October 8, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 8, 1959 |
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UllUlll u u i lUll III I I I
There will be no dance
October 24
at '-
Convenient Terms
Reasonable Rates
Mason County Savings
& Loan Association
Title Insurance Bldg.
Orthopedic Ass'n.
Names Chairmen
Recent appointment of e0inmit-
tee chnirmen to tile Mason County
Orthopedic Association are Mrs.
Merle Nebel, projects or ways and
means; Miss Clara ltansen, mem-
bership and Mrs, I,es Shelver con-
tinuing' her outstanding job as
JOG chairman.
Mrs. Ne.bel has announced the
following projects which have
been cleared so far for this year:
I)avid Shelton Guiht -... calendars,
Raciml Knott . "Next to New"
sale April 1960, Evergreen Auxil-
tar) ....... C.t).H. Christmas cards,
Rainier Auxiliar) .......... bottle drive.
Any guild or auxiliary which have
projects to be cleared please phone
Mrs. Nebel at HA 6-J58.
The cause of crippled ehihh'en
and additimlal l'Psell'ch on rltre
children's disease was aided this
week by a $25 contribution to the
Chikiren's OrthopedR Hospital by
Mr. Joe S. Hoskins. Mr. Hoskins
was awarded tile stoney in an Em-
ployee Safety Contest of the
Washington PiU.D. and wanted to
give it to some worthy cause. The
check was gratefully received for
tile hospital by Mason COunty
president, Mrs. D. W. Jghnson.
Rachel Knott Guild
Members of the Rachel Knott
Orthopedic Guild wLIl meet for a
12:30 luncheon Friday° Oct. 16, in
the honlc of Mrs, Dave James.
Mrs. David tIarris will be co-host-
The Powder Box Beauty
'MISS FLORETTE BARNES became the attractive bride of Mr.
Vernon Dronen recently in Hawaii. The couple are making their
home in'Honolulu.
212 South Second
Beverly Mildred
Mal,e HA 6-8673 SohneJder
Local Couple Married in Hawaii
Troiical flower arrangements bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs.
decorated the chapel of the Scho-
field Barracks, near Itonolulu for
the late summer marriage of Miss
Florette Barnes and Mr. Venlon
Dr0nen. The Rev. Charles W. Jew-
itt, chaplam officiated at the nup-
The bride Lq the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Jesse T. Barnes, and the
Housewarmer Heat
Standard Furnace Oil with exclusive
Detergent-Action Thermisol keeps
your burner system clean tar low-cost.
efficient operation. And. because It's
specially refined for furnaces, you get
more heat for your money. Your
best buy fat circulating heaters is
Standard Stove Oil.
Start our automatic
"keep- filled" service
now and end fuel or-
dering for the rest of
the season.
For prompt HOUSEWARMER service, call
118 SO. 3RD HA 6-4411
VFW Aux. Initiates
Four New Members
],'ollr nP\\;V lnelTibers \\;vol*e \\;vel-
('om,'d into l}le Vt,tel'lins of I,'ol'-
eiKn \\;,Vars Auxiliary last I'ri(lay.
They WPl'e Ml's, Lawl't'llc(" Ilei/-
sing, Mrs. (leerS,' (h'igKs, Mrs.
John Grllsse and Mrs. Harry Hy-
llrL .
Miss Marian Johnson gave a "re-
pol'l eli il(,r attendance at the re-
cent tmlio meeting' heh/ in lhe
(;,,h)nial House, She also gave a
report on the last CllscIld(' (Ollil-
oil lneeting shp ;ttton(t.e(1 at Amei-
ican I,ake tiospilal. All nlt,i]lbt, l'S
donating cookies for the Council
are reillillde(1 tO leave them at
Miss Johnson's home this I,'ri(l'ly
or ,:ll tll'(lav.
Mrs. Wiiliam Gephart reported
a h()spital partY date has t)ee)l set
f,))' Oct. 14 at {,Vestern St;tie.
Altl(,l'i('ttnisIi1 e h a i r m a n, Mrs.
Anlv tgFalli( read tli article titled
"I itm tile Anwricarl l,'htg" and
rell/inded all the lnemb(.rs to ha\\;','
their fltlgs ()lit on Colulnhtls Dnv.
A (telinquent membership com-
mittee was al)pointed by presi-
dent, Mrs. Betty Godwin. The
committee includes Mesdames,
t'Iorence Hamilton, Slle Weaver,
Fae Robinson, Josephine Sparks
and (;ephart.
In inOlllOl'illili of Mi's. Mautle
Eggers the droping of the charier
was officiated by ill(' auxiliary.
(Jah,ndar listings of nl(,eting
dates for tile Lions' Chtb com-
munity cah'll(ltlr XVIIS vote(I by the
VF'XV members,
Mrs. Charles Cox gave a report
on the recent fifth district meet-
ing gild reports tile next district
meeting will be Dec. 5, in Mc-
The prize brought by Mrs. Mar-
garet Jacobsen was won by Mrs.
Virgie Cleveland.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hickam
wish to announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Jally
Jolien, to Mr. Billy Gene Gra-
ham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will-
iam Graham of Union. A June
wedding is being planned.
Concert Committee
To Nominate Board
A Connnunity Concert board
meeting was conducted by presi-
dent Vernon Havens VCednesday
of last week. at the home of Dr.
Andrew Beclik. At the meeting, a
nominating committee was ap-
pointed to nominate candidates
for eight board memberships for
three year terms, and also candi-
dates to fill three vacancies on the
board. The nominating committee
consists of Mrs Lloyd Goodwin,
Mrs. %Villiam H. Smith, and Dr.
Andrew Beelik.
Membership cards for the cur-
rent season will be mailed to
members prior to the first con-
cert. which will be heht on Mon-
day, NoV. 2, at the Junior tligh
School auditorium featuring the
Norman Dronen of Shelton.
For her wedding, the former
Miss Barnes chose a white lace
over taffeta princess style waltz
length gown. The low V-neckline
was emphasized by a pearl neck-
lace and matching earrings. Tier
short veil was caught to a lace
and seed pearl coronet cap. She
carried a bouquet of white carna-
Mr. Byron Marr and Mrs. Loren
Mercer nee Lucile Whetham)
were the couple's only attcndants.
Mrs. Mercer wore a lavender dress
of similar design to tile bride's
gown. She carried a bouquet of
pink carnatiops.
The recently married Mr. and
Mrs. Dronen are making their
home in Honolulu and will return
to the mainland next year.
They were both graduatcd from
Irene S. Reed high school.
Georgine Guild
Re-Elects President
Mrs. Paul Sehlosser was re-
(,leeted l)resident of tim (ieorgine
Reed Orthopedic Guild and Mrs.
O, Aho. secretary-treasurer at the
September meeting of the group.
Tile Guild again plans individual
projects for its nlembers (lurin K
lhe ensuing ye/r.
Mrs. Kathryn Plmmner of Los
Angeles spent the past month vis-
iting her sister Mrs. Blanche Bell.
Mrs, Bell returned with Mrs.
Phlnlnler last Silnday for a
month's visit,
[)0 renowned cellist, Leonard l-ose.
' The second concert of tile sea-
son will bring the duo pianists,
• . Eden and Tamir, on Friday, Feb-
ruary 19, 1960. On Wednesday,
1960 Chevy! "c** "'"May'11 a vocal e)n, semble called
IN THE "'h Concert Men' will present
thesflnal concert Of the 1959-1960
Information c o n c e r n i n g the
, '' " ;NU; W '' many fine programs of neighbor-
THRIFTIER | ter. nolo tO It ing associations, to which Shelton
members are admitted free on
presenting their Shelton member-
m.V /ending z l t ! t ! .... ]
ship cards, is now being assem-
bled. A newsletter giving full de-
VO PO'W ER | roflnements tails will be mailed to members
S J Ul&tttheho:ithttlt.enltedin. | for tel.Q) , IIlelzS I.,UD lPe(LWith their nlembership cards.
up lON.mo7 tot . l
Jlon while giVmS ybt[ dfor# Nit at I Eyerybedy will Wept to be the driver Slates Oct. Meet
$Ohnld Ilpee. Or y, mlghjii | when he seea the' ldlld of'pleasure It The Mason County organization
l* toitmmitte--Chevy a ItbThHf 6 | turn at the wheel brtn, The driver of Washington State Federation
--the engine }hat mtartsUving the | fin4s Chevy has furtl[ier ctmhionei of xvomen's Clubs will hold their
him from engine impulses by. an convention in the Hood Canal Chlb
improved clutch linkaKetyst0m, He'll house on Oct. 21 from 10 a.m. to
I It r. also find It convenbnt new parking 3p.m.
Mrs. Rudolph Schmidt, presi-
normal height after application, dent of the Washington State Fed-
system can.'UU0il huahed hydraulic |1
..,nvenience hu been built tn
CleVT, bt,, v.ation-ized I:
! t by lowering the 0a
hoiSa, moment you flip the ignition =witch.
N . qUIET that automItt|callyreturn8 tO
" eration will be the featured speak-
spacwusness inside AND C0]0RT I NEAREST TO PERFECTION A e,'. Present also will beMrs. Pierce
Inside youqi find room Itnd more L0W-PRICFD CAR EVER CME[ Lindberg, extension chairman.
room. 'here's room to sprawl in, Thlckr, newly designed body | heLUnchtf,mdWillcanalbe servedwomen,sat nOonClul.by
room to sit tall in--and the roofline motmts lhsulate you from road shock |
The ch:u'h'c is $1.2,5.
has a respect for hats. A new flatter and nail, insuring, an almost cocoon- m
transmission tunnel is a boon to the like quiet;. ou spring suspension CHEVROLET WSCS .., ,,..'2i-;G=(*'ng
middle man. Here is the kind of space melts bumps as no other suspension | The. Wornan's Society of Chris-
that invites the family, t ian Service will mtet jointly with
Tep wdlertallb-ll DIMb Sboro Clm Sh--al U¢-lf--Pat Showroom--Wld AB¢-W--bd likdto $11mdal Frld, e, CBS-TV. t he Evening Cirele on the evening
See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer
of Wednesday, OcLober 14 at 7:30
in the fireplace room of the Meth-
odist church. Mrs. H. W. McCleary
will be in charge of tile program,
"The Story of Methodist Women."
Mrs. Mel Mmlson's Circle will act
ts hostesses.
A NN-U k-l Di-N-N--ER
The annual Navy Mothers din-
net will be held at 6 p.m., today,
Thursday, in RItnr's Broiler. All
members are asked to attend.
, Phm sda
Recipe Favorites of CTounty Residents
By Jenny Knautz
A tiny little hldy who has lived
in Shellon a big share of he)' life
iN Mrs. Blanche Bell, this weok's ..
M'tson Cotlntv cook. Cursing t()] IRI
Shelton in 1965, she was the first Skilled TV t
grade school teache.r for foul'
years. After mar,'iage she assure- By Top Tee U
ed tim important role of keeping Only the tops in .'I'V
house and raising a son. can guarantee ttle
P()'haps scales may show a p'cture enjoymenL
dr.stic change as n l'elll| of this ovide both for Y
delicious dessert. Better plav it P: hiLT T'
safe set them back a fe.w pou'nds? arms alarm
leor you another dandy dessert... 11
A,,gel 'i,, Just Ca
,,, LEROY]'
corn starch. Mix and add 1};2 cups
of boiling water. Cook until clear
and thick, stirring constantly.
POUrAdd: lC°°ked mixture oww the Television00i0000
whites of 4 eggs beaten stiff and
dry, and beat until almost coht.
tsp. vanilla, 1 pinch salt, MT,
a few drops of ahnond flavor. 2218 Olympia HlWd
Serve in baked pie shell and
spread with whipped c r e a m. PHONE HA. ,t
Sprinkle with toasted coconut.
WWl Velerans
Ghanp Meetung Day
Madrona Barracks No. 1462 and
Auxiliary will hold the regular
meetings on the second Friday of
each month. The October meetings
will be held at 8 p.m., Friday; in
the PUD auditorium.
All members are asked to at-
tend this important session and to
bring their friends. All veterans
and their wives are cordially in-
vited to attend. Refreshments will
be served follOwing the meeting.
Attend Kent Wedding
Mrs. Alden Bayley and Mrs.
Charles R. Lewis recently attend-
ed the Kent wedding of Miss Lois
Elizabeth Laxson and Mr. William
H. Stewart.
The bride is the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Carl M. Laxsn, Earl-
ville, Iowa and :Mr. Stewart, son
of Mrs. Wynne E. Stewart and the
late Mr. Stewart, formerly of
1st & Grove Sty. Shelton HA 64426
_rorn where I sit... Jo= N
Tiny Gets
• His "Licks" •
Our Police Chief, Tiny
Fields, started an "anti-jay-
walking" drive for the kids on
Monday. It ended the same day.
Tiny's idea was basically
good. He got a few dozen green
lollipops and stood on the cor- o
sex, across the street from the
grade school. As the kids came i
out and crossed the street with
the green light, he'd give each
a green lollipop.
Trouble was, when the kids 0
spotted the candy, they made a
beeline for Tiny, ignoring the •
light.., running helter-skelter ff]
across the street. Tiny quickly
Copyright, 1959, I/sited States(" - -Brewers-a
You May Purchase These at Your Friendly
stretch nylon tights
y Ipswich
ut supermarket savings
had to abandon his pr0Je
From where I sit, ce
profit from Tiny's exP
"Think through" YolI¢| i
intentions before you
through" with them. Bui
let that top you fro
really good intentieJ'
tolerance, the ,,gree
Respect all the rightS:/
neighbor.., even his r !
enjoy his favorite b ex
Whether a man chc ;s
milk--it's his choice to 1
and our job to resl t iL
Children's Sizes
001.59 r
Regular $2.99
Grown-up Sizes
001.7 '
Regular $3.49
o. .ou.o ,,'n
" h
UllUlll u u i lUll III I I I
There will be no dance
October 24
at '-
Convenient Terms
Reasonable Rates
Mason County Savings
& Loan Association
Title Insurance Bldg.
Orthopedic Ass'n.
Names Chairmen
Recent appointment of e0inmit-
tee chnirmen to tile Mason County
Orthopedic Association are Mrs.
Merle Nebel, projects or ways and
means; Miss Clara ltansen, mem-
bership and Mrs, I,es Shelver con-
tinuing' her outstanding job as
JOG chairman.
Mrs. Ne.bel has announced the
following projects which have
been cleared so far for this year:
I)avid Shelton Guiht -... calendars,
Raciml Knott . "Next to New"
sale April 1960, Evergreen Auxil-
tar) ....... C.t).H. Christmas cards,
Rainier Auxiliar) .......... bottle drive.
Any guild or auxiliary which have
projects to be cleared please phone
Mrs. Nebel at HA 6-J58.
The cause of crippled ehihh'en
and additimlal l'Psell'ch on rltre
children's disease was aided this
week by a $25 contribution to the
Chikiren's OrthopedR Hospital by
Mr. Joe S. Hoskins. Mr. Hoskins
was awarded tile stoney in an Em-
ployee Safety Contest of the
Washington PiU.D. and wanted to
give it to some worthy cause. The
check was gratefully received for
tile hospital by Mason COunty
president, Mrs. D. W. Jghnson.
Rachel Knott Guild
Members of the Rachel Knott
Orthopedic Guild wLIl meet for a
12:30 luncheon Friday° Oct. 16, in
the honlc of Mrs, Dave James.
Mrs. David tIarris will be co-host-
The Powder Box Beauty
'MISS FLORETTE BARNES became the attractive bride of Mr.
Vernon Dronen recently in Hawaii. The couple are making their
home in'Honolulu.
212 South Second
Beverly Mildred
Mal,e HA 6-8673 SohneJder
Local Couple Married in Hawaii
Troiical flower arrangements bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs.
decorated the chapel of the Scho-
field Barracks, near Itonolulu for
the late summer marriage of Miss
Florette Barnes and Mr. Venlon
Dr0nen. The Rev. Charles W. Jew-
itt, chaplam officiated at the nup-
The bride Lq the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Jesse T. Barnes, and the
Housewarmer Heat
Standard Furnace Oil with exclusive
Detergent-Action Thermisol keeps
your burner system clean tar low-cost.
efficient operation. And. because It's
specially refined for furnaces, you get
more heat for your money. Your
best buy fat circulating heaters is
Standard Stove Oil.
Start our automatic
"keep- filled" service
now and end fuel or-
dering for the rest of
the season.
For prompt HOUSEWARMER service, call
118 SO. 3RD HA 6-4411
VFW Aux. Initiates
Four New Members
],'ollr nP\\;V lnelTibers \\;vol*e \\;vel-
('om,'d into l}le Vt,tel'lins of I,'ol'-
eiKn \\;,Vars Auxiliary last I'ri(lay.
They WPl'e Ml's, Lawl't'llc(" Ilei/-
sing, Mrs. (leerS,' (h'igKs, Mrs.
John Grllsse and Mrs. Harry Hy-
llrL .
Miss Marian Johnson gave a "re-
pol'l eli il(,r attendance at the re-
cent tmlio meeting' heh/ in lhe
(;,,h)nial House, She also gave a
report on the last CllscIld(' (Ollil-
oil lneeting shp ;ttton(t.e(1 at Amei-
ican I,ake tiospilal. All nlt,i]lbt, l'S
donating cookies for the Council
are reillillde(1 tO leave them at
Miss Johnson's home this I,'ri(l'ly
or ,:ll tll'(lav.
Mrs. Wiiliam Gephart reported
a h()spital partY date has t)ee)l set
f,))' Oct. 14 at {,Vestern St;tie.
Altl(,l'i('ttnisIi1 e h a i r m a n, Mrs.
Anlv tgFalli( read tli article titled
"I itm tile Anwricarl l,'htg" and
rell/inded all the lnemb(.rs to ha\\;','
their fltlgs ()lit on Colulnhtls Dnv.
A (telinquent membership com-
mittee was al)pointed by presi-
dent, Mrs. Betty Godwin. The
committee includes Mesdames,
t'Iorence Hamilton, Slle Weaver,
Fae Robinson, Josephine Sparks
and (;ephart.
In inOlllOl'illili of Mi's. Mautle
Eggers the droping of the charier
was officiated by ill(' auxiliary.
(Jah,ndar listings of nl(,eting
dates for tile Lions' Chtb com-
munity cah'll(ltlr XVIIS vote(I by the
VF'XV members,
Mrs. Charles Cox gave a report
on the recent fifth district meet-
ing gild reports tile next district
meeting will be Dec. 5, in Mc-
The prize brought by Mrs. Mar-
garet Jacobsen was won by Mrs.
Virgie Cleveland.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hickam
wish to announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Jally
Jolien, to Mr. Billy Gene Gra-
ham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will-
iam Graham of Union. A June
wedding is being planned.
Concert Committee
To Nominate Board
A Connnunity Concert board
meeting was conducted by presi-
dent Vernon Havens VCednesday
of last week. at the home of Dr.
Andrew Beclik. At the meeting, a
nominating committee was ap-
pointed to nominate candidates
for eight board memberships for
three year terms, and also candi-
dates to fill three vacancies on the
board. The nominating committee
consists of Mrs Lloyd Goodwin,
Mrs. %Villiam H. Smith, and Dr.
Andrew Beelik.
Membership cards for the cur-
rent season will be mailed to
members prior to the first con-
cert. which will be heht on Mon-
day, NoV. 2, at the Junior tligh
School auditorium featuring the
Norman Dronen of Shelton.
For her wedding, the former
Miss Barnes chose a white lace
over taffeta princess style waltz
length gown. The low V-neckline
was emphasized by a pearl neck-
lace and matching earrings. Tier
short veil was caught to a lace
and seed pearl coronet cap. She
carried a bouquet of white carna-
Mr. Byron Marr and Mrs. Loren
Mercer nee Lucile Whetham)
were the couple's only attcndants.
Mrs. Mercer wore a lavender dress
of similar design to tile bride's
gown. She carried a bouquet of
pink carnatiops.
The recently married Mr. and
Mrs. Dronen are making their
home in Honolulu and will return
to the mainland next year.
They were both graduatcd from
Irene S. Reed high school.
Georgine Guild
Re-Elects President
Mrs. Paul Sehlosser was re-
(,leeted l)resident of tim (ieorgine
Reed Orthopedic Guild and Mrs.
O, Aho. secretary-treasurer at the
September meeting of the group.
Tile Guild again plans individual
projects for its nlembers (lurin K
lhe ensuing ye/r.
Mrs. Kathryn Plmmner of Los
Angeles spent the past month vis-
iting her sister Mrs. Blanche Bell.
Mrs, Bell returned with Mrs.
Phlnlnler last Silnday for a
month's visit,
[)0 renowned cellist, Leonard l-ose.
' The second concert of tile sea-
son will bring the duo pianists,
• . Eden and Tamir, on Friday, Feb-
ruary 19, 1960. On Wednesday,
1960 Chevy! "c** "'"May'11 a vocal e)n, semble called
IN THE "'h Concert Men' will present
thesflnal concert Of the 1959-1960
Information c o n c e r n i n g the
, '' " ;NU; W '' many fine programs of neighbor-
THRIFTIER | ter. nolo tO It ing associations, to which Shelton
members are admitted free on
presenting their Shelton member-
m.V /ending z l t ! t ! .... ]
ship cards, is now being assem-
bled. A newsletter giving full de-
VO PO'W ER | roflnements tails will be mailed to members
S J Ul&tttheho:ithttlt.enltedin. | for tel.Q) , IIlelzS I.,UD lPe(LWith their nlembership cards.
up lON.mo7 tot . l
Jlon while giVmS ybt[ dfor# Nit at I Eyerybedy will Wept to be the driver Slates Oct. Meet
$Ohnld Ilpee. Or y, mlghjii | when he seea the' ldlld of'pleasure It The Mason County organization
l* toitmmitte--Chevy a ItbThHf 6 | turn at the wheel brtn, The driver of Washington State Federation
--the engine }hat mtartsUving the | fin4s Chevy has furtl[ier ctmhionei of xvomen's Clubs will hold their
him from engine impulses by. an convention in the Hood Canal Chlb
improved clutch linkaKetyst0m, He'll house on Oct. 21 from 10 a.m. to
I It r. also find It convenbnt new parking 3p.m.
Mrs. Rudolph Schmidt, presi-
normal height after application, dent of the Washington State Fed-
system can.'UU0il huahed hydraulic |1
..,nvenience hu been built tn
CleVT, bt,, v.ation-ized I:
! t by lowering the 0a
hoiSa, moment you flip the ignition =witch.
N . qUIET that automItt|callyreturn8 tO
" eration will be the featured speak-
spacwusness inside AND C0]0RT I NEAREST TO PERFECTION A e,'. Present also will beMrs. Pierce
Inside youqi find room Itnd more L0W-PRICFD CAR EVER CME[ Lindberg, extension chairman.
room. 'here's room to sprawl in, Thlckr, newly designed body | heLUnchtf,mdWillcanalbe servedwomen,sat nOonClul.by
room to sit tall in--and the roofline motmts lhsulate you from road shock |
The ch:u'h'c is $1.2,5.
has a respect for hats. A new flatter and nail, insuring, an almost cocoon- m
transmission tunnel is a boon to the like quiet;. ou spring suspension CHEVROLET WSCS .., ,,..'2i-;G=(*'ng
middle man. Here is the kind of space melts bumps as no other suspension | The. Wornan's Society of Chris-
that invites the family, t ian Service will mtet jointly with
Tep wdlertallb-ll DIMb Sboro Clm Sh--al U¢-lf--Pat Showroom--Wld AB¢-W--bd likdto $11mdal Frld, e, CBS-TV. t he Evening Cirele on the evening
See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer
of Wednesday, OcLober 14 at 7:30
in the fireplace room of the Meth-
odist church. Mrs. H. W. McCleary
will be in charge of tile program,
"The Story of Methodist Women."
Mrs. Mel Mmlson's Circle will act
ts hostesses.
A NN-U k-l Di-N-N--ER
The annual Navy Mothers din-
net will be held at 6 p.m., today,
Thursday, in RItnr's Broiler. All
members are asked to attend.
, Phm sda
Recipe Favorites of CTounty Residents
By Jenny Knautz
A tiny little hldy who has lived
in Shellon a big share of he)' life
iN Mrs. Blanche Bell, this weok's ..
M'tson Cotlntv cook. Cursing t()] IRI
Shelton in 1965, she was the first Skilled TV t
grade school teache.r for foul'
years. After mar,'iage she assure- By Top Tee U
ed tim important role of keeping Only the tops in .'I'V
house and raising a son. can guarantee ttle
P()'haps scales may show a p'cture enjoymenL
dr.stic change as n l'elll| of this ovide both for Y
delicious dessert. Better plav it P: hiLT T'
safe set them back a fe.w pou'nds? arms alarm
leor you another dandy dessert... 11
A,,gel 'i,, Just Ca
,,, LEROY]'
corn starch. Mix and add 1};2 cups
of boiling water. Cook until clear
and thick, stirring constantly.
POUrAdd: lC°°ked mixture oww the Television00i0000
whites of 4 eggs beaten stiff and
dry, and beat until almost coht.
tsp. vanilla, 1 pinch salt, MT,
a few drops of ahnond flavor. 2218 Olympia HlWd
Serve in baked pie shell and
spread with whipped c r e am. PHONE HA. ,t
Sprinkle with toasted coconut.
WWl Velerans
Ghanp Meetung Day
Madrona Barracks No. 1462 and
Auxiliary will hold the regular
meetings on the second Friday of
each month. The October meetings
will be held at 8 p.m., Friday; in
the PUD auditorium.
All members are asked to at-
tend this important session and to
bring their friends. All veterans
and their wives are cordially in-
vited to attend. Refreshments will
be served follOwing the meeting.
Attend Kent Wedding
Mrs. Alden Bayley and Mrs.
Charles R. Lewis recently attend-
ed the Kent wedding of Miss Lois
Elizabeth Laxson and Mr. William
H. Stewart.
The bride is the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Carl M. Laxsn, Earl-
ville, Iowa and :Mr. Stewart, son
of Mrs. Wynne E. Stewart and the
late Mr. Stewart, formerly of
1st & Grove Sty. Shelton HA 64426
_rorn where I sit... Jo= N
Tiny Gets
• His "Licks" •
Our Police Chief, Tiny
Fields, started an "anti-jay-
walking" drive for the kids on
Monday. It ended the same day.
Tiny's idea was basically
good. He got a few dozen green
lollipops and stood on the cor- o
sex, across the street from the
grade school. As the kids came i
out and crossed the street with
the green light, he'd give each
a green lollipop.
Trouble was, when the kids 0
spotted the candy, they made a
beeline for Tiny, ignoring the •
light.., running helter-skelter ff]
across the street. Tiny quickly
Copyright, 1959, I/sited States(" - -Brewers-a
You May Purchase These at Your Friendly
stretch nylon tights
y Ipswich
ut supermarket savings
had to abandon his pr0Je
From where I sit, ce
profit from Tiny's exP
"Think through" YolI¢| i
intentions before you
through" with them. Bui
let that top you fro
really good intentieJ'
tolerance, the ,,gree
Respect all the rightS:/
neighbor.., even his r !
enjoy his favorite b ex
Whether a man chc ;s
milk--it's his choice to 1
and our job to resl t iL
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Regular $2.99
Grown-up Sizes
001.7 '
Regular $3.49
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