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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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16 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, "U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin Thursday County Schools l NEWS FROM MhTLOCK Get $91,968.59 : Mason County has received tile day: oct.:'"s, at 8 o'clock. "" ". ............ :: ............. T ......................... first of ten monthly allotments Mrs. Lad Rossmaier, Mrs. Blain from the State General Fund for the 1959-60 school year, accord- ing to Lloyd J. Andrews, state su- perintendent of Public Instletion. The total amount allotted for the month of September is $91, 968:59. These monies are used by the local school districts for salaries and operating expenses. Addition- al funds are derived from local and federal sources. Approximate- Iy 65 per cent of funds for school needs are from state allotments, with 31 per cent from local sources, and 4 per cent from the federal government. Middle Skokomish J By Mary Valley MIDDLE SKOKOMISH  Next Friday evening will be the annual "Booster Night" at the Skokomlsh Grange. This is an open meeting and the public is invited. One fea- ture of the evening will be a talk by Mr. John Pill, the superintend- ent of the consolidated school dis- trict No. 404. There will be a pot- hmk after the program. Miss Jean Hanson, a missionmT from Venezuela, was guest speak- er at the Community church last Sunday. She is a niece of Mrs. Agnes Hanson of Sbelton, who al- so was a guest at the church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arvld John- son entertained Miss Hanson with a dinner and enjoyed hearing about the work in Venezuela as their daughter Edith Ires been working in the same locality. Mrs. Ryan Miller drove to Eu- gene, Oregon last weekend and visited her sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Champeaux. Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley entertained with a dinner last Sunday at the beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter near Union for Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hoff- man of Bremerton. Mrs. Agnes Hanson was a din- nor guest of Mr. and Mrs. Har- e, old Hunter last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stagl of Portland spent last weekend with Mrs. Stagl's mother, Mrs. Leonard Jacobsen. Mrs. Ja.cobson received word that her son David, who has been in Alaska, witl leave for Fort Ord, Calif. where he will take die- sel engineering with the U. S. rmy. Mrs. Edna Hunter entertained With a dinner last Sunday for her daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Prizner wire are leaving for Alaska. Also present Were Mrs. Hunter's other daugh- ters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lake and Mr. amt Mrs. Bert Deyette. : Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Donaldson on Stmday Were :Mr mid Mrs. Robert flart- man of Centralia and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson of Port Of chard. Mrs. Ida Johnson and Mrs. Chester Valley drove to Tumwater last Tuesday for lunch with Mrs. Stuart Davenport. Others present were Mrs. Delores Farrington and Mrs. Ethel Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley attended the gavel meeting at Bunce, Mrm Augusta Portman, Mrs. Sam Diggle, Jr., Mrs. Ed- ward Valley and Mrs. Marie Mc- Kay from the Matlock Ladies Club attended the Homenmkers Council last week Tuesday at the Armory in Shelton. The Matloek Ladies Club met last week Thursday with Mrs. Blain Bunce hostess, and they re- elected the same officers for the coming year--Mrs. Lad Rossmai- or, president; Mrs. Elvtn Hearing, vice president, and Mrs. Edward Valley, secretary-treasurer. About sixty Grangers attended the gavel meeting at Matlock Grange last Friday night. The Cloquallum Grange brought tim gavel and Matlock Grange takes the gavel to Progress Grange on October 30. Matlock Grange will have their Booster Night Oct. 16, and every- body is welcome to attend. We are sorry to report Mrs. Berl Van Norman broke her right wrist when she fell at her home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Max Nilsson of Seattle were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift en- Joyed the weekend visit from their relatives, Mrs. Ollie Tyra from Elma, Mrs. Ruth Ross from Ore- fine, Idaho, and her daughter, Mrs. Dick Hanson and son, Jeff, from Minnesota, and Mr. and Mrs. Art Osborn from San Lake, Ore. Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Osborn and Mrs. Clift are sisters, the daughters of Mrs. Tyra. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman enjoyed a trip around the Olympic Loop last week and they spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook of Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Evers and family spent Sunday with the Wayne Evers family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker and family spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollatz. Dawayne and Gary Goodburn of Sumner spent the weekend at their farm here. Mr. and Mrs. Luvern Goodbnrn and two children of Long Beach, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sharp and son, Steve, of Olympia were weekend guests of their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Led Ross- mater. "/'he Luvern Ooodburns are moving back here from Long Reach as Luvern has put: in his four years with the U.S. Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Leo S. Pierce of Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunce and family. Tuesday evening visitors at the Blain Bunco home were Mrs. Aug- usta Portman and Carl Portman. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley and family and Mr. Sam Diggle, Sr., attended the birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggte, Jr., at Itke Nahwatzel Sunday evening in hom)r of their delighter, Tresa's fh'st birthday. Mr. and Mrs. James Churchill Matlock last Friday evcnlng. The third and fourth degree team of Skokomish Grange initi- a.ted a large class of candidates at their own hall last Wednesday evening. Timre was a nice group, local and visiting members pres- ent also. 20 Years Ago MeConkey's Pharmacy, serving Mason County residents for more than 24 years, brings you this oolumrt taken from the files of yesteryear. We hope it is of interest to you. g mmmmmmlwmmJimmm mu mmmm m mmemma mm mm mmmmmmmnmamlmlmmommmmmm mmm mm mm m  TUESDAY, ocroBETt 2, 1939.--Of interest in Mr. View badness activities this week was the sale of the Ferneroft So- cial Club, formerly known as the White Spot, by J. L. Parson to Sears Silva of Shelton. Important public officer. Something brand new in the dairy industry, at least in Mason county, comes into being this week with the introduction of paper milk cartons by the Mason Cmmty Creamery Assoc- iation. The PIU, D. District No. 3 budget for the year was set at $10,000 Monday evening at a budget hearing attended by Chair- man J, F. Biehsel, and Cmmisaioners R, R. McDonald and Enoch Nelson, Clerk Jean McDonald, Attorney H, C. Brodia and a number of taxpayers. Bill McMillan came through with 11 winners out of 16 to win the $5.00 prize In the Journal's opening football score guess- ing contemt of the eeason. William Yeck, who went to Alaska last spring to troll for salmon, returned to his Harstin.e Island home this week. Thurlay evening the 1939 fail style show sponsored by the Order of Amaranth and the L.M. will be presented in the Ma- sonic Temple. Models will bmlude Peggy Ann Khmsel, Barbara Drake, Eritne Durand, Frankie I'redson, Jean McCann, Earline CleVeland, Ida Loughnan, Emma Jordan, Maxine Briggs, Verda McConkey, Emalyn Stewart, Myra Collier and Irene Forrest. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1939.Shelton Junior High School opens it grid season by hosting Chehalls on Imp Field Saturday afternoon. Three brothers, Don, Toad and Burt Dick- inson, will be members of the tarttng lineup. Other probable Starters are Sam Wilson, Dick Look, Donn Nelson, Bob Petty, Roy Robertson, Marlen Burke, Rea Howry, Ted Thompson, Wally Anderson, Ted Miller and Fred Berry. '],he Shelton Highcltmbers start their Central League com- petition at Montesano tomorrow afternoon. Due to bumps and bruises Coach Walt Hakola has not a.nnounced his starting lineup. Earned 4 wrsity football letters. A party honoring the birthday of her daughter, Marian, was given by Mrs. Paul Anderson. Guests included Gwen Plem- ) ons, Jeanne Ilemons, Annabelle Cole, ]Betty Hsll, Edith Hall, I)eanna Hall, Elizabeth Robertson, Mabel Coleman, t:)calricc Williams and Edith Stephens. Candidates in the junior high st'heel elections include Sam Wilson, Maria,n Anderson, Bonnie Brown, Bobby Wenz, Nits King, Gall Robinson, Mavis Ross, June Jordan, Dorothy Elson, Rosemary Kldwell, Joe Parson and Beanie Daniels. For Over 24 Years It Has Been [ McCONKEYS FOR DRUGS TWO LOCATIONS 806 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-3456 329 RAILROAD Phone HA 6.4458 TO SERVE YOU John Schur Now Naval ROTG Gadei John A. Sehur of Shelton was one of 37 students at the Univer- silly of Washington who were sworn into the Naval ROTC pro- gram this semester. Naval ROTC cadets are chosen on the basis of a stiff competitive examination of senior high school st.udents from all over the state. Li//iwaup News By Jean McKasson Mr. and Mrs. Carl C;r(,ennan and daughter, Sharon, of South Bend, Wash., were up burning sash and cle]ring their property at Lilliwaup for their future sum- mcr home. Tiny Tim Orthopedic Guild will have a meeting Wednesday night at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Win. :McKasson with Mrs. Ken Graves acting as co-hostxss. Mrs. Susie Anderson and son, John, and granddaughter, Cindy, traveled to Seattle Thursday and spent the day shopping, then later had dinner and visited with Su- sie's niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith. Mr. John Anderson Is leaving S()()ll for , YOFk whcl'e hc t)/lIls m spen(lin,, two or thr(!c m[mths, then h(' will j,m'u,!y (m to t,".':mcc and tlcn t* Africa. Jcqm will bc mis,d by his friends. Mrs. Win. ±VlcKass(m and chin dren, Billie and Julia, went to Port Angeles to see Mrs. McKas- son's moth,r, Mrs. Madelyn Beav- ers, and her sister, Eleanor Beav- ors. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ewms spent the weekend in Seattle visiting their daughters and husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Daniels. Mr. George Kennedy is in the Veterans Hospital in Vancouver, Wash. His friends can send him a card there if they wish. Shellon Students Pledge la/Un)versily Nancy , . : "(rd, I)onahl V. St()pl)ler atld tlarley Seiners all of Shelton pledged into sorority and fraternity organizations at the University of Washington this semester. Miss Ashford pledged Pi Beta Phi while Stoppler and Seiners pledged Phi Delta Theta. In 1958 there were 299,861 resi- dential fires in the U. S. -whieh means that every two minutes a home in some American com- munity suffers fire damage. The first fire prevention laws were enacted in Boston in 1630. Fresh Picnic Style Pork Roasts... Here's Probably the Most Economical Cut of Meat You Can Buy! And These Roasts are Re- markably Flavor Rich, Really Dellciousl Just Cheek This Low, Low Price, Then Head for NEEDHAM'S . . . Shelton's Fav- orite Shopping Place! Pork Roast w00,)m Driimi WELLS- TEST Swandown ANGEL OAKE € , Bedell Drilling LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 Route 3, Box 170, Shelton FRESH MEATY BOSTON BUTTS Spareribs ooo00,.. STYLE WESCO gPPLESIIU(E 3T:49" PEII(HE| OR PEARS... Duchess Freestone Peaches or Flrcrest Pears 2V TINS FRESH SLICED Pork Liver (OFFEE OLEO MJB 2 LB. TIN KRAFT'S PARKAY LBS. . FANCY PRODUCE, To.mnT.OES FANCY CALIF. BEFAeSTEAKS GRAPES POUND ISLAND BELL 30,POUND BOX HUBBARD SQUASH PORK STEAK Lean, Meaty Blade Cuts € $189 Ib 3 c ,49' ,23' Ib OCTOBER CHEESE FESTI VA L , BUTTER Kitsap " [HEE§E 8 OZ. PACKAGE KRAFT'S COTTAGE FULL PINT (HEE|E SLICES PHILLY CREAM CHEESE KRAft SWISS CHEESE HEINZ SWEET PICKLES NABISCO HONEY CRACKERS 8-oz. pkg. 6 OZ. PKG. QUAl SNOWDRIFT 12-OZ. GLASSES BAKER'S CHOCOLATE crimPS 26oz. 490 JELLIES DREAM WHiP 00oz.25 = SH Prices Effective Oct. 8-9-10. Sunny* Jim Straw., Black Raspberry, Blackberry or Red Cherry LOG CABIN SYRUP JELLO INSTANT PUDDING 3/29' BAKER'S ANGEL FLAKE COCONUT ,oz. 29 = We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities LB. II;L 16 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, "U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin Thursday County Schools l NEWS FROM MhTLOCK Get $91,968.59 : Mason County has received tile day: oct.:'"s, at 8 o'clock. "" ". ............ :: ............. T ......................... first of ten monthly allotments Mrs. Lad Rossmaier, Mrs. Blain from the State General Fund for the 1959-60 school year, accord- ing to Lloyd J. Andrews, state su- perintendent of Public Instletion. The total amount allotted for the month of September is $91, 968:59. These monies are used by the local school districts for salaries and operating expenses. Addition- al funds are derived from local and federal sources. Approximate- Iy 65 per cent of funds for school needs are from state allotments, with 31 per cent from local sources, and 4 per cent from the federal government. Middle Skokomish J By Mary Valley MIDDLE SKOKOMISH  Next Friday evening will be the annual "Booster Night" at the Skokomlsh Grange. This is an open meeting and the public is invited. One fea- ture of the evening will be a talk by Mr. John Pill, the superintend- ent of the consolidated school dis- trict No. 404. There will be a pot- hmk after the program. Miss Jean Hanson, a missionmT from Venezuela, was guest speak- er at the Community church last Sunday. She is a niece of Mrs. Agnes Hanson of Sbelton, who al- so was a guest at the church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arvld John- son entertained Miss Hanson with a dinner and enjoyed hearing about the work in Venezuela as their daughter Edith Ires been working in the same locality. Mrs. Ryan Miller drove to Eu- gene, Oregon last weekend and visited her sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Champeaux. Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley entertained with a dinner last Sunday at the beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter near Union for Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hoff- man of Bremerton. Mrs. Agnes Hanson was a din- nor guest of Mr. and Mrs. Har- e, old Hunter last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stagl of Portland spent last weekend with Mrs. Stagl's mother, Mrs. Leonard Jacobsen. Mrs. Ja.cobson received word that her son David, who has been in Alaska, witl leave for Fort Ord, Calif. where he will take die- sel engineering with the U. S. rmy. Mrs. Edna Hunter entertained With a dinner last Sunday for her daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Prizner wire are leaving for Alaska. Also present Were Mrs. Hunter's other daugh- ters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lake and Mr. amt Mrs. Bert Deyette. : Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Donaldson on Stmday Were :Mr mid Mrs. Robert flart- man of Centralia and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson of Port Of chard. Mrs. Ida Johnson and Mrs. Chester Valley drove to Tumwater last Tuesday for lunch with Mrs. Stuart Davenport. Others present were Mrs. Delores Farrington and Mrs. Ethel Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley attended the gavel meeting at Bunce, Mrm Augusta Portman, Mrs. Sam Diggle, Jr., Mrs. Ed- ward Valley and Mrs. Marie Mc- Kay from the Matlock Ladies Club attended the Homenmkers Council last week Tuesday at the Armory in Shelton. The Matloek Ladies Club met last week Thursday with Mrs. Blain Bunce hostess, and they re- elected the same officers for the coming year--Mrs. Lad Rossmai- or, president; Mrs. Elvtn Hearing, vice president, and Mrs. Edward Valley, secretary-treasurer. About sixty Grangers attended the gavel meeting at Matlock Grange last Friday night. The Cloquallum Grange brought tim gavel and Matlock Grange takes the gavel to Progress Grange on October 30. Matlock Grange will have their Booster Night Oct. 16, and every- body is welcome to attend. We are sorry to report Mrs. Berl Van Norman broke her right wrist when she fell at her home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Max Nilsson of Seattle were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift en- Joyed the weekend visit from their relatives, Mrs. Ollie Tyra from Elma, Mrs. Ruth Ross from Ore- fine, Idaho, and her daughter, Mrs. Dick Hanson and son, Jeff, from Minnesota, and Mr. and Mrs. Art Osborn from San Lake, Ore. Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Osborn and Mrs. Clift are sisters, the daughters of Mrs. Tyra. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman enjoyed a trip around the Olympic Loop last week and they spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook of Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Evers and family spent Sunday with the Wayne Evers family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker and family spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollatz. Dawayne and Gary Goodburn of Sumner spent the weekend at their farm here. Mr. and Mrs. Luvern Goodbnrn and two children of Long Beach, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sharp and son, Steve, of Olympia were weekend guests of their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Led Ross- mater. "/'he Luvern Ooodburns are moving back here from Long Reach as Luvern has put: in his four years with the U.S. Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Leo S. Pierce of Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunce and family. Tuesday evening visitors at the Blain Bunco home were Mrs. Aug- usta Portman and Carl Portman. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley and family and Mr. Sam Diggle, Sr., attended the birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggte, Jr., at Itke Nahwatzel Sunday evening in hom)r of their delighter, Tresa's fh'st birthday. Mr. and Mrs. James Churchill Matlock last Friday evcnlng. The third and fourth degree team of Skokomish Grange initi- a.ted a large class of candidates at their own hall last Wednesday evening. Timre was a nice group, local and visiting members pres- ent also. 20 Years Ago MeConkey's Pharmacy, serving Mason County residents for more than 24 years, brings you this oolumrt taken from the files of yesteryear. We hope it is of interest to you. g mmmmmmlwmmJimmm mu mmmm m mmemma mm mm mmmmmmmnmamlmlmmommmmmm mmm mm mm m  TUESDAY, ocroBETt 2, 1939.--Of interest in Mr. View badness activities this week was the sale of the Ferneroft So- cial Club, formerly known as the White Spot, by J. L. Parson to Sears Silva of Shelton. Important public officer. Something brand new in the dairy industry, at least in Mason county, comes into being this week with the introduction of paper milk cartons by the Mason Cmmty Creamery Assoc- iation. The PIU, D. District No. 3 budget for the year was set at $10,000 Monday evening at a budget hearing attended by Chair- man J, F. Biehsel, and Cmmisaioners R, R. McDonald and Enoch Nelson, Clerk Jean McDonald, Attorney H, C. Brodia and a number of taxpayers. Bill McMillan came through with 11 winners out of 16 to win the $5.00 prize In the Journal's opening football score guess- ing contemt of the eeason. William Yeck, who went to Alaska last spring to troll for salmon, returned to his Harstin.e Island home this week. Thurlay evening the 1939 fail style show sponsored by the Order of Amaranth and the L.M. will be presented in the Ma- sonic Temple. Models will bmlude Peggy Ann Khmsel, Barbara Drake, Eritne Durand, Frankie I'redson, Jean McCann, Earline CleVeland, Ida Loughnan, Emma Jordan, Maxine Briggs, Verda McConkey, Emalyn Stewart, Myra Collier and Irene Forrest. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1939.Shelton Junior High School opens it grid season by hosting Chehalls on Imp Field Saturday afternoon. Three brothers, Don, Toad and Burt Dick- inson, will be members of the tarttng lineup. Other probable Starters are Sam Wilson, Dick Look, Donn Nelson, Bob Petty, Roy Robertson, Marlen Burke, Rea Howry, Ted Thompson, Wally Anderson, Ted Miller and Fred Berry. '],he Shelton Highcltmbers start their Central League com- petition at Montesano tomorrow afternoon. Due to bumps and bruises Coach Walt Hakola has not a.nnounced his starting lineup. Earned 4 wrsity football letters. A party honoring the birthday of her daughter, Marian, was given by Mrs. Paul Anderson. Guests included Gwen Plem- ) ons, Jeanne Ilemons, Annabelle Cole, ]Betty Hsll, Edith Hall, I)eanna Hall, Elizabeth Robertson, Mabel Coleman, t:)calricc Williams and Edith Stephens. Candidates in the junior high st'heel elections include Sam Wilson, Maria,n Anderson, Bonnie Brown, Bobby Wenz, Nits King, Gall Robinson, Mavis Ross, June Jordan, Dorothy Elson, Rosemary Kldwell, Joe Parson and Beanie Daniels. For Over 24 Years It Has Been [ McCONKEYS FOR DRUGS TWO LOCATIONS 806 RAILROAD Phone HA 6-3456 329 RAILROAD Phone HA 6.4458 TO SERVE YOU John Schur Now Naval ROTG Gadei John A. Sehur of Shelton was one of 37 students at the Univer- silly of Washington who were sworn into the Naval ROTC pro- gram this semester. Naval ROTC cadets are chosen on the basis of a stiff competitive examination of senior high school st.udents from all over the state. Li//iwaup News By Jean McKasson Mr. and Mrs. Carl C;r(,ennan and daughter, Sharon, of South Bend, Wash., were up burning sash and cle]ring their property at Lilliwaup for their future sum- mcr home. Tiny Tim Orthopedic Guild will have a meeting Wednesday night at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Win. :McKasson with Mrs. Ken Graves acting as co-hostxss. Mrs. Susie Anderson and son, John, and granddaughter, Cindy, traveled to Seattle Thursday and spent the day shopping, then later had dinner and visited with Su- sie's niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith. Mr. John Anderson Is leaving S()()ll for , YOFk whcl'e hc t)/lIls m spen(lin,, two or thr(!c m[mths, then h(' will j,m'u,!y (m to t,".':mcc and tlcn t* Africa. Jcqm will bc mis,d by his friends. Mrs. Win. ±VlcKass(m and chin dren, Billie and Julia, went to Port Angeles to see Mrs. McKas- son's moth,r, Mrs. Madelyn Beav- ers, and her sister, Eleanor Beav- ors. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ewms spent the weekend in Seattle visiting their daughters and husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Daniels. Mr. George Kennedy is in the Veterans Hospital in Vancouver, Wash. His friends can send him a card there if they wish. Shellon Students Pledge la/Un)versily Nancy , . : "(rd, I)onahl V. St()pl)ler atld tlarley Seiners all of Shelton pledged into sorority and fraternity organizations at the University of Washington this semester. Miss Ashford pledged Pi Beta Phi while Stoppler and Seiners pledged Phi Delta Theta. In 1958 there were 299,861 resi- dential fires in the U. S. -whieh means that every two minutes a home in some American com- munity suffers fire damage. The first fire prevention laws were enacted in Boston in 1630. Fresh Picnic Style Pork Roasts... Here's Probably the Most Economical Cut of Meat You Can Buy! And These Roasts are Re- markably Flavor Rich, Really Dellciousl Just Cheek This Low, Low Price, Then Head for NEEDHAM'S . . . Shelton's Fav- orite Shopping Place! Pork Roast w00,)m Driimi WELLS- TEST Swandown ANGEL OAKE € , Bedell Drilling LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 Route 3, Box 170, Shelton FRESH MEATY BOSTON BUTTS Spareribs ooo00,.. STYLE WESCO gPPLESIIU(E 3T:49" PEII(HE| OR PEARS... Duchess Freestone Peaches or Flrcrest Pears 2V TINS FRESH SLICED Pork Liver (OFFEE OLEO MJB 2 LB. TIN KRAFT'S PARKAY LBS. . FANCY PRODUCE, To.mnT.OES FANCY CALIF. BEFAeSTEAKS GRAPES POUND ISLAND BELL 30,POUND BOX HUBBARD SQUASH PORK STEAK Lean, Meaty Blade Cuts € $189 Ib 3 c ,49' ,23' Ib OCTOBER CHEESE FESTI VA L , BUTTER Kitsap " [HEE§E 8 OZ. PACKAGE KRAFT'S COTTAGE FULL PINT (HEE|E SLICES PHILLY CREAM CHEESE KRAft SWISS CHEESE HEINZ SWEET PICKLES NABISCO HONEY CRACKERS 8-oz. pkg. 6 OZ. PKG. QUAl SNOWDRIFT 12-OZ. GLASSES BAKER'S CHOCOLATE crimPS 26oz. 490 JELLIES DREAM WHiP 00oz.25 = SH Prices Effective Oct. 8-9-10. Sunny* Jim Straw., Black Raspberry, Blackberry or Red Cherry LOG CABIN SYRUP JELLO INSTANT PUDDING 3/29' BAKER'S ANGEL FLAKE COCONUT ,oz. 29 = We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities LB. II;L