October 8, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 8, 1920 |
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GRANT C. ANGLE & SON; Publishers
Member of Washington State Press and Washington Newspaper Associations
]Dntered as ascend-class matter at the postoiflcs at Shelton, Washington
Published every Friday morning.
Subscription: Domestic, $2 per year. ,Foreign, $2,50 in advance
(All papers discontinued one :nonth after delinquency)
After considering the matter further the Journal
has decided that those of its readers who have been be-
guiled into giving up some of their money to organizers
of the Nonpartisan League, and perhaps others to whom
the rosy stories might be appealing, ought to know "the
truth about North Dakota," or at least the other side of
the "{ruth" than that appearing in the Townley papers--
for that individual owns and controls, them all. Hence
the first of Brinton-Waters letters is published this week.
In this and those to follow the entire history of the Non-
partisan movement in North Dakota, what, it attempted
to do and its failures, where the vast sums of money col-
lected from the guileless farmers vent to, and the reasons
for the present decline and possible end of Townleyism
in that state at the coming election. The letter today is
merely the first lesson, as far as we in this state have
gotten, but it will be interesting in connecting up what
follows. The names of Brinton and Waters are familiar
to every league member, and they will know whether the
writers know what they are talking about or not. The
Journal does not vouch for either the men or the matter,
but will be as interested as its Nonpartisan readers in
following .the story.
It was marked at the Fishburne meeting Tuesday
night that the speaker neglected to "point with pride"
to anything in the record of the present administration,
either during the war or since, nor did he mention
We can appreciate the plight of the Democratic can-
didates from Cox downward in :this campaign in their
hopeless effort to redeem and continue the administra-
tion in power in the nation, and "deserving Democrats"
.in office. Governor 'Cox c0mpla'ined of the cool reception
he met with during his swing around the circle and the
lesser lights feel the chi!l wherever they go. Democrats
have lost confidence in,the Present arm realize that
there is no hope 6f briiging'6Z;der out <o haos by the
election of Cox. ' .... •
The truth is that the people '6f the country want a
change, demand it, and the-Democratio, speakers have
few talking points to combat:thegeneral.feeling, keep-]
ing away from the administration record particularly. !
Democrats are Americans first and are doubtful about]
Wflson's League of i Nations •hd: maWilling to tale hitl
word for it, in view,0f past miSakdg On grave cuestions; ]
Possibly on'e-quarter may fav•oi the Wilson League, an-]
other quarter goes to the other extrclne of no leagu%l
but we imagine about ,half %he"leople'0ccupy: the middle]
ground and hope for/the president wh0 will not be above I
.. advising with the senate and other brainy men of the:
nation toward such safe co-operation with other nations i
as will give most assurafiee of the future peace of the l
world, butreserving 'to Uncle Sam the right to say
when:and where he must send his boys to fight. "
Those seeking further light.on the, merits of the
Carlyon bonding bill will:be interested in the figures com-
iled by the county engineer's office, showing that,some
,000 wit! have been spent merely ,to ,maintain ,/the
Olympic Highway in Mason County in the present bi-
ennium. Those who have passed over th road :recently
know: what condition it is in 'and will realize that the
cost will be greater each succeeding year, absorbing still
more of the funds which should go to other badly needed
road work ,oer the County, , -,.,,,.:.,. :-,- , : ....... ,. .,,,.
It is claimed that thousands of millionaires were
made during 'the war, and it canrot:be doubted where so
much of'the people's bond money >was idly frittered
away. It must not be forgotten that all the waste and
all the so-called profiteexng, nbta!ofie during the rush
of war but m the calm since, has been during the Wilson
administration, which gained power on the plea of econ-
my. No such era of incompetency, lack of co-operation,
avoritism and graft has ever been made under any
previous administration in the history of the country.
It will not soon be forgotten that while all this was going
on our boys were in service and the patriotic people at
borne were denying themselves to buy bonds in support
of the boys.
:'': ...... A LEAGUE OF NATIONS .....
It will be agreed by those who are friendly to a
League of Nations that there exists not the remotest
possibility for President Wilson's League, and the elec-
tion of Cox will not advance the prospect for any league
an iota, but retard it. A trifling minority of the senate
favors the league covenant as the president brought it
back, and they are supported by about the same minor
portion of the electorate. The only hope for "league of
nations" depends on the election of Harding and a 3oin-
mg of hands and heads in a sensible consideration of the
uestion, in which the interests of Americans is predom-
nate. Whatever may come from the co-operation of the
next president and the senate will be cheerfully accep.ted
by our Allies, who never were "stuck on the Wilson thing
lU iiin ill iii u . I
INDIGESTION i: I a ss i f i ed
Among bomb-throwers, anarchists
and criminals who plot against the
exist;ng government of the United
States, about nee out of every ten
who become involved in the clutches
of the law are men with foreign
names, and nearly all at these are
aliens--men who have never become
and do not intend to become citizens,
yet who desire to change our form
of government for us.
Beyond that, Mr. Lenine and the
Moscow Intrenationale make no se-
cre of their intention to encourage
and promote revolution in every
"capitalistic" country in the world,
which means practically all countries
except Bolshevik R u s s i a. Thus
aliens outside of the United States
and certain aliens witifin the United
• %:¢e seem to be in harmon., in the
enterprise of overturning the historic
government of this country, in con-
fiscating all property, depriving hon-
est men and women of their rights,
and in imposing a form of rabble
government upon us that we do not
Under the circumstances it is not a
good season to open wide the doors
of America to foreign immigration.
Conditions in the United States fol-
lowing the breaking out of the war
indicated that we were far from as-
similating all the immigrants who
arrived in the country during the
'preceding ten years; that hundreds
of thousands of them were colonized
in the larger cities among people
who spoke their homeland langnage,
and that many of them had remain-
ed foreign to the American language,
ideas and principles, even after a
residence here of years.
Just now special efforts are being
made to Americanize these delayed
and backward citizens. It will re-
Leave your order for the COMEt
RAINCOAT with Mrs. A. C. Kent.
P. O. Box 255, Shelton, Wash. It
! One dozen pullets. Rhode Island
Recis Ie'erred. M. E. Reed, Shelton.
" 10-8-2t
weekly at best cash prices. Mrs.
i Edwards, Con.cord Beach Poultry
Farm. Phone 30F44. 10-29-5t
is open for engagement. Write
Mrs. Shelby, No. 29, Willard Hotel,
Olympia, Wash. 10-15-4t
( .
FOR SALE--Eight-room house on
S0uthside hill, modern in every
way. Hot water heating plant,
lights. One block of property, all
under cultivation; 100 fruit trees,
also berry bushes. See Mrs. Ida
Needham. Phone 721, Shelton.
10-8- ( ? )
Western Wasl00ngton Mr
Every man, woman and child in
Westorn Washington is urged to see
the Western Washington Fair now in
progress at Puyallup. The exhibition
will close on Sunday, October lOth,
,and visitors may see the exhibits day
or night.
The display this year is one of the
greatest ever assembled in the north-
wet and thousands of people are
assing through the gates to visit
e exhibition aml witness the horse
racing and other big amusement fea-
tu res,
5 cents a line (six words) in
classified columns. Minimum
charge 25c; twice for 40 cents;
three times for 50 cents. 10
cents a line on ocal page; 30
cents minimum. Cash or stamps
must accompany all orders.
FOR SALE--Splendid cow, milk all
winter, heifer calf 15 months old.
Also R. I. Reds and White Leghorn
yearling hens amt pullets. W. E.
Edwards, R. 2, Shelton. 15-15-3t,
FOR SALE--250-3000 Savage rifle,
with special stock and peep sight.
Perfect condition. Price $50. D.
R. McDonald, Shelton. 10-8-2t
Phone your chicken orders to us.
No order too small or too large.
Dressed or alive. All kinds. Mrs.
Edwards, Concord Beach Poultry
Farm. Phone 30F44. 10-29-5t
BERRY PLANTS from inspected
fields." Fall delivery. Gee. R.
Walker, box 224, Chehalis, Wash.
COATS. Ask to see my samples
for raincoats for men, women and
children. Sample garments at
Mrs. B. S. Barger's. Mrs. L. G.
Shelton, agent, Shelton. 10-8-3t
ewes, Shropshire and Hampshire
and one Lincolnshire buck. Apply
F. E. Southard (Dayton Shelton
P.O. 9-17t-f
SEED FOR SALEChoice vetch,
gray oats and vetch mixed; all
recleaned, 4½ to 6 cents per lb.
J. F. Stotsbery, R. 1. 10-8-3t
quire time and money and the ene - Every day is a special day at the
gy of mdny of our people to do this. Fair this week and attractions are
The American Legion is trying to do numerous, so there is something of FOR SALE--20, head of stock, mostly
its share of the work. It undertakes interest to old and young alike dur- good grade stock, cows, heifers
o keep track of the immigrant af- ing the entire progress of the show. and young stock. Have too many.
ter he reaches his destination in this The highways leading into Puyal- Come early and take your choice.
country and help him transform him- lup are paved aml roads are reported W.A. Hunter, Skokomish Valley.
self nto a useful citizen. And the in good 'condition. The fair grounds Potlatch P.O. 10-8-3t
government itself is very busy at- are not far from the electric and
tending to the potential citizen and steam lines and adequate transpor- F
.......... - ARM FOR SALE---40 acres, 10
seekmg to tram hm m the rght way tatmn facfltms make the western "cleared h,mse ham stot- ht-
In the crcumstances the countr:y [Washmgton Fmr easily accesmble. ' ' ens, tools, crov," furn; ..... .... , ..... ,
would be benefited if immigration l $ .... !'W:ite C. O. Malmberg, R. 2, box
were held to the minimum.for the [.," CARD OF THANKS ': 88 Shelton O,--+
next five or ten years at the least, n , : . . .7.
Instead of that the press repoxCm are We wish to thank our friends and ,h^ ....... .:. .
• ' " i' or o th il i n , z acres on marsune
to the effect that i average..'O-.Q00 e ghb s f r e • k nd ess and as-1 '.,; ,o ..... ,.o, ,o,.;,o
immigranis are entering t United §staiiee during the illness of our ," ,-., :..:::.o .... y,,,,.?
States daily. It is not fall to our wife and mother and also for the :,7.?,=:. ;mse co' scoo
government or our veonle to 'adnut[ flbwers at the funeral. [ tr'_.. ,, o ,^-. = a.,^.
so many ahens when we already have [ , We. Enekson and. children. [. a n o,
an undigested mass of mm,grmts - [' ..
who have lived in the Country .fi'om;IWANWED---Woodeutting by day or: Ii, SALE_.Secold_hand ran-e also
five to fifteen .years, and are almost [-': dontract, Have my Own dragsaW. [ ",a'l* ha+r • n ,il. ,,hi
as deficierit in American • qualltieh ] A:'G. Ferguson, Route 2, Shelton" I ' ' 'r' .'..:z",'L "h- - a-"
now as the day they landed. [ ......... I0-8-1t l" ShIton a_ ,
What we need today, and urgently, [: : ', .... [] , . ,, r
emha::e Aem:naSfi::S t mOwr,et:l::j )F,R..SALE-TT,wo ' geese, full grown. I F0,ffND--A small '.suin of m:0ey' n
. p ta. t&. ngie, nelr.on. ' " o '
us 'busy; we should not mwte more .ths f/Ice. .Owner may haw same
' . • , , .... ly roving' proper.ty and 'aying
national indgestmn unhl, at least, FOR SALE--Pigs, six weeks ald. for ts ad: Jo]arnal, Shelton: 0-8-3t
the present attack is well under 'con- John Smulter (Dayton) Shelton '" ' '
trol.-rP. I.. ,, . ,, P.,,,,. O. ,Ph°ne 78F15., ' " te ' 10-15-2t'n l ''F21I' °OsR rL'E'?' ::s' g°d
uro ,,..n ' WANTED--A, good, s ady, get e- pg and ehj'ekens, one mile .wes ,of
... ..... .... .o,, . nanly salesman to handle a Ward's Agate school. For parti'culars and
. , . , " ,. W, agon in Mason County. No ex- price see Or .write Mrs. John La-
uontinueo zrom page 1) / penence needed. For full partic- Rocque, R. 2, box 72 Shelton.
• • • • ular write promptly to Dr Ward's " '- 10 1 '4t
are put rote a comprehenmve paving .. , ;... • ... . . , - 5"
onfrn'i** nt) , , ivleUlCal wompany, .wlnon) Mmne- ,
Inamucl'as'all of the money to be sota. Established 1856. 12-6t $100 REWARD. , ,
used under the Carlyon plan is pro- "' , For information leadnig to the ar-
duced from the ' fees without any in FOR SALE--25 White Leghorn pul- rest and conviction of ersons rust
crease in taxation, no burden is added * lets. Some of them ready to lay. hng cattle branded "B" on left hip
on the people The nrincinal noint in trice $1..50 each; Edwin Olund, and earmarked. J. G. MeRae, Bor-
the bill, and whic is "-ofn ' lost box '428, Shelton Wash. 10-8-1t .deaux Ranch. 12-3-3mo.
sight ,of,' is the establishment of a ",: ,, ' ", ',
definite highway program "in :which )q )4
paving is undertaken on, an ordered
plan, rather than "hit-or-miss.", It ....
begins somewhere and ends some-
where. ..
No money is taken from the farm , .
road funds--rather the license,fees
for twenty years are lumped to-
gether and bonded, so that th "pav-
ing work now proceeding at 'the' rate
of ten miles a year can be speeded up
ani completed within the lifetime of
present users. . •
In addition to that, the road pro- i
gram will be relieved of the "pork-]
barrel" system of politics, whchl
keeps: the' small di'striCts from ap-
propriations today.
wANTED--Chickerm of all kinds, I'
in : small or large lots. Highest
market price laid for same, k3on-
cord Beach Poultry. Farm. Mrs.
Edwards. Phone 30F44. 10-29-51;
Answering the "Save Our State
League," The Mason County Journal
and the speech of Scott HendersOn,
Frank Robinson, candidate for the
Legislature on the Farmer-Labor
ticket, will speak in Shelton Saturday
night, October 9th. Everyone is in-
vited. 10-8-2t
--""' FRIDAY, oCTOBER 8, 1920
your films over
and bring the
good ones in and
have them en-
larged and color-
ed in oil or
water colors.
Heckman Photo Shop
Now equipped with power ma-
chinery for first class work.
Cloaks and Suits cleaned,
pressed and dyed.
Rooms for transients
Salvation Army
The Salvation Army is based upom
kindliness. It "reaches down" and!
helps to 'his feet the man who has
fallen. It has built its house in the °
Street of Poverty and has cast its.
lot with the friendless, the homeless
the weak and the lowly.
Will you. REACH. DOWN to help,
early on its ork in America. Re-
fuse--and you turn your back upom
the unfortunate in your own country.
' OCTOBER 6.17
The Mason Count: Astract and
Title Company gitily shars it,s space
with Tho.Salvati0n &rwy. today.
Mason' County Abstract &
• Title COmpany •
(under State Supervision)
Shelt--. Wash,
• . . ,.
. : )
5el'O |
Yes, sir! That's the Salvation Army!
Will speak in
Thursday, 2 P m.
The Lumbermen's Mercantile Company gladly
shares its space with the Salvation Army today.