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tn no-Hiv
Two 2-ear accidents occur~d
in the area early last week with
everyone involved escaping injury.
On Sept. 27 at 10:45 a.m. a
1968 Jeep driven by Rodney Hart
of Twanoh Falls, headed south on
South Shore, struck a 1968
Datsun driven by Mrs. Jan
Stevenson of Razor Road as she
was making a U-turn on Highway
p.l~. a "66"
gtephen R. I-Iuson, 16, of North
Shore suffered an estimated $400
damage in an accident near the
P.U.D. in Belfair. According to
the WSP report, the Huson vehicle
was headed north and stopped
waiting for a left-hand turn when
it was struck from behind by a
'69 Pontiac driven by LeRoy
dtiVma by also obieeta to plans to lea~e t~ae
roadway and bridge where they
now are. He feels that the road
should be straightened to go sixty
feet along his southern boundary,
in a straight line from the
Grapeview intersection, and then
cans azul otl~er garbage. Large
concrete slabs, some with sharp
steer re-inforcement pieces
sticking out, can be seen on the
beach near the bridge. Rice says
the County claims this was
an entirely new bridge of concrete dumped as rip-rap but he
built directly across to the Island considers it unsightly dangerous
which would place the bridge "garbage." He said his complaints
eo~a~art~ ,w~s ~e~rdt%~/ ~rt
9e~mkss'~on "o~ 'Oa~ eo-anty to ~x~j
cable on tlae rkg'nt-ot-way
alongside the present road, which
even the county admits it does
not own since it is offering to buy
How will it all end? In court,
Six copies of Resolution of
Necessity on the Stretch Island
106 from where she had been Gaetz, 46, of Bremerton. His car's about twenty' feet south of its had finally stopped the dumping Bridge project, requesting the
parked on the west side of the damage was estimated at $350. present location. Former plans of last year. County Prosecutor to acquire the
highway. The accident occured the County were based on this He also maintains that when needed right-of-way, either
just north of Sunset Beach. MAILBOX VANDALIZED route, but the bridge had been ditches were dug alongside the t h r o u gh n e go t ia t io n or
planned to be much shorter and road running through his property condemnation, were approved
The following day at 2:45 A m a i 1 b o x o n t h e lower and placed on fill almost drainage water washed out a large and signed by the County
Allyn-Victor highway was closing the channel and residents number of oyster seeds he had Commissioners week before last.
reported tampered with according of the area had objected to the fill planted on his beach. Lynch says It looks rather doubtful that the
to a report received by the local and the low height. Rice said plans for widening the road negotiations will be successful.
Sheriff's substation on Sept. 20. "That island isn't going to go include some way to concentrate
According to the complaint, a away, so why not build a concrete the flow of water out into the
package had been mutilated and bridge that will last instead of channel so that this problemCHIVALRY: going about
the contents scattered, using the old pilings and building would be alleviated. Rice uses his releasing beautiful ladies from
a wooden structure which will b e a c h t o gr ow oy st e r s other men's castles, and taking
SCARED COCK-A-POO have to be replaced again in a few commercially, them to your own castle.
A report was received Oct. 2 more years? By straightening theA slight irritation to Rice was Henry W. Nevinson
by the Belfair office of the road the present roadway and
Sheriff's department of a brown beach being used could be
c ock-a-poo sighted on the returned to Rice. -- ~/'~ "-"
Allyn-Grapeview Road, obviously According to Rice, the > B~L~A|R BU|L~R~ ~U~ILY'
lost, but too frightened to let "present disagreement with the X ~ 77
anyone near. County Engineer's office is not
CR 5-6155 Belfair, Wash.
the first between the two parties.
He said that the County road
crews, for years, used his land at
the approach to the bridge as a
dumping ground for materials
gathered when cleaning out
Phone BROCHURES -- PRICES (x SAT. 8- 2:30
- 5:30
Clearing Earth Moving Road Building
Days CR 5-2837 Eves. CR 5-2152
Next to PUD Building At Belfair
4 x 4 Parts and Accessories
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CR5-3133 CR5-2174
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Lee Lopriore--BUILDER
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Frank May
Terms, of course, BankAmericards Welcome
Free Delivery
G.E. Appliances at Discounted Prices
P. O. Box 575 C R 5-2020
Dust off your selling worries
along with the dust on that phone. We'll
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here in the pages of this newspaper. What-
ever your service, you'll sell it best to more
users when you advedise here. Let our skilled
ad men show you how to put newspaper ad-
vertising to work for you. Call for details.
NORTH MASON'S SECOND foreign student, Marie
Waldenstrom of Sweden, (right) accompanied her cousin, Jan
Mathiason, (left) to Belfair when he returned from a year's
stay in Denmark where he attended school as a freshman last
In June of 1970 Jan viewpoint, but he felt itfrom the start. He let his hair r-----=SCHONER======-= : ::= --,
Mathiason, a student at North diplomatic not to point out her grow long while in Denmark MEATS i
Mason High School, went to errors, because that's the way everyone I
Denmark to live with a sister of As a ninth grader in Belfair, else wore it. i ~nmsIo%ft~°~orBeelfair (F°rmerly W°ld's)i
his father and spent his freshman Marie is taking general science, The greatest differences he I x m x n .... Front quarter, cut, =9¢ 1
year enrolled in a high school in Washington State history, algebra, n o t ic e d a b r oad were the I ~raae L, ooa :)mer wrapDecl, quick frozen ..... Lb. ~ V
Copenhagen. When he returnedFrench, basic English and P.E. differences of living in a large 1 i
home this summer he was Both students agreed that city, with lots of things to do, as I Corned lleef SugarCured ...................... Lb. 89¢
accompanied by a cousin, Marie Scandinavian students carried a compared to the rural life of
Waldenstrom, daughter of a sister bigger workload. And they carry North Mason. He found ,prices U
of his mother, from Akersberga, it longer. School in Denmark higher in Denmark, didn t like ~ G~'ound Chuck Fresh and tasty ................ t.. 69~
Sweden, a small town near starts in early August and ends in Copenhagen's weather which is ~
Stockholm, who is attending mid-June. Last year was the first gray, windy and averages aboutSides of Locker Beef Graded good . -n 69
North Mason High School as a year the Danish students had not ten degrees colder all year than ~ ..........
freshman, had to attend Saturday classes for Washington.
We can pick up, custom slaughter, cut and wrap
Marie, with three years of six months of the year. Marie says she has found the . C "
English courses taken in Sweden I your own beef with state insgection. |
behind her, has a better One feature of his school in local students friendly and is not ~_ R5-2784 Eveninqs MY2-2575i
understanding of the English Denmark which Jan enjoyed was homesick. She has three younger "~""~'--~,--,,m-.,~,-.,H~,~m..,~..,,m..,~,.~..,~.~,~m-,~D.~.,iw
language than Jan had when hea field trip lasting a week which sisters who are looking forward to
first got to Denmark. He
understood "a little," learned
from his father who came from
Denmark, but he said it was about
six months before he really
caught on to the language and felt
he could understand everything
being said and could converse
intelligently in Danish. Marie had
had an American friend last year
from whom she had learned some
English, including many slang
While in Denmark Jan took a
c om b i n a t i on chemistry-physics
course, biology, world history,
religion, English, German, Danish,
woodshop, a combination
algebra-geometry-math course and
P.E. He also attended a third
grade Danish class on the side to
help him pick up the language.
The English class was strictly
British English and when he
pronounced words in American
English he was corrected; for
instance, the word "either", he
was corrected when he
pronounced it "'eether,'" it had to
be "eye-ther." "Command" was
wrong when pronounced in the
American manner, he was
corrected to "commond." He said
he noted several instances when
the teacher pronounced words
incorrectly, even from a British
his class took to a school in
northern Denmark. They took
bicycles along and spent the week
riding through little towns
sightseeing. At this time he still
had not learned to write in Danish
so he got out of all the written
reports on different aspects of the
trip which the others had to do;
he just had fun.
Girls in both Sweden and
Denmark are more likely to wear
pants to school than a skirt. In
fact, Jan said, he met several
Danish girls who didn't own a
He didn't notice too many
differences between an American
school and a Danish one, but felt
there was a better attitude
between students in Denmark. He
saw no teasing or bullying, no
fights between students, more
freedom due to "not so many
little rules" and said it seemed
like everyone was included in
everything in a classroom. There
seemed to be no discipline
problems at all, perhaps due to
the fact that students are treated
more as adults than children, and
proper behavior is taken for
granted. He found no trouble
making friends except for the
language barrier at first, but said
he was completely accepted right
coming to visit their American
relatives in Belfair when they are
Jan, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jorgen Mathiason of Tiger Lake,
has a sister, Brita, 9, who is going
to stay with Marie's family in
Sweden when she is 13. Jan's
father is from Denmark, his
mother from Sweden. They came
to America in 1954.
It's a lot easier to leave
America and attend school for a
year in Denmark than it is to
enter America for a year of
school. When Jan decided to go,
his father wrote a letter asking if
he could attend school for a year
and he received a reply saying he
could and that was that. Marie,
making the opposite request, had
reams and reams of forms to fill
out before she obtained her visa,
which is good for one year.
As far as is known, Marie is
North Mason's second foreign
student. Several years ago a
Mexican student lived with the
Superintendent of Schools and
attended school in Belfair.
Marie promised to drop into
the Herald office in June before
she leaves for home to give her
impressions of life in Belfair. By
then she hopes to be speaking
English like a native.
9:45a.m. Sunday School. There is a class for
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service.
7:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship Meeting, All young
people in grades seven and older are
11:00 a.m.
Young At Heart Club Meeting for all
persons of retirement age are welcome.
11:00 a.m.
W.S.C.S. Circle Meeting in the Fireside
Room of the church. New women are
always welcome.
5:00 p.m.
Youth Center Work Night. Everyone is
P.O. Box 407, Belfair Washington
Wendell L. Harder, Pastor
Parsonage Phone Church Phone
CRestvtew 5-2162 CRestview 5-6262
Zt. H, ickleberrv Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - October 7, 1971 October 7, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5