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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ober 8. 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in €'Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington . J[,...__ mn nu R P n a • nn | A | A | An |ltree and whom I later observed l||l Re" P • I100! ' u'n .oo, anal uaroen t;uun mien, After the trio left, I wanton runo mrs. harry Brown [erzalflS moo u • L. y UNION -'- Mr t{arry Brown a: Lilliwaup Community Hall, from Portland, Ore. two years ago sauntered over to the spot to find I|| II R n iK:. By was hostess to tile Hood Cam)! :]th Women of that place in to make a permanent home here a carefully made little earth nnn¢ nw Knave n-,! : Garden Club Thursday Oct. 1 at charge as hostesses, interestin back mound with a small wooden cross ruulil illlw iovv[ IP'TI1 Slid HARRY be,' home near Union.' The largr Tle engagement of Miss Louise is'un2a:f waenavez.y and gas beez t.o which was attached a caru- -- . ,-  -! l'l k ---- n, nlbeI' of Inenlbe,'s and gllesis Mai'Ks of S.he]ton and Jinl Bittle q, f ...... .... (.f,l'lDle €f" ,,h(.," b°'rd sign with these fear bnt aP" T-- ' • L'mul-Ilull .... A .- .... over flowed the spacio,s and at- was recentL.V announced. Louise ............ -," -" * a " craft 1. patently hcarL-lelt words penciled i|| iJ||frV /" • • • • he was honorPd at a shower b a young  ......... h,t ....... on my mmamwmu - tra(t ve hvmg room and onto t ..... y ,. heI ..... '  ...... I - , . . . .  . ... Gdleland has to c€.(llt, some, . : ('7 w l d e tlower decked verandas g 'P .of hei young. mnds Last very ood lookin yardage, drapes "Mr. Blue Duck A number of unusually beauti- ,-ilul  where a t)otluck hmcheon was ,e(,, ,:ms one reczpmnt .oz many anf other ood looking articles: Died Sunday, Sept. 26, '59 t'u] books are among the'most re- ', u /y- t o [1,,  .served. . at. 12 .,'30.. At: the business. . _ use{t;u,  . ana. attractive, gifts. "rne .............. .... f,n i, hezTnew home..She is al. - Born. .......... cent a(,quisitions at the Publk, Li-. f] I /// s!sszo, m !he ,ait;erno,)n. mstalla- i:i'lmmg will be an event oI early so a water colorist, and zs the sm- Died here choked to death, brary. "Masters of Modern Arch- -'/ 'J [)4 z,on ot newy emcLeo .OltCmlS too- ': -. _ Let of Corwin and Waldo Chase, Finis." Lecture" is one of the last of the |'J I '  pace x)qth vrs. warl Blan., (!m: lzls. onn_Kimball (Ttdla to, all wood block artists. Dick Buechel of Union Garage, books bought on the. Walton me- 1'I   [ ua t.rict cnairman presiaing. Eleceu o us anq net two smart cnilaren .......... er "-urchased "- and local PUD man is the fellow aerial fund to be received. The .;€'k/ I I [ were tile following, Mesdames have moved Lo Airport place for . rs. tatu cnlY2S. ii.,entl:: -2 who goea out of his wav to held large well-illustrated v o l u m e ' ' ." ' orda the while t " " • loom ana has u*, t, ,s . ap-  _ _ . , : . l']llL.j  Jenme He/f, premdent, C ...... mtl} Jim sends for hm nvin hrself to a Past time and others in distress. Monday morn- g'lves a vivid zmpresmon of the  .... Iz.mnzamy:_ne nav!ng gone on hlb she  finds fas'cinatingly in- ing early Dick was out in the works of such giants as Wright, a.u tu a, AlasKa where ne  Y "S work!"  tlre to notice the j k  ATTENTION we I & MYHRE SERVICE Watkins vice president; Vera Shortsleeves succeeding E the I Daiby as secretary, she announced some time previously she would not be available for office. Cecil Gilbert was re-elected club treas- urer, and Mrs. Daisy Vance han- (tling publicity, succeeding Vera Linscott of Hoodsport who so ca- pably handled the same for some years. Mrs. ton Ahl of Eldon was named as corresponding secretary and is in charge of the year book. A dozen or so attractive dish arrangements were on display, first award going to Francis t Moake's colorful collection of i small orange autumn leaves with small grey and white birds perch- ed on the slim branches. Among the several visitors was Mrs. Frank Smith, president of Shelton Garden club. It was announced the November meeting would be held RENTAL SERVIOE Home Edger and Vibrator Types TIRES • Pine Streets HA 6-3906 i00an & Eacrett Lumber C0. t (Eleanor & Highway) Phone HA 6-4522 !Adventists Plan Week's Services Sabbath scimol at the Seventl- Day Adventist church is held eacl Saturday morning at 9:a0 with Worship Service following aL 11 o'ch)ek. On Oct. 10, the Lord's Supper Ordinances of the Lord's liom, m will be held with Pastor Baker present. In the cveuing at 7:30 at the church grade schood tim lirst Home, and School meeting of the year will be held. Midweek prayc.r services are held each Wednesday evening at 7:a0 at tim church. There is a time and station change for "It Is Written"the new telecast begun Oct. 3. It m is employed, and to prepare com- fortable quarters for them. Mean- while Mrs. Adal Kimball, Tulla's mother has moved into the home during her young family's ab- sence. We of the community all wish the young Kimball family i the best of luck and happiness. There is always a feeling of sad- ness when old timers leave our community, and such is the situs-, tton with regard to the moving of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh from their Union home to Shelton re- cently. It was some forty-two years ago or so Lucille came to the then hamlet of Union and was employed at the old Twana Hotel. That property now belongs to the Ross brothers of Port Orchard and the site of their family Canal home. She later became Nell Mc- Reavy Andresen's assistant at the Post Office, a position she held for many years and until Mrs. An- dersen's retirement in late years. We hope you don't forget to re- turn to visit. There are enough weavers now! busily engaged in that craft lo- cally to form a Weavers Guild. Adal Kimball of course succeeds her late mother, Kirsten Hauser, and has taken over the loom she used for so many years. Adal, the designer and maker of smart I frocks and togs for the well dress- i ed women, has woven many bolts l of hanasome materials. Mrs. Gene Gflleland, who came Dollars for Demoeratsi] JOHN ;. GOLE I teresting as well as useful, as the very smart and pretty dress we saw her wearing at a recent social affair, and of her own weaving il- lustrated. MRS. IIARRY COTES is anoth- er local woman who is a devotee of the art, and in spite of the fact she ia employed four days a week at the Lumbermen's Mercantile Co. of Shelton and the mother of a large but cooperative family, she takes time off (and we can't call it idle time) for her loom, and we hear is considering a try at table mats made of sweet grass, used by Indian basket makers, and which they gather at marshes in Grays Harbor county. Then there is Clara Bittle who has fallen heir to what might be termed a real heirloom, having be- longed to an aunt. Clara tells me she finds weaving most interest- ing, she is weaving rugs at the present time, and how fine for that new home Ly]e is building up on View Hill above the Bittle mill. Waldo Chase, not content in resting on his laurels as one of the outstanding wood block artists of the Pacific Northwest, has not only made looms which he has sold at nice prices, but also has repaired those of friends. He has been weaving as a hobby for a few years and has turned out some smart looking worsted suit- ing, as well as rugs and drapes. It would be interesting to know how many other men are interest- ed in weaving in Mason County. Well ---weavers all, we sort of envy you, but realizing our limits as regards that sort of art and craft, we are sticking by our darn- ing THE THREE little children standing quietly under an apple woods someplace trying to get a bulldozer in order for its owner to be able to work with that day. Orrie Nobles had to return to Olympus Manor to learn that he was supposed to have made a trip to Los Angeles. Seems that Orrie had hastily grabbed up an envel- ope bearing the name of a hotel in that city, to mail a note to a local friend at his home place. He was somewhat surprised to be asked "Well how did you enjoy your stay in Los Angeles?" upon arriving here. MRS. PAUL JONES motoring to Annapolis near Port Orchard Monday morning to spend a few hours with her daughter Kaye Sterling and family before the Sterlings take off for the long trip to Cape Cod where they will re- main until next June. From what we have been told Larry Sterling is now a top man with the Seattle Boeing secret missile department, and is Lo be in charge of impor- tant developments in that terri- tory. A fine thing for Mr. Ster- ling, business wise, but for the family just installed in a fine new home with swimming pool, kinda tough for the youngsters in a way. Raymond, Richard and Caroline all having enjoyed water activities since moving there a few months ago when tie home near Union was sold. From all appearances last Sun- day up at tile power line, there was a Nipponese family out for every pine mushroom. There was the little old Japanese man who stopped to glance into our basket as he passed by who looked his disapproval, t hen said quote "Looks bad" to which we cheer- fully replied "Tastes good". He made no erply but strode away in- made no reply but strode away in- Van-der-Rohe, Le Corbusier, and Gropius. Both private homes and public buildings are illustrated. "House Beautiful Treasury of Con- temporary A m e r i c a n Homes*' brings architecture closer to the level with which most of us are familiar. This is mostly a book for dreaming over, but may also pro- vide some practical ideas for those who are planning a new house. THE GARDEN, has not been i neglected, either. 'A Treasury of American Gardens", illustrated in color and black-and-white, shows gardens, large and small, in all parts of the country. Sunset Mag- azine's "Landscaping for Western Living" will be of value to all who! are starting plans for a more beautiful garden next summer. The emphasis in this book is on adapting your garden for living out-of-doors. The practical as- pects of how to make plants grow are covered for this area very completely in the "Sunset Western Garden Book". Nature-lovers will admire the superb color and black-and-white )hotographs in Ivan Sanderson's "Living Mammals of the World". IIII RECORD SALE OCTOBER 15 - 16 - 17 Johnny's Music Box 429 Railroad se.en over KTNT-TV channel 11, each Saturday evening 7:00 to '1:30. It also contains short descrip- tions of the animals, arranged by their relationships. Mr. Sander- son is the author of "Animal £reasure" and other well-known cooks on collecting' animals. "Spring Flowers of the Lower Co- lumbia Valley" will help fill the need for local material. Travel Reservation Center Air - Rail - Ship - ]]us TOURS • CRUISES • HOTELS HA 6-8272 or HA 6-4134 401 Railroad Avenue SHELTON, WASH. Beginning Today -- Oct. 8 THE BURGER PiT Will be Under the NEW NANAGE,UENT OF :EG ZILLIOX Specialist ,n GOOD Hamburgers WE ARE OPEN NOW BUT WILL HAVE A GRAND OPENING NEXT WEEK. WATCH NEXT WEEK'S JOURNAL FOR DETAILS. J. Pozorski =ort lan I I I IIII I III I Time ms Running Short On the Oppodunity for Big Savings on Major Appliances from Eells and Valley's POT OF-GOLD OFFER only ALL THE CASH P YOU CAN NAB S 699s 0 I Now for permtes.a day you can put a new low-cost, last drying Maytag Halo-of-Heat dryer to work for you and end frozen clotheslines, base- ment jungle, lugging leavy wet wash and postponed washdays for* ever. Start enjoying automatic in- door dw_ ing now --aud save during this sale tool Clothes in 26-35 Minutes-Safe as Sunshine Exclusive New Maytag Drying Principle IF YOUR NAME APPEARS ON THIS PAGE It means we have for you ON THE PURCHASE OF or DOWN PAYMENT on any New Major Appliance for which we are dealers. ! iii:! !::/ Save substantial sums on Refrigerators, Freezers, Washers, !i Dryers, Dishwashers, Ranges, Water Heaters, Television Sets. ::: Come in today and see how this unique offer works. A GIFT WORTH $5.00 Please Come In and Pick It Up! Now Only s200.95 WITH TRADE-IN J famous Maytag qua== costs less to own... worth more when you trade PER WEEK AUTOMATIC BLEACH DISPENSER know• exnolly whon to add the bloaoh... Takes the mistakes 0lt Of hleschinl, |ivlm you whiter walmee sutomatloelly. Just pour proper amount of ful|. strength bleach into Maytag's new Dl penser. Bleach I, automatically mlute¢! to just the right strength, the.n auto. matically dispensed into wast Water at exactly th nht time (afte your de- tergent has donet, be,t work). Gives you whiter wasle, than any other method. FREEl--llotile of Olorox: Yours Just for seeing a demonsation of Maytag's new Automatic Bleach Dtspaser. SHER 8 / // / with brand new EATU PRI This BRAND NEW thrifty Maytog hos feotures found only in higher priced models Our Pot.of-Gold Offer Applies Also on All Major New HOTPOINT and RCA-VICTOR Appliances We Carry Due to steel strike some items may be in short supply. '' 10 a:i:f E S& A EY PPLIANCEcENTER - M::v::::n:::it I ober 8. 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in €'Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington . J[,...__ mn nu R P n a • nn | A | A | An |ltree and whom I later observed l||l Re" P • I100! ' u'n .oo, anal uaroen t;uun mien, After the trio left, I wanton runo mrs. harry Brown [erzalflS moo u • L. y UNION -'- Mr t{arry Brown a: Lilliwaup Community Hall, from Portland, Ore. two years ago sauntered over to the spot to find I|| II R n iK:. By was hostess to tile Hood Cam)! :]th Women of that place in to make a permanent home here a carefully made little earth nnn¢ nw Knave n-,! : Garden Club Thursday Oct. 1 at charge as hostesses, interestin back mound with a small wooden cross ruulil illlw iovv[ IP'TI1 Slid HARRY be,' home near Union.' The largr Tle engagement of Miss Louise is'un2a:f waenavez.y and gas beez t.o which was attached a caru- -- . ,-  -! l'l k ---- n, nlbeI' of Inenlbe,'s and gllesis Mai'Ks of S.he]ton and Jinl Bittle q, f ...... .... (.f,l'lDle €f" ,,h(.," b°'rd sign with these fear bnt aP" T-- ' • L'mul-Ilull .... A .- .... over flowed the spacio,s and at- was recentL.V announced. Louise ............ -," -" * a " craft 1. patently hcarL-lelt words penciled i|| iJ||frV /" • • • • he was honorPd at a shower b a young  ......... h,t ....... on my mmamwmu - tra(t ve hvmg room and onto t ..... y ,. heI ..... '  ...... I - , . . . .  . ... Gdleland has to c€.(llt, some, . : ('7 w l d e tlower decked verandas g 'P .of hei young. mnds Last very ood lookin yardage, drapes "Mr. Blue Duck A number of unusually beauti- ,-ilul  where a t)otluck hmcheon was ,e(,, ,:ms one reczpmnt .oz many anf other ood looking articles: Died Sunday, Sept. 26, '59 t'u] books are among the'most re- ', u /y- t o [1,,  .served. . at. 12 .,'30.. At: the business. . _ use{t;u,  . ana. attractive, gifts. "rne .............. .... f,n i, hezTnew home..She is al. - Born. .......... cent a(,quisitions at the Publk, Li-. f] I /// s!sszo, m !he ,ait;erno,)n. mstalla- i:i'lmmg will be an event oI early so a water colorist, and zs the sm- Died here choked to death, brary. "Masters of Modern Arch- -'/ 'J [)4 z,on ot newy emcLeo .OltCmlS too- ': -. _ Let of Corwin and Waldo Chase, Finis." Lecture" is one of the last of the |'J I '  pace x)qth vrs. warl Blan., (!m: lzls. onn_Kimball (Ttdla to, all wood block artists. Dick Buechel of Union Garage, books bought on the. Walton me- 1'I   [ ua t.rict cnairman presiaing. Eleceu o us anq net two smart cnilaren .......... er "-urchased "- and local PUD man is the fellow aerial fund to be received. The .;€'k/ I I [ were tile following, Mesdames have moved Lo Airport place for . rs. tatu cnlY2S. ii.,entl:: -2 who goea out of his wav to held large well-illustrated v o l u m e ' ' ." ' orda the while t " " • loom ana has u*, t, ,s . ap-  _ _ . , : . l']llL.j  Jenme He/f, premdent, C ...... mtl} Jim sends for hm nvin hrself to a Past time and others in distress. Monday morn- g'lves a vivid zmpresmon of the  .... Iz.mnzamy:_ne nav!ng gone on hlb she  finds fas'cinatingly in- ing early Dick was out in the works of such giants as Wright, a.u tu a, AlasKa where ne  Y "S work!"  tlre to notice the j k  ATTENTION we I & MYHRE SERVICE Watkins vice president; Vera Shortsleeves succeeding E the I Daiby as secretary, she announced some time previously she would not be available for office. Cecil Gilbert was re-elected club treas- urer, and Mrs. Daisy Vance han- (tling publicity, succeeding Vera Linscott of Hoodsport who so ca- pably handled the same for some years. Mrs. ton Ahl of Eldon was named as corresponding secretary and is in charge of the year book. A dozen or so attractive dish arrangements were on display, first award going to Francis t Moake's colorful collection of i small orange autumn leaves with small grey and white birds perch- ed on the slim branches. Among the several visitors was Mrs. Frank Smith, president of Shelton Garden club. It was announced the November meeting would be held RENTAL SERVIOE Home Edger and Vibrator Types TIRES • Pine Streets HA 6-3906 i00an & Eacrett Lumber C0. t (Eleanor & Highway) Phone HA 6-4522 !Adventists Plan Week's Services Sabbath scimol at the Seventl- Day Adventist church is held eacl Saturday morning at 9:a0 with Worship Service following aL 11 o'ch)ek. On Oct. 10, the Lord's Supper Ordinances of the Lord's liom, m will be held with Pastor Baker present. In the cveuing at 7:30 at the church grade schood tim lirst Home, and School meeting of the year will be held. Midweek prayc.r services are held each Wednesday evening at 7:a0 at tim church. There is a time and station change for "It Is Written"the new telecast begun Oct. 3. It m is employed, and to prepare com- fortable quarters for them. Mean- while Mrs. Adal Kimball, Tulla's mother has moved into the home during her young family's ab- sence. We of the community all wish the young Kimball family i the best of luck and happiness. There is always a feeling of sad- ness when old timers leave our community, and such is the situs-, tton with regard to the moving of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh from their Union home to Shelton re- cently. It was some forty-two years ago or so Lucille came to the then hamlet of Union and was employed at the old Twana Hotel. That property now belongs to the Ross brothers of Port Orchard and the site of their family Canal home. She later became Nell Mc- Reavy Andresen's assistant at the Post Office, a position she held for many years and until Mrs. An- dersen's retirement in late years. We hope you don't forget to re- turn to visit. There are enough weavers now! busily engaged in that craft lo- cally to form a Weavers Guild. Adal Kimball of course succeeds her late mother, Kirsten Hauser, and has taken over the loom she used for so many years. Adal, the designer and maker of smart I frocks and togs for the well dress- i ed women, has woven many bolts l of hanasome materials. Mrs. Gene Gflleland, who came Dollars for Demoeratsi] JOHN ;. GOLE I teresting as well as useful, as the very smart and pretty dress we saw her wearing at a recent social affair, and of her own weaving il- lustrated. MRS. IIARRY COTES is anoth- er local woman who is a devotee of the art, and in spite of the fact she ia employed four days a week at the Lumbermen's Mercantile Co. of Shelton and the mother of a large but cooperative family, she takes time off (and we can't call it idle time) for her loom, and we hear is considering a try at table mats made of sweet grass, used by Indian basket makers, and which they gather at marshes in Grays Harbor county. Then there is Clara Bittle who has fallen heir to what might be termed a real heirloom, having be- longed to an aunt. Clara tells me she finds weaving most interest- ing, she is weaving rugs at the present time, and how fine for that new home Ly]e is building up on View Hill above the Bittle mill. Waldo Chase, not content in resting on his laurels as one of the outstanding wood block artists of the Pacific Northwest, has not only made looms which he has sold at nice prices, but also has repaired those of friends. He has been weaving as a hobby for a few years and has turned out some smart looking worsted suit- ing, as well as rugs and drapes. It would be interesting to know how many other men are interest- ed in weaving in Mason County. Well ---weavers all, we sort of envy you, but realizing our limits as regards that sort of art and craft, we are sticking by our darn- ing THE THREE little children standing quietly under an apple woods someplace trying to get a bulldozer in order for its owner to be able to work with that day. Orrie Nobles had to return to Olympus Manor to learn that he was supposed to have made a trip to Los Angeles. Seems that Orrie had hastily grabbed up an envel- ope bearing the name of a hotel in that city, to mail a note to a local friend at his home place. He was somewhat surprised to be asked "Well how did you enjoy your stay in Los Angeles?" upon arriving here. MRS. PAUL JONES motoring to Annapolis near Port Orchard Monday morning to spend a few hours with her daughter Kaye Sterling and family before the Sterlings take off for the long trip to Cape Cod where they will re- main until next June. From what we have been told Larry Sterling is now a top man with the Seattle Boeing secret missile department, and is Lo be in charge of impor- tant developments in that terri- tory. A fine thing for Mr. Ster- ling, business wise, but for the family just installed in a fine new home with swimming pool, kinda tough for the youngsters in a way. Raymond, Richard and Caroline all having enjoyed water activities since moving there a few months ago when tie home near Union was sold. From all appearances last Sun- day up at tile power line, there was a Nipponese family out for every pine mushroom. There was the little old Japanese man who stopped to glance into our basket as he passed by who looked his disapproval, t hen said quote "Looks bad" to which we cheer- fully replied "Tastes good". He made no erply but strode away in- made no reply but strode away in- Van-der-Rohe, Le Corbusier, and Gropius. Both private homes and public buildings are illustrated. "House Beautiful Treasury of Con- temporary A m e r i c a n Homes*' brings architecture closer to the level with which most of us are familiar. This is mostly a book for dreaming over, but may also pro- vide some practical ideas for those who are planning a new house. THE GARDEN, has not been i neglected, either. 'A Treasury of American Gardens", illustrated in color and black-and-white, shows gardens, large and small, in all parts of the country. Sunset Mag- azine's "Landscaping for Western Living" will be of value to all who! are starting plans for a more beautiful garden next summer. The emphasis in this book is on adapting your garden for living out-of-doors. The practical as- pects of how to make plants grow are covered for this area very completely in the "Sunset Western Garden Book". Nature-lovers will admire the superb color and black-and-white )hotographs in Ivan Sanderson's "Living Mammals of the World". IIII RECORD SALE OCTOBER 15 - 16 - 17 Johnny's Music Box 429 Railroad se.en over KTNT-TV channel 11, each Saturday evening 7:00 to '1:30. It also contains short descrip- tions of the animals, arranged by their relationships. Mr. Sander- son is the author of "Animal £reasure" and other well-known cooks on collecting' animals. "Spring Flowers of the Lower Co- lumbia Valley" will help fill the need for local material. Travel Reservation Center Air - Rail - Ship - ]]us TOURS • CRUISES • HOTELS HA 6-8272 or HA 6-4134 401 Railroad Avenue SHELTON, WASH. Beginning Today -- Oct. 8 THE BURGER PiT Will be Under the NEW NANAGE,UENT OF :EG ZILLIOX Specialist ,n GOOD Hamburgers WE ARE OPEN NOW BUT WILL HAVE A GRAND OPENING NEXT WEEK. WATCH NEXT WEEK'S JOURNAL FOR DETAILS. J. Pozorski =ort lan I I I IIII I III I Time ms Running Short On the Oppodunity for Big Savings on Major Appliances from Eells and Valley's POT OF-GOLD OFFER only ALL THE CASH P YOU CAN NAB S 699s 0 I Now for permtes.a day you can put a new low-cost, last drying Maytag Halo-of-Heat dryer to work for you and end frozen clotheslines, base- ment jungle, lugging leavy wet wash and postponed washdays for* ever. Start enjoying automatic in- door dw_ ing now --aud save during this sale tool Clothes in 26-35 Minutes-Safe as Sunshine Exclusive New Maytag Drying Principle IF YOUR NAME APPEARS ON THIS PAGE It means we have for you ON THE PURCHASE OF or DOWN PAYMENT on any New Major Appliance for which we are dealers. ! iii:! !::/ Save substantial sums on Refrigerators, Freezers, Washers, !i Dryers, Dishwashers, Ranges, Water Heaters, Television Sets. ::: Come in today and see how this unique offer works. A GIFT WORTH $5.00 Please Come In and Pick It Up! Now Only s200.95 WITH TRADE-IN J famous Maytag qua== costs less to own... worth more when you trade PER WEEK AUTOMATIC BLEACH DISPENSER know• exnolly whon to add the bloaoh... Takes the mistakes 0lt Of hleschinl, |ivlm you whiter walmee sutomatloelly. Just pour proper amount of ful|. strength bleach into Maytag's new Dl penser. Bleach I, automatically mlute¢! to just the right strength, the.n auto. matically dispensed into wast Water at exactly th nht time (afte your de- tergent has donet, be,t work). Gives you whiter wasle, than any other method. FREEl--llotile of Olorox: Yours Just for seeing a demonsation of Maytag's new Automatic Bleach Dtspaser. SHER 8 / // / with brand new EATU PRI This BRAND NEW thrifty Maytog hos feotures found only in higher priced models Our Pot.of-Gold Offer Applies Also on All Major New HOTPOINT and RCA-VICTOR Appliances We Carry Due to steel strike some items may be in short supply. '' 10 a:i:f E S& A EY PPLIANCEcENTER - M::v::::n:::it I