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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2 t1TJTON-MAfl0N COUNTV JOURNAL Pnblished in (¢Chr{fma,taw7, U.Z.A.," helton, Washin Thursda Mt. Moriah Lodge F. & A.M. No. 11 STATED COMMUNICATION SATURDAY, OCT. 10 s Tom Watts, W.M. Walter Marble, Sec'y. ! ....... FIRE- AUTO ROBT. A, SLOANE 200 E. Pine Ph. HA 6-4147 __ 2_ J I, I I I .,,,,.-,n BROWN-EYED THOMAS ORGAN DEALER Ask About Our Rental Plan JOHNNY'S MUSIC BOX 429 Railroad HA 6-4302 making their home in Shelton. well Food Store. (Dean photo.) A bridal shower honoring Mrs. George Dailey, ttle former Ida Mc- Kinney, was held at the home of Repeat Vows in Tacoma BETHANY METHODIST CHURCH, TACOMA, was the scene of the recent marriage of Miss Ida McKinney to Mr. George Dailey. The Rev. E. E. Beckman officiated at the service. Attending were Mrs. Beckman and Miss McKInney, sister of the bride. Following a short honeymoon in Victoria, B.C., the, couple are Mr. Dailey is employed at Trade- Hunters Attention MEN'S LEATHER BOOTS s16"a AND UP MEN'S LEATHER BOOT Guaranteed Waterproof 98 RUBBER PACS $698 THE BOOTERY "HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES" * $ * Miss Bernice Hunter. Hostess for • the occasion was Miss Kaln Westlund. Besides many lovely gifts, high- lights of the evening were the presentation of an orchid corsage and wedding cake to the bride. Those attending wee Mesdames Bertie McKinney, Tom Rowe, Rol- land Loweo Charles Savage, Wil- liam Gott, Roy Taylor, lloyd L, Carr, Miss Marianne' Lynn and Mrs. Ben Kilbourne, mother of the bride. Unable to attend but sending their best wishes were Mrs. T. Clmrles Rowe, Mrs. Merna Has- kins, Mrs. Robez Turner, Mrs. H. G. Wirth, Mrs. Charles Deits, Miss Karen McKinney, Mrs. Max Schoenrock and Mrs. Emmctt Laney. Dorcas Smith Guild The Dorcas Meyers Smith Or- thopedic Guild will meet at 8 p.m., Tuesday in the home of Mrs. Lloyd Gruver, 731 Grant. CAR COATS Toddler, washable, 2 '3-3x $5.75 Girls' and Boys, 3-6x ...... $6.99 Girls and Boys, 7-14 .................. $6.99 to $8.99i Leotard Tights, 3-14 .............. $].99 and $2!99 THE LITTLE & BIG SHOPPE 126 Cots St., Shelt(m, Wn. Social Even ts Society Editor • Beve Wells , Phone HA 6-4412 MR. AND MRS. EARL ARTHUR MINOR (nee Dale Mahone) are making their home in West Seattle following their honeymoon in Sun Valley. DALE MAHONE, EARL IINOR REPEAT VOWS IN WINTHROP White roses and pink carnations chids and pink rosebuds, which banked the altar of the Winthrop she carried on her mother's Bible. Methodist church for the Septem- ber wedding of Miss Dale Louise Mahone to Mr. Earl Arthur Minor. The Rev, Robert Dabritz read the single ring candlelight service. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Mahone, Winthrop and Mr. Minor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Minor, Shelton. Mrs. Glen Glandon, Twisp, was pianist and accompanied Mrs. Robert Dabritz as she sang "Be- cause" and "The Lord's Prayer," Mr. Mahone gave his daughter in marriage. A floor length gown of embroid- ered nylon net with a chapel train was chosen by the bride. Two in- serts of pleated plain nylon tulle in the skirt front added to the fullness of the skirt. The bodice was fashioned with a scaUoped scooped neckline and cap sles. Her fingertip illusion veil was caught to a tiara of seed pearls and irridescent net. The bridal bouquet was of white baby or- Mrs. Dale Anderson, Seattle, her sister, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Beverly Mahone, sister of the bride, and Miss Margie Minor, sister of the bridegroom. They wore street length afternoon dresses of rose pink nylon voile and white rose bud bandeaux with a halo ruffle of pink and silver net. They car- ried miniature parasols of pink and silver net and pink satin with a floral cascade of pink carna- tions, white rose buds and lilies of the valley. Wrist corsages of the same fh)wers were also worn. Little Lynn Zirjack, flower girl, wore pale blue nylon and wrist corsage like those of the other attendants. She carried a white basket of pink carnations. Candle- lighters were Miss Elaine Pobst Miss Diane Gronhmd, Seattle identical gowns to those of the ' other attendants. The bridegroom asked his broth- er, Charles Minor to be best man and Mr, Gary Hartline and Mr. O nang ctober 16 at 114 Cota Street (former Spudnut location] • FEATURING • Bakery Produ00cts I t LIgh Lunches Ronald Salmie, ushers. Mrs. Mahone, mother of the bride, wore a turquoise silk shan- tmlg afternoon dress with white accessories find a pink orchid cor- sage. Mrs. Minor wore a blue sheath dress with beige accessor- ies and pink orchid corsage for her son's wedding. A white and pink three tiered wedding cake decorated with wed- ding ring bands, white doves and the traditional miniature bridal couple was served at the recep- tion on the lawn of the Mahone home following the ceremony. Serving the appointments at the reception were Mrs. Fred Bitle Miss Domm St. John, Miss Doro- thy Remsberg, Miss Judy Greeley, and Mrs. Clarence Marrs.' For the scenic wedding trip to Montana, via Sun Valley and Lake[ Payette the new l1rs. Minor! changed to a blue tweed suit with a white baby orchid corsage. Mrs. Minor was graduated from Winthrop high school and Mr. Minor, Irene S. Reed high school and is serving machinist appren- ticeship at Boeing Aircraft, Se- attle. The couple are making their home in West Seattle. W.C.T.U. ELECrS NEW 0FFICERS The Women's Christian Temper- ance Union met for a one o'clock hmcheon meeting last Friday at the home of Mrs. Nena Roberts. During the business meeting the following officers were elected, Mrs. Anna White, president; Mrs. Manilla Galloway, vice president; Mrs. Gertrude Saeger, correspond- ing secretary; Mrs. Mary Turner, recording secretary and Mrs. W. H. Snelgrove, treasurer. Mrs. Turner was also elected delegate-at-large to attend the state convention in Everett, Oct. Decorated Cakes Specialty Items 20 through 22. Also attending will bt. Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. White and Miss Marian Johnson. 1 Mrs. Aglms gangas had charge of the devotional period. Novem- ber 6, will be dues paying day and the beginning of a new year's work. Completely Remodeled and Redecorated COMBS BARNEY AND JEANNE PHONE HA 6-2221 Sales to Benefit Retarded Children The local chapter of the Wash- ington Association for Retarded Children will hold a cotton candy sale, Friday and Saturday at the 20th Century Thriftway store on Hillcrest. The following Friday and Sat- urday, Oct. 16 and 17, the group will sponsor a rummage sale at the PUD auditorium. All proceeds will be used for WARC activities for retarded children. BOOSTER NIGHT All Grangers and their friends are invited to attend the Skoko- mish Grange booster night, Fri- day beginning at 8:30. A daor prize will be awarded a.nd re- ,merits served. OCWOBER BRIDE-ELECT Mr. and Mr.. Ralph i)ean i]l[ll)Otl wislI to annotln(e t he engage- inent anti (,oln- ink nlarriage of their daagh- t e r, Ka t tlleen to Mr. Cyrus K. Ttirner, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus K. Turner, Mil- ton, Pn The couple will re- peat their vow. Oct. 16, in the Faith Luther- an ('hu rch. XXXXX: PE Ch, N Box Gift i PENNIE Complete RELI M 1517 Division SA 15- Attend Seattle Orthopedic Meet Several members of Orthopedic Guilds which sponsor Junior Or- thopedic Guilds attended a general sponsors' meeting at the Seattle Children's Orthopedic Hospital. The meeting included a lunch in the hospital cafeteria and short tour of the hospital. Attending the meeting from te local groups were Mesdames Lea Shelver, David James, Ferald Dill and Dean Miklethun. Discussion of the coming year's projects for the JOG's last Mon- day at a meeting of the sponsors in the James home. Guild mem- bers attending the meeting were Mrs. Shelver, Mrs. Dill, Mrs. Jim Batstone, Mrs. Ed Bac, Mrs. Dean Miklethun, Mrs. Denny Davidson and Miss Beverly Jones. REBEKAHS TE OFFICERS NI6NT Regular meeting of Ruby Re- hekah Lodge No. 75 will be held Friday, in the Odd Fellows Hall at 8 p.m. This will be Officers' Night and also first nomination of officers. District officers planning to at- tend the district meeting in Eat- onville, Saturday are Mrs. May- bell Daniels, district deputy pres- ident, Mrs. Delmar Cole, district deputy chaplain, and Miss Mary Dobson, supporter to the past president. BENEFIT DANCE Shelton Valley Grangers are holding a benefit dance from 9:30 p.m. until 2 a.m., Saturday, in the Grange hall• Dancing will be to the nmsic of the Grange Turtle Toppers. Supper will be served. L.P.N. TO MEET The Mason County Licensed Practical Nurses Association will meet at 7:30 p,m., Monday, in the Nm'ses' Cottage. All LPN's are asked to attend. 429 KIMBEL'S QUALITY USED '56 Plymouth 2-dr. RADIO AND HEATER, Powerflite. Nice cleaP '55 Olds Spr. 88 4-DOOR HARDTOP - RADIO - HEATER " HYI MATIC - NEW RUBBER '55 Chevrolet 210 4-DOOR SEDAN - RADIO - HEATER - '55 Plymouth V8 2-DOOR STATION WAGON - RADIO OVERDRIVE - ALL-AROUND OUTD 1959 HOUSE CARS See Us Now for Best DealsOn Low Mileage 1959 MODEI I y ; Choose From Our BIG SELECTIO00 OF-BARGAIN KIMBELMOT INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS - CHRYSLE RAMBLER - METROPOLITA El I Dial HA 6-3433 - Shelton, Wash. - 920 Zi: .  AU.   It's a truck geared for Powered at all wheels. A strong engine. One delivers economy under load. A wide, A Sweep-Around windshield that doesn't jut 'i t°" door. A truck that's put together to stay togetlef" The International B-120 Four-Wheel-Drive pivlP KIMBEL MOTORS, ING, ., 707 So. First St. SHELTON HA INTERNATIONAL" TRUCKS WORLD'S MOST COM F 2 t1TJTON-MAfl0N COUNTV JOURNAL Pnblished in (¢Chr{fma,taw7, U.Z.A.," helton, Washin Thursda Mt. Moriah Lodge F. & A.M. No. 11 STATED COMMUNICATION SATURDAY, OCT. 10 s Tom Watts, W.M. Walter Marble, Sec'y. ! ....... FIRE- AUTO ROBT. A, SLOANE 200 E. Pine Ph. HA 6-4147 __ 2_ J I, I I I .,,,,.-,n BROWN-EYED THOMAS ORGAN DEALER Ask About Our Rental Plan JOHNNY'S MUSIC BOX 429 Railroad HA 6-4302 making their home in Shelton. well Food Store. (Dean photo.) A bridal shower honoring Mrs. George Dailey, ttle former Ida Mc- Kinney, was held at the home of Repeat Vows in Tacoma BETHANY METHODIST CHURCH, TACOMA, was the scene of the recent marriage of Miss Ida McKinney to Mr. George Dailey. The Rev. E. E. Beckman officiated at the service. Attending were Mrs. Beckman and Miss McKInney, sister of the bride. Following a short honeymoon in Victoria, B.C., the, couple are Mr. Dailey is employed at Trade- Hunters Attention MEN'S LEATHER BOOTS s16"a AND UP MEN'S LEATHER BOOT Guaranteed Waterproof 98 RUBBER PACS $698 THE BOOTERY "HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES" * $ * Miss Bernice Hunter. Hostess for • the occasion was Miss Kaln Westlund. Besides many lovely gifts, high- lights of the evening were the presentation of an orchid corsage and wedding cake to the bride. Those attending wee Mesdames Bertie McKinney, Tom Rowe, Rol- land Loweo Charles Savage, Wil- liam Gott, Roy Taylor, lloyd L, Carr, Miss Marianne' Lynn and Mrs. Ben Kilbourne, mother of the bride. Unable to attend but sending their best wishes were Mrs. T. Clmrles Rowe, Mrs. Merna Has- kins, Mrs. Robez Turner, Mrs. H. G. Wirth, Mrs. Charles Deits, Miss Karen McKinney, Mrs. Max Schoenrock and Mrs. Emmctt Laney. Dorcas Smith Guild The Dorcas Meyers Smith Or- thopedic Guild will meet at 8 p.m., Tuesday in the home of Mrs. Lloyd Gruver, 731 Grant. CAR COATS Toddler, washable, 2 '3-3x $5.75 Girls' and Boys, 3-6x ...... $6.99 Girls and Boys, 7-14 .................. $6.99 to $8.99i Leotard Tights, 3-14 .............. $].99 and $2!99 THE LITTLE & BIG SHOPPE 126 Cots St., Shelt(m, Wn. Social Even ts Society Editor • Beve Wells , Phone HA 6-4412 MR. AND MRS. EARL ARTHUR MINOR (nee Dale Mahone) are making their home in West Seattle following their honeymoon in Sun Valley. DALE MAHONE, EARL IINOR REPEAT VOWS IN WINTHROP White roses and pink carnations chids and pink rosebuds, which banked the altar of the Winthrop she carried on her mother's Bible. Methodist church for the Septem- ber wedding of Miss Dale Louise Mahone to Mr. Earl Arthur Minor. The Rev, Robert Dabritz read the single ring candlelight service. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Mahone, Winthrop and Mr. Minor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Minor, Shelton. Mrs. Glen Glandon, Twisp, was pianist and accompanied Mrs. Robert Dabritz as she sang "Be- cause" and "The Lord's Prayer," Mr. Mahone gave his daughter in marriage. A floor length gown of embroid- ered nylon net with a chapel train was chosen by the bride. Two in- serts of pleated plain nylon tulle in the skirt front added to the fullness of the skirt. The bodice was fashioned with a scaUoped scooped neckline and cap sles. Her fingertip illusion veil was caught to a tiara of seed pearls and irridescent net. The bridal bouquet was of white baby or- Mrs. Dale Anderson, Seattle, her sister, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Beverly Mahone, sister of the bride, and Miss Margie Minor, sister of the bridegroom. They wore street length afternoon dresses of rose pink nylon voile and white rose bud bandeaux with a halo ruffle of pink and silver net. They car- ried miniature parasols of pink and silver net and pink satin with a floral cascade of pink carna- tions, white rose buds and lilies of the valley. Wrist corsages of the same fh)wers were also worn. Little Lynn Zirjack, flower girl, wore pale blue nylon and wrist corsage like those of the other attendants. She carried a white basket of pink carnations. Candle- lighters were Miss Elaine Pobst Miss Diane Gronhmd, Seattle identical gowns to those of the ' other attendants. The bridegroom asked his broth- er, Charles Minor to be best man and Mr, Gary Hartline and Mr. O nang ctober 16 at 114 Cota Street (former Spudnut location] • FEATURING • Bakery Produ00cts I t LIgh Lunches Ronald Salmie, ushers. Mrs. Mahone, mother of the bride, wore a turquoise silk shan- tmlg afternoon dress with white accessories find a pink orchid cor- sage. Mrs. Minor wore a blue sheath dress with beige accessor- ies and pink orchid corsage for her son's wedding. A white and pink three tiered wedding cake decorated with wed- ding ring bands, white doves and the traditional miniature bridal couple was served at the recep- tion on the lawn of the Mahone home following the ceremony. Serving the appointments at the reception were Mrs. Fred Bitle Miss Domm St. John, Miss Doro- thy Remsberg, Miss Judy Greeley, and Mrs. Clarence Marrs.' For the scenic wedding trip to Montana, via Sun Valley and Lake[ Payette the new l1rs. Minor! changed to a blue tweed suit with a white baby orchid corsage. Mrs. Minor was graduated from Winthrop high school and Mr. Minor, Irene S. Reed high school and is serving machinist appren- ticeship at Boeing Aircraft, Se- attle. The couple are making their home in West Seattle. W.C.T.U. ELECrS NEW 0FFICERS The Women's Christian Temper- ance Union met for a one o'clock hmcheon meeting last Friday at the home of Mrs. Nena Roberts. During the business meeting the following officers were elected, Mrs. Anna White, president; Mrs. Manilla Galloway, vice president; Mrs. Gertrude Saeger, correspond- ing secretary; Mrs. Mary Turner, recording secretary and Mrs. W. H. Snelgrove, treasurer. Mrs. Turner was also elected delegate-at-large to attend the state convention in Everett, Oct. Decorated Cakes Specialty Items 20 through 22. Also attending will bt. Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. White and Miss Marian Johnson. 1 Mrs. Aglms gangas had charge of the devotional period. Novem- ber 6, will be dues paying day and the beginning of a new year's work. Completely Remodeled and Redecorated COMBS BARNEY AND JEANNE PHONE HA 6-2221 Sales to Benefit Retarded Children The local chapter of the Wash- ington Association for Retarded Children will hold a cotton candy sale, Friday and Saturday at the 20th Century Thriftway store on Hillcrest. The following Friday and Sat- urday, Oct. 16 and 17, the group will sponsor a rummage sale at the PUD auditorium. All proceeds will be used for WARC activities for retarded children. BOOSTER NIGHT All Grangers and their friends are invited to attend the Skoko- mish Grange booster night, Fri- day beginning at 8:30. A daor prize will be awarded a.nd re- ,merits served. OCWOBER BRIDE-ELECT Mr. and Mr.. Ralph i)ean i]l[ll)Otl wislI to annotln(e t he engage- inent anti (,oln- ink nlarriage of their daagh- t e r, Ka t tlleen to Mr. Cyrus K. Ttirner, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus K. Turner, Mil- ton, Pn The couple will re- peat their vow. Oct. 16, in the Faith Luther- an ('hu rch. XXXXX: PE Ch, N Box Gift i PENNIE Complete RELI M 1517 Division SA 15- Attend Seattle Orthopedic Meet Several members of Orthopedic Guilds which sponsor Junior Or- thopedic Guilds attended a general sponsors' meeting at the Seattle Children's Orthopedic Hospital. The meeting included a lunch in the hospital cafeteria and short tour of the hospital. Attending the meeting from te local groups were Mesdames Lea Shelver, David James, Ferald Dill and Dean Miklethun. Discussion of the coming year's projects for the JOG's last Mon- day at a meeting of the sponsors in the James home. Guild mem- bers attending the meeting were Mrs. Shelver, Mrs. Dill, Mrs. Jim Batstone, Mrs. Ed Bac, Mrs. Dean Miklethun, Mrs. Denny Davidson and Miss Beverly Jones. REBEKAHS TE OFFICERS NI6NT Regular meeting of Ruby Re- hekah Lodge No. 75 will be held Friday, in the Odd Fellows Hall at 8 p.m. This will be Officers' Night and also first nomination of officers. District officers planning to at- tend the district meeting in Eat- onville, Saturday are Mrs. May- bell Daniels, district deputy pres- ident, Mrs. Delmar Cole, district deputy chaplain, and Miss Mary Dobson, supporter to the past president. BENEFIT DANCE Shelton Valley Grangers are holding a benefit dance from 9:30 p.m. until 2 a.m., Saturday, in the Grange hall• Dancing will be to the nmsic of the Grange Turtle Toppers. Supper will be served. L.P.N. TO MEET The Mason County Licensed Practical Nurses Association will meet at 7:30 p,m., Monday, in the Nm'ses' Cottage. All LPN's are asked to attend. 429 KIMBEL'S QUALITY USED '56 Plymouth 2-dr. RADIO AND HEATER, Powerflite. Nice cleaP '55 Olds Spr. 88 4-DOOR HARDTOP - RADIO - HEATER " HYI MATIC - NEW RUBBER '55 Chevrolet 210 4-DOOR SEDAN - RADIO - HEATER - '55 Plymouth V8 2-DOOR STATION WAGON - RADIO OVERDRIVE - ALL-AROUND OUTD 1959 HOUSE CARS See Us Now for Best DealsOn Low Mileage 1959 MODEI I y ; Choose From Our BIG SELECTIO00 OF-BARGAIN KIMBELMOT INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS - CHRYSLE RAMBLER - METROPOLITA El I Dial HA 6-3433 - Shelton, Wash. - 920 Zi: .  AU.   It's a truck geared for Powered at all wheels. A strong engine. One delivers economy under load. A wide, A Sweep-Around windshield that doesn't jut 'i t°" door. A truck that's put together to stay togetlef" The International B-120 Four-Wheel-Drive pivlP KIMBEL MOTORS, ING, ., 707 So. First St. SHELTON HA INTERNATIONAL" TRUCKS WORLD'S MOST COM F