they are
important to people in this area.
Date of the meeting is
Thursday, October 14, 7:30 p.m.,
in the multi-purpose room of the
new elementary school in Belfair.
The annual PTA-sponsored
Spaghetti dinner will be held in
the high school cafetorium on
October 22. Tickets will be sold
by students in the sixth grade.
Funds will go toward support of
the North Mason PTA.
Section of the Shelton-
Mason County Journal
Thursday, October 7, 1971
LES RICE of Grapeview looks at some of the concrete slabs dumped by the
County on his property adjacent to the approach to the Stretch Island
bridge. He calls it garbage but says the County calls it rip-rap. He and the
County disagree on other points, as well, which is holding up plans for
replacement of the bridge.
el up
"There are two sides to every
question," the old saying goes,
and when it comes to the delay in
acquiring the needed right-of-way
for the roadway approaching the
Stretch Island Bridge before the
bridge can be rebuilt, there
definitely are two sides to "the
One side is held by
property-owner Les Rice of
Grapeview; the other side by the
County Engineer's office, whose
offer for purchase of additional
footage along the. present
roadway to bring the right-of-way
to sixty feet has been rejected by
Rice. To acquire federal aid in the
road-widening and
bridge-rebuilding project, the
County must own sixty feet of
Rice gives as his reason for
rejecting the County's offer the
facts that the price offered is-
unreasonably low and that the
County's plan is taking up too
much of his property for such a
little job, leaving him with a small
piece of waterfront south of the
bridge too small to do anything
with. According to Rice's
figuring, the offer made by the
County of $615 for 80 feet of
prime waterfront values it at $20
a foot. He says he paid $25 a foot
for the property in 1944 and his
taxes have gone up 4000 per cent
since then so he knows the
County Assessor's office isn't
placing the value so low.
Jim Lynch of the County
Engineer's office, who has been
doing most of the negotiating with
Rice, explains the controversy as
a difference of opinion between
Rice and the County over who
owns the land presently being
used by the road and bridge
approach. According to the
Islan ri ge
County, it acquired the beach
property on which the bridge
rests from the State many years
ago and has a deed proving
ownership of the sixty-foot width
of waterfront. He admitted the
County had no deed for the road
running through Rice's property
but that statutes covering usage
for so many years gives the
County ownership without
buying it from Rice.
So th~ County's offer,
according to Lynch, is not for
waterfront property, since they
maintain they already own the
sixty feet they need at the beach;
the offer covers only the ten feet
along each side of the present
road to give them the needed
sixty foot right-of-way, except for
a small section of the road near
the Grapeview intersection where
they are offering to buy an extra
ten feet because otherwise it
would leave Rice with a piece of
property only ten feet wide which
would be useless to him.
Rice, however, says he has a
deed proving ownership of the
entire waterfront property,
including the sixty feet tb-
County says it already owns. '.:
says the sixty feet were turned
over to the county at one time
before he bought the land but
that the county returned the deed
to the previous property owner
according to papers he has.
(Please turn to page 4)
heart attar
Richard W. King, 65, of
DeWatto, was found dead in the
woods near Cady Lake on
October 2, the victim of an
apparent heart attack. He had
been missing overnight after
having left his home about 2:30
p.m. the previous afternoon to
pick up some bark.
When he was found, by his
wife and Robert Lawrence of
Tahuya, early the next morning,
he was near his pickup truck
which was half-filed with bark.
Neighbors of the Kings had
searched until midnight October 1
after being called by Mrs. King
that her husband had not
returned. The Belfair Sheriff's
office was notified early the
morning of October 2 and when a
deputy arrived in DeWatto around
8 a.m. he learned that the body
had been found. The body was
taken to Shelton by Batstone
Funeral Home.
Memorial services were
scheduled to be held Wednesday
morning, October 6, at St.
Nicholas Episcopalian Church in
Tahuya with Father Donald
Maddux officiating.
Mr. King, a rancher, had
moved to the DeWatto area in
1936 where he had been a
long-time Port Commissioner. He
was born in Topeka, Kansas on
April 24, 1906.
Survivors include his wife,
Anne, of the family home and a
brother, Jack King, of Concord,
The family suggests donations
to St. Nicholas Church or the
Heart Fund in lieu of flowers.