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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6 buslnoss ond ol TOOAY'S TOP.PERFORMAHGE OUTBOARD HOTORI SEE IT TODAY at Shelton Marine Supply HILLCREST IV/NIt/D/ SALES AND g|lVl'| Journal Want Ads Pay BI-rELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chr£vfmastown, U.S.A. " Shelton, Washin Somers, Dennis Score All Poinis in 14.13 B-Team Win al Elma Highclimbers at North Thurston , wilich scored both touchdowns and Iill I)cnrfis' hard-running, which sc(}rod both try-for-points, Friday; Lineup Changes Due I skin-tight 11-13 victory over Elms ill a (Tvniral Leaglie B team foot- .......... Iball game at Ehna Monday after- Shelton plays the role of bap- 15ertscn ironl erl(l to flallDa( K ltlSt i tiser Friday night when North .cek as cffcctle,.B(Jtsch ct!}u-I Somers was tile favorite target Thurston makes its bow in 1959 mg up as tile worRnorse of uw • . . • - • - ...... , .. • I tn a Sllor[-passlng gante concluetefl Central League football action. en.[ral l[sap upset ..... ( fbY quarterbacks Joe Wingard and 2d0tlOn plcIttres oI |lel[ rFt's ," , - •  r "- "' "" o ...... The ceremony will be perform- . ..... "', "   . :, .l()tI' ust.ert)erg ,rll.ll Lne I.:zzz/Ul" ed in four 12-minute acts on the sea(hocK V t l l 1 Z:I [ ; S[  Z'X(tr  ' g " 4  ............. Ce ;€.,  ....... , ' . . .  ' lit'trig the ,(, p*ly-OI p*LCJL, u** illuminated North Thurston grid- could scl ve as a sharp n( tlh to ill the first quarter, the other in iron starting at 8:00 o'clock. ] some of the loafers the fihns un- ; the fourth after Elnm had taken Neither team enters the per- masked, principally on °ffensiveithe lead by intercel,ting one and formance with an impressive prior' blocking asslgnnzents. , running it back 60 yards in the record this season, the Climbers COACII BOB St!NIl ran the third period. having only a tie in three starts celluloid for the squad Tuesday and Elrna scored its first touchdown to theh" credit, the Rams arab- there were some highly embarras- in the third period. bit's-foot victory over Central Kit- sed young men in the audience, Coach Bruce Kreger landed the sap in three games, some of whom may be sitting on hustle shown by Somers on his Nevertheless, the Rams are rat- the bench at kickoff tilne Frulay efforts to get clear and Gary ed high in potential anti part of night as a result of the revels- ::hncid(u, who played several dif- their difficulties in getting started tiGris, t ferent positions on defense as well to date can be attributed to in-; By the same token, the fihns ss catching some of the Wingard Juries particularly hamstringing revealed others who did good jobs. I and Osterberg passes. to tile offense. Sund said yesterday clmnces are q Kreger also had bouquets for that Ron Ellis, who has played  the performances of the two quar- WHETHER COACH Jim Fouts only on defense so fat', will get terbaeks, Dennis, Bruce Cowan in his second year at the Ram some offensive duty at guard and and I)errille Thayer. helm, can offset the loss of Russ that Jerry Spiker, who sprained He used Somers and Schneider Taylor, his top leather-lugger, is an ankle at Mt. Vernon, is ready as starting ends, relieving with yet to be determined, but Gary for full-time duty again and prob- Scott Elliott, Corky Peterson and Bower and Dale Ford have begun ably will start at one guard spot. Jerry Linton; Thayer and Dave to emerge as the bacgfield main- Backfield shifts are in the mak- Lamont at tackles spelled by Lee stays, although Bob Mason, one ing, too, as Sund tries for more Buzzard; Jerry Jasper and Gary of the early season cripples, is ground-power in his offense. He Cowan at guards, relieved by Dave back in action after a sprained wasn't prepared to say just what Sund and Bruce Cowan; Ed Kaz- ankle and will add strength(Gibe he plans at press time yesterday insky and Mike Smith at center offense, while the shift of' Ralph but look for Ray Manke to play Wingard, Osterberg and Wayne . a more prominent ball-packing Carlson at quarterback; Gene Rob- MATERNITY WEAR role against the Rams than he has ertson and Gary Lord as starting Smocks ................ $2.99 to $4.99 so far, Sund being dissatisfied halfbacks with Mack Elliott and Suits .................................. $10.95 with the way his halfbacks have Osterberg in relief; Dennis at full- Corduroy Capris $4.99 been running, back, spelled by Gene Hoosier and Adult Bulkios .... $6:95"'t'o $8.95 The game rates as a toss-up, Gary Shelton. THE LITTLE & BiG SHOPPE with indications that both clubs Next Monday the Little Climb- 126 Cots St., Shelton, Wn. are steaming up fo rtheir best ers go after their third straight performances to date. win with North Thurston as their opponent. i i it ii i FOR HUNTERS w,,.E. CIT* LEAGIYEw L ltedrick's Sport Center .... 12 4 Cola Grill ............................ 10 6 LICENSES -- GUNS -- AMMO -- SCOPES Ritner's .................................. 8 8 HATS  RAIN COATS  HANDWARMERS Joy Novelty .......................... 7 9 Morgan Transfer. ............... 7 9 OTHER.NEEDS  McConkey Phavmacy ........ 7 9 at Olsen Furniture .................. 7 9 Wangard'" s Sport Shop gan'icH°tel __ ....................... Bessie Hastings6 10 2210 Olympic Highway North HA 6-8672 High series Rubye Friskcn 454 Open Daily 6 a.m.-10 p.m.  Saturday & Sunday 4 a.m.-10 p.m. To live is not to learn, but to I I I apply. -Legouv $0#00L$ BIIH$ MflUlLL$ qlOVRIgmlM GOOD HUNTING Simpson Logging C o m p a n y forest lands in Grays H a r b o r, Thurston and Mason Counties which were closed to en- try during the critical fire season are again open to hunters. We are cooperating with the State Department of Natural Resources and the State Game Department in providing hunting space on our lands throughout the Simpson Olympic Tree Farm area. Only along roads where we are pres- ently conducting logging operations will gates be closed to vehicles. Good hunting means not only bagging your game, but preventing fires and re- turning home safely as well. RELY ON SIMPSON LOG(lING €O. SHELTON • McCLEARY • OLYMPIA IletA4 Pm ANI Wil$11HUil INaM,Oeil I,t#Mm AtO Immt& Ae AIOAU PlmRk m  m Our 64th Year Thursda ooRg LIGHT FISHING WEEK Good fishing at Lake Cushman featured an otherwise desultory angling report for the past week in Mason county waters. According to Mrs, Clem Heat- er's re.port fronl Lake Cnshnlan Resort, just about everyone who fished was successful with about half taking limits. Three more 2-lb. cutthroat were caught Sat- urday with "lots of 12-inch rain- bows," all caught on the surface, she said. Some of t:be big silvers also were taken on the surface but most of them were taken deep. At the tipper end of the lake, Jack Leimback at Staircase Resort reported a 12V,-lb. Dolly Varden caught by Roy Ecklund of Port Angeles last Thursday and numer- ous good catches of silvers and rainbows in the area. Best of tire salt water catch,.s reported during the week was Mrs. I,e Elmhmd's l l-lb. silver from Hood Canal Sunday and La- vina Kimball's 8!-lb. blackmouth Saturday. Roy tanning had two silvers to 7 lbs. on the 29th and Howard Hathaway a 4-lb. silver Sunday. ARCHERY CLUB MEETS Twelve bow-and-arrow addicts met at Wingard's Sport Shop Tuesday night for the first formal meeting of a new Mason County archery club and set another sess- ion for next Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock in the same place. All interested, whether possess- ors of a bow or not, are invited to attend. GOLF CLUB CALENDAR GERT'S 87 WINS TITLE Gert Batstone batted out a scintillating 87 in the annual club championship finals last week to win the women's title from Ann Correa. The golfing gais held their monthly meeting after the regu- lar day's play Tuesday and balls were awarded to the following par- ticipants: Sept. 1 flag tournament---par plus handicap, Win Carr winner. Sept. 8 even holes, half handi- cap, Gert Batstone. Sept. 15 fewest putts, Virginia Aho. Sept. 22 most 3s, 4s and 5s, full handicap, Virginia Aho. Sept. 29 blind hole tournament, half-handicap, Nits Kimbel. A consolation tournament is to be played next, which will be open to all who have not won a trophy during the season. 85% handicap will be used. WOMEN'S TEA OCT. 15 Final plans are now being made for the women's divion tea to be held at the clubhouse on Oct. 15. The program promises to be most interesting. LOWE WINS KEYSER The men golfers have completed one tournament to date and Sonny Split-Pick, All.Spare Game in Fraternal L)we is the 1959 Keyser Memor- ial winner as a result. The President's Trophy tourna- ment is to be played this Satur- day and Sunday, so anyone wish- ing to enter should sign up at the pro shop. Also, players are needed to enter the Team Captain's tournament, which will be played as soon as enough entries sign up. An intriguing program is plan- ned for all women of Mason coun- ty by the Women's Division of the Shelton Bayshore Golf Club for next Thursday, Oct. 15, in the clubhouse. A salad or dessert hmcheon will be served at one o'clock. Beauty tips on make-up, visual poise, grooming, hair care and styling, wardrobe accessories and modeling technique will be given by Mrs. Earl Rlchards. Mrs. Rich- ards is a recognized attthority on the subjects and is an instructor at the John Robert Powers Fin- ishing school in Portland. Reservations for the luncheon and program should be made in advance by calling Mrs. Glenn Correa, HA 6-6114. A door prize will be awarded by the general chairmen for the event, Mrs. Glenn Ferguson and Mrs. Mel Munson. FRATERNAL LEAGUE W L Fuller Construction .... 11 5 Morken Logging co ....... 9 7 Shclton Harware ............ 8 /,5 7 , Active Club ...................... 8 8 Moose No. 1 ...................... 8 8 Kiwanis Club .................. 7 9 Lions Club ...................... 6, 9,. Rotary Club .................... 6 !0 High game ..... Les Shelver 232 High series--- Gene Lindberg 559 Rudy Oltman, Gene Lindberg md Les Shelver pulled the stand- out feats of Monday night's Fra- ternal league bowling action. Rudy bagged a 3-7-10 split as he helped Shelton Harware to a 3%. to , win over the Lions (L. L. McInelly 539}, Gene had an all- spare game (185) as the Activians lost a 3-1 verdict to Shelver's Ki- wanians, Les' 232 high for the night finale clinching the verdict. In other play, Fuller Construc- tion (Bill Johnson 521) grabbed the league lead with a 3-1 victory over Morken Logging (Bob Whit- marsh 552), and Rotary Club (Dick Angle 514l won by the same count from the Moose (Charlie Savage 508). HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE Shelton Union Service.. 12. 7 101 Park In ................... 12, 7, Byrne & Batstone ........ 12 8 Evergreen Texaco ........ 12 8 Buechel's Marine .......... 10 10 Edward's Salon ............ l0 10 Angle Agency ............... 61 13( Jim Pauley Inc ............. 41fi 15, High game- -Edith Levett 206 High series--Jean Rau 512 SIMPSON WOMEN'S Insulating Board .......... 12 Accounting .................... 11 5 Lumber ............................ 11 5 Engineering .................... 10 5 Purchasing .................... 8 8 Olympic Plywood .......... 6,. 9, I)ggers .......................... 3 13 Research .......................... 2 14 High game.- Jane White 207 High total--.LaVonne Cole 538 MERCHANTS LEAGUE Western Meat .................. 13 7 Bill's Shell Service .......... 12 8 Prepp's Rexall Store ........ 11 9 Thackeray Electric .......... 10 10 Ziegler's Camera Shop .... 9 11 Don's Flying A Service .. 9 11 Kimbel Motors .................. 9 11 Olympic Plywood ............ 7 13 High game--Bill Wilson 234 High total--Bill Wilson 569 MEN'S CITY LEAGUE Beekwith's Jewelry ........ 7 Wilson Company .............. 7 Mac's Corner .................... 6 ,I0 & 8 ................................ 6 Simpson Loggers .............. 6 Frisken Oil ........................ 6 Roy's Richfield ................ 5 Lure bez'men's Mere ........... 5 RAYONIER RESEARCH W L Acetate Aces .................... 12 4 Celhflouses .......................... 11 5 Rayonettes .......................... 11 5 Wood Birds ....................... 9 7 Maintenance ...................... 8 8 Silva Foxes ....................... 8 8 Pin Curlers ........................ 4 12 Clockwatchers ................... 1 15 High game--Jim Latimer 221 High series--Jim Latimer 573 JUNIOR LEAGUE W L Moose Lodge ......................... 7 .1 Bernie's Barber Shop ........ 6 '2 Hembroff Agency ............. 6 2 Angle Agency .................... 4 4 Clark Logging Co ............... 3 5 Joslin Insurance .................. 3 5 Ladies Auxiliary .............. 2 6 Beckwith Jewelry ................. 1 7 High Scores Boys game --- Everett McCoy 197 Girls game ....... Pat Archer 145 Boys total ........... Gary Cowan 49S Girls total ..... Sandra Martin 406 SIVING SHIFT LEAGUE W L Hemlockers ........................ 12 ,t Mixers .................................. 10 (3 Log' Peelers .......................... 9 7 Pin Benders ....................... 7 9 Chasers .................................. 6 10 Strippers .............................. 4 12 High game---Iloyd Howard 207 High total--Bud Temple 522 POLIO MEETING The chairman of the 1960 March of Dimes drive will be announced at a public meeting of tim Na- tional Polio Foundation at eight o'clock, Wednesday evening in the Colonial House. 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 High game Allie Robinson 196 High total-Allie Robinson 5,t9 MEN'S COMMERCIAL Wingard,s Sport Shop .... 13 7 L)cal 161 ............................ 13 7 Ritner's ................................ 13 7 Verle's Sporting Goods .. 11 9 B & R Oil .......................... 10 10 Gott Oil ............................. 8 12 Moose Lodge ..................... 6 1,t Delight Park ..................... 6 14 High game -Fred Snelgrove 220 High series- -Sonny Lowe 587 MAJOR LEAGUE pts. Dan's Nite Hawks ................ 40 Home Gas ..................... ......... 29, Northwest Evergreen ............ 23 Jim Panley .............................. 19, Thnber Bowl ............................ 18 Wolden's Chevron Service .... 14 High game--Ralph Davison 232 High total--Ralph Davison and onny I.,ow¢, each 560 After a salpling in the band- t.aihd pigeon, dove and spvcial high al'et (Ic(r seasons, Ma.()ll e.onnty nimr((ts get into the real meat of big ganw hunting ne×t Sunday with the opening of the genera] deer season. This is on top o1' the migratory waterfowl season which opened at noon yesterday but which won't be at its peak for another two or three weeks in this area. (anle dep'rtment spokesmen are optimistic about the coming big game hunting, encompassing elk and bear ahmg with deer. Deer" hunting, they say. should be especially good in 1959, which they predict will be the best since 1955 when 90,000 deer' were taken. They expect an inci'case of ten to 15,000 over htst year's 65,000 to- tal throughout the state. Department biologists are also ;ptimistie about the elk and bear prospects. Elk, they say, are as abundant as in the past and the hmger, earlier season should pro- duce a larger kill. Elk become eligible prey Nov. 1, the day aftcr the general deer season ends. Bear, which arc predators in this area and as such fair game for hunters the year-ar()und, arc abundant and becoming more pop- ular as game. Coincident with the opening of the deer season also comes the start of upland bird hunting .... pheasants, quail, chukar, etc.--- although here, too, hunters have had an appetizer with weekend grouse shooting since mid-Sep- tember. Pheasant shooting continues on through both the deer and elk sea- sons but grouse hunting ceases with the closc of the dee: season as does quail in western Washing- ton. 18 IN COUNTY GET SPECIAL ELK PERMITS Special permits to hunt in the either-sex elk area of Masoa County were won in the luck-of- the-draw by 18 Mason County men and women out of 150 per- mils allocated for the area, Game Protector Earl Mericlc announced yesterday. They are Howard Hathaway, Roy Stevens, Harvey Hillnmn, Selmer Shawstad, Charles Ogg, Bill Evers, George BAker, ten Beerbower, William Kidd, Jerry Valley, Shcila Fitchitt, ttazcl Tif- fany, Don Woods, Harold Le- Garde, Wall Tyynismaa, Dr. It. L. Kennedy, Don Smith, EmmeLL Smith. DEER HUNTERS GO AT SUNDAY; 18 GET ELK T There were 880 the 150 permits i County area 10E generally the Saiso t) areas from forest boundary and the sotlttl mish River. SHELTONIAN GAME PROTECTOR Among a group ccntly completing trainng course to game protectors Imnd of Shelton, Department All 14 were added ment staff and will [ st 1959 lmnting LAST SPORTS RAOE DUE Shelton will h0t and final sports 1959 season this airport. Whether the will be held here will in progress Car Chlb of Region, and tbe S the Civil Air landing strips facilities at the Mr, & Mrs, To Bowl on Roy Petty was (lent,, Nick Emsley and Carl Emsley llrer of a new ganized at the Tir Slmday evening. To be known Mrs. League, the Sunday evcnings with Iour to a the league. Members of tle Pauline, Phyllis the; Crazy Lceper, Dallas and Doris bonds have V. and J. Engen; the sist of M. and G. b'. Rishcl; the I. made up of Tod(l, Jm]e and Don't Ask Us au,l Jl|dy Staudt, Biehl. You Too Gan Look Successful! When you're bumming aroundstop at Parker's and see the new "Capps" or, "Curlee" suits, sportcoats, and topcoats. Mr. & Mrs. Shop IBern Nelson winners res Tree Care i Joan and Gott's it 452). Timber 4)  conquered ice (Jeri CarSon@ nmrgin in the 4 night. L d Girls! NEW Shipnmnt of ''( era. Pastel Bu orh)n. The ion yOU'VC ever and be feels just as ;IS WOO]. fred thaL orlon like ttds. New skirts down pleats. £1annel in skirts. Pastel the new pastel Another ne sleeve white and cotton. links. LONGER By Will "Now you don't" is a phz bc spoRen the Magician sho.v, E. Reed will begin at. Shelt(m auditorium. $ $ $ Two prc-m( a. hit tune by operatmn- -it's w • This note windsllield of 11 a sports cal'. parking spaCe., away. My car ShUt "Monlnly, woIl.' ?" "Shut up llld i'tCC " "I told you illvcnled :for terrific.." tff "SJILIt Il l ) alld ea rth." lt, ssians r Thc only t;! ;t pal'J(ing Sp \\;VII CI t ,'O11' I'(? Nvxt wceR present slid dealing witt qn(llCy. nta tches with Neau 452) and %VOMEN'S COMMERCIAL W L Rictlfichi Oil ................. 14 b' 5 !., Dons Flying A Service 11,.i 8% Eells & Valley ................ 11,. 8 'Pimber Bowl .................. 11 9 Darigold ........................ :. TO I,,:,," 9 ! Ming Tree ........................ 7% 12! Allyn Shell Service ......... 7 15 Gott's Oilerettcs .............. 6 b. 13 !. High game-Phyl Zicgler 203 ttigh toLal--Phyl Ziegler 598 For the second time in the very young bowling season Phyllis Ziegler barely missed a 600 series. Her beautifully consistent games of 192-203-203 in the women's Commercial league Tuesday night left her just two pins stay of the first 600 total by a pinIem this season and steered her Richfield Oil club to a shutout win over Don's Flying A Service (Betty Wolden 469) and into first place in the standings. Tie games marked two other i 'O;o00emoerat I PHYL FURTS WITH 600 SERIES 6 buslnoss ond ol TOOAY'S TOP.PERFORMAHGE OUTBOARD HOTORI SEE IT TODAY at Shelton Marine Supply HILLCREST IV/NIt/D/ SALES AND g|lVl'| Journal Want Ads Pay BI-rELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chr£vfmastown, U.S.A. " Shelton, Washin Somers, Dennis Score All Poinis in 14.13 B-Team Win al Elma Highclimbers at North Thurston , wilich scored both touchdowns and Iill I)cnrfis' hard-running, which sc(}rod both try-for-points, Friday; Lineup Changes Due I skin-tight 11-13 victory over Elms ill a (Tvniral Leaglie B team foot- .......... Iball game at Ehna Monday after- Shelton plays the role of bap- 15ertscn ironl erl(l to flallDa( K ltlSt i tiser Friday night when North .cek as cffcctle,.B(Jtsch ct!}u-I Somers was tile favorite target Thurston makes its bow in 1959 mg up as tile worRnorse of uw • . . • - • - ...... , .. • I tn a Sllor[-passlng gante concluetefl Central League football action. en.[ral l[sap upset ..... ( fbY quarterbacks Joe Wingard and 2d0tlOn plcIttres oI |lel[ rFt's ," , - •  r "- "' "" o ...... The ceremony will be perform- . ..... "', "   . :, .l()tI' ust.ert)erg ,rll.ll Lne I.:zzz/Ul" ed in four 12-minute acts on the sea(hocK V t l l 1 Z:I [ ; S[  Z'X(tr  ' g " 4  ............. Ce ;€.,  ....... , ' . . .  ' lit'trig the ,(, p*ly-OI p*LCJL, u** illuminated North Thurston grid- could scl ve as a sharp n( tlh to ill the first quarter, the other in iron starting at 8:00 o'clock. ] some of the loafers the fihns un- ; the fourth after Elnm had taken Neither team enters the per- masked, principally on °ffensiveithe lead by intercel,ting one and formance with an impressive prior' blocking asslgnnzents. , running it back 60 yards in the record this season, the Climbers COACII BOB St!NIl ran the third period. having only a tie in three starts celluloid for the squad Tuesday and Elrna scored its first touchdown to theh" credit, the Rams a rab- there were some highly embarras- in the third period. bit's-foot victory over Central Kit- sed young men in the audience, Coach Bruce Kreger landed the sap in three games, some of whom may be sitting on hustle shown by Somers on his Nevertheless, the Rams are rat- the bench at kickoff tilne Frulay efforts to get clear and Gary ed high in potential anti part of night as a result of the revels- ::hncid(u, who played several dif- their difficulties in getting started tiGris, t ferent positions on defense as well to date can be attributed to in-; By the same token, the fihns ss catching some of the Wingard Juries particularly hamstringing revealed others who did good jobs. I and Osterberg passes. to tile offense. Sund said yesterday clmnces are q Kreger also had bouquets for that Ron Ellis, who has played  the performances of the two quar- WHETHER COACH Jim Fouts only on defense so fat', will get terbaeks, Dennis, Bruce Cowan in his second year at the Ram some offensive duty at guard and and I)errille Thayer. helm, can offset the loss of Russ that Jerry Spiker, who sprained He used Somers and Schneider Taylor, his top leather-lugger, is an ankle at Mt. Vernon, is ready as starting ends, relieving with yet to be determined, but Gary for full-time duty again and prob- Scott Elliott, Corky Peterson and Bower and Dale Ford have begun ably will start at one guard spot. Jerry Linton; Thayer and Dave to emerge as the bacgfield main- Backfield shifts are in the mak- Lamont at tackles spelled by Lee stays, although Bob Mason, one ing, too, as Sund tries for more Buzzard; Jerry Jasper and Gary of the early season cripples, is ground-power in his offense. He Cowan at guards, relieved by Dave back in action after a sprained wasn't prepared to say just what Sund and Bruce Cowan; Ed Kaz- ankle and will add strength(Gibe he plans at press time yesterday insky and Mike Smith at center offense, while the shift of' Ralph but look for Ray Manke to play Wingard, Osterberg and Wayne . a more prominent ball-packing Carlson at quarterback; Gene Rob- MATERNITY WEAR role against the Rams than he has ertson and Gary Lord as starting Smocks ................ $2.99 to $4.99 so far, Sund being dissatisfied halfbacks with Mack Elliott and Suits .................................. $10.95 with the way his halfbacks have Osterberg in relief; Dennis at full- Corduroy Capris $4.99 been running, back, spelled by Gene Hoosier and Adult Bulkios .... $6:95"'t'o $8.95 The game rates as a toss-up, Gary Shelton. THE LITTLE & BiG SHOPPE with indications that both clubs Next Monday the Little Climb- 126 Cots St., Shelton, Wn. are steaming up fo rtheir best ers go after their third straight performances to date. win with North Thurston as their opponent. i i it ii i FOR HUNTERS w,,.E. CIT* LEAGIYEw L ltedrick's Sport Center .... 12 4 Cola Grill ............................ 10 6 LICENSES -- GUNS -- AMMO -- SCOPES Ritner's .................................. 8 8 HATS  RAIN COATS  HANDWARMERS Joy Novelty .......................... 7 9 Morgan Transfer. ............... 7 9 OTHER.NEEDS  McConkey Phavmacy ........ 7 9 at Olsen Furniture .................. 7 9 Wangard'" s Sport Shop gan'icH°tel __ ....................... Bessie Hastings6 10 2210 Olympic Highway North HA 6-8672 High series Rubye Friskcn 454 Open Daily 6 a.m.-10 p.m.  Saturday & Sunday 4 a.m.-10 p.m. To live is not to learn, but to I I I apply. -Legouv $0#00L$ BIIH$ MflUlLL$ qlOVRIgmlM GOOD HUNTING Simpson Logging C o m p a n y forest lands in Grays H a r b o r, Thurston and Mason Counties which were closed to en- try during the critical fire season are again open to hunters. We are cooperating with the State Department of Natural Resources and the State Game Department in providing hunting space on our lands throughout the Simpson Olympic Tree Farm area. Only along roads where we are pres- ently conducting logging operations will gates be closed to vehicles. Good hunting means not only bagging your game, but preventing fires and re- turning home safely as well. RELY ON SIMPSON LOG(lING €O. SHELTON • McCLEARY • OLYMPIA IletA4 Pm ANI Wil$11HUil INaM,Oeil I,t#Mm AtO Immt& Ae AIOAU PlmRk m  m Our 64th Year Thursda ooRg LIGHT FISHING WEEK Good fishing at Lake Cushman featured an otherwise desultory angling report for the past week in Mason county waters. According to Mrs, Clem Heat- er's re.port fronl Lake Cnshnlan Resort, just about everyone who fished was successful with about half taking limits. Three more 2-lb. cutthroat were caught Sat- urday with "lots of 12-inch rain- bows," all caught on the surface, she said. Some of t:be big silvers also were taken on the surface but most of them were taken deep. At the tipper end of the lake, Jack Leimback at Staircase Resort reported a 12V,-lb. Dolly Varden caught by Roy Ecklund of Port Angeles last Thursday and numer- ous good catches of silvers and rainbows in the area. Best of tire salt water catch,.s reported during the week was Mrs. I,e Elmhmd's l l-lb. silver from Hood Canal Sunday and La- vina Kimball's 8!-lb. blackmouth Saturday. Roy tanning had two silvers to 7 lbs. on the 29th and Howard Hathaway a 4-lb. silver Sunday. ARCHERY CLUB MEETS Twelve bow-and-arrow addicts met at Wingard's Sport Shop Tuesday night for the first formal meeting of a new Mason County archery club and set another sess- ion for next Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock in the same place. All interested, whether possess- ors of a bow or not, are invited to attend. GOLF CLUB CALENDAR GERT'S 87 WINS TITLE Gert Batstone batted out a scintillating 87 in the annual club championship finals last week to win the women's title from Ann Correa. The golfing gais held their monthly meeting after the regu- lar day's play Tuesday and balls were awarded to the following par- ticipants: Sept. 1 flag tournament---par plus handicap, Win Carr winner. Sept. 8 even holes, half handi- cap, Gert Batstone. Sept. 15 fewest putts, Virginia Aho. Sept. 22 most 3s, 4s and 5s, full handicap, Virginia Aho. Sept. 29 blind hole tournament, half-handicap, Nits Kimbel. A consolation tournament is to be played next, which will be open to all who have not won a trophy during the season. 85% handicap will be used. WOMEN'S TEA OCT. 15 Final plans are now being made for the women's divion tea to be held at the clubhouse on Oct. 15. The program promises to be most interesting. LOWE WINS KEYSER The men golfers have completed one tournament to date and Sonny Split-Pick, All.Spare Game in Fraternal L)we is the 1959 Keyser Memor- ial winner as a result. The President's Trophy tourna- ment is to be played this Satur- day and Sunday, so anyone wish- ing to enter should sign up at the pro shop. Also, players are needed to enter the Team Captain's tournament, which will be played as soon as enough entries sign up. An intriguing program is plan- ned for all women of Mason coun- ty by the Women's Division of the Shelton Bayshore Golf Club for next Thursday, Oct. 15, in the clubhouse. A salad or dessert hmcheon will be served at one o'clock. Beauty tips on make-up, visual poise, grooming, hair care and styling, wardrobe accessories and modeling technique will be given by Mrs. Earl Rlchards. Mrs. Rich- ards is a recognized attthority on the subjects and is an instructor at the John Robert Powers Fin- ishing school in Portland. Reservations for the luncheon and program should be made in advance by calling Mrs. Glenn Correa, HA 6-6114. A door prize will be awarded by the general chairmen for the event, Mrs. Glenn Ferguson and Mrs. Mel Munson. FRATERNAL LEAGUE W L Fuller Construction .... 11 5 Morken Logging co ....... 9 7 Shclton Harware ............ 8 /,5 7 , Active Club ...................... 8 8 Moose No. 1 ...................... 8 8 Kiwanis Club .................. 7 9 Lions Club ...................... 6, 9,. Rotary Club .................... 6 !0 High game ..... Les Shelver 232 High series--- Gene Lindberg 559 Rudy Oltman, Gene Lindberg md Les Shelver pulled the stand- out feats of Monday night's Fra- ternal league bowling action. Rudy bagged a 3-7-10 split as he helped Shelton Harware to a 3%. to , win over the Lions (L. L. McInelly 539}, Gene had an all- spare game (185) as the Activians lost a 3-1 verdict to Shelver's Ki- wanians, Les' 232 high for the night finale clinching the verdict. In other play, Fuller Construc- tion (Bill Johnson 521) grabbed the league lead with a 3-1 victory over Morken Logging (Bob Whit- marsh 552), and Rotary Club (Dick Angle 514l won by the same count from the Moose (Charlie Savage 508). HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE Shelton Union Service.. 12. 7 101 Park In ................... 12, 7, Byrne & Batstone ........ 12 8 Evergreen Texaco ........ 12 8 Buechel's Marine .......... 10 10 Edward's Salon ............ l0 10 Angle Agency ............... 61 13( Jim Pauley Inc ............. 41fi 15, High game- -Edith Levett 206 High series--Jean Rau 512 SIMPSON WOMEN'S Insulating Board .......... 12 Accounting .................... 11 5 Lumber ............................ 11 5 Engineering .................... 10 5 Purchasing .................... 8 8 Olympic Plywood .......... 6,. 9, I)ggers .......................... 3 13 Research .......................... 2 14 High game.- Jane White 207 High total--.LaVonne Cole 538 MERCHANTS LEAGUE Western Meat .................. 13 7 Bill's Shell Service .......... 12 8 Prepp's Rexall Store ........ 11 9 Thackeray Electric .......... 10 10 Ziegler's Camera Shop .... 9 11 Don's Flying A Service .. 9 11 Kimbel Motors .................. 9 11 Olympic Plywood ............ 7 13 High game--Bill Wilson 234 High total--Bill Wilson 569 MEN'S CITY LEAGUE Beekwith's Jewelry ........ 7 Wilson Company .............. 7 Mac's Corner .................... 6 ,I0 & 8 ................................ 6 Simpson Loggers .............. 6 Frisken Oil ........................ 6 Roy's Richfield ................ 5 Lure bez'men's Mere ........... 5 RAYONIER RESEARCH W L Acetate Aces .................... 12 4 Celhflouses .......................... 11 5 Rayonettes .......................... 11 5 Wood Birds ....................... 9 7 Maintenance ...................... 8 8 Silva Foxes ....................... 8 8 Pin Curlers ........................ 4 12 Clockwatchers ................... 1 15 High game--Jim Latimer 221 High series--Jim Latimer 573 JUNIOR LEAGUE W L Moose Lodge ......................... 7 .1 Bernie's Barber Shop ........ 6 '2 Hembroff Agency ............. 6 2 Angle Agency .................... 4 4 Clark Logging Co ............... 3 5 Joslin Insurance .................. 3 5 Ladies Auxiliary .............. 2 6 Beckwith Jewelry ................. 1 7 High Scores Boys game --- Everett McCoy 197 Girls game ....... Pat Archer 145 Boys total ........... Gary Cowan 49S Girls total ..... Sandra Martin 406 SIVING SHIFT LEAGUE W L Hemlockers ........................ 12 ,t Mixers .................................. 10 (3 Log' Peelers .......................... 9 7 Pin Benders ....................... 7 9 Chasers .................................. 6 10 Strippers .............................. 4 12 High game---Iloyd Howard 207 High total--Bud Temple 522 POLIO MEETING The chairman of the 1960 March of Dimes drive will be announced at a public meeting of tim Na- tional Polio Foundation at eight o'clock, Wednesday evening in the Colonial House. 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 High game Allie Robinson 196 High total-Allie Robinson 5,t9 MEN'S COMMERCIAL Wingard,s Sport Shop .... 13 7 L)cal 161 ............................ 13 7 Ritner's ................................ 13 7 Verle's Sporting Goods .. 11 9 B & R Oil .......................... 10 10 Gott Oil ............................. 8 12 Moose Lodge ..................... 6 1,t Delight Park ..................... 6 14 High game -Fred Snelgrove 220 High series- -Sonny Lowe 587 MAJOR LEAGUE pts. Dan's Nite Hawks ................ 40 Home Gas ..................... ......... 29, Northwest Evergreen ............ 23 Jim Panley .............................. 19, Thnber Bowl ............................ 18 Wolden's Chevron Service .... 14 High game--Ralph Davison 232 High total--Ralph Davison and onny I.,ow¢, each 560 After a salpling in the band- t.aihd pigeon, dove and spvcial high al'et (Ic(r seasons, Ma.()ll e.onnty nimr((ts get into the real meat of big ganw hunting ne×t Sunday with the opening of the genera] deer season. This is on top o1' the migratory waterfowl season which opened at noon yesterday but which won't be at its peak for another two or three weeks in this area. (anle dep'rtment spokesmen are optimistic about the coming big game hunting, encompassing elk and bear ahmg with deer. Deer" hunting, they say. should be especially good in 1959, which they predict will be the best since 1955 when 90,000 deer' were taken. They expect an inci'case of ten to 15,000 over htst year's 65,000 to- tal throughout the state. Department biologists are also ;ptimistie about the elk and bear prospects. Elk, they say, are as abundant as in the past and the hmger, earlier season should pro- duce a larger kill. Elk become eligible prey Nov. 1, the day aftcr the general deer season ends. Bear, which arc predators in this area and as such fair game for hunters the year-ar()und, arc abundant and becoming more pop- ular as game. Coincident with the opening of the deer season also comes the start of upland bird hunting .... pheasants, quail, chukar, etc.--- although here, too, hunters have had an appetizer with weekend grouse shooting since mid-Sep- tember. Pheasant shooting continues on through both the deer and elk sea- sons but grouse hunting ceases with the closc of the dee: season as does quail in western Washing- ton. 18 IN COUNTY GET SPECIAL ELK PERMITS Special permits to hunt in the either-sex elk area of Masoa County were won in the luck-of- the-draw by 18 Mason County men and women out of 150 per- mils allocated for the area, Game Protector Earl Mericlc announced yesterday. They are Howard Hathaway, Roy Stevens, Harvey Hillnmn, Selmer Shawstad, Charles Ogg, Bill Evers, George BAker, ten Beerbower, William Kidd, Jerry Valley, Shcila Fitchitt, ttazcl Tif- fany, Don Woods, Harold Le- Garde, Wall Tyynismaa, Dr. It. L. Kennedy, Don Smith, EmmeLL Smith. DEER HUNTERS GO AT SUNDAY; 18 GET ELK T There were 880 the 150 permits i County area 10E generally the Saiso t) areas from forest boundary and the sotlttl mish River. SHELTONIAN GAME PROTECTOR Among a group ccntly completing trainng course to game protectors Imnd of Shelton, Department All 14 were added ment staff and will [ st 1959 lmnting LAST SPORTS RAOE DUE Shelton will h0t and final sports 1959 season this airport. Whether the will be held here will in progress Car Chlb of Region, and tbe S the Civil Air landing strips facilities at the Mr, & Mrs, To Bowl on Roy Petty was (lent,, Nick Emsley and Carl Emsley llrer of a new ganized at the Tir Slmday evening. To be known Mrs. League, the Sunday evcnings with Iour to a the league. Members of tle Pauline, Phyllis the; Crazy Lceper, Dallas and Doris bonds have V. and J. Engen; the sist of M. and G. b'. Rishcl; the I. made up of Tod(l, Jm]e and Don't Ask Us au,l Jl|dy Staudt, Biehl. You Too Gan Look Successful! When you're bumming aroundstop at Parker's and see the new "Capps" or, "Curlee" suits, sportcoats, and topcoats. Mr. & Mrs. Shop IBern Nelson winners res Tree Care i Joan and Gott's it 452). Timber 4)  conquered ice (Jeri CarSon@ nmrgin in the 4 night. L d Girls! NEW Shipnmnt of ''( era. Pastel Bu orh)n. The ion yOU'VC ever and be feels just as ;IS WOO]. fred thaL orlon like ttds. New skirts down pleats. £1annel in skirts. Pastel the new pastel Another ne sleeve white and cotton. links. LONGER By Will "Now you don't" is a phz bc spoRen the Magician sho.v, E. Reed will begin at. Shelt(m auditorium. $ $ $ Two prc-m( a. hit tune by operatmn- -it's w • This note windsllield of 11 a sports cal'. parking spaCe., away. My car ShUt "Monlnly, woIl.' ?" "Shut up llld i'tCC " "I told you illvcnled :for terrific.." tff "SJILIt Il l ) alld ea rth." lt, ssians r Thc only t;! ;t pal'J(ing Sp \\;VII CI t ,'O11' I'(? Nvxt wceR present slid dealing witt qn(llCy. nta tches with Neau 452) and %VOMEN'S COMMERCIAL W L Rictlfichi Oil ................. 14 b' 5 !., Dons Flying A Service 11,.i 8% Eells & Valley ................ 11,. 8 'Pimber Bowl .................. 11 9 Darigold ........................ :. TO I,,:,," 9 ! Ming Tree ........................ 7% 12! Allyn Shell Service ......... 7 15 Gott's Oilerettcs .............. 6 b. 13 !. High game-Phyl Zicgler 203 ttigh toLal--Phyl Ziegler 598 For the second time in the very young bowling season Phyllis Ziegler barely missed a 600 series. Her beautifully consistent games of 192-203-203 in the women's Commercial league Tuesday night left her just two pins stay of the first 600 total by a pinIem this season and steered her Richfield Oil club to a shutout win over Don's Flying A Service (Betty Wolden 469) and into first place in the standings. Tie games marked two other i 'O;o00emoerat I PHYL FURTS WITH 600 SERIES