October 8, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 8, 1959 |
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Complete Beauty Service
Our Specialty
Expert Styling & Cutting
,,, ,o. ,,, HA 6-2431
SHELTON,MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in '¢ChrLtmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton,
Dirt Dobbers At
(.,ross Sound Meet
Mls. 1, V. YI)h', Mrs. (h,,.'ge lnl-
hell, Mrs. A] Go()dwill, Mrs. lvar i
C'ard,q. t'epresellted tile I)irt [)d)-
})eli'S (Itl'¢ttn CIIII) at [ (-ri)ss-SOtllld
( isl l'Jcl Inept ins" lasl xve'l¢ ill
I Ir('ll lOl'l ()rl.
[h-adill K the business of lira day
WaS lrlslalhttioll (if officel-s. All itl-
tor.siillg talk oil h(,rbs alld their
uses was Kiw'n by an ()lympit
The next Dirt l)ohber meeting
will be at 10:30 a.ln., Tuesday, ill
the t.'iri Scout Lil,lletlouse. Knee-
]II lld PI t']{.
WAIl(; to Hear
Teacher-Trainer ,i
The next re'clinK (f the Mas J1
Colllliy chapter of the 1.Vashiilg'-
trm Association f(>r t-h'tarded Chil-
clrt,n will I)e Friday at JIGgerS
1,/illlPr MelhlsI, tea.Chel' i0 npe-
cial edllClt{iOll Hnd c(i-()l,dJlla|or ()
1 he V,'O}'t¢ lraining program of
I,orlKview schools will speak. His
l(ipic will be "Work Tra, ini]l. Pro-
grams in Public S('h<)ols for the
Mentally l{andicapped.'
The r{leeting in open to tile plib-
lie &lift :4IlyOllt illIt'resled is D,'CI-
9:00 FRI.
Use Journal Want Ads Journal Want Ads Pay
3rd Son Arrives
At Ryan Home
I,ITTI,I St.:OOIZUM. Congrat-
tllatiOllS to I)r. lllltl Mrs. Ryan on
the birth (d' Illeir new son, Tom-
my, v,'ho arrivod Sept. 25. "r(ml-
nly joins lwo brothers lllld 1"1 .sis-
.qunday evening" .Mr& AI Lord
attended a going-away party for
Mrs. Louie l;are who left Tues-
day to join her Imsba,ld in Miss-
oula. Mont.. where they phm to
make their new hmle.
The Lords were visited Thllrs-
day by Mr. and Mrs. Dim Nelson
and baby of Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. (.'lyde Wells left
home last F'ridav for Seattle where
Mrs. Wells will spend a week help-
ills to care f(lr her new gTandson,
(Jhrist{)pher. who was born Sept.
29 to Dr. and Mrs. E, G Van
Ackeren. The Van Ackeren. Ilave
am)tiler son, [)avid.
"Phe Kurt Daniels of Hoqtliam
were (linner gtzests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wolf on Tuesday.
tin Thursday Mr. and Mrs. WaN
let Allen drove to Tacoma on hus-
iness and later were hlneheon
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Holl-
ander at a Tacoma restaurant.
A trip to Tacoma tin Friday
took Mr. "rod Mrs. Dan Lynch and
Joe Meistcr to the homes of Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Brand and family
and Mr. Ed Rheames where they
spent tile afternoon visiting.
Dick Roundtree aeeonlpanied
Mr. and Mrs, Orvil Davis to Sun-
nyside on a weekend hunl for ag-
ates and petrified wood.
Mrs. Cliff Roundtree spent Fri-
day night with Florence Fischer
in ShelteR.
Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs.
LeRoy Moore and Chert and Joe
Meister enjoyed a dimler at the
h(nne of LeRoy's parents, the
George Smarts of Skottomish Val-
Dale R. Neff Now
On Air©rail Garrier
llale R. N ff, aviation boats-
wain's mate airman apprentice,
USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. James
R. Neff of Route 3, Box 436, Shel-
teR, is serving aboard the attack
(,arrier USS Hancock operating
with the I r.S. Seventh Fleet in the
Western Pacific.
The Alameda, Calif., based flat-
top began her seven-month tour
of duty Aug. I.
1luring the cruise, the Hancock
in seileduled to participate in var-
ious operational exercises and will
visit Japan, Hong gong and the
Holcake Breaklasi
Profit Was $689.42
Net proceeds from the annual
Kiwanis Club hotcake breakfast
in August was $689.42, the mem-
bership learned at this week's
hmcheon meeting.
This was after two capital out-
hlys of $100 for a new grill and
$50 for repairs to another were
subtracted, which would have
made the net profit about $840.
Net income from the breakfast
was $1381.88. total expenses
$692.46, the report said. The Ki-
wanis Club supports the commun-
ity swimming and life saving pro-
gram with these fund&
Reed Tree Farm
Now GedHied
Graymarsh Tree Farm, owned
by William G. Reed, principal
owner of Simpson Timber Com-
pany, was one of 10 Certified last
Saturday at Aberdeen.
Reed's 340-acre tree farm near
Sequim was certified as a non-ino
dustrial tree farm.
Certification was made by the
Industrial Forestry Association.
A complete new line
of economy cars in
the low-price field
This is the Dodge Dart--the all-new,
low-priced ear with the features you've
been waiting for. A brand-new Economy
Slant "6" Engine that saves up to 20,))
on gas. All-welded Unibody construe-
tier to eliminate squeaks, rattles and
rust. Roomier, family-sized interiors
that make driving pure pleasure. And.
a solid look and feel that make it hard
to believe Dart is a low-priced ear. Dart
comes in 20 exciting models--3 great
series, Seneca, Pioneer, Phoenix. See
America's First Fine Economy Car--
the Dodge Dart--at your Dodge
Dealer's now!
Greateat Dodge Ever,..
Big, Solid, Built to Command
This great new '60 Dodge was built to
prove you don't have to be extravagant
to travel in style. Underneath iks bold,
crisp styling you'll find an extra bonul
in stretch-out room and comfort--the
added strength and silence of exclusive
all-welded Unibody construction--the
unequalled responsiveness of a new
D-500 Ram Induction V-8 Engine.*
Yet for all these exclusive advantages,
this magnificent '60 Dodge is most
moderately priced. Available in 11
exciting modelstwo great series,
Matador and Polara. See them today!
*Opliosal at e,rtra cost
PAUtEY HOTOIlS -- 1st and Railroad, Shelton
Late To Glassily ,,,
Nl,lice is )lerehy
dry the 191h day o
12 I'T. CEDAR boat, oars $115; $39 re- "l mencing nl t,!l)ol--
noon, lit the t
die $211; '48 Nash, radio-heater, go.d ] lleadquarters of
ruhbcr, $125. Ph, m, ttA 6-6783. [Natural Resource
A 10,/g [ scrihed..:.._.,:..--forest pro
FOR RENT -- O,,e hed,'o.,,I duph'x I P'x'l:'il,a:i'ia'I l°
aptlrtlllent, pllrtly furnished. Inqtlirc [] "' *
than 501) Chrisl
161,11 Adams, Mt. View. S 10/8 tfn L,'bcated in
LOST .... Ladies Wittnauer watch in
vicinity of Irene S. I¢.eed high
s('hllol, sentilllental valtle. Reward.
l'hone HA 6:g760. E 10/8-22
for hunters at the tlarstine COlll-
lnunily llall, Sunday, ()el. 11, 11 1
a. OL t() 4 p.m. II 10/8
IIRISTMAS and (Jreeting Cards!
Personalized if desired. Novelties,
stalionery, wrapping paper and rill-
hells. Phone IIA 6-,1366. H 10/8-29
TItREE BEDROOM h)use f(n' sale,
20 acres, located at Dayton, Call tlA
6-6770. Mc 10/8-15
FOR SALE: You won't believe it till
you see it. T,, settle au estate we
offer a 3 hedrooln hl)nn+ with 11,,_,
baths, living rl ff)lU, dining ]'OIH il,
utility and garage for $6,1X)0 -- and
it's downtown. Call Kurt Mann, Wa-
terfront Imalty, IIA 6-8535, or HA
6-3228 evenings. 10/8
Legal Publications
An ordinance stating the facts con-
stituting an emergency, The estimated
amount required to meet said enlor-
gency, and declaring that an emer-
gency exists within the Library De-
Section 1. A public emergency exists
which could not reasonably have been
foreseen at the time of making the
annual budget and requires the expen-
diture of money not provided in tim
annual hudget, towit:
$171.40 donated to the Walton Li-
brary Memorial Fund,
Section 2. That hy reason of said
enwrgency in the operation of the Li-
brary Departnlent the sum of $171.'10
iS r,!ll'n|red to Iileet it.
Section 3. That the City of Shelton
is authorized to raw emergency war-
rants to expend $171.40, said Warranls
to be drawn from the Lihrary fund
made up of Voluntary donations to the
Walton Library Memorial Fund.
Section 4. Thia Ordinance is neces-
sary for the pres¢'rvation of the I'ublic
peace, health, and safety, and shall
take effect immediately,
Introduced i .regular commission
neeting September 29, 1959.
Passed October 6, 1959.
Clerk 10/9 it
Notice is hereby given that the
board of commissioners of Fire Pro-
tection District No. 4 have completed
and placed on file their Preliminary
Budget for th • fiscal year 1960 and
that tile Board f District No. 4 Dis-
trict Conlnissi,mera will meet at their
(fffice in South Side (h'ange Hall on
October 9, 1959, 8:00 P.M. for the
purpose of fixing the final budget,
Any taxpayer may appear at the
ahove mentioned time and place and
be heard for. or against any part of
maid budget.
I)ated eptember 16, 1959.
ti:y order of the Board.
Chairman 10/1-8 2t
Nq)tice is heroby given that on Mot
duy the 191h day of October, 1959, com-
n|ent!ing at ten o'clock in the forenooll,
at the Port Orchard District Head-
22N., Rge. 3W.
B. Forest 1
|rpe ('ollllt basis, l
M iIli rlK1 m Iicc0ptS
per tree. The
in [nillll_l|ll of
the sal' ;ll'l'a to bc
price at the time
cut are to bc
or a total of
AI the tin|e
llltlt llDIke a
bid In'ice I)nsed on
$]50.0(} of this
hill of sale fee,
must be in the
order, certified
Tile hahlncc of
any. lllay he
chaser nlllst also
of $150.(X/. in
gllarantee complia:
of the hill of sale.
Time for
ceml)e ' 23, 1959. ,. lli
I,ocatod approxinlatelY
of Belfair,
Tree Company
, A copy of th,
tract is
194t; (Title 39,
eetion 233)
Mason County
each week at
October 1. 1959.
1. The names
publishers are:
Cole, William
liam M, Dickic
Usiness nlanal
of Shelton,
2. The owner
County Journal,
Shclt)n, Wasbin
William M.
ington, and Doro
3. The known
gagees, and
owning or holding
of totM
or other
4 Paragraphs
eas s where the
try hold'er appel
person or cor
trustee is acting;
in the two
fianrs full
to tile circumstt
under which
appeal, upon
as trustees,
ia a capacity 0
bona fide owner.
5. The average
of each issue of
or distributed,
otherwise, tt)
the 12 nlOIlthS
shown above
Editor and
quarters of the Departmet of Natural (SICAL)
Resources, the following described for- Sworn to and
est products will be sold at public auc- [ this 5th day of
tion to the highest bidder. ] /s/ Richard F,
Application Number F-56t)4 Not (My commission
loss than 500 Christmas trePs.
Located in SWiNWLi North,, Sec.
11, Twp. 22 N., Rge. 3W., a Marked
Scale Sale
B. Forest products will he sold on
tree count basis.
Mimmum acceptable hid will be 30¢
per tree. The purchaser lllUSt (!tit a
IlliniIillltll of 500 Christlllas trees froln
the sale area to be paid for al lhe hid
price I11 the time of sale. All conifers
cnt are to be paid for at the hid rate,
,r a total of $150.00.
At the time of sale the purchaser
must make a deposil of 100% of the
bid price hascd on the ('.ruLe estimate.
$150.00 of this deposit, plus a $5.00 bill
of sale fee, or a total of $155.00, lnnsl
be in the f()|'tll of cash, money order,
certified cheek or bank draft. The bal-
ance of lhe required det)osit it' any
111:1,3' he paid I)y personal check.
BOND: At tinle of sale the purchas-
er nlust also furnish a cash bond r)f
$150.00, in the form of ('ash, nloney or-
der, certified check or bank draft, to
guarantee compliance with all ternm of
the bill (d" sale.'
Time for removal will be before De-
cember 23, 1959.
Located approximately 18 miles West
ot' Belfair.
Aecessihility: over Kirk Christmas
Tree Company road.
A copy ot' the timber hill of male con-
tract is posted at the Port Orchard
District Headquarters office.
Commissioner of Public Lands
10/8 It
Notice is hereby given that on Tues-
day, the 3rd day ot November, 1959,
comtnelaeing at ten o'clock in the fore-
noon of said day, in Port Orchard Dis-
trict Headquarters, located at Port
Orchard, County of Kitsap, State of
Washington, by the DiMrlct Admino
istrator of said District, the timber on
the following described state land will
be sold at public aucl:ion to the high-
est bidder; to-wit:
Application No. F-5575
Not less than 5,000 Christma.s trees
located on all of Section ,33, north of
Haven Lake Road, Township 23 North,
Range West, W.M., containing 320 MASON
acres, more or less.
Christmas trees will be sold on a
tree count basis.
Minimum acceptable bid: 30¢ per
tree, The purchaser must cut a mLnl-
ma ot 5,000 Christmas trees from
the sale area to be paid for at the bld
price at the time of sale. All conifers Court her
cu[ are to be paid for at the bid rate. for
settle said
Prior to auction of this sale, each ert*
bidder must make a deposit of $150.00, ana
plus a $5.00 hill of sale fee, or a total
of $155.00 in the form of cash, money and that said
Order, certified check or bamk draft, he heard on
Upoa completion of this sale, tbe re- ber, 1959, at
spective deposits shall be returned to Room of the
the unsuccessful bidders, The purchas- said Court at
any person int
er must, on the day of sale, make an
additional payment so that the total
agoun, delosited Will .equal 100% of DATED thi
* tutt nza price nasea on the cruise
estimate. Thia additional payment may Clerk
be by personal cheek. Purchaser must, GLENN E.
Wlt h|n 80 days of date Of sale, fUzmish Attorney for
a srety bond of $1,500.00 to guarantee Bell Building
compliance with all terms of the bill 1! South
of sa.l All checks, money ordcrs%etc. Shelton,
are to be nmde payable to the Coin- (SEAL)
missioner of Public Lands.
All sales shall be conducted between
'the hours of ten o'clock in the fore- NOTICE
noon and four o'clock in the afternoon. PRESENT
If all sales cannot be offere.d within IN THE
the specified tiule on the advertised STATE
date. the male shall continue on the MASON
following day between the hours of In the Mat
ten o'clock in the forenoon and font of the Person
o'clock in the aftermmn, Any sale A. JACOBSEN,
which has been offered and for wIHch ent Person.
there are not bids received, shall not NOTICE in
be reoffered until it has been rcadver- Letters of
t ised,
entitled matter
Cutting rights expire, on December undersigned
20, 1959.
ber, 1959 by
Located approxinmtely 8 miles west NOTICE
of Belfalr.
all persons
Accessibility: Via county road. said person
Complete contract specifications may to serve
be examined at Port Orchard District ers attached
Headquarters, County Auditor's office, aaid estate ,
arid office of Commissh)ner o1" Public 'ecord for sa
Lands, Olympia, lin tteuston,
To be sold at Port Orchard District Washington
Headquarters on Tuesday, November for the
3. 1959, at 10 o'clock a.m. said
Said timber on said land will be with
sold for not less than the appraised with
value, as appraised by the Commis- after
sioner, of_publi Lar, ds. tn the manner tice, to-wit:
provt¢lea fly laW, a' sdfmd'nt ofwhi claims will
is now on file in the office of the
Audl.tor.of aaid coaty, azad Diatrict
aminlstrator of aid district.
Tern_.at aale.are; tree eouat buia.
D: CR') LE,
Commissioner of Public Lands
10/8-15-22-29 It.
In tile Matter
the undersi
and has
t0r of
deceased ; that
cla Ina against sat
by required to
verified, on the
istrator or his
the address belo
same with the
tog(,ther with
within six
first pt{hticatioa
same will be barr
Date of first
Attorney for Estate
I-leil Building" toll
ShelteR, Washing
Notice: North
will call for I
7000 gallons of
delivered to the
son Junior-Senior
Bids will be
Oct, 15 in the scl
Attention to
is 10,000 gallox
dumped imm
The school
the right to
Signed :
Complete Beauty Service
Our Specialty
Expert Styling & Cutting
,,, ,o. ,,, HA 6-2431
SHELTON,MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in '¢ChrLtmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton,
Dirt Dobbers At
(.,ross Sound Meet
Mls. 1, V. YI)h', Mrs. (h,,.'ge lnl-
hell, Mrs. A] Go()dwill, Mrs. lvar i
C'ard,q. t'epresellted tile I)irt [)d)-
})eli'S (Itl'¢ttn CIIII) at [ (-ri)ss-SOtllld
( isl l'Jcl Inept ins" lasl xve'l¢ ill
I Ir('ll lOl'l ()rl.
[h-adill K the business of lira day
WaS lrlslalhttioll (if officel-s. All itl-
tor.siillg talk oil h(,rbs alld their
uses was Kiw'n by an ()lympit
The next Dirt l)ohber meeting
will be at 10:30 a.ln., Tuesday, ill
the t.'iri Scout Lil,lletlouse. Knee-
]II lld PI t']{.
WAIl(; to Hear
Teacher-Trainer ,i
The next re'clinK (f the Mas J1
Colllliy chapter of the 1.Vashiilg'-
trm Association f(>r t-h'tarded Chil-
clrt,n will I)e Friday at JIGgerS
1,/illlPr MelhlsI, tea.Chel' i0 npe-
cial edllClt{iOll Hnd c(i-()l,dJlla|or ()
1 he V,'O}'t¢ lraining program of
I,orlKview schools will speak. His
l(ipic will be "Work Tra, ini]l. Pro-
grams in Public S('h<)ols for the
Mentally l{andicapped.'
The r{leeting in open to tile plib-
lie &lift :4IlyOllt illIt'resled is D,'CI-
9:00 FRI.
Use Journal Want Ads Journal Want Ads Pay
3rd Son Arrives
At Ryan Home
I,ITTI,I St.:OOIZUM. Congrat-
tllatiOllS to I)r. lllltl Mrs. Ryan on
the birth (d' Illeir new son, Tom-
my, v,'ho arrivod Sept. 25. "r(ml-
nly joins lwo brothers lllld 1"1 .sis-
.qunday evening" .Mr& AI Lord
attended a going-away party for
Mrs. Louie l;are who left Tues-
day to join her Imsba,ld in Miss-
oula. Mont.. where they phm to
make their new hmle.
The Lords were visited Thllrs-
day by Mr. and Mrs. Dim Nelson
and baby of Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. (.'lyde Wells left
home last F'ridav for Seattle where
Mrs. Wells will spend a week help-
ills to care f(lr her new gTandson,
(Jhrist{)pher. who was born Sept.
29 to Dr. and Mrs. E, G Van
Ackeren. The Van Ackeren. Ilave
am)tiler son, [)avid.
"Phe Kurt Daniels of Hoqtliam
were (linner gtzests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wolf on Tuesday.
tin Thursday Mr. and Mrs. WaN
let Allen drove to Tacoma on hus-
iness and later were hlneheon
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Holl-
ander at a Tacoma restaurant.
A trip to Tacoma tin Friday
took Mr. "rod Mrs. Dan Lynch and
Joe Meistcr to the homes of Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Brand and family
and Mr. Ed Rheames where they
spent tile afternoon visiting.
Dick Roundtree aeeonlpanied
Mr. and Mrs, Orvil Davis to Sun-
nyside on a weekend hunl for ag-
ates and petrified wood.
Mrs. Cliff Roundtree spent Fri-
day night with Florence Fischer
in ShelteR.
Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs.
LeRoy Moore and Chert and Joe
Meister enjoyed a dimler at the
h(nne of LeRoy's parents, the
George Smarts of Skottomish Val-
Dale R. Neff Now
On Air©rail Garrier
llale R. N ff, aviation boats-
wain's mate airman apprentice,
USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. James
R. Neff of Route 3, Box 436, Shel-
teR, is serving aboard the attack
(,arrier USS Hancock operating
with the I r.S. Seventh Fleet in the
Western Pacific.
The Alameda, Calif., based flat-
top began her seven-month tour
of duty Aug. I.
1luring the cruise, the Hancock
in seileduled to participate in var-
ious operational exercises and will
visit Japan, Hong gong and the
Holcake Breaklasi
Profit Was $689.42
Net proceeds from the annual
Kiwanis Club hotcake breakfast
in August was $689.42, the mem-
bership learned at this week's
hmcheon meeting.
This was after two capital out-
hlys of $100 for a new grill and
$50 for repairs to another were
subtracted, which would have
made the net profit about $840.
Net income from the breakfast
was $1381.88. total expenses
$692.46, the report said. The Ki-
wanis Club supports the commun-
ity swimming and life saving pro-
gram with these fund&
Reed Tree Farm
Now GedHied
Graymarsh Tree Farm, owned
by William G. Reed, principal
owner of Simpson Timber Com-
pany, was one of 10 Certified last
Saturday at Aberdeen.
Reed's 340-acre tree farm near
Sequim was certified as a non-ino
dustrial tree farm.
Certification was made by the
Industrial Forestry Association.
A complete new line
of economy cars in
the low-price field
This is the Dodge Dart--the all-new,
low-priced ear with the features you've
been waiting for. A brand-new Economy
Slant "6" Engine that saves up to 20,))
on gas. All-welded Unibody construe-
tier to eliminate squeaks, rattles and
rust. Roomier, family-sized interiors
that make driving pure pleasure. And.
a solid look and feel that make it hard
to believe Dart is a low-priced ear. Dart
comes in 20 exciting models--3 great
series, Seneca, Pioneer, Phoenix. See
America's First Fine Economy Car--
the Dodge Dart--at your Dodge
Dealer's now!
Greateat Dodge Ever,..
Big, Solid, Built to Command
This great new '60 Dodge was built to
prove you don't have to be extravagant
to travel in style. Underneath iks bold,
crisp styling you'll find an extra bonul
in stretch-out room and comfort--the
added strength and silence of exclusive
all-welded Unibody construction--the
unequalled responsiveness of a new
D-500 Ram Induction V-8 Engine.*
Yet for all these exclusive advantages,
this magnificent '60 Dodge is most
moderately priced. Available in 11
exciting modelstwo great series,
Matador and Polara. See them today!
*Opliosal at e,rtra cost
PAUtEY HOTOIlS -- 1st and Railroad, Shelton
Late To Glassily ,,,
Nl,lice is )lerehy
dry the 191h day o
12 I'T. CEDAR boat, oars $115; $39 re- "l mencing nl t,!l)ol--
noon, lit the t
die $211; '48 Nash, radio-heater, go.d ] lleadquarters of
ruhbcr, $125. Ph, m, ttA 6-6783. [Natural Resource
A 10,/g [ scrihed..:.._.,:..--forest pro
FOR RENT -- O,,e hed,'o.,,I duph'x I P'x'l:'il,a:i'ia'I l°
aptlrtlllent, pllrtly furnished. Inqtlirc [] "' *
than 501) Chrisl
161,11 Adams, Mt. View. S 10/8 tfn L,'bcated in
LOST .... Ladies Wittnauer watch in
vicinity of Irene S. I¢.eed high
s('hllol, sentilllental valtle. Reward.
l'hone HA 6:g760. E 10/8-22
for hunters at the tlarstine COlll-
lnunily llall, Sunday, ()el. 11, 11 1
a. OL t() 4 p.m. II 10/8
IIRISTMAS and (Jreeting Cards!
Personalized if desired. Novelties,
stalionery, wrapping paper and rill-
hells. Phone IIA 6-,1366. H 10/8-29
TItREE BEDROOM h)use f(n' sale,
20 acres, located at Dayton, Call tlA
6-6770. Mc 10/8-15
FOR SALE: You won't believe it till
you see it. T,, settle au estate we
offer a 3 hedrooln hl)nn+ with 11,,_,
baths, living rl ff)lU, dining ]'OIH il,
utility and garage for $6,1X)0 -- and
it's downtown. Call Kurt Mann, Wa-
terfront Imalty, IIA 6-8535, or HA
6-3228 evenings. 10/8
Legal Publications
An ordinance stating the facts con-
stituting an emergency, The estimated
amount required to meet said enlor-
gency, and declaring that an emer-
gency exists within the Library De-
Section 1. A public emergency exists
which could not reasonably have been
foreseen at the time of making the
annual budget and requires the expen-
diture of money not provided in tim
annual hudget, towit:
$171.40 donated to the Walton Li-
brary Memorial Fund,
Section 2. That hy reason of said
enwrgency in the operation of the Li-
brary Departnlent the sum of $171.'10
iS r,!ll'n|red to Iileet it.
Section 3. That the City of Shelton
is authorized to raw emergency war-
rants to expend $171.40, said Warranls
to be drawn from the Lihrary fund
made up of Voluntary donations to the
Walton Library Memorial Fund.
Section 4. Thia Ordinance is neces-
sary for the pres¢'rvation of the I'ublic
peace, health, and safety, and shall
take effect immediately,
Introduced i .regular commission
neeting September 29, 1959.
Passed October 6, 1959.
Clerk 10/9 it
Notice is hereby given that the
board of commissioners of Fire Pro-
tection District No. 4 have completed
and placed on file their Preliminary
Budget for th • fiscal year 1960 and
that tile Board f District No. 4 Dis-
trict Conlnissi,mera will meet at their
(fffice in South Side (h'ange Hall on
October 9, 1959, 8:00 P.M. for the
purpose of fixing the final budget,
Any taxpayer may appear at the
ahove mentioned time and place and
be heard for. or against any part of
maid budget.
I)ated eptember 16, 1959.
ti:y order of the Board.
Chairman 10/1-8 2t
Nq)tice is heroby given that on Mot
duy the 191h day of October, 1959, com-
n|ent!ing at ten o'clock in the forenooll,
at the Port Orchard District Head-
22N., Rge. 3W.
B. Forest 1
|rpe ('ollllt basis, l
M iIli rlK1 m Iicc0ptS
per tree. The
in [nillll_l|ll of
the sal' ;ll'l'a to bc
price at the time
cut are to bc
or a total of
AI the tin|e
llltlt llDIke a
bid In'ice I)nsed on
$]50.0(} of this
hill of sale fee,
must be in the
order, certified
Tile hahlncc of
any. lllay he
chaser nlllst also
of $150.(X/. in
gllarantee complia:
of the hill of sale.
Time for
ceml)e ' 23, 1959. ,. lli
I,ocatod approxinlatelY
of Belfair,
Tree Company
, A copy of th,
tract is
194t; (Title 39,
eetion 233)
Mason County
each week at
October 1. 1959.
1. The names
publishers are:
Cole, William
liam M, Dickic
Usiness nlanal
of Shelton,
2. The owner
County Journal,
Shclt)n, Wasbin
William M.
ington, and Doro
3. The known
gagees, and
owning or holding
of totM
or other
4 Paragraphs
eas s where the
try hold'er appel
person or cor
trustee is acting;
in the two
fianrs full
to tile circumstt
under which
appeal, upon
as trustees,
ia a capacity 0
bona fide owner.
5. The average
of each issue of
or distributed,
otherwise, tt)
the 12 nlOIlthS
shown above
Editor and
quarters of the Departmet of Natural (SICAL)
Resources, the following described for- Sworn to and
est products will be sold at public auc- [ this 5th day of
tion to the highest bidder. ] /s/ Richard F,
Application Number F-56t)4 Not (My commission
loss than 500 Christmas trePs.
Located in SWiNWLi North,, Sec.
11, Twp. 22 N., Rge. 3W., a Marked
Scale Sale
B. Forest products will he sold on
tree count basis.
Mimmum acceptable hid will be 30¢
per tree. The purchaser lllUSt (!tit a
IlliniIillltll of 500 Christlllas trees froln
the sale area to be paid for al lhe hid
price I11 the time of sale. All conifers
cnt are to be paid for at the hid rate,
,r a total of $150.00.
At the time of sale the purchaser
must make a deposil of 100% of the
bid price hascd on the ('.ruLe estimate.
$150.00 of this deposit, plus a $5.00 bill
of sale fee, or a total of $155.00, lnnsl
be in the f()|'tll of cash, money order,
certified cheek or bank draft. The bal-
ance of lhe required det)osit it' any
111:1,3' he paid I)y personal check.
BOND: At tinle of sale the purchas-
er nlust also furnish a cash bond r)f
$150.00, in the form of ('ash, nloney or-
der, certified check or bank draft, to
guarantee compliance with all ternm of
the bill (d" sale.'
Time for removal will be before De-
cember 23, 1959.
Located approximately 18 miles West
ot' Belfair.
Aecessihility: over Kirk Christmas
Tree Company road.
A copy ot' the timber hill of male con-
tract is posted at the Port Orchard
District Headquarters office.
Commissioner of Public Lands
10/8 It
Notice is hereby given that on Tues-
day, the 3rd day ot November, 1959,
comtnelaeing at ten o'clock in the fore-
noon of said day, in Port Orchard Dis-
trict Headquarters, located at Port
Orchard, County of Kitsap, State of
Washington, by the DiMrlct Admino
istrator of said District, the timber on
the following described state land will
be sold at public aucl:ion to the high-
est bidder; to-wit:
Application No. F-5575
Not less than 5,000 Christma.s trees
located on all of Section ,33, north of
Haven Lake Road, Township 23 North,
Range West, W.M., containing 320 MASON
acres, more or less.
Christmas trees will be sold on a
tree count basis.
Minimum acceptable bid: 30¢ per
tree, The purchaser must cut a mLnl-
ma ot 5,000 Christmas trees from
the sale area to be paid for at the bld
price at the time of sale. All conifers Court her
cu[ are to be paid for at the bid rate. for
settle said
Prior to auction of this sale, each ert*
bidder must make a deposit of $150.00, ana
plus a $5.00 hill of sale fee, or a total
of $155.00 in the form of cash, money and that said
Order, certified check or bamk draft, he heard on
Upoa completion of this sale, tbe re- ber, 1959, at
spective deposits shall be returned to Room of the
the unsuccessful bidders, The purchas- said Court at
any person int
er must, on the day of sale, make an
additional payment so that the total
agoun, delosited Will .equal 100% of DATED thi
* tutt nza price nasea on the cruise
estimate. Thia additional payment may Clerk
be by personal cheek. Purchaser must, GLENN E.
Wlt h|n 80 days of date Of sale, fUzmish Attorney for
a srety bond of $1,500.00 to guarantee Bell Building
compliance with all terms of the bill 1! South
of sa.l All checks, money ordcrs%etc. Shelton,
are to be nmde payable to the Coin- (SEAL)
missioner of Public Lands.
All sales shall be conducted between
'the hours of ten o'clock in the fore- NOTICE
noon and four o'clock in the afternoon. PRESENT
If all sales cannot be offere.d within IN THE
the specified tiule on the advertised STATE
date. the male shall continue on the MASON
following day between the hours of In the Mat
ten o'clock in the forenoon and font of the Person
o'clock in the aftermmn, Any sale A. JACOBSEN,
which has been offered and for wIHch ent Person.
there are not bids received, shall not NOTICE in
be reoffered until it has been rcadver- Letters of
t ised,
entitled matter
Cutting rights expire, on December undersigned
20, 1959.
ber, 1959 by
Located approxinmtely 8 miles west NOTICE
of Belfalr.
all persons
Accessibility: Via county road. said person
Complete contract specifications may to serve
be examined at Port Orchard District ers attached
Headquarters, County Auditor's office, aaid estate ,
arid office of Commissh)ner o1" Public 'ecord for sa
Lands, Olympia, lin tteuston,
To be sold at Port Orchard District Washington
Headquarters on Tuesday, November for the
3. 1959, at 10 o'clock a.m. said
Said timber on said land will be with
sold for not less than the appraised with
value, as appraised by the Commis- after
sioner, of_publi Lar, ds. tn the manner tice, to-wit:
provt¢lea fly laW, a' sdfmd'nt ofwhi claims will
is now on file in the office of the
Audl.tor.of aaid coaty, azad Diatrict
aminlstrator of aid district.
Tern_.at aale.are; tree eouat buia.
D: CR') LE,
Commissioner of Public Lands
10/8-15-22-29 It.
In tile Matter
the undersi
and has
t0r of
deceased ; that
cla Ina against sat
by required to
verified, on the
istrator or his
the address belo
same with the
tog(,ther with
within six
first pt{hticatioa
same will be barr
Date of first
Attorney for Estate
I-leil Building" toll
ShelteR, Washing
Notice: North
will call for I
7000 gallons of
delivered to the
son Junior-Senior
Bids will be
Oct, 15 in the scl
Attention to
is 10,000 gallox
dumped imm
The school
the right to
Signed :