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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1920 |[Jl[ (Continued from Page Ten) .......................... (1.t81 All of hlk, 24, Bay View Add. to Union City, ass.ssed lo Harry Vcl- ]es; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, in- elusive; amount delinquent, $2,49; ae- ertlcd interest, $.95; total due on said block. $3.44. 4149) Lots I and 2, blk. 1, Town- send add. to Union City, assessed to Samuel B. Swecney; years delinqueut, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin- quest, $1.25; accl, Ued tntercst, $.45; total due on said lots, $1.70, 4150) Lots 5 to , inch(sire, blk. 1, Townsend Add. to Union City, assessed to 13eulah Meador V2 and Harry Wel- les l&amp;; years delinquent, 193 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.49; ac- crued interest, $.95; total due on said lots, $3.44. (151) All of blk, 3, Tomscnd Add. to Union City, assessed to Beulah Meador 1/ and Harry Welles %; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.49; accrued in- terest, $.95; total due on said hlk. $3.44. (1521 Lots 3 to 8, inclusive, hlk. 4, Townsend Add, to Union City, assessed to Beulah Meador  and W, B. Brook b; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, in- elusive; amount delinquent, $1.86; ac- cruedinterest, $.70; total duo on said lots, $2.56. (1531 Lots 3 to 8, inclusive, blk. 4, Townsend Add. to Union City, assessed to Samuel B. Sweeney; years delin- quent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, v3.10; ardcrted interest, $1,17; total due on said lots, $4.27• (154) Lots 3 to 6, Inolus/ve, blk• 7, Townsend Add. to Union Clty, assessed to Beulah Y£eador ½ aid Harry Wel- les ½;years delinquent, 1915 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.50; accrued interest, $.94; total due on said lots, $3.44. (155) Lots 3 and 4, blk. 3, Town- send Add. to Union City assessed to leu ah Mender  and Harry Welles ; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, nclusive; amount delinquent, $1,26; ac- crued interest, $.46; total due on said lots, $1.72, (156) Lots 7 and 8, bik. 8, Town- send Add. to Union City, assessed to J. J. and Mary E, Spaulding; years de- linquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.24; accrued interest, $,45; total due on said lots, $1.69. (157) Lots 3 and 4, blk. 11, Town- send Add, to Union City, assessed to Vm. W. Rice; years delinqUent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.25; accrued interest, $.45; total due on said lots, $1.70, (158) Lots 4 to 8, inclusive, blk. 12, Townsend Add. to Union City, as- sessed to M. M. Grogan; years delin- quent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.59; accrued interest, $.58; total due on said lots, $2.17, (159) Lot 7, blk. 13, Townsend Add. to Union City, assessed to J. A• Sch- mid(; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $.32; ac- crued interest' $.10; total due on said lot, $,42. delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive: anlount delinquutlt, $.60. accrued ill- tel'est. $.]9; lot(t] (Ilia on said lot, $.79. (185) Lots 18 and 19. blk. 4, Lake- wood Plat A, assessed to E. Framton; years delinquest. 1913 to 1919. inclu- sive; alllOUnl de]illquent, $1.22; accrued ll]It'l'('St, $.41 ; total duc on said lot, $1x3 (]SG) Lots 20 and 21, blk. 4, Lake- \\;voed, Plat A. assessed to John F. 1)etvell; years delinquent; 1913 to 1919, inclusive; alnount delinquent, $1,22; ac- crued in( $.41; total due on said lots, $1.(;3. (1871 Lot 24. blk. 4, Lakewood. l']at A. assessed to J. B. Bartlett; years dc]inquenl, 1913 to 1919 inclu- sive: anount delinquent, $.60; accrued interest" $,19; total due on said lot, $.79. (1881 Lot 25, blk, 4, I,akewood, Plat A, assessed to John Richard Carl(no; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclu- sive; amount delinquent" $,60: accrued interest, $.19; total due on said lot, $.79. (189) Lot 26, blk 4, Lakewood, Plat A, assessed to J. B. Bartlett; years de- linquent, 1913 to 19 l'J, inclusive; amount delnquent" $di9; scoured inter- est, $.1S; total due on said lot, $.77. (190) Lot 28. blk. 4, Lakewood Plat A, assessed to J'ot B. Bartlett; years delinquent, 1913 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $,60; accrued inter- est, $.19; total due on said lot, $.79. (1911 Lots 37 and 38, blk. 4. Lake- wood, Plat A, assessed to A. W. Gra- ham; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.21; ac- crued interest, $.40; total due on said lot, $1.61. (192) Lots 39 and 50, blk. 4, Lake. wood, Plat A, assessed to J. B. Bart- lett; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, in- clusive; amount delinquent, $6.38; ac- crued interest. $1.96; total due on said lots, $8.34. (193) Lots 13 to 16, inclusive, blk. 5, Lakewood, Plat A. assessed to Claude J. Braman; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, nelusive; amount de)inquent, $2.41; accrued interest, $.85; total due or said lots $3.26. '(194) Lots 37 to 40, inclusive, blk. 5, Lakewoed, Plat A, assessed to J. B. Bartlett; years delinquent, 1913 tO 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.41; ac- crued interest, $.85; total due on said lots, $3.26. (1951 Lots 8 and 9. blk, 6, Lake- wood, Plat A, assessed ¢o Charles Se'hmiedehausen; years delinquent. 1'113 to 1919, nelusve; amount delinquent" $1.22; accured interest" $.40; total due on said lots, $1.62. (196) Lots 17 to 24, ipclusive, h]k, 6, Lakewood, Plat A, assessed to John Llndquist; years delinquent 1913 to 1919. inclusive; amouut delinquent, $4.83; scoured finterest, $1.71; total due on said lots, $6.54. (1971 Lots 9 to 12, inclusive, blk. 8, LakswOod, Plat A, assessed to Ches- ter L. Cox; years delinquent. 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.42; scoured interest, $.86; total due on sald lots, $3,29. (198) Lot 13, blk. 8, Lakewood, Plat . assessed to J. B. Bartlett; years (169) Lot 8, blk, 13, Townsend Add. delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent $ 60" acc ued in- to Union City assessed to William . - - o . :, - , .. l: ' zeros( $ o" total uue on salu lot $ 80 Wagner; years delinquent 1913 to 1919, . "'. . .......... ;,._ . ' / J-JO  tO ;l nUSlVe DIK inclusive; amount deltnqueJat, $.30; ac I ...... ' " -' -" ' crued interest $10" total due on said . ewoo.o qa A, assesseu to lon- Ot"  v¢ n ' " ' , slne donnson; years aennquent 1913 -'--:T•-- .......... to 1919 incdlusive, amount delinquent 4111 ots i ann 3 mK 1 Town- 2 4 ' " ' --- .... ._ ..-,^- ,,... '-_-?_ ..... $ . 1; accured interest $ 84; total due Abraham J Gross" ears delinquent , ....... " .... '. . ........ ' (200) Lots 35 to 38, inclusive, blk. iS£ tO 101S, InClusive; auUll. U = 10 Lakewoo  Plat A asses e n , ^ linquent $ 63" accrued interest, $ 22"  'S - - "' _ :. s  o , ... ..' ^L" ::_, ,_. •  " ' . anousay; years uennquent 1914 to 162 Lots $ nd  ht  , .... " 2 9, inclusive, amount delinquent, "- : ..... -.- ;--'-'' 2_"--? $ .10" accrued interest, $ 59; total due senu AUa, tO Union WI', assesses o an =', 1.*= eo nu ]:)avid Nellist" years delinquent, 1914 ".,?:." "" -'¢" -- . . to 191 n inclusive" a-n * " ....... 'v) ots 3z to ub Inclusive, blk $ 55 accrued interest • v. ,,o, a ..... , ewood, Plat A, assessed to J. B. ,'fa' 1t • o , ..,, w,  ,, Bartlett; years delin uent 1913 to 1919 --..t--,--- v.- . .......... inolusive, amount delinquent' $2 41' ac' 41) bets  tO }, lnclusiv nl l eruod taa=+ I u" ..... ' ' '  Townsend Add. to Union Cit. ms ilots'$:" ...... o; oaa sue on sRla to Abraham J. Gross; years delinquent, I t02 "'Lots 21 Rn 2  h  t..b. 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount deHn-Iwod Pla B asesed'-E" €-' 2= quent $1.28" assrued intevt, $ 45; ltn- " e - : ..... "- . • ..*Yl" tot! 'dn nn 'mtd lata '1 5 " I ; y rs uellnquent, lS14 tO J.i, In- ..... ± lu 1 ..... ---'" --- 2'-: "'." -- -. ;c s ve" amount delinquent $I 05; ac. 4AU) J.#0IS ; tO , InOlUlNV IIK• e ue ' ' ' ' 15 Townsend Add to Tnl,, C%tu  ].r d interest' $•28; total duo on said '  '  , lots 1.33. ienS:edn:° I y tLo" Plkten. s' Tne lde,[ (0) Lots 23 and 24, blk 2 Lake- , , u V ] we " ' mnnnt ,*H.m,,.t  ¢;. .'..... 4. I od, Plat B, assessed to Gilbert Knut- .., o.,^. ,,^ ........ -Y"-"  .... ;..'.'-_ "_ s n Reuben Knutson and Mrs. Ole "e'(°6)$'i:ts71t8:?c1?111"6 ' Nelson; years delinquent,/ 1914 to 1919, ........... ".' Incusve; amount delinquent, $1.05' ae- "ownsenu Aaa unlon tY aeea crued in • , terest, $.28; total due on 'said to Wm. W. Rive; years delinquent, lots, $1.33. 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount deHn- uent,. $2.49; accrued interest, $.951 oral uue on said lots, $3.44. . (166) Lots I to 6, Inclusive, blk. 18, Townsend Add. to Union City, as- Sessed to Abraham J, Gross; years ds- mquent' 1913 to  1919,. lnoltmlve; amount delinquent, $3.57; accrued in- terest, $1.26; total due on said lots, $4.83. (204) Lots 33 to 36, inclusiveblk. 3, ISakewood, P)at B, assessed to Percy William Sayers; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.411 scoured interest, $.84; total dUe On said lots, $3;25. (205) Lots 17 to 20, inclusive, blk, 4, Lakewood,' Plat B, assessed to J. B. Bartlett ;year delinquent 1918 to 1919 inolusive: amount delinquent, $2.42; Re" THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL (223) Lots 41 to 48, inclusive, Blk. 3, Lakewood, Plat C, assessed to Gee. MeQueen; years delinquent, 191,1 to 191 'J, inchlsive; amount delinquent, $.1.13; accrued interest, $1.19; total due en said lots, $5.32. 4224) ],ots 45 to 48, inclusive, Blk. 4, lakewood, Plat C, assessed to J. ]3. ]:artlett: years delinquent, 1914 to 1.1..q q ioclusive; aiuounL dclioquent, $2.07; accrued interest" $.58; total due on said lots, $2.65. (225) Lets 1 to 8, inelusive, lllk. 5, l,akcwood, l'htt C, assessed to Ce.lia C. and t, elia L. llawkes: years delln- 'quent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; 93nount delinquent $4.74; accrued interest, 1.68; (sial due on said lots. $6.,12, (226) 1,ors 6 to 8, inclusive, ]elk, 6, l,akcwood. Plat C, assessed to ]euben and Gilbtrt l(nulson and Mrs. Ole Nel- son: years de]lnqucnt, ]913 to 1919. In- clusive; amount dcllnquenu, $1.77; ac- crued Interest, $.62; total due on said lets. $2.39. (227) Lots 28, inclusive, B]k. 6, l,akewood, Plat" C, assessed to Wil- liam 1l, l{lehardson; year s delinquent, 1914 to 1919, Inclusive; amount delin- quent, $2.06; accrued interest, $.58; total due on said lots, $2.64. (228) Lots 28 to 31, inclusive, Blk. 7, Lakewood Plat C, assessed to J. B. lartlett: years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive: amount delinquent, $2.06; accrued interest, $,57; total due on said lots, $2.63. (229) Lot 4, Blk. 8, Lakewood, Plat C, assessed to Bertha A. Newcomb; years delinquent, 1913 to 1918, inclu- sive: anlount delinquent, $.48; accrued interest, $.20; total due on said lots $.08., (230) Lots 9 to 12, inclusive, Ilk. 9, Lakewood, Plat C, assessed to J. B. Bartlett; Years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.37; ac- crued interest, $.83; total duo on said lots, $3,20. (231) Lots 22 and 23, Blk. 10, Lake-- woo(l, Plat C, assessed to J. B, Bart- lelt; Years delinquent, 1914 to 1919. inclusive: amount delinquent, $1,24; ac- orued interest" $,92; total due on said lots $1.5(;. (232) Lots 9 to 12, inclusive, Blk. 11, Lakcwood, Plat C, assessed to J. IL Bartlett; years delinquent. 191.4 to 1919, inclusive; amount dellnqucnt, $2.06: accrued interest, $,58; total due on said lots, $2,64. (233) Lot 13, Blk. 11, La:ewood, Plat C. assessed to J. B. Bartlett; years delinquent" 1914 to 1919, inclu- sive; amount delinquent, $.52; accrued Interest $13" total due on said lots, $.65. ' ' (.234) Lots 14 and 15, Blk. 1, Lake- wood. Plat D. assessed to J. B. Bart- lett; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $.99; ac- cTued interest, $.27; total due on said lots. $1.26. (235) Lots 41 to 56, inclusive; Blk. 1, Lakewood Plat D, a-sessed to J. ]3. Bartlett; yars delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $9.54; accrued interest, $3.45; total due on said lots, $12.99. (236) Lots 21 to 24, inclusive, Blk. 3. Lakewood. Plat D. assessed to J. B. Bartlett; years delinquent 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount 'delinquent, $2.37; acrued interest, $.83; total due on said lots, $3.20. (237) Lots 9 to 12, inclusive, Blk. 4, Lakewood, Plat D assessed to George A. Mehlfcld years delinquent' 1913 to 1919 inclusive, amouflt delinquent, $2.6; accrued interest, $82; total due on said lots, $3.18. : (298) Lots 25 to 28 inclusive, Blk 4, Lakewood, Plat D 'assessed to H. F. Maxfleld years delinquent, 1914 to 1919 Inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.05; accrued interest, $.57; total due on said lots $2.62. [ (239) Lots 53 to 56 inclUsive, Blk. 4, Lakewood, Plat D, assessed to James L. McCowai; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.98; aCcrued interest, $.58; total due on said lots, $2.66. (240) Lots 9 to 16, inclusive, Blk. 5, Lakewood, Plat D, assesed to 'Mol- lie C. Brenner; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $4,12; accrued interest, $1.18; total due on said lots, $5.30. (2411 Lots 29 to 32, inclusive. Blk. 5, Lakewood, Plat D, assessed to J. B. Bartlett; years delinquent, 1913, 1916 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.65; accrued interest, $.50; total due on said lots, $2.15. (242) Lots 49 to 52. Inoluaive. blk. 5, Lakewood, Plat D, assessed to N. la. Simpson; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,  inclusive: amount delinquent, $2.25; accrued interest, $.80; total due on said lots, $3.05. crued interest, $.59; total due on said lots, : 2.66. (26l) Lots 12 and 13, Blk. 9, Lake- wood, Plat E, assessed to Alfred John rllson; years delinquent, 19].3 to 1919. inclusive; an;ount delinqueut" $1,19; ac- crued interest, ,40; total due on said lots, $1.59. (262) Lot 14, Blk. 9, Lakewood, Plat E, assessed to Henry %Valdcmar Cook; years delinqueu 191 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $.59; ac- crued Interest, $,19; total duc on said lot, $.78. (263) Lot 15. Blk. 9, Lakewood. Plat I,L assessed ot I,'. Freeman: years dollnqucnt, ]9]3 to 1919, inclusive; alnou(ll dqhlquent, $.59; accrued in- teresl, $.19; 4oral due on said ]ot, $.78. (264) I.ots 20 to 23, inclusive; Blk. 9, Lakewood. Plat E, assessed to J. B. ]artlett: years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, lnelusivr: mnount delinquent, $2.37; ac- crued inerest, $.83; total due on said lots, $3.20. (265) Lots 43 to 46, inclusive; Blk. 9, Lakewood; Plat. 1, assessed to Lela . Jones; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount "delinquent, $2.37; accrued interest, $.82; total due on said lots. $3.20. (266) Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, Blk. 10. Lakewood, Plat E, assesed to J. B, Bartlett, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.28; accrued in- terest, $.83; total due on said lots. $3.21. (267) Lots 5 to 8, inclusive, Blk. 19, Lakewood, Plat E, assessed to Hugh McKenzie; years 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.37; ac- crued interest, $.83; total due on said lots. $3.20. (268) Lots 24 to 27. inclusive; Blk. 10. Lakewood, Plat E. assessed to Alice V, Ramsay; years delinquent, 1914 to 191, inclusive; amount de- linquent, $2.06; accrued interest, $.58; total due en said lots. $2.64. (269) Lois 43 to 46, inclusive. B]k. 10, Ikewood. Plat E, assessed to .lohn ]3", Thompson; years delinquent, 1913 st 1919, inclusive: amount delinquent, $2.37: accrued interest $.83; total due on said lots, $3.20. (270) Lots 8 to 11, inclusive, ]31k. 11, Itkewood, Plat E, assesesd to Jan(; Smith Walker; years delinquent, ]913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.37; accrued interest $.83; total due on said lots. $3,20. (27]) Lots 20 to 23. inclusive, BIk, 1], Lakewood, Plat E, musessed to Laura Hall; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919. inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.38: accrued interest $.83; total due on said lots, $3.21. (272) Lots 31 to 35. inclusive, Blk 11, Lakewood; Plat E. mssessed to James Brown; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2,58; accrued interest $.74; total due on said lots, $3,32. (273) Lots '86 to 38, inclusive, Blk. 1, Lakewood, Plat E, assessed to J. B. Bartlett; years delinquent, 193 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.87: accrued interest, $.69; total de on said lots, $2.56. (274) Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, Blk. 1. Lakewood, Plat F, assessed to J. B. Bartlett; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.27; accrued interest $.06; total due on said lots. $2.93. (275) Lots 10 st 12, inclusive, Blk. 1. lakewood. Plat F, assessed to Mar- garet Dundas; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.72; accrued interest, $.50; total due on said.lots, $2,22. (276) Lots 13 to 16, inclusive, Blk. 1. Lakewood, Plat F. assessed to Wil- liam Frank Gurney; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amodnt delin- quent, $2.28: accrued interest, $.67; total due on said lots, $3.95. '(277) "Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, Blk 2, Lakewood, Plat F, assessed to Sarah Huggan; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, iuclusive: amovnt delinquent, $2.27; ac- crued interest, $,66; total due on said lots, $2.93. (278) Lots 5 to 8, lnolusive, blk 2, Lakewood, Plat ]3", assessed to Leona Anderson: years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.$; acerned interest, $.67; total due n said Iota, $2.95. (279) Lots 21 to 24, inclusive, Blk. 2, Lakewood Plat *F, assessed to May McGregor; years delinquent 1914 to 1919, inclusive amount delinqusnt, [$2,26; accrued interest, $.65; total due Ion said /ors; $2.91. ] (289)  Lots 25 to 28, inclusive, Blk. 12, Lakewood, Plat F, assessed to James [Keen; years dellnque.nt, 1914 to 1919, l tnclusive; amount delinquent, $2.26; ae- [crued interest, $.65; total due on said lot 4 $2,91. (J81) Lots 29 to 33, inclusive, Blk, 2, Lak0wood, Plat F. assessed to Wm. (243) Lots 36 to 43, inclusive. Blk, ]8: Lakewood, Plat D, asessed to Ral- ,etgn w. ana arah Martin; years de- P, Huggan; years delinquent, 1914 to (1671 Lot 8, blk. 13, Townsend Add. crued interest, $.84; total due on said linquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, to Union City, assessed to Abraham J. lots, $3.26, delinquent, $4.76; accrued interest, $2,26; accrued interest, $.66; total due Gross; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, (206) Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, blk. $1.70; total due on said lots, $6 46. on sald lots, $2,92. inclusive; amount dellnquent, $.55 ae- 6, Lakewood, Plat B, assessed to J. (244) Lots 28 to 35, inclusive, Blk. (282) Lots 33 to 36, Inclusive, Blk. crued interest $.15; total due on said B, Bartlett; years delinquent, 1914 to [9, Lakewood, Pint D, assessed to V. E, 2, Lakewood, Plat ]3", assesed to Charles lot, $.70. 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, and J. B. Bartlett: years delinquent, Kersey; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, send(168)Add.L°tSto Unionl and City',2' blk,assessed22, Town-to $2.11;on satdaccruedlots, $2.70,interest' $.59; total due 1913 to ]919, inclusive; amount delln- inltisive; amount delinquent, $2.26; ac MaJorle J. Weaver. years delinuuent 2n ,  ..... . .......... quen.t,_ $4.74;" accrued interest $169" crued interest $66; total due ot said ........... '. . ".... , % v. aut v tu ', inclusive DJK. tOtal Oue on said lots $6 43 ' ' lots $Z.92. ut° $?: lncU%leV ;, iRn3e: "ell: 6. Lake.,wo.od, Plat B, assessed to'J..B. (245). Lots 41 and 4'2, Blk: 10, Lake- . (:83) Lots 59 to 56, inclusive Blk. total due on 'said lots, $1 54 v. , ..j_t_; y e_rs uen.uent" l vld^to_l:lv wood lqat D, assessed to Robert John-  ewood, Plat F, assessed to J. B. .^ • . auuAve; amoun aennquent"  1'/" ac- son" years delln,uent 1914 to 1919 arttett; years aelinquent, 1914 to  e(eA)d2°t ts 5nnnd ltblk.as2sssTeW c'ued in(crest' $.92; total dut on 'said inclusive; amountdeliquent, $1 04; -' 191 inclusive; amount delinquent, Minnie R" Kik. ,,ears .i..'....; "tYY'v£ • _ ..... crued interest $ 28. total due on-said .zo; accrued interest $ 66; total due a to 1919 tnelus'iv am'''',,.,* ^ 4z0) Lots Z to 28, InClUSIVe, Blk. lots, $1.32 ' " ' on said lots,. $2.92. ' " 1 , ......... .--, o, Lakewood Plat B assessed to Lv(r (246) Lots 1 t (284) Lots 25 to 28 in 1 . $ .17; accrued interest, $ 38; t0ta] due . ' .... o 8, inolusive, Blk. c usive, Blk . on sale. )o*o, .€ ....  N earhouse $2 13 . accrued lnt $ 66., 11, Lakewood, Plat D assessed to J_ B. 4 Lkewood .... Plat F assessed to Car " (170) Lot 7 blk 22 Townsn  Aaa otal uue on_ said lots, $2.79: Years de- 1,artlett; yeas delinquent 1913 to 1919 re lrn.ost years delinquent, 1914 to ' to Unlnn ,tv 'o.::ooo ÷^ aY-'Y--t" lmquen.t, 1913, 1914, to 1919, inclusive Inclusive. amount delin u' ' 1919, *nciusive" amount delin uent '; GrossT;j-,,==L='=i-, arana,,, . %2v.) ,-ots 29 to 32 inclusive, 1411 crued in{crest 1 67" tt ent, $4.72, ac- $2 27; accrued interest, 66" t ta q ' , --o ....-,., ...o . .o.o, o aewood Pl ' $ ' ' al due on said $ , O due ' L ' |nclusiv : mount t11..,,.t t se ,,  .... at. B assessed to J B lots, $6 39 on said lots $2 93 e. a ..................... v,; -- aruett, years aennquent" 1913 to 1"919" 247 '" Lots 29 o usiv 1 (285) Lots 49 'to 6 , e'uod interest $19, total due on said inclu ( ) t 32 incl e, B k 5 inclusive Blk . : lot, .,€9. ' " " cru slye,n amount• delinquent,. $2.43 ac' -' 1, Lakewood, Plat. E, assessed to Bet-' 4, LakoWood Plat, ]3', sessed t0 J. B'. 5 -- (171) Lots 2 to 4, inclusive, blk 23 oU, ea erest' $.84, total due on said tie Rai!son; .years delinquent, 1913 to Bartlett; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, :.D,L Townsend Add to Unio- €* ..Z..3 - .-'2..-.-_ • . . : , zncuslve; ' amount delin ., inclusive; amount delinquent, $4.39: to William W' Rice: y'&'eHll°r, d lv/^_lots 7 to 40, inclusive, Blk $1.90; accrued interest $.81' totlunut accrued, interest, $1,30; total due on i'' 1913 to 199, "inclus|ve; amount a-elln:: lara%; sel?neased to Wil- on sald lots. $9.71. ' sela mrs, $6.69. :': quent 178" accrued intereot • e ..... . . ".  quent, 1914 to (za) Lots 33 to 36 inclusiv Blk ov. ots 18 to 16 inclusive Blk. .... total 'due on 'said lots $3 34' o , v .... ,., ncluslve; amounfi delinquent 1, LakeWood, Plat E, assessed t Sef" 5, Iewood, Plat F0 assessed to .... ' ^. . , • • . _. .u; averueu znterest, $ 58; total dus ;ze Bovd. ears do]in--o-* 9 ]ancne a Mc re o e r I, . . (l?z) 'ot I, blk. 2, Townsend Aa{l on said n$. a " .^ ,r " -. -  ....... 13 to .... Y__.g g r J Ke Yl years ' tO Union C it. w, .......... na=.aa.a  ah_.r -''' .v" ...VzA ---- v .... : .. . Ill,S, InClUSiVe', amount deiL-n-_nt, uelmquent, 1914 to 1919. Inclusive; ;. Gross; w"ears um,,,^'" ................. u,,, .. o A," 6"- L Lak ') LtS 41 tO. 4, lncluslv Blk, 152.37; accrued interest, ..$ 82-'. t_.] due amount delinquent, $2.27," a0crued in-   inclusive amoun. ,. ........ . _. :, . ewood, Plat .B, assessed to lver [on said lots $9 19 terest, $,66; total due on said lots '" erue inter - , y ars aelinquent 1913 to (249) Lots 49 to 62 lnclu $2;98 t;:', lot Sd 41' est, $.10, total due. o, ,aid ,li.19  tnc|,sive.;, amount elipquent, 2, Lakewood, Plat E, sesseSlOe,jBIB k' _ (_287) Lots 37 to 40. lnehmlve, Blk. :'L'' " ('1731" LOts 9 to 14 'Incl ,,-',- .' _. o,..ccrua2nerest, $.U; torl dle I/artlett; years delinquent, 1913"  0 .lK_ewood, Plat F, assessed to Per-  , 1 Laewood. Plat A. e@s"''Ir"" on,,saa IOt #:4. .... 11919, in01uslve; amount 'delinque:.' clVal Daws.on; years delinquent 1914 to  'L ' artlett" .vd= .............. .=-,.--,,.* .a"-. %=. h'', ° .'. o.ts #0. to 48 lnclumve, Blk, 152 37", accrued Interest, $ 83". total due- zs, inclusive, amount de'lin uent f ..^,.._,. I _ ...... '-'.- tT:''z-'% _ m LewooI, Plat  assessed to J. B, Ion said 10ts, 3 19. $3 28; accrued interest, $.67;. tot due i c'rl'ed"'[e:eU%.9?l%letue');s  ftlrlettolres * dellnquent - .1.918 to [ (250.) L01: 1 to 94, inclusive, Blk on said lots, $2.95. " lot-o .o vo " --z "'' ; amount teAlnquent [3. LaeWood Plat E. assessed to Wll-" (288) Lot 3, Blk. 3 Lakewood, Plat I . (-7;)" I0ts 5 to 3, tncinsive, blk. '9, ":lrfor.ed$.e rest, $.S4; total due [tam Xra.eir; .years delinquent, 1913 dlinaou ed to Mary -Ienderson;. y eaa • aewood, P|at A assessed to J B 21o __,._ .': : ..... .  Inclusive; amount dellneusnt q t, ..s to 1919, inclusive; i ............................... artlett. sauna al'.,,o.* o *,. 4ee" -e %LaeWoo° os, v to, bZ, Inclusive, BI. $2,39., accrued intet'est, $.84:. tota due' amoun uennquent, $.58", aeerued ln- ; inclusive; amount deinqueat, $243: a- 7- ....... d, Plat B,. assessed to Frdd [on said lots $9.23. terest, $.16; total dus on said lot, $.72, erue in e .... " ... ,sudsier; years elm uen 1913 to 251) Lots 1 to 8 inclu iv ; d t rest $ 84l total dus on said 1919 , .  , • s e, Blk. 4, 289) Lots 5 to 8, inclusive, Blk. 6, ' lots "325 ....... 2 Incluslve.. amOU ellnquent, Laewood Plat E asesoSd to , . Laewood .... z " accru ., , W E , Plat F, assesed to Ella  _ (17 Lots 9 to 12, inclusive; blk. on' said lbsede. crest' $,84, total due .I-Iartle.y; years delinquent' 1913 to 1919, Thomas; Years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, ' 10ts: $8 35 ' " accrue" ;l-t ......... q.. , $4 83; 4, Ik. ewood, Plat.E, sessgd to'J, B: Plat F,. assessed , to 'Agnes He@gle; (177) " Lots 33 to 36, InclUsive blk said lo " e,t, @ ; coral sue on aruett; years aennquent; 1918 to 1919, yeers aelmquent,. 1914 to 1919, inolu- lo*.. •.- ' '' ; ount dellnquent $1 20; ac:  Lake ..... a w,.,  .t .... . *^ -- v'l ( . ). a d S4 B1k 6 Lake- ...... sued interest, $ 40' total due on • , . woos, ,qat F, assessed to Raymond O (17.) Lots 46 to 48 Inclusive, Llk. lots. 1 , , said rady Years delinquent, 1913 to 1919 SmPh' ,e - ..... * a , " ,.aKeWood Plat A, seed to 3. . ,,$ .00.. ' tncmstve: amount delinquent t2.8; 1,o.: ars ;.,u, =....o¢p artlett; yrs delinduent 1913 to 1919 LalO, .ot.s 9 t_o 12, Inclusive, Blk 2 accrued interest, $.83; total 'due on cre itees"'l '' on.l • nclusive amount delinquent $2.38; as-  ewooa, Plat.c, assessed to Francis I sald lots, $3.20. nt  4 ' "" ' .... e, ry2d. i nt2rest, $,SS; total due on said cue.Yn:3linqent: 191to 1919, i (2561... Lots'37. to 40Loincl2usive , Blk. [.[('.294i 'Lot 28 Blk.6, Lakewood, ' orued interest- 82" to Bartl la ', assesses to Wm O P Rieh • (181 Lot 53, blk. 9, Lakowood, Plat .+ ...... $. , 1 due on said ett; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919 n.a. v... n.....* 'a +" ,a,a asSesbod to Geor e W Johns , clusive, amount delinquent, $2.38 ac- • (19) Lots 91 . InclusiVe, amount delinquent $.56; ac-, 191[ 1916 to 19, 3 • ............. to 34, Inclusive, Blk. crued interest, $,8, total due on said crued inter- a. ,o . ....... , • ncluslVe; amount ,delinquent, $.65; ao- ...wvou, 'lat.., assessed to J. B. lOtS, $3.21. ]t ¢¢9 ' ................ '' .erued interest, $.18 total due on said nc';..YearSamountdgnpq-Uent, 1913 to 1919, (257) Lots 13 and 16, B]k. 6, Lake- "72" ., L. ................. o o o, znmuslve, l. ot, $.70 , ' ' -'_'y.'_---L - . dennquent, $2.33; as. wood, Plat E, assessed to E. H. Meen; 7 Lakewood Pla • F o- .... • ,_ (1811 Lots 4 to 58, tnolusive, blk. osV.un crest' $.88:' total due on said years delinquent 1913 ot 19p, inolu- ald S Fostr. ,dr'-...-,.. to on , Lakew0od, Plat A, assessed to $. B, s e, amount delln uent, $2,21; accrued t n , artlett; Y_r$ ,delinquent 191, 1913  (2,1=...L°ts3.7. t° 40, /ncluslve, Blk. interest, $.70; tota due on said lots, ., 219,192rClsveL. amOunt deli,nunL • o 1919 iriclusive" amoun deltn0uont, .74--V=?Y'-Ya... w, aSSeSsed to J. B $2,91. : .'."i,'",' ......... -; ........ $169; accrued interest, $.$1; tot due ._ . nt 1918 to 1919, (258) Lots 9 to 13, inclusive; Blk . .....  inclusive; amount.del 296) LOts 17 18, and 30, BIk. 8 on said lot, $2 11. . - nquent, $3 38; as. 8 Plat E Lakewood assessed to Jos- o orued interest, $,83- to . Iewo d, Plat , assessed to J. B (18.2) IotS 6 to 15 Ineluslve, bk  ,  due on said 9Ph Lachanc.e, years delinquent. 1914 Bartlett 8 lots, 8.21. .... , ..... Years delinquent, 1914 to , ,a wood, Plat A asessed to J B, , to 1919 Inclusive, amount aeUn uent, 1919 incl • l . (221) LOts 49 to 5 in , . , , usive, amount delin uent, • arte, years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,  , ............... elusive, Blk. $2.06, accrued interest, $,58, tot due lre" .c,,a  ...... , • .o. ,^ .... • nclusiv6; amount delinquent, $4,75| ac. =:-'Y---Y2,,r*5- ' ).assessed tO Ed- on said lots, $2,64. n"s'id'lot''7 ........... , ...... r crue ' a --€ru o.tt3.WeJ*; years aellnquent - " " ..... int rest, $1 65, tot 1 due on said , 1913 2 • $ii0ts$33 " to 1919,; amount dell.quent, 8 (L59)WOLOt.sdttt3 $,.Bl k' _(297) Lot 31, Blk. 3, Lakewood, . "/j ¢s" Iot-  *^ 6 Inclusive ,"- .a*#; aecrueu Interest, $.82; total due ...,,4. ..'... =^;,-'=-'.-Z. " ;'.r" 'd *'la ," assessed to Wm. Henderson; ., Lak_wood, Plat .A,..asses:ed !o Gil- .. sis, $S_.9, .... 1919 inclusive; amount dell.qus.t rs :i.uet.As14 10.!13, Inclu: net z; 10 ' ' ..-; tuuuun, uennquen,  eo' aecruea t Flgg| years Oellnquent,. 1918 to t ts Z_ltO z4, Incluslve, Blk. $1,19; accrued interest, $.26; total due interest, $16" total due on '-.,a z^.= 1919 inclusive; amount, delinquent, ... ewood( Plat C, assessed to Har- ou said lots, $1 45 • 2 .......... • .az; accIrbd interest $85; total due w. lar; years delinquent, 1913 . ....... :^ " ......... v., ....... _ ....... " GIG ---------* ....... %,O'J) JUI.I 0# O a, lnCluslv LK #S] OtS 4 tO 7 lucius| S ]:[ tr on said lots, 3.27, r ' ---. An'tIVS; amoun oelln uent' , , V I • oru ' 0 3. Lakewood, Plat E assessed to %mma 8, ewo0d Plat F assessed to eor e (1841 Lot 15 blk 4 Lakewood, Plat e intdrest, $3, t0 due ,,. _ _ . -. =, v_ _. . lots •• .....  • Johnson; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, Armatael years elinquent, 1914 Is e a assesseq tO Framt K arvsy, years , . • • inoluslve; amount delinquen% $3,0?; as, 1913, Inclusive; amount delinquet. , 3 $2,27; accrued interest, $,G6; total due on said lots. $2.93. (299) Lots 36 and 37, Blk. 8, Lake- wood Plat 1,', assessed to Margaret Y. Galbralth years delinquent, 1914 to 1,,119, inclusive; amount delinquent, $4.1.t; evrtad |ntcrcst, $.31; total due on said lots. $1.45. (300) i.ots 38 and 39, Dlk. 8. Lake- wood, Plat F, assessed to loss J. Gal- braith: years delinquent, 1914 to 1919. inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.14; ac- crued interest, $.31; total duc on said lots. $1.45. (30]) Lot 40, ll]k. 8. Lakewood, Pint F, asmssed tO Edith A. FOults; ye&rs de]lnqu,.llt, 1914 to 1919, illelu- sire: amount delinquent, $,56; aceruud interest, $,]6: tetal due on said lots. $.72. (302) I,ot 42, Blk. 8, Lakowood, Phtt F, asst,ssed to (leo. I. ]lallche; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclu- siva; amount delinquent, $.5(;; accrued interest, $,16; total due on said lots, $,72, (3031 I,ot ,i3, Blk. 8, Lakewood, Plat F, assessed to Myrtle Cox; years delinquent. 1914 to 191fi, inclusive; amount delinquenl, $.56; accrued in- terest, $.16; total due on said lot, $.72. (304) Lot 44 Blk, 8, Lakewood, Plat ]3", assessed to Mabel Davhlson; years delinquent. ]91,i to 1919. inclu- sive: amount delinquent" $.56; accrued interest, $.16; total due ou said lot, $,72. (305) Lots 21 to 23, inclusive, BIk, 9, Lakewood, Plat F, assessed to J. B. Bartlctt; years delinquent, ]914 to 1919 Inolusive; a momt delinquent, $1.71 ac- cruel interest. $.51,; total due on said lots. 2.22. (306) Lots 24 to 27, inclusive, Blk. 9, Lakowood Plat F, assessed to Chas. L, Murphy; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; anlouat delinquent, $2,29; accrued interest, $.67: total due on s:tid )ors, $2,96. (307) Lots 32 to 35, inclusive, Blk. 9. Lakcwood, Plat F, asscssed to J, W, Herman: yeas delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2,30; ac;rued interest. $.68; total due on said lots, $2.98, (308) Lot 36, Blk. 9, Lakewood, Plat F assessed to Laura Jean Abell, years delinquent 1914 to 1919 inclusive; anlounl delinquent, $.56; accrued in- terest, $.16; total due on said lot, $.72. (309) Lot 39, Blk 9, Lakewood, Plat F assessed to lfz'ed W. Martin; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $.56; accrued in- (crest, $.16; total due on said lot. $.72, (310) Lots 44 to 46, inclusive; Blk. 9, Lakewood. Plat F, assessed to J. B. Bartlett; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent" $1.70; ate'rued interest, $,49; total due on said lots, $2.19. (311) Lots 11 to 14, inclusive, Blk, 10, Lakewood, Plat F, assessed to E. M. l1oore; years delinqUent 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.28; accrued interest, $.67; total due on said lots, $2,95, (312) Lots 1 to 4, Inclusive, Blk. 1, Lakewood, Plat G, assessed to J. B.' Bartlett; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.13; acc'ued interest, $.61; total duo on said lots, $2.74, (3131 Lots 29 to 36, inclllslve, Blk, 1, Lakewood, Plat G, assesskl to Mar- tin Winslow; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent' $3.61; accrued interest, $1.01; total due On said lots, $4.62. (314) Lots 29 to 32, inclusive, Blk. 2, Lakewood, Plat G, assessed to Noah Goodman; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, Inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.12; accrued interest, $.60; total due on said lots, $2.72. (.315) Lots 1 to 4, inclusive; Blk, 3, Lakewood, Plat G, assessed to Jennie ]McCarthy; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2,12; accrued interest' $.60; total dus on said lots, $2.72. (31.6) Lots 14 to 20, Inclusive, Blk., 6, Lakewogd, Plat G, assessed to J, B. Bartlett; years delinquent, 1914. to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $3.15: accrued interest, $.85; total due on said lots. $4.01. (3].7) Lots 9 and 10, Blk, 7, Lake- wood, Plat G, assesed to Archibald S. r*ootcn; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive: amount delinquent, $1.07: ao- crued interest, $.29; total due on said lots, $1,36. (3181 Lots 28 to 31, inclusive, Blk. 7, Lakewood, Plat G, assessed to J. F, Nielsen; years delinquent' 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.13; ac- crued interest, $,61; total due on said lots, $2.74. (319) Lots 28 to 80, inclusive, Blk, 9, Lakewood, Plat G, assessed, to Mar- guette Bulon; years delinquent' 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount dlinquent, $1.61; accrued interest, $.46; total .;due on said lots, $2.07. (320) Lots 31 to 34, Inclusive, 'lllk. 9, Lakewood, Plat G, ased to Axtl G. Bulon years delincuent, .1914 to 1919 inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.11; acrued interest, $,60; total due on siad lots, $2.71 (3211 Lots 16 to 19, inclusive, Blk. 10, Lakewood Plat G, asessed to J. B. Bartlett; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclustve amount delinquent, $2.13: accrued interest, $.60; total due on sld lots, $2.73, (322) Lots 27 to 30, inoluslve, Blk. 10, Lakewood, Plat G. assessed tO J. B. Bartlett; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, lnclu'ive; amount delinquent, $2.14: accrued interest, $.61; total due on said lots, $2.75. (323) Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, Pdk. 12, Lakewood, Plat O, assessed to Harry Herbert; years dellnuent' 1914 to 1919, iclusive; amount delinquenL $2.12; accrued interest, $,60; total due on said lots, $2,72. (824) Lots 9 tO 16, ine)usive, Ilk, 2, Lakewood, Plat H, assessed to' J, B. Bartlett; Years delinquent, 1,114 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $4.14; ccrued interest, $1,19; total due on sald lots, $5.38, (325) Lots 17 to 29, incluslte, l]k. 4, Lakewood, Plat I-I, assessed to An- drew Esler; yaere delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount : del/nquent' $2.05; accrued interest, $.57; total due on said lots, $2.62, (320) Lots 21 to 24, inclusive, Blk. 4, LaRewood, Plat H, assessed to Wal- lace Win, Cavettl years delinquent. 1914 to 1919, lnolusive; amount delin- quent, $2.061 accrued dnterest, $,57; total due on said lots, $3:63 (327) Lots 41 to 44, lndlusivs, Blk. 4, Lakowood, Plat H, assessed to Wal- ter Brown;. years delinquent, 19t to 1919, Inclusive; amount, delinquent, $2.05; accrued interest, $.6; total due on said lots, $2.61. (328) Lots 45 to 48, inclusive, Blk. 4, Lakewood, Plat H, assessed to An- drew .Esler; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, Inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.05" accrued interest, $;561 total duo on ald lots, $2:61. (329) Lots 49 to 52, inclusive, Blk. 4, Lakewood, P)at H, Sessedrto Wal- laoe Wm. Cavett; years delinquent. 1914 to 1919; inclusive; amount delln- quent, $2.07; accrued interest, $.57; total due on said lots, $2,64, (390) Lots 8 to 11, inclusive, Blk. 7, ltkewood, Plat H, assessed to Wil- liam Stone; years del.nquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.07; scorned interest, $.57; total due on said lots, $2.64. (331) Lots 12 to 19, inclusive, Blk. 7, Lakewood, Plt t., assessed to J. B. Bartlett; years aelinquent, 1914 o 1919, inclusive; amount , delinquent, $4.14; accrued Interest, $1.20; total due on said lots, $5.84. (332) Lots 91 to $4, inclusiv Blk. 7, Lakewood, Plat H, assessed tO Wil- liam Stone; 'years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inc)usive; amount delinquent, $2.06: accrued interest, $.$6; total due on said lots, $2,62. (338) Lots 35 to 38, inclusive, Blk. 7, Lakewood, Plat H, assessed to J. B. Bartlett; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive amount delincuent, $2,051 accrued interest, $.56; toai due On said lots, $2.61. (834) LOts 1 to 4, inclusive, Blk, 9, Lakewood, Plat H, assse, sed to Ads Evaline Stonier; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.09; accrued interest, $.59; total' due 6n said lots, $2.65. (335) Lots 34 to 27, Inclusive, Blk. 9, Lakewood, Plat I, assessed to Thomas Stonier; years dellnqusnt, 1914 ot 1919 tnolusive; amount delinquent' $9.08; acorued lntsrsst, $.$9; total due on said lots $2.67. (336) Lots 9 to 12, inoluaive Blk. 3, Lakewood,, Plat I, assessed to James A, MoGillivrayl years delinquent, .1914 to 199, inclusive; amount 0delinquent, $3,08; aoorued interest. $,9, t0lal dUe on said lot $3.6'f. . i i1| PAGE ELEVEN (337) Lots 17 and 18. blk 3, Lake- wood. Pin! I assessed ;e .1. 1L ICart- ]elt: yeat'u delinqtlent, 1!114 to 1919, ioe]usive: sin,rout delinquent, $1,05; ac- cru(,d llltercst. $.29; LoLal due on said lois, $1.34. (33S) Lots 19 and 20. l;lk, 3, Lake- wood. Plat I. a:sessed Io lthll)heoia %V, St.wart; ye.'u's de]]n(luol( , 1914 to 1919. tne lu'ive; a InOLlllt I' delinquent, $1.66; aeePmd iniercsl, $.29: (sial due on said lots, Sl,35, (339) L,t. 21 and 2"2. Ilk 3, Lake- "Wood. Plat f, assessed tO .Il.nles I. Stewarl: yo;Irs d,'iill(Itl('lll, ]91't le 1919, il]ehlsive; Itll]OLlll[ (hqill(lll(.nt, $1.06; aC- ) crued Jnt:l'eS[. $.29; duo on said lvts $1.35 I (3,i91 I,ots 47 and 45, Blk. 5. Lake- wood, $t,s,'sed 1.(, Nol'tt Canler t'ord; years (lolin(luell 1914 to 1019, inclu- sive alnoul]I delinqLlen{ $1,(){;; ace.rued lnleres4, $.29; total due '.on said lots $1.35. (341) Lois 49 to 52, inclusive, B]k. 5, Lakcwood, Plat i, assessed to J. B. Bartlett; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent, $1,62; ac- ,erued .interest, $.37; total due on said lots, $1.99. (342) Lots I to 4, inclusive, Blk, 11, Lakewood, Plat I, assess6d to John Paterson; ycars delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin uent, $1.85; accrued interest, $,51; total due !on said lots, $2.36. (343) Lots 5 to 8, inclusive, Blk. 11, Lakewood, Plat I, assessed to Han- nah Paterson; years delinquent, 1914 ,to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent'' $1.84: accrued interest, $,50; total due on said lots, $2.84, (344) Lots 41 to 44, inclusive. Blk. 3, Lakewoad Plat J, assessed to J. B. Bartlett; ycrs dellnquenL 1914 to 191fi, inclusive; amount delinquent, $2,06; accrued interest $.58; total duo on said lots, $2.64, (3,15) Lots 25 to 28, inclusive, Blk. 4, Lakewood, Plat J, assessed to Lloyd V<arren, years delinquent 1914 to 1919. ine:]usive; amount delinquent, $2.09; ac- arued interest. $,60; total due On said lots. $2.69. (346) Tract I-I. and Lots 39 to 45. inclusive, Blk 8. Lakewood, Plat J, as- sessed to Elizabeth Busse; years de- linquent, 1914 to 1919. inclusive: amount delinquent, $4.46; accrued in- erest, $1.33; total duo on said lots. $5.79. (347) Lots 28 to 31. inclusive. Blk. ] ], Lakewood, Plat J, assesed to A. Sands; years delinquen 1914 to 1919, inclusive: amount delinquent, $2,09; ac- crued interest, $,59 , total due on said lots, $2.68. That all of said several amountS hereinbefore set opposite said several descriptions of nroperty bea,r interest at the rate of 12 per.cent per annum from and icluding the first day of June, 1920, until payment thereof bs made, or Judgment b0 entered herein, And you, and each of you, are here. by summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after August 27th, 1920, ex- clusive of said day, and defend ths above entitled actipn in the above en- titled court, or pay the amount due as above set forth upon each of said lots, traots or parcels of land of which you are the' owner or reputed owner, or In Iwhich you ttave, or clatm to have, any interest or estate, together with the costs. In case of your failur0 to do S0, Judgment will be rendered foreclosing said lien for said Certificate of Delin- quency, taxes, penalty, interest and costs against each such lots, tract or parcel of land hereinbefore mentiote and described, Any pleading or process may bs serv0d upon th undersigned attorney for said p]aintiff at the address here, lnafter below stated. MASON COUNTY, By Aria C. Clothier• Treasurer of Mason County, State of Washington. M, V. LOGAN, Prosecuting Attorney of Mason Coun- ty, State of Washibgt0n, and Attor- ney for Plaintiff. With OffiCe and P. O, Address, at' P Shelton, Washington. ublished August 27; September 8.10- 17-24-Oct. 1-8. GOmITUT0 m, To be voted on November 2, 1929, " An amendment of SeCt(Gas L4.16, 17. 19, 29, 31 and 32, Article IIY of the state constitution, relating to Salaries of State Officers. I State of Washington, Office of the Secretary of State. To whom it may concern: In obed- (once to the state onstltution and an act of the legislature, approved my ths Governor, March 18, 199, entitled as follows: "An Act providing for the amendment of sections 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of article 1II of the constitU- tion of the State of Washington, relat- ing" to•Salaries of State Officers," ther@ lsnereny published for the consideration. of the voters of the State of Washington. the following proposed amendment to. the constitution of said state; .t CHAPTER 162. J .:t (S. B. ]01) An Act for the amDndment of article IIf of the Constitution of the Stats of sWashing(on rting to the salaries state officers. Be it enacted by the Legislature Of the State of Washington: Section 1, That at the general eleo- tion to be held In this state on the Tues- day next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1920, there shall be ubmltted to the qualified voters of this state, for their adoption and approval or reJec- tion. an amendment to article III of the Constitution of the State of Washington so that sections 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 91 and .22 of said artiole III shall, when amended to read as f011ows: Section 14. The governor shall re- ceive an annual salary of ten thousand dollars. Section 16. The lieutenant-governor Shall,be the pres|din slicer of the stats senate, and shall dfscharge such other .duties as may be prescribed by law. -le shall receive an annual salary of two thousand firs hundred "*dollars, . Section 17, The secretary of state • shall keep a record of the officlal acts of the legislature and executive department of the state, and' shall, when required, lay the same and all matters relative thereto, before e/,her branch of the ,leg- islature ,and .shall perform such other duties as shah be assigned him by law. Fie shall receive an annual salary of five housand dohare. Section 19...The treasurer shall net- ror.m suc_¢luu., as shall be lrescrtbed oy law. He shall receive an annual sal- ary of five thousand dollars. , * Section 0. The auditor shall be aU- ditor of public account s and shall have such powers and ]erfor such duties tn connection therewith as may bs pre- scribed hy law. Fie shall reeeive an an- nual salary of five thousand dollara, • Section 21, The,attorney general shall oe legal advisor of the state officers, and shall perform snch other duties  may be prescribed by law, le shall receive an annual salarF of alx thousahd dollars, Section 92. The sun ertntendent of nubltc instruction shall lmve 'siiPerls- ion over all matters pertalninff to publio s cnools, anu shall perform such Oolal duties as may be prescribed by law. Fie shall receive an annual sala;Y of five thousand dollars. Sec 9, The stretary of stale shall cause the amendment nrop0sed in sec- tton I of this act to' be nubltshed for three months next preceding said elec- tron In Some weekly newspaner in every county where a newspaper ts pnbl/shed. throughout the sats . Passed the Senate March 7, 1919. Pa-ed the Fiouse March 11. 1919. Anpreved by the,Governor March 13, 1919. SECR--''R OF STATE. NOTE BY The above act flied in the oface of the Secretary of Stats Mah 9, 910. I. M,, fO'ELL i . eeretary of State. There shall be Printed on all allots for satd' election the words.. 190 ne at 01Fmpia this 1st daF ot June, (Seal) I.  'O'ELL, ?-30-10-|9-14t. ecretry of 8tats. .. .b