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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1920
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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1920 THE MASON COUN'rx'Jv ....... i , i I I I I II I I I IIIIIII I I HIS PLEDGE TO THEM i ME AND THE CAMPAIGN BY STK[KD GILIJLA Jk lervqus and fretf"" world Is latarklng time with what pa, tlenee tt can until I announce my preference for the presidency. Here It goce--I am for Harding! I say this with the full knowl- edge of the falling off this may cause In the Harding vote, among my hordes of bitter enemies everywhere. But that's that. I voted twice for Woodrow Wilson. This Is uo boast. It is a confession. Republican though I naturally was. having been reared aDemocrat, I was so carried away with the high Intellect- uality Of the Princeton wonder that I voted for him. We admire in others the qualities we ourselves do not possess. Cripples always attend prize-fights. S0 I voted for Woodrow Wilson be* cause lie had brains. ' I Im a stubborn cuss in the matter of frtendshlps, a an adherent and a camp follower I am tenacious and hard to lose. As a henchman I have the best-known glues of commerce distanced and detached. My tenacity in such cases made and provided Is equalled only by Mr. Wtlson'e effectiveness as a solvent for etery form of m¢llage that attaches human beings to him Despite my efforts to remain coupled, he pulled a draw-bar and was gone! I believe I was the last friend, outside of holders of postolfioee, that President Wilson had. I was more anxious for the league of Nations to go through Ill its essentials than he was. He was more anxious to get his ' own way and conquer the United States Senate with the help of the people, than he was for anything connected, with the peace treaty he had gone to help enact. When he sald it would frac- ture the mundane heart to reject his treaty, he meant he would • hae a fit and gum up the works if he dldh't get his own Way. His superiority to the Dinted States Inate0 which had been for so long an accepted ;,fact wtth him, should be maintained at any cost. His proneness to attach the tubular tinware to any of his : cabinet-members caught red-handed in the act of independent and indivldua 1 cerebration had been getting on my nerves for quite a while. It was growing harder and harder for me to argue against a brother-in-law of mine who had always detested" the Wtlsonlan personality. And when the skein of . state affairs .became so may-I-netted that Lansing let go and was urgently permitted to.depart, there was a sound of rending cordage and my goat, freed at last, bleated away into the distance. It seemed to me that whenever the Wilson eye detected any body in a state of mlnd to stand loyally and trustfully by him, he sent to the pharmacy for some chlorine gas and charged the al in hie vicinity. His friends did not desert him. He deserted them. All a fellow had to do was to find out what seemed to be the desire of the president's heart and come out for it. Then the president, through the introduction of some wild and weird and arbitrary method of attaining that heart's desire, went and stood on a pRinacle where there was no fast room tar a friend beside. So, finding myself alone where I thopght the president was ---on a platforni for the enactment speedily of an effective peace treaty that should embody the essentials of the league---while he wandered elsewhere and sought an l-undotted and t-uncrossed ratification of a specific and dubious document, I gave right up. I said to myself: "He is a wonderful man. He has amazing mental ability. But land sakes, he isn't brighter than everybody else in the United States put together. And even if he were. himself is not the person from whom this idea should be bulletined out. If he thinks so, he can't be! The world has never been such a stickler for rhetoric as to insist on this literal acceptance of something even the president himself had to have forced upon him in Europe. Ooodby, Woody, I worshipped a long time at your shrine. I am going to take up my prayer-rug and go home. And i shall vote for the man who is least in sympathy with you, in the next presidential campaign." \\; CANDIDATE COX, THE UNDIGNIFIED By E. 6. VAN ZILE From the time of George Washing- ton to the present moment it has been ,characteristic of the American people to demand dignity as an absolutely • .essential quality in the make-up of a President: The instances have been so rare in which an occupafit of the White House has forgotten the obliga- tion he is under to the nation to main- tain his poise under all circumstances that it requires close historical inveS- tigation to come upen them. Our Presidents have heen, no matter what may have been their shortcomings as executives, W0rthyin their outward bearing of'the 'eminence to which they sd attained. It Is a serious handicap ts lames M. Cox that he has displayed,, in his Presidential campaign,' a lack of dig- ni'ty that has been, in some of .its AMERICAN COLONY IN FRENCH TOWN VARIETY OF TYPES J. an aspirant for the Presidency, for the great physical and mental strain that he is undergoing. But there is a limit beyond which its patience and sym- pathy may safely be tried, and Gov- ernor Cox has repeatedly passed that limit. Of course, it may be too much to ex- pect that a candidate who owes his nomination to tim fact that he was the ®nly one of many aspirants who was thoroughly a persona grata to men like Murphy, Nugent, Taggart and Bran- nan should possess that sensitiveness to the proprieties that has safeguard- ed the dignity of our Presidents as a class. But even after making due al- lowance for the fact that a man's man- ners are influenced by, the company he keeps, not too much to say that Governor Cox, in his recent public ut- terances and in certain cheap appeals manifestations,actually shocking. It he has made to people lacking in good is not demanded, of course, that' a taste, Ires placed himself outside the Presidential candidate shall go about Ipale which alone an occupant of his campaign activities with a book of I the White House should be chosen. etiquette in One hand and a box ef As President them is every reason sedative pills in the*, other. The believe that the undignified Cox lean public, with its usual ense of would offend against a precious tra- Justice, mhkes' dUe allowance always, I dlflon that is, as it should be, dear to when Judging the words and deeds of the hearts of the American people. H. BINNS CLOSES HIS SERIES OF LETTERS TO THE JOURNAL Grenoble, France, Sept. 11, 1920. Contrary to all the established ]les for learning" the French language and the ways'-of the French people, we are living in a colony of Amer- icans representing many parts of our country and many shades of wealth and opinion. We" find it very inter- esting, for an American abroad is a I ver" different person from the same [Ame]can at home, or at least he shows up in a different light. i First of all there is Jumbo. Jumbo is five feet tall and a Bolshevik. He teaches Romance languages at some little middle Western college, but is rather ashamed of it, and spends most of his time explaining to us the futility of culture. And no one ever stops to define culture, the discus- sions are noisy rather than convinc- ing. .But in spite of his size, Jumbo has an outdoor voice and usually comes out on top. He tells us that if he had had the strength for t, he he would have entered a coal mine instead of a college. Meanwhile, he is putting in about ten hours a day on his French, which is a of the popular idea that a Bolshevik never works. For the rest, he is fond of playing the piano and but- ting into conversations, and, strang- est of all, believes that all art should serve a moral end. Now do I explain the union of all these characteristics m a single person, and one so small at that? I don't. Try it yourself. All I'm willing to do is swear that he exists. Then there is Ikey. lkey is not swish, as one might think. He mere- has a surname that sounds like rot. He has ust graduated from two years in the ranks of a New York regiment and four years in a college which has a much bigger name than it deserves. His father sent him over in July, just for the trip, with enough money to last a year. He expects to be home for Christmas, owing to lack of funds. Ikey is not ambitious; he is happy- go-lucky and has the sweetest smile in the world. He declares that his idea of happiness is to have a chicken ranch and just enough money to live on. In support of this idea of Eden he talks of a couple he roomed with when he was in college. They were poor, didn't make more than $75 a week at the outside, but they were justas happy on their little income as other folks are on plenty. In fact, they were the happiest couple he ever knew. Ikey, Ikey, it is hard for you to realize that those poor folks rank among the wealthiest one- third of the American people. Tommy ,has just left us. Tommy commanded a submarine chaser during the war, and was the youngest com- manding officer in the U. S. navy. He admits it himself. He was sent eye, shore by a big firm of silk man- ufacturers to )earn technical weaciug. The man who came with him ,knew French, and went right to wct'k in a factoT. Tommy didn't know French so le came up here to learn it. He had a fine time, for he has a mrsonality, "isn't afraid.of be- .d at, and plays wonderful All the Italians and Rou- manians at the university were crazy over him. But the day of reckoning came. His employers' agent asked Tommy around to dinner the other evening, and pretended to discover that his French was progressing backward. So Tommy has left us to work. But they haven't a bit of the p.aint off him. As he remarked jauntily when they passed sentence on him: "Well, I ot away with it for a month, any- ow." I prophesy a great future for that boy m the silk business. You will be surprised to learn that Van Whoop, the New York society leader, and her son Eddie are living at our modest little pen- ,sion, and actually take' their meals with us. In fact, they are the life and soul of the .party. But things have changed since 1917. Eddie didn't wait for a commission, but enlisted in a ..ugh reg!ment which saw much servace. He even admits that he learned to chew tobacco. And Mrs. Van Whoop spent a year in a Y. M. C. A. canteen in France, _ ing lemon pies £or the boys. (S2e/, used to make as many as 150 a and in spite of the society leadership, Fm willing to bet they were good. But the war is now over. ]h'om Grenoble Mrs. Van Whoop goes on to Nice for the winter. Nice is a warm place, but Mrs. V. H. looks well in furs, so she has four set along, one in each of her four wardrobe truks. But we are not all Americans. There are three young Dutch stu- dents in our midst. But you'd never know that they weren't Americans, except that they have better man- ners. They all speak good English, for in Holland every educated man En hsh F]ench, and German learns g ' , " in addition to his own language, be- ginning one or more of them at eight years of age. We had always thought of Hollanders as short and round, but two of these fellows arc tall and slender; the third is tall and perfectly built--an ideal end or tackle. Altogether we are a happy family, though, as is the case in most fr tiles, argument runs high at times. With this article I must bid fare- well to my readers. My university work for the coming year is so heavy that I do not feel able to continue them. I have received many words of friendly encouragement from read- ers in Washington, which have made my task much easier. In another year I shall be liome again, and hope to see everyone I knew before I left, and' to meet all the friends I have made through these columns. J. H. BINNS. PAGE ELEVEN MEN AND WOMEN OF MASON COUNTY If you don't register on or before ,October llth, you can't vote at the general election November 2nd The issues are momentous---awaken to call of your American citizenship REGISTER AND VOTE Republican County Committee UsEDT. W. Little's cARPers°nallYsALEC°nducted I I I i i I am putting on a REAL sale to sell REAL CARS. I am running this sale myself and I will tell you why, I HAVE $60,000 TIED UP IN USEI CARS AND I NEED THE MONEY. During the month of October I will 'dispose of every one of these ma-. chines regardless of price. The object is to make a clean sweep before Nov.1. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED FOR ANY USED •CAR IN THE HOUSE. We are positively determined, and are prepared, to make a sacrifice in order to dispose Of this number of cars. Prices will sell anything, and PRICES WILL SELL THESE CARS. If you contemplate driving a car now, or next spring,' you would better step up and get a first choice from these "Little" Used Cars at practically your own figure and on ON YOUR OWN TERMS. From the following list pick out your favorite car, make a small de- posit and pay the balance as you enjoy it. ALL EQUIPPED:AND READY TO GO-- One Fine Apperson , Dort . , ' Harroun :i " Hupmobile :. ', Mitchell ' ' ........, , Oakland Scripps Booth , ' ' : " :, Pullman ....... Several Chevrolets Several Overlands Seven Maxwells Two Cadillacs Two Saxons Several Fords Chalmers " Oldsmobile Dodges Metz Briscoe And a splendid lot of late model Studebakers, Fours and Sixes, includ- ing Roadsters and Big Sixes. • CARS FROM $100 UP Sale will continue until the evening of October 31st. Sales rooms will be open evenings and Sundays during the sale. Every car carries the usual T. W. Little Company's guarantee. The fact that we are one of the pioneer automobile dealers in Tacoma, have been selling new and used cars for 13 years, is your protection. Look for the big signs, you know the place.  T, W. LITTLE COMPANY 712 Broadway TACOMA, WASH.