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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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18 FLOYD GIBSON Cllil Ho0dl|port TR. 7-5237 Our Hood Canal SIIELTON-MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Chri.stmatown. r,   ,, i Th!s I Washington History I The firs! tugboat; arriw:d on AGATE By Mrs. Earl Harriman Tile Agate commlulity wis]les to extend our sympathies to the By- Jm I)effinbaugli family in the re- cent accident of Mrs. l')effinbaugh helton, Washin Native Mediterranean 15th Who's Who Character I Pickering News TONY FONZO HYSTERY HAN AS Earl Harriman The cllrront project of Picter- CONTEST HITS HALFWAY POINT iS to ra,se enough money to put a. new roof on the connmmity hall. They will Representative KIMBEL MOTORS Chrysler, Plymouth Cars International Trucks Native S!mltonian Puget Sonnd in 1858, She was called the Resolute and was brought from San Francisco by Capl. Pray where she had been towing and jobbing for a few years. A short time later on Octo- ber 10, she collided with S. S. Norihevner off Di(kenson's Point, fifteen miles south of Steilacoonl, damaging the latter to the ex- Famous brand LAWN BOY Power Mowers off regular prices $79.95 to $119.95 SLEYSTER'S BIKE I FIXlT SHOP • ALWAYS TOPS FOR SCISSORS AND BIKE REPAIRS • 223 Cota Street Phone HA 6-8118 and wtsh her a 'speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Pete VanderWal visited friends on Harstine Island Sunday. Master Roy Fuller of Silver Lake, Ore., is at the Victor Aus- etb home and going to school in Shelton. The Agate Grange had six sin wr star and one gold sheaf mem- ber at the Cloquallum Grange a week ago Sunday. This Friday night is regular Grange meeting. tent of P:bout $5000 and injuring ,a, soldier. For ten years the Reso- hits plied the waters of the Sound. Then one day as she was towing a raft of logs down Squaxon Is- land passage, neat" Olympia, her boiler exploded with a force that completely wrecked the steamer and she sank immediately. Capt. Guindon and his mate were blown clear, but the other six men aboard were killed instantly. II IIII I RECORD SALE OCTOBER 15 - 16 - 17 Johnny's Musk Box 429 Railroad I F ..... " ........... At the la:llf-way petal in the Journal's "Who's Who In Mast)n Cotmly" contest Tony Fonzo, who was identified by 23 ehws :is the 15lh mystery character in tills weeR's chapter of this inlrigtLing and remnnevative hi(h,-:trld-seek battle between the edilor and his reade re. Born in 1888 tSilelton Eh, ctrie, pg 201 in Naples, Italy, "l',my ]las had a colorful and active life in which he has earned his living as a jaek-of-many-t ratle. t Sacger Motor Shop, pg 12). For instance, he has bepll 1 res- tanrlulter, IEells & Valh,y, pg 9), a hrlck mason (L.M., pg 15. ex- logger I O.K. ltubber Wel(tors pg 16), ex-tavern owner IM&S Food Store, pg 16}. plumbers .uppller (McConkey Pharmacy, pg 1, a ilrofesPdoua.l t, dliller as a sims shine stand operator lL.M., pg 12). As a logger he drew llawthorn pay (,heeks t20th Century Thrift- way, pg 22). working for the old Hawthorn Logging Company of Allyn and during his days as a brick mason he helped Imihl fu- neral home (Mode ()'Day, pg' 16), the present Byrne & Batstone mortuary. His first: Ms,son County home was at #Jlyn (Sears, pg 20), since then has lived in Shelton 32 year, (Waterfront Realty, pg 21). This native Mediterraxman (Tim- her Appliance, pg 16) became a ..ship towaway at; 14 (M&S Food Store, pg 16) to come to this country as an hnmigraat (Eells & Valley, pg 9), later becoming a GUNSMOKE 10:00 SAT. is still at home on Channel ^ xF ; " .... 2: TONY FONZO lie lies lads of Bounve natunflized citizen (Wheatley & Keary, pg 161. In America he be- came an avid babdl fan t J & J Service, pg ]6). Now 71 years of age, he belles hi. yelps (C. C. Cole & Sons, pg 16) and he hau lots of bounce (Mc- Conkey Pharmacy, pg 5). He be- carrie a father at 70 (L.M., pg 15) and has a graJadchlld older thma his youngest ( Wingard Sport Shop, pg 6). One of the very unusual things about his life is the fact that he waited 71 years for his first birth- day celebration (Kitsap-Mason Dairy, pg 6), which took place as a surprise party at iis west Rail- road avenue home this year. His birthday is June 7 (Ritner's, pg. 16). There you have the 23 clues about the life of Tony Feaze. You may have found a couple of left- over clues about Herb Angle of the previous week, not removed by mistake. They are totally dis- regarded, whether you listed them or not. Tony, himself, and all his fam- ily have been avid entrants in the Who's Who contest since its start. They'll be starting off the second half of the contest along with the rest in combing today's Journal for (dues in the advertisements of the 42 sponsoring business firms and depositing their entries at the Leroy's Television Service on Mt. View, Sears in Evergreen Square, Eells & Valh'y Appliance Center, l,'orrcst Flowers, Kitsap-Mason Dairy, and Les Fields Auto Parts. hold a rummage sale at the P.U.D. building Oct. 2:1 and 2,1, and earn- estly ask the community to sup- part this project by donating all the oh)thing and miscellaneous ar- ticles they can round up. A num- ber of people in the comnmnity have expressed willingness to make a cash ('ontributhm toward the roof. Any others willing to contribute call Mrs. John Peter- son, HA 6-6010. The club is very anxious to have the new roof this fall and al hopeful that with the money on hand. the rummage sale. and eash contributions it can be done. Aiicles for the rummage sale can be given to any club member or left at Emily Bab- cock's. A surprise visitor for Amos Babcock and his sisters last week was their cousin, James Babcock of Liberia, Africa. Mr. Babcock heads a group of U.S. technicians working in Liberia. He has had similar positions hi Europe, Asia and South America. One object of his visit to the Northwest was to pick out a place to retire to, and has selected a Sequim Bay loca- tion. Other recent visitors at the Babcocks Were Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen of St. Paul and her broth- er and wife of Tacoma. Mr. Has- sen and Amos were neighbors when they were homesteading in North Dakota• Pickertllg Homemakers Club meets thisI'hursday at their club- house with Mrs. Lilliap Cameron and Mrs. Florence Wiss. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest HarreU of Seattle are on a vacation at the home of Mr. Harrell's mother, Mrs. Bob Cameron and family. Pickering welcomes Mrs. Mary Chapman. formerly of Harstine, to our community, in her new home by her son and family, Mr. Cloquallum New00 By Don Eveleth CLOQUALLUM. -- Twenty-two members of Cloquallum Grange took the traveling gavel to Mat- lock Friday evening, Oct. 2, where Roy Bolduc, Cloquallum master,' handed the gavel to Lud Ross- maSer, Matlock master. All en- joyed the splendid program and delicious refreshments. MR. AND MRS. Joe Whiting and family were Aberdeen visit- ors Saturday. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Badgely and family in Montesano. Mrs. Lois McLaughlin will be hostess to the Priscilla Club at her home the evening of Wednes- day, Oct• 7. David White, John Messinger, Ronnie Schweitzer, Wayne HallS- day, Don and Paul Eveleth, Joy Anensen, Sherry and Sandra Mc- Alfrey, all attended the game in Shelton Friday evening. Frank Heust0n to Attend Reunion Frank Heuston, prominent Shel- Ion attorney, has been named to the steering committee for the Quarter of a Century Reunion at the College of Puget Sound in Ta- coma. The reunion of the class of 1934 will be celebrated at ihe an- nual homecoming, Oct. 17. Heus- ton's title for the occasion will be "Defender of the Accused," and his job will be to hel l) the class treasurer tell what happened to the class treasury 25 years ago. Events for the day include tlae ahmlnihmcheon lhe annual home- conling ganle, a social bOIIl' :It, lhe Tennis club and a dinner at the Top of the Ocean. Registrations from class members have already been receives| fronl as fat' away as Nebraska. Arizona and Hawaii. and Mrs. Phillip Chapman Miss Emily Babcock would like to find the owner of a black, white and brown injured Terrier male dog that took shelter in her gar- age last Friday night. Mrs. Dorothy Chapman and children and Mrs. Mabel tlarriman attended the wedding shower for Mr& Mary Wingert Smith at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Goetsch on Harstine Island Sun- day. Mrs. Margie Dodge returned home recently from her trip to Philadelphia. With water skiers skimming the .waves at high speed, boat pilots should never kill the motor wiLh- out warning, says the Allstate Safety Crusade. Otherwise, the skiers could be thrown into the propeller or against the boat. REMIT Dollars for to JOHN S. Box 479, TWICE AS DEPE O O PREMIUM GOTT I at Phone HA 6-$ 8 LOANS 1 to Money on Signature only, car or furniture. 124 Ratlro((Ae. -- Phone: HA. 6 WHO's WHO IN MASON COUNTY CONTEST OK Rubber Charter Acttvtan =' ;2= .w, Evergreen Texaco FIRESTONE TIRES Motor Tuneup, Generators, Starters, Lubrication, Brake Relining 1st & Franklin HA 6-3031 Kimbel Motors CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH RAMBLER METROPOLITAN INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 707 S. First HA 6-3433 Manley's FOUNTAIN LUNCH "Shelton'e Favorite" For Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner or Just a Snack 125 Cota HA 6-3953 Shelton Union Service • First In tlres--U. S. Royal • Economy Car Wash • Vacation Trailer Rentals • U Drive Trucks 332 S. First HA 6-8002 Shelton Hotel "If You Can Find A Better Place To Eat -- Try ItW • Banquet Facilities • Sat. Nits Smorgasbord • Blue Ox Corral Ph. HA 6-3341 Leroy's Television SERVICE Motorola Television & Radios "You Get Guaranteed Quality in Sales and Service" 22111 N, Dlymplo Hwy. HA 6.3172 Sears Catalog SALES OFFICE "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 • m • mx Floor Coverings t Timber Appliance Floor, Wall @ Authorized Dealer .i '-'| & Counter 8ales & Service "2]l'm I Coverings i Electrloal Contraoting .'±.'7." ' Mason l Heating  Wiring .......... HA 6-2292 HA 6.4633 114 S. 2nd 1723 Olympic Hwy. N. "Look to the Finest First" at Fells & Valley APPLIANCE CENTER 123 S. 2nd HA 6-4663 Bill Johnson's Shell Service "Service First -- Satisfaction Always" Goodyear Tires -- Nio-L-Silver Batteries First & Cote HA 6-3903 Forrest's Flowers AND GIFTS Cut Flowers - Plants Floral Deslgnl Flowers and Gifts for All Occasions Flowers by Wire 313 Railroad HA 6-6513 Quality at Budget Prices MODE O' DAY Evergreen Square HA 6-8293 Middle name Earl Kitsap-Mason Dairy "Good Milk is Good Food" • Milk & Cream * Ice Cream • Cheese • Butter Third at Grove HA 6-4473 Waterfront Realty featuring ,PREFERRED PROPERTIES' Developers of Highland Terrace Marden M. Stroud, Broker 226 No. First HA 6-8535 Les Fields Auto Parts INO. Complete line of par for all cars & truoks Automotive Machine Shop Tools -- Batterlel 229 S. First HA 6-3351  Depart- ment Btee "Friendly Since 1895" O • * J & J Service "The Best Friend Your Car Ever Had" Mr. View HA 6-3959 THE BEST IN Inluren Coverage & Servloe Angle Agency Insurance, Real Eltate - Travel 4th & R.R. HA 6-8272 Wingard's Sport Shop Complete Fishing and Hunting Supplies "Take Along A Buddy" All Resident & Non-Resident Lloenlel 2210 Olympic Hwy. N. HA 6.8672 20th Century Thrlftway "Where Every Customer is Important" HILLCREST Evergreen Fuel Co. Diesel 011 & Stove Oil Automatlo Refill Service $10 B. Flret HA 6-8103 Wheatley & Keary Co. "Service and Quality Flrlt" tn Plumbing -- Heating Paper -- Paint Contracting 317 S. First HA 6-4553 BOON'S Plumbing, Heating & Sheet Metal Contraotlng -- Plumbing Supplies  Oil Burners Furnaces 623 8. First HA 6-3483 Fessler's ICE CREAM CENTER "You Can't Better The Best" Premium Ice Cream At Less than Popular Prices 422 N. FirSt HA 6-6575 M. and S. Food Store Quality Food -- Low Prioes Free Delivery 120 Cots HA 6-4892 Grandfather 4 times For over 2¢ years it haa been MoOonkey's ,o, Drugs "Two Locations to Serve You" 306 Railroad 329 Railroad HA 6-3456 HA 6-4456 C. C. Cole & Sons DISTRIBUTOR Standard Oil Products "Trouble Free Fuel Oil Service for the Homo" 11S 8. Thin HA 6-4411 1924 Shelton high grad . as a premous Jewet Exoluslve Dealers for 129 Railroad HA 6-3283 Saeger's Motor Shop • Johnson Outboards • Homelite Power Saws • Skaglt IBoa Sales & 8erlce HIIIoreet HA 6-4602 Prepp's Rexall Store 'In Business for Your Health" , SHELTON, WASH. BOWLING IS FUN Open Bowling for the Whole Family Friday, Saturday, Sunday Shelton Recreation 128 N. First HA 6-6252 2nd & Cots HA 6-6311 Johnny's Music Box 429 Railroad HA 6-4302 Pianos • Organs Accordion Lessons Band Instruments Sheet Music Western Auto Supply "THE FAMILY STORE" WIZARD The Name lur Quality 315 S. First HA 6-6183 DAIRY QUEEN "with that Country Fresh Flavor" 1st & Cedar O Shelton Electric 419 Railroad H A 6-6283 Born in 1967 Westinghouse Appliances The belt costs no more Budget Shop and Decorating Center Across from Evergreen Square Lawton Lumber Co. • C & C Paints • Building Materials • Tools Rentals 420 S. First HA 6-4303 Thackeray Electric Co. "Electrical Contractors" Lighting Fixtures Electric Heat Wiring Supplies and Repairs 217 Cota HA 6-6477 Ritner's Broiler "For Fine Foods at Reasonable Prices" 102 8. First HA 6-4223 One son, one daughter Where lo Look for Glues... Copyright 1959 by B. Reinhardt. All rights reserved' Clues may be hidden in ANY ad in this group ad. appears in any of these ads, it means that additional that merchant appears elsewhere in this issue of the pap er, tional clues may be hidden in any of those ads also! Clues will be scattered.., there may be from one to any ad -- or none. This is a contest of skill -- and we our best to outwit you. We invite you to do your best to RULES L  is It family fun contest. En- tries welcome from every member of thS family old enough to fill out his or her own. You MAY submit one en- try per person at any or all of the Spontorin !Merohants whose ads are io the row that is heavily bordered th Week  but only one entry per person at any qpe store (more than one will dlKluallfy all entrte of that person ar that week). Anyone may eater tmless a member of your family is employed by the JOURNAL. Spon- imrinK Merehat and their families (and their empioys lld families) are most welcome to enter ]tCEPT during  W.. that the Sponsoring Mer- es t s i!r Is teatured. g. Nothing to Use any slip of paper for entr blank• DO NOT put yore" entT in at) envelope. Not neces- aary to be pent at the drawing to . :Not neeessarF to be a subscriber to the JOURNAL to participate. . 1tile's TlO may be anyone in t Mon County area. Clues to his (or her) ieatlty will be hidden ONLY In ads of Spotsortag Merchants (this meaa any ad in this section or any sd of the samP merchant elsewhere in the paper). Wheat star(s) appear In aty a[ |11 this section, it is your warn- ing that other ad(s) of the same mer- chant (in which there may be clues) appear elsewhere in the paper• Clues WUI be seatiaredmany ads will have o clues, while others may have as many U five. This Is a contest of skill. apd we intend to do our best to outwit you. We'll be delighted If you success in outguessing us, in spite of our best effortsl 4. f by coincidence, the name of the WHO'S ItO (or other facts about him) happen to appear in news items. editorial matter, or other places in this newpaper, these will not count as clues. B. T enter, write down the name you think the WHO'S WHO is. List all the clues you can find in all the sds of the Sponsoring Merchants in this issue. Don't forget your own name and add.ess!! Then, drop your entry at any Sponsoring Merchant whose ad Is between the heaVY Issue. You may enter at wish! There are no entries will be tries wtll not be bet of the family maY I tries for that family. 12 must be accompanie 6. This week's contest you recetve thts test p.m. Monday of the that time (5 p.m. drawing will be held. drawn that correctly WHO'S WHO wtll win entry also lists o.verY cltJ ads of Sponsoring Mer NUS of $35.00 will be ever this BONUS is not added to next week'S will continue to grow Winnin 1he BONUS FECT list of clues ber, and all copied 7. At unannounced the contest, a held to determine the MYSTERY ffACKPO' will take place drawing Is completed. regular drawing wil! for th drawing of JA('POT. Winner JACKPOT will be drawn (after templetS0 drawing) which has reel identification of and a perfect list will not be held for POT every week. 8. Every possible taken to prevent that might be errorless typography GUARANTEED (bY lisher of the Judge In all quoMionS, is final. Family part i(.ipntio lel' ('hane to will the wife. imsband, or s youngster MAY .pot mls. ! don't enter! cats 'i Got sny Perry Mseott 'hink YOU can out'it 18 FLOYD GIBSON Cllil Ho0dl|port TR. 7-5237 Our Hood Canal SIIELTON-MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Chri.stmatown. r,   ,, i Th!s I Washington History I The firs! tugboat; arriw:d on AGATE By Mrs. Earl Harriman Tile Agate commlulity wis]les to extend our sympathies to the By- Jm I)effinbaugli family in the re- cent accident of Mrs. l')effinbaugh helton, Washin Native Mediterranean 15th Who's Who Character I Pickering News TONY FONZO HYSTERY HAN AS Earl Harriman The cllrront project of Picter- CONTEST HITS HALFWAY POINT iS to ra,se enough money to put a. new roof on the connmmity hall. They will Representative KIMBEL MOTORS Chrysler, Plymouth Cars International Trucks Native S!mltonian Puget Sonnd in 1858, She was called the Resolute and was brought from San Francisco by Capl. Pray where she had been towing and jobbing for a few years. A short time later on Octo- ber 10, she collided with S. S. Norihevner off Di(kenson's Point, fifteen miles south of Steilacoonl, damaging the latter to the ex- Famous brand LAWN BOY Power Mowers off regular prices $79.95 to $119.95 SLEYSTER'S BIKE I FIXlT SHOP • ALWAYS TOPS FOR SCISSORS AND BIKE REPAIRS • 223 Cota Street Phone HA 6-8118 and wtsh her a 'speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Pete VanderWal visited friends on Harstine Island Sunday. Master Roy Fuller of Silver Lake, Ore., is at the Victor Aus- etb home and going to school in Shelton. The Agate Grange had six sin wr star and one gold sheaf mem- ber at the Cloquallum Grange a week ago Sunday. This Friday night is regular Grange meeting. tent of P:bout $5000 and injuring ,a, soldier. For ten years the Reso- hits plied the waters of the Sound. Then one day as she was towing a raft of logs down Squaxon Is- land passage, neat" Olympia, her boiler exploded with a force that completely wrecked the steamer and she sank immediately. Capt. Guindon and his mate were blown clear, but the other six men aboard were killed instantly. II IIII I RECORD SALE OCTOBER 15 - 16 - 17 Johnny's Musk Box 429 Railroad I F ..... " ........... At the la:llf-way petal in the Journal's "Who's Who In Mast)n Cotmly" contest Tony Fonzo, who was identified by 23 ehws :is the 15lh mystery character in tills weeR's chapter of this inlrigtLing and remnnevative hi(h,-:trld-seek battle between the edilor and his reade re. Born in 1888 tSilelton Eh, ctrie, pg 201 in Naples, Italy, "l',my ]las had a colorful and active life in which he has earned his living as a jaek-of-many-t ratle. t Sacger Motor Shop, pg 12). For instance, he has bepll 1 res- tanrlulter, IEells & Valh,y, pg 9), a hrlck mason (L.M., pg 15. ex- logger I O.K. ltubber Wel(tors pg 16), ex-tavern owner IM&S Food Store, pg 16}. plumbers .uppller (McConkey Pharmacy, pg 1, a ilrofesPdoua.l t, dliller as a sims shine stand operator lL.M., pg 12). As a logger he drew llawthorn pay (,heeks t20th Century Thrift- way, pg 22). working for the old Hawthorn Logging Company of Allyn and during his days as a brick mason he helped Imihl fu- neral home (Mode ()'Day, pg' 16), the present Byrne & Batstone mortuary. His first: Ms,son County home was at #Jlyn (Sears, pg 20), since then has lived in Shelton 32 year, (Waterfront Realty, pg 21). This native Mediterraxman (Tim- her Appliance, pg 16) became a ..ship towaway at; 14 (M&S Food Store, pg 16) to come to this country as an hnmigraat (Eells & Valley, pg 9), later becoming a GUNSMOKE 10:00 SAT. is still at home on Channel ^ xF ; " .... 2: TONY FONZO lie lies lads of Bounve natunflized citizen (Wheatley & Keary, pg 161. In America he be- came an avid babdl fan t J & J Service, pg ]6). Now 71 years of age, he belles hi. yelps (C. C. Cole & Sons, pg 16) and he hau lots of bounce (Mc- Conkey Pharmacy, pg 5). He be- carrie a father at 70 (L.M., pg 15) and has a graJadchlld older thma his youngest ( Wingard Sport Shop, pg 6). One of the very unusual things about his life is the fact that he waited 71 years for his first birth- day celebration (Kitsap-Mason Dairy, pg 6), which took place as a surprise party at iis west Rail- road avenue home this year. His birthday is June 7 (Ritner's, pg. 16). There you have the 23 clues about the life of Tony Feaze. You may have found a couple of left- over clues about Herb Angle of the previous week, not removed by mistake. They are totally dis- regarded, whether you listed them or not. Tony, himself, and all his fam- ily have been avid entrants in the Who's Who contest since its start. They'll be starting off the second half of the contest along with the rest in combing today's Journal for (dues in the advertisements of the 42 sponsoring business firms and depositing their entries at the Leroy's Television Service on Mt. View, Sears in Evergreen Square, Eells & Valh'y Appliance Center, l,'orrcst Flowers, Kitsap-Mason Dairy, and Les Fields Auto Parts. hold a rummage sale at the P.U.D. building Oct. 2:1 and 2,1, and earn- estly ask the community to sup- part this project by donating all the oh)thing and miscellaneous ar- ticles they can round up. A num- ber of people in the comnmnity have expressed willingness to make a cash ('ontributhm toward the roof. Any others willing to contribute call Mrs. John Peter- son, HA 6-6010. The club is very anxious to have the new roof this fall and al hopeful that with the money on hand. the rummage sale. and eash contributions it can be done. Aiicles for the rummage sale can be given to any club member or left at Emily Bab- cock's. A surprise visitor for Amos Babcock and his sisters last week was their cousin, James Babcock of Liberia, Africa. Mr. Babcock heads a group of U.S. technicians working in Liberia. He has had similar positions hi Europe, Asia and South America. One object of his visit to the Northwest was to pick out a place to retire to, and has selected a Sequim Bay loca- tion. Other recent visitors at the Babcocks Were Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen of St. Paul and her broth- er and wife of Tacoma. Mr. Has- sen and Amos were neighbors when they were homesteading in North Dakota• Pickertllg Homemakers Club meets thisI'hursday at their club- house with Mrs. Lilliap Cameron and Mrs. Florence Wiss. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest HarreU of Seattle are on a vacation at the home of Mr. Harrell's mother, Mrs. Bob Cameron and family. Pickering welcomes Mrs. Mary Chapman. formerly of Harstine, to our community, in her new home by her son and family, Mr. Cloquallum New00 By Don Eveleth CLOQUALLUM. -- Twenty-two members of Cloquallum Grange took the traveling gavel to Mat- lock Friday evening, Oct. 2, where Roy Bolduc, Cloquallum master,' handed the gavel to Lud Ross- maSer, Matlock master. All en- joyed the splendid program and delicious refreshments. MR. AND MRS. Joe Whiting and family were Aberdeen visit- ors Saturday. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Badgely and family in Montesano. Mrs. Lois McLaughlin will be hostess to the Priscilla Club at her home the evening of Wednes- day, Oct• 7. David White, John Messinger, Ronnie Schweitzer, Wayne HallS- day, Don and Paul Eveleth, Joy Anensen, Sherry and Sandra Mc- Alfrey, all attended the game in Shelton Friday evening. Frank Heust0n to Attend Reunion Frank Heuston, prominent Shel- Ion attorney, has been named to the steering committee for the Quarter of a Century Reunion at the College of Puget Sound in Ta- coma. The reunion of the class of 1934 will be celebrated at ihe an- nual homecoming, Oct. 17. Heus- ton's title for the occasion will be "Defender of the Accused," and his job will be to hel l) the class treasurer tell what happened to the class treasury 25 years ago. Events for the day include tlae ahmlnihmcheon lhe annual home- conling ganle, a social bOIIl' :It, lhe Tennis club and a dinner at the Top of the Ocean. Registrations from class members have already been receives| fronl as fat' away as Nebraska. Arizona and Hawaii. and Mrs. Phillip Chapman Miss Emily Babcock would like to find the owner of a black, white and brown injured Terrier male dog that took shelter in her gar- age last Friday night. Mrs. Dorothy Chapman and children and Mrs. Mabel tlarriman attended the wedding shower for Mr& Mary Wingert Smith at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Goetsch on Harstine Island Sun- day. Mrs. Margie Dodge returned home recently from her trip to Philadelphia. With water skiers skimming the .waves at high speed, boat pilots should never kill the motor wiLh- out warning, says the Allstate Safety Crusade. Otherwise, the skiers could be thrown into the propeller or against the boat. REMIT Dollars for to JOHN S. Box 479, TWICE AS DEPE O O PREMIUM GOTT I at Phone HA 6-$ 8 LOANS 1 to Money on Signature only, car or furniture. 124 Ratlro((Ae. -- Phone: HA. 6 WHO's WHO IN MASON COUNTY CONTEST OK Rubber Charter Acttvtan =' ;2= .w, Evergreen Texaco FIRESTONE TIRES Motor Tuneup, Generators, Starters, Lubrication, Brake Relining 1st & Franklin HA 6-3031 Kimbel Motors CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH RAMBLER METROPOLITAN INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 707 S. First HA 6-3433 Manley's FOUNTAIN LUNCH "Shelton'e Favorite" For Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner or Just a Snack 125 Cota HA 6-3953 Shelton Union Service • First In tlres--U. S. Royal • Economy Car Wash • Vacation Trailer Rentals • U Drive Trucks 332 S. First HA 6-8002 Shelton Hotel "If You Can Find A Better Place To Eat -- Try ItW • Banquet Facilities • Sat. Nits Smorgasbord • Blue Ox Corral Ph. HA 6-3341 Leroy's Television SERVICE Motorola Television & Radios "You Get Guaranteed Quality in Sales and Service" 22111 N, Dlymplo Hwy. HA 6.3172 Sears Catalog SALES OFFICE "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 • m • mx Floor Coverings t Timber Appliance Floor, Wall @ Authorized Dealer .i '-'| & Counter 8ales & Service "2]l'm I Coverings i Electrloal Contraoting .'±.'7." ' Mason l Heating  Wiring .......... HA 6-2292 HA 6.4633 114 S. 2nd 1723 Olympic Hwy. N. "Look to the Finest First" at Fells & Valley APPLIANCE CENTER 123 S. 2nd HA 6-4663 Bill Johnson's Shell Service "Service First -- Satisfaction Always" Goodyear Tires -- Nio-L-Silver Batteries First & Cote HA 6-3903 Forrest's Flowers AND GIFTS Cut Flowers - Plants Floral Deslgnl Flowers and Gifts for All Occasions Flowers by Wire 313 Railroad HA 6-6513 Quality at Budget Prices MODE O' DAY Evergreen Square HA 6-8293 Middle name Earl Kitsap-Mason Dairy "Good Milk is Good Food" • Milk & Cream * Ice Cream • Cheese • Butter Third at Grove HA 6-4473 Waterfront Realty featuring ,PREFERRED PROPERTIES' Developers of Highland Terrace Marden M. Stroud, Broker 226 No. First HA 6-8535 Les Fields Auto Parts INO. Complete line of par for all cars & truoks Automotive Machine Shop Tools -- Batterlel 229 S. First HA 6-3351  Depart- ment Btee "Friendly Since 1895" O • * J & J Service "The Best Friend Your Car Ever Had" Mr. View HA 6-3959 THE BEST IN Inluren Coverage & Servloe Angle Agency Insurance, Real Eltate - Travel 4th & R.R. HA 6-8272 Wingard's Sport Shop Complete Fishing and Hunting Supplies "Take Along A Buddy" All Resident & Non-Resident Lloenlel 2210 Olympic Hwy. N. HA 6.8672 20th Century Thrlftway "Where Every Customer is Important" HILLCREST Evergreen Fuel Co. Diesel 011 & Stove Oil Automatlo Refill Service $10 B. Flret HA 6-8103 Wheatley & Keary Co. "Service and Quality Flrlt" tn Plumbing -- Heating Paper -- Paint Contracting 317 S. First HA 6-4553 BOON'S Plumbing, Heating & Sheet Metal Contraotlng -- Plumbing Supplies  Oil Burners Furnaces 623 8. First HA 6-3483 Fessler's ICE CREAM CENTER "You Can't Better The Best" Premium Ice Cream At Less than Popular Prices 422 N. FirSt HA 6-6575 M. and S. Food Store Quality Food -- Low Prioes Free Delivery 120 Cots HA 6-4892 Grandfather 4 times For over 2¢ years it haa been MoOonkey's ,o, Drugs "Two Locations to Serve You" 306 Railroad 329 Railroad HA 6-3456 HA 6-4456 C. C. Cole & Sons DISTRIBUTOR Standard Oil Products "Trouble Free Fuel Oil Service for the Homo" 11S 8. Thin HA 6-4411 1924 Shelton high grad . as a premous Jewet Exoluslve Dealers for 129 Railroad HA 6-3283 Saeger's Motor Shop • Johnson Outboards • Homelite Power Saws • Skaglt IBoa Sales & 8erlce HIIIoreet HA 6-4602 Prepp's Rexall Store 'In Business for Your Health" , SHELTON, WASH. BOWLING IS FUN Open Bowling for the Whole Family Friday, Saturday, Sunday Shelton Recreation 128 N. First HA 6-6252 2nd & Cots HA 6-6311 Johnny's Music Box 429 Railroad HA 6-4302 Pianos • Organs Accordion Lessons Band Instruments Sheet Music Western Auto Supply "THE FAMILY STORE" WIZARD The Name lur Quality 315 S. First HA 6-6183 DAIRY QUEEN "with that Country Fresh Flavor" 1st & Cedar O Shelton Electric 419 Railroad H A 6-6283 Born in 1967 Westinghouse Appliances The belt costs no more Budget Shop and Decorating Center Across from Evergreen Square Lawton Lumber Co. • C & C Paints • Building Materials • Tools Rentals 420 S. First HA 6-4303 Thackeray Electric Co. "Electrical Contractors" Lighting Fixtures Electric Heat Wiring Supplies and Repairs 217 Cota HA 6-6477 Ritner's Broiler "For Fine Foods at Reasonable Prices" 102 8. First HA 6-4223 One son, one daughter Where lo Look for Glues... Copyright 1959 by B. Reinhardt. All rights reserved' Clues may be hidden in ANY ad in this group ad. appears in any of these ads, it means that additional that merchant appears elsewhere in this issue of the pap er, tional clues may be hidden in any of those ads also! Clues will be scattered.., there may be from one to any ad -- or none. This is a contest of skill -- and we our best to outwit you. We invite you to do your best to RULES L  is It family fun contest. En- tries welcome from every member of thS family old enough to fill out his or her own. You MAY submit one en- try per person at any or all of the Spontorin !Merohants whose ads are io the row that is heavily bordered th Week  but only one entry per person at any qpe store (more than one will dlKluallfy all entrte of that person ar that week). Anyone may eater tmless a member of your family is employed by the JOURNAL. Spon- imrinK Merehat and their families (and their empioys lld families) are most welcome to enter ]tCEPT during  W.. that the Sponsoring Mer- es t s i!r Is teatured. g. Nothing to Use any slip of paper for entr blank• DO NOT put yore" entT in at) envelope. Not neces- aary to be pent at the drawing to . :Not neeessarF to be a subscriber to the JOURNAL to participate. . 1tile's TlO may be anyone in t Mon County area. Clues to his (or her) ieatlty will be hidden ONLY In ads of Spotsortag Merchants (this meaa any ad in this section or any sd of the samP merchant elsewhere in the paper). Wheat star(s) appear In aty a[ |11 this section, it is your warn- ing that other ad(s) of the same mer- chant (in which there may be clues) appear elsewhere in the paper• Clues WUI be seatiaredmany ads will have o clues, while others may have as many U five. This Is a contest of skill. apd we intend to do our best to outwit you. We'll be delighted If you success in outguessing us, in spite of our best effortsl 4. f by coincidence, the name of the WHO'S ItO (or other facts about him) happen to appear in news items. editorial matter, or other places in this newpaper, these will not count as clues. B. T enter, write down the name you think the WHO'S WHO is. List all the clues you can find in all the sds of the Sponsoring Merchants in this issue. Don't forget your own name and add.ess!! Then, drop your entry at any Sponsoring Merchant whose ad Is between the heaVY Issue. You may enter at wish! There are no entries will be tries wtll not be bet of the family maY I tries for that family. 12 must be accompanie 6. This week's contest you recetve thts test p.m. Monday of the that time (5 p.m. drawing will be held. drawn that correctly WHO'S WHO wtll win entry also lists o.verY cltJ ads of Sponsoring Mer NUS of $35.00 will be ever this BONUS is not added to next week'S will continue to grow Winnin 1he BONUS FECT list of clues ber, and all copied 7. At unannounced the contest, a held to determine the MYSTERY ffACKPO' will take place drawing Is completed. regular drawing wil! for th drawing of JA('POT. Winner JACKPOT will be drawn (after templetS0 drawing) which has reel identification of and a perfect list will not be held for POT every week. 8. Every possible taken to prevent that might be errorless typography GUARANTEED (bY lisher of the Judge In all quoMionS, is final. Family part i(.ipntio lel' ('hane to will the wife. imsband, or s youngster MAY .pot mls. ! don't enter! cats 'i Got sny Perry Mseott 'hink YOU can out'it