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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE EIGHT II I I _ f :" 5 I, IJ I I THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL i i ii i ii i I_ I I I i I I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1920 i li I] Co.nty Correspondence il X ' ;. .......................... . .........,,............... ........G..,..,..,..,... ; , "' e KAMILCHE ] LOWER MATLOCIC I I I I • Mr. and Mrs. Guy Weaver, of Ar- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meek and Carl cadia spent the week-end at the home Spalding Jr. oil Aberdeen spent the lof the lattc/s mother, Mrs. F. Wahl- week end with Mr. and Mrs. Win. burger. Evers and family. Rediskal,, Mr. Carl Young was an Olympia Frank Helin and Dora visitor Monday. were callers in Montesano and Aber- I Mrs. Harohl Carr and little daugh- deen Friday. 'ter went to Puyallup Tuesday to at- Will and John Fletcher, Frank +Ltend' the Fair. Quiett7 Earl Wakefield and Orville I; Joe Wahlbu]'ger of Aberdeen spent Lewis, all of Seattle, isited the I the week-end at the home of his Batenmn family the past week. motheG Mrs. ]]'. Wahlburger. Mrs. Win. Evers and children Roy Carr was a business visitor in Charles and Edith "and Mrs. Roy Olympia Friday. Meek spent Monday afteloon with Ruth Greenwood spent Monday vis- l{ediska's, iting at the ]]'rank Greenwood home Miss Linnea Helin of Montesano is at Mud Bay. spending the week at home with her Mr. Reitdort" threshed Wednesday folks. I for Mr. Craddick. Misses Ruth and Hazel Bateman I Mr. and Mrs. C. Griggs and son and Miss Esther Wiss of Shelton I Arthur spent Saturday evening in spent the week-end with the former's lolympia. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Bateman. ] Max Wahlburger spent Tuesday A. J. Anderson of Matloek and ;home folks. Mrs. Win. Rediska and daughter Isa- bella have been on the sick list for the past week, but all are reported improving now. Miss Dorothy Stevens visited Mr. and Mrs. Hulbert and family of Camp One Friday evening. The Matlock giving a dance and pie social at Matlock hall, October 30th. Don't folget the date. I TAHUYA • l Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nanee anti daughter Frances of Dewatto spent Saturday night and Sunday with the Knowlton's. Win. Luark met with a serious accident last Sunday morning. His foot caught in the belt.of asaw and threw him against the saw cutting his ann so badly that tWenty-five stitches were required. Daddy Coombs has ,been feeIng ¢0 poorly he decide to visit Dr. Richter Wednesday. The woodsare full of hunters and some ladies seem to have the fcyer. • Mrs. Kellogg is visiting relatives in Seattle this week. ' J. H. Relic and Win. Lewiston made a business trip to Seattle in te Margaret L. the eavTy pat Of the week. 1. G. Knovlton returned with them. ! i HOODSPORT"  ' • T The fish boat A;R.B. has returned from a three months' trip to Alaska. Some of the youli peaple  of Hoodsport attended ' the,dance at Shelton Saturdey. :  ' " R. H. Ogden and Tdmiiy Who have been visiting at the Gateway Inn re- turned to Seattle Sattirday.; Mrs. Colson has returned :,'from Seattle. The young people of Ho0dsport have been practicing and expect to organize a basketball .team soon. Olaf Hanson,, Aldnz0 Rule and Abner Sund have gone to the. Stair ease on a hunting trip. The first successful Show that was ever given in Hoodsport was pro- ducedhere last Tuesday. Mrs. F. M. Smith accompanied Miss Colson and her mother to Shel- ton Saturday on a shopping trip. Mr. and Mrs. Keeler and family have returned to their home in Seat- tlevm. McDonald of Canada is visit- ing his brother, W. McDonald. Contractor Barrett of the Skoko- mish valley is building the teacher's cottage. Mr. and Mrs: C. C. Waldrip of Olympia and daughter Mary of Plum Station visited Sunday at the Green- wood home. Guy and Lester Wa]dburger spent Monday with their brother Max in Olympia. • Mr. and Mrs. H. Adams and little (laughter visited Monday afternoon at the Greenwood home. Mrs. Ernest Reitdorf who was l operated on in the Tacoma General Hospital last week is reported im- proving nicely. ' There will be a dance given at the Kamilche school house Saturday night October 9th. Everybody welcome. 1 STADIUM " i ,1. Mrs. Ray Morris of/Tacoma was a caller "at Mrs. Hansen's for a few days. Sh thought she would get here quickly by going around by .Olympia and coming by boat but the launch broke down on the way and drifted around all night but finally .arrived here safely. William and Oscar Sund went to Shelton yesterday to file their citizen papers. ' Mr. L. "Rauschert and son were Shelton visitors yesterday on busi- ness matters. S. Hansen went to Shelton yester- day as witness for the Sund boys. Hank Hansen' took a party of la- die to Allyn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen and Mrs. Morris attended the Agate fair and dance Saturday evemng, reporting a big crowd and a good time. Mrs. C. W. Baird of the Dew Drop Inn was calling on Mrs. Hansen to- day. Master Charles Baird and little Vera Johnson were out of school last week on account of colds. Erick Odegard is making a long stay in Seattle and Tacoma. Bob. Johnson is building a garage for his brother George. Mrs. K. Sund went to Tacoma yes- terday to visit a dentist. Mrs. A. P. Zumwalt, son Harry and daughter Leon a and Mrs. M. L. Hoke and daughter Eva went to the Agate Fair Saturday in the Zumwalt car. The exhibits were fine and they re- turned home feeling that the Agate people were a busy bunch. On their way home not far from the hall they saw a bear going toward the hall and wondered if bruin would be a part of the exhibits, as he seemed in a hurry. Our good judge keeps close by the fireside these wet days, reading law [books and wondering if the Judge above is going to keep sprinkling so he can't dig out the stumps. WHAT you lose thin baking failure must be added to baking cost--it has to be paid for. Calumet Baking Powder will save you all of that. Be- cause when you use it--there are no tailures--no losses. Every bak. ing is sweet and palatable--and stays moist, tender and delicious to the last tasty bite. That's a big saving--but that isn't all. You save when 'you buy Calumet and you save when you use it. CALUHET BAKIH5 POWDER It is reasonable in cost and possessesmore than the or- dinar] leavening strength. You pay less and use less. You get the most in purity, dependability and whole- $omene. In every way -- it is the best way to keep down bak- ing €osts. That's what has made it the world'e biggest selling baking powder -- has kept it the favorite of millions of housewives for more than thirty years. Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powders come in 12 oz. instead of 16 oz. cans. Be you get a pound when you want it. Calumet Sunshine Cake Recipe 1'/:up of butter, cups granu-, lated sugar, 2 cup flour, 1 cup water, 2 level teaspoons Calu- met Baking Powder, 1 tea- spoon lemon, y, olks of 9 eggs. Then mix in ti regular way. : -q¢ i DAYTON i eL____. Victor Bunnell returned to his home Sunday, after some time spent with his brother, E. L. Bunnell. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hall m'e happy over the arrival of a son, Fri- day, October 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Kirk and Mrs. S. J. Kirk called at the home of ]%']rs. F. J. Miller Sunday. Capt. F. E. Southard, Ray Bailey, Lewis Hensel, Fay Bunnell and Mrs. A. T. Hay and Juanita Hickson were all town callers Men(lay. The Dayton ranchers are all dig- 'inff their potatoes this week in spite of the rain. The crop is fairly good, considerin the eon(litions. Ray Bailey has received a new awing machine. Mr. J. G. McRae called at the Mil- ler farm Tuesday. Mrs. Jolm Olson is on the sick list this week. , Mrs. Gulliver is in Texas visiting her (laughter who lives there. Mrs. Gulliver will return to Dayton in about a month. AGATE DISTRICT DOES ITSELF PROUD AT COMMUNITY FAIR From all reports the Agate district did itself proud at its Community Fair last Friday and Saturday. In spite of the rather wet weather the fair was well attended, people com- ing from all parts of the county to see the exhibits. The feature of the fair was the fruit and vegetable ex- hibit as the district ranks high in the production of these. The enter- tainment wound up with a dance on Saturday evening. SKOKOMISH HOME ECONOMICS CLUB The Skokomish Home Economics Club meets with Mrs. Fred Bell on Momlay October llth. Miss Laur- ence of the State College Extension Department will be present. It will be an all-day meeting beginning at 10 a. m. Everybody come. H; E. Drew, county agent, returned yesterday from two days spent at the Puyallup Fair and renorts an interesting line of •general fair ex- hibits anti ood ]'aces in spite of tho heavy track. While the agricultural exhibits are of the usual order, stock somewhat weak, the floral and fruit displays are good and many lines of manufactured goods are on display. The side shows areif anything more numerous than usual, anti the atte:qtl- ance was good in spite of the heavy rains. USED CAR SALE.. : ...... The T. W. Little Company, a Ta- coma concern which hds a $60000 stock of used cars taken in on new cars on hand, has inaugurated a unique sale plan to dispose of these cars during October, and announces the sale regardless of price or sacri- fice, with cars as low as $100. Seek- ers might well investigate the Lit- tle sale. JACK CARROLL DIES Elna, Oct. 2.Jack Carroll, a log- ger ho was struck by a line while work!ng in a logging camp 11 years ago, and has since propelled himself about m an invalid's chair, died here last night following several days of unconscmusness. NOTICE TO TRUCK LOGGERS Notice is hereby given that all parties logging 'with trucks on the County Roads must either keep the roads in repair or keep off of ,the County Roads during the rainy weather. W. A. Hunter J. A. Cole Win. E. Daniels 10-8-1t County Commissioners. NOTICE OF THE CHANGE IN THE POLLING PLACE ARCADIA PRECINCT Notice is hereby given that the regular polling place of the .Arcadia precinct is changed from the school house to the Edgbert building near Thee. Tremper residence. Witness my hand and seal this 29th day of September, 1920. (Seal) IONE W. DOYLE, 10-1-8-15 Auditor of Mason County. CHANGE OF POLLING PLACES Notice is hereby given that the board of county Commissioners have made the following changes in the regular polling, places as follows: Name of Precinct. New Polling Place. Arcadia ............ Edgbert Bldg. Cushman (Lake) ................ ........... Reading- Room Camp 2 In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 7th day of Oct. 1920. IONE W. DOYLE Auditor of Mason Co. Oct.8-L5, NOTICE OF CLOSING OF REGIS- TRATION BOOKS Notice is hereby given that the reg- istration books in the various voting precincts in the County of Mason, State of Washington, Will be closed against original registration on the 18th day of October, 1920, as the last day to register will be Monday, Oc- tober llth (the 12th being a legal holiday), and remain closed until tl day following the day of the general election to be held November 2nd, 1920. IONE W. DOYLE, (Seal) Auditor of Mason County, 9-24-1-8-3t State of Washington. NOTICE Notice is hereby given to my neighbors and friends and to the public in general, that I have been appointed by the governor a notary i public in and for the state of Wash- lington; have taken the oath of office ]and am a notary in fact from this I date. I Yours veT truly, I s CARLI 110-15-3t Tahuya, :.',v. ;4 MRS. STELLA JENSEN FOR COUNTY CLERK Mrs. Ste]la Jonen, whose announce- ment anpears this week as the an diane for clerk on the republican ticket, wishes to correct some erron- eous reports which are floatinz around: Siae is a republican and has no interest or association with any other organization; that while she has never held office or done clerical work in Mason County, has had ex- perience both as a postal cleric and as bookkeeper for a mercantile es- tablishment hefm'e her marriage, and conniders herself fully competent for the office sought. Mrs. Jensen has lived in the state thirty years and came to Mon County with her husband in 1911. They contracted for a small tract of land in ,the upper Skokomish vallo,' and lived there two years, or until her husband met accidental death :' the hands of a neighbor while hunt- ing. She then gave up the land ,,,,1 came to Shelton with her two chil- :dren whom she has since cared for land educated mainly by her own effo]s, neither property or insur- ance being left her by her husband. F R A N K ROBINSON Farmer-Labor candidate for Legisla- ture from Mason Coun- ty, will speak in-- TAHUYA Tuesday night, Oct. 12 UNION. CITY Wedn. night, Oct. 13th " ALLYN Friday Night, Oct. 15tth " CLIFTON Saturday night, Oct. 16 MATLOCK Tesday night, Oct. 19 MRS, STELLA JENSEN ;: Repub!ican candidate for CLERK OF MASON COUNTY Promises careful and earnest service and the ability required to conduct the office. Shelton Wash. ADA C. CLOTHIER Candidate for re-election for TREASURER OF MASON COUNTY Interpreted by Noted Directors - o e - • " '  ° • " • The Greatest Record Idea FTER long preparation we announce Brunswick Records. With the Brunswick history of musical achievement before you, it in assured that they do not follow the ordinary. Noted directors interpret the musical theme of each record. Thus we unite the talent of the artist with the genius of the composer. We bring a new guiding hand into record making. The application of this fundamental necessity has made each Brunswick selection a beautiful musical picture. Each is developed as it would be directed by its creator. And the individuality of the artist is skilfully emphasized. No one who enjoys beautiful music and wishes to hear eminent artists deliver the composer's version can fail to become enthusiastic over this newest Brunswick accom- plishment. Remember Brunswick Records will play on any phono- graph with steel or fibre needle. Praise is instant when one hears The Brunswick. Come in and hear the new Brunswick and Brunswick Records. ,JOURNAL STATIONEI{¥-SHoP SI-IELTON. WASH. We Want :d Roads Now I I NOT IN THE SWEET BYE AND BYE--AND THE WAY TO GET THEM IS TO VOTE YES On Referendum Bill No. 1 "THE CARLYON GOOD ROADS BILL" It will give the state within a period of six years 1516 Miles of Paved Highway It will give Mason County alone more than sixty-five miles of paved highway, and a paved connectiorr with all principal points in the state. WITHOUT INCRIASING OUR TAXES OR MOTOR LICENSE FEES The Bill provides for issuance of bond which will be paid off with motor license fees. Will release present state and county funds for improve- ment of branch roads. The complete Bill appears on page seven of this issue. Read it through thenVote Yes. There are no hitches in the Carlyon Plan. THOMAS O'NEILL Shelton, Washington