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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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22 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chrstmasfown, 7Y.S.A.," Shelton Washln , i i ........ FOR SALE II(;H POWER Llghtest Weight! Fast- est cutting at higbesl; Power! Rem- ington Saws. Bar-Dirt's Marina, Mountain View. B 5/14 tfn RABBIT FRYERS for sale, also rab- bit fertilizer, Phone orders between 1 p.m. and 4 pml. Phone HA 6-8626, Mc 6/20 tin DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery PHONE HA 6-6364 Day or Night Service AGENT - LYON VAN LINES 5/14-tfn N .... [ APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric falser Sanders Sterling Electldc Portable Hand Sandal Regina Electric Moor Poliers Homm Jtmlm LAWTON LUMBER 420 S lnt Phone HA. 6-4303 Middle initial E. 2-10tfn 7- .... • f  t,  i[I Custom Tractor Work. Rotovattng or regular plowing, dlcing and harrowing, excavating, blade eveling, road grading, road gravel. Well-aged sawdugt. Work y hour single-handed. Jerome urke. HA 6-3678. ]W P ii I I . , SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marr Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt, 1, Box 476 If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 . l[ t I I Ill BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tfli i FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE  One black Jersey cow. BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Corn- Phone HA 6-2349. M 10/1 tin puny sales and service. Local repre- ys)N-iNLLali'-ty-l]i sentative Wally Anoerson. Phone choice of 1322 colors. L. M. DECOR- HA 6-6001. A4/30 tin ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. BOATS. TRAILERS and outboard mo- 1/29 tin tors at Sbelton Marine Supply, 1209 FOR SALE: Large selection of re- Olympic Highway, South, HA 6-8163. 2/20 tfn conditioned ranges, refrigerators, i washersdryers. ]Qells & Valley AP-oNE YEAR GUARANTEED Reming- pliance uenter. 6/5 tin I ton saw 60 days guaranteed chain. .....  Bar-Din Marina and Power Ms- ROOFING and all other buiiding m -I .............. terials, nothing down, 36 montl tel cmner¥. ee tnem:[ H b/la trn pay under FHA ternm now available |RUG CLEANING Professional equip- at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St., I ment for rent. Makes rugs like new. pnone HA 6-4808. 6/5 tin I L,M. Decorating Center, 821 Railroad. BA--DIN MARINA  Power M[ B 7/9 tfn ehinery. Remington ebaln mtws, Zeus generators, portal?is Ira war, 196 BOATS. MOTORS. TRAILERS. equil Olympia H.ihwaY .co. B 5/14 tta ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- -GS --- t'-WKlls, Windo-, port TR 7-5244. 1/19 Un floors. Paint wallpaper, drapes, rugs, tile yardgooda. L. M. DECOR- .H.A. TERMS now available on all ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. building materials allows you to 1/29 tf lump cosmtruction eost under one bill. For information inquire at TOP SOIL. gravel, fill dirt. F. E. Lawton Lumber, 40  1st St. Phone Ogden. HA 6-6156. '13 tfr HA 6-484. 6/5 tfn COLOR FILM procemg, direct deal- ]gVLNRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR sales er, faster, more efflelent. Also 2- and service at Shelton Marine Supply. hour photo finishing. Try tin. Aes- 1209 Olympto Highway, South, HA ler's Studio, 124 No. 2d. HA 641. 6-8163. 3/20 tfn 81 tin SONOTONE, latest model, hearing aid "CHRISTMATOWN, U.S.A." rubber eye glLes for sale. Used one month, stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 so. ,th. 6%/20,,n Phone HA 18 after 14 FT FIBERGLASS runabout, 85 hp. F-()t-'SAL ) -- 8 yd . du'm--l box. $5000. hand starting Evinrude. All ready to Phone HA 6.4064. K 9/3 tfn go. Complete price $1100.00 and up. Shelton Marine Supply (formerly FOR SALE  18 foot speed boat. 140 tillicrest Hardware). 7/80 tfn hp Gray Marine engine. Excellent ................................................. condition. Phone Union 428. FOR LEASE OR SALE  Small founo M 9/3 tfn ain, light groceries ad drugs. hone HA 6-3748 evenings. AUTO-LITE BATTERIES and accos- T 8/20 tin settee. Wholesale and retail. Shelton Marine Supply (formerly Hlllcrest NOTHING DOWN, 36 months to pay Hardware), on Hillcrest, 9/3 tfn under F.H.A. term on all building -H---B--------T-0-P--O-I-iI', supplies. Lttmp it aD under one bill road and fill gravel, washed sand: Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1at St., PI and gravel, drainage gravel and pea  HA 6-4308. 6/5 tin gravel for driveways. Norman An- -L---R--]k-I'Is'i----'-(5'D- deraon, phone HA 6-85. John's i Made from your favorite color slide Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. or colored negative. Post card size 7/25 tin l now €, including deluxe folder. $100.00. Easy ternm. Johnny's Music One day service on Ektachrome and Box, 8/6 tfn Anseochrome color processing  2 day service on color prints. Zmgler'S FOR SALE --- Heavy cast "Cannon" Studio, 124 N. Second. Z 8/0 tfn stove. Burns wood, coal or trash. 32 -- BR-()WSE--At-o'U'The inches high. Like new $20.00. Stan Parker, HA 6-3542 or HA 6-4658. Is sure to be somethin you will 9t17 .tfn want either in the Thrift department or the Gift and Hobby Shop whers --H-LIAS! Order your tubers for tiere are artificial flower arrange- spring delivery. Over 200 varieties to menta of everY kin and lse, Bar- choose from. See them while in __Din, oppothe A_or .rrrrr__5/_gl  - bloom The Garden Shop, Route 1, Box 49, Olympia Highway. Phone T'T'M-E-TO PLACE your Christmas or- HA 6-3710. 9/24-10/8 ders now. Hand painted ceramic iFOR-sAiJff------eYptllar tractor, novtdties. Call Annie Schneider, HA good condition. One Cares arch, also 6-3757. See them at Route 2, Box some rigging. Phone Drew Cole HA 523. Plekerlng Pass. 9/24 tfn 6-8448 or Mrs. Louis Durand HA h]XYSC.-0VYDU(RS-Send--Slx 6-3036. D 9/17 tfn nearly grown, both sexes; also 7 lay- NEW 14 FOOT outloard, mahogany lng hens. Hoodport TR 7-5370, frame.s transom, seats, fiber glassed, T 9/24-I0/8 Cllrome fittings, 5Va horse motor, new 18 FT. CABIN cruiser with taailer, condition. ${175 vahw,, will trade for twin 25 HP Johnson electric out- car. Phone HA 6-8775. E 10/1 tfn boards. Good shape, make offer, Phone HAt 8-4181. N 1011-8 FOR SALE due to illness -- Lease on FOR S'ALI -- Shopsmth including Burger Pit  mile south on Olympia Joint er and Jigsttw, etc. $150.00. Highway. Mamie Montgomery. Phone HA 6-6317. 10/1-15 M 10/1-8 0R SALE  9 cubic foot Gibson FOR SALE -- Complete, camping can- Shelvador refrigerator. Phone HA npy, like new, and Butane stove 6-2240. B 10/1-15 fils any pickup, Ideal for hunters'. $300.00. Phone HA 6-6894, R 10/$-8 H.P. motor $100.00. Also 14 ft. boat USED FURNITURE .5 Phone HA 6419 B 9/24 tfn FOR SALE --- 2 Whiteface beef eat- tie. Phone HA 6-6045. S 10/8 Wa Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 R.R. Ave HA 6-4332 b/7-tfn 25 Cu. Ft. Upright FREEZER Like New $219 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 BATTERIES - TIRES Enlarged Stock for Immediate Delivery - Lowest Coat per month for NaUonaUy AlMtate Silent Cushion Tires Advertised Tyrex Cord His vehicles Intrigue kids FREE TIRE MOUNTING Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 1 i ] ] Phone HA 6-4392 GOOD USED FURNITURE 1 Btltwell club chair, $49 1 daveno, very good, $59 2 matching Rots rockers (beige, very goodl, $39 each 1 club chair and match- ing ottoman (gold}, $49 3-pc. sectional, $59 1 swing rocker, $9 2 5-pc. chrome sets, each $49 I daveno, $19 2 small oil heaters, each $29 2 medium size oil heaters, ea. $49 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL 2 electric ranges, each $49 New and Remodeling 1 wood or coal incinerator Tidewater Construction (new) $69 Your Local Buildem 2 17-inch TVs, recondit- Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three ineertiorm. Additional in- sertiom 25¢ each. Rates for larger ack on reque Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" n o t i C • S $1.50 per insertion. All clamified advertisemet must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of month. An extra charge of will be made when bflilng nseeary. FOR SALE -- Davenport, accordion, 111 Bass, H-O gauge model train. Phone HA 6-3231. C 8/6 tfn WEANER PIGS for sale, Phone I-IA 6-451I. Charles A. Phillips, Islan,q Lake. P 8/20 tin WE BUY YOUR EQUITY, or will sell on consignment, your boats, motors, trailers, etc. Shelton Marine Supply. 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA 6-s63. _ 2/,20, tf.. _ FOR SALE: Used steel, plates, pipe, pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and _ M. the_ Ph one HA 6-_8626:_ .............. 9./8__fin HOTPOINT DELUXE electric stove, good condition $60. Sunbeam electric shaver, praetically new $12. Phone ._.:L e_.:4_ 3_. ....................... w_.9/7__n LOCKER MEAT Cut, double wrapped and trimmings ground--5 cents per pound. Don Wil- liams, 604 Dearborn. Phone HA 6-3040. 9/17 tin FOR SALE -- New Rlteway wood furnace, reg. $495.00. Special $295.00. L.M, Budget Shop, 321 Railroad, Ave,, HA 6-4332. 9/24 tfn CONCRETE PLANTER boxes, small $3.50, large $6.50. Set of three -- 2 small, I lsrgt h $12.50. The Garden Shop. Route l, Box 48, Olympia Highway, phone HA 6-3710. 9/24-10/8 8-,XL- - ---%-i;;--;,(ei. lent condition. Phone HA 6-3225, A 9/24 tin I)AFFODILS and tulips! Parrot tulips $1.00 per dozen, Mixed tulips 59¢ per duzen. King Alfred daffodils $1.00 I)cr dozen. In lb. sacks mixed daf- fodils (100 blooms per bag) $3.49, The Garden Shop, Rte. 1, Box 48, Olympia Highway. Phone HA 6-3710. 9/24-10/8 IT'S EASY TO CLEAN carpets with a hmg handle brush and Blue Lustre. Removes traffic paths, Lumbcrmen's Mercantile Company. 10/8 ItOUSE TO BE MOVED or torn down ---two bedrooms, small, located on Park st. Phone HA 6-4355. Vrlll ac- cel)t best offer. J 10/8 tfn WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 6-2411 BUNK BEDS SPECIAL VALUE Bunk beds complete with guard- rail, ladder and mattresses. $75.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 i FACTORY CLOSE-OUT Book-case headboards with foot and rails. Pull or twin size. $35.00 FOR SALE OIL STOVE. 2 oil barrels and copper tubing for sale. $35.00. HA 6-3295. 628 Cascade. Mc 10/8 GAS HEATER and gas range wit" grill. Make offer. Call HA 6-2497. H 10/8-29 FOR SALE: 12 gaugr Levens pump shotgun. $27,50, Pitons IiA 6-418.1. S 10/8-15 LARGE SEIGLER heater, oil barrel. some oil, stand, copper tubing, all excellent condition. Pllone HA 6-4755. T 10/8-15 ONE COMPLETE plv)tography outfit :100; one reel two horse gas motor, $20; one trailer ilouse frame for boat trailer, $125; one jigsaw, $15; one propane range with restaurant grill, $20. Phone TR 7-5597. s 10/s. PIANO, WONDERFUL tone, hides- bed, occasional tables, radio-phons, lamp, French Provincial dressers, matelt4ng twin sreads and curtains. Phone HA 6-6526, S 10/8 )lt ltLNT HOUSE FOR RENT  suitable for working couple. Inquire 147 CotS, across the bridge. L 7/30 tin FOR RENT -- 3 room apartment with bath, downtown. Unfurnished except for range. Refrigerator If desired. Phone HA 6-3283, Mrs. Beckwith. 6/26 tin -(3 --R-Z N :--S--6e-dK;&E-h  Us  On Hillcrest, apply to Mrs. Thompson. 1239 Ellinor, phone HA 6-8446. D 9/17 tfn Motmtain-View CABINET SHOP East K Sreet Tel. HA 6-2042 JOHN BUNKO 225 South llth Street Res. Tel. HA 6-3279 Shelton, Washington TERMS 7/9 tfn ' i ii i BELFAIR GARDENS We have Pyacantha plants with lots of berries of orange or red. Also, Andromada (Lily of the Valley) plants, reg. $2.25 to $3.00 plants @ $1.75. Star Rte. 1, Box 55, Belfair, Wn. Across from Belfair P.U.D. Business Opportunity FOR LEASE SIGNAL SERVICE STATION, First and Cota, Shelton. Small investment required for stocK. Phone Collect Olympia FL 6-8245 8/Z0 tfn I HIGHEST CASH PAID For Timber Stumpage and Lands Interested parties call evenings collect. Bar-Din Enterprises FOREST PRODUCTS Star Rt. 2, Box 119, Shelton, Wn. Telephone HA 6-6837 Ethel M. Barton - John A. Dinning ill i I FOR RENT 2 OR 3 ROOM modern cabins by day, Wt't!k Of lllonth. Jun('ti,)n Auto Court, I0 miles north of Shelton. E 10/1 tfn FOR RENT -- 1 bedrooin furnished ai)art]tent, close is, ground floor. 706 Cots. P 10/1 tfn -ONE BEDROOM furnished honse for rent. Suburban location. HA 6-6976. D 10/1 tfn FO RENT -- Small 2 bedroonh%-us' partly furnished, 3 blocks from cen- ter of Shclten. Phone HA 6-8715. M 10/1-8 2 BOOM AND BATH apartnmnt for rent, furnished. Phone HA 6-2474. W I0/8-15 FOR RENT Mt. View, one bedroom duplex with stoves, garage, water aud garbage furnished, $40 a month. Adults only. Phone HA 6-3218, B 10/8-22 GARAGE FOR RENT -- For car or boat. Inquire 629 Cots or phone HA 6-6663. C 110/8-29 FOR RENT -- CLETRAC with blade. drum. We deliver. Power saws, large or snmil. Evergreen Texaco, 1st and Franklin. phone HA 6-3031, evenings HA 6-3503 or 6-6343. 10/8 tfn FOR RENT -- Large, 3 bedroom un- furnished house on nice beach, four miles out. Phone HA 6-4000. B 10/8 tfn FOR RENT -- Three bedroom, unfur- nished house on Wyandotte, carport. Pimne HA 6-4505 between 6 and 7 P.m. T 10/8-15 FOR RENT  Three bedroom lmme, furuished or unfurnished. Angleside. Plmnc HA 6-8563. No Saturday cdls. A 10/8-22 RENT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom un-= furnished, yard, large garage. Walter George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4636. 10/8-11/13 tfn FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. 718 No. 6th, phone MA 6-4348 after 5 p.m. D 10/11 tfn F6-hmY--- i--5-/j57n-OU:.V-Gi: furnisbed, downtown, easy walking distance to mills, etc. Phone HA 6-6532 days. After 4:30 HA 6-4612. D 9/24 un FOR SALE Bayshore Fuel Co. and Equipment Phone HA 6-2271 or 6-6553 CABINETS STYLED TO ORDER J. H. Tice Bayshore Road Phone HA. 6-6700 7-9tfn Kelly's Furnilure 625 So. 1st HA 6-2411 BAR-DIN'S MARINA & POWER MAOHiNERY PRAMS Unfinished Finished 8-ft ........... $40 $55 10-ft ........... $60 $7S FISHING BOATS 12-ft. to 16-ft, $11S to $305 RUNABOUTs Custom built from blueprint or kits. See our plans and prices before you build. Marine paint, Remington Power Saws e Zeus Power Generators € 3 Models from No Job too large or too roll. toned, each $49 fiberglass, hardwood, hardware Shelton, WaShington and repairs. $243.50 to $279 n-0 t Olsen Furniture Olsen Furniture 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY NORTH • PHONE HA 6-6837 J-.Ll ........... )r, 328 Cota HA 6-4702 328 Cots HA 6-4702 SEE IT AT ' ' ' .... Eells & Valley Add Enchantment to )'our SERVICE TREMENDOUS SAVINGS S]T.F.Y VAOUU CLEA.NING DURING SEARS ANNUAL 123 vS:I u il  SCC Samples at IDAIRE First With SEARS CATALOG SALES OFFICE This Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 @ REFRIGERATOBS @ RANGES @ WASHERS @ DRYEBS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 MtRCAMYtLg Early American Franklin IIEATER FIREPLACE Open swing doors, you have a fireplace ..... Closed, a stove. 2 sizc-22-inch and 26-inch. Convenient Terms SEE 1N OUR WINDOW Olsen Furniture 328 Cota Phone HA 6-4702 NO SPARKS! NO SMOKE! NO FLOOR DRAFTS! LOWERS FUEL BILLS! niform, keat from Soor to ceiling. |urn wood, prtstu-logl or brlque,s, Yoa cseol Ire . , . your Ibeme ond family $ofor! SEND FIREPLAC WlOTH and H[16HL ||CFIVE C010r#ul hoklel FR£E PHONE ; o. Olsen Furniture Ri.. 328 Cota • Phone HA 6-4702 A,' I,/,/,// FOR RENT i ¸, ' LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt., UNI?URNrSHED h oef°t-lLl heat and hot water furnished. Phone Ph,,A lbed,  _HA _.6:S0S 4 , ..................................... 63!19 tt, _,. ai FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom FOR RENT --- DoW- 'F(DoW_-I* '' unfurnished apartments. Ranges and ent.._L%7 aE r--- refrigerators supplied. Laundry fa- ' ciiities. Hot water heat. Holly Hill el'ator, ............. n!w spl'ln,"l Apartments, phone HA 6-6593 or Roy fireplace, .... [ h a,e t-',,"li e Dunn Agency, HA 6-6363. "'c.lon APi'l &partillents. B 7/9 tfn - phone m-l o Curtiss, Mgr. on highway, electric range, hoL wa- tor tank, oil heater, free water, only $35.00 per montit. Phone HA 2-2455 after 5 p.m. D 9/24 tln house, close in, carport. Rcas,)nab]e. Phone HA 6-4759. B 9/24-10/8 house available Sept. 28. Phone HA 6-4719, B 9/24 tfn FOR RENT: light housekeeping rooms. 100 W. Pine, phone HA 6-4679. ..................................... R_4/lS_ffn FURNISHED 2 bedroom home for rent. Garage, nice fenced yard, near school. 903 Franklin. S 9/24-10/8 BUDGET SHOP Across from Evergreen Square On Railroad Ave. Used Furniture Daveno .................................... $10.00 Sofa and Chair .................... $35.00 Swing Rcker $12.50 Vanity with Mirror . ........... $15.00 Chest ...................................... $7.50 Crib ........................................ $10,00 Wood Bed .............................. $7.00 Dbl. Dresser with Mirror .. $49.00 -- Used Appliances -- Wringer Washer .................. $19.00 Wood Range .......................... $35.00 21" TV Set ............................ $39.00 Kirby Vac. Cleaner (like new) .................................... $39.50 Apt. Size Range .................. $49.00 40" Range .............................. $49.00 Frig. Refrigerator .............. $59.50 321 R,R. Ave, HA 6-4332 ' - • , r , ,,, ,,, , FOR SALE 2nd Hand Furniture Biltwell davenport, $39.50 5-pc. chrome set, $25.00 (like new) 2 wood cook stoves, $22.50 Montag wood heater, $20 1 Kenmore oil stove Mahogany desks, $29.50 Combination Chest-Desks, $19.50 2 30-inch ranges (like new) Refrigerators, $39.50 to 69.50 40-gal. electric hot water tank, $39.50 2 electric ranges (new elements) 5 electric dryers 4 Cosco posture chairs, $6.50 each blonde mahogany chest of drawers, $39.50 1 40-inch Philco range with 30- inch oven 1 freight-damaged new 5-pc, bed- room suite, $40 discount 1 Incinerator, like new 1 Set Bunk Beds 2 Twin Beds, complete $49.50 1 5-Piece Dining Room set, $39.50 3 Overstuffed Chairs, $15-$29.50 School desks, $17.95 up S Unpainted Furniture Desks, Chests, Stools, Nits Stands, Wardrobes, Chiffoniers o New Furniture 4-pc. bedroom suite, $169.50 1 3-pc. solid maple bedroom suite, $189.50 Daveno & chair, $169.50 5-pc. daveno & chair, 3 ta- bles, $229.50 Hassocks, all sizes, $3.95 to $22.95 Swing rockers, $59.50 Cricket chairs, maple, $19.95 722 r H.P]NT FOR ..... SaC ._MPi, : tpar t IIt(!nt. bachelor. nished apartment. Aod"t No. 1st. Phone B :0 units ideal for single en. Also attractive }' :ll i@da bedroom apartmentS. Jb furnished except ligh i, Phone -'21'v21 or furnished except for a. lll-" ator if desired, lah°av{ Mrs. Beckwii¢ FS:I--RE'N T----- Three. " apartment $451 H"  Adults only." Call  "'Ji[A large b e d r o o n-s ;"(;,t ] furnished. HA 6.4,w --4JIfL"/ home, fireplace, o "IL]i:Z6 matte laundrY. 6 Fh°ne0. "--" Olympia FL 2-37 '"d' MODERN 2 bedroom '". heat, utility room and I I HA 6815(I. highway bridge.'k at GoLdsborough APY.''" you haven't room,*t'$L -"-: month. Phone HA o- " ra5 Ik The enly especially type woods. a * A very popula All . thousands in € Summer Furniture e, ,h.= s. Discontinued * v.,"°°£' v . (pl., eretg'). - ,,,,,td ' Stmdard au e Inlmd linoleum t vollsl tl( "g g " ' " * oeks ore O . ,,t',jii  tile, 9¢ each For sale Sxc|OIIVS'llli,;-t) 9x12 rugs, $47.50 (pads $7.95) IgPI I VII ll Print linoleum 89¢ sq. yd. llllLI Y Oval rag rugs, $2.95 up. nP' * A ' WOOD HEATER I1 CLEARANCE SALE o, ITP TO !i OFF r( BUDGET SHOP I' ,s Aer(lss Fv,:)m Evergreen Square ILI' itred :;21 RAILIOAD AVE. ]i ao- i tr !, USED APPLIANCES  i 3 .FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS ...................... $35':  1 HOTPOINT RANGE ............................................ ':,...' ' 1-W00STIN0000HOUSE ................................... 1 -. WEST]NGHOUSE' RANGE ...................................... "':., 1 NEW WESTINGIdOUSE I)RYER  ............ $ l-JNEW WESTINGHOUSE 18 cu. fL, ;i:lbi'E;i 1 F * : : ':' ' SHELTON ELECTRIC COMF il S 22 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chrstmasfown, 7Y.S.A.," Shelton Washln , i i ........ FOR SALE II(;H POWER Llghtest Weight! Fast- est cutting at higbesl; Power! Rem- ington Saws. Bar-Dirt's Marina, Mountain View. B 5/14 tfn RABBIT FRYERS for sale, also rab- bit fertilizer, Phone orders between 1 p.m. and 4 pml. Phone HA 6-8626, Mc 6/20 tin DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery PHONE HA 6-6364 Day or Night Service AGENT - LYON VAN LINES 5/14-tfn N .... [ APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric falser Sanders Sterling Electldc Portable Hand Sandal Regina Electric Moor Poliers Homm Jtmlm LAWTON LUMBER 420 S lnt Phone HA. 6-4303 Middle initial E. 2-10tfn 7- .... • f  t,  i[I Custom Tractor Work. Rotovattng or regular plowing, dlcing and harrowing, excavating, blade eveling, road grading, road gravel. Well-aged sawdugt. Work y hour single-handed. Jerome urke. HA 6-3678. ]W P ii I I . , SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marr Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt, 1, Box 476 If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 . l[ t I I Ill BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tfli i FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE  One black Jersey cow. BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Corn- Phone HA 6-2349. M 10/1 tin puny sales and service. Local repre- ys)N-iNLLali'-ty-l]i sentative Wally Anoerson. Phone choice of 1322 colors. L. M. DECOR- HA 6-6001. A4/30 tin ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. BOATS. TRAILERS and outboard mo- 1/29 tin tors at Sbelton Marine Supply, 1209 FOR SALE: Large selection of re- Olympic Highway, South, HA 6-8163. 2/20 tfn conditioned ranges, refrigerators, i washersdryers. ]Qells & Valley AP-oNE YEAR GUARANTEED Reming- pliance uenter. 6/5 tin I ton saw 60 days guaranteed chain. .....  Bar-Din Marina and Power Ms- ROOFING and all other buiiding m -I .............. terials, nothing down, 36 montl tel cmner¥. ee tnem:[ H b/la trn pay under FHA ternm now available |RUG CLEANING Professional equip- at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St., I ment for rent. Makes rugs like new. pnone HA 6-4808. 6/5 tin I L,M. Decorating Center, 821 Railroad. BA--DIN MARINA  Power M[ B 7/9 tfn ehinery. Remington ebaln mtws, Zeus generators, portal?is Ira war, 196 BOATS. MOTORS. TRAILERS. equil Olympia H.ihwaY .co. B 5/14 tta ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- -GS --- t'-WKlls, Windo-, port TR 7-5244. 1/19 Un floors. Paint wallpaper, drapes, rugs, tile yardgooda. L. M. DECOR- .H.A. TERMS now available on all ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. building materials allows you to 1/29 tf lump cosmtruction eost under one bill. For information inquire at TOP SOIL. gravel, fill dirt. F. E. Lawton Lumber, 40  1st St. Phone Ogden. HA 6-6156. '13 tfr HA 6-484. 6/5 tfn COLOR FILM procemg, direct deal- ]gVLNRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR sales er, faster, more efflelent. Also 2- and service at Shelton Marine Supply. hour photo finishing. Try tin. Aes- 1209 Olympto Highway, South, HA ler's Studio, 124 No. 2d. HA 641. 6-8163. 3/20 tfn 81 tin SONOTONE, latest model, hearing aid "CHRISTMATOWN, U.S.A." rubber eye glLes for sale. Used one month, stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 so. ,th. 6%/20,,n Phone HA 18 after 14 FT FIBERGLASS runabout, 85 hp. F-()t-'SAL ) -- 8 yd . du'm--l box. $5000. hand starting Evinrude. All ready to Phone HA 6.4064. K 9/3 tfn go. Complete price $1100.00 and up. Shelton Marine Supply (formerly FOR SALE  18 foot speed boat. 140 tillicrest Hardware). 7/80 tfn hp Gray Marine engine. Excellent ................................................. condition. Phone Union 428. FOR LEASE OR SALE  Small founo M 9/3 tfn ain, light groceries ad drugs. hone HA 6-3748 evenings. AUTO-LITE BATTERIES and accos- T 8/20 tin settee. Wholesale and retail. Shelton Marine Supply (formerly Hlllcrest NOTHING DOWN, 36 months to pay Hardware), on Hillcrest, 9/3 tfn under F.H.A. term on all building -H---B--------T-0-P--O-I-iI', supplies. Lttmp it aD under one bill road and fill gravel, washed sand: Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1at St., PI and gravel, drainage gravel and pea  HA 6-4308. 6/5 tin gravel for driveways. Norman An- -L---R--]k-I'Is'i----'-(5'D- deraon, phone HA 6-85. John's i Made from your favorite color slide Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. or colored negative. Post card size 7/25 tin l now €, including deluxe folder. $100.00. Easy ternm. Johnny's Music One day service on Ektachrome and Box, 8/6 tfn Anseochrome color processing  2 day service on color prints. Zmgler'S FOR SALE --- Heavy cast "Cannon" Studio, 124 N. Second. Z 8/0 tfn stove. Burns wood, coal or trash. 32 -- BR-()WSE--At-o'U'The inches high. Like new $20.00. Stan Parker, HA 6-3542 or HA 6-4658. Is sure to be somethin you will 9t17 .tfn want either in the Thrift department or the Gift and Hobby Shop whers --H-LIAS! Order your tubers for tiere are artificial flower arrange- spring delivery. Over 200 varieties to menta of everY kin and lse, Bar- choose from. See them while in __Din, oppothe A_or .rrrrr__5/_gl  - bloom The Garden Shop, Route 1, Box 49, Olympia Highway. Phone T'T'M-E-TO PLACE your Christmas or- HA 6-3710. 9/24-10/8 ders now. Hand painted ceramic iFOR-sAiJff------eYptllar tractor, novtdties. Call Annie Schneider, HA good condition. One Cares arch, also 6-3757. See them at Route 2, Box some rigging. Phone Drew Cole HA 523. Plekerlng Pass. 9/24 tfn 6-8448 or Mrs. Louis Durand HA h]XYSC.-0VYDU(RS-Send--Slx 6-3036. D 9/17 tfn nearly grown, both sexes; also 7 lay- NEW 14 FOOT outloard, mahogany lng hens. Hoodport TR 7-5370, frame.s transom, seats, fiber glassed, T 9/24-I0/8 Cllrome fittings, 5Va horse motor, new 18 FT. CABIN cruiser with taailer, condition. ${175 vahw,, will trade for twin 25 HP Johnson electric out- car. Phone HA 6-8775. E 10/1 tfn boards. Good shape, make offer, Phone HAt 8-4181. N 1011-8 FOR SALE due to illness -- Lease on FOR S'ALI -- Shopsmth including Burger Pit  mile south on Olympia Joint er and Jigsttw, etc. $150.00. Highway. Mamie Montgomery. Phone HA 6-6317. 10/1-15 M 10/1-8 0R SALE  9 cubic foot Gibson FOR SALE -- Complete, camping can- Shelvador refrigerator. Phone HA npy, like new, and Butane stove 6-2240. B 10/1-15 fils any pickup, Ideal for hunters'. $300.00. Phone HA 6-6894, R 10/$-8 H.P. motor $100.00. Also 14 ft. boat USED FURNITURE .5 Phone HA 6419 B 9/24 tfn FOR SALE --- 2 Whiteface beef eat- tie. Phone HA 6-6045. S 10/8 Wa Buy and Sell SEE US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 R.R. Ave HA 6-4332 b/7-tfn 25 Cu. Ft. Upright FREEZER Like New $219 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 BATTERIES - TIRES Enlarged Stock for Immediate Delivery - Lowest Coat per month for NaUonaUy AlMtate Silent Cushion Tires Advertised Tyrex Cord His vehicles Intrigue kids FREE TIRE MOUNTING Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 1 i ] ] Phone HA 6-4392 GOOD USED FURNITURE 1 Btltwell club chair, $49 1 daveno, very good, $59 2 matching Rots rockers (beige, very goodl, $39 each 1 club chair and match- ing ottoman (gold}, $49 3-pc. sectional, $59 1 swing rocker, $9 2 5-pc. chrome sets, each $49 I daveno, $19 2 small oil heaters, each $29 2 medium size oil heaters, ea. $49 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL 2 electric ranges, each $49 New and Remodeling 1 wood or coal incinerator Tidewater Construction (new) $69 Your Local Buildem 2 17-inch TVs, recondit- Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three ineertiorm. Additional in- sertiom 25¢ each. Rates for larger ack on reque Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" n o t i C • S $1.50 per insertion. All clamified advertisemet must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of month. An extra charge of will be made when bflilng nseeary. FOR SALE -- Davenport, accordion, 111 Bass, H-O gauge model train. Phone HA 6-3231. C 8/6 tfn WEANER PIGS for sale, Phone I-IA 6-451I. Charles A. Phillips, Islan,q Lake. P 8/20 tin WE BUY YOUR EQUITY, or will sell on consignment, your boats, motors, trailers, etc. Shelton Marine Supply. 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA 6-s63. _ 2/,20, tf.. _ FOR SALE: Used steel, plates, pipe, pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and _ M. the_ Ph one HA 6-_8626:_ .............. 9./8__fin HOTPOINT DELUXE electric stove, good condition $60. Sunbeam electric shaver, praetically new $12. Phone ._.:L e_.:4_ 3_. ....................... w_.9/7__n LOCKER MEAT Cut, double wrapped and trimmings ground--5 cents per pound. Don Wil- liams, 604 Dearborn. Phone HA 6-3040. 9/17 tin FOR SALE -- New Rlteway wood furnace, reg. $495.00. Special $295.00. L.M, Budget Shop, 321 Railroad, Ave,, HA 6-4332. 9/24 tfn CONCRETE PLANTER boxes, small $3.50, large $6.50. Set of three -- 2 small, I lsrgt h $12.50. The Garden Shop. Route l, Box 48, Olympia Highway, phone HA 6-3710. 9/24-10/8 8-,XL- - ---%-i;;--;,(ei. lent condition. Phone HA 6-3225, A 9/24 tin I)AFFODILS and tulips! Parrot tulips $1.00 per dozen, Mixed tulips 59¢ per duzen. King Alfred daffodils $1.00 I)cr dozen. In lb. sacks mixed daf- fodils (100 blooms per bag) $3.49, The Garden Shop, Rte. 1, Box 48, Olympia Highway. Phone HA 6-3710. 9/24-10/8 IT'S EASY TO CLEAN carpets with a hmg handle brush and Blue Lustre. Removes traffic paths, Lumbcrmen's Mercantile Company. 10/8 ItOUSE TO BE MOVED or torn down ---two bedrooms, small, located on Park st. Phone HA 6-4355. Vrlll ac- cel)t best offer. J 10/8 tfn WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 6-2411 BUNK BEDS SPECIAL VALUE Bunk beds complete with guard- rail, ladder and mattresses. $75.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 i FACTORY CLOSE-OUT Book-case headboards with foot and rails. Pull or twin size. $35.00 FOR SALE OIL STOVE. 2 oil barrels and copper tubing for sale. $35.00. HA 6-3295. 628 Cascade. Mc 10/8 GAS HEATER and gas range wit" grill. Make offer. Call HA 6-2497. H 10/8-29 FOR SALE: 12 gaugr Levens pump shotgun. $27,50, Pitons IiA 6-418.1. S 10/8-15 LARGE SEIGLER heater, oil barrel. some oil, stand, copper tubing, all excellent condition. Pllone HA 6-4755. T 10/8-15 ONE COMPLETE plv)tography outfit :100; one reel two horse gas motor, $20; one trailer ilouse frame for boat trailer, $125; one jigsaw, $15; one propane range with restaurant grill, $20. Phone TR 7-5597. s 10/s. PIANO, WONDERFUL tone, hides- bed, occasional tables, radio-phons, lamp, French Provincial dressers, matelt4ng twin sreads and curtains. Phone HA 6-6526, S 10/8 )lt ltLNT HOUSE FOR RENT  suitable for working couple. Inquire 147 CotS, across the bridge. L 7/30 tin FOR RENT -- 3 room apartment with bath, downtown. Unfurnished except for range. Refrigerator If desired. Phone HA 6-3283, Mrs. Beckwith. 6/26 tin -(3 --R-Z N :--S--6e-dK;&E-h  Us  On Hillcrest, apply to Mrs. Thompson. 1239 Ellinor, phone HA 6-8446. D 9/17 tfn Motmtain-View CABINET SHOP East K Sreet Tel. HA 6-2042 JOHN BUNKO 225 South llth Street Res. Tel. HA 6-3279 Shelton, Washington TERMS 7/9 tfn ' i ii i BELFAIR GARDENS We have Pyacantha plants with lots of berries of orange or red. Also, Andromada (Lily of the Valley) plants, reg. $2.25 to $3.00 plants @ $1.75. Star Rte. 1, Box 55, Belfair, Wn. Across from Belfair P.U.D. Business Opportunity FOR LEASE SIGNAL SERVICE STATION, First and Cota, Shelton. Small investment required for stocK. Phone Collect Olympia FL 6-8245 8/Z0 tfn I HIGHEST CASH PAID For Timber Stumpage and Lands Interested parties call evenings collect. Bar-Din Enterprises FOREST PRODUCTS Star Rt. 2, Box 119, Shelton, Wn. Telephone HA 6-6837 Ethel M. Barton - John A. Dinning ill i I FOR RENT 2 OR 3 ROOM modern cabins by day, Wt't!k Of lllonth. Jun('ti,)n Auto Court, I0 miles north of Shelton. E 10/1 tfn FOR RENT -- 1 bedrooin furnished ai)art]tent, close is, ground floor. 706 Cots. P 10/1 tfn -ONE BEDROOM furnished honse for rent. Suburban location. HA 6-6976. D 10/1 tfn FO RENT -- Small 2 bedroonh%-us' partly furnished, 3 blocks from cen- ter of Shclten. Phone HA 6-8715. M 10/1-8 2 BOOM AND BATH apartnmnt for rent, furnished. Phone HA 6-2474. W I0/8-15 FOR RENT Mt. View, one bedroom duplex with stoves, garage, water aud garbage furnished, $40 a month. Adults only. Phone HA 6-3218, B 10/8-22 GARAGE FOR RENT -- For car or boat. Inquire 629 Cots or phone HA 6-6663. C 110/8-29 FOR RENT -- CLETRAC with blade. drum. We deliver. Power saws, large or snmil. Evergreen Texaco, 1st and Franklin. phone HA 6-3031, evenings HA 6-3503 or 6-6343. 10/8 tfn FOR RENT -- Large, 3 bedroom un- furnished house on nice beach, four miles out. Phone HA 6-4000. B 10/8 tfn FOR RENT -- Three bedroom, unfur- nished house on Wyandotte, carport. Pimne HA 6-4505 between 6 and 7 P.m. T 10/8-15 FOR RENT  Three bedroom lmme, furuished or unfurnished. Angleside. Plmnc HA 6-8563. No Saturday cdls. A 10/8-22 RENT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom un-= furnished, yard, large garage. Walter George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4636. 10/8-11/13 tfn FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. 718 No. 6th, phone MA 6-4348 after 5 p.m. D 10/11 tfn F6-hmY--- i--5-/j57n-OU:.V-Gi: furnisbed, downtown, easy walking distance to mills, etc. Phone HA 6-6532 days. After 4:30 HA 6-4612. D 9/24 un FOR SALE Bayshore Fuel Co. and Equipment Phone HA 6-2271 or 6-6553 CABINETS STYLED TO ORDER J. H. Tice Bayshore Road Phone HA. 6-6700 7-9tfn Kelly's Furnilure 625 So. 1st HA 6-2411 BAR-DIN'S MARINA & POWER MAOHiNERY PRAMS Unfinished Finished 8-ft ........... $40 $55 10-ft ........... $60 $7S FISHING BOATS 12-ft. to 16-ft, $11S to $305 RUNABOUTs Custom built from blueprint or kits. See our plans and prices before you build. Marine paint, Remington Power Saws e Zeus Power Generators € 3 Models from No Job too large or too roll. toned, each $49 fiberglass, hardwood, hardware Shelton, WaShington and repairs. $243.50 to $279 n-0 t Olsen Furniture Olsen Furniture 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY NORTH • PHONE HA 6-6837 J-.Ll ........... )r, 328 Cota HA 6-4702 328 Cots HA 6-4702 SEE IT AT ' ' ' .... Eells & Valley Add Enchantment to )'our SERVICE TREMENDOUS SAVINGS S]T.F.Y VAOUU CLEA.NING DURING SEARS ANNUAL 123 vS:I u il  SCC Samples at IDAIRE First With SEARS CATALOG SALES OFFICE This Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 @ REFRIGERATOBS @ RANGES @ WASHERS @ DRYEBS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 MtRCAMYtLg Early American Franklin IIEATER FIREPLACE Open swing doors, you have a fireplace ..... Closed, a stove. 2 sizc-22-inch and 26-inch. Convenient Terms SEE 1N OUR WINDOW Olsen Furniture 328 Cota Phone HA 6-4702 NO SPARKS! NO SMOKE! NO FLOOR DRAFTS! LOWERS FUEL BILLS! niform, keat from Soor to ceiling. |urn wood, prtstu-logl or brlque,s, Yoa cseol Ire . , . your Ibeme ond family $ofor! SEND FIREPLAC WlOTH and H[16HL ||CFIVE C010r#ul hoklel FR£E PHONE ; o. Olsen Furniture Ri.. 328 Cota • Phone HA 6-4702 A,' I,/,/,// FOR RENT i ¸, ' LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt., UNI?URNrSHED h oef°t-lLl heat and hot water furnished. Phone Ph,,A lbed,  _HA _.6:S0S 4 , ..................................... 63!19 tt, _,. ai FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom FOR RENT --- DoW- 'F(DoW_-I* '' unfurnished apartments. Ranges and ent.._L%7 aE r--- refrigerators supplied. Laundry fa- ' ciiities. Hot water heat. Holly Hill el'ator, ............. n!w spl'ln,"l Apartments, phone HA 6-6593 or Roy fireplace, .... [ h a,e t-',,"li e Dunn Agency, HA 6-6363. "'c.lon APi'l &partillents. B 7/9 tfn - phone m-l o Curtiss, Mgr. on highway, electric range, hoL wa- tor tank, oil heater, free water, only $35.00 per montit. Phone HA 2-2455 after 5 p.m. D 9/24 tln house, close in, carport. Rcas,)nab]e. Phone HA 6-4759. B 9/24-10/8 house available Sept. 28. Phone HA 6-4719, B 9/24 tfn FOR RENT: light housekeeping rooms. 100 W. Pine, phone HA 6-4679. ..................................... R_4/lS_ffn FURNISHED 2 bedroom home for rent. Garage, nice fenced yard, near school. 903 Franklin. S 9/24-10/8 BUDGET SHOP Across from Evergreen Square On Railroad Ave. Used Furniture Daveno .................................... $10.00 Sofa and Chair .................... $35.00 Swing Rcker $12.50 Vanity with Mirror . ........... $15.00 Chest ...................................... $7.50 Crib ........................................ $10,00 Wood Bed .............................. $7.00 Dbl. Dresser with Mirror .. $49.00 -- Used Appliances -- Wringer Washer .................. $19.00 Wood Range .......................... $35.00 21" TV Set ............................ $39.00 Kirby Vac. Cleaner (like new) .................................... $39.50 Apt. Size Range .................. $49.00 40" Range .............................. $49.00 Frig. Refrigerator .............. $59.50 321 R,R. Ave, HA 6-4332 ' - • , r , ,,, ,,, , FOR SALE 2nd Hand Furniture Biltwell davenport, $39.50 5-pc. chrome set, $25.00 (like new) 2 wood cook stoves, $22.50 Montag wood heater, $20 1 Kenmore oil stove Mahogany desks, $29.50 Combination Chest-Desks, $19.50 2 30-inch ranges (like new) Refrigerators, $39.50 to 69.50 40-gal. electric hot water tank, $39.50 2 electric ranges (new elements) 5 electric dryers 4 Cosco posture chairs, $6.50 each blonde mahogany chest of drawers, $39.50 1 40-inch Philco range with 30- inch oven 1 freight-damaged new 5-pc, bed- room suite, $40 discount 1 Incinerator, like new 1 Set Bunk Beds 2 Twin Beds, complete $49.50 1 5-Piece Dining Room set, $39.50 3 Overstuffed Chairs, $15-$29.50 School desks, $17.95 up S Unpainted Furniture Desks, Chests, Stools, Nits Stands, Wardrobes, Chiffoniers o New Furniture 4-pc. bedroom suite, $169.50 1 3-pc. solid maple bedroom suite, $189.50 Daveno & chair, $169.50 5-pc. daveno & chair, 3 ta- bles, $229.50 Hassocks, all sizes, $3.95 to $22.95 Swing rockers, $59.50 Cricket chairs, maple, $19.95 722 r H.P]NT FOR ..... SaC ._MPi, : tpar t IIt(!nt. bachelor. nished apartment. Aod"t No. 1st. Phone B :0 units ideal for single en. Also attractive }' :ll i@da bedroom apartmentS. Jb furnished except ligh i, Phone -'21'v21 or furnished except for a. lll-" ator if desired, lah°av{ Mrs. Beckwii¢ FS:I--RE'N T----- Three. " apartment $451 H"  Adults only." Call  "'Ji[A large b e d r o o n-s ;"(;,t ] furnished. HA 6.4,w --4JIfL"/ home, fireplace, o "IL]i:Z6 matte laundrY. 6 Fh°ne0. "--" Olympia FL 2-37 '"d' MODERN 2 bedroom '". heat, utility room and I I HA 6815(I. highway bridge.'k at GoLdsborough APY.''" you haven't room,*t'$L -"-: month. Phone HA o- " ra5 Ik The enly especially type woods. a * A very popula All . thousands in € Summer Furniture e, ,h.= s. Discontinued * v.,"°°£' v . (pl., eretg'). - ,,,,,td ' Stmdard au e Inlmd linoleum t vollsl tl( "g g " ' " * oeks ore O . ,,t',jii  tile, 9¢ each For sale Sxc|OIIVS'llli,;-t) 9x12 rugs, $47.50 (pads $7.95) IgPI I VII ll Print linoleum 89¢ sq. yd. llllLI Y Oval rag rugs, $2.95 up. nP' * A ' WOOD HEATER I1 CLEARANCE SALE o, ITP TO !i OFF r( BUDGET SHOP I' ,s Aer(lss Fv,:)m Evergreen Square ILI' itred :;21 RAILIOAD AVE. ]i ao- i tr !, USED APPLIANCES  i 3 .FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS ...................... $35':  1 HOTPOINT RANGE ............................................ ':,...' ' 1-W00STIN0000HOUSE ................................... 1 -. WEST]NGHOUSE' RANGE ...................................... "':., 1 NEW WESTINGIdOUSE I)RYER  ............ $ l-JNEW WESTINGHOUSE 18 cu. fL, ;i:lbi'E;i 1 F * : : ':' ' SHELTON ELECTRIC COMF il S