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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8, 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.." Shelter Washin 17 and $17.95 LE FURNITURE . $13.75 @ Cradles.. $7.95 . . . . $2.98 Io $8.95 , $7.95 @ Chairs, Rockers $2.88 Play Pens $14,25 !o $17.95 AUTO SUPPLY 2ND ST. PHONE HA 6-6183 Named to Present Post in 1941 Public Grape Picking Due to Start At Grapeview On October 10 GRAPEVIEW.--OId Sol offered a helping hand to local grape growers by appearing on the scene last week, thus helping to get the delicious fruit well ripened for this year&apos;s harvest. The Island Belle Grape Growers Association made public the statement that the har- vest period for those vineyards open to public picking would be- gin about Oct. 10. The St. Charles Winery began its harvest on a limited scale during this past week but did not expect the full scale harvest to be underway before next week. LADY LUCK showed the Ed Okoneks this past Thursday that REMIT YOUR Dollars for Democrats to JOHN B. COLE Box 479, Shelton she can exhibit quite a. mean steed and slipped off the horse floor is now red!). streak. Ed was falling a tree just south of his boathouse when a twist in the 90-ft. monster sent it crashing down, coming to rest on the floor of the boathouse, smashing a path through the building as it fell. Ed soon learned that the crash had wrecked the 9-ft. pram which he had been making for young Leslle's birth- day and, among other things, Lea- lie's bicycle. However, the shock was somewhat softened by the immediate warm responses of friends and neighbors offering time and effort to help repair the damages incurred. Among those making up several impromptu work parties appeared the follow- ing names: Cook, Wells, Martin, Souls and Clayton. Also victimized by Lady Luck's apparent ill temper was Jerri Lee Hill. Last Wednesday after school she and sister, Susan, we:t horseback riding ov their faithful while attempting to ride under a low-limbed tree. The fall resulted In Jerri's sustaining fractures of bolh bones in her right forearm while Susan suffered only a twisted wrist. The only tears shed were those brought on by fear of missing school the next day. Jerri has the enviable record The school basement now boasts pale green walls and ceiling, off white wood- work and a red floor. Those serv- ing on this week's work party were+ Clco Cook, Sylvia Hansen, Judy Staudt, Murial Somers, Pat Bensxm and Virginia Hicks. In- cidentally, the fellow responsible for repairing the cement step and floor cracks was "Jubie" Hicks. of starting her fourth year with The 1959-60 4-H year will begin no absences, this month with Louise Spooner The Julius Stocks' home on and Dorothy Tobey at the organi- Treasure Island is now sporting zational "controls." All local chin a handsome floor to ceiling Ari- zona Sandstone fireplace. Doris was unable to see this important addition to their house until Men-i day, having been hostessing a number of "flu bugs" all last week. The Grapeview Gradeschool Mothers' Club completed its paint- ing project this past weekend when an industrious committee of five literally "painted the town red"--(at any rate, the basement dren interested in 4-H membership (se-cing, cooking, forestry, and animal husbandry, gardening, etc.) should contact these ladies as soon as possible. Those especial- ly interested in forestry are urged to contact Mrs. Spooner before this Saturday (Oct. 10) in order to attend this year's first meeting at Panhandle Lake which will be held on that day. Any adults in- terested in handling a leadership or assisting with any of the afore- mentioned groups are also urged to contact either Mrs. Spooner or Mrs. Tobey a any help from par- ents or friends would be much appreciated. WE ARE sorry to learn of the passing of Charles Chester, a Ma-  son county resident for the past 40 years and a Grapeview resident I Db$ e  for the past 12 years. Mr. Ches- ter had suffered a lingering ill- ness for the past four years but had been failing rapidly these past i several months, necessitating hos-  pitalization at the King County Harborview hospital in Seattle. Death overtook Mr. Chester last Wednesday, Sept. 30, and burial services were read at the Byrne and Batstone Chapel in Shelton last Saturday, 11:00 a.m. Sur- viving Mr. Chester is his wife, Mrs. Ruth Chester, step-son, How- ard Landon, two sisters, Mrs. Dora Taylor and Mrs. Elsie Henkel of Centralia and two sons who live in Tacoma.. The "Jubie" Hicks family were surprised Saturday evening when, while enjoying a quiet evening with the Fred Lutzes, they re- ceived an unexpected phone call from the, Sea-Tac Airport sum- moning them to pick up Mr. Herb Gates of Anchorage, Alaska, who had just flown in from San An* torte, Texas, where he had been Effective Noon Thurs., Oct. 8-9-10 attending a business conference. Undaunted by an empty gas tank, Right to Limit Reserved unfamiliar roads sod darkness, pBoDU¢  the Hickses finally returned safe- ly to Grapeview, with guest, at 1:30 a.m. Jubie and Herb had 20029 (HO( (HIPS 2/49" getherb°thbeenstati°nedinAlaskat°'while in the service and Golden RiP € 6-OZ. PKG. stayed on as civilian employees st ,a;"°, _+ +. ,.,+, PRES[[RVES RL]RY: ' RW'' 69 the Elmendorf Air Base where Herb was instrmnental in intro- Sunday from McChord Air Base i',!= (now Mrs. Hicks!). Herb left on ;Med. Size, Freshdr°r..'€ "'' --A with plans to return with his fam- C0£000u CRACKERS :NB*C;oGuRADH;MS IY" tly to Grapeview thtsspringfOraspent i lengthier visit. • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Somers  Saturday evening in Seattle where tN, vOCl9" ^__ junabo z¢ 0 S they attended the MaritimeHis- ea NOTICE. Fishermen, preserve your fiSlh eggs with-- to rlcal Society banquet held at the Edmund Meany Hotel. Spot of Powdered Borax honor that evening was taken by € some of the skippers who have been familiar faces on the Seattle waterfront for many years, real $1 9 old timers instrumental in the progress of this great port city. -g .L pk"= " Attendance ,at the banquet was about the highest on record, and = m B4We • understandably so. The Don Pogrebas delight- ed to welcome Den's folks, Mr. and iii: S,eVn?ai. iis.....__ Sl SUGAR Mrs. A1Pogreba of Butte, Mont., 1 who arrived last Wednesday. The Pogrebas, Sr., planned to spend 'i';;n Ba €O J  d about a week vtslting wtth the _ Pogreba-Kaker household before their return home. MR. AND MRS. Merrill Mc- Kinstry are back in the Northwest "'" l L &5 t once again and weekending at their Grapeview country place af- IiGed ter a trip eastward which included ""-" ' C HBRAND visits to Salt Lake City, Utah, Tk LtY el dl S "-IB L AND and Colorado Springs, Colo. The "Macs" had rented a car for the + "" go.+...+ _._,,,, , - 10 pou ds "/' IIF trip but got a hlg surprlse when they awakened one morning in Colorado Springs to find that HI- Sliced,  n most two feet of snow had fallen Sat°it t'tt°'" + € B00TH SHRIMPI CROUSEL I °++might" Plus f°r dring h°m° were quickly cancelled and they returned vie available air trans- portation.  ;;1 r IOpS od; :t I:: ::: -9 I Old Man Weather also befouled tb jl plans made by Clem and Marge O: e e hrJ-Po:{oz" ,;2ll. I¢.:;: C HOllplannedthis paStto driveWeekend+to TheChinook,HOlls Wash., to pick up Clem's boat and enjoy what was to be Clem's last fishing trip of the season. Fog HAWAIIAN PUNCH +,o++o,..n0.. prevented their fish- ing so plans to go on down to Seaside, Ore., to visit Marge's sis- OOL, II lml YJ2ON+E T,N .. .............................. 35 € stituted.ter' MrS.TheRUthcross.riverDaVis, wereferry sUb-was PINEAPPLE rBB J 411P 1 then delayed by low tides for three -+ hours but they finally reached 46.0Z. mm/-- m PINEAPPLE JUICE their destinatio'n. The return trip was less complicated, Clem picldng were back in Grapeview by Sun- dPdPdPllll'l" ANGEL IIc PLlxf\\; DOLEEN . 6.OUNCE .... 5/$1a0 0 up his boat at Chinook, and they k.UU mm m  L A K E I1  .+, ,, H,,.- day night. Incidentally, last I#1 7-OZ. " INSTANT COFFEE Tuesday night (Sept. 30) Clem's folks, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hudson, STRIKE °'°*'+'++ +or+ over from Seattle, the oc- c.+ *2.60 .............. $I.49 c+nbeingOlem'sbirthday. The party was actually held in honor of Clem's mother, in that she was responsihle for his birthday. APPLE DOLE Sliced or Crushed No. 1 Flat 2/29 c KTAIL "+;:'>:+ 5/Sl BROWN OR POWDERED LB. PKGS. . . GOLD MEDAL FLOUR .. , s1.09,+.=2.19 ,b. 55 € ,b. Ralph's on HILLCREST GUESTS FOR several days at the Edwin Griggs were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. sod Mrs. B. White and their two little girls of Camas, Wash. The Whites enjoyed boating, fishing and beach-combing, spurred on by the mmsnally beautiful weather last week. Sunday glcsLs at the Griggs were old time friends from Olym- pia, Mr. and Mrs. George Trimm. Last Tuesday guests to the I)ck Wren home were Lock's niece, Mrs. Dorothy Wren of Se- attle, and Mrs. June Langstead of Edmonds, Wash. Notice: Anyone in our Grape- view fire district who has fire in- snran(:e snd as yet htLs not re- celved a rebate is advised to c<m- taet their insurance agent. Retro- active to Marsh l, this district has been reclassified by tile Washing- ton Sutwt'ytng and" Rating Bur(ttu to a Class 9 status and a reduc- tion of approximately 17% on fire insurance premiums has re- sulted. We have our local fire department to thank for this sub- stantial reduction. Our depart- ment is at present working on Grange News CLOQUALLUM carried the gav- el to MATIA)CK Friday night. This was a very interesting meet- ing and the work was well carried out. The Lecturer had prepared a good program and we f(mnd out how + muz acts whcu he is past 60 and feels sweet sixteen. Gene French, principal of Mary M. Knight school was speaker of the evening. He extended an invitation to all to attend the P.T.O. open house Nov. 12. They are holding their Booster Night Oct. 16. THE AGATE Grange will hold their Booster Night Oct. 9. The Lecturer is preparing a good pro- gram including t h e Rayonler movie entitled "The Life of the Pacific Oyster", We extend a cor- dial invitation to friends and neighbors to attend. The SKOKOMISH VALLEY de- gree team conferred the third and fourth degrees on 19 candidates in their hall Wednesday night a week ago. We are very proud of the work of our degree teams. There was a good turn out. The supper was excellent and every one had a very good time. Our sincere t h a n k s to State Deputy Martin Auseth when he and Gyneth invited us to go with them to attend the annual Lewis County Silver Star anniversary held this year at Gorst Park neat' Centralia. The meeting was held in the new $3,000,000 Junior High School. They have 255 Silver Star mem- bers. Nine of which of Gold Sheaf members. Eighty-six of these were in attendance or about 33 percent as compared with less than 10 per- cent of Mason County's who at- tended our Silver Star anniver- sary. This is held each year in conjunction with the regular Po- mona meeting starting at 10 a.m., recessing for noon, resuming with an afternoon session and finishing with a business meeting and con- ferring the fifth degree in the eve- ning. There were over 300 in at- tendance and they were complain- ing of the lack of attendance. We feel that our Pomona meet- ings must seem brief to them. When 8OUTHSIDE met, Inez Shorter was appointed chairman of the Historical committee and Jack Smith chairman of the High- way committee. In conversation with Congressman Mack, he was informed that if Mason county wished to have the highway to Ol:'t=pia finished they will have to show some enthusiasm. Get lots of LADIES ..... SLIM TRIM IS HERE! You Are Invited to Inquire About a VERY M SPECIAL PRICE M FOR LIMITED  TIME ONLY S ON THE FIRST  I00 CHARTER S 323 Franklin petitions and letters to the High- OR PHONE HA 6-8293 way Commission and we know r^, ,L,r,r,*.T,ea Jack will do just that. run ,,.run,.,u,,. They report a good turnout to their chicken dinner. TWANOH voted to draw tip a  ' resolution favoring the bookmo- bile. They will hold their Booster WP. Ii]ill Uve Night Oct. 16, friends and neigh- " ............ bors are invited. Harold and Rachel Brown re- -nmn nrrv,, turned from their vacation trip to i@111 rill the old home in Massachusetts and other points on the Eastern I:nIIIIIIU:M T Seaboard including Washington, hvmmnm==,, D.C.  SHELTON VALLEY decided if you are interested in m- since there is a wedding in the proving your figure with a community on thdr,+, next regulars, progressive program of re- meeting n'ight they will hold their iaxed exercise.-which will meeting on Saturday ewming Oct. 17 beginning at 7:30. There will make you be no pothlck, They will hold a big Halloween party. • Oct .... 30 Hot dogs pumpkin LOOK BETTER pie and cider will be served. They extend an invitation to all their friends. It has been necessary to AND procure another piano since the old one fails to harmonic with ]k]k.ll. Rip.qpqpl]l. the other instruments of the or- . .u+., .-=-,*-=-.=,, chestra. They also plan to change methods of conducting their danc_.__es.___ plans for a further reduction. The North Bay Emergency First WATP.U I:1111 Aid Sewic reports that over wwmvim aVIS $1100.00 has been donated to the emergency vehicle fund as of this aalrtlP"'ucT '. 1111 date. The dance held Sept. 26 at ....................... Victor cleared about $66 and was quite a credit to the fund raising mnomaan nDeMIM effort. At this point, plans are run.M,- urr-IRIIIRlU being made to hold a masquerade dance Oct. 31. " MIv'r 1UI/IIV CITIZENS! Keep all your chil- H5Am Oia dren out of the woods and put yel- low hats on your cows! H(mting season ()pens this Sundayl Happy hunting ! i --" I" .... P" SLAsH'EO SALE 1959 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN, . $2645 6 cyl., standard trans. Reg. $2845 1959 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE. . $2995 Power steering, radio & heater. 4-Door, 5,000 Miles, Reg. $3186 1954 CHRYSLER 6 . . . , . . $845 Automatic Transmission, Good Tires 1951 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN . . $195 1950 CHRYSLER . . . . . $345.00 10,000 Miles on Rebuilt Motor - 4 New Tires DEER HUNTER SPECIALS '49 PONTIAC . . . $145 '47 DODGE , . . , $ See the: '60 Dodge Dart on October 9th Pauley Motors DODGE • PLYMOUTH • HILLMAN 1ST & RAILROAD HA 6-8183 _ j I I II I r 8, 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.." Shelter Washin 17 and $17.95 LE FURNITURE . $13.75 @ Cradles.. $7.95 . . . . $2.98 Io $8.95 , $7.95 @ Chairs, Rockers $2.88 Play Pens $14,25 !o $17.95 AUTO SUPPLY 2ND ST. PHONE HA 6-6183 Named to Present Post in 1941 Public Grape Picking Due to Start At Grapeview On October 10 GRAPEVIEW.--OId Sol offered a helping hand to local grape growers by appearing on the scene last week, thus helping to get the delicious fruit well ripened for this year's harvest. The Island Belle Grape Growers Association made public the statement that the har- vest period for those vineyards open to public picking would be- gin about Oct. 10. The St. Charles Winery began its harvest on a limited scale during this past week but did not expect the full scale harvest to be underway before next week. LADY LUCK showed the Ed Okoneks this past Thursday that REMIT YOUR Dollars for Democrats to JOHN B. COLE Box 479, Shelton she can exhibit quite a. mean steed and slipped off the horse floor is now red!). streak. Ed was falling a tree just south of his boathouse when a twist in the 90-ft. monster sent it crashing down, coming to rest on the floor of the boathouse, smashing a path through the building as it fell. Ed soon learned that the crash had wrecked the 9-ft. pram which he had been making for young Leslle's birth- day and, among other things, Lea- lie's bicycle. However, the shock was somewhat softened by the immediate warm responses of friends and neighbors offering time and effort to help repair the damages incurred. Among those making up several impromptu work parties appeared the follow- ing names: Cook, Wells, Martin, Souls and Clayton. Also victimized by Lady Luck's apparent ill temper was Jerri Lee Hill. Last Wednesday after school she and sister, Susan, we:t horseback riding ov their faithful while attempting to ride under a low-limbed tree. The fall resulted In Jerri's sustaining fractures of bolh bones in her right forearm while Susan suffered only a twisted wrist. The only tears shed were those brought on by fear of missing school the next day. Jerri has the enviable record The school basement now boasts pale green walls and ceiling, off white wood- work and a red floor. Those serv- ing on this week's work party were+ Clco Cook, Sylvia Hansen, Judy Staudt, Murial Somers, Pat Bensxm and Virginia Hicks. In- cidentally, the fellow responsible for repairing the cement step and floor cracks was "Jubie" Hicks. of starting her fourth year with The 1959-60 4-H year will begin no absences, this month with Louise Spooner The Julius Stocks' home on and Dorothy Tobey at the organi- Treasure Island is now sporting zational "controls." All local chin a handsome floor to ceiling Ari- zona Sandstone fireplace. Doris was unable to see this important addition to their house until Men-i day, having been hostessing a number of "flu bugs" all last week. The Grapeview Gradeschool Mothers' Club completed its paint- ing project this past weekend when an industrious committee of five literally "painted the town red"--(at any rate, the basement dren interested in 4-H membership (se-cing, cooking, forestry, and animal husbandry, gardening, etc.) should contact these ladies as soon as possible. Those especial- ly interested in forestry are urged to contact Mrs. Spooner before this Saturday (Oct. 10) in order to attend this year's first meeting at Panhandle Lake which will be held on that day. Any adults in- terested in handling a leadership or assisting with any of the afore- mentioned groups are also urged to contact either Mrs. Spooner or Mrs. Tobey a any help from par- ents or friends would be much appreciated. WE ARE sorry to learn of the passing of Charles Chester, a Ma-  son county resident for the past 40 years and a Grapeview resident I Db$ e  for the past 12 years. Mr. Ches- ter had suffered a lingering ill- ness for the past four years but had been failing rapidly these past i several months, necessitating hos-  pitalization at the King County Harborview hospital in Seattle. Death overtook Mr. Chester last Wednesday, Sept. 30, and burial services were read at the Byrne and Batstone Chapel in Shelton last Saturday, 11:00 a.m. Sur- viving Mr. Chester is his wife, Mrs. Ruth Chester, step-son, How- ard Landon, two sisters, Mrs. Dora Taylor and Mrs. Elsie Henkel of Centralia and two sons who live in Tacoma.. The "Jubie" Hicks family were surprised Saturday evening when, while enjoying a quiet evening with the Fred Lutzes, they re- ceived an unexpected phone call from the, Sea-Tac Airport sum- moning them to pick up Mr. Herb Gates of Anchorage, Alaska, who had just flown in from San An* torte, Texas, where he had been Effective Noon Thurs., Oct. 8-9-10 attending a business conference. Undaunted by an empty gas tank, Right to Limit Reserved unfamiliar roads sod darkness, pBoDU¢  the Hickses finally returned safe- ly to Grapeview, with guest, at 1:30 a.m. Jubie and Herb had 20029 (HO( (HIPS 2/49" getherb°thbeenstati°nedinAlaskat°'while in the service and Golden RiP € 6-OZ. PKG. stayed on as civilian employees st ,a;"°, _+ +. ,.,+, PRES[[RVES RL]RY: ' RW'' 69 the Elmendorf Air Base where Herb was instrmnental in intro- Sunday from McChord Air Base i',!= (now Mrs. Hicks!). Herb left on ;Med. Size, Freshdr°r..'€ "'' --A with plans to return with his fam- C0£000u CRACKERS :NB*C;oGuRADH;MS IY" tly to Grapeview thtsspringfOraspent i lengthier visit. • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Somers  Saturday evening in Seattle where tN, vOCl9" ^__ junabo z¢ 0 S they attended the MaritimeHis- ea NOTICE. Fishermen, preserve your fiSlh eggs with-- to rlcal Society banquet held at the Edmund Meany Hotel. Spot of Powdered Borax honor that evening was taken by € some of the skippers who have been familiar faces on the Seattle waterfront for many years, real $1 9 old timers instrumental in the progress of this great port city. -g .L pk"= " Attendance ,at the banquet was about the highest on record, and = m B4We • understandably so. The Don Pogrebas delight- ed to welcome Den's folks, Mr. and iii: S,eVn?ai. iis.....__ Sl SUGAR Mrs. A1Pogreba of Butte, Mont., 1 who arrived last Wednesday. The Pogrebas, Sr., planned to spend 'i';;n Ba €O J  d about a week vtslting wtth the _ Pogreba-Kaker household before their return home. MR. AND MRS. Merrill Mc- Kinstry are back in the Northwest "'" l L &5 t once again and weekending at their Grapeview country place af- IiGed ter a trip eastward which included ""-" ' C HBRAND visits to Salt Lake City, Utah, Tk LtY el dl S "-IB L AND and Colorado Springs, Colo. The "Macs" had rented a car for the + "" go.+...+ _._,,,, , - 10 pou ds "/' IIF trip but got a hlg surprlse when they awakened one morning in Colorado Springs to find that HI- Sliced,  n most two feet of snow had fallen Sat°it t'tt°'" + € B00TH SHRIMPI CROUSEL I °++might" Plus f°r dring h°m° were quickly cancelled and they returned vie available air trans- portation.  ;;1 r IOpS od; :t I:: ::: -9 I Old Man Weather also befouled tb jl plans made by Clem and Marge O: e e hrJ-Po:{oz" ,;2ll. I¢.:;: C HOllplannedthis paStto driveWeekend+to TheChinook,HOlls Wash., to pick up Clem's boat and enjoy what was to be Clem's last fishing trip of the season. Fog HAWAIIAN PUNCH +,o++o,..n0.. prevented their fish- ing so plans to go on down to Seaside, Ore., to visit Marge's sis- OOL, II lml YJ2ON+E T,N .. .............................. 35 € stituted.ter' MrS.TheRUthcross.riverDaVis, wereferry sUb-was PINEAPPLE rBB J 411P 1 then delayed by low tides for three -+ hours but they finally reached 46.0Z. mm/-- m PINEAPPLE JUICE their destinatio'n. The return trip was less complicated, Clem picldng were back in Grapeview by Sun- dPdPdPllll'l" ANGEL IIc PLlxf\\; DOLEEN . 6.OUNCE .... 5/$1a0 0 up his boat at Chinook, and they k.UU mm m  L A K E I1  .+, ,, H,,.- day night. Incidentally, last I#1 7-OZ. " INSTANT COFFEE Tuesday night (Sept. 30) Clem's folks, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hudson, STRIKE °'°*'+'++ +or+ over from Seattle, the oc- c.+ *2.60 .............. $I.49 c+nbeingOlem'sbirthday. The party was actually held in honor of Clem's mother, in that she was responsihle for his birthday. APPLE DOLE Sliced or Crushed No. 1 Flat 2/29 c KTAIL "+;:'>:+ 5/Sl BROWN OR POWDERED LB. PKGS. . . GOLD MEDAL FLOUR .. , s1.09,+.=2.19 ,b. 55 € ,b. Ralph's on HILLCREST GUESTS FOR several days at the Edwin Griggs were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. sod Mrs. B. White and their two little girls of Camas, Wash. The Whites enjoyed boating, fishing and beach-combing, spurred on by the mmsnally beautiful weather last week. Sunday glcsLs at the Griggs were old time friends from Olym- pia, Mr. and Mrs. George Trimm. Last Tuesday guests to the I)ck Wren home were Lock's niece, Mrs. Dorothy Wren of Se- attle, and Mrs. June Langstead of Edmonds, Wash. Notice: Anyone in our Grape- view fire district who has fire in- snran(:e snd as yet htLs not re- celved a rebate is advised to c<m- taet their insurance agent. Retro- active to Marsh l, this district has been reclassified by tile Washing- ton Sutwt'ytng and" Rating Bur(ttu to a Class 9 status and a reduc- tion of approximately 17% on fire insurance premiums has re- sulted. We have our local fire department to thank for this sub- stantial reduction. Our depart- ment is at present working on Grange News CLOQUALLUM carried the gav- el to MATIA)CK Friday night. This was a very interesting meet- ing and the work was well carried out. The Lecturer had prepared a good program and we f(mnd out how + muz acts whcu he is past 60 and feels sweet sixteen. Gene French, principal of Mary M. Knight school was speaker of the evening. He extended an invitation to all to attend the P.T.O. open house Nov. 12. They are holding their Booster Night Oct. 16. THE AGATE Grange will hold their Booster Night Oct. 9. The Lecturer is preparing a good pro- gram including t h e Rayonler movie entitled "The Life of the Pacific Oyster", We extend a cor- dial invitation to friends and neighbors to attend. The SKOKOMISH VALLEY de- gree team conferred the third and fourth degrees on 19 candidates in their hall Wednesday night a week ago. We are very proud of the work of our degree teams. There was a good turn out. The supper was excellent and every one had a very good time. Our sincere t h a n k s to State Deputy Martin Auseth when he and Gyneth invited us to go with them to attend the annual Lewis County Silver Star anniversary held this year at Gorst Park neat' Centralia. The meeting was held in the new $3,000,000 Junior High School. They have 255 Silver Star mem- bers. Nine of which of Gold Sheaf members. Eighty-six of these were in attendance or about 33 percent as compared with less than 10 per- cent of Mason County's who at- tended our Silver Star anniver- sary. This is held each year in conjunction with the regular Po- mona meeting starting at 10 a.m., recessing for noon, resuming with an afternoon session and finishing with a business meeting and con- ferring the fifth degree in the eve- ning. There were over 300 in at- tendance and they were complain- ing of the lack of attendance. We feel that our Pomona meet- ings must seem brief to them. When 8OUTHSIDE met, Inez Shorter was appointed chairman of the Historical committee and Jack Smith chairman of the High- way committee. In conversation with Congressman Mack, he was informed that if Mason county wished to have the highway to Ol:'t=pia finished they will have to show some enthusiasm. Get lots of LADIES ..... SLIM TRIM IS HERE! You Are Invited to Inquire About a VERY M SPECIAL PRICE M FOR LIMITED  TIME ONLY S ON THE FIRST  I00 CHARTER S 323 Franklin petitions and letters to the High- OR PHONE HA 6-8293 way Commission and we know r^, ,L,r,r,*.T,ea Jack will do just that. run ,,.run,.,u,,. They report a good turnout to their chicken dinner. TWANOH voted to draw tip a  ' resolution favoring the bookmo- bile. They will hold their Booster WP. Ii]ill Uve Night Oct. 16, friends and neigh- " ............ bors are invited. Harold and Rachel Brown re- -nmn nrrv,, turned from their vacation trip to i@111 rill the old home in Massachusetts and other points on the Eastern I:nIIIIIIU:M T Seaboard including Washington, hvmmnm==,, D.C.  SHELTON VALLEY decided if you are interested in m- since there is a wedding in the proving your figure with a community on thdr,+, next regulars, progressive program of re- meeting n'ight they will hold their iaxed exercise.-which will meeting on Saturday ewming Oct. 17 beginning at 7:30. There will make you be no pothlck, They will hold a big Halloween party. • Oct .... 30 Hot dogs pumpkin LOOK BETTER pie and cider will be served. They extend an invitation to all their friends. It has been necessary to AND procure another piano since the old one fails to harmonic with ]k]k.ll. Rip.qpqpl]l. the other instruments of the or- . .u+., .-=-,*-=-.=,, chestra. They also plan to change methods of conducting their danc_.__es.___ plans for a further reduction. The North Bay Emergency First WATP.U I:1111 Aid Sewic reports that over wwmvim aVIS $1100.00 has been donated to the emergency vehicle fund as of this aalrtlP"'ucT '. 1111 date. The dance held Sept. 26 at ....................... Victor cleared about $66 and was quite a credit to the fund raising mnomaan nDeMIM effort. At this point, plans are run.M,- urr-IRIIIRlU being made to hold a masquerade dance Oct. 31. " MIv'r 1UI/IIV CITIZENS! Keep all your chil- H5Am Oia dren out of the woods and put yel- low hats on your cows! H(mting season ()pens this Sundayl Happy hunting ! i --" I" .... P" SLAsH'EO SALE 1959 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN, . $2645 6 cyl., standard trans. Reg. $2845 1959 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE. . $2995 Power steering, radio & heater. 4-Door, 5,000 Miles, Reg. $3186 1954 CHRYSLER 6 . . . , . . $845 Automatic Transmission, Good Tires 1951 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN . . $195 1950 CHRYSLER . . . . . $345.00 10,000 Miles on Rebuilt Motor - 4 New Tires DEER HUNTER SPECIALS '49 PONTIAC . . . $145 '47 DODGE , . . , $ See the: '60 Dodge Dart on October 9th Pauley Motors DODGE • PLYMOUTH • HILLMAN 1ST & RAILROAD HA 6-8183 _ j I I II I r