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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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P.G00 Exo00T I i ...... . ,ola. &apos; " Case No, 327. Certilicate No. 11. Mason County, Veasilington, a Muni- cipal Corporation, and one of the Connties of the State of Washlngton, Plaintiff, vs. Fred Nlckiason; Chas. Seiners Co; Chas. Seiners Co. et al; 1. ti. l¢andolph; 16. A. lit)ward; David 1. Mitchell; Antonia Cammasono; Wilbur L. Alden; John }Iowson; Win. Emmorson; "Win. Johnson; Peter Sandberg; I. Speaker; l. Young; E. L. Capps; Emery White; and Frank Ellis; Margaret Goodwm; Arthur Shaw; 1. O. (9. F. Lodge No. 140; J. H. Scott and J. J. irenner Oyster Co.; }lanna E. and Percy Cole; Annie T. Capp;Samuel L). James; Dra- ham Timber Co.; Nellie M. Waxier; ttarhnrt Cook" Gee. F. Bancroft; Wal- .... P -- -- C ter J. Woods; W. W. Morrm; A. • 13vorson; Wm, Alberts; Herman D. ttertz; E. E, Hodder; W. C. Ruear d Olaf Anderson; Milton and Albert ltar- witz; Northern Pacific R. R.; F. E, Ranney; Chas. Seiners; Eva E. Bates; Chas. Gearheart; J. I. Crown and Jen- nie J. Blodgett; Rodlands Land Co.; J. L. Keesler; Jacob Captan; Redlands Land Co.; A. B. Nswell; H. C. and Jen- nie Lunge; Lyman Rogers; M. V. A. Smith; Wm. H. McNamara;. The Musi- cians soclatlon of Seattle; Samuel Cowling;A. B, Newll; Geneva A. Mc- Neely; F. A. Dupax; He rmann J.ohn- son; Warland I Scarff; T. W. IAttle; John Barger; Elmer E. King; George W. Upper and Co; John J..O'Koife; Mar- tha Nunn; Benjamin F. Sk$11en; W. :F. Parker; S. T. Hills (Trustee); Grace Somsh; MaJorle Colmary; Peter N. Doiron; J. K. Bosler; Gee. ClarK; Adolph Krttzer; Marie Kritzer; D. Ed- ward Riley; Core I. Evans; V. E. Bart- lett; Jennie Ma(hew; Joseph W. Saul; James D. L. Reid; Rives W. Eddy; AndrowAnderson; E. B. Currier; John R. Evans; Merle L. Elliott; A. G. Kearp; L. L. Smith; Eunioe L. Spring; Gordon A. Spring; C. M. Allyn; Carl Skoglund; Chester L. Smith; Lester and Harold Munson; Gee. Cyphert; V. H. Smith; John Slebenbaum; John Mc- Reavy; E. C. McReavy; Samuel B. Sweeney; Martin Luther Fox; Harry Welles; Beaulah Meador 1/'and l.ry Wells ½" Beulah Meador 1/ ann w. . Brook ½': J. J. and 2,iary i: Spuulding; Wm. W. Rice; M. M. Grogan; J. A. Schmtdt; William Wagner; Abraham J. Gross; David Nelllst; Perry L. Per- kins; MarJorie J, Weaver; Minnie R. It:ik; J. B. Bartlett; Mike De Lorenze; Lawrence G. Westerman; B. E. Miley; George W, Johnson; Gilbert Figg; Frank K. Harvey; E. Frampton; John F. Deavell; John Richard Carllne; A. W. Graham; Claude J. Braman; Charles Sehmiedehausen; John Lindquist; Ches- ter L. Cox; Monsine Johnson; A. J. Sandusky; E. L. Deering; Gilbert Knut- con, Reuben Knutson, and Mrs. Ole Nelson; Percy William Sayers; Iver Nearhouse; William Wilson; Fred W. • Webster; Clarence E. Skinner; Annie Geake; Minnie Wilhelm; Mary acKin- now Francis E. Hall; Edward MexweH; H.rry W. Cladq Gec, McQueen; Celia C. and Lelia L. Hawkes; Reuben and ...... uli; Alfred .... ,Lm; L. M. Moore; Martin XVlns- low; Noah Goodman; Jennie 5lcCarthy; Archibald S. llooten; J. F. Nie]sou; Marguette Bulon; Axil G. Dulon; l larry lferbcrt; Andrew I!]s]er; Vqallace Vnl. Cavetl; Walter Brown; VVilliam Stone; Ada IBvaline Stonier; Thonlas Stonier; James A. McGilllvray; Eul)llenia \\;V. Stewart; Jltnles L. Stewart; Nora Cam- erford; ,[olin Paterson; i-]annah Pater- son; Lloyd Warren' Elizabetil Busse; A. Sands; and all persons nnknown, if any, having or claiming to ilave ally right, tltlo, estate, lien or interest in and to the property hereinafter descrlb- ed, or any part thereof ,and each of thelll and persons hereinafter nanled as owners of tile hereinafter described real property. You, and each of you as owners, claimants, or holders of an interest or estate in and to tie lands and prenlises hereinafter described are hereby noti- fied that the above named plaintiff, , i i i i (18) Tile SI, 10 acres of NEl/ NE}/, see. 8, twp. 19, N,, It. 3, "V. W. M ass)seed to E. Speaker; years delin- quent, ]914 to 1919, inclusive; amount ddinqucnt, $5,92; accrued interest, $1.69; total due on said tract, $7.61, (19) Tax No. 150, described as fol- lows: beg. at the nit,antler cornier to free. s,c's. 10 and 11, twp. 19, N., R. I, W. shore of Stcoolemu Inlet, runs ;. 7,t ° W. 8.53 chains, to the initial mint to tract of land described as fol- [)ws: thence S. 74 ° V. 7.50 chains, thence S. 60 ° V. 2.90 chains, tlienee N. 17 ° 55' E. 5.10 chains; tllence S. 84 ° E. 4.81 cl}ains, thence S. 63 ° 30' E. 2,7 chains to point of beg. con- ta,lnning 1.99 acres, more or less, in scc. 10, twp. 19, N., R. 3, iV, WV. M., as- sessscd to E. Young; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin- quent, $17.49; accrued interest $5,77; total due on said tract, $23.26. (20) Tax No. 748-18 L. C., described as follows: all tide lands laying ad- Mason County, one of tile lawfully or- jacent to and belonging to that part of ganized and existing counties of the lot 1 in see. 10, twp. 19. N., of R. 3, State ef Wa.uhington, is the owner and W. W. M., laying E. of a certain creek holder, of the Certificates of Dellnquertey i running parallel wltll and about 20 rods issued in one general Certificate in bOOK ]E. o1' the W. line of said lot, being 16.03 form,numbered eleven (11) by the Treas- I lineal chains, more or less_in sec. 10, urer of Mason County, Washington, to ltw p. 19, N., R. 3, W. W. M., assessed said Mason County dated June let, 1920 I to E. L. Capps; years delinquent 1914 and sub-numbered consecutively from 1 [to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, to 347 inclusive, to orrespond with 1516.03 accrued interest $5.27; total due such tract and its owners name /on said tract, $21.30. set forth with the description of said[ (21) Tract No. 1, described as for tract thereunder, and all filed with the [loWs: commencing at quarter post on County Olel.k, of Maon County We@h-]the Sec. line between soc's 11 and 14, lngtoB. July 27th, 1920. : The same be  [in twp. 19, N., R. 31 W.,in .sam county ing the amount then due and delin- and territory, running . o I said post quent upon each lot, tract, .or , parcel ] 28 1-3. ro,. thence . z5 -. rotes, of land, respectively, for taxes for[thence .  .m.-ts roas, thence w. to t e the years I913 and 1914 tO 1919, in- place of beginning containing 6 acres, elusive. (As will more specifically ap- in see. 14, twp. 19, N., R. 3, W. W. M., pear by reference to each separate assessed to Emery White and Frank numbered description with the owners Ellis; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, name thereto) together with interes linclusive; amount delinquent, $8.36; ac- penalty and costs thereon up to anu crued interest, $3.27; total due on said including the let day of June, 192% tract, $11.63. each such lot, tract, or parcel of land, (22) The E½ NE NWt£ of sec. having been assessed to the persons or 17, twp. 19, N., R. 3, V. W. W., as- corporations whose names are given ! with the sub-numbered descriptions thereof each and all of the persons : and. corporations hereinbefore and hereinafter named being the re- puted owner of the lot, tract, or parcel, the description whereof is given with said owners name herein under its ub-number all of said prop- erty being situate in Mason County, Washington, and more particularly de- scribed as follows: (1) Tract No. 1, described as fol- lows: Beginning on the North line of the NW£ of tie N W of see. 6, twp. 21 N; R. 1 W, at a point 330 ft, W. of the NE corner of said NW¼ of NW% and thence• running W on the N line of said sec, 6, 330 ft., thence southerly at right angles 669 ft., thence easterly parallel with the N line of said sec. 6, 330 ft., thence northerly in a straightline 660 ft., and to the pt. of beginning said tract contains 5 acres, in sec. 6, twp 21, N., R. I, W. W.NL, as- sesssed to Fred Nieklason; years delin- quent, ,1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $11.66, accrued interest, delinquent, 1913 to 1919, lnchlstve; anmunt delinqtlcnt, $9.94; accrued in- terest, $3.76; total due on said lot.  13.70. (.t9) Let No. 1, see. 26, twp, 24. N., tC 3, V. V. M., assessed to Northern Pa(dlic R. R.; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; alllount delinquent, $2.19; accrued interest, $.70; total due on said lot, $2.89. (50) The N'V/I NE1/i, see. 5, twp. 19, N., 11. 4, W. V. t1., assessed to Chas Smncrs Co. et el; years delin- (luent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount dclinqoent, $19.65; accrued interest, $6.64; total due on said tract, $26.29. (51) The SXV NE, see. §, twp. 19, N., I. 4, V¢. V. /I., assessed to Chas. Seiners Co. et el;years delinquent 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin- quent, $39.27; accrued interest* $13.30; total due on said tract, $52.57. (52) The S/z NEbi NW., sec. 5, twp. 19, N., R. 4, W. W. M., assessed to Chas. Seiners. Co, et el; years delin- qent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $6.55; accrued interest, ;2.21; total due onsaid tract, $8.76. (53) TIe NW NWl. NW, ex- cepting SW 29 ft., see. 5, twp. 19, N,, 1t, 4, W. W, M,, assessed to F. E. Ran- hey; years delinquent, 1914 to 1915, also 1917 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $5.36 ; accrued Interest $1.77; total due on said tract, $7.13. (54) The SW4, NWt/, sec. 5, twp, 19, N., R. 4, W, V¢. M., assessed to Chas. Somers; . years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $21.87; accrued interest, $6.27; total due on said tract, $28.14, (55) The SE NW, see. 5, twp. 19, N., R. 4, W. W, M., assessed to Chas.' Somers;I years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $21.87; accrued intereSt, $6.27; total due on said tract, $28.14. (56) The N NWt SW, sec. 5, twp. 19, N., R. 4, W. W. M.,, assessed to Chas. Seiners; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin- quent, $19.65; accrued interest, $6.64; F i i ]TIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1920 HII sessed to Margaret Goodwln, years de- total due on said tract, $26.29. llnquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; a- (57) The SE SW SEZ£, (163) mount delinquent, $15.74, accrued inter- sec. 5, twp. 19, N., R. 4, W. W. M., as- est, $4.79; total due on said tract sessed to Eva E. Bates; years delin- $20.53. quent, 1913 and 1914 and 1917; amount (23) The N½ NE NW£ SEA NEM delinquent, $3.31; accrued interest, of soc. 20 twp. 19, N., R. 3, W. W. M. $1.87; total due on.said tract, $5.18. asssessed to Arthur Shaw; years delin- (58) Tile NW/ NW NW, (86), quent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount see. 6, twp, 19, N., R. 4, W. W. M., delinquent. $1.76; accrued interest, $.61, assessed to Chas Gearheart; years de- total due on said tract, $2.37. linquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; (25) Tax No. 740 B-41.81 L. C., doe  amount delinquent, I;6.55; accrued in- scribed as follows: all tide lands terest, $2.29; total due on said tract, the second class owned by the State $8.75. of Washington, lying between the line l (59) .The NW NE¼ SW, (127), of mean low tide and the line of ex-Isec. , twp. 19, N., R. 4, W. W. M, as- treme low tide and in front of lots 1, I sessed to Chas. Gearheart; years delin- and 2 see 22 twp 19 N, R 3 W W. quent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount M., blng 41.81 lineal chains, In'see. 22, ]dolinqu.ent,..$8.19; a.cerued, interest, twp. 19, N., R. 3, W. W. M., assessedlZ.'ts; total sue on Sale tract, $o'zb to r H Scott and J J Brenner Ors-[ (60) The W. 30 acres of NW ter-Co.," year dellnque.nt" 1914 to 1919, ISa£., excepting_ W. 30 ft., sec. 6, twp. inclusive; amount delinquent, $11.64; I Au, .?, . a,.w.w. t., assessed to J. accrued interest, $3.83; total due on lI, l?rown ann Jenme; years tald tract $15 47 / e nquent, 1914 to xu, InClusive; (26) T'he i1½" SW NW£ of sec. lamount delinquent, $19.65; accrued ln- 12" twp, 21 N. R. 3 W. W. M as-/terest, $6.64; total due on said tract, sessed to Iann'ah E.'and Percy "ole;{$26.29. (78) The "V. ,t Vt a., NEI/. NE'A, N\\;Va, (3), scc. 31, twp. 20 N., I. 4, W. "V. .t., a.sscssed to ledlands Land Co., years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, in- elusive; anlonn| delinquent, $1.35; ac- erut'd interest, $.42; total due on said tract,  1.77, (79) The SEW N\\;.VA, see. 13. twp. 2:1, N., It. 4, \\;V. XV. M., assessed to (Jencva x. MoNecly; years delinquent, 191,1 to 1919, inclusive; amount deltu- quent $25.77; accrued inlerest $8.01; total due on said tract, $33.78. (S0) The NW,i SV£, sec. 13, twp. 21, N., it. 4, SV. V. M., assessed to Geneva A. McNcely; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin- quent, $2U.0,t; accrued interest, $6.22; total due on said tract $26.26. (1) Tile ,V. ,i of lot No. 1. see. 1, twp. 19, N., R. 5, W. W. M., as- sessed to F A. Dupar; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919. inclusive; amount dolln- quent, $6.95; accrued interest, $2.63; total due on said tract, $9.48. (82) The W.  of lot No. 6, see. 1, twp. 19, N., t. 5, W. W. M, assessed to F. A. Dupar; years delinquent, 1913 ye[irS delinquent, 1913 to 1919. inclu- sive; anlount delin(tu'nt, $1.23; acgrue4 interest, $.43; total due on said iot $1.66. (112) Lots 21 and 22, blk. 2. Nor- wood City, assessed to Jennie Mayhcw; "cars delhlquenl, ]ql;I to 1919. inclu- sive; anlount delil|qu(,nt, $i.2t; accrued Interest, $,43; total due on s:id lots, $1.66. (113) Lois 11 and 12, blk. 3, Nor- wood City, assessed to Joseph V. Saul; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclu- sive; amount delhlqucnt, $1.23; acrued interest, $.43; total due on said lots, $1.66. (114) Lot 21, blk. 3, Norwood Clty, assessed to 1). Edward 1riley; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $.62; accrued inter- est, $.29; total du on said lot, $.82. (115) Lot 22, blk., • 3, Norwood City, assessed to James D. L. leeid; years delinquent, 1914 to, 1919; inclu- sive; amount delinquent, $.55; accruedl ]interest, $.15; total 4us on said lot. $.70. (116) Lots 1 and 2, blk. 5, Nor- to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, wood City, assessed to Iives W. Eddy; $3.52; accrued interest, $1.29; total due years delinquent 191a t, n tnl,,- on said tract, $N4o81; .... fol sive; amoun deilnquent"$1.22"acorued* . (3) Tr ct . . 1, uescrl?ea as - interest, $.42; total due on said lots, lows: commenclng at a pmnt 't enaans i aa N. of the southeast corner of sere 1, "*}''7 %,,t  ,a  u,  r,. twp. 19, N.. R. 5, W..W.M., run thence wdo''ity':sesse-cl-'o-newkn*e.. w. to tne meanu0r 11ne o]: lake ,tnenee son. Years dellnuent 1913 Io 1919 in- N. ollowing m.nderings of sa:id .lake cluslv'e; amount" delinquent,. $1.22;' ac to a pt.. direetLy_w, off apt. I chain crued interest, $.42; total due on said . o tnept, ouueg, tnence J. to ssau, lots 1 #4 pt. 1 chain N. of the pt. of beg., thence t' " T'.fm 1 an d a   . S. to, Of beg., except road wo'ity''a-esesed-to..-i" " rr°er; roas wme_amng the .. ena o sa years delinquent 1913 to 1919 incluo tract or a ngn.way aria a p aen v zt: sire; amount delinquent $1.22" 'accrueda wue amng tne lake snore rot a oot inte..,st • 42" total due on said lots path COntaining .50 of an acre more $1,6 ' "' ' .or less, in sec. 1, tw, p. 19, N., R..5, (119) Lots 23 and 24, blk. 5 Nor- w. W. m., years uellnquent,  to wood Clt w aSsessed to Joht 1t Evans- 1919, Inclusive; assessed to Herman -,cars del'n-uent 1913 to 1919 inclu" Johnson; amount delinquent, $1.91; ac- sire; amount delinquent, $1.23; acrued crued hlterest, $.74; total due on said •Interest 43" total due on said 10is tract, $2.65. 1 66 ' " ' " (84) Tract NO. 3 described as for " "- ............ -- • to$ xots  tO , ncluslve, DIK. U lows: commencing at apt. 1 chain N. Norwo, fit- a-sensed , D w, o fthe southeast c or of s ec. 1, twP. Riley; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, l'J, .i., I. b, w...w, m=, .run thence w.. :inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.44; ac- to Ule ranuer line o1: lake tnence in crue d interest  89 total du on ai a a northerly direction following the me- I los  3 33 .....  - anderings of said lake to a point directly I ¢ 1'9J" )'.nt a .rid a h a xrnwnt W. of a point 2chains N, of said point J City--'assssed" t'o'- Ierl"e'" E "'E]l'itT of beg., thenc E. to said pt. 2 chains I,...' a-n-,,nt 19u ,. hn .,, N, of said )it. of beg. thence south 21sic e. amount delinquent $1.09" accrue@ chains tO.lit. Ot oeg:: excepung a roa.q i interest $.32" total due on said lots,. z roas wine amng tne . enu or saluI141 ' ' tract for a highway and a path 10 ft. I" 12 Lots  and 8 blk 6 Norwoo ah w .o .al°ng. the lake shore for a foot I City assessed to A, G. Kearp" years de- path, contalnln_ .bU acres more or less, l)in-uent 1913 to 1919 ' inclusive; in sec 1 tWp. 19 N. R 5 W W M,  ' ei n 1 "' • see -' " " ; " --"  -- " ', ]amount d l nque t, $ ,23, acclued in- a . .eseu to waylanu . carr[; years i trs+  4R. to*el due -n oat,' l^ts delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; I t 6"' "" "' ..... " amount delinquent $1.91 accrued in-I" 1;;3) Lots 9 and 10 blk 6 Norwoo terest $.74 total due on said tract o "v" ;*= *n ' m' .- v r -,, -r. ' , it, ........ L. L. __.Itl., .ca ..,)o. . ......  delinquent 1913 to 1919, inclusive;: S (V85) Txh  tlWn . l^acres oi 5 w.:amount d;llnquent, $1.23; accrued In- , z4,^e P g. u xt_ts, el see. 1z, ityest, $.43; total due on said lots, wp. e ,, ±. 0, w. w. ., assesses '$ 66 to T. "W. Little; years delihquent," } ,.+o  ..d a hlu a qr- 1914 to 1919. inclusive; amount deltn- w3o'"Cit%"ases' t "]5"" fidwar' quent, $10.23" accrued Interest, $3.21; WUev. en¢s aelinuent 1913 to 191 a total duo on said tract, $13.44. ' ............ " ..... " Gilbert Knutson and Mrs. Ole Nelson; William H Richardson; Bertha A. New- cmbe; Gee. A. Mehlfeld; H, F. Maxfleld; James L. McCowan; Mollie C. Branner; N, B. Simpson; Raliegh W. and Sarah Martin; V. E. and J. B. Bartlett; Rob- ert Johnson; Bortie Railson; Siegel 'Boyd; William Francis; W. E. Hartley; Jennie Carter Davis; A. J. Brady; E. H, Meen; Joseph Lachance; Emma :Johnson; Alfred John Wilson; Henry Waldemar Cook; F. Freeman: __Lel a M. :oneS; Hugh McKenzte; A)lce V. lam- say; John F., hqlXlpson; .$an mlth i:Walker; LaUra Hall; ,JKmes BroWn; Margaret DuhdaS;  William L ank i:Gurney" Sarah Hugan;Leona ABder- • son; May McGregor; Jame0 E:en'f Wm. 'P. Huggan; ChrleS''KeY; Carrie Ernest; Blanche May McGregor Jef- frey; Percival Dawson; Mary Hender- .Son; Ella Thomas; F. B. Lancter; Agnes Heggie; Cha. E. Fulmer; Ray mend O. Smith; Win. O. P. Richmond" 'aeneid S. Foster; Wm. Hendetmon; 'George Armatage; Margaret Y. Gal- 'braRh; Ross J. Galbraith; Edith A. 1oulis; Gee. H. Manche; Myrtle Cox; 'abel Davidsottl Ch'al. 'L.-Murph'Y "J; W. Herman; Laura Jean Abell; Alfred W. Martin; E. M. Moore; Mettle'Wine- low; Noah Goodman; Jennie McCarthy; _rgtiette ul0o; Axil G. Bul0n; riarry Herbert; Andrew Esler; Wallace Win. Cavett; Walter Brown; William Stone; Ads Evallne Stonier; Thomas Stonier; $4,24; total due on said tract, $15.90. (2) The NE% of the NE, sec. 7, twp. 21, N., R. 1, W. W. hi. assessed to Chas Seiners Co., ears delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin- quent, $19. 49; accrued interest $4.43; total due on said tract, $23.92. (3) Tax No. 652--44,72 L. C, de- scribed as follows: tide land in front of lot 3, see. 8., twp. 21 N., R. 1, W. W. M., 32,02 lineal chains; also begin- ning at the point of inter-section of the line between lots 2 and 3, above sec- tion, twp and R, with the meander line, and running thence N. 49" E. 5.57 chains and N. 38 ° 45' E. 7.13 more or less, to a point 'where the saimnder limb is intersected y the outh bgUdar.  line^of Sttte OYster teserve, plat Lo, # and having a fr0rttagS o£ 15.7,0 lineal chainsl mtsur- ed along the meander line in front of a part of lot 2, sec. 8, twp. 21, N,, R. 1, W. Total fronta;e of both de- scription is 44;72 lineal chains, in mee. 8, 'tvp. 21,, N,,' R. 1, Vff. W* M., tms0esed toChas'SomerS CO. et al; years delin- quent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $44.98, accrued interest, $16.43; total due on said tract, $61.41. (4) TaX No. 652A.-44.72 L. C, de- S0ribbd" u "f0110ws: all ttde lands of the second (class, owned by the State of Washfngt0n lying between the line of mean low tide and the line of ex- trere low. tfde and li3 front of lot :3; see. 8, twp. 21, N., R, 1, W. W. M., with a frontage of 32. 02 llneal chains more or less, also in front of that part of lot 2, sec. 8, twp. 21, N., R. 1, W, W. :, m'easUred along the meandtr es A., MoGilllvray;, Euphenia W. tewrt; $,ae_ I; Stswar; Nqra_C`am- line as, folloWS; beginning at the polnt erfora; john l.aterson; 1-1annan Fater- of'intersection of the south line of said son; Lloyd Warren; Elizabeth Busse; lot 2, with said meanderline, and run- . Sands; also all other persons or nining thence N. 49 ° E. 5.57 hains; parties un!n0wn, having or,claiming ,to more or less, to an angle point in said nave any right, title, estate" lien, or meander:line thence N, 35% ° E. 7.13 |nterest in the real estate described be- chains more:or less to the point where 10w, Defendants. , the' meander line Is intersected by the SUMMONS IN FORECLOSUICtE OF south line o£ State Oyster Reserve, TAX LIEN.  Plat No. 98 and having a frontage of The State of Washington, to  tits I:2.70 lineal chains, more or less, above named dcfendatlta--. _ measureu along the meander lin; The Fred NlcklasohT..s. Seiners to; two diecriptions together have a total Chas. Somcrs Co. et el;' I. H. Randolph; frontage 44.72 chains, more or less, B: A. Howard; ])avid R, Mitchell; in see. 8, twp. 21, N. R. 1, W. W. M.. Antonia Cammasono; Wilbur L, Alden; assessed to Chas Seiners Co. et el; John Howson;i Win. Emmerson; Win. ]years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclu- Johnson; Peter Sandberg; E. Speaker; sive; amount delinquent, $2.91; accrued E. Young; E. L Capps; Emery White [interest $.86; total due on said tract and Frank, Ellis', Margaret Goouwm; I $3;77. • Arthur Shw I.'0. O. . Lodge No.  (5) The west 5 acres of S½ NE 140; J/H, Scott and J. J. Brenner]SW6, sec. 29, twp. 22, N., R. 1, W. W Oyster 'Co.; Hanna E. and Percy Cole; ]M.,. assessed to I. H. Randolph; years Ainie T. Capp;Samuel D. James; ra-[delinquent, 1914 to 1919, Inclusive; ham Timber Co.; Nellie M. Waxler; [amount delinquent, $8.51; accrued inter- [erbertCook; Ge_o. '. Bancroft; Wal-]est, $2.56; total due on said tract, ter J. WOOaS;, g,, W. Rtor_rrls; .q.. ts. . . . . ..." .o Everson; Win, Alberts;  Herman D. (6,) Tract o. b, aescrlvea as of Hertz; E.. E.;.HodderL W: C v Rucard; lows: lot . 3, t N,, R. 2, ,Olaf Anderson; Milton ana.,tert Har- efrom ;res here- +witz; Northern Pacific R. R.; F. E,, J, M. and wife Ea E, Btes; als0 15 acres and' Jen- to A. W. .15 to 19. Association of Seattle; Bamuel Geneva A, Mc- 8killen; Hllle orie The NE: $3.I7;, quent, ,$L10; accrued . total due on ald lot, ' ' marT; year delinquent, 1st add. Ate Union City, " ; E. C. Mceavy; years de- |ett;$1tmeS D. W. ThE#. NM.W (#? Part of" see. N., R. (75) Teraet NO. describe, as f0f inclusive; amount delinquent, $18.34; AndrewAnderson; E. B, Currier • W. D. un lows: for road pur- accrued norst, "$?.$6; t0tal' due on llnquent*.amount deliuquent,::1915' t° ' 1919'$4.98; accruedin¢Iusive;lno to Evans; Merle L .lliott: rears delinquent, 1919 deserihed said lots, $25.70. $1.90; total due on said lots Kearp; L. L. Smith; iUlqe I i ; amount dellnqu :nt,$ " - ..... tou (102) Lots I to 12, inclusive, -terest 11 2 . 4 )€ol ; amoun Gordon A. Spring; C, :. AIlyl "$81 04' " .... ' ' --" It west, $.45; 23"' E" - 13, Lakeside, assessed to MsJorie 140) Lots 5 to 8, inclusive, blk. 14 Skoglund; Chester L. Smith;ea " • I ' • I .) S. mary; years dellnquent. 191 to Vlew add. to Union City, aesesse [E, SW, eel. 15, twp. ,4,  ........ N _e ^ e 2 tw- 24  --o --, ....... ;6 4 . 6J fi inclusive; amount delinquent, $9.18; ag: ,uel B. Sweeney; years delln- ]arold Munson; Geo. Cyphert; Smith; John Siebenbaum; J,0h W.W.M., assessed to ---'---"2.  %% ".'.  ,- - ¥" --- *,  2  w. j ft: S 60. 117t, crhed ite'd't, $3 68; total due on salu 1914 1918 and 1919; amount .,°n. ._...,ooo ..._ao.-.,,e,, _ .., ft. , w. w. ,, oemg lot b, klK. 1., .: 2v. e xt. from the w cor- 10ts, $12.86. accrued interest, $.13; Reavy;wecney;E.MartinC. McReavy;Luther Fox;.St/m .......... n t,, lnO inclusive" amount "elln- unrecorded plat 0f Eldon, Wash,, as net.of Davld.Shelton's Donation Claim, e .. a . • orwood City, lots, $.70. W.elles; Beaulah Mead or I, aq uen  in . accrua nteres* ta 9. sassed tO M. Alberts; years delinquent, sale corner..elng the SW :corner of o,=:= ',l,' oir'on • ears de- Lots 1 and 2, blk. 17, Bay ¢.*ot 'a, , ,,',.la ¢.'t" tuK a  ....... 1913 to 1919. |ltusive; amount delin= x ....  .................. wells ½; Beulah Meaaor = ant ............................... " 2 = -eTued interes* " .... e 0rl. Et of .sec. 24, twp. 20, lin-uent 1913 to 1919, Inclusive; amount ew Add, to Union City; assessed to t','k ; J, J. and Mary :. pv ' (1:) The SW SW, eec. 30, twp. .,v'.'._:=.;x?' "" " ' '==; "' nnt nf' . v., awl emt;: rrorn  saqa deinque'nt, $.62; accrued interest, $.20; Martin Luther Fox; years delinquent* .........  .............. "., 3 ' 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin- hmidt; illiazn Wagner; A Vil r L, Alden; years delinquent (42) Part of see. 22, twp. 24, N., R, J. Gross; David Nolllst: Perry : 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin- 3, W. W, M., being lot 1, blk. E. un- i "i! i': ,.. "'"" i! quent, $.62; accrued interest, $.21; klns; MarJorie ft. Weaver; Mil quont,$96.42; accrued interest, $35.05; recorded plat of Eldon, Wash., assessed ; total due on said lots, $.83. Kik; J. B. Bartlett; Mike De Lorenze total ae on said tract, $134.77. to rtermu' . tertz; years delinquent, (142) Lots 5 to 8. inclusive, blk. 17, Lawrence G. Westerman; B. E. Mlley (12)/Tract 18, being SEtA NE ]1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin- ". " Bay View Add. to Union Clt, assessel George W. Jonnson; Gilbert Flgg NWSE, sec. 2, twp. 23, N., :R. 2,,Iquent, $1,26; accrued interest, $.45, , to Martin. Luther Fox; years delin- Frank K. HarVey; E.Frampton; Joh W; W. 'M., excepting S. 90 ft,, as.[total due on said lot,:l.70, quent, 1918 to 1919, inclusive; amount F, Deavell; John Richard Carline; .4 sessed to John HoWeon; yeals delin- (43) Pat o see. 2 , twp. 24, N., R, .' delinquent, $124; accrued interest, $.45; . Graham; Claude J. Brama; Charle quent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount 3W. W. M., being lot 2 blk. E. un- ,total due on said lots, $1.69. ' * SehmiedehaUsen John iAndqu st • Ches delinquent, $2.62; accrued Interest* $,96; rcorded plat 0f Eldon,?Wash., ..assessed : ' (143) Lots 3 to 6, inclusive, blk, 18, ter L. Cox; Monsine Jobnson; A.  total due" on said tract, $3.58. to orman.. L-tertz.; years qeltnquent; Bayiew Ald. to Union City assesse Sandusky; E. L. Deering; Gilbert Knut- (19) TraCt 22, being SW NE 1913' to 1, lncaumve; amount uenn, to Harry welles; years nelinquent, aoa, Reuben Knutson, and Mrs, Ole NW SE, see. 2, twp. :3, I., R. 2, quent, $1.25; accrued interest, $.45;' Nelson; Percy William Sayers; Iver W. W. M. except S. 30 ft.,.assesed to total due on said lots, $1.70. ": and  "  ''-'- '-- - . .8_7ritzer; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delln- Iqearhouse; William Wilson; Fred W. John Howson;. years delinquent,. :1913 (44) Part of .see. 22, twp. 24, N., R. outhwes" o°r -vv'^-t: °m*-tn-e l inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.85; a- quent, $1.26; e tWest, $.47; Webster;' Clarence E. Skinner; Annie to 1919, Inclusive; amount delinquent, 3, W. W. M., being lot 3, blk. E., un- Donation CI: '--yq, sam ........ corner oelng°P .... tne Ilots?!" ,crued,$250interest, $.65; total due on said total(144)dug Lots°n'satbtal' $'!''lblive, blk. 19, Geake_ Minnie Wilhelm; Ma.r. McKln.- $2.63; accrued interest, $.97; , total due recorded .lat of Eldon, Wash., as.e..sed. SOuthwest corner of the NE of TE I (107' Lots 17 and 18, blk 1, Nor- Bay View Add.qto Ydmt |t. assessed now; Franols E: all; dwarG taxwell; on said tract, $3.60. ..... ' to E. I. t.0nuer; years (tennquent, lvl of se. 24, twp, 20, N, "4 W, W. M. from i._o0 d {qit,, assessed to Marie' Kritser; to Martin Lut Ki, .ars delin? Htrry V; Clarg; Leo. MQueen__.C.ella (14) Tract 25 A being Nt ) 1919, inclusiv.e; amount delinquent, said P01nt of beg. :run' S. 28" W. 8ft. w . " .... nci - C. and Lelia L. HawKes; William NW NW EA, see 0 twg 1.2L acerued lnt'ei-est,/$.4; total duo "-nce " * "-, ............ ]years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, 1 u quent, 1919 to t#v lnmuslve; amount H. Riehardson; Bertha A. New- R. 2, W: W. L, excepting N. a said lot, $1.70.  yp.÷, ~,.4 z t. to ins_right laive; amount delinquent, $1.23; accrued delinquent, $2.fq " interest, o w  o n# vnelon outnwest y. Interest- $ 43: total due on said lots, $.8; total due +9nls@,Id, ,10t $2.99. , Combe; Go.. Mehlfeld; H. F. M&xfleld; to, 7m. Em:nerson; (46) Part of see..22,, twp. 4, lr., R. CO., thence' N, $3" 65  E 3 ft alent¢l., • " • -- ..... James LMcCowan;. Mollie O. B ttner;, it, 1 to/1919, Inolu] 'W. W, M./betrglot 16, t :. E. un- said fight of way, thenc I 71" ,$4-* " 7.A ......... _ ....... r (14). Lots,$(i9, BgF Vlew Add. , B, SimpsonFRb:liegh . 'and ° [sarah ellnq it, $1.17; accrued .ordd to W, C, Rua.r; y rqdelin-:W. 430 ft; to the pt. of beg containing zw) tots Zl anu zz, m. , o - to union C11y,' a4 'to l-larr M arttn . , _nd..J.B.;Bartlett;_.ob ,tou liie On ' J tent4"1918 to 1919, incluSlv 'amount' 8-100 acres more or less, "in, see 2. ] wood City, assessed to D. L Edwara W eIlcs; years dt0Atttltil3 to 119; err Jonnsonl Berue* Raileon; Blegel rrtt  bein! dinqdent, $1.2; accrued &t: est, $.451 twp, 20: N,, R. £ Wj W; M. assessed Riley; years delinquent, 1915 to 1919, tnclusive amount delinqg $.31; ac.: Tepn_zeB°d'; Willlamcarter Palm; A.. ft. Bi'ad.;Fra'nc4n; .. E,£1I]. W; W, L,4 aseade¢"  tel du,(46) Part°n" of Satd let',see. 22,$1:twp.; 4,' N., R," to Samu01 Cowling;. years ellnduent, I Inclusive: amount delinquent, $1J3;  crued int0rest, |i t,/,de on qal , i.n; Joseph Lee; mma n; : r delim W,. W. M., bfd'lg lot 1, t  F. unw 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount deltno i crued Interest, $A$;' total que on s lot, $;41:  :r,:* , hnson; Alfred John Wilson; HenrF 01Us ; a E rded' iflt of:]Ildbn, W..u.h asseseed quehti $198; aceUed Interest, : $ 84' [lots, $1.66. (146) Lots. 1 ' o % tttiUsive" blk. 'aldemar F. Frtmman; Lela M. crUe nter I )laf Anaerson; years aenn 1918 total :due on said trat, '$9.82. .... I (109) Lots 28 and $4. blk. L Nor- 9, BaY rlgw Altil Cityj as- William Frank trac :1.51. 1919, inclusive amount (TO) The Et NE SE Nt I wood City, assessed to Core I. Ev&ne;' sensed to l-larl|.tre, aelL? accrued $.44; seo, 31, twp. 29, q.,-4 r ': M as:lYears delinquent, 1915 to 1919, inclU:' qusnt;,191 to !$['1fllfle; amount sessed tO . B .ew'-H. "yes.r delin- sire; amount delinquent, $1.23; aecrupa delinquent, $4.t,.W0r: lntrt, W.W. 22, I., R;i quent, 1914 to 1919, inclislVe''amoUnt interest, $.48; total due On said lo, $1.66; total due 0, dL!0$6.03. l*n(t :e May F. un doeq?nt 22.r68; aecrubd inter:set , $88;]$168. ' (147) Lots 3 "'€'|,_ |sive,,  blk, Srey; Dawson; . 0 said traot, $$.34.  "  (110) Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, blk. $ 23, Bay View Aff?,¢ /10 City; am° son; Ella Thomas; F: $2.32; years ...L77) The E,' 6 acreS of NE NEM Norwood City, assessed to D. Edward sassed to Harrl|: rs delin, es Haggle; Chas. E. lImer, ue on tract, $3.4, 1913 to 1919, amount Nwv4, sec. 31, tWp, (} N, R 4, W  {Riley; years delinquent, 1918 t01 1919, qent, 1913 to lJ,, lillli|le; aount m0nd O. Smith; Win. O. P. Ric] (17) The.,NW offSEt4, see. 10, quent, $1.24; accru interest, M, assessed to A,B. ew'ell;'year" de'[inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.47; delinquent, $2.9L'_.?t. I. interest, Roald S. Foster; _ Win. ]Henderson twp. 28, 1., R. 2, W, W,' M,, assessed teal due on said lot, llnquent; 1914 to' 1919,: /nlslve;}aocruedlterest* $.89; total due on said $.73; total due 0(1!1b!i$2,78, amount delinquent, $$.36" aecrued in-[lots,  '" -- = " r r  '' '"  ' .... 0e0rge Armatae; M.argaret Y. Gal to Peter Sandberg; years delinquent, (#) Part of see. bIth; Ross J. ualbraith; Edith A. 1918 to 1919 Inolusivo; tmount"de W.M., being a terest, $ 31; total due o'n said tract, ] (111) Lots 19 and 20, blk. z, lof (Continued t qeeEleven) Voillisl Gee. H. Manche' MYl'tle Cox: Ilnquent, ,$4.7.8'8; accrued:interest, 17.- t of Eldon, Wash., $,.87; " ' iwood City. assessed "to . E. Bartlettl bel Davldson Chas. L, Murphy; $. 31; total due on maid tract, $8.49. and Albert Harwitz; ,.j,  i: I / ........................ I/. irmlusive; amount delinquent, $1.23; Years delinquent 19. to 1919 lnclu-00 (6. The NE00, see 0000te00est, total due on eai00 sive; amount delinquent, $13.98; ac- two. 19, N,, R, 4, W. W.M. t assessed assessed to T W. Little; ' years delin- (125' Lots 19 and 20 blk 6 No crued interest $4 53' total due on said to eqlanes ana 0.; years ueHnquent, quent 1914 to 1919 inclusive; abunt ., ",-.+.. .......  . r" Z4.. r tract, $18.51. ' ' [1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin-Idelinquent, $4.49; ' accrued Interest:, ",. , ,.Wc' +"'" (27) The SWA SE NW of sac. I quent, $16.37; accrued lntergst, $5.54;151.42. total due on said raot $5 91 ''veT-'amon'-e(,,,== " ' 3, twp. 22, N., R. 3, W. W. M., assessed[ oral due on said tract, $21.91. i (87') The W of tract No 85 see.: acc'rud Interest 4" total" due "o to Annie T. Capp; years delinquent, [ (62) The BW NW NE, eX-[13, twp. 20 N., R, 5 W, W. M,, as-id lots 16 v ' "" ' 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin-|cepting N. 20 ft, (194) seC. 7, twp. 19, Isessed to John Barger' years delin- "'. '(.:." ,.   a z... quent, $16.58; accrued interest, $6.11:1N,, R. 4, w. W. M., assessed:to J. L. Iquent, 1914 to 1919, iniusive: amount w'City"ae'sc °o ne" total due on said tract, $22.69. ]Keesjer; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, [delinquent, $4.43; accrued interest, Sping" yrs delinquent, 1913 to 1919 (28) Lot No. 6, sec, 24, twp. 22, N., iinoluslve; amount delinquent $8.19"151.41" total due on said tract '$589 ,..4, ." ....... + .l ..... * t a "- R. 3, W. W, M., assessed to Samuel[accrued interest, $2,76; total' due on[ (88') The NE SW. W ' ,'c'=7"'.''''" D. James; years delinquent, 1914 t0[said tract, $10.95, .... Isec. 22 twp 20 N R 5 V r W, M' ;';,': .... ' ................... 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,| (63) The SE4 SW NE,(217), assessed'to Elmer E/ King;' deliti" "12)" "Iots 23 and 24, b)k 6 Nor- $3,66; arued interest, $1.12; total due ISeC. 7, twp. 190 N.,"R, 4, W. W. M., [quent, 1914 to 1919, lnclsiv; amount wod City, assessed to GordOn A. on saiu rot, $4.78. ' lassessed to Jacob Captan; years deltn-[delinquent, $2.99; accrued hteret,$,gt; Sprin" year dlinquont, 1913 to 1919 ^(.29) TheLNW NW, see. 16. twp. ]quent, 1914 to: 1919, inclusive; &munt  total due on said tract, $3 93.  ' : • :ineius-iei-amunt , delinquent $1 23; ac- ze, ., t, a.w. w; ,, assessed roluennquenL $$,19; accrued intet-ebt [ (89) The.W SE SW4, se$. 33,, crue d interest 48" to tel due on said Draham .,.Timber Co., years delinquent, iS2.76; tottl due on aicl' t el, $1095' twp. 20 N R 5 W, W 'M; aseebnedi0 $1 66 " .... !914 :tO 19, InclusI;.amount deli-I. (94)' The N SEs I, rs. " 7" [ to Geol:ge'!W. "Upper & CO.;' years de '. Sl' Lots 9 and 10 blk 7, Nor- quent, .¥ze.7; aecrueu nteresr. ys.'s; ItWp. 19,"N., R. 4, W. W 'M itsesee[linqtent, 1913 to.1919, InclIsive; amount [wood itv, assessed to' C f A.llynr. total due on said tract, $29.54, r ito'Redlands Land Co.; years delinquent. |delihquent, $28;09; ' arded l rtorest; l',,ears eih-uent 1913 to 1919 inelu- (3t9)  Lot No.  Ex, R. of , . 11_914t19!'9, neusive;.mQunt' delin- J $10_5.; .total :due.0nsai, tt. $3,,4., Ilve; amount delinquent, $1.33; 'ascrue •  IUttti uue on salu tract, 3.93. * z, rWp, zu, '-r4 It. b,W. W. X..'as" i$1'66 '" ...... l l, nqunto1914 to 1919, lnclus.lvel ,a-l,t..S.) Th W. 3 acres, NW SWM sessed to. Gee...W. Upper & Co..; r " t ' f li  '  1  W 14, tnlu,tv 0 b'k :..--.t yyq..j.-?..., .v-.,vx; ,u.r, *qTl_w¥,, sec, 17 twp, 19. N., R. 4, W.W. delihqueht;' 1913 0 1919; inclSiva; [q "J.'.A."'otv --essed to D Edwar Ie, Szs.; total uue on sala trac,]o.__.s_o_ssedt'o A. B, l'ewell;. y ear amount* delinquent, ,$11;27; :acc.r.ul. In-lilfi%'s"einquent, 1914:to' 1919 31" UnreCorded -lat of Eldon lotJi,un,,__. to ..11; lnclumv.e; [ere s, ,,.oz; total aue ojn eala ract, [ln¢|ueive; amo, unt delinouen., $2.17; ac= •  ..)auulsl. ,ullnquent  0U" acorueG I Vu,u. " ' " ........... • 9, "blk. A. and in se, 22, twp, 24, ., R. ]retest I 92' .,ot' a,.:: :.'- __, .... " €91 Tho-rv- . o  ._. [.trued J nrt, $.67, total aue on sal '3, W. W. M., asessed to' Herbert Cook;  $$.92.'  .... "" ......... --u rac, 21' N R " r-- ""*.==A". ' ['Iota;" .t14." ' " _ _ -. ..... sY?va:? del{nquentl 191+t 191.9, Jnclu ] (66) Th e SE SE NW (299) Jo'hn J. O;Keifil"year's l'eIntn'l914 [ Cit(39.he0stSd.,toana .' vea£°iil? interest:'$:4"4; -tot'ai"duo' on"saiUrT C,7 two. 9,r N,  R. 4.W. W. M., I °. 91., iLnc{usdIve,tnount .in'nt I years ,lel|hquent t : 1913. to: 1919, inelu- 1 67 ! "" " <" ;' I --=-'" "-" ' -v, anu J...= an e; v,.-, -- ....... ',$iI.,..* v-., b' elve a o i nn uen, $ ,z; accruem $' 32" art 2 Years delinquent 1914 tp 1919', ID U due on satd tract' 198 ....  ,,' r' linteres, "3,k ...... de  said lots, R( ) P of ee: 2, twp. 34, N;,;slve; amoUnt'dSliliquent, $2.54' accrued (92) 'q3he NWV,'SW,see. 2S, twP. l$166 T . , i..=.k^.vv'Av,m.'zengl°..._%_mK:_A2 Ilnterest, $.95; total due on said tract- 21 N.' R. 5, 'W. 'W; M., assessed to I 1;1 X.o+o • +o 4 tnclusv Ik 9 ...... $8.49. Martha Nunn, years dellnqtlent 1914 ' ss s ko- to. Herbert Cook" years delinquent, 6 . Norwood cit, a e sed to Carl S g (7) The SW SW NW see to 1919 Inclusive amoun delinquent, 1 quent $1.24; accrued  interest, $.46 sees ......... inclusive, a ount delinque , $ . , 1913 to 1919 ,inc]usigo; amount delin- 1 .......   fund, years dellnquent, 1918 to 19 9, 8 twp 19, N, R. 4 W W M as- $14 73, accrued Interest, $4,60; total ' nt 2 46" ac- ed to Redlands Land Co" ar due on said tract $19.33. . . * total due on said lot, $1 69 aoli--,,-+ .€. ._ ..... .,. Ye s ,a. .,t.^ r,, %...r,, .,, --. . clued intert, $,90, total due on saint (33) Part of sec. 22, twp. 24, N, R. m ...... , lots, $3.36. . -r are wr ho,.. ,.t  ,u . ,,. ]a ount delinquent $11 46" accrued In twp, 21 N R ft, W,7 . assessed [ ,,,, ,., n 4 hlk 10 Norwoodl ='^=:.:,." =7-'. -=''°.€,.€-2 ' .7;_':'"" TL'" i terest, $3 85; tot due' oh said trac[', to Benjamin F SklHen;' years delln- | oi;''.;srl3 a d .  dward Rile ..Ssa tA r'.n I' ....e+ ......  I$ 5.31. quont 1914 to 1919 Inclusle, amount f,..o .H..,,nt 1 ( 13 1919 inclusive" .... .... (8) Lot 1 blk 6 sec 13 twp 20 delinquent $8 22" accrued interest . ued in linquent, 1918 to 1919, inc)usive; a-[ 'n .... ;---" ' ' - ' - " ' €o .... '  .... .- - ; ..... ,]amount delniquent, $123, aecr - mnunt de]innu'ent 1 2a, nornod |nt. |"' -..  w. w. v assesseo to yman *, toaa uue on sam tract s...) +,t . • a.. +-+o, n,, -n said lots est 43" total due on said lot 167 I. o gers, years delinquent, 1913 to 1919 (94) Ihe E½ SE4 SWA NW ] 66 .... , ,  • • IncLusive amouht delinquent 162: sec 34 twp 21 N R 5, W W M I$1' , 1 (34) Part of sec. 22, twp. 24 N., , $ • ,  " ' ......... 133 Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, blk. 1 . W 3 v W r h.ln= lt le h, a i accrued interest, $.54' total due on assessed to W. 9', Parker' yearsldelin- (,.,,,)a Ott ........ a to Chester L .............................. I said 1 ' I ...................... ' '  ot $2,16 quent 1913 to 1914 inclusive; aaount " "' en 1913 to 1919 ;unrecorded plat of Eldon, Wash,, as .... , 'mith; years delinqu t, isessed to Gee F. Bancroft. years de-J. (69) Lot 2, blk. 6, sec. 13, .twp. 20, delinquent. $3.99; accrued Interest,[inclusive. amount delinquent $2,47; ac- linquent ..1913 to 1919, In'elusive; a- [" --: w._.w. 1., .assessed to M. V. :a;, toa sue on, so tract 2 .. - l erued interest, $.90 total due on saic mount dennquent $1 25, accrued Inter q , 1913 to est $4.4. total d'ue on said lot, ' $169". [1. 919- inclustvs;, amount delinquent 21, N:;.R. 6, W: ,V.. M. assessed to .ll°t(s{3?'3n undivided ½ int In Davld ('3a iart Af a 9 tn a  " " I  vz" tccruea Interest $ 64 total du T anJs (Trustee)" years aellnquent ........................ ' " on sal , • , "' .......... Sheltons 3rd addition to Shelton, lot 3, W, W. M, being lot 19, blk. B. un- [ .... d Jot,, 2.16; .... 1914 to 1919, ificlusivq;" am0,unt ell_n- 1 1 and 2 blk. 24, assessed to Lester  ttu o  elk 0 see 13 tW 20 quent f ' a0ruea tnxerest I1 a't; reorded plat of Eldon, Wash,, as- ]..  .... =;..." , . , P ..... ' - ' ...... ='. /and Harold Munson, years delinquent. sessod to W&lter J. Woods; years de-/. ", ' , w. w. m., assessed to Lyman o...aue on:.sata_ract, : | 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin- linquent 1913 to 1919, inclusive; |to.gers; years aeHnquent, 913 to 1919, (q) _ne .w. , se. zz, tW].|quent , $20.65; aerued interest, $6 64;" amount delinquent, $1.25; accrued in-[lnreulUSlVe; amount del!nquen_t, $1.62; ac- , --,W-._ w., a., Lsqesea to ']total due on said lots, $27.29. • retest, $ 45; total due on said lot, $1.70. [c .ea^nterest ,Oa; total due on said .1.. rn.ns, ('ruSeo).;. y, vears ueimquent,[ (135) Lot 1, blk 2 Cyphert's Add (36) Part of sec 22 twn 34 N ilOt, z.IU lt14 to xsv lnctumve," amount aeun-F+ V,r,. .......  ;" c, ovnht= R. 3, W. W. M., being lot 20, blk. B._.(7_ 1) Lot 4, blk. 6, see. 13, twp. 20, quent, $33.67; interest, $11,37,|Yeal elinquent/ 1914 to 1919, inclu- unreeordedplat of Eld0n, Wash., as-]., 1. , W. W. M., assessed to Lyman 0.n s aa .ea:l _ |slge; amount delinquent, $13.14; aecrue sessed to Walter J. Woods; years de-|.to.ger.s; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919 ('J ,.or Id_ Gig..7, c ne[interest, $4 21; total due on said lot linquent, 1913 to 1919 incluslve |mclumve" amount delinquent 1 62" ac' sessea to 1: u. u. '. NO. lau'; Tears ue-lev  " amount delipquent, $1.24; accrued inter-] crued interest, $,54" total dh on 'said linquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; wyO"  U-divided one -lxth int im est $ 44" total due on said lot $1 68 lot $2.16. ' amount delinquent, $1,16' 6L,+ +.k'=+  a a.,h o " € It. a w W. lvt.',:nelngi Ii : C N. R: 4, W. W M 'assessed o L;ma (98) Lot' 16, 'blR 7, I " - a r "  -r ,v +..,  " unreec 'ded plat of Eldon as R0gers i yeatm delinquent, 1919 to 1919 sessed to I. O,"O. F.'Nc "oKv,= h'l  3 W W M sessed toW. W, Mort!s! elln lnclu§lve" amount delln uent, $1.62; ac delinquent., 1914. to, 1919 Yt0", I' Sit'l 'ear i delin= uent, 1914 to 1919,.ineru oun ,crued /fi{erest, $.54; t?tl' due on sah 4eliquent 1el ,: t 1919 incltieve • amount $1.10 $.32 1ot. $2.10. ....... ' .... ': ' ' , $:36 "total .... ;86.24; accrued intereSt, tL due _qn.sald tract, $119.67. (99) ot 3, blk. 7. Lakeaide, 51, blk, 48, Union City. ;essed race Seth "to John Siebenbaump; yearm of 1914 to 1919, Inclusive; dellnqu to 1919,' lnclu ; amount delinquent, $.54; anorued inter- amount $1,81;. accrued tterest, $.53; otal due due on, due on t ;.69. Sai/1 $.49 on nata lot,. $9.4.' . . . 1 to; inclusive, '.1. to 16, blk. Th6 E. 30 arm of SEtA ,NW½, 'e Me- tp. 20, 'N'.; R. 4, W: W. M;, a 1913 to 1919, • $9.95; ac- re The!MuSlelans ASen, of Seat- accrued intereet, '$7.35; due on sai 1919 in 68. amount 1 to Lots I to 8, inclusive, blk. 1, lot, $57,46., 14