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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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" I in/ 13 Townsnlp £ ...................... M&apos; runnin thence  vo ° ou .... I hi ear d HMa Inl al?rg Lake In Section , 2 W.W. ., g L . . tion" W. G, Rex and Mrs. WV, G. Rex, generating plant ulln the Range 4 West, W M. .  34 35 36 and 37 in E 2894 feet to the east line of said . No 1651  ' ith 1 r W. Cushman and up ., Lots 32,..3, , , Ol  1 rtxOATTOt[ s wtfe W. Itm b le' and North Fork of the Slwkomish River, Tract 5 In Ind!an Al!otment xNTO• , Block 22 ......... u sectl°tn-t..e 1nrl 400 feet in width ly- re __   .... '+"l'*h'ls wife' Frank W. Mason County, Wasnlngton, ana to c- Tract 6 in lnol.a.n **ULL,_ .'. ,./ Lots 3 4' 5, 8, 7 ana . In aloc . .........  ........ - .... * € State of l rs ..... -:--. . ;' Hale his lquire all rights, privneges, easemen, Tract 21 in lnalan A*aOLm- ...... Lots 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 in ing 200 feet on each side of a center In th tguperlor wourL u*.,.,, "r.ntv ] 1-lair anu .xrs. v. :L" o ^..,^ l.tht of ways overflowage rlgflt8, ,r.oe 9 and 23 line described as follows: Beginning Washington ih and for viason ......... wife; Puget Souna -up  ,xw ...... - ................ 2'5, in Indian Allot- Block 26, Company, a corporation; Clinton O, water rights in and upon said lands, Tracts 24 and Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in Block 27, at a point on the west line of Sec. 27, J THE CITY OF TACOMA, a unicipal Harris and Mrs. Clinton O. Harris, land the right to divert tl.e waters of rnent No. 9, Lots 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 49 in T. 22 N., R. 2 %'., %V. M. distant 1467 Corporation, Petitioner, his wife; Joseph M. Sparr; F. A. said North Fork of the Skokomtsh . Tract 26 in Indian Allotment No. 13, feet north of the SW corner of said vs, Robison and Mrs. F, A, Robison, his River as in ::aid I,etition set forth; tne Goorge }t Funk and Mrs. George H, wife; John Doe Bunting and Mrs. I lands real estaie and premises affected Tract 27 in lndian All.iment No, 12, F, lock 30. •]ohn moe Iunting, his wife; John by said pr(cedtngs being described as Tract 28 in lndian Allotqent No. 15 Lots ], 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block 31, section; running thence N 68* 30' E. Funk, his wife; William T. Putnam • . Tract 14 in Indian Allotment No, 16, Lots 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 in Block 1341 feet to the north line of south and Harriet G• Putnam, h wife; In Section 14, Township 21 N.I<ange 34, half of said section. A, O. Cushman and Mrs. A. is. Cush- Hawk and Mrs. John Hawk, hiswife; ifollows to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 35, A strip of land 400 feet in width ly- Dan Allen and Mrs. Dan Allen, his The SEt of SWA and Lots 1 and 2, 4 West, V¢, M. Lois 38, 39 and 40 in 13h)ck 38, lng 200 feet on each side of a center of Section 7; Indian Allotment No. 4 in Govern- Lots 1, 2, and 3 in Block 39, ine described as follows: leginnlng , ,, Russell Ionlan, a , , ,  .|an. ,,is w!f;. ]Hill Coral)any, a xlfe, - ............ :ster i Lots ] o 3 and 4 of Section 18; ...... 1 in NF'( of NE¼ McReavy's 2nd Addition to Union at a point on tl: e at HIe oftletc. 2 ltcnnor ;uge • of hc unknown nelrs o znuvvw ., , " "'x ' ] i of men o • ..... " ' ' ' " .tsh T oo N. x. 2 .., -. ..... , ............ )live I-Ianson widow . of Mrs I Tile NE the SE A, the E/2 ' in Indian Allotment No. City ]Xltson County, vV ....... . r corporation, £ ,--.(d. {arius Han- deceased; tie unknown heirs ....... :::: .,,/ , .,"  o a  nd 5 of Stiction Tract No. 2 " '-*-;-. of land ,t00 feet tu width feet north of the 9ast qua*tot cornoe, Arne..l,ans°n'.L[.'2L--'-{{.rit:(of I=Ianson" Vm i,'rank deceaseo} the },nv., ,v , ....... - ....... 3 ........ -,-- ^qotment ,_[_',/d( ,:,.-t -ch l(le of a center there(f running Ltience sout u oo 2" n Sin-ton 12LnSull ......   ' , n Doe l'U|Sller', (lecetea, .   ; [ Tracts  and " in aHu*a * lV,ltg .,u , e  * ) - - o,)- " th line oI tile S°.rlor Rustad, Mtna Caroline :Davis, heirs of Jhn .... Pulsifer, whose true, The NE,., tbe SE4, the SXV¼ and.xi  '" line described as follows: Leg}nni,g at ;.,V.,6 [tiet to t,e sou #)n°q, hue Agnes Gilbertson tglax nusut.]v-:: to netitioner nn-lthe Sa4 of NV] of Section 20 I"',.'m 7 and 3 in Indian Allotment a point on the west line of S(.,..o.= u. : w., o ,.::.u..-a.- h. f,ot in width Iv- ........ ¼ , heirs at law an(* cnr,s,* ,,,.. *,- " ' " "' len  /" $I " n' oq. / ......... ,  I' 3 %V ,V ]v] distant 81: eet A str.p o ...................... }tanson, ctflidren, .. - .^-,-., known" the tlnkno%vn heirs ot. I All t)f . (ctl( "" '. .. . o,: ^ No. 2, ^. ..  -^ 21 N,, '" '-. "' ', '...•- ,.,-,,.n,r of in 210 feet on each ulde of a center devlset;s of Arne rlanson ..... aS'{e Johns' deceased; and tie unknown The NE, and the '/z oz 74 ul ]n Section 15 Township z± . xans scuth of tne wes qua,'c;• y_-;:--  ;;.. _ A ........ ow-'" "'"" 'rances 1-ianson, Carrie 9alto, H -' .. len Yellout, deceased;.., ..zt. l a =;}=t - [' sold section; thence cast o3hl leer o nne oescr, oeu a.:. )u,.,.._?. -.-;.: .. 1o Hanson Fred Hansonand heirs of Mls. A ''" ......... . ..r,, _ . .,._ t ^€ L "f-"'" "  .... t liie of sail sctton nte'sec- at a ])omt on the ),.hst "% 't V¢? *..'i':''.', --i{nnson his \\;-ife,heirs at A rill -thor iersons and parties un. The I'2a,, o i .,-/4 sou ,t  rz "" I roup ., --  ,--.= reutred for ',,. 1': .ame at 'R loi'nt 801 feet soutll NXVU, of Sec. 26, T. 22 .., It. . w., _w2 .,ea,,.- .... :i:,-.':, deceased" Alice "W .... 2,-----,:.,. ",,n- rlht title es-S1,]:, o Section  - .... .u^ I D(scripnon , j?..,o _, .. .... ÷L.= "t:'%," .... _ ....... + .... orner thereof M distant 813 feet north or tne wes law oi 2trne .as...--, " " .' Known c,.--*,,   o ., ' l " ' the S rl the 1'/4, ,,t: Re ulatlng lleservo,r, x e..--.*- or the (,as qt,. .......... • • thin thence nor and C. W, :Lrowner, , or interest in the real es- . lhe N\\;V ;,, , .a Canal, g • on ex- , anl 400 feet in width ly- quarter corner thereof, iul g • EerDh)uWsb]2rwA. E. l-lillier and St.ella ta: l:fel'lbed in the complaint and N\\;V'A of.NE¼ and the S½ of NE of [and.I'ower .Ho:e l,uthelll°rtiof See- tn iil "::ft lon(eaeh side el a run,to, N. (,8 .30' E, °840 feet to tl:e east ne t rOlll LI| . t '  . v , ,o • " 1 'wife" Henry O k'xleY; : " herein Defendants [ Sceuon 3; .............  | tenomK  .. x  a -xr V M to I * 7k "Ao=ovihod as follows: Beginning of sal(l fluarler seeuon niter ........ % I'Ilerm husser' and :Mrs. William petition ,  All in Townsnlp z ±ortrt, xans • i ti0n 16, -.. 2""./'" £e.--,;' oah 'Pnwn- ,,...n .==.+-:&- ,hA west line of Sec. 4, the same at a point 790 feet south ot ' ,':" l(is-wife' Ida M Pinch and ...... cW vASHINGTON to the West, V. M. _ ..... / ^v'Hood Canal in ecton u o ...... i at 2v;"w"-I' ] M distant 801 I the north quarter corner of said boc. '; ....... '* 'r husband" Tacoma THE T2kI, * ?.*-, " )'.e H  The E½ of NE/, ana tne ±Ta -* ship and range. "  '" * ..... " "' ,nor' run- o6 Alncent llneh, he .... -- ..... a said George H Funk; Mrs _(.ec.rg , )cr/ .e ..,,. q. I A gtrin of land 400 feet in width IV-l feet sonth of the quarter, cox .., . I" '- ............. t in width Iv- Savings Ban ez_lfust .''(£-'v_ 1 Funk" William' T, Putnam; ,.tarrlet G,, .. -k,rec---:L/,xxrlz. *lie N%V £ of ]U dh "€,.m On each side of a center |ning thence cast 1312 feet to tt.e eas]• A.srip. o£ ,a.u^, ,-Xf n-oonthr corporation, as rusev, *' ......... ' A G• Cushm n; Mrs. A, <" i .0  v, (., ?. "_'2 ';/ . Z2Hont*" %';," "?K.Y  -- ¢ollows" Beginning |,..-.e the W x of SW£ of satU see-ling z.u eet on eaun ............... Bradley William T. Br.adley and Putnan.. ussell HotlI; Puget MIII,SE¼, anu tne  o  ......... [line o,scr,ueu ,ao % .... ;^- 21 T 22|[],'i  - ]" '* [line described as follows: Beginning dith C. Bradley, his wile; rd[, 2om,ffan:, " -'live Hanson" Marius Han-10; ............ ion tne north nne o J'"--oin't 8"69 4 |'." 2 ,-- o* 'and °00 feet in width ly-/at a point 799 feet south of hie herin Bradley" Martha E, Haywa , .I t{02 Hanson' FltJof Hanson; ] The NE/. of S ,¾, tne  o .... -/, ., R. 4 w., w ......... arter sec- 2t str,p .... , • . , * . , --,: .... ;veerhaeuser Timber Corn- son.. Sl ............. "o O-reline Davis; 'and the S½ of sE¼ of Secton 11;.. IfNeet distant west. of .the q ". ..... ling 190 on each s.!de, of tffn:e;/u.a'e'2cne¢?vSeellli,2: tT;VPe 2. )any_' coiit)oration; Ths B: Pr? Vlalll;g TlUg*ns'Glgertson; I The SW¼ , theN½ of SE½, Lot • / t ion corner; runnlngontlenC%ulU2n "4al ,  line o,crltOeln aheO'wea' lin'of the ] 68; 30' E. 1448 feet to the east. line of ton and Mrs..[rna• L. *-*ol-, D- l-I'anson" Frances Hanson; Carrie p'lle; |and Lo_t 2, or .ectlon -;of SWZ the/3 w-.a.'fee.;then'ce by a curve toiE. ;f SXVt£ of See. 4, T. 21 N., R. ithe NVA of NEll of saln secto_[.Ude d wife; Ellen tuqy anu ,-h¢e nd Hassle -Ianson; Ole Hanson; Freer lan- The NW,.: tne ±w'/  o-V'a n | east w v.. Q % .^. -oius 253 1 feet' u xr dttant 834 feet south of the] A trian.gular tract or an uoun. i Rud her nusoano; or. ,,, * ....... Hanson' Alice , low[s½ of SW%, lots a, z ........ [ tne east ot .... o 2t,- -' oeo ¢t'[ ..... ";- - .... ;- "iine of said/and descrtoed as toliows: eg,nn*ng Mrs.Y'J..Richter_, his wife Potltc I °%;wJ:rnte,v Brow'ner; A. E=..Hll-iSection 13; ....... I .... |thence south 43"o 1, %aass t o feet' [est;an,,weiSntg aence' east 1312 feet] at the NE¼ of Se.tion.26 T. 22 oNg, R; 1 Commercial & Termma* w.,,,v.-_.,. - .2,,. "Vailiier- Henry O• lxleY; I The NEA the N%V/, tne  , ,, I thence soutn  o ?° " .... ,  ......... ; "- -. ° ...... =2-t • 2 W W M running utence .  o nnorat[on" Slg. G• Aardai and mrs. iner;. v *- . - :illiam Musser; 'xt- .f SW and the SE of SW [more or less, to ths south line ox u*u[t o the east nne oI^ai .tr .., v.|W 1'420 "feet' more or less, to the west §i. Aarhal, his wife H, N..Wo21" [Wilik.musse'%'ncent"#inch, Tacomaiof:'Seetio n i4' .]Seetto 21 intersecting the same a a| A strip_of lana  Iee.n --cen{r|l'l'ne of NE of NE of said section: "'" ' rs H N. Woomeia, nm *u . *'.-.., --, Corn any; a ' he NW the N½ or oint 1030 feet distant west oI tn ing 100 feet on eac. ,u . field and M • . n s Bank & Trust P . The NE , t , p 28 of follows: Beginning thence north 496 feet to the north line wife; E. A..Sims and - . !SSVrlg  Bradley; William T, Brad!eY,!sw, ana the NE of SWV, of Sec-lcorner to S.eetlons 2, , 27 and line decribed.#2..,es t line of the W½[of said tract; thence east 1312 feet, Sims, his wlre; eo_rge ..e,)rl*ith C" Bradley • James W. B raaleY;tion 15' . .... ]said township anu rn ..... idth I v-lIt- -P°'muh"of See. 4, T. 21 N.,|more or less, to the oeglnlng. _ _ - ' :9. Pixley a .... • ........  xrs'] Richter" Ptlatc'h Comme . . ] ' " " ,N h 4 W. W ......... =_/fe ........... - -,idtf Iv|west 'along "sect'ion "line 1120 feet" ley, his w,re; m. . v-s,e.,-A: T'ermin'al ompany; Sig. G. AaraaL! The S½ of SW of Section 4; ttant west of the nortneast eornr A strip o1: lane vv e ........ . . o , . M: .M. Grogl liSA WSlchnidt, h,slMrs. Stg, G. Ardal; H. N. Woolflllrds, / .A,1 of Section 5: ...... Ilf. sat d section run::tg: II1%utl/!ng 100 fete(na:atollld2. °fBlgen;ItllCline N ol8sa? O sEtloll?.3.thfeltee.t°outhl ! mlur.nawaner" a{xd Mrs, Wm,|Mrs. H. N. W oolnelo. . ,,a.4 .... 2| The E½ of NE, ana tne ] oi|$6 23 east :a y, ...... radius/line oesc[,. ........ est line of the E½/aiong same 439 feet to tne Degxnnlng. w., .......... 7-- m J Gross|E A. Sims; _eorge rnz; wr.'.|SE  of Section 6; ]curve to the..east o 9. %, ^.t|at a polnton  a T 21 N R.I A strip of land 400 width ly- his wife Abraha • ' • a L Lutz; Jonn o  '  on 8 • ' 3 8 feet' thence soutn  o , of NWV, or rv. ,- ...... • ", • * ide of a center m J Gross his Franz, Myr • • The NE  of Secti , 25 . , t See- ant 884 1 feet south lng 2)0 feet on each s and ;Mrs. Abrahan ..... "...a' t. IW D Davldson; Mrs,_W. D. Dayidson, n'e S" of NEt£ the N of NW 1317.4 feet to the east line of sad_. 13 W., W. M" (list ...... .€ ln. of!line described as follows: Beginning wire: terry a, x-r*,*- ,, -" • ' n P Pixley' v£rs _worrlson =. --"" ' ' ' SW and the 28 intersecting tne same a  of the east-an(t-w  ............. c 24, • The Ore- Morriso , , the SW¼ of NW½ the V tlon t t 655 at a oint on the west line of Se , ;rryMffortaa:yek'inird.Wclefoe;C, OraPO:tipOn; I lirX:y; 1, MA: Iragal; Ms  Mj,WM&m" ISW:(cOtsvEI/, of Sonf9,Sectio n 13;/l°irnter817f'sfetsl th. of t.h? northe: |lied t ¢:ctton.Rr?llg !:ReCnOSwaittralCyt ' 1 7eet22:ohRo ? two, S Mor:lltattr 2el l-lt.gglnSjUt o]ds and Irs L W t Schmldt" Wm Wagner tJ-'2 aha'] The "SW£ of NE Lot 1 the N½ of] A tract of land. co.m.prls, lng.a_P.C_" I A strip of aana u? ....  - onter I running thence N 68" 30  E 5574 feet t.,on; ?• _., "q-n. a.vle and 'Mrs" Wagner" Abraham d, <.ross; x.rm 2%:-- 1Nw. of SElf and [he N of' Lot 2,| tlon of the N½ or tno xwv4 an_u ol .2WItng 100 feet on earn mue   ,__,__ |. .... tnt on east line of said section olds, nls wile; o ...... =., " ' as, Perry J lerKlns; xwv. --.. v. .- "  on 27 T 22 N 1  w., gcribed as fOllOWS: egm.*- --  *- hs wife; tephen Mer-ham J. Gro , . ort- Section 14; __ NE¼ of Sect i ,  .... .. ;. ¢l:lline de. ........ - ltn of theldtstant 272 feet south of the quarter rffie T Algyle6s. tStephen Merrick his Perry J . Perktls, inThadO/%.g]WberM..Co • The .SE(£ of NEof Secflonl ^  I W M bo}mOeO R no he:Cve. Hne-of ] at a point on^nEvo See7 4-T. 21]corner. . . Edw. F. L, c " " ' • "' E Andrews; Mrs. Rob't. E. ,i/th e  r f HE of NW '  19, T. 22 N .... , • ., Lech, iris wife; Northern Pacific Robt., i Leaoh; Mrs. Edw. F. Skokomlsh River .where said. river/o f the East . .o=..  .... 'h lln Itract'- ...... nn et tn tdth 1V-272 feet south of tha west quarter oor- Railway Company, a eoporation, S. !drcws! Idw. F. " e Railway c;om- flows by or tnrougn trio I:OllOWlng .ue-/thence norn . - u *, -- _,_ _/ A strip el mnu - "7" ""-- -'- "er thereof • running thence N 68* 30' • ' rs S K Water- Leach Northern Paean t e and remtses ai section 27' tnenee eas ans i 0 feet on each sao o a cenr . , " K. Waterman and ' • ' • - terman; Mrs, S. K. scribed lands, real es at P . of s d , ng 1 0 , in E. 4441 feet, more or less, to the east man, his wife;. Mary A. O;__Rechen- partY; Sd,.arVa A O Rechenderfer In Mason County, Washington, to-wlt, lthe same. 1980 feet bY GovermItlllno.described" as foIJowsx.rB%IWline of the west ½ of NE', of said :,' derfer and Jonn Doe ecqenurr, ............. leehe'ndcrfer; Olympia Door|Group S. ]mcasure to ,ne   ,,,2L=-,=2_..|on ne west-nne t '©a". x* 1 |section her husband; Ol ymEl..e Door Co4,.__ ]ohmn oo " ----B Pitcher' Mrs. F. B,I The SEV. of SElf of Section 17: |NW of N-/;." .|of NE¼ of Sl¢. 91 ye. ,.--,ff. *=u/ A triangular tract of land bounded ation' F B Fltcner ana vxr ...... ,.--., -. • ' B 4 E and the |he Of SRld %v' u * /4 --,, XV W :M dlStant v. ,v - = corpor ' " ' . • , B. Mur hy, Mrs. J. . The 1L  of NE, the S , east I / , 3 ., • • line of and descrled as follows. Beglnnln F. B, Pitcher, his wife, J. B., Murphx IPltchr;. ustave' plrson' Mrs, Gusil S½ of SW¼ of Seetton 20; ./feet; thence south 53.^30^ east, 113of, .the east-and-west .qeUnacrtereast 327.5at the N,V corner of the SE of NE Hen Kahn 'hLs wife4 De- Storem J)_' Doe Stor • nt SE , of Section  ; o e " aid section. "thence  as follows" %egtnning line of said trac; th. " and Mrs. . ry ' ......... 1 .......... e" H C, Henr Investme [t The NEM. and the E of SE Oftof the NE of s ..... , ....... |line described . . .. t ........ |*o same "48 feet to the beginning.,, fiance bumner company, a corpu, ..... ..-.,-- , • ., T omas " " -- e tlon line 800 reel" znenc a oint on ne west line eL t. -] ., tlon: Jane Store.m and ohn Doe ]Companv2. ThonSorleerg, LMell;hjohl! Section:3 .... hin 12 North. Range 41u5 th° %%'s'st 130 feet more' or lesl t S( of NE% of SE¼ of Sec. 4, T:I A trct, of.lnd,c°n.Png h IIIioi Nobles and Mrs W A Nobles his Slaue, "t.ranc,s uw.. ells Allen Yell SWt ot w v4  u = ['iort'll trig 50 feet on earn side or a center 21 N c  w vv ... net of said the other land to be aequlred by the ' LeGail' ffohn Levi , • est W vl • to the nor 21 .... • , 19 T 22 N. It• 1%V,, W. M bounded Hawthorn0' I-L C Henr.y Investment Doe , me" Mrs Jesse W , • st aion the same 230 fe tith of the eastandwest quarter line ' ' ' n Co. a corporation, Thomas Bet _nd Leval , , , John DooCady; Government Lot I (NE of NE), ] e s to the SE corner of theo f said section" running thenO9 east ' ,' ' 1" Jesse S. Ranso , • - . thence we g . so nd described as follows, Beginnl g a .....  nt l|n of aJ ,4 ,  his wife' je.nne S ]Ransom May Cady. more or 1.s - ' o1: sald at a .po,n on t.e ............. Mrs. 'lhnmas Ier v.  T•-'nd A Ransome: Mrs. Budd A. Ran- Government Lot 2, (NW_...of.NEV,)INW¼ of NE; therce eontinuingwes|327.g feet to the east l!.ne ..... ] .... - 19 distant 660 feet south of teorgeon e,,, ,, - ......... ------ "*xr, V6rr,' Mrs Win, Terry |tiie SWA of NE the lwv or , .ti-et hv Govcrnment measure to/¢.j, t which is the east nne o a., i o:.-V. , . ..... ,-_ .u .... Gall, her husband;_ff0hn LovH_ and:som; '=',..-rs/%Valter. Berg" Hen- i the N)]" of SWa 'and Government Lot [ .=-4correr of the east ½ of NEU| set-(ion intersecting the same •934 feet I tn.e.,"corn, er, otme  r,,,p 7,. arlsJ°h%:lrLt:;;ssnle'ff(lennS# l cic:t'utle LllJ?l'Wc;soJnhvI2?%lillls;- [ 8 IVW  )l#Vectl n $6¢ of/! 1NsW" to; :hDegtc the2 lt:2tt r°l s°thstr°tfp  llllrt%% °reefn widthneYr I 7ol0tleetNnr%?rq:  tte e ssl h lc his wife;  __Z. Y,dd A Ransome[len J acltson; Ray J. Hall; .Mrs. aY J,]NV£ thb NWb of SW, th.W.[the iine of the first course, o.f this de-|ing 100 feet on each side ot a_, .-, rttton, thence west 652 feet to the west ' YZrnerllldSd°'2uCtans-ome" his wife; I-Iall; Chas. H. K ertz; Nellie ! [of SW/., and the NE ox , w  v. ] scrlptlon measuredo ato,rigt anleS1| itne .described _as rollows: .eec[ox | line' of tract first above mentioned, in ;. ";£'dJ-',a rs Wm 'Terry his SSoren C Nelson; ars• oren . "'L%Z' Section 7 ............ .| thereto" thence x. o ° o 7':'. v-%| at a polnt on the wes ne . ,,.:. [ this description" thence north 183 feet, ';':. N(+=-': .rid Irs alterlmily Slaughter; John 19oe p,{augn; The SE1£ of NWa£, tns 2!y. ' .tto first line of this description.: av'g]3 T 21 N., It, 3 ..W., w, ,v. u--' ]thene N 68 ° 30' E 1345 feet to north fierg: his wife; .nrlett. L,:Joh.naon t.W,,l_lUtm^W; aiCearMS: r,a0rge/SW£, the SEof SWEth%eotion|feet mora or less.t0 the ceSttlnon°1934 feet south 0f n%61arfteert ctr"l ]ne'-of S% of the said tract; thence and John Doe Johnson, net nusnano: me; "''r'*.,--:'ffrs J J Cru-[ = ' ana ne  z ..... • q ] Section z7 agresaIu:  t ne._ -'ace ofl runnn,g tene eas. oa section "1 east 64 foe't to the beginning. laudelA, Hardy J  t e ame 400 I ee o ,t v, east line ot vv :. o -- Claude Allen Jack. son.gnd_Mrs,. _., ,?., .__,;. i.."t' "iSaia" N'ellist;| ; .............. , o Xl0rth Range 4| h ,. s . • , |" !. .  _ ,2-a "40'0 feet in' width! X strip of land 409 feet inwidth l y- Allen Johnson, nlS w!reL lay."a. _.s:: so,n; € .1-1. Jbn Doe Waddle; | _.'* 2. .% ....... v ..... | beginning, - - .......... s Tract No/, .A srpo. ["'"aeh slcle of a center | Ing 200 feet on each sine or a center and :Mrs. Ray j. ldall lS -'2wlxe'[ tt ' " '. ' udson; T, west, vv. .z. . A tract or Jan 9 *,w*g o   llylng z.v .yc ,, ,^,, ...... oinnlng |line described as follows: Je'lnnlng Chas. R. Kertz and Nellie R, lerts¢ C• A, HudsOn, Mrs, C A. H . harles ! m .... xrl/.  u :1 1 of Lot 2, Section z.,... - :,, .-._ lltne descmveo as ...... " "" ---  the t at 8. -otnt on the west line of Sec, 20, his wife: Sorgn C..Nelson and Mrs: I G:'.Garrion,.MarYit21rrisillCRose; |' ?ttr/t*io  of''{'he NE of SEa:IW., W. ,[., comprising the herin  O[at  point on the wes. ln%yxV..M iT. 22VN., R. 1 VV., V, M., distant 81 Soren C. No son, nls wne: m,,y .--..•, '--: %t" T'.:rrV ' •Jones' D, B. I lvin. no'rtil of Skokomish River, ' 'l said Lot . _ .......... .. I m-/ ot q?- o, -. ?..C'L' .' enter of | feet south of 4he N r corner thereot: and Tohn Do Slaughter, .Emnie u ....... . , - "-- ........  E  • A strip of land taken o the u . distant 901 ree sou. - ..... / " * 68 o 30' E o3o7 feet Slaughter • ' " : ' , ar A, Jackson, Washin Be . at SW co of SEt of S , 2 Sect on " • in thence east 2635 running thence N ....... her h0sband; 7vVi_lliam.' , .I.leo and. Jackson, MrnYn" -tohn L Suth'orlanl: J .... g .... E on r line 5 ch,: thence N/'side of Tract ;Nq. 2. of Lot ^/..,olai.d section, running ^. °aid section [to the north line of said sectian, in- Mrs. William W llce, his Wl! 'ns,h-.-lla-orlgnd • State Bank o"Sllorish River' thence" following'26, T. 22 N., R, i Wi'n rvvtttqa on't'"n eet to tne e  .ame at  point 89 cerseoting the same at a point 505 feet Georgd A. Ha dY and Mr Georg : ,I .. u_ ..... :4,ivY-ioho- '. School Dis- . ...... -.., mct'lon to W line of ]as follows: Bo n ..g~ .. p_. Pfilintersec g .. s ....... r ' l west of the quartet'corner. ITard, his 7ife; J...J, rus0n a.q or neitonj v.o n ou't.v: Washing-  .{a. =' d'/. -St[d section' run thence [ the west line o_ sa.tu ecton z'^,.u,"  feet sguth of the %uart21/+]n-idt h in [ A triangular tract of land bounded rs ]" ,]" CPUson nlS WlZe Davlo tr*u *,, =-, ...... , Ar- ,.z4 u oz., 'x t north 460 feet trom ne ,,u,.- A strip oI lanu ,t,u t=c e follows" B innin ; ..... '_;'.'_" .... ...,a eO'lst histon" R B Wilson; Bertl)a "vVi!son,.. _ |S on AV line of E½of S.E to ptee]tan ....... -]d Tradt 2" runninglth S%VI£ of Sectlon 2, T 21 N.., R. 3 land_des-ribed as_ • )g ..__ • ,t,t t ..**, a*.. -. , , : ' " , am M lcoster; £wr, ' W 5 chains ot ' west corner , -- r ----  " '-- e ac stue at the souln quarter corner oi secunn wife; Ella A I...W.addle and 5ohnI.hur. flensen,Woill, .Tames M Sweet- of beginntnggubetnnr.msh River lthence north 185 feet more or less tO[w" W M. lying 200 f.e t on_e ..... ws /17 T .o N R 1 W XV M running addle her nUsDanu* { 'A J[u- W|lll/Lnl v &'*, -- • tOI 7" ""''" "  ............ of said Tract z" tnent; o center line tlescrlDeQ Lt tut, .... - ., • ..... Doe W . , " ' " " , She ard: Lumber- 1 1 in S of Skoko-. the north line - , f a . - t line thence west along the south ltne of son and Mrs, C, .A. ludson, land,, George A.  PP n :. homas The E of SIY ghalns thereof/east along the same 1380 feet more.orlBeginntng at a_po!nt on t.he wes ....... t-, ..... ;-- aS feet" thence N 68* 80' his wife: T, t, arrison" and men s Mercantile Com.p.a Y lederal mih River, yxeeP-- --=  na a/ r the Government Meander lnno I of said Sectton z Olstant , ee_. ..... /-" 'v ' . tn th east Mary L. Garrison, his wife; Charles ]W. Webb; Maude Webb, The Louise and except tne w  ......   .................. anal" thence S. 4 E,, and of the quarter corner, running thence  ............................. ........ Ruby C, I. Pritchard IZarLRose and I Land Bank..Ge.orge mrOfv. John feet of, the  15 chains of E½of Seb'] ofuSooly Cth e 'courses of the saml north 68 ° 30' E 2552 feet more or less, lithe thereof; thenc_..suth along same i wife  Marry (lame on, taenev  ........ ' Tne S aft4.5 ieet o£ weut uo. ....... s " thence west i' of the said SWA or 1 teet to rue negnn ls. Emllie Rose, har., n an:nd MarY' A IDoe cNeeley" W. A, Morris[ Maud2| r,:ast 15 ehains of E½ of SE/. lying|IS5.2 feet more or le.s,__ _ .,. :4t !t9 the north l ne / A strip of land 400 feet in width 1y- ,cones; ._.. .;._._t.t _=st ;.=:.-.,  |=.;..o. ore P Weaver; Maole ft.| ,- o,.^,.^t. Xiver 1 parallel to the nrst course u ,,== - See. z ....... • ,_ .a. in tinct o00 feet on each side or a center Jackson his wile: wasu,ngu. .,.... ..--.-, -  " . 'J, C Me- o u or,., .... , a O the beginning A strip of Itnd au') leer ,a, .,,. o  " ' , ' o rt L" J C McKtel, Mrs, , • Th SWM of SE the SEof SWt SCTlntlon, t " ' ' 1 N R 3 W W line descTibed as follows: Beginning Co,mpany," a co_oravtton, T:Jt+u.. ].xe,.,,' I-usrl Eaton" Nels 3ydstru_p W.^_ ,e vrv. -f S ] Tide Land abutting .on Tfaet o._ Ithe Na.h of $9c._2, T. 21- .2h '.lde of a[at a point 198 feet north of the south utnerland Rnu .4rs. o.,., . -- .... -  .... , o ' " Nobles" Joseph ,u ,, .. ,.  ,-, rth 2 80 naans or "tract o, M 1 lng 200 eet on ea ....... f Shel-tA Nobles; Mrs. W, A. , tion 8 Township 21 North, and the no •  ] ' Y 1 s" Be- quarter corner of Section 17, T, 22 N., ]and his wife; State Bank o , • A Hunter All in Sec , section 26, T 22 N, H 4 enter line described as fol ow • . o to=, a corporation' Oliver BilhOralVi.!- a=..L.. Robert Ebert: JeanlRange 4 West, W ..... I glr W M '.inning at a point on east=and-.^^,I,i, . ',aa' f.. thence S 15' 44' E • • Mrs Joseph Vail, W, , 'M 2 of Lot 2,. • c • west R 1 V %\\;, M" running thence I, 68 vl[o Or' cnool l)lStrlet iNo, q., ..*--° tn*vw -,.-, e ette" Mrs, "'" ' " "" lin of salct secuon aov .v o ....... + ..... • " o. W¢, ...... '.'ntOn a munieipallTodd Fredson; Wllliam. Dey..-ott.] The SEW of SE the SWof SEt£,|oup 4. _ ................. ,,o .¢lquarter ._e ......... t. corner there-|350 feet, more or less, to the ea.t line :="-'=-'fib': :%"'ilsg. and Bertha|William Deyette;_Jeanet.fAr.."rs'| the'W¼"of SW,'the SE of SW,| TRANSMI88tO_..J:s,, *::,;- 2"''Sec |eaSt otJne w=.-nor-(h 68" 30' east|of the SW of SE^ or sa.ta section. , ;;, .... L'',¢e, "Arthur ffensen" Wil- ] Lew Ottermatt; los, w. ,,:.o- .' ...o' | oa +h .w of SW, ' / proposed power nnu ". ; %'. .2 I ot; runn*,,s ,. .... • ,,2- ^€ ru of/ .- strp or lanu 4:.t zeet In Wlatn ly- ll°n "''/2J'.'--rs-Wililam M. | los C MongrainL- Ale.x 'j°nns°n2,,: % "'£.t'i'on- 9 ToTnship 21 North, 26 TWp.  22 N.,: . a w., w. u., ' | 1692 feet to_tne eas . .... .... | ing 200 feet on each side of a center " -L'='-" "'-" ........ ;--':-"-o'£: M Sweet-/Ale€ Johnson 'anme " .**V.,i'| ..... % vo %{/ M Pierce County nne• . ..... = /NEM or said. section. = . ,...a+h lv-[line described as follows" Beginning ' 'oster nis who; ........ " au t Arthur x. e.; .ange ...... , ....... t of "land descrloe as renews: A' strip of lana av ew., ....... - " " " th SW land" 'Goerge A. Sheppard Lumber- lJ°hn Doe I-Is Pes: Ordelia E. Vater;{ All that hart of NEa£ of NEt£ lying [ wA, trc o€ n noint 114 8 feet dis-[,.. a, feet in' each side of a center lat a point 530 felt north of xr ew 1 ,' cantile Company a corpor- *, "''" ....... • Mrs - - r laeln a  ' ......  ..... " -"- .... • Begxnnmg corner or  , =. . ............. mens er ........ k.a ro,,a| . Hollev: Rasmus _Hanson, ..._'_']south of Skokomish. ivej. g ICa.nt west of the northeast corner of]line described as follows. . .... ]W W %T runnln' thence S 85* 44' / atlctn: Thomas._ w._we ._'t't.*'%'22/ ;,o., Han'son" Henry Barrett; *me/nortion of Government 1o 3 . ...... i;K rxru of SW of Sec. 5, T, 22 N., | at anoint on the east line or ec.^. I.,:-4 'a' e7." -L'':--"% -L to "th Gov- Web.b, his wlr_e}._2:ne:aerSkmrg  ]E[t'tm: Union'Clty Boom ompan_y.!|" Government Lot 10 (b.elng. £sw-A OZ [:'rW. M; thence south 50 " 37'|T ' 21 N,, R. 3 W., W4" Ni_distan  |n/n-ent--her  Eine% east side of" 'YsanR, a 9orporauon, -;. .....  t.tnmish Boom & Ra1:ung 'QmPan.*/NE S of Skokomtsn ,ver) ....  -;;:st 11' feet to the south line or in-/fee t south of the m tr.?: "o'g'.-loa v.¢'a "anndaIfUlecr° nj'ohnWD d|G':&e "Wobb; .Mr!o2eOgo%erVel;wi; Government ltsg.,(belni%° [;n Lot No. 29 of sald_sec 3: thence | s.tion .runi?gtothleneeeSsUline':f t°;e|''k " t;ct of land bounded and describ- • ' usiand' ,W• A. Morr, ls N. Woo ; 2tnel w ; nson" NEI' and .p.tnol "f& ]west along the same 157,5 tee ; . |west 1414 r e .... |ed as *oIlows" Be-lnnlng at a point on NeeleY, her hat .... i. wife Oe0rge I Joseph . Spirt Augusta ._Robi .... -'| of Skokomlsn iver) .......... ] north 60" 37' west 2583.4 feet thence| SE£ of NE of salc secon.,a.h lv | the est-and-west "quarter section line "anayauup _'_."',Ts..:":t.v Wetver hiS|Herbert Johnson; JOhn aeeKer;.,| Government Lot 8 (being pn o,|south 29 4 feet' thence north 50 87 | A strip of lann ivy .% .,, .-2"='n¢]of fractional Sec 26 Twp o N R -..Qvc.ver tx.d-r s j C 'Me-]Squally;'Minath Sherwoo_a*Snr.L| NE of SW and NW.. _or .w v. |w 734 5 feet" {enee east 316.I feet tO|tng 200 feet on each. slur o =/.| 4 W W M dist'ant '16 ehalns e't of • wt.r.e; J; '-:;=--'nh E'toh '|as Sarah Sherwoou; .r_a: ]:'6llytng S and E of Klver),'_./the beginning _ /line described .as renews; -=""|the "'ouarter'stlon corer' running .I11{ e01w.s(:i ,a widower: W. Baker; Aliee:Pern.mani ah10'.ak; I Government Lot 7 o(kO:igah ver,| A strtn of land 100 fegt In width_ly-] at a point on te. wrst vl.nilsm'9| ttlenee" north 460 feet to the line of '!I :yi e " an'd 1VIrs. Jo'ephtAnnie_Frtmk; Iizzie W ; , ;/ All in Section _12, Township 21 /line descr,bed as follows: Beginn.lng/feet so;/[h of the'NW c°r : ..... ,| ...... •  ...... thence east 245 feet x f Joseph Wail n Johns LUCy Allen Freddi W M not n hence herin  ov a  - Vail' his wife W A ffuntsr and oUt" le yard Iiller' Horace Strong • Range 4 West, , • "" at a point on the south line of I a section" runntng t .  ............ ' Ho of nd 55 25 or h line of said more or leas to the west line of t a ter his v'ife. Robert Ebert 2' Miller; ' r" E ma overnment Lot 4 (being 1. ' Tract 20 1@" ehtins north, a • .lcast 53'41 feet to the n t lOlvmnic Highway as now located" • )llve lffl n , n 'heirs at law o mons* Annie B]ine , m Gterest s in iron u o,u " ' ' Sal¢1 secrtlon runlng thence r to ou    •  '., ' Jean Tooa Fredson a Agnes Sim _ , ' A nes  "a t of Skokomish River) chains east of the southwest corner or[ section. . ........ -a[ +u .... southorlv alont, the same 468 t bachelor, • bie H, St. John. g NW L£ E S  • - Or lana oounuu ............... widow: William pgyettg, and Mrs. e_Oe: Ab nrv: Louis Purdy: Ben l Government Lot 8 (.b.oin. SW.a£ Of/sec, 35, T. 22 N., R. 4 W,:_W. M:, run;I A trtangula_r tract ..... |nnlnz/feet to the said quarter-section line: e. ette his wlre jeanee unoKe  .......... b' St lla of Skokoml$1a l-lver) , nin thenoe south 50" 37' east oot and described as iosow." ~----.- ...- .i: ........ + "£'^n- the same $78 feet William D.Y . " ' • ank; Lottie Rob , NW East g " " tton , ,"=',', ........ F. Ottermatt and L.ew Ot.termatt,..her I ohniglreFtr Prank: Louise Pulsler; I All in Seotlon 18, Township 21North / feet to a point onthe ]2ne st, wn [t te :outheaSt 9.rrnerr°rM.eCrunnlng | more or less to the beginning, _ husband; ,Tos. c. aongraln.. an o la.e .-r  o nk: Robert Lewis;_ sirs, Range 4 West W.M. . ..... .| seetion I and 2 or T. z. ,, _, L Y:" I r.  " .' . "':.- "''--..; ,*--^ oft A tract of land, being a portion or los C Mongrain;.hts wife, A;-Ch,qes^Fles. James Wilbur; Jennte/ Government Lot 5 (being wy "tiW. M., distant 834.3 feetnortn oL£ne[thence west _aLong ne "'u'i^eSo|the N½ of N of Lot 3 fractionalSec, leX Jonnson nl Jffrlnte ua. v  e W OX O NI 9 feet tnenu ttux*t v Doe Hauntly her buslaa 1VgcKinney Pulsifer_; nment Lot 6 (being  . A strin of ]and 100 feet in w o -[soctioh tnenc. . . "l.. ÷h= east and west nuarter section • ' ' ' r Alen: Mrs. Gover . _ - ' , ..... - - • -. - - 00ells an,t 00_t00ur IE00?TWatt00rman; Sam Pete; ku00Y "'I SW'00 and ptn. if any. o00lln00 5O feet on eae.00:.slde of a 00en.terls0000.5 tothe 00Idth Iv-lilne of said See,on at a ,olnt 10 wife: Oruelta E. vat,r, a_w,uw., ]'d-Awn' Marlon Towallard; Mcrmney | NW S of Skokomish River) ...... .lllne deserlbed as r0Hows: emnnLn.g I A srlp ot lano vy ,- -=-.-- _._,. I chains east of the 'quarter.ectlon col L. HolIe: !Rasm.US. anson"2..l," ]%3,isf'er.' Thomas Pulsifer; _ C, eo/ge| Gernment Lot 7 (being NVT' OZ]on the west llne of ,the SE% of  llng 200 on eacn sioe o _*in [ ner" running thence east on said quar- ;Rasmus. Hgns°n, n.l..s_wIetr2.n.rton|sifer'. Wm Pulaifer; Kate v.ulslfler;|SEU and ptn if any, of BWtA O]of Sec I T. 21 N. R. 4 W., W. M., a z[llne descrled as follow.s:  ...... ,'Iterqecti'bn line 278 feet more or less rett, aacneLor; nce eroratlon' | 1V['rs An'drew Foster; Win.. .ranK: MRS.| NE S of Skokomlsh River), . .]a point 25 feet south of the northwest ]'at a point on the west ltnelOan¢C4.d I to he west llne of tho Olympic Hlgh- City loom company, ^ co v ' '' erson; Henry Allen; _vv_."'/ o ....... ment .Lot 8 (being NE °rlcoimer thereof; running thenee south IT. 22 N., R, 2 w,, _vv=_v,. u - ; Iw"" as now located; thence south 12" Skokomtsh Boom & afttngaCo4..a/rJv°e,TA2;ton; Alice Johnston: warren|=EV'n d ptn, If any, of SE ofNE!4 [6. i7' E 876.4 feet: thence south 0°|feet north of. the..SW corner OLoSa ]p-e t along the same 837 feet more eorporati.on; teorge weoo. u,u 5-. . - • G trude Johnston: Mrs.  .73 , h River), [ a6' east 1989 6 feet to a )otnt on the Iseetton: runmng thence north vo .qV_l . . tn fhm south line of the Nt of eorge <ebb_, his lfe;_^1.tW°A01nspner . rts, Nelllg. Brydenj_Her-[  Xll nSctlon 14, Township 21 North]ea t line of' 'Lot'3 of said Section 1, east 3021 feet tothe east nne oz tne I,o- f =,ot'-8 aforesaid" thence "est and Ethel woou ns w*, ....... ern Edwin Anern unester, t W M t north of the south ' SWi£ of satt sectmn m n th • -" . 4. -o" ' Au'us'{$]man Ah '; " - ......... ', Range 4 Wes , • . .I 182 feet distan " , .... ^^' ..... - -.a* h I..] along the sa e 346 feet: thence or Low,s" .lose n v ......... = a Jensen' rs. jonn e.oc- / 9 being m ot strl or lana zvu x ........... il ' • ' o" $ohn Vally; .Mat'i , . Government Lot ( P east corner thereof. A P ter 5 chains by GoVernment measure to ]Robinson: erber, t Johns n, , ensen Anna Jensen Flan kokomish River) 1 feet in wtdth in 100 feet on each side of a ten 00oo,,o, =,,== ==. o, =. ...... 00 o. .,0o o,00-o;o.I,,oo . • ath Shot- ar' Arthur J . NE l of NE£ S of S A strip of ]and 00 .. g '" • nin the beginning. A tract of land comprising a portion WOOd alSO Knowtt oe orndorf tolla jensun 1 SW Ot le lnnlnff olnt on ule ettt s**t= I ;' It e Pemmant: D . , ' -7"- a- Government Lot 12 (be ng .... y. lHne described as follows: g | at a p -- -- -is'ant I of the N of g / of T ot 3 fractional ,_rs, h.arle..Baker,. Ao,= B6wers'tSavlns Ba nk'& .rru_st Company_iIt.xrI/" and ntn If any of NWA OZl.t . noint on the meander Hne of Lot/31 T. 22 N,, . 2 W'::_W2.'2.  orlSeclon 26 T 'd2"N R' 4 W vV M, m.arY..nJ; ra.?,aete-'k . 't,zie I son C)unty: State o W RSk%gon;IaiNE S of kokomish iver), .I 1' Sec, d T. 21 N,, R. 3 ,, W... dls-|271.0 feet o n:o,U}' 28o ] bounded and describ'ed as follows:" Be" cnsrles ra]t Mrs l.ranK vz SE or I * eeT rom runmn ttenee  oo "r ' . A11en 'e]Iou{i' Ben'_,Tohns:|MagKean; • ,,,aflv, A D'Miller;[ .Government Lot_ll (being ., ^z,[ttnt son'th 16Lh e.ast, 34.4 f.: -In-eL: . -- g - ;,-e'^f the SE'%£ of| glnnlng at a point 10 Chains south by ve22S'A .... ldaio Miller" 1-i.owardiCounty'. Powe-r..-C°'"v;.':_i^ o.'. BessieINW and ptn, It any, ot x-a,. -Imeander corner oetween section __n|feet to .the we',,- " . lGovernment measure and 16 chains l}."'-X'o;'-ron. A¢'nes Sire-IMrs A. De 1VIlller; o*-Oaul A [NW/ S of Skokomish River tlClUa7 l aforesaid and seotlon 1 of T. 21 N., R;| said section,. -  .... nd In ths[ east from the west quarter-section  w,..! .t-:,=-,_^., DFoe; IRay; Paul'.. r__,.,;l., 2,'.'. .TOS:I n. ;chat ortion of Lot 11 lying n0rtn I 4 W" running thence south 80" 4 | A triangular^ traco  '  xr . I corner of the said Section 28; running "' mons, .nnie  ........... I  on Joseph WICK ..... -- ] - kokomlsn n of Tld" It Of ,ec dz  ' Abbte -T. St._ Johns: Agnes Choke! lauls " ; West ast---iower of=presen main channel of S n[east.'1950 feet to the w et .]1 e._ . |W/, : -; .__'.4 descri'es'fo1'ow.qIthence east 350 feet: thence south 5 john T.nry: Louis Purdv; Bg 7ohns: epn {y3 °m' Simmons Mrs. W. B, River, :.  .......... v. [t'an heretofore gran_tea_ to. the .yet- IM.. ..ot m_ae ai  west quarter cor.;r Ichaln" by Government measure: thence Win. Frank: L trio obb: StllaCree, Co_ Y,. r B. Re e; Mrs. w. H. The south 25 acres.ox _vv.w ot ,.vv 9 ]latch Commercial and TerlTllns.[ uon.-|lgglnnng a.  .= __Z_ln" thenc east ]west 350 feet • thence north 5 chains to Ok:. Louise Pulsifer;. SammOnS, . , • . w nd Trust orth 15 ares Cf tsw of'w'/lDanv being the center o¢ tne main/or said s?ct,on, /,uo-,n,rrr n%  [the be;tinning;'. arretFr.rl n 1obert Lewis" Mrs, Rowe; The N ortherrnBnokmaomnanY;I Thernment Lot 10 (being_pin Otlchael of the Skokomlsh Rh, er, |960 fet: tnnce oo ^o=^ ..;.X ¢..[ A tract of land comprising a per Prnceof al ,Tames--W_ Ilibr: 3e; |ml.n;eOSPr. *r:": Re.x: :_.ILI./NWX£ of_ NWt/ of Skokomish ttver, [ The right to set poles obtl%weion | tOmletTl. fee:'to'ebegn'tn'. '"' I t!on of the S^o $2 2 ! lot4 3vfr hie .Pulsifer; josepn r'um . .:'  ! " " : W, H. Smith: Albert -a*; The NW V o p., [meadnw 'lantt anq t . , g ! ...... '^* o-d 200 feet in width Iv- [tlonal ecnon zu, . .. • . .., , Wrrs, Joseph Pulslfer, his _wife, )d SmrithlbMer -, le" Frank W. Hale: Mrs. The NE½ ot Syt ......... l across meadow and water ar.ea.s on a|. , YP"YA ":2 -oeb ,- f a center] M' bounded and described as renews: -Ie-Iffe; Xohn__ Crlpe; Mrs, R " ' " . ale; U et Sound Pul. and] All in Section 15 Towns p ,u I.trtp of land 00 feet in w t n . |-. ' -' ; " -s follow'.. r^-tninr [Be'ginning at a point on the south line ohcrt M t Ha hi $£zor,, ]d t mg n I.. .,-e ., = • , Mrs MC Frank W H ) S e nne line aeserloeu tt ) Lewis Mrs Henr,V Allen _ _" " ' ' " an • linton O. Parrt ; Ran e 4 West W. M, .150 feet on each side of a cent.r . | . " .' . __ 2 ....... ;:" "--^* th [of" said Lot 3 15 chains dtstant east of ]t'nney Pulstfer: Wilson Waterman: Power Comp 5Y, HarirS; Mrs, joseph g 1,u 'of NW£ the W½ or llohatd as follows: Belnnm on .t.e[at.a. vno^onoL  u, , .. r I the'southwest corner of said Lot: run- Anne .WIoran:_ B HIy Waiter malt: ^ r na.rr: F X Robison; Mrs, F:_Ail xxru of--E., the E of NW of[Government M. eander L!ne .wnere the t w=,n " ''87'"feet east"of'"tle ;esi[ nlng thence no rth. chains .by Go ver.n- n Sam Mrs Clinton The N  ,,  -- Pete: I,uc.v S: Kamcwn:..uarn y-ttobio'. " ilson W.tgrman;- ?];';1 and the N of NE, of Sec: Isame Intersects rne nortn nne or_. ;lt,.:_Z;=j-.corner of said selon" run: I ment measure to tne.nqr\\;n.nnfl .or tne wallard: McKmnev UiSlrer: xau,,'./*" : rs, jose h Pulslt_gr: fl. onn aa°e/.]^'-7 q'wnshin 21 lqorth, Rango 4 [3 of See,. 6, T, 21 N.. R, 3 w,, w. 2; ]-qua'7* .... . o',  oon eet t-o ]said tract; tnenee east a0 feet; thence Pulsifer: George. ulslfer' Win- Pul- Moran. "Mrs Joln Doe Bunung; - ] ','r "wf ..... / thence on said meander ltne south ll:[lng tnence ,. 2o .,,,,-;,,--  21 south 5 chains to the south line of said • ate PUlSlrer Mrs, Andrew Bunting, • f Anarew Fos- --o-, ....... ^ . of Ir  n h...• thence south 46x '1 the east nne oz sam  vv ,  '--' :" *ract' thence west alon the same 416 stfer, I .. Ander- The unknown heirs o s o£ The ,NE f NW, the W ................. n A strip of ]and 200 feet in width ly-  , Fost0r: Win. Frank" 1Wrs, floe deceased • the unknown heir '  the E½ of N'W of West 8/42 chains to the above me - " of a center feet to the beginning. eson; ]le.nrv.Allen:.llli... -fl_oh" t er Wm rank, deceased; the u no!NW, of lnE, t R-W for skld ro°a]tloned center llne snd the bcginnln 100 feet on each, sl e .... nnlr[ A tract of land comprising a port[on ton, h usDsnlegI lonesAnnstrl:n | ;;vn hl'rs of ffohu DOlellSlot r, gt I ov14'E% "of W', of NEll, and the |this dssription, . The said eentetnol]r I llea a1½Deln ah°]l%w I" lin'(f tl', I of Lot W 4 4Itiollul/II sl,li ,%%e:on, "'crtrue JohnSton, rs.|eed;_cthaesennngIs unknown h|N," of _E,.of.Se.tton ,, 3°wn""'P Io %n wfoso ll%,pferlnnorleonless, {; |NE', of Sec. 32, T. 2= N., R. 2 W.: W. la; "foll6s: /;6inning at a point ou Llla Frlcser,_]W__rs. N.e.llie'Brygon;_.er_" [ mrllen'Yellout, deceased: Jonn i 21 North, Hinge t .edVVobl e in- [the center; of the pr'ent main 'channel M., at a point 184.2. feet, more or ,es% [the north line of said lot 4, 15 chains win Anern ana unesler )an Alltll tloyernmen u south of the nortn , after corner or man Ahem, ECl ....... .lawk.'Mr s John HawK; "1 ......... k, Lot3 /of th Skokom]sh Rtver | . . . ..... °[dlstant east of the northwest eorner VallY, ohlldren  a r- o- • *-= Irs I)an Alien; . .. ' | - -^.  ...a -o-ible in-] A trtn of land 100 •feet tn width, I : ..... ' . Y[thereof: runntng thence east 416 feet. Alice Johnston, aeceaseu; maria oen-  ' 1 other persons anaparttes, u.n'/ Government L,u o, .W-.. --. i1vnr ^%, ^ oh side of .a center I cast 2820 feet to tne east-line or ala Ithenc e south 20 chatns by Government c ased Also al tare iront Or salts u u, o. "-' '- a sen, widow of -tans Jensen, e_ ' |'...on clsdmtng any right, title, es . ,/terests in ...... "^-th, I ;;-.::% .... ' "o'llnws" Bgtnnlng atl sectton Intersecting the..same, at .a 1measure to the south line of the said and Wfrs, 3_on I'ockar, ArthUr .Len'-['n--r interest 'in the real[ In Section. 0, :r?wnsmp  .u..-, i,,. :,,r.,, "h Gov-rnment Meander t point 796 feet distant south of the £su I Lot 4' thende west 416 feet" thence ni an .rs , .. u- n(1 etltlon - West w M /s point on ,t e e . ' " ' sen; Anna Jonson Y'la g -- ;---'l'-ribed in the complaint a p !RttsO 3 ,. : ^" __ , xtr ^vet, v .^ ^. *.e 9k-komlsh Blver wherel corner thereof. . ...... [ north 20 chains to the beginning. ,,an. Urn. 00¢ela00"ii I0000rein, .efonaant,, t 00l00td- the n00r,00'.ne °fl. A m iP. land I l°n to,_ ad Co_u_rt for t:kldne, dor, Cnlloren anu n - . ._,._ | . sald l,ot z, a - "=- - -' --  ^  L. 6 T 1 N ]R 3 W W Vf.: I lng loo feet on ea e _ . .'' I cree u,luug]ng ne contempteu ans Jensen, aecgaeq, ana._.e I YoU and each of you 4q'e hereoY sum- North, Range 8..west,.vv: u,: .._ a a ,_,_t ,, _IL_2__' i= st - 'eander 'Itne| line described as follows: eglpnlpg I of satd lands real estate, premises, nelr a aw ut ou dlan Allotmenx; u. " running t,,e,,-v .. ., - " " f S c r ht ' ,Tonsen. wtdow antt . . -=_ I;, to anvear within sixty ..L .Lot 2 in In = ....  ooo "-.+  a =..=. thence[ on the west line o e • 33, T. 22 1.:, { Ig s-of-way, overflowage rights, wa- Carl Jonson, deceased, tJ0n f_ !.ans |',:-'ftel" the-date of the first publlC a- in Section 6 ..... , ..... ,- "u.H' .°zL, * '.':--"'ohain to the[JR 2 r W. Nf, distant 796 feet soutn]ter rights and other easements and Xensen, deceased: Tacoma talngs |t'tn of this Summons, to-wit: Within Lot I in Indian Allotment 0, - ,,, s.ntn €.•. sh-'ZY- "ine and the]of the NV¢ corner of said section: run- ] privileges to be a pubIic use will be Bank & Trust Company, a..e0rP.Ortt-|ixtv (60) days after the 17th dalr ox Section 7, _ , ..... . ao/e_,rnnfon+e. e[.+n" the said'thing thence N, 68" 20' E, 2072 feet to made at 10 o'clock t, ra., on Saturday, tlon: Mason c0unt.v, a 9or-[S,{embe  1920, and defend the ap.o.v? Township 21 North, Range  wc=, u,f,,,,,,., ""k .... "Z"21"-'2",t'h 6" 4lthe north line of said sectton 83. . . the 29th day ofNovemoer, 1920, at the . toratton: and: State of wasn.lncton: ] entitled t'ction in the above entltLea W M .......  center 21no runs t.enc,_=±- *'e ^est ] A triangular tract of land bounced Court House of th Superior Court of 1€ Mac f the tS ]-   nu esst 6711 Tecr m0re or IP- LU Ill tr Frank 3/rafiR'etn ana m r r'r. _ -'1 co6-r-t-and answer the complalnt_o Lot'1 comprising Trac , ' -; - .;' --. e i&';ooH.*, th] and described as follows:. Beglnnln¢ Mason County, Washington, at Shglton . 'co mp_Rnv, a €ornorauo :  ...... =11e knswer u olt th0,.u.nderstgned attorneys Lot 2 corn rising Tracts 1, $,.3 s a_ e_ t T zz N R 2 W, W. M.; .runnln J. CHARLES T)EN'NIS. '' nd mrs. A, D. Mi!er. his wlfs: for their ofnce oelowstated: Indian lotment No. 45, c.,tM,, stske used as the northeas ttence west" arlong' section nne zo , .PERCY P, BRUSH, donzo Yav and Bessie Ra,V, hls nd In case of your failure so to do Tract 11 corner thereof, feet" "thence N 68 °. 39  E 986 feet to BURNS POE, Pa | a ou 0 $0  ts 4 and  In block 9 uarter section 11ne" thence south C_H_A_LES R. LET' w lfe_: P a{fl 'A. Pau]son and__rs. _u ud ment wlll bs rendore.d a ainst Y , Tract 14 in Indian Al.lotment N^. o. .'' ,n .; . ',umon his wtf:__Joseh Wluk- J g in to the demana o the corn- 5 in Indian Allotment N. 19 Lots 9,_4 sn_d. _5 in Block .,,, (I ame 883 feet to the begin- ' F:'l'! & v uwmu.u • ' ' om accord g , h Trac¢,l 1 in ' along the s , ' trom .and .Mrs. Yosevh VTickstr , laint which' Jqas ,been filed with t e act 16 in Indian Allotmsnt No::. 8, Lot8 _ Block 1%  nin _ ttorneys r or..Petittoner. lqls wire West Coast Power Corn ' ur Tr nsnl 21 N, Tot 1 .d 8 in Block 1.,I g. sat Co t 2 Tow P 00 feet in wtdth ly P O Addess 300 City l-lall Tacoma, ' :' "  6rk o'f d , n All in Se, 1 , o ' n.B]ock 15 A strip of land 4 - • • ' : . , , any, a cornoratl0n: W, B, amrnon The qbJect and p.urpose of_the atio We t W, M. _ . Lots 1 .... 7, and ! " in 200 feet on each side of a center Pierce C_ounty, Washin ton, or cars , and Mrs, W. B: ammons, lt,.wife, hel, ein Is to condemn certain trips or 4 S 1 Indian AllotmentN0. 18,__ Luta 1, 2, 5, %" and 8 tn Block 14. I1% described as follows: eglnmng unartes , Lewis, Lhel[otn, Wtmh,  .owo and MrS W  Rowe arcels of lana, nereinafter described, Trac and 3 in Indian Allotment T,ots 2, 8. 6 and 7 in Block 16, " feet north of the soutn 9-1-z0-29-Tt IS. .wire: hs lqorthern ' ..ak anti or th purpose 6} "aequirin a site for NoT rte $ , Townsend's Addit[nn to Union Ctt at a point 280 •  'St opany, a corporauon: ao" the ¢onetruotlon ot an haro electr,o[ . , vh Wik.t .... ComanF, & corpora I :. •