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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 7, 2021     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 7, 2021
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Knisissaen by Theresa Murray theresa@masoncounty. com “And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.” Deuteronomy 6.6-? Chapter 5 tells us these are the Ten Commandments Moses is speaking of. He was gathering the Hebrew slaves he had delivered from Egypt around to hear God’s instructions, so they could obey Him. He was reminding fix . ,2 n, ., t .r , 2 a, as a, 'w‘ r s‘ i 5‘! a g s“ x. . . ' , W's. «t, 2“ (W3 .W, 3‘ -‘ .e’ ‘we‘vwa & WW WKJVM' ,9, PISCQPAL ~aWWMmW~ SUNDAYSERVICE join us for Service in person and online at 10:30 a.m. with COVID protocols in place. Go to Wsduwvrg for information of our live streaming on You'lixbc: St. David iTpisl'upal Church Shelton \VA 426-8472 .' 324 W. Cedar Street in Shelton M.’ 0 Missouri Synod I We are Holding Live Services Again Sunday Mornings! Contemporary Service 8:30am Traditional Worship 11:00am , '3 Also streaming 11:00 service Live on Facebookl : 206 t yandotte Avenue mtolivehelorg median-426 new. .. ‘u. Group Bible study w/Discussion: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. ' *We are LlVE on Facebook. Recorded on YouTube " Visit our website or on Facebook ' @SheltonSeventh-dayAdventistChurch. + Lutheran Church 210 w. Shelton Valle Rd." SeventhnDay anti. Adventist Church Join Us Saturdays for Live Bible Thursday, Oct. 7, 2021 Shelton-Mason County Journal — Page A—41 Good News! them we need to think about them and talk about them, pretty much all the time! King David said, in Psalm 40:8, “1 take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart.” Jesus says, in John 14:15, “If you love me, obey my commandments.” Do YOU know what they are? You can read them in Exodus 2021-17, and in Deuteronomy 526—21. The first four are about loving God having no other God we worship, no idols of any kind, not taking His name in vain, and honoring the Sabbath day. The next six are about loving people i honoring your father and mother, not committing murder, adultery, and not stealing. Not telling lies about your neighbor, and not wanting for yourself, their possessions, or their husband or wife. It’s not that hard! I made it simple in three sentences! The hard part is actually making sure we keep them written in our hearts, so we love God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, SO MUCH we take joy in doing What He asks! Next week I have a fun puzzle for you! My friend, Kathy Sundquist, gave it to me to share with you, but I warn you — it’s hard! But I will give you a hint: start getting familiar with the names of all 66 books of the Bible — Old and New Testament. i welcome Pastor» Alexandr Ha mash! S Adventist Church HARVEST r unsouAne Sunday Service 10:00 a.m. at Harvest Foursquare Church 910 E.Dearborn Avenue in Shelton , ‘ Pastor David Wilson 360-426-3305 Please Check Our Website for Updates 360—426—8461 Study and Worship Service! . (nondenominational) Bible rivia 1. Is the book of Colossae in the Old Testa- ment or New Testament or neither? 2. What city was second of the seven churches mentioned by John in Revelation? Derbe, Gomorrah, Beersheba, Smyrna. 3. From Acts 8, What magician came to be baptized by Philip? Balaam, Endor, Simon, Laban. 4. What prophet‘came from among the shepherds of Tekoa? Joel, Hosea, Daniel, Amos. 5’. WhichiBiblical name means “God with us”? Nicodemus, Emmanuel, Elijah, Jacob. 6. What Psalm is the shortest of all? lst, '3rd, 117th, 123rd. Sunday Services a.m. Traditional 11 a.m. Worship & Praise Please wear masks. Will Preach for Food Podcast @ wnriaitbsneiieearg 1212 Connection Street, Shelton - 360.426.8611 Rev. Doug Peterson 0 Rev. Brenda Satrum . Evanelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Check our Website for Updates! Gethsemane Mlmstries And visit “The Rec our nonprofit thrift store, 360-898-2752 I d a" Live Contemporary Worship ym Hwy. S. M S d d eets 7pm atur ays O 6pm Sun ays 360_868_2404 2320_Washington St 0 Shelton \ FIRST BAPTIST