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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -" PAGE SEVZN  4 i i i, T2IDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1920 "'" lmlgOIDOZD TO TI| lOPv'| lit tlK| LGIST-&TUI. To be voted on November 2, 1923. REFERENDUM BILL NO. 1. An Act to authorize the Issuance of the provisions of this act. State Bonds to provide funds for the i Sec. lit. All nmneys paid to the state construction of a state system of hard Iknown as the Motor Vehiole Code, and Surfaced trunk lille highways. . ,the Session Laws of 1915, commonly State of Washington, tare ]known as the lVlotor Vehicle Code, and Office ef the Secretary of S • all acts amendatory thereof, over and To whom it may concern: In abed-labors such moneys as shall be esti- lance, to the state constitution and animated by the secretary of state to be act of tile legislature approved by the necessary for tile purpose of adminis- Governor March 12, 1919, entitled: "An taring said chapter 142 shall be first ACt providing for the construction of a state system of trunk line hard sur- face hghiways, providing for the is- suance, sale and redeml)tion of state bonds to create a fund for such pur- pose, and for the submission of this act to a vote of the people," there is hereby published for the consideration of tile voters of the State of Wmshing- ton tle following proposed act of the legislature of said state: CHAPTER 99. (S. B. 240) An Act providing for the construction of a state system of trunk line hard surface highways, providing for the issuance, sale and redemp- tion of state bonds to create a fund for such purpose, and for the sub- mission of this act to a vote of the people. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington: Section 1. A state system of trunk line hard surface highways shall be ac- quired and constructed by the State of VCashington as soon as practicable, upon the highways of the state along the routes herein described ,so as to connect with each other the different, communities and principal cities of the state as near as may be, to-wit: (1) The Pacific Highway from Blaine to Vancouver; also a highway running from Seattle to Des Moines and thence by the most feasible route to Tacoma. (2) The Sunset Highway from Ren- ton to Spokane and thence east to the Idaho State line. (3) The Inland Empire I-Ilghway. (4) The Olympic Highway. (5) The National Park ttighway from Tacoma to Ashford and thence by the most feasible route to the Rainier Na- tional Park; also from Elba to the Pa- cific Ocean at Holman. Sec. 2. The highways constructed or improved under the provisions of this act shall be finished with a wearing surface of Portland cement concrete, bituminous concrete, asphalt, brick. wood block, stone or other material equally permanent and durable, not less than eighteen feet in width, laid upon Portland cement concrete base of a min- imum thickness of five inches: Provided that if the state highway commissioner shall deem it impracticable to improve any portion of any highway herein de- scribed by paving as herein provided, the state highway board may provide 'for the improvement of such portion of the highway in such manner as in its Judgment will best accomodate travel thereon. No part of the moey apportioned under this act shall be used, directly or indirectly, to pay any premium or royalty on any patented or property material, specifications, process or type of construction, unless lhased or ob- tained on open actual competitive bid- ding at the same or a leas cost than unpatented articles ,or methods equally suitable for the same purpose. Ses. 2. VChnever the making of any part of any road to be improved or pone structed under the provions of this act, or the locating of a route or any art thereof, or the obtaining of road uilding materials for such work, re- quires that private property be taken or damaged, the state highway board shall have the right to acquire any such property by purchase or by con- demnation in, the manner prescribed by law for the Xecqulremnt or condemna- tion of lands neoessary for the public uses of the state. See. 4. The state highway board shall divide the state highways into con- venient sections for construction pur- poses, and shall make diligent effort to have the entire trunk line system of hard surface highways completed with- Sec. 9. The money arising from the Iposed act of the legislature of acid state: sale of each issue of bends shall be I deposited in the state treasury to the CHAPTER 1. credit of a special fund to be known as (H. B. 2) i the ,'State qrunk Line Highway Fund," An Act providing for the payment of :which shall be used in carrying out equalized compensation to veteraas of the war with tte Central Allied Powers, autilorizlng the issuance and sale of state bonds and the levy approprlated and used for the purpose of paying and discharging annually the principal and interest on such bond- ed indebtedness tllen due and payable and shall from time to time be de- posited In a special fund to be known as the "State Trunk IAne t[lghway Bond Redemption Fund." Each year after this act becomes effective, and until all of said bonds have been re- tired, it shall be the duty of the state board of equalization to include in the tax levied for state purposes a direct annual tax for such amount as shall be necessary and sufficient, in addition to the moneys collected under said chapter 142 and paid into the said state trunk ]irm highway bond redemp- tion fund, to pay the interest annually as it shall accrue on each and every bond issued under the provisions nf this act and also to pay and discharge the principal of such bonds at par value as such bonds shall respectively fall due: Provided, that no direct annual tax shall be levied for any year in which suffi- cient money is collected under said chapter 142 and paid Into said bond redemption fund to pay tile interest as it shall accrue on said bonds for that year and also to pay and discharge the principal of all of said bonds fall- ing due during such year. Any surplus of money collected un- der said chapter 142 after the payment of the expenses of administering said law by the secretary el' state and pro- viding for the i)aymcnt of the princl- ;pal of and the payment of the interest on bonds falling due during that year, as aforesaid, shall o, D:ti,l into a fund to he known as the "St%to I'r:mk l.tne iatnlainauce Flnd" and usoJ .*or the purpose of maintaining the roads here- in described in pursuance of appropria- tions therefor by the legislature. Any surplus remaining in the state trunk line highway maintenance fund over and above that expended in pur- suance of appropriations for tile main- tenants of roads as herein provided, shall annually ' be distributed to the various counties, cities and towns of the state in the following manner: To tile various counties of the state in which are located primary highways the improvement and maintenance of which is not provided for by this at, for, the maintenance of such highways; and: to tile various cities and towns of the  state in which are located streets forming a part of the route of any primary highway through such city or town, for the maintenance and improve- ment of such streets, a sum not to ex- ceed two hundred dollars ($20,00) per mile for each mile of such primary highway and streets. Primary highways and city and town streets, in order to come under the pro- visions of this act for maintenance purposes, must be of a character equal and up to the standard of permanent highway construction. All sums apporo tioned to Counties shall be placed in the permanent highway maintenance fund of such county. All sums dlstributedi to cities and towns shall be remitted by the state auditor to the cities and towns entitled lhereto and shall be ex- pended by such cities or towns only for the maintenance or improvement of such streets, The state highway board shall determine what streets In cities and towns form a part of the .route of any primary highway through such city or town, and what primary highways the improvement and maintenance of which is not provided for by this act and shall between the 15th day of Feb- ruary and the 15th day of IV[arch of each year certify in triplicate, one copy to the state tremsurer, one opy to the county commissioners of each of such counties, and one copy to the clerk of each city or town affected hy the pro- visions of this act, the number of miles of primary highway, or city and of a tax to pay said bonds, making an appropriation, providing penal- ties, and providing for the submis- sion of this act to vote of tie peo- ple. Be it inacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington: Section 1. There shall be paid to each )arson who was regularly called, en- listed, drafted, inducted or comrrds- stoned and who served on active duty in the Army, Navy or Marine CorpS of tle •United States between the 6th day of April, 1917, and the llth day of No- vember, 1918; and to each person who, being a citizen of the United States at the time of this entry therein, served on active duty In the naval, military or air forces of any of the governments associated with the United States duP- ing the war with the central allied pow- ers between the 6til day of April, 1917, and the llth day of November, 1918; and who, at the time of his call, enlistment. induction, commission or service, was a bona fide resident of the State of wash- ington, the sum of fifteen dollars ($15.- 00) for each and every month or major fraction thereof of active duty perform- ed subsequent to April 6, 1917, and prior to November 11, 1919: Provided, That if any such person shall have borrowed money from the Veteran's Welfare Com- mission and shall have failed to repay said money, then the amount thereof shall be deducted from any sums pay- able to any such person under this act and said loan shall thereupon be can- celled and discharged: Provided, fur- ther, That parsons who have received extra compensation from any other state or nation other than the United States for such active service shall not be en- titled to compensation under this act unless the amount of compensation so received is less than they would be en- titled to hereunder, In which event theY shall receive the difference between the compensation allowable under this act and the extra compensation already received frorn such other state or us- the Veterans' Compensation Fund. Sea. 5. The state auditor may in his "discretion issue warrants under the pro- visions of this act in anticipation of the sale of the bonds herein authorized. See. 6. For the purpose of providing means for the payment of compensation hereunder and for paying the expenses of administration, there shall be issued and sold bonds of the state of Washing- ton in the sum of elewm million dol- lars ($11,900,000,00): Provided ,that if the proceeds of the sale of such bends be insufficient to pay the compensation herein allowed, then sutncicnt additional bonds to pay such compensation shall be issued and sold. The issuance, sale and retirement of said bonds shall be under the general supervision and con- trol of tile State Board of Finance. The State Board of Finance may, in its dis- cretion, provide for the issuance of cou- pon or registered bonds to be dated, is- sued ,and sold from time to time and in such amounts as may be necessary to make the payments provided for by this act, Each of such bonds shall be made payable at any time not exceeding twen- ty years from the date of its issuance, with such reserved rights of prior re- demption as the State Board of lnance may prescribe, to be specified therein.The bends shall be signed by ths governor and the state auditor under the seal of the state; and any coupons attached to such bends shall be signed by the same offices, whose signatures thereon may be in facsimile; and such bends shall bear interest at a rate not to exoaed six Ler cent per annum, which bends shall sold for not leas than par. Any bends may be registered in the name of the holder on pr0sentation to the state treasurer or at the flacial agency of the state of Washington in New York, as to principal alone or as to both principal and interest, under such regulations I aa the state treasurer may prescribe. I Said bends shall be in a form emnouy- ing an absolute promise of the state of [ Waslflngton to pay both principal and l interest in gold coin of the United State s [ of present standard of value, at such place or plaxes as the State Board of Finance may provide, and shall be in such denominations as may be pres- cribed by said Board. All bonds issued under the provisions of this act may be sold in such manner and in such a- mounts and at such thnes and oa such terms and conditions as the State Board o Finaace may prescribe: Provided, That if said bonds are sold to any per- ties: Provided, further, That persons who have received greater compensation than the regular pay of the Army, Navy sons other than the state of Vashlag- or ]Harine Corps and commutation for ton they shall be sold at public sale, quarters and snbsistence ,shall not he and it shall be tie duty of the State enlitled to receive compensation under Board of Finance to cause such sale to this act unless the amount of extra I be advertised in such manner as it shall compensation so received is less than [deem sutficient, they would be entitled to hereunder, in ] Bonds issued under the provisions of wh{ch event they shall receive the dif-]this act shall be a legal investment for forcnce between the compensation el-[any of the funds of to state, including lowable under this act and such extra | the permanent school fund, any higher compensation. In case of the death of ] educational funds, and accident fund of any such person while in such service ]the industrai insurance department. an equal amount shall be paid to his I. See. 7. The money arising from the surviving widow, if not re-married at sale of each issue of bonds shall be do- the time compensation is requested, or in case he left no widow and left child- ren. then to his surviving children, or or in the event hs left no widow or chil- dren, then to his surviving*parent or parents if actually dependent upon sues deceased person for support. Persons of the female sex. or their survivln¢ :children or parents, who are in all other respects within the terms of this act. shall be entitled to compensation thereunder, Sac, 2. The word "person," as Use. J n section 1 o4' this act shall not lncme persons, who, during the period of their service, refused, on conscientious, politi- cal or other grounds, to subject them- selves to full military di.cipllne or tin- qualified service, or who. while in suen service, were separated therefrom under circumstances amounting to a dishonor- able discharge and who have not subse- quently been officially restored to an act. Sec. 3. All disbursements required by this act for compensation hall be nade upon the presentation of a ,,ertlffeate upon a form to be prescribed by ll',e state auditor, which certificate shall be duly verified by the claimant under ,ath and shall set forth the name. residence at the time of entry into the service, date of enlistment, induction or com- mission, date of discharge or. release from active service if the claimant is not on active duty a statement posited at the state treasury to the credit of a special fund to be known as the *'Veterans' Compensation Fund," which shall be used for payment of the compensation provided in this act and for paying the expenses • of the adminis- tration thereof. For thd purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act there is herey appropriated from the Veterans' Conpensatlon Fund the sum of elevau million dollars ($11,000,000.00) See. 8. For the purpose of creating a retiremeat fund for the retirement of such bends upon maturity and the pay- ment of interest thereon as it falls due, the proper state and county officerl shall levy and collect a tax of one mill upon each dollar of the taxable property in the state for the year 1921 and for each year thereafter: Provided, that if said tax be insufficient then the proper state and county offices are authorized and di- rected to levy and collect such addition- al taxes as may be necessary for thai| Payment of interest upon said bonus ]! and the retirement of the principal'|| thereof upon maturity. All moneys de-l rived from such tax shall be paid into |l the state treasury and credited to a fund| | to be known as the "Veterans' Compen- sation Bond l:etirement Fund." Sac. 9. No cimrgc made by any agent, notary public or attorney for any vice in connection with obtaining stee allowance as provided for by this act shall be recognized by tie state and any person who, for a oonedteratic, discounts or attempts to discount, or for a consideration advances money up- HeN. WARREN G. HARDING United States Senator from Ohio, and Repub- lican Candidate for President, says: ,,Let us call to all people for thrift and economy, for denial and sacrifice if need be for a nation-wide drive against extravagance and luxury, to a recommital to simplicity of living, to that prudent and normal plan of life which is the health of the re- public." This bank will help you to save by adding 4 per cent interest, subject to usual regulation, " THE STATE BANK OF SHELTON "Teach Your Dollars to Have More Cents" SODA FROM OUR FOUNTAIN tastes better and is better, because it is sanitary, ice cold, made from the purest and freshest ingredients,and served by cleanly hands. Plain sodas, ice cream sodas, ice cream (various flavors), sundaes, etc. One glass leads to another. Bring your friends to the nicest soda fountain in town, PAULSON'S SOFT DRINK STORE SHORTY THE ONLY TAILOR IN TOWN New fall samples have arrived, so order that new suit now Cleaning, Pressing and Altering Ladie Gemlemen Suits sponged and premd . , 1.00 Sits sponged and premed . . $1.00 Suits cleaned and preued 2.00 Suits dry cleaned ad pvsed 2.00 Skirt8 ...... 1.00 Cmts "" . 1.00 • " " " 1.00 .... Pants Jackets " . . 1.00 Pants ss'ed and  . . . ^ ^' Dreues ...... . . . 1.75 up Overcoats dry cleaned aria l>resse z.,J,a Fancy Dresses cleaned and Overcoats dyed ...... 5.00 pressed . . . ..... 2.25 up Suits dyed ........ 5.00 J. T. WALSH, Box 216, Shelton in six years after the taking effect of * ...... this act. The construction work shall, town streets entitled to apportionments that the claimant during the period , - for which compensation is allowed on any certiilcate or certificate issued so far as possible, be commenced in as provided by thts act. Any surplus did not refuse to subject himself purepant to the terms of this act shall illS. different sections of the state approxi- remaining in the state trunk line high- to full military discipline and un- be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.' |||l|ll|l||lll|ll|llnl|ul|lnlll|||l|l|l||lnn|ll[||l|lnnl||nln|l|nlll|llnl|l||l|l||l|||. mately the same time and carried on way maintenance fund after the mak- qualified service and that he has not Sac. 10. Any person who, with intent  " : :!: continuously until all work Is earn- Ins of such apportionments shall be been separated from the servi-.e under to defraud, subscribes to any false  ';i" pleted, distributed to the various eount/es of circumstances amounting to a ,tishonor.. oath or make.s any false representation, Sec. 5. The funds provided by this the state in proportion to the amounts able discharge ,and such further tnfnr-either in the execution of the certifl- HOTEL SHELTON ': act for the acquisition, construction paid into the permanent highway fund ruction as the state auditor ms requ|re, cates provided for by this act or who and improvement of the state system by the various counties of the state Such certificate shall be. prsen¢.d to the with Intent to defraud, presents to the of trunk line hard surface highways and placed in the permanent highway state auditor or his r6presenta:ixe to- state auditor, or to any other officer of s.hail be expended only for surfacing maintenance, fund. gather with an honorable discharge or the state, any certificate for the purpose and the construction of the necessary See. 11. Whenever any county shall release from active service, or in csse of obtaining funds provided by this act subgrade therefor including the pur- have expanded any moneys from the of its loss a properly authenticated rec-which do not in fact belong to such BILLIARDS AND POOIr--A CLEAN SPORT chase of machinery or supplies. All road and bridge fund or from the pro- ord of service or in the event that the person, or makes any false reprementa- construction work shall be done under ceeds of bonds in the improvement or claimant is still In the ser¢te..e a .rop- tions In connection with obtaining any the supervision of and upon plans and construction of any of the highways erly authenticated record of sll active unds under ths terms of this apt, shal I Confectionery, Cigars and aU Soft Drinlm ,  specification prepared by the state high- described in this act by paving such service performed by the claimsnt sub- be guilty of fel01y, way commissioner, Contracts for the highway ,the state highway board shall, sequent to April 6, 1917, and prior to Sac. 11. The legislature laF lrovide ':, construction and improvement of said if such paved highway is of proper and November 11, 1919, or if the same Pe additional means for raising moneys l--'" EDWARD H. FAUBERT, Mgr, trunk line highways shall be let by by durable hard surface type to make it presented by the widow, chtld or parents for the payment of the interest and .. the state highway board to the lowest practicable to do so, utilize such paved of a deceased veteran, then with proper prtnc4pal of said bends and his act and best responsible bidder or bidders highway in the system of state trunk evidence of death, together with a prop- shall not be deemed to provide an ox- en such terms and conditions and on line highways provided for in "this ct. erly authentic&ted record of service, and elusive method for such payment. open competitive bidding after public If any highway so paved by any county l the state auditor shall endorse upon Sam 12. If any section, subdivision, advertisement in suoh manner and for be so utilized, the state highway board such discharge, release or record of so- sentence or clause of this act is for [||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||l|||||||||||||||||||l||||||||||||||||||| such times as may be prescribed by shall determine the amount by which tire service, a statement that such dis- any reason held to be uneonstAtutional, said state highway board, the utilization of sneh paved highway charge, release or record of active ser- suoh decision shall not affect the val- The state highway board shall have lessens the cost of improving and con- vice was made the basis of the applies- ldity of the remaining portions of this power to provide for the furnishing by strueting the state trunk line system tion and shall return such discharge or act. ,,..u.._:. ...... :...,.'.?',. .r.m,. the state of any tools, machinery, sup- of highways provided for in this act and releme or record of active service to the Sac. 13. This act shall be submitted ........ - ....... ........... p|ies or materials needed for such work such amount (in no event to exceed claimant and shall forthwith draw his to the people for their ratification at and tn the event the state highway the actual amount of the first cost of varrant in the name of the claimant the next general election in acoardance -- -- BARRETT board undertakes to furnish tools, ms- construction paid from the funds of upon the Veterans' Compensation Fund with the provisions of section 3, of A? W chinery, supplies, or materiaJs, such such county) shall be placed to the for an amount equal to fifteen dollars Article VIII of the State Constitution tools, machinery, supplies and mater- credit of such county in the permanent for each and every month of active er- and in accordance with the prOvisions • • isis shall be purchased by the state highway fund ln slxannualinsta|Iments, vice ,or major fraction thereof, be- of section 1 of Article II of the State highway board on open competitive beginning on the first day of January, tween the 6th day of April, 1917, and Constitution as amended at the general [ THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE 19"22, or, If the board of county cam- the llth day of November, 1919, and election held In November, 1912, and  biddeicn.g6 The state highway board Is missioners of any countr so elect, such th state treasurer shall pay such war- the laws adopted to facilitate the opera-  authorized to cooperate with tn prvp,- payment, instead of being credited to rants from Veterans' Compensation tion thereof. authorities of any city or town of th such county in the permansnt highway Fund. In cases where application for Passed the :House, March 22, 1920. Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, Oils, VarniShes and Brughes, third or fourth class and expend men- fund, shall be paid to such county to compensation is made by the widow, Passed the Senate, March 23, 1920. eys for the improvement of any portion be used in the payment of any county children or parents of a deceased vet- Picture Frames, Curtain Poles and Easels, All plumbing of any highway herein described which bonds issued by said county for the span, such person shall fuTnish the same Approved by the Governor, Mrch 2, may pass into or through any such improvement of any such highway, information  though the application 1920. glalnteed as to work and material for one year. city or town. Sac, 12. This act shall be submitted were made by ths deceased veteran and de- the state auditor shall prepare an ap- NOTE BY SECRETARY OF STATE. Sac. 7. All highways herein to the people for their ratification at ,,crlbed when constructed along perman- the next general election in accordance propriate form of certificate to cover eat grades and alignment shall be per- with the provisions of sction 3 of ar- such cases. Compensation allowed to The above act filed in the office of the tlcle rIII of the state constitution, and the children of deceased veterans shall Secretary of State March 25, 1920. manently controlled and maintained by in ccerdance with the provisions of be paid to the guardians of such chll- I.M. HOWELL, the State of Washington. Secretary of State, section 1 of article II of the state dreno which guardians, if appointed by See. 8. For the purpose of provld- constitution, as amended at the general the courts of this state, shall serve ins means for the payment of the cost election hed in N'ovember, 1912, and without compensation and in the discre- There shall be printed on all ballots of construction of said state system of the laws adopted to facilitate the opera- tion of the court without bond and it provided for the said election ths trunk line highways there shall be ties thereof, shall be the duty of every attorney in words: issued and sold bonds of the State of Passed the enate March $, 1919. this state to appear in the courts or "For Referendum Bill No. 2, relat- Washington for an amount not ex- Passed the House March 8, 1919. render any other neoessary legal assist" ing to equalized compensation to vet- .,P C0r000LY oeeding thirty million dollars ($30,009,- Approved by the Governor, Mreh 1 ance In behalf of such children in so far erans of the war with the Central A1- 000.00), to bear interest at a rate not 1919. lied Powers." • 0 as the provision of this act are concern- to exceed five per cent (5 per cent) per ed, without compensation, and no pub- "Against Referendum Bill No. 2, re- annum, payable semi-annually. NOTE BY SECRETARY OF STATE. lic officer shall collect any fees in any fating to equal|gad compensation to vet- The issue, sale or retirement of said The abovd act filed lu the office of the proceedings brought in behalf of such erans of the war with the Central AI- Shelt0n Market and bonds shall be under the general super- Secretary of State March 13, 1919. children to secure compensation under lied Powers." vision and control of the state highway (Seal) I. M, T-IorELI., this act. In testimony whereof, I have hcrsun- The state auditor is empowered to to eat my hand and affixed the seal of tionb°ard'provideSUch forb°ardthemaYiesuancein its ofdiscre'oouo Secretary of State. make such additional reasonabls require- the State of Washington. Ice Plant pen or registered bonds, to be dated. There shall be printed on all ballots ments from applicants as are necessary Done at Olympia, this 1st day of June, to precent fraud or the payment of 1920,. issued and sold from time to time auprovtded for he said e|evtion the compensation to persons not entitled the construction work progresses, in I words: (Seal) I.M. I-IOWELL, • such amounts as may be necessary to[ "For eferendum Bill No. 1 relating thereto. Secretary of State. Sec. 4. The state auditor shall fur- 7-20-10-29-14t. provide money to pay.for said work [to a system of hard surface trunk lins rdsh free of charge, upon application and the expenses incaaental • thereto. [llgnway. All of the e..edr%sr shall 'Aghast eferendum l. No , re- therefor ,the neca form of cti- mature at the rate of lion five [ fating to a system of hard surface flcate to all persons entitled thereto, and O. 509. hundred thousand dollars ($1,00,-I trunk ltn highways," may establish at different pmnts within tOI TO IBDITOg8 O  000.00 principal each year, commencing In tetimony whereof, I have here- the state of Washington, ofllees at which in the year 1922 and enaxng m.the year unto set my hand and affixed the seal there shall be kept on file for the use v'At" 1941. Such bonds shall be rogued by of the State of Washington. of persons cvered by this act, a suffl- In the Superior Court of the State" the governor and the state auditor Done at Olympia, this 1st day of June, cient number of forms of certificate so Washington, for Mason County. under the seal of the state, and any 1920. that there may be no delay in the pay- In Probate. interest coupons attached to such bonds I.M. IfOWLI. meat of this compensation. The state In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN shall be authenticated by the fac-simlle (Seal) Secrctary of State. auditor may authorize the county audi- WALKO, Deceased. STR: S G, SIMPSON signatures of the sane Officers. Any 7-30-10-29-14t, tor or county clerk, or both, of any c.oun- bonds may be registered in the name ty of the state t ° act for him in re- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Letters of Administration on ths ESo of the holder on presentation to the calving application under the provisions tats of John, Walko, deceased, were • state treasurer or at the fiscal agency ... ..... , ........ of this act ,and shall furnish such per- granted to the unders|gncd, on the 4th of the State of Washington in New -.-.z.. --v "xm o- r sons with the proper certificates to an- day of September, 1920, by the said ' ' ' ' York, as to principal alone or both  Gl&TIr able hem to accept such applications. Superior Court, ' ' ' ' ' principal and /nterest, under such reg: " The state auditor is hereby author!.ed All persons havlng c,aims THE SHELTON-TACOMA ROUTE ulations as the state highway boars To be voted on November , 199. and directed to procure pm.nttn said estate are required to serve them may prescribe. Said bonds shall be in and office supplies ana equipment, anu such denominations as may be pre- REFRENDUM BILL NO. . to emlOorUChtPSOry cmaaYrybeonce with the necessary vouohers upon me at the Law Office of Alden C. Bayley, Stl@ Fare $1.51. Round trip .7 scribed by the state highway board and sary t embody an aosoluts promise of the An act providing for the avr-ent Of provisions of this act ,and all expenses Shalton, Washington, that being the ................ " .... - incurred by him in the administration place of business of said estate, within (Daily except Sunds) State of Washington o pay th prin- equa,mcu compensatton to veterans n ........ 'l be -aid b-" warrants six months after the date of the first 91pal and interest in g0d coin of the the war with the Central Allied Powers, or this ace sn.etcrs , "on-ensation publication of this notice, to-wit, with- LYo Shelton 7 a.m. Leave Tacoma B p m. United States of the present stanuaru State n¢ w..n,,+., arawn upon tne v a - v of value and fineness, at such place or ........ '"-' ',,nd in six months after the 17th day of places as the state highway board may Office of the Secretary of State. The'adJutant general shall advise with Sepember, 1920, and file the same with -^ lam tt m-v ,.o... [. ohm- and assist the state auditor in tle pew- the clerk of this Court together with The morning trip. connects with the 11 o'clock Toma to Seattle provide, and to levy sufficient taxes'  .......................... r proof of such service, or they shall boat at Municipal Dock. Passengers from Seett to Shelton each year to pay the Interest and prin- ence to the state constitution and an formance of the duties of the audito eipal of said bonds as they become due act of the legislature approv,d by the tnder this act, and .when so called upon be forever barred. All bonds issued under the provisions Governor March 2, 190, entitled: "An the adjutant• general .may employ sucn Dated at Shelton, Wash., this 1Tth should take the, stemmer leavinE Seattle at 1 oeloek 1 m. of this act shall be sold to the highest Act providing for th? payment ofua)- persons au_mcur such epenses  my of Soptomber, 1920. Seattle freight should be delivered to Pier 3. and best bidder or bidders, on such ized compensatlon to veterans or the Ds necessary ,u .................... nS' r  MIKE I'ILIBOKI, terms and conditions and on open corn- war with the Central Allied Powers. by warrants drawn upon the Veto Adminiatrbtor of the Estate of ff0hn , ,, petitive bidding after public advertise-authorizing the issuance and saie of state Compensation Funs, Walko, Doc00ed TR00SPORTAT]0N COMP/00Y ment and at such times as may be pre- bonds and the levy of a tax to pay said[ The auditor and the adjutant general ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Ad- SHELTON soribed by the state highway board, but bonds, making an appropriation, provid- I may require persons employed by them ministrator, Shelton, Wash. 917-108-4 not for a aura so low as to make the ing penalities ,and providing for the under this act to furnish good and nuf- , , net interest returned to the purchaser submission of this act to a vote of the flclent surety bonds to the stats of SHEET MUSIC--Quits an assort- exceed five per cent psr annum, payable people" there iz hereby published for [Washington for ths faithful perform- meat ,of recent issues Just came from semi-annually, as computed by start- the consideration of hs voters of ths  ances of their uties and the premiums dard table, upon suoh sum. State of WashingtOn, ths following pro- upon said bon8 8nml s payame rom the East. Journal Stationery Shop.