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Sch o o I News
The Girls' tennis team is
having a marvelous season this
year. Their record so far stands
4-0 with wins over Vashon, South
Kitsap, West, and Bainbridge.
Gwen Pederson and Joni Slagle
are undefeated in their singles
matches. Thursday they play at
Sequim which should be an easy
match for our outstanding tennis
The school on Friday was
once again the recipient of a
bomb threat. All students in the
Senior High were instructed over
the PA system to get the books
they would need and report to
the gym. After sitting around for
a while things got organized and
an unscheduled pep assembly for
the first home football game
against Bainbridge was held. Mr.
Angus did his famous
"BULLDOGS" cheer which really
livened things up. At 1 : 15 p.m. all
the students went back to the
building for their sixth period
classes and the rest of the day was
One of" the big events of the
Senior year is having your picture
taken and the North Mason
seniors had a photographer from
Shelton up for their class meeting
to talk about prices and to
arrange scheduling. Most of the
Seniors are getting their pictures
taken and everyone should be
done in the next week.
The senior class officers are:
President - Su Scott;
Vice-President - Dawn Anderson;
Secretary - Juli Watson;
Treasurer - Nettle Reynolds;
Sargeant at Arms - Pam HusOp.
The Honor Society is tryin|
to think up some money-making
ideas so if anyone has any
suggestions give them to Kathie
Johnson. The sign-up sheet for
the October field trip to Gonzaga
is in the SAC (Student Activity
Center) and the deadline to be
signed-up is October 8, so all
Honor Society members wanting
to go, get signed up.
The Lettermen's club is selling
T-shirts again this year. Show
your spirit and support the
Lettermen, buy a NM T-shirt.
The Sr. and Jr. High
combined for an assembly to see
Jack Chase demonstrate some of
the manuevers of wheelchair
basketball. He travels all over the
United States showing all ages
that it's "Ability - Not
Disability" that counts. In the
first part of December a whole
team of wheelchair basketball
players will be coming to our
school to play against a team
made up of faculty members who
will also be playing in
wheelchairs. This should be pretty
funny so be "looking for a more
definite date later.
BULLDOG DAVE GUIDI tackles a player from the Bainbridge Spartans
during last Friday night's game which North Mason lost 25 to 6.
Photo by John Graesch
Local man, bride
wed in Bremerton
Wearing a long white gown
with a train and carrying a bridal
bouquet of white roses, Miss
Sonja Y. Peterson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace C. Peterson
of Bremerton was wed in an
August ceremony to Mr. Stanley
E. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas W. Davis of the Old
Belfair Highway. Officiating at
the ceremony, which was held in
Our Savior's Lutheran Church in
Bremerton, was Pastor Dan
Attending the bride were Miss
Cindy Peterson as maid of honor
for her sister and the Misses Alice
Riechman, Patty Bolman and Sue
Olson as bridesmaids. Miss
Peterson's gown was mint green
under white; the bridesmaids'
gowns were lavender under white.
All wore large picture hats.
Best man, Jim Davis, and
ushers, Ben, John and Mike Davis
were all brothers of the groom.
Tommy Ridgeway served as
ringbearer,and Cheryl Halvorson
as flower girl.
A wedding prayer and the
Lord's Prayer were sung during
the service by an uncle of the
bride, Mr. Lowell Paterson of
McVille, No. Dakota.
A reception followed the
The bride is a graduate of
West Bremerton High School and
attended Cinderella Beauty
School. The groom is a graduate
of North Mason High School and
of Olympic College.
Following the wedding, the
newlyweds traveled along the
west coast for their honeymoon
before making their first home in
Eurek~ Montana where the groom
is serving as a survey technician
for the Army Corps of Engineers.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Davis
#~. ..... A 6-gal. gas tank, anchor with
~11~~ ~A~~ nylonline, three rubber bumpers,
deep sea rod and reel and a dip
! 24Hr. Wrecker Service i net were stolen from a boat
loaded on a trailer and parked in
v~ CR 5-2077 Ithe Dewatt° area °n Oct°ber 3
according to a complaint received
by the Belfair Sheriff's office.
Card of Thanks
Bur|ler Alarm Systems -Rental Tools
St. Rt. 1, Box 556, Belfair
Mike Selby CR 5-2976
We wish to sincerely thank our
friends for their kindness
during our recent bereavement.
Mrs. William T. Walbaum
and family
Page 6 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - October 7, 1971
By Rob May
After playing a great game the
previous week in beating Vashon
20-12, the Bulldogs from North
Mason were upended by the
Bainbridge Spartans 25-6 last
Friday night on the North Mason
Using aerial warfare all night
long, the Spartans came from
behind midway through the first
quarter to score 25 unanswered
points on 4 passes from senior
quarterback Pete King to
wingback Tom Robertson. King
hit Robertson for 25, 30, 5, and
35 yard passes that all went for 6
points. In all, Robertson collected
8 passes for a total of 156 yards.
The Bulldogs scored first early
in the first quarter, when the
Bainbridge team fumbled deep in
their own territory. Quarterback
Bruce Landram then proceeded to
sweep around the left end 11
yards to score. At this point it
looked like on enjoyable evening
for the Bulldogs, but the next
drive by the Spartans tied the
Senior fullback Don Havens
was the top ground gainer for the
Bulldogs as he collected 42 yards.
Landram was right behind him
with 41. In all, the Bulldogs
rushed for 104 yards, passed for
13 for a total of 117. Bainbridge
had 293 total yards, 232 through
the air.
Jeff Werdall played
outstanding for the Bulldogs at
his newly acquired defensive end
position. Jack Johnson and Mike
Dillenburg also turned in their
usual 100% game.
Next on the schedule for the
Bulldogs will be the Sequim
Wolves, who were 31-0 victors
over Vashon last week. 8:00 p.m.
on the North Mason field.
Bainbridge 25, North Mason 6
Sequim 31, Vashon 0
Port Townsend 34, Lakeside 0
Chimacum 20, Forks 0
Was Griffey CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR 6-4783
Free Estimates Call CR 5-2196 Collect
._.-._......--_..-----.------.-...- ....-_ -.-....-.-..-..-- --- -~
Best Boat Buys
14 ft. Antony w/90 HP a trailer .............. $1195
14 ft. Pacific Mariner w/5OHP ................ $795
14 ft. Glaspar w/35HP & trailer ............... $1195
14 ft. Thunderbird w/trailer ................. $995
14 ft. Glaspar w/trailer ..................... $395
Bank Terms Belfair CR 5-2297
ACHIEVEMENT NIGHT at Belfair Elementary School this
Saturday night will bring 4-H members and leaders from all
over Mason County. Typical of those who will be honored
that evening are Jimmy Huegenin (left) of the Green Acres
4-H Club and Patsy Sharer (right) shown with a mannikin
wearing a dress she made and exhibited at the State Fair. She
is a member of the Cornucopia 4-H Club.
Ding, the Brittany
owned by Mrs. lean Clark of
Belfair, featured in a Herald story
when he was winning trophies and
blue ribbons as a pup, is still
bringing home honors from dog
At present he is only two
points short of finishing, with the
next open class dog show in
which he will be entered
scheduled in Vancouver, Wash.
Oct. 10. In the recent open class
show in Bremerton he earned
three points, for winner's dog,
best of winners and best of
opposite sex. He was handled by
John Hand of Bremerton.
In a dog show in Portland he
obtained four points for the same
categories and in Seattle he had
received three points for winner's
dog, best of winners and best of
Fifteen points are needed to
Ding's real name is Bar-B
Belle's Copper Joe.
CALAMITY: Two kinds:
mistortune to ourselves, and good
fortune to others. Ambrose Bierce
Achievement Night
for County 4-H groups
to be held in Belfair
Achievement Night for all
Mason County 4-H members will
be held at 7:30 p.m. October 9 in
the multi-purpose room of the
new Belfair Elementary School.
A style show, featuring
clothes exhibited at the State Fair
in Puyallup, will be presented.
Also on the program will be Laura
Stout, a member of the Agate Tip
Tops 4-H group, who will show
how to give a demonstration by
dem onstrating "lifesaving."
Achievement Night is the
climax of the old year and the
beginning of the new for 4-H
activities and co-incides with
National 4-H week. Not only 4-H
members will be honored during
the evening's program; leaders,
parents and sponsors will be given
recognition for their work.
In charge of arrangements for
achievement night are Betty
Huguenin, Cora Drake and Arlene
A black and white male pup
was found running along Highway
106 near Union on Sept. 30.
Owner may locate it at the dog
)ound in Shelton.
Ted and Virginia Wakefield
spent last week vacationing at
their place at Bald Point. They
didn't brag about the fishing -
but who can these days?
Now available at the Tahuya
Grocery is Booker's Art Calendar;
they are $1.00. Proceeds from
this calendar help support the
North Mason Community
Ironically the two sketches
included in the calendar by Artist
Florence Cady are now historic
scenes of the past. The chalet in
Belfair was razed and the
Rendsland Sawmill at the mouth
of the Tahuya River is being
In the case of the latter site,
its story has a happy ending as the
mill was purchased by Earl Nelson
of Bald Point and is being
reassembled on his property at
Dry Creek, where it will be
operating before long.
We've heard of the "concrete
jungle" - Candy Sills can verify
its authentication. While driving
behind a truck laden with
Southshore Waterfront Home
Will consider any price range
Phone CR 5-2433
Evenings 426-8813
Sven Gunnarson
Cast Your "Witchery"
Spell With STYX*
concrete blocks last week one
tumbled from the truck in her
direct line of travel. A car to the
left and a guard railing to the
right made straight ahead the only
way to flee(?). The car, built sort
of low to the ground, lost its
innards by the impact and was
totalled out.
Guess it just wasn't Candy's
day - that a.m. she'd had a fiat
on one of four newly installed
tires - at least there were no
The Perl Maurers got delivery
on their new 24' x 60' mobile
home last week. Against their
better judgment several beautiful
trees had been removed earlier to
make room for their new home,
but not. all, and they are looking
forward to permanent residency
here in Tahuya.
The Maurers are well known
in Bremerton, having owned Perl's
Dance Pavilion for many years.
Happy retirement !
Frances Huson was treated to
a birthday celebration dinner
recently at the "Top of the
Ocean" in Tacoma. There were
thirteen (not an unlucky number
in this case) of her family who
enjoyed the evening.
Frances didn't say how old
she was but (are you listening
Lawrence Welk?) she said she'd
joined the "Geritol Crowd"!! I
A purse was reported stolen
from the top of a refrigerator
where it had been placed during a
party at a residence in Victor,
according to a complaint filed
with the local Sheriff's office
Sept. 20.
Ten gallons of gas were stolen
from a car parked across North
Shore Road from the owner's
Here Now
Shell of the Future
EAU DE MISCHIEF... splash on and send him spinning.
SPELL SPINNING SPRAY... a "keep in Your lair" size and a
smaller size to ca r_ry under your cape.
CREME FATALE... passionate purple creme
to make his pulse race.
DESTINY DROPS... in its own litte conjur
bag.., to capture his heart forever!!!
*(Love potions brewed by witches, for witches)
9 - 7 Weekdays -- 10 - 4 Sundays
9 - 8 Fridays
Radiator Repair
Winterize Service Now
0 0 0 ,gBI~ "llllm~ 0 "qmll~ ~lm~ ,II1~ qml~ .,imp..i~ O 0 0 ,.ImlP 0
By Leo & Margaret Livingston -- CR 5-6421
Barbara Bacon made a
hole-in-one. This salient fact
seems to have been left out of our
last week's story. On the 12th
hole at Alderbrook. An event not
to be taken lightly.
Cat Tales: Mama Cat's grown
daughter (Mama Cat is the mother
of most of our neighborhood cat
problems) some time ago gave
birth to five lovely kittens in a
prepared place on the Jay
Campbell's service porch.
However, having an inbred
distrust of all people, and being
constantly alarmed by the
washing machine, she carried
three of them off into the woods.
Fortunately, the resident Siamese
house cat had recently became a
mother also and graciously
adopted the other two. Came the
rains and cold of this past week,
and the little mother, in an act of
great trust, brought them back
again. They had been living in the
wilds for five weeks. And they are
almost twice as big as the
pampered little house kittens. We
don't know what it all means.
However, they're adoptable.
Happy Birthday to Clarence
Hedstrom, hardworking Pleasant
Cove neighbor. He has finished his
summer remodeling project,
added six feet to the front of the
house and rearranged the inside.
Mona Hedstrom is on vacation
from her job at Penney's.
Jerry E. Kelley, 36, who lost
his life in a hunting accident in
California, was the husband of
Patricia Ann Ori, a former
resident of Mission Creek. They
had three children: Michael,
Matthew and Terri. They had
been living in San Mateo where he
was employed.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hayes are
enlarging their house adjacent to
the Port of Allyn Dock by
building a larger house around the
existing one. We think this is a ,
most interesting way of
remodelling here, since it reminds
us of an oyster enlarging his shell.
Mrs. Beatrice Rosenau, known
by almost everyone as "Rosie", is
finding time during her busy
retirement to take care of her new
grandson, Richard II, born
September 21st to Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Rosenau.
Tough XX Denim $ 750
Pre-Shrunk ................... Pr.~
Sta-Press, Heather,
brown, blue, grey ........... Pr.
Bottom CORDS .............. Pr,
The perfect fit of Levi blue jean
bells reproduced in top grain cowhide
e_/3 toe
PHONE CR 5-2033
October 7, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3