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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8, 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.,g.A.," Shelton, Washin 3 A BLANKET Reversible 99 by 90 Inches arms, feel 3¼ rayon, nylon; nd-solid or green. Me- medium setting. BARGAINS! ,200 Lengths $150 Reduced to Clear. Widths. SHELTON!! 2 Day To Go. = IT and Enioy Penney&apos;s LOW PRICES,, Tool Birthday Special.' SHORT OR FULL LENGTH "Wash 'n Wear" SLAt)KS .SOLID COLOR Sizes 8 to 18. Special buy! Midcalf or full length pants in wash 'n wear plaids or no iron bedford cords. Side zippers. Rich fall colors. Bargains: LINED COTTON TWILL BOXERS SPECIAL PRICES! Women's :;:ii:;:i  !:i;! ;ii it: !!;; i[i;;i;!ii;i!ii!  i  ! i i; !ii !  i i !! i l;il i i! [!iiii;; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :<::::::::::::::::: ::::: iiiiii!i!iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: .................... :!iiiiiiiiiii!ii:ii!iiiiiii] igliiiiiiiiiiiiiilgliiii!iii!iiii!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiis .... "::i!!!i iiiiiiiii. i ! i ! ii i ! ! ! ! i:i !::::""" ' :iiiii [! !ii!i !iiiiii"' ........ 'iiiiii!iit Birthday Party Bargain - 2 Big Buys for Boys WASH 'N WEAR PRINT l)OTTONS or WARM PLAID GOTTONi : FLANrNEL 33 SPECIAL Hurry'. You'll need several of these shirts for each of the boys. Machine washable, smart colors. Sizes 6 to 16 years. A grand selection of new plaid in flannel just unpacked! Remember, You Can Charge it! Birthday Bargain ! G,RLS WASH NWEAR COTTON Dresses 66 Sizes 3 to 6x - 7 to 14 Wovenplaids or solid col- ors. Need more dresses 100 for school? Now is your ORLON SWEATERS chance to save! Just 41 $00 Companion Sargainl CARDmANS ,,---- Better Gingham Sizes 36, 38 Only! Washable. FROl)KS Just 32 $J)OO OPEN Sizes  A A SLIP-ONS L.---- FRIDAY 7 to 14 l,#,# Sizes s, 40. Sho't Sleeves. NITES Now . . .i JUST 37 'til Just 20 in this group, all Bulky Orlon $44 wanted styles and top fabrics. Reduced! Cardigans "If 8:30  Only $ 22 36 to 40. Odds and ends of 4, 5, 6 Yrs. 2B colors. All exceptional values! Sizes 2 to 8 Sturdy! Long wearing Sanfor- ized'R' cotton twill fully lined in print cotton flannelette. Red or blue plaid. Machine wash, med- ium setting. BIRTHDAY SPECIAL! Men's Thermal SHIRTS and PANTS JUST Sl.79ea Here's the original 3-D knit de- veloped by the Navy for use un- der arctic conditions. Get rib- bed collar, cuffs 'n anklets . . . elasticized w a i s t. Machine washable. N'T WALT! NNEY'S IRTHDAY RGAINS WON'T DON'T LET THESE BARGAINS GET AWAY! SHOP WITHOUT CASH, WHEN- EVER YOU WANT . . . Pay your bills within 30 days after you receive your statement without paying a single cent over our regular cash p rices. ALL WOOL 77 € now for all your win- knitting black, blue, or- heather grey, pink, 'and beige. 3 SIZESt s! Great socks! in small, large sizes for fit! Cotton or With stretchable New Lumberman's Glove SPECIAL LOGGERS 49' WORK GLOVE Extra long-wearing, 18-oz. wov- en napout canvas glove. More for your money. Try a pair and save. This new green glove will surprise you with service. !ii:i:i:i:ii:!i iiiiiiiii:i : ................ ,,i.:;::iii:iiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiii!ii !ii:::iii!::iii:::: :[.!:i::i::.;::. ii:[:i:.:i.!::ili:!:i i.i:i.!,i.l.ii,::,i.i.:.!.!. liiiiiil 00'00ii!i ji !iii iiiiiii!iiiiii i!i!i!!i!illigi!!i::iiiiiiiig::iii!iiiii::i :ii::: ilii! ' i::' iiiii!ii!iiiiiii:islsii!!!iil!;::iiiliiii::iiiiiii ::ili:i i [ :i  §:'.* 'iiii:i!i!ii!!i! ! ! i ! ilii! i:i!iiiiii!!ii!i!ii i, '... .... ::..,, ( :. i: ' " \\; : ii::!i SAVE! MEN'S GOTTON SOGKS 6 00Rs,oR$1 You pay less than 20¢ a pair for Penney's soft, 100' Cotton slack socks. Nyhm reinforced heel, toe ! Machine wash ! White. Sizes 10 to 12. Repeating a Best Sellerl Circle Stitched Cotton Bras 2FO00,U00*77 c Sizes 32 to 40 and in A, B, C cups. Quality you would ex- pect only at much higher prices. Sanforlzed for perfect fit. Elas- tic inserts. .* .....: ...... .: 2::::::: T::T:T:::::.'::::':i :! :!i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::/..,.': ::::::::::::::i::::::::::::::::::::::!:ii::::i:i:: iiii il iI:::::::::::::::::::::::: i !ii) i!!::!::[ .: . :Ti::i:!:i:[:[:]!:ii:i!i!!:i:!:i:i:i:!:i:i:,,,:.i i i i! ill i i i ?i i ! i i i ! ::::::::::::::::::::::: ..-... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  !iiiil !':':':':':':':":':"'". ......,.;.:.,.......... ,,.:,.,:.:.:.: HOODED SWEAT SHIRT SPEGIAL MEN'S SIZES 88 Small, Medium, Large Yes, the hood's mighty import- ant . . . so is Penney'u super warm cotton fleece lining. Snug muff front, ribbed cuffs, popu- lar coloru! Hand washable! Give.Away Priced! Discontinued Jewelry 400o0000os,'I Odds and ends from our regu- lar Jewelry. Earrings, brace- lets, necklaces, all at this ridic- ulous low price of just 25¢. i!i?'';i??!ii!i,iiii!!,ii',i!i',i,,i,iiiii'i!i'!l ; ]i:: ! i: i :: ::i]]]ii]:i::iii!:i::ii!]!:$"  /] iiii![::i::iii;i4:i!::T!/\\; ** */if! !!i!T!i!ii!!!i!il]]]]i!! " *, . i]i Men's "Wash 'n Wear" Plaid LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Priced .... Woven, easy to wash and little iron gnghams in small, med- ium and large. Top quality pearl buttons, stayed collars. Here is a shirt bargain you'd better not miss. Birthday Bargalnl Women's Stretchable Nylon Anklets c Sizes medium (7 to 9), Large (9/ to 11) in white stretch- able nylons. Just 50 packages so shop early for this. Nylon Velvet TiesI Teenagers Favorite 398 . Black Suede! .Black Smooth! • Or White In the most wanted shoe style, with soft ribbed crepe soles. Sizes 4./z to 9/ and AA or B. Great savingu. SociM Events [Jayoees Gain /-t-;ss A D--a00e Four Me, mbers Shelton Junior Chamber of Commerce is off to a good start Today, Thursday, Oct. 8 Navy Mothers, 6 p.m., Ritner's Broiler Pioneer School Board, Pioneer school. Frhlay, O('t. 9 WARC, 8 p.m., Rogeru School Blanch Radtke Orthopedic Guild, PUD. WARC cotton candy sale, 20th Century Thriftway, Hillcrest. World War I Veterans, and Auxiliary, 8 p.m., PUD. S k o k o m i s h Grange booster night, 8:30 p.m., Grange. Saturday, Oct. 10 Mount Moriah Masonic Lodge, 8 p.m., Masonic Temple. WARC cotton candy sale, 20th Century Thriftway, Hillcrest. Shelton Valley Grange, benefit dance, 9:30 to 2 a.m., Grange. Blanch Radtke Orthopedic Guild rummage sale, PUD. Sundy, Oct. 11 Shelton churches invite you to attend services today. Mon(hy, Oct. 12 LPN, 7:30 p.m., Nurses' Cot- tage. Tuelay, Oct. 13 Dorcas Meyers Orthopedic Guild 8 p.m., Mrs. Lloyd Gruver's home. Dirt Dobbers Garden Club, 10:30 a.m., Girl Scout Littlehouse. Wednesday, Oct, 14 WSCS, 7:30 p.m., Methodist church. Polio meeting, 8 p.m., Colonial House. Thursday, Oct. 15 Hood Canal Woman's Club, 11 a.m., Potlatch clubhouse. Zont Club, 6:30 p.m., Colonial House. Canal Gardeners Install Officers New officers were installed at the Oct. 1st meeting of the Hood Canal Garden Club, by Mrs. Carl Blank, district director. Officers are Mrs. Jennie Heft, president; Mrs. Cords Watson, vice presi- dent; Mrs. Vera Shortsleeves, sec- retary and Mrs. Cecil Gilbert:,,, treasurer. Incoming officers were I presented with a corsage made by i Mrs. Vera Lfnscott. I Mrs. Blank, Mrs. Frank Smith I and Mrs. Luhl Cave judged fall floral arrangements brought to the meeting by tim members. First prize was awarded Mrs. Christine Ahl and Mrs. Francis Moake, sec-i end. I A tentative program for the l year was read to the club by the i year book committee, Mrs. Ahl, [ :Mrs. Ilene Ager and Mrs. Hoff. Each member was asked "what she learned at the fair", many ideas were gained about tin can artistry, and poisonous flowers (non-eatable) such as fall crocus, iris, etc. The Garden Club district meet- ing will be held Oct. 20, in the Belfair Community church, and the Mason county Federation of Women's Clubs, Oct. 21, at the Hood Canal clubhouse. The next regular meeting of lhe Garden Club will be Thursday, Nov. 5, at the Lilliwaup comnxu- nity hall. RETUItNED HOME Mrs. Marjory (Troy) Dodge re- turned last week from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Helen Thomas Connellsville, Pa. While there the duo spent two days seeing the sights at Washington, D. C. and one day in Pittsburgh. in its membership drive. FOUR NEW members have joined the club and another four prospective members were guests at Tuesday'u dinner meeting. The four new Jaycees are Jerry Vermillion, Irene S. Reed high school bauketball coach; Dr. Lynn White, dentist; Jerry Knutson, ju- nior high school teacher, and Ron Fosdick, who is employed in Simpson Logging Company'u in- sulating board sample department. "Sixty by Sixty" is the goal of the drive, or, a total of 60 mem- bers by the first of the year. The club has been divided into three teamu. In an effort to create more in- terest, the club has made the first meeting of each month a dinner meeting, with the food prepared in the newly-improved kitchen at the Jaycee clubhouse. ANY YOUNG men between the ages of 21 and 36 interested in Jaycee membership should contact a club member or Bernie Dorcy, club president. Canal Women Plan Youth Program The Hood Canal Woman's Club will hold its annual youth pro- gram Thursday, Oct. 15, in their clubhouse near Potlatch. The busi- ness meeting will convene at 11 a.m. with a luncheon at noon and program at 1 p.m. Mrs. Ann Rowe, program chair- man has planned az interesting program, with Mrs. Adanson of Olympia, who will outline a work- able youth program for the club to follow that coincides with the work of the National Federation of Women's Clubs. The four Mason county dele- gates this past summer will talk on their experiences at Girls' State. Mrs. Betty Schwab of Hoodsport, will explain Girl Scout activities and how the Woman's Club can be of help to the organ- ization. Hanger Drive On Evergreen PTA is colecting black wire coat hangers and will continue to do so until Oct, 16. Anyone having hangers in good condition wishing to donate them are asked to call Mrs. Everett Hurst, HA 6-6214 or Mru. Louis Tylczak, HA 6-4505. :10TII BIRTHDAY DINNED PARTY Janet Lee Nelson celebrated her 10th birthday September 30 at a dinner party at Steve's Smorgas- bord in Tacoma. Enjoying the eve- ning with Janet were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donn Nel$o brother, Gary, her grandpl'enlI, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Nelson, and Pamela Tuson. Her brother Gary celebrated his third birthday three days ear- lier at a party at home. RECUPERATi- G Mrs. Charles (Rocky) Morrison recently returned home after un- dergoing surgery at She]ton Gen- eral Hospital. She reported that it will be approximately six weeks until uhe will be returning to bed work. Mrs. Morrison wishes to thank the hospital staff and her many friendu for their thought- fulncss. Allyn News By Mrs. D. V. Burgeson ALLYN.--Friends of the Har- old Browns will welcome them home after a month's leave of ab- sence. During their vacation they toured the East Coast viuitlng many places of interest. One place mentioned as being of special interest Wars the lovely out- door Cathedral of the Pines at Rindge, New Hampshire. A place of natural beauty and naturally inspiring to worship and rever- ence. Another highlight of their trip were two family reunions. One with her family, the Bennetts in Island Heights, New Jersey, and his family in Chelmsford, Mass., with about 35 present at each gathering. Mrs. Brown also brought a friend, Mrs. Avis Lundholm, back with her as they came. Mrs. Lundholm will be spending a while with her and just in time to enjoy some good weather. Sunday Wesley Painter boarded a plane and returned to his home in Portage, Alaska, where he will resume his studies. The change of plans is due to a bit of home- ickness, an old malady which we all understand. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith had a pleasant visit with friends trod rel- atives in Yakima last week. They spent some time with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Darland and their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lutze and Mr. and Mrs. Forret Wilson of Tieton. MRS. MARGARET Davis had her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wilcott, and son, Rickey, spending the day with her Sun- day and they had dinner together. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McKean and daughters, Sandra and Mari- lyn, spent the day at Long Beach and described the day as nice and sunny with mild temperatures at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Dishon had as dinner guests in their home Fri- day evening Mr. and Mrs. James Yoshihara of Rocky Bay and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockwood. Afterward they all attended the Twanoh Grange meeting. Mrs. Charles Baird'e sister, Mrs. Sue Bellamy, has left for Silver City, New Mexico, on business and will return later. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Peterson enjoyed a viuit rom his cousin and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Schaffer, of Olympia. Mrs. Peterson was hostess to a party last Wednesday evening, The party was held in her home with 12 guests attending. There were the usual games and refresl- ments and interesting things to view. MR. AND MRS. Glen Butler of Hammersley Inlet were drop-in visitors at the Vic Raisoni home Sunday afternoon. Miss Gaff Kalat was privileged to spend over Sunday home with her parents. Gall is employed, in Seattle. Mrs, Elton Cleveland was hap- py to have tmr ixusband home Fri- day to celebrate their wedding an- niversary. JUNIOR DEPUTIES The Mason county junior depu- ties will meet Monday evening at 7:30 in the county courthouse. All boys between the ages of 12 and 17 are invited to attend. THIRD (IRANI}CHll,I) Helen Mr. and Mrs. John MacRae of Shelton became grandparents for the third time on September 24 when a son was born. to their daughter, Jennie, now Mrs. Glen Rice, at Pullman. i, 1951 Oldsmobile. , $165 [ [ 1951 Meroury.. $i95 I 1958 RAMBLER REBEL l)USTOM V.8 Power brakes, steering, push button drive, reclining seats, real sharp 1957 FAIRLANE "560" 2 DOOR, V-8, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 1956 GOUNTRY SEDAN 6 CYL., OVERDRIVE, EXCELLENT CONDITION 1956 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOR V-8 POWER WINDOWS, WHITE SIDEWALLS, AUTO. TRANS., TINTED GLASS 1955 V-8 FORDOR FAIRLANE WITH OVERDRIVE 1954 I)HEVROLET DEL RAY 2 DOOR, EXCELLENT CONDITION 1952 PLYMOUTH SUDIJRBAN NEW TIRES, REAL PRACTICAL STATION WAGON 1952 MERl)URY 4-DOOR RADIO -- HEATER PICK-UPS  , 1--1957 FORD, ½-TON 6-t)YL OVERDRIVE 1947 DODGE ½-TON 6GYL 1942 FORD ½-TON 6 l)YL. i RED SAYS: FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY -- TUNE-UP ONLY $12.95 i i i i iiiii illl, i i i Jim Pauley,lnc. TERMS -- TRADES FIFTH and RAILROAD PHONE HA. 6-8231 8, 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.,g.A.," Shelton, Washin 3 A BLANKET Reversible 99 by 90 Inches arms, feel 3¼ rayon, nylon; nd-solid or green. Me- medium setting. BARGAINS! ,200 Lengths $150 Reduced to Clear. Widths. SHELTON!! 2 Day To Go. = IT and Enioy Penney's LOW PRICES,, Tool Birthday Special.' SHORT OR FULL LENGTH "Wash 'n Wear" SLAt)KS .SOLID COLOR Sizes 8 to 18. Special buy! Midcalf or full length pants in wash 'n wear plaids or no iron bedford cords. Side zippers. Rich fall colors. Bargains: LINED COTTON TWILL BOXERS SPECIAL PRICES! Women's :;:ii:;:i  !:i;! ;ii it: !!;; i[i;;i;!ii;i!ii!  i  ! i i; !ii !  i i !! i l;il i i! [!iiii;; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :<::::::::::::::::: ::::: iiiiii!i!iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: .................... :!iiiiiiiiiii!ii:ii!iiiiiii] igliiiiiiiiiiiiiilgliiii!iii!iiii!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiis .... "::i!!!i iiiiiiiii. i ! i ! ii i ! ! ! ! i:i !::::""" ' :iiiii [! !ii!i !iiiiii"' ........ 'iiiiii!iit Birthday Party Bargain - 2 Big Buys for Boys WASH 'N WEAR PRINT l)OTTONS or WARM PLAID GOTTONi : FLANrNEL 33 SPECIAL Hurry'. You'll need several of these shirts for each of the boys. Machine washable, smart colors. Sizes 6 to 16 years. A grand selection of new plaid in flannel just unpacked! Remember, You Can Charge it! Birthday Bargain ! G,RLS WASH NWEAR COTTON Dresses 66 Sizes 3 to 6x - 7 to 14 Wovenplaids or solid col- ors. Need more dresses 100 for school? Now is your ORLON SWEATERS chance to save! Just 41 $00 Companion Sargainl CARDmANS ,,---- Better Gingham Sizes 36, 38 Only! Washable. FROl)KS Just 32 $J)OO OPEN Sizes  A A SLIP-ONS L.---- FRIDAY 7 to 14 l,#,# Sizes s, 40. Sho't Sleeves. NITES Now . . .i JUST 37 'til Just 20 in this group, all Bulky Orlon $44 wanted styles and top fabrics. Reduced! Cardigans "If 8:30  Only $ 22 36 to 40. Odds and ends of 4, 5, 6 Yrs. 2B colors. All exceptional values! Sizes 2 to 8 Sturdy! Long wearing Sanfor- ized'R' cotton twill fully lined in print cotton flannelette. Red or blue plaid. Machine wash, med- ium setting. BIRTHDAY SPECIAL! Men's Thermal SHIRTS and PANTS JUST Sl.79ea Here's the original 3-D knit de- veloped by the Navy for use un- der arctic conditions. Get rib- bed collar, cuffs 'n anklets . . . elasticized w a i s t. Machine washable. N'T WALT! NNEY'S IRTHDAY RGAINS WON'T DON'T LET THESE BARGAINS GET AWAY! SHOP WITHOUT CASH, WHEN- EVER YOU WANT . . . Pay your bills within 30 days after you receive your statement without paying a single cent over our regular cash p rices. ALL WOOL 77 € now for all your win- knitting black, blue, or- heather grey, pink, 'and beige. 3 SIZESt s! Great socks! in small, large sizes for fit! Cotton or With stretchable New Lumberman's Glove SPECIAL LOGGERS 49' WORK GLOVE Extra long-wearing, 18-oz. wov- en napout canvas glove. More for your money. Try a pair and save. This new green glove will surprise you with service. !ii:i:i:i:ii:!i iiiiiiiii:i : ................ ,,i.:;::iii:iiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiii!ii !ii:::iii!::iii:::: :[.!:i::i::.;::. ii:[:i:.:i.!::ili:!:i i.i:i.!,i.l.ii,::,i.i.:.!.!. liiiiiil 00'00ii!i ji !iii iiiiiii!iiiiii i!i!i!!i!illigi!!i::iiiiiiiig::iii!iiiii::i :ii::: ilii! ' i::' iiiii!ii!iiiiiii:islsii!!!iil!;::iiiliiii::iiiiiii ::ili:i i [ :i  §:'.* 'iiii:i!i!ii!!i! ! ! i ! ilii! i:i!iiiiii!!ii!i!ii i, '... .... ::..,, ( :. i: ' " \\; : ii::!i SAVE! MEN'S GOTTON SOGKS 6 00Rs,oR$1 You pay less than 20¢ a pair for Penney's soft, 100' Cotton slack socks. Nyhm reinforced heel, toe ! Machine wash ! White. Sizes 10 to 12. Repeating a Best Sellerl Circle Stitched Cotton Bras 2FO00,U00*77 c Sizes 32 to 40 and in A, B, C cups. Quality you would ex- pect only at much higher prices. Sanforlzed for perfect fit. Elas- tic inserts. .* .....: ...... .: 2::::::: T::T:T:::::.'::::':i :! :!i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::/..,.': ::::::::::::::i::::::::::::::::::::::!:ii::::i:i:: iiii il iI:::::::::::::::::::::::: i !ii) i!!::!::[ .: . :Ti::i:!:i:[:[:]!:ii:i!i!!:i:!:i:i:i:!:i:i:,,,:.i i i i! ill i i i ?i i ! i i i ! ::::::::::::::::::::::: ..-... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  !iiiil !':':':':':':':":':"'". ......,.;.:.,.......... ,,.:,.,:.:.:.: HOODED SWEAT SHIRT SPEGIAL MEN'S SIZES 88 Small, Medium, Large Yes, the hood's mighty import- ant . . . so is Penney'u super warm cotton fleece lining. Snug muff front, ribbed cuffs, popu- lar coloru! Hand washable! Give.Away Priced! Discontinued Jewelry 400o0000os,'I Odds and ends from our regu- lar Jewelry. Earrings, brace- lets, necklaces, all at this ridic- ulous low price of just 25¢. i!i?'';i??!ii!i,iiii!!,ii',i!i',i,,i,iiiii'i!i'!l ; ]i:: ! i: i :: ::i]]]ii]:i::iii!:i::ii!]!:$"  /] iiii![::i::iii;i4:i!::T!/\\; ** */if! !!i!T!i!ii!!!i!il]]]]i!! " *, . i]i Men's "Wash 'n Wear" Plaid LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Priced .... Woven, easy to wash and little iron gnghams in small, med- ium and large. Top quality pearl buttons, stayed collars. Here is a shirt bargain you'd better not miss. Birthday Bargalnl Women's Stretchable Nylon Anklets c Sizes medium (7 to 9), Large (9/ to 11) in white stretch- able nylons. Just 50 packages so shop early for this. Nylon Velvet TiesI Teenagers Favorite 398 . Black Suede! .Black Smooth! • Or White In the most wanted shoe style, with soft ribbed crepe soles. Sizes 4./z to 9/ and AA or B. Great savingu. SociM Events [Jayoees Gain /-t-;ss A D--a00e Four Me, mbers Shelton Junior Chamber of Commerce is off to a good start Today, Thursday, Oct. 8 Navy Mothers, 6 p.m., Ritner's Broiler Pioneer School Board, Pioneer school. Frhlay, O('t. 9 WARC, 8 p.m., Rogeru School Blanch Radtke Orthopedic Guild, PUD. WARC cotton candy sale, 20th Century Thriftway, Hillcrest. World War I Veterans, and Auxiliary, 8 p.m., PUD. S k o k o m i s h Grange booster night, 8:30 p.m., Grange. Saturday, Oct. 10 Mount Moriah Masonic Lodge, 8 p.m., Masonic Temple. WARC cotton candy sale, 20th Century Thriftway, Hillcrest. Shelton Valley Grange, benefit dance, 9:30 to 2 a.m., Grange. Blanch Radtke Orthopedic Guild rummage sale, PUD. Sundy, Oct. 11 Shelton churches invite you to attend services today. Mon(hy, Oct. 12 LPN, 7:30 p.m., Nurses' Cot- tage. Tuelay, Oct. 13 Dorcas Meyers Orthopedic Guild 8 p.m., Mrs. Lloyd Gruver's home. Dirt Dobbers Garden Club, 10:30 a.m., Girl Scout Littlehouse. Wednesday, Oct, 14 WSCS, 7:30 p.m., Methodist church. Polio meeting, 8 p.m., Colonial House. Thursday, Oct. 15 Hood Canal Woman's Club, 11 a.m., Potlatch clubhouse. Zont Club, 6:30 p.m., Colonial House. Canal Gardeners Install Officers New officers were installed at the Oct. 1st meeting of the Hood Canal Garden Club, by Mrs. Carl Blank, district director. Officers are Mrs. Jennie Heft, president; Mrs. Cords Watson, vice presi- dent; Mrs. Vera Shortsleeves, sec- retary and Mrs. Cecil Gilbert:,,, treasurer. Incoming officers were I presented with a corsage made by i Mrs. Vera Lfnscott. I Mrs. Blank, Mrs. Frank Smith I and Mrs. Luhl Cave judged fall floral arrangements brought to the meeting by tim members. First prize was awarded Mrs. Christine Ahl and Mrs. Francis Moake, sec-i end. I A tentative program for the l year was read to the club by the i year book committee, Mrs. Ahl, [ :Mrs. Ilene Ager and Mrs. Hoff. Each member was asked "what she learned at the fair", many ideas were gained about tin can artistry, and poisonous flowers (non-eatable) such as fall crocus, iris, etc. The Garden Club district meet- ing will be held Oct. 20, in the Belfair Community church, and the Mason county Federation of Women's Clubs, Oct. 21, at the Hood Canal clubhouse. The next regular meeting of lhe Garden Club will be Thursday, Nov. 5, at the Lilliwaup comnxu- nity hall. RETUItNED HOME Mrs. Marjory (Troy) Dodge re- turned last week from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Helen Thomas Connellsville, Pa. While there the duo spent two days seeing the sights at Washington, D. C. and one day in Pittsburgh. in its membership drive. FOUR NEW members have joined the club and another four prospective members were guests at Tuesday'u dinner meeting. The four new Jaycees are Jerry Vermillion, Irene S. Reed high school bauketball coach; Dr. Lynn White, dentist; Jerry Knutson, ju- nior high school teacher, and Ron Fosdick, who is employed in Simpson Logging Company'u in- sulating board sample department. "Sixty by Sixty" is the goal of the drive, or, a total of 60 mem- bers by the first of the year. The club has been divided into three teamu. In an effort to create more in- terest, the club has made the first meeting of each month a dinner meeting, with the food prepared in the newly-improved kitchen at the Jaycee clubhouse. ANY YOUNG men between the ages of 21 and 36 interested in Jaycee membership should contact a club member or Bernie Dorcy, club president. Canal Women Plan Youth Program The Hood Canal Woman's Club will hold its annual youth pro- gram Thursday, Oct. 15, in their clubhouse near Potlatch. The busi- ness meeting will convene at 11 a.m. with a luncheon at noon and program at 1 p.m. Mrs. Ann Rowe, program chair- man has planned az interesting program, with Mrs. Adanson of Olympia, who will outline a work- able youth program for the club to follow that coincides with the work of the National Federation of Women's Clubs. The four Mason county dele- gates this past summer will talk on their experiences at Girls' State. Mrs. Betty Schwab of Hoodsport, will explain Girl Scout activities and how the Woman's Club can be of help to the organ- ization. Hanger Drive On Evergreen PTA is colecting black wire coat hangers and will continue to do so until Oct, 16. Anyone having hangers in good condition wishing to donate them are asked to call Mrs. Everett Hurst, HA 6-6214 or Mru. Louis Tylczak, HA 6-4505. :10TII BIRTHDAY DINNED PARTY Janet Lee Nelson celebrated her 10th birthday September 30 at a dinner party at Steve's Smorgas- bord in Tacoma. Enjoying the eve- ning with Janet were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donn Nel$o brother, Gary, her grandpl'enlI, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Nelson, and Pamela Tuson. Her brother Gary celebrated his third birthday three days ear- lier at a party at home. RECUPERATi- G Mrs. Charles (Rocky) Morrison recently returned home after un- dergoing surgery at She]ton Gen- eral Hospital. She reported that it will be approximately six weeks until uhe will be returning to bed work. Mrs. Morrison wishes to thank the hospital staff and her many friendu for their thought- fulncss. Allyn News By Mrs. D. V. Burgeson ALLYN.--Friends of the Har- old Browns will welcome them home after a month's leave of ab- sence. During their vacation they toured the East Coast viuitlng many places of interest. One place mentioned as being of special interest Wars the lovely out- door Cathedral of the Pines at Rindge, New Hampshire. A place of natural beauty and naturally inspiring to worship and rever- ence. Another highlight of their trip were two family reunions. One with her family, the Bennetts in Island Heights, New Jersey, and his family in Chelmsford, Mass., with about 35 present at each gathering. Mrs. Brown also brought a friend, Mrs. Avis Lundholm, back with her as they came. Mrs. Lundholm will be spending a while with her and just in time to enjoy some good weather. Sunday Wesley Painter boarded a plane and returned to his home in Portage, Alaska, where he will resume his studies. The change of plans is due to a bit of home- ickness, an old malady which we all understand. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith had a pleasant visit with friends trod rel- atives in Yakima last week. They spent some time with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Darland and their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lutze and Mr. and Mrs. Forret Wilson of Tieton. MRS. MARGARET Davis had her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wilcott, and son, Rickey, spending the day with her Sun- day and they had dinner together. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McKean and daughters, Sandra and Mari- lyn, spent the day at Long Beach and described the day as nice and sunny with mild temperatures at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Dishon had as dinner guests in their home Fri- day evening Mr. and Mrs. James Yoshihara of Rocky Bay and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockwood. Afterward they all attended the Twanoh Grange meeting. Mrs. Charles Baird'e sister, Mrs. Sue Bellamy, has left for Silver City, New Mexico, on business and will return later. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Peterson enjoyed a viuit rom his cousin and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Schaffer, of Olympia. Mrs. Peterson was hostess to a party last Wednesday evening, The party was held in her home with 12 guests attending. There were the usual games and refresl- ments and interesting things to view. MR. AND MRS. Glen Butler of Hammersley Inlet were drop-in visitors at the Vic Raisoni home Sunday afternoon. Miss Gaff Kalat was privileged to spend over Sunday home with her parents. Gall is employed, in Seattle. Mrs, Elton Cleveland was hap- py to have tmr ixusband home Fri- day to celebrate their wedding an- niversary. JUNIOR DEPUTIES The Mason county junior depu- ties will meet Monday evening at 7:30 in the county courthouse. All boys between the ages of 12 and 17 are invited to attend. THIRD (IRANI}CHll,I) Helen Mr. and Mrs. John MacRae of Shelton became grandparents for the third time on September 24 when a son was born. to their daughter, Jennie, now Mrs. Glen Rice, at Pullman. i, 1951 Oldsmobile. , $165 [ [ 1951 Meroury.. $i95 I 1958 RAMBLER REBEL l)USTOM V.8 Power brakes, steering, push button drive, reclining seats, real sharp 1957 FAIRLANE "560" 2 DOOR, V-8, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 1956 GOUNTRY SEDAN 6 CYL., OVERDRIVE, EXCELLENT CONDITION 1956 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOR V-8 POWER WINDOWS, WHITE SIDEWALLS, AUTO. TRANS., TINTED GLASS 1955 V-8 FORDOR FAIRLANE WITH OVERDRIVE 1954 I)HEVROLET DEL RAY 2 DOOR, EXCELLENT CONDITION 1952 PLYMOUTH SUDIJRBAN NEW TIRES, REAL PRACTICAL STATION WAGON 1952 MERl)URY 4-DOOR RADIO -- HEATER PICK-UPS  , 1--1957 FORD, ½-TON 6-t)YL OVERDRIVE 1947 DODGE ½-TON 6GYL 1942 FORD ½-TON 6 l)YL. i RED SAYS: FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY -- TUNE-UP ONLY $12.95 i i i i iiiii illl, i i i Jim Pauley,lnc. TERMS -- TRADES FIFTH and RAILROAD PHONE HA. 6-8231