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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1920 ..... THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE THRE i ii i Kill That Cold With CASCARA QUIN00N[ Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours--Relieves Grippe in 3 days--Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head--Cascara Is best Tonic Laxative--No Opiate in Hill&apos;s. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT LOGGED-OFF LAND Logged-off land for sale to actual settlers. Price $3.00 per acre and up according to location, topography and character of soil. Liberal terms of payment and interest on deferred payments at the rate of six percent per annum. Liberty bonds taken in ayment at par. SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY I GLASSES THAT ARE RIGHT. DR. G. R. RIDGEWAY Optometrist Graduate of Two Optical Schools. 108 E. 4th Office Phone 129 ,Olympia, Wash. Res. Phone 342Y Automobile Wheel and Spring Repairing Your wheels and springs can be repaired on short notice. Save yourself the cost of new ones. Bring them to me. GENERAL BLACKSMITHING C. H. HILLMAN Shelton i i INSYDE TYRES SAVE Tire trouble and money Order a set today and double the life of your tires. J. B. RANSOM Phone 625, Shelton, Wash. S H E L T 0 N INDEPENDENT i Daily Schedule effective on and after Sept. 15. Leave Shelton-- Leave Olympia 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a. m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p. m. 3:00 p.m. 5:80 p. m. Shelton to Old Kamilche.$ .50 Shelton to Snider's Prairie .... 75 Shelton to Mud Bay ...... 1.00 Shelton to Olympia ...... 1.£5 Leaving Shelton from Hotel Shelton, Phone 421. Olympia to Snider's Prairie...50 Olympia to Old Kamilche...75 Olympia to Cushman's .... 1.00 Olympia to Shelton ....... 1.25 Leaving Olympia from Braeger's Place. Phone 27 THOMPSON & DUNBAR Owners and Operators LOGGED OFF LAND For sale in this County to Actual Settlers on easy terms. Price $5.00 per acre and up. Write for map giving all information. Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. Tacoma, Washington GUARD WANTS TO RUN; REQUEST TURNED DOWN Told His Job Is to Stay at His Post and Keep on Lookout for Forest Fires. What do you think of having to tele- phono for permission to run from a flock of bears--and then having your more or less palpitating proposal turn- ed down? That Is what happened to J. W. Hedge, a fire guard on the Shenan- doah National Forest, a few days ago. Hedge was stationed at the lookout tower on Hankey mountain. It was his Job to scan the skyline and to make expert diagnosis of faraway smoke snmdges or any other indica- tion of fire in the forest. This par- ticular morning when he went to the lookout tower on Um mountain top, he failed to attach his gun to his per- son. It was a mere formality, any- howand guns are cumbersome fixings to carry around. Well, he got into his lookout box and began searching the dim blue dis- tances that look like the further fringes of the world. He was very busy at that for a while. Then his eyes came back closer home, and What he saw made him wish for an airplane Forest Rangers and Fire Fighters Fre- quently Meet Griz=ly Bears While on Duty, to take him Immediately to one of those far fringes. Three bears were browslng around only a little distance from his lookout tower. They were not apparently givlng him any thought, but he did not know how soon they might become hungry. There belng no airplane at hand, he decided to use his legs. Then he remembered he could not leave his post without permission, so he called up District Ranger Shanklin, laid the case before him, and request- ed permission to go for his gun. He was promptly told that the thing was impossible. The fores were dry, and fire might Start anywhere at any time. Bears or no bears, It was Hedge's business to stay In that lookout box. Being a perfectly good forest guard, he stayed. Fortmmtely another look- out happened to listen in on the tele- phone conversation and succeeded in sending help to Hedge. The Painter's Dog MrS. Ritcbie, the dauglxter of Wil- liam Makepeace Thackeray, the Eng- lish novelist, writes of visits when she was a child to Sir Edwin Landseer, the animal painter. She says Sir Edwin was delightful company and tlmt he told the children many stories of an- imals as he stood painting at his huge canvases. "I remember," she says, "his telling us an anecdote of one of his dogs. He was in tbe habit of taking him out every day when his work was over. The dog used to wait patiently all day hmg while Sir Edwin was painting, but he used to come and lie down at his feet and look up in his face toward five o'clock, and on one occasion finding that no notice was taken of his hints he trotted into the hall and came I)ack with the painter's hat, which he laid at his fet." STIFLED AMBITION Seattle, October 1.--The yoke of matrimony is the strongest support a man can lmve to keep him from ]drifting upon the rocks of disaster )arm bccominf a human derelict, ac- cording to Major Joseph Faukncr, in I ckargc ot: Tim Salvation Army% In- dustrial Home here. Single men seeking refuge in the home outnumber the married men ten to one. Faulkner accounts for this by the fact that married men develop responsibility and through tinnily obligatinns develop resource- fulness. "I have talked to hundreds of men coming to the Home and find the eases pretty much the stone," said Faulkner. "Something stifles the man's ambition in life, or else noth- ing has entered his life to develop his spark of ambition strong enough to withstand adversity." "The few married men that drift n here are men whose homes have been broken up. They are compar- atively easy cases to restore, how- ever. The single man is .our hardest problem, and even he is Capable of redemption if we can find a sustain- ing interest to engage his attention." "The Industrial Homes throughout Washington and Idaho annually care for thousands of men in distress, pro- viding food, lodging and remunera- tive employment for them. Here the man who has lost his grip on life is given a new hold, and a tax consumer is transformed into a taxpayer. This is one phase of the Salvation Alzny work to which the public is asked to contrbiute during "O p p o r t u n i t y Week" October 7th to 16th. No. 556. lq'OTICE 0r XEARI2q'O Olq" lPINA "r- ACCOUNT OF ADMIIBTZAT0 - D FETITION FOR DIST:ELIU. TION AID DISCHIE OF A1r= MINISTItATO . In the Superior Court of the State of Washington n aml for the County of Mason, in Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of JAIIES F. EVANS, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that Solon Evans, Admntstrator of the Estate of James F. Evans, ])ecemued, has filed with the Clerk of the above cnttled court his final account and petion for distribution of /he estate of said d(!ccas(d,' wherein the court ts asked to settle such account, distribute the prol)crty o£ the estate to the heirs an- titled lo the same and discharge the [ AdnHnistrator. I Notice is further given, that in ac-] eordance wiih an order of said court [ made and entered on the 25th (lay of I Scl)tembcr, 1920, a hearing will be. had ] before the court on said final account and petition for distribution on Satur- day, the 30th day of October, 1920, at I :10 o'clock a. m. of said day in the | !court room of this court, at the court | house in Shelton, Washington. { Dated this 25th day of September, { 1920. l { HATTIE 1. RUCKER-GARF EIA), | Clerk of the Superior Court. | ALDEN C. BAYLEY, | Attorney for Administrator, ] ] ington. 10-1-22-4t I I0TICI: O SA v-- O]' COU=T / [ ]tOPERTY. / State of "Washington, County of Mason./ Notice is hereby given ttxat pursuant" I to an order of the Board of County Commissioners of said county at a meeting held on the 7th day of Sep- tember, A, D., 1920, due and legal notice thereof first having been given according to law, in the matter o the proposed sale of certain hereinafter described property belonging to said ]county, the sheriff of said County, will at 10:00 o'clOCk A. M. on the 16th day of October, 1920. at the front door of the Court House at Shelton in said county, offer for sale at public auction to the highest and best bidder there- fore all the right title and interest of the said county of Mason Of, in and to the following described property to- gether with appurtenances thereto, to- wit: S. E. Quarter of N. E. Quarter of N. E. Quarter of See. 14, Twp. 20 N. Range 2 West. Terms of Sale: Cash at time of sale. Dated at Shelton. Washington ,this 10th day of September. A. D. 1920. IONE W. DOYLE, (Seat) County Auditor, 9-10-10-8-5t. No. 573. NOTIC e TO CE])ZT0ll In the Superior Court of the State of Washingon, for Mason County. In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN A. AHL, Deceased. Notice is hereby gvien that the under- signed has been appointed and has qualified as Executor of the estate of John A. Ahl, Deceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said Exeeuor at his resi- dence at Eldon, Mason County, Wash., or his attorneys of record at the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court. together with proof of such service within six months afcr the date of first publication of lhls notice, or the same will be barred. Date of first publication September 24, 1920. JOHN D. ATOLL, Executor of said Estate. PETERSON & MACBRIDE, Atorncys for Estate, [ 602 Hogs Bldg., Seattle, Tash,  [ 9-24-10-22-5t I No. 566. [ '0IC . TO CtDIO I In the Superior Court of the State of| rashington for Mason County. In| / Probate. In the Maitcrof the Estateof BIRTHA MARIA NELSON, Deceased. Notic is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as executor of the estate of Births Maria Nelson, deceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said execu- tor or his attorney of record at the address below stated, and file the same with the clerk of said court, to- gether with proof of such service with- in six (6) months after the date of first publication of this notice, or same will be barred. Date of first publication September 17, 1920. [ NELS C. NELSON, [ Executor of said Estate. [ Address Matlock Wash. CHAS 12. LI%VIS, Attorney for Estate. ] Rooms 7 and 8, Lumbermen's Bldg., [ Shelton, Wash. 9-17-10-8-4t | [ IF YOU OWN LAND, READ THIS' The following figures will be of no interest to the man who rents land and finds much merit in the North Dakota tax system. But they will prove very intercst- in' to the man who owns land in this state or expects to own land. These figures speak for themselves. In 1918 NotCh Dakota farm lands were assessed at $221,459,525. In 1919 the Nonpartisan Board of Equalization increased this wduation more than 450 per cent, to $1,072,- 167,653. This ),ear the valuation was cut a little over 3 per cent, or $36,004,- 024. At the same rate of decrease, ev- ery two years, it would take better than 200 years to get hack to : : figures and some of us would lose interest by that time. These figures bear out the story told by the four tax receipts in last week's Herald. Is it any wonder that the land owners of North Dakota are getting tired of Townley? Most of the propey in this dis- trict is occupied by land owners; these men should look into the North Dakota tax figures, for these figures tell a story no paid league organizer can refute.--Grandview Herald. GLYCERINE MIXTURE FOR GAS ON STOMACH Simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka relieves ANY CASE gas on stomach or sour stomach. It acts on both upper and lower bowel and removes all foul matter which poisons the stomach. Often CURES contipation. Prevents appendicitis. The INSTANT pleas- ant action of Adler-ika surprises both doctors and patients. One man who suffered five years front indigestion and constipation was helped by ONE dose. Fir Drug Store. How's This ? We offer $100.00 for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by HALL ',q CATARRH MEDICINE. HALL'S CATARRI MEDICINE is tak. en internally and acts through tile Bloo4 on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Sold by druggists for over forty year Price 76c. Testimonials free. F. J. Chancy & Co., Tolsd, Ohio. • In war 0000woathor 01.1 ,¥< L. didst , , [ish Brand Slicker AZ'RS L'= 'RR" HOMZj. :HOME "Here's Real Tobacco," says the Good Judge That gives a man more genuine chewing saris- faction than he ever got out of the ordinary kind. Smaller chew, lasts longer .---so it costs less to chew this class of tobacco. And the good, rich to- bacco taste gives a world of satisfaction. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles ..,.. :,,,/%\\; \\;q  " W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco PLUMBING General Repair Work PHONE 104 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED C. F. WILSON Shop at Fifth and Cedar. HARRY FORD I Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, "Mouldings, Doors, Windows. If you are going to build don't overlook the fact. We can save you money. Let us figure with you. A square deal to all |s our motto. Mill at Matlock. Yards at Shelton. SAVE YOUR SHOES by letting us repair them at the proper time. It means a great saving at the present price of shoes. You can rely on our work absolutely. We handle a line of the best loggers boots and heavy and hght work shoes at prices that are lower. H. M. ROSEHOLT, SHELTON ...... II1,1, i "-.'  ,,,,,, , ,  ,, ,,,,! % The Ford Sedan with electric starting and lighting system and demountable dins with 3]/-inch tires all around, is the ideal family car because of its all-around utility and refined and comfortable equipment. Finely upholstered. Plate glass Windows. An open car in the spring, summer, and early fall. A closed car in inclement weather and winter. For theatre parties, for social visiting/ for touring, and for taking the children to school, it is just what you want. The low cost of operation and msintenauce is not the least of its charms. A regular Ford car, shnple indesLsn, strongin con- ,struction, and durable in service. Won't you come in and look it over The comforts of an clcctric car With the  economy of the Frd.  WALLACE JOHNSON MOTOR CO..t Shelton, Washington /