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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8, 1959 AT ROLLER at "J" St, - 7:30 p.m. - 10 to Noon - 1:30 - 4 - 7:30 - 10:30 1:30 - 4 Call 6-3494 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Harstine Island Couple Weds In Olympia By Donette Glaser HARSTINE -- Islanders want to offer their heartiest congratu- lations to Mr .and Mrs. Bernie Moore. Mrs. Moore is the former Mildred Brassfield of Jarels Cove on Harstine. They were mar- ried at Gloria Dei Lutheran church in Olympia on Saturday, Oct. 3. The Rev. Anderson per- formed the ceremony. Mr. Bucky Christopher, the bride's grandson, was best man for Mr. Moore, and Mrs. Linda Walker, granddaugh- ter of the bride was matron of honor. Some 75 guests attended a wedding .reception for the couple at the home of the bride's daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmon Christo- pher in Olympia. HARSTINE Island Women's Club met at the home of Mrs. John Hitchcock at Ballow on Thursday. There were 16 mem- bers and one guest present. Re- ceipts for the rummage sale and for the Labor Day dance were re- ported. Mrs. Jerrell's made a re- port on information about the well. A committee was named to NOTICE.. NOW IN EFFECIr PULLMAN AND CONNECTING COACH FORI ( East Olymp,a 9:48 A... DAILY FOR EARLIER ARRIVAL IN ICAGO 8:3s ,.. roll service from the Northwest r DENVER and with EARLY MORNING IN CHICAGO. for all connections East and South. way, round trip and family fares. for Reservations Call Union Pacifie. J. C. BACH, Agent, Ticket Office ,407 East Fourth Ave, FL 7-3345 Olympia, Washington contact the well driller for work to start as soon as possible on the well. Anyone who wishes to make a contribution to this fund may still do so. Plans were made for a Hunters Lunch to be held at the hall this next Sunday start- ing at 11 a.m. All you good folks are invited to come in for lunch, coffee, or just to visit, everyone welcome. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Paul Chaffer at Point Wilson. This will be the annual election of officers, Thursday, Nov. 5 at 12:30. SUNDAY SAW one of the big- gest showers ever on Harstine when friends and relatives gath-i ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i Martin Goetseh for a shower for Mrs. Mary Wingert Smith. There were 44 people present. Mary re- ceived a lovely array of house- hold presents. All of them were so very beautifully wrapped and made such a gala display on the table. The bride was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Arthur Wingert and by her sister, Elaine Wingert. After the gifts were opened every i one enjoyed a potluck luncheon. Islanders want to wish you and Jim the very best of everything in your years together, Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lohrer of Longbranch spent the weekend with his brother, the Jim Lohrers of Point Wilson. The Jerrells had Larry's uncle, Mr. George Jerrells and Larry's sister, the Hugh Chapmans of Se- attle out for the weekend. Mrs. Donald Eddy has returned from a month's visit to San Fran- cisco and the bay area. She spent several days in Everett with her granddaughter, Mrs. Fields, and her great-granddaughter, Tracey. She has now returned to her home in Hoquiam, but as soon as she gets her second wind she will be on Harstine. :dr. anc Mrs. Lohrer spent a very pleasant evening visiting with the Alllsons of the Maples this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simmons DANCE SHELTON VALLEY GRANGE HALL Sat., Oct. 10 MUSIC BY THE TUNE TOPPERS have sold part of their land this past week to Mr .and Mrs. Perry Long of Tacoma. We want to wel- come them to the community, and hope that they will enjoy being residents of Harstine. MRS. LAWRENCE Saeger of Harstine wishes to announce the birth of her second grandchild, and her first granddaughter. The baby girl was born on Sunday, Oct. 4 at Grays Harbor commu- nity hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bridges (Mlrja Saeger). Little Miss Pamela Linnea Bridges weighed into this world at 9 pounds 41 ounces. She was really quite considerate to wait until aft- er her brother's first birthday party on October 3, so mommie wouldn't miss this happy birthday occasion. Well the mad dash will be on this Sunday. The ferry crew re- port people out already looking for camp sites. The annual migra- tion of hunters has begun, and things won't be the same for a long time. We'll try to keep you up to date on how many deer have gone off the Island. Also how many Islanders have luck at this annual sport. Mr. Walter Scott of Belfair and a long time Islander has returned home from the Harrison Hospital in Bremerton. Peggy reports that he is getting along fine. Our best to you, Mr. Scott. We hope you are well soon. Mr. and Mrs. David Rice and Judy and Connie were on the Is- land visiting his parents, the Nels Baunsgards. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Walton and son Donald Barnett of Riverton, Wash. spent Sunday visiting with the Bob Barnetts. PHILIP B A R N E T T had an asthma attack the early part of the week, and missed some school. We are happy to report that he has returned to the happy school day grind and is feeling fine now. There was a special meeting of the school board on Monday night to go over the final school budget. Lyle and Marlene Hitchcock and children Cheryl and Jennell spent the weekend with Lyle's folks, the John Hitchcocks. We want to wish belated birth- day greetings to an Island boy who is far from home in Uncle Sam's Marine Corps. Belated greetings to you, Bill Gortz in Iwakeni, Japan. We sincerely hope that next birthday we can help you celebrate. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meeks had a surprise birthday party honoring Mrs. George T. Waite Jr. at their home on Saturday night. The host- ess served a fried oyster dinner with all the trimmings. The dining ADAMS WISDOM Don't waste time listening to experts. Send your petty prob- lems to Adam and watch him blow thorn uP into full-scale catastrophes. Adam makes his bow as an "advisor" In t41is week's Journal and his rib-tick- ling comment on real or fancied situations will appear regulaxly in these columns. Journal read- ers are invited to ak Adam, who 1 a real-Ilia Shelton per- son, for axlvlse on their "prob- lems". Write him e/o the Jour- nal. Here's his first example: Dear Adam, About a month ago I was in- troduced to a reasonably intelli- gent, strikingly beautiful but, un- fortunately, very mushy gal of uncing! table was decorated with a lovely birthday cake flanked by candles. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yates, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Glasei" (thanks to Vonnie Meeks they left the kids home), Mr. John Budd and son Curtis, Maxine's mother, Mrs. J. P. Smith the honored guest and her hus- band and family, Mrm. Edith Smalley, the host and hctem and their family. Miss Helen Louise Simons re- ports that she lost her 12-14 foot faded red row boat. Anyone seen it ? Call Mr. Yates at HA 6-4076. THE KNAUF household surely was Happy with the arrival of grandma and grandpa. The Earl Gillettes of Roseburg, Oregon ar- rived on Sunday, for an early Thanksgiving, then had to return on Monday. Cherry reports that Ray Knauf recently of Iceland and also of Albuquerque, New Mexico and a member of Uncle Sam's Air Police has been trans- ferred to Spokane. His wife and family will stay in Tacoma for a month until Ray can get housing and get settled. Your correspondent wishes to thank each and every one of you for your kindness and considera- tion to her. She also wishes to thank those who took time to write complimentary as well as critical notes this last year. Each of you have helped to make this a very pleasant job. This column is for the community and it is read by Islanders near and far. This has been a very happy year, and as we start our second year as your correspondent we hope that we will be able to serve both you and the community to the best of our ability. And to the satisfaction of each and every one of you. Remember" if you have any news you treasure--call Donette Glaser. WONDERFUL NEWWORI.D OF In for the first time in history; Dealer presents not one, not two, but tkree w lines ef Ford cars ... Fords--The Finest Fords of a e, beautiful from any Point of View, ' WOrth more from every Point of Value! The i96o Falan--The New-size Ford, the world's most experknced new car and the easiest car in the world to ownl The 96o Thunderbird The World's Most Wanted Car, the New-Size Ford... 1960 Ford 00C00_00JTL the New-size Ford--the Falconl llere's a car with of room for six big adults and all their luggage. It's and park like a "small" car.., powered to like a "big" car.., and built like no other gsl you up to 10 miles per gallon on regular gas. mers normally last twice as long as ordimtry A, Full-Flow oil filter lets you go 4,000 miles be- fil changes. Even insurance can cost you lessl And is the world's most experienced new car. It was over every mile of numbered Federal Highway in RUN, U.S.A.--a grueling demonstratiou lag Ford's 3 years of development and testing. Falcon has tile features that American car buyers Its gearshift is on the steering column--not on the , engine is h)eated up front fur greater stability ao(I news of all is tile Fak:on's low, low price. Scc it Dealer's... and see the dierencel Now you can see them-the Finest Fords of a Lifetimel Economy-minded Fairlanes. Big-value Fairlane 500's. Elegant Galaxies. A breath-taking new Sunliner convertible and a brand-new bard- top model, the flashing Starliner. Then there's a whole new world of Station Wagon Living, too. It al adds up to 15 glittering variations of the world's newest, most elegant styling themel And Ford sets the new trend in power. Ford's Thunderbird 292 V-8 and 52 V-8, like the fa- mous Mileage Maker Six, bring a new world of smoother, hotter performance-on regular gas. To top it all, the Finest Fords of a Lifetime are priced for savings. Ford is still priced to outvalue all comparable models of its major €ompedtorl. See "FORD STARTIME" in livin6 color Tuesdays on HBC-W FOR 1960 FINEST FORDS OF A LIFETIME This new Ford Galaxie, like all the new. beautifully proportioned 1960 Fords, is styled from a new view- point. Traditional automotive ele- gance combines with modern design ill the style of a new decadel Ford savings, however, only begin with a loW price. You save still more with engines that thriva on regular gas and save up to a dollar on every tankful.., a Full,Flow oil filter that lets you go 4,000 miles between oil changes... Diamond Lustre Finish that never needs waxing.., alumi- nized mutHcrs that normally last twice as long as conventional types.., new, safer, Truck-Size brakes that are the biggest ever in Ford's history ... and new soft-tread, "Irex cord tires that run quieter, last longer. In every way these are file Finest Fords of your Lifetimes See them at your Ford Dealer'd FORD DIVISION. ,tt, the world's most | ,iX experienced new car 6 FORD BUILDS THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFULLY PROPORTIONED GAllS PORD--ThS Finest I:o11# elm Lifetime  FALCON-- The New.Size ford  THUNDERBIRD-Ths Woad's Meal  es, JIM PAULEY, INC. 501RailroadAvenue Shelton, Washington tventy. We had a few dates for kicks then all of a sudden she hears wedding bells. This gal is a real liviD' doll, and all that gar- bage, but she hangs on me like a pot of glue. I've got to admit that I'm very fond of this young lady but I'm more fond of my freedom. How do I tell her the party is over without starting a small revolu- tion ? Coward Dear Coward, I've heard it said that there is a big difference between being a coward and a darned fool. From where I "sit it looks like you are both. Enclosed with my personal: reply to you is a stamped, self ad- dressed envelope and a lengthy plea for further information con- cerning the loving doll you are trying to ditch . . . @. Dear Adam, I'm jealous!! And, of all things, I'm jealous of fish. Yes, FISt-I! My booby husband is passionately in love with the things. Every Saturday and Sunday morning he leaves the house before daylight with little hooks and feathers stuck all over him and spends the entire day, both days, dangling a string in the water trying to woo one of the slimy little monsters into biting the bait. He seldom catches anything but a cold and he always comes home smelling very bad and so delighted that he has spent another day fighting 'over a worm--with a fish. I have nagged and nagged and nagged at him in an effort to talk him out of this silly romance with these ridiculous ichiological blobs of protoplasm but he just ignores me and goes anyway. How stupid can some men be? Competing with fish isn't one af the things Mama told me about. Jealous Wife Dear Jealous Wife, Relax, Honey. I doubt that your spouse is standing on the river banks smooching with his darling trout. Perhaps the thing that keeps him away from home so much of the time is the coolish fish he's got at home. Play it his way. Quit carping and make like an octopus for a change. He'll take the bait... Dear Adam, Last Fourth of July my kid up and swallers a couple firecrack- ers. He ain't got sick or nothing vet so do you think it would be allright if we didn't take him down to a doctor for it ? Dear Honus L., If the boy hasn't developed any signs of illness at this late date it's safe to assume that the dan- ger has passed. However, play it safe and don't let him swallow any matches for a month or tWO . . . Dear Adam, I've tried every remedy and so- called cure in the book but I can't make my nine year old son stop chewing his fingernails. I plead with him, beg him, threaten him bribe him, but all he does is reply that they're his fingernails and he'll chew them if he wants to.  in the world can I do with this lad? Frantic Mother Dear Frantic, Here's an old Irish that really does wonders. The next time you observe your child com- mitting this act follow this pro- cedure; curl the fingers of your right hand in against the palm, next, curl the thumb over the fin- gers and squeeze tightly. This makes a very nice fist and if you put your shoulder into it when you swing you'll knock about two- thirds of his teeth clean out and he won't be able to chew anything for a good long while. KAMILOHE NEWS , ,,,,, By Grace Petty Mrs. Tom Grimm and four chil- dren of South Bay were recent guests of her sister, Mrs. R. J. Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Nel- son returned home last Wednes- day from a week's visit in Lew- iston, Idaho, at the home of their (randson, the Wesley Nelsons, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nagel were pleasantly surprised last Satnr- day evening by a group of frtend and neighbors with a housewarm. ing party. Mrs. Art Nelson, Mrs. Edwin Taylor and Mrs. Edwin Petty were three of fifteen women fror the Shelton Degree of Honor lodge in Shelton attending the districl meeting in Castle Rock last Thurs. day. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Butts o Olympia were Sunday guests oi the Eugene Taylors. A group of people viewed and enjoyed colored slides taken in eastern Washington during the early hunting season by Jack Rawding and Tom Nelson of Shel- ton at the Art Nelson home Sat. urday evening. Mr. Jess Brownfield, who has been ill at home for several days, was taken to the McCleaJ'y Hos. pital last Wednesday for treat. men t. Mrs. Bruce Lily of Toppenish is visiting Mrs. Jess Brownfield fox a few days. Sunday guests of Mrs. GerLrnde Enenberger was a son, Glen Ellen- berger, and son, Jerry, and their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fis- cher, s.ll of Renton. Mrs. Kenneth Selvidge (ne,: Sal- ly Brown) and four children left Sunday morning by plane from Sea-Tat for Kctchikm, Alaska, where her husband is a, logger. This coming Friday there will be a Nortlwest Regional Indian Fellowship meeting at the local church. Mr. and Mrs. Will Waldrip and Mrs. Emma McDonald were hint Wednesday dinner guests of the Eugene Tayh)rs. Progress Grange meets this Friday starting with a 6:30 p.m. pothmk supper. Mrs. Brnce Nelson and children visited the Gordon Pearsons in McCleary, also the Richard Brid- enbachs and new baby near Me- Cleary. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Healey and family have moved from the Key- zer hotmc to Tacoma. Pa YOU SHOULD KNOW... CLINT WILLOUR A LiFE iNSURANCE FOR YOUR CHILD ENCOURAGES SYSTEM- ATIC THRIFT AND HELPS TO LAY THE FOUNDATION FOR HIS FUTURE SUCCESS. N/nNATI O NAL , 19 SHELTON ELECTRIC 419 Railroad Avenue • Dial HA 6-6283 Heads Horse-and-Helmet Brigade YEP! WE CAN BUY "[NATNEW RUS; FOR THE DOU6H I SAVED BY RE{UILDIN6 Tills FURNACE h'SELFt eUT soo00 00ORE HOUSE .... "r}q00T ,s, ............ '_'. ..... U For Expert, Eeon0mical Furnace REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS Call Upon SHELTON FURNACE CO. 321 South 3rd St. Phone HA 6-6121 or HA 6-4792 JIM HART, PROPRIETOR FIRES START EASIEST ON OLD ROOFS GUARD YOUR HOME AGAINST THE RED DEMON with FIRE-RESISTANT HINIIIF And other types of Pabco COHPOSi_TION ROOFING and -- 00INSuLATION ROCKWOOL AVAILAt3LE IN QUANTITY/ AT LAWTON LUMBER Owned and Operated by Joe Simpson OPEN UNTIL NOON SATURDAYS 420 South First Street Dial HA 6-4303 Home-made Rockets Give Him Wire-warns 8, 1959 AT ROLLER at "J" St, - 7:30 p.m. - 10 to Noon - 1:30 - 4 - 7:30 - 10:30 1:30 - 4 Call 6-3494 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Harstine Island Couple Weds In Olympia By Donette Glaser HARSTINE -- Islanders want to offer their heartiest congratu- lations to Mr .and Mrs. Bernie Moore. Mrs. Moore is the former Mildred Brassfield of Jarels Cove on Harstine. They were mar- ried at Gloria Dei Lutheran church in Olympia on Saturday, Oct. 3. The Rev. Anderson per- formed the ceremony. Mr. Bucky Christopher, the bride's grandson, was best man for Mr. Moore, and Mrs. Linda Walker, granddaugh- ter of the bride was matron of honor. Some 75 guests attended a wedding .reception for the couple at the home of the bride's daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmon Christo- pher in Olympia. HARSTINE Island Women's Club met at the home of Mrs. John Hitchcock at Ballow on Thursday. There were 16 mem- bers and one guest present. Re- ceipts for the rummage sale and for the Labor Day dance were re- ported. Mrs. Jerrell's made a re- port on information about the well. A committee was named to NOTICE.. NOW IN EFFECIr PULLMAN AND CONNECTING COACH FORI ( East Olymp,a 9:48 A... DAILY FOR EARLIER ARRIVAL IN ICAGO 8:3s ,.. roll service from the Northwest r DENVER and with EARLY MORNING IN CHICAGO. for all connections East and South. way, round trip and family fares. for Reservations Call Union Pacifie. J. C. BACH, Agent, Ticket Office ,407 East Fourth Ave, FL 7-3345 Olympia, Washington contact the well driller for work to start as soon as possible on the well. Anyone who wishes to make a contribution to this fund may still do so. Plans were made for a Hunters Lunch to be held at the hall this next Sunday start- ing at 11 a.m. All you good folks are invited to come in for lunch, coffee, or just to visit, everyone welcome. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Paul Chaffer at Point Wilson. This will be the annual election of officers, Thursday, Nov. 5 at 12:30. SUNDAY SAW one of the big- gest showers ever on Harstine when friends and relatives gath-i ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i Martin Goetseh for a shower for Mrs. Mary Wingert Smith. There were 44 people present. Mary re- ceived a lovely array of house- hold presents. All of them were so very beautifully wrapped and made such a gala display on the table. The bride was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Arthur Wingert and by her sister, Elaine Wingert. After the gifts were opened every i one enjoyed a potluck luncheon. Islanders want to wish you and Jim the very best of everything in your years together, Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lohrer of Longbranch spent the weekend with his brother, the Jim Lohrers of Point Wilson. The Jerrells had Larry's uncle, Mr. George Jerrells and Larry's sister, the Hugh Chapmans of Se- attle out for the weekend. Mrs. Donald Eddy has returned from a month's visit to San Fran- cisco and the bay area. She spent several days in Everett with her granddaughter, Mrs. Fields, and her great-granddaughter, Tracey. She has now returned to her home in Hoquiam, but as soon as she gets her second wind she will be on Harstine. :dr. anc Mrs. Lohrer spent a very pleasant evening visiting with the Alllsons of the Maples this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simmons DANCE SHELTON VALLEY GRANGE HALL Sat., Oct. 10 MUSIC BY THE TUNE TOPPERS have sold part of their land this past week to Mr .and Mrs. Perry Long of Tacoma. We want to wel- come them to the community, and hope that they will enjoy being residents of Harstine. MRS. LAWRENCE Saeger of Harstine wishes to announce the birth of her second grandchild, and her first granddaughter. The baby girl was born on Sunday, Oct. 4 at Grays Harbor commu- nity hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bridges (Mlrja Saeger). Little Miss Pamela Linnea Bridges weighed into this world at 9 pounds 41 ounces. She was really quite considerate to wait until aft- er her brother's first birthday party on October 3, so mommie wouldn't miss this happy birthday occasion. Well the mad dash will be on this Sunday. The ferry crew re- port people out already looking for camp sites. The annual migra- tion of hunters has begun, and things won't be the same for a long time. We'll try to keep you up to date on how many deer have gone off the Island. Also how many Islanders have luck at this annual sport. Mr. Walter Scott of Belfair and a long time Islander has returned home from the Harrison Hospital in Bremerton. Peggy reports that he is getting along fine. Our best to you, Mr. Scott. We hope you are well soon. Mr. and Mrs. David Rice and Judy and Connie were on the Is- land visiting his parents, the Nels Baunsgards. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Walton and son Donald Barnett of Riverton, Wash. spent Sunday visiting with the Bob Barnetts. PHILIP B A R N E T T had an asthma attack the early part of the week, and missed some school. We are happy to report that he has returned to the happy school day grind and is feeling fine now. There was a special meeting of the school board on Monday night to go over the final school budget. Lyle and Marlene Hitchcock and children Cheryl and Jennell spent the weekend with Lyle's folks, the John Hitchcocks. We want to wish belated birth- day greetings to an Island boy who is far from home in Uncle Sam's Marine Corps. Belated greetings to you, Bill Gortz in Iwakeni, Japan. We sincerely hope that next birthday we can help you celebrate. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meeks had a surprise birthday party honoring Mrs. George T. Waite Jr. at their home on Saturday night. The host- ess served a fried oyster dinner with all the trimmings. The dining ADAMS WISDOM Don't waste time listening to experts. Send your petty prob- lems to Adam and watch him blow thorn uP into full-scale catastrophes. Adam makes his bow as an "advisor" In t41is week's Journal and his rib-tick- ling comment on real or fancied situations will appear regulaxly in these columns. Journal read- ers are invited to ak Adam, who 1 a real-Ilia Shelton per- son, for axlvlse on their "prob- lems". Write him e/o the Jour- nal. Here's his first example: Dear Adam, About a month ago I was in- troduced to a reasonably intelli- gent, strikingly beautiful but, un- fortunately, very mushy gal of uncing! table was decorated with a lovely birthday cake flanked by candles. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yates, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Glasei" (thanks to Vonnie Meeks they left the kids home), Mr. John Budd and son Curtis, Maxine's mother, Mrs. J. P. Smith the honored guest and her hus- band and family, Mrm. Edith Smalley, the host and hctem and their family. Miss Helen Louise Simons re- ports that she lost her 12-14 foot faded red row boat. Anyone seen it ? Call Mr. Yates at HA 6-4076. THE KNAUF household surely was Happy with the arrival of grandma and grandpa. The Earl Gillettes of Roseburg, Oregon ar- rived on Sunday, for an early Thanksgiving, then had to return on Monday. Cherry reports that Ray Knauf recently of Iceland and also of Albuquerque, New Mexico and a member of Uncle Sam's Air Police has been trans- ferred to Spokane. His wife and family will stay in Tacoma for a month until Ray can get housing and get settled. Your correspondent wishes to thank each and every one of you for your kindness and considera- tion to her. She also wishes to thank those who took time to write complimentary as well as critical notes this last year. Each of you have helped to make this a very pleasant job. This column is for the community and it is read by Islanders near and far. This has been a very happy year, and as we start our second year as your correspondent we hope that we will be able to serve both you and the community to the best of our ability. And to the satisfaction of each and every one of you. Remember" if you have any news you treasure--call Donette Glaser. WONDERFUL NEWWORI.D OF In for the first time in history; Dealer presents not one, not two, but tkree w lines ef Ford cars ... Fords--The Finest Fords of a e, beautiful from any Point of View, ' WOrth more from every Point of Value! The i96o Falan--The New-size Ford, the world's most experknced new car and the easiest car in the world to ownl The 96o Thunderbird The World's Most Wanted Car, the New-Size Ford... 1960 Ford 00C00_00JTL the New-size Ford--the Falconl llere's a car with of room for six big adults and all their luggage. It's and park like a "small" car.., powered to like a "big" car.., and built like no other gsl you up to 10 miles per gallon on regular gas. mers normally last twice as long as ordimtry A, Full-Flow oil filter lets you go 4,000 miles be- fil changes. Even insurance can cost you lessl And is the world's most experienced new car. It was over every mile of numbered Federal Highway in RUN, U.S.A.--a grueling demonstratiou lag Ford's 3 years of development and testing. Falcon has tile features that American car buyers Its gearshift is on the steering column--not on the , engine is h)eated up front fur greater stability ao(I news of all is tile Fak:on's low, low price. Scc it Dealer's... and see the dierencel Now you can see them-the Finest Fords of a Lifetimel Economy-minded Fairlanes. Big-value Fairlane 500's. Elegant Galaxies. A breath-taking new Sunliner convertible and a brand-new bard- top model, the flashing Starliner. Then there's a whole new world of Station Wagon Living, too. It al adds up to 15 glittering variations of the world's newest, most elegant styling themel And Ford sets the new trend in power. Ford's Thunderbird 292 V-8 and 52 V-8, like the fa- mous Mileage Maker Six, bring a new world of smoother, hotter performance-on regular gas. To top it all, the Finest Fords of a Lifetime are priced for savings. Ford is still priced to outvalue all comparable models of its major €ompedtorl. See "FORD STARTIME" in livin6 color Tuesdays on HBC-W FOR 1960 FINEST FORDS OF A LIFETIME This new Ford Galaxie, like all the new. beautifully proportioned 1960 Fords, is styled from a new view- point. Traditional automotive ele- gance combines with modern design ill the style of a new decadel Ford savings, however, only begin with a loW price. You save still more with engines that thriva on regular gas and save up to a dollar on every tankful.., a Full,Flow oil filter that lets you go 4,000 miles between oil changes... Diamond Lustre Finish that never needs waxing.., alumi- nized mutHcrs that normally last twice as long as conventional types.., new, safer, Truck-Size brakes that are the biggest ever in Ford's history ... and new soft-tread, "Irex cord tires that run quieter, last longer. In every way these are file Finest Fords of your Lifetimes See them at your Ford Dealer'd FORD DIVISION. ,tt, the world's most | ,iX experienced new car 6 FORD BUILDS THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFULLY PROPORTIONED GAllS PORD--ThS Finest I:o11# elm Lifetime  FALCON-- The New.Size ford  THUNDERBIRD-Ths Woad's Meal  es, JIM PAULEY, INC. 501RailroadAvenue Shelton, Washington tventy. We had a few dates for kicks then all of a sudden she hears wedding bells. This gal is a real liviD' doll, and all that gar- bage, but she hangs on me like a pot of glue. I've got to admit that I'm very fond of this young lady but I'm more fond of my freedom. How do I tell her the party is over without starting a small revolu- tion ? Coward Dear Coward, I've heard it said that there is a big difference between being a coward and a darned fool. From where I "sit it looks like you are both. Enclosed with my personal: reply to you is a stamped, self ad- dressed envelope and a lengthy plea for further information con- cerning the loving doll you are trying to ditch . . . @. Dear Adam, I'm jealous!! And, of all things, I'm jealous of fish. Yes, FISt-I! My booby husband is passionately in love with the things. Every Saturday and Sunday morning he leaves the house before daylight with little hooks and feathers stuck all over him and spends the entire day, both days, dangling a string in the water trying to woo one of the slimy little monsters into biting the bait. He seldom catches anything but a cold and he always comes home smelling very bad and so delighted that he has spent another day fighting 'over a worm--with a fish. I have nagged and nagged and nagged at him in an effort to talk him out of this silly romance with these ridiculous ichiological blobs of protoplasm but he just ignores me and goes anyway. How stupid can some men be? Competing with fish isn't one af the things Mama told me about. Jealous Wife Dear Jealous Wife, Relax, Honey. I doubt that your spouse is standing on the river banks smooching with his darling trout. Perhaps the thing that keeps him away from home so much of the time is the coolish fish he's got at home. Play it his way. Quit carping and make like an octopus for a change. He'll take the bait... Dear Adam, Last Fourth of July my kid up and swallers a couple firecrack- ers. He ain't got sick or nothing vet so do you think it would be allright if we didn't take him down to a doctor for it ? Dear Honus L., If the boy hasn't developed any signs of illness at this late date it's safe to assume that the dan- ger has passed. However, play it safe and don't let him swallow any matches for a month or tWO . . . Dear Adam, I've tried every remedy and so- called cure in the book but I can't make my nine year old son stop chewing his fingernails. I plead with him, beg him, threaten him bribe him, but all he does is reply that they're his fingernails and he'll chew them if he wants to.  in the world can I do with this lad? Frantic Mother Dear Frantic, Here's an old Irish that really does wonders. The next time you observe your child com- mitting this act follow this pro- cedure; curl the fingers of your right hand in against the palm, next, curl the thumb over the fin- gers and squeeze tightly. This makes a very nice fist and if you put your shoulder into it when you swing you'll knock about two- thirds of his teeth clean out and he won't be able to chew anything for a good long while. KAMILOHE NEWS , ,,,,, By Grace Petty Mrs. Tom Grimm and four chil- dren of South Bay were recent guests of her sister, Mrs. R. J. Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Nel- son returned home last Wednes- day from a week's visit in Lew- iston, Idaho, at the home of their (randson, the Wesley Nelsons, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nagel were pleasantly surprised last Satnr- day evening by a group of frtend and neighbors with a housewarm. ing party. Mrs. Art Nelson, Mrs. Edwin Taylor and Mrs. Edwin Petty were three of fifteen women fror the Shelton Degree of Honor lodge in Shelton attending the districl meeting in Castle Rock last Thurs. day. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Butts o Olympia were Sunday guests oi the Eugene Taylors. A group of people viewed and enjoyed colored slides taken in eastern Washington during the early hunting season by Jack Rawding and Tom Nelson of Shel- ton at the Art Nelson home Sat. urday evening. Mr. Jess Brownfield, who has been ill at home for several days, was taken to the McCleaJ'y Hos. pital last Wednesday for treat. men t. Mrs. Bruce Lily of Toppenish is visiting Mrs. Jess Brownfield fox a few days. Sunday guests of Mrs. GerLrnde Enenberger was a son, Glen Ellen- berger, and son, Jerry, and their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fis- cher, s.ll of Renton. Mrs. Kenneth Selvidge (ne,: Sal- ly Brown) and four children left Sunday morning by plane from Sea-Tat for Kctchikm, Alaska, where her husband is a, logger. This coming Friday there will be a Nortlwest Regional Indian Fellowship meeting at the local church. Mr. and Mrs. Will Waldrip and Mrs. Emma McDonald were hint Wednesday dinner guests of the Eugene Tayh)rs. Progress Grange meets this Friday starting with a 6:30 p.m. pothmk supper. Mrs. Brnce Nelson and children visited the Gordon Pearsons in McCleary, also the Richard Brid- enbachs and new baby near Me- Cleary. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Healey and family have moved from the Key- zer hotmc to Tacoma. Pa YOU SHOULD KNOW... CLINT WILLOUR A LiFE iNSURANCE FOR YOUR CHILD ENCOURAGES SYSTEM- ATIC THRIFT AND HELPS TO LAY THE FOUNDATION FOR HIS FUTURE SUCCESS. N/nNATI O NAL , 19 SHELTON ELECTRIC 419 Railroad Avenue • Dial HA 6-6283 Heads Horse-and-Helmet Brigade YEP! WE CAN BUY "[NATNEW RUS; FOR THE DOU6H I SAVED BY RE{UILDIN6 Tills FURNACE h'SELFt eUT soo00 00ORE HOUSE .... "r}q00T ,s, ............ '_'. ..... U For Expert, Eeon0mical Furnace REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS Call Upon SHELTON FURNACE CO. 321 South 3rd St. Phone HA 6-6121 or HA 6-4792 JIM HART, PROPRIETOR FIRES START EASIEST ON OLD ROOFS GUARD YOUR HOME AGAINST THE RED DEMON with FIRE-RESISTANT HINIIIF And other types of Pabco COHPOSi_TION ROOFING and -- 00INSuLATION ROCKWOOL AVAILAt3LE IN QUANTITY/ AT LAWTON LUMBER Owned and Operated by Joe Simpson OPEN UNTIL NOON SATURDAYS 420 South First Street Dial HA 6-4303 Home-made Rockets Give Him Wire-warns