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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 8, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 8, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8, 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY jOURNAL- Published in "Ohrts .......... 2/!L ff, (,Vo bo(lril[;lll n. Plmne ]tA W 9/17 tfn tiIL&apos;l VI iil(,ni Itowll ileal' .ql o]'t%q. M 9/17 lfn ])(qh'(HIlll hqi|tle. for ,|OVoS, lib'€* liA 6,6270. D 9/17 I fn sh'epiog de- 720 It 9/3 Ifn REAL ESTATE '" hedr..m braise on F()T SAT,P;"--- Duplex, 84x28 with 10 Phone ]IA lot., Inquire 1726 Stewart street or M 10/I lrn photo, tlA 6-61511. N 7/23 tfn lil)]lH!, ('hqln. rum.c, ,5.. l.r I TWO BEDROOM ]V[t_ Viiw-h(ilb""IYlil - b' V, IIA ily I'llolll. ,(i I'a g I:', ec f'{tllll(' [ilO till }/I: l ' [I  ii { { 4}t* ' II c(Jnnilq's. ,,i){){L ]C'h(int IIh ..... (i-.t779 or t1A 6-4846. D 9/3tfn collages and EIl?-i'ly in ho):i--3 Pines. L 10/9 tfn be(h'cl()nl hi*me, den. fJrepla('e, lois /:)ill s. Ly day-or .f storage. IIA 6-823K S 10/1-15 PdI)IO()M Tffoodsilort home. }l,rllxVllul Ill)in's, TWO vaT' gsrage. Cl h'lit'll x'ard, g(,od '.:lr doll, Ph(IDP Tlt. 7-5265. Mc 9/17 tfn FOrt SA T,E --:-T,;i;;;i:.-(lTi./G bbhrl)7-,{ |)l)llIO. t'o I)011lS, Iol of cabinets nrd si{,r,'Ee, do t) e ,v3 "afro eh,vtric h,':it, f'ivvl)lm'o. 90'xl0O' lid'. 2 blocks fl'tinl I1. Vh,w s(,lle)(d. RoasonaillV priced. 2127 King st. W $/29 tfn MUST SFJ,I, - M.d,rn 3 bedrnom h,,mo. Sl(,,kom i.hh Valley. Fenced va,'d, alin(.hed g:,;'m_o. Phone IiA 6-.1121. N 10/I-8 2 P,1v, DROt)M " house wi(h acreage. IH)- downlown. I)vuhle prais(,(I nl $75o0, MuM lip r,,en 1o be Phone llh nppr,(:iab'd. Phlmt, 1tA 6-,q663. B G/11 lit, N lll/g tfn apartment" at /'-R-'-°'-'T'l''W-"ff"7f'l' take one small NI:. - NEI - SET; of Section 22. road. Phone lIA LaI2/4 tfn ITS. hop poles, l bt y ',qtl e,iale 7-9876. S lO/g tfn batteries, radia- tit all kinds. % First and Mill , 6-8626. S 4/7 tfn speedy, grinding. Now tit Hillerest. Phone 1/15 tfn tires. O.K, View. 1/10 tfn Alterations, but- zippers, crochet to order. Phone $4/23 tfn for Wat- er Sbelton. Work Own choosln $3.00 This for re- incense. 2109 East Washington. or 8:00 am to 10:00 3/12 tfn i $40. Also spray etc. For esti- 6-4322. Inquire R 3/12 tfn eeled fir poles ole and Piling Box 3012, Tacoma 4/16 tfn jobz! if you fixed call Henry 2/12 tfn stock, prompt, Phone us collect. Idar her Rendering, 2/27 tfn rer, three inca, failer wanted. evenings. B 9/3 tfn cash paid for lands. Call Enterprises, HA 9/3 tfn TiNG -- Residen- Phone Olympia D 9/1 (1-10/1 repairing, in- Shelton Third. Dial HA 5/1 tfn w'(itkL--tiil d hi, ling, roofing, ro('k and ]lardwotld, building. No by job or hour. Phone HA 9/24 tfn C Uasilinlft,ln. D :10/8 ffn or small tracts Cruiser available st Tie & Lumber Olympia. 9/20 tfn dress making ant* rlenccd sealastress. A 9/24 tfn maple logs. 12", Top PrcnlfulYl fop hirge rail. Prompt pay- 'thwcsi Chair Com- 1115. Taconia. 9;IM-10/S rk - bookkeeper. nanlc, addrcss, experience to Box B 9/-)'l locality Canal. Earnings average for person Work. No la¥-offs. known sntees and in Life, La- Good House, and other mass- write Watkins 11th St., Brem- or phone ESsex 10:00 a.m. 8/12 tfn of your bird In my G 9/27-10/8 tires, size 7:10x15, B 10/1-1b SALE cleared, 5 bed- room, 1 ½ garage, aiiles from town e Valley, q= $ low bank, orchard, house could be basement, fur- $16,800.00, room and fireplace, each room, separ- windows, double garage $ i x 385 feet, gravel low bank, cabin 1 $5,500.00. , house, large shop, 2 wells furnace, 750,00. $ close to town, full basement, and berries, $1,200 down monthly i , 2 lots, carport Ill. • t,,wnsbio 21, rang,J 5. Pri,'e $750.00, Phone I;-4064, K 8/20 tfn 11: AeRIe, q/1220 ft.--frgntd:5" 72 hif;n- TII Cnn,'ll rat1. letwen rah'md 11'slle angl priwor sltit loll AcPess frov, now Mt. View ]v own- o,'. $°100. torm% Strickland. PO Box 521., Wash. 9/17-10/9 WIIZJ--TRA DE - I lii-i,'7-It-'-/l' d-- tb r-e' bPliri)onl Ironic for three bedroom homo wilh arl'cagP, Phone IIA 6-4637. A 9/24-10/8 LOST , Oak auto lop eorrier rack bar. possibly towards Union. Phone ;th 6-3.198. B 10/1-15 (L2454. J 10/1 -- TIRED CARR ol-'pCYt-rTff-u-W-'. 2 new tiree. Iwo very good. $150.00. Plmne IIA ul FOR SALE 40-ACRES with about 12 under cultivation, some growing timber, new 2-car garage, 5-room modern home with unfinished uustairs, Has good water system with field snrinkling system and located about 7 miles West of Shelton in Dayton District. TAts will make a good suburban place with farm- ing oDporhmity. A good value at $7,750 with terms to reliable party. 5-ROOM modern home with 2 bedrooms, utility uorch and part basement. Located on Hillcrest corner lot and in nice condition. Priced at $5000.00. 100-ft. of waterfront including tidelands located at Towncreek about 1 mile East on Bayshore road. Includes small cabin. A good bavview tract at a very reason- able price. $2750 with terms. See it today for future use? * lit * Also have a number of desir- able pro0erties, including su- burban homes with some tim- ber and cultivated land. Herbert, G. Anle Many "don'ts" in his book Phone HA. 6-8272 CLASSIFIED SERVICE i ii ACCORDION private lessons In your home. Slaneata National School of Ac('ordlon. Mrs, Casada, phons HA _6-8229. I/I tfn ROOFING, blown rock wool insula- tion. Guaranteed. Phone HA, 6-6417. 6/20tfn ARTIFICIAL "BREDING service for both dairy and beef. $7.00 cash, Ev- ergreen Northwest Breeders. Inc. Call WAil(am Turner, Olympia. con lect. FL. 2-2113. tfn SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Expert work. Bonded employee. Leave calls at Journal office, phone ItA. 6-4412. inger Sewing Machine Co.. Olympia. 11/22t fn idenee nt,ar lhe LowPr Skokomlsh School. Call Trotan 7-5438 for ap- pointioont Salu rday, Sunday. and Wednesday. A. F. Oppelt. O4/16 tin C()MPLETE SERVICE-- Photostats mid reproductions, ()lvmpia Blue- print and Copy Co., 111 E. State Ave.. Olympia FL 6-6707, 0 9/10 tfn PREES TOPPED. trlmmeu, removed. Larrta Tree Surgeon Service, HA. 6-4823. 2/18tfn MISELLANEOIIS CARD (iF APPRECIATION re wish to thank the Dayton Com- munity Club trod friends In Mason County who contributed to the bone-, fit dance. ] Tile tIenry Warnes family 101g] ] CARD (iF APPRECIATION I We wish to eXpress our deepest { thanks and appreciation to ihe manY l friends and neighbors who so kindly I assisted during the illness and pass- ing of our beloved one, also. for the lovJe y floral oiferings. Mrs. Ruth Chester and family Mrs. Dora Taylm. Mrs. Elsie Henkel 10/8 lgal ihlleation, NO. 31,15 NOTICE TO CRED|TORR IN TII SUPERIOR COURT OF TH STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Tn the Matter of the Etate of GEORGE E. FREDERICKSON. De- tossed. Grace M. Frederlokson Is the ap- pointed and qualified Adminlstratrlx of said estate. All persons having claims against said deceased are re- oulred to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on said Admlnlstratrix or her attorney, Robert L. Snyder at the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court. to- gelher with proof of such service. within six months sfier tile date of first publication of this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first pnbllcation: October 1 1959. GRACE M. FREDERICKSON Administratrix oute 2. Box 120 Shqton. Wahin10n ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney t Law gm'ev uilding Shellon, Washington 10/1-8-15-22 4t Northcliff Home Large living & dining room, 2 bedrooms, den, kitchen, bath, hardwood floors, breeze- way, arage: large lot 90 x 125: oil fired hot wa- ter heat. 923 Roy Blvd. Price $17.500.00. Inquire of C, C. Cole, Phone HA 8-4411, 7/9-tfn PREFERRED PROPERTIES ALL NEW AND BEAUTIFUL . . . 3 bedrooms, fireplace, large all birch kitchen, baseboard electric heat, full:v olastered and insulated. Many more plus features. Price is $15,600 and can he yours for immediate occupancy. Call to see it today. 2 BEDROOMS. FIREPLACE, ANGLESIDE... Located on corner Int in excellent residential area, Large living room, dining room, attached garage, plastered, inmllated and has radiant hot water heat. Can be yours for only $650 down including closing costs. Full price is $9,400, FHA appraised. LARGE FAMILY? THEN THIS iS FOR YOU • . • This 7-room home on 5 acres, located in Skokom- ish Valley might be just the place you've been look- ing for. Small barn. excellent water supply and extra outbuildings. Call us about it today. Price ts $10,000 and owner will carry contract. GRISDALE WORKERS . . . NEAR MATLOCK , . . 20 acres, 6 cleared. 3 bedroom.home, all remodel- ed and redecorated. Excellent well with new hump. Small barn and chicken house. Price of $8,500 in- cludes 2 heifers and calf and about 25 chickens. 2 BEDROOMS, FIREPLACE, 5 ACRES... Located in Skokomlsh valley it is the ideal place for Camp Govey worker and his family. Excellent soil to supplement your income by raisin much of your own food, A real ood buy at only $5,950, $700 down and $55 per month. EXCEPTIONALLY ROOMY 3 BEDROOM . .. Jnst ½ mile from city limits. Has fireplace, elee- 'tric heat, large living room, dining room, roomy kitchen and utility, plus many more extras. Take over GI mortgage. Payments are only $58 per month including taxes and insurance. Full price s $8,250. ATTENTION GI's . . . Helmet's Important apparel An immaculate 8 bedroom home on corner lot, with large living room, roomy kitchen, attached gar- age. Includes ransre and automatic dryer, $350 down. Full price only $6,950. An excellent buy. Better call today. TAKE OVER 4V=% G.I. LOAN . . . On this 4 bedroom, 1½ bath, full basement home. Corner lot. fruit trees, shrub& After equity, payments are only $61 per month, including taxes and insur- ance. Immediate possession can be arranged, Must rush to his work. IMMACULATE 3 BEDROOM , . . Located on large corner lot, it has 2 bedrooms down and 1 up. Large livlng room, roomy kitchen with good eating space. Excellent garage, greenhouse and very fine lawn, garden and shrubbery. Price is $8,950, only $500 down. Call us today. 2 BEDROOMS, SOUTH SIDE HILL . . . This is an exceptionally good buy for only $7,600. Attractive living room, dining room, roomy kitchen with breakfast nook, attached garage, plus coral- finished uostairs suitable for 2 more bedrooms. You should call us on this one today. NOTICE OF ,IIERIFF'S ALE OF REAL pROPERTY By virtue Of a Writ of Execution is- stied out of the Superlor Court of Mason County, Washingxon, on July 10. 1959. by the Clerk lhereof, in the ease of Ted DePoe, Plaintiff. agatnst Owen Modlin, Defendant, being cause No, 7586. and tO me, as Sheriff. dircvt- ed and delivered: Notice is hereby given that I will llrOeeed to soil at public auction to th*. highesl bidder for cash. within the hoin.ra proscribed bY law for Sher- Iff's sal(,s to-wit: at 10 o'clock A.M, on the 9th day of October, 1959. before lhe Qf)urlhf, use door of Mason County, in She]ton, Washington the folh)wing described property situate tn Mason Ctlaoly, Washington, t(i-Wlt : A tract of land in that portion .f tire Fracllonal Nortlleast qTlarter (NE  ,) of the Northwest, quarter. , (NWA) of Section 3, Townslp 20 North Range 3 West, W.M., lying Northerly and Easterly el tim cell- ter line of the County Road. par- ticularly described aa follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast cor- net' of said Northeast quarter (NE'4) of the Northwest quarter (NW,6), thence West. along the North line of said forty, to apolnt thereon 1111 feet East of the Easterly right-or- way line of said County Road; lhence South, parallel with the East line of said NE¼ of NW., 5 feet morn or less to the Northerly right- of-way line of a private roadway; thence S(,uihweateriy a I O n g the Northerly line of said private road- way to an intersection with the Easterly right-of-way line of said County Road; thence Southerly along tile Easterly right-of-way line of said Cotlnty Road, 30 feet, more or less. to the Northwest corner of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to Lester D. Elllott and Josephine E. Elliott, husband and wife, by deed recorded in Volume 145 of Deeds, page 176, under Auditor's ]Pile No. 145690: thence East, along the North line of said Elliott tract, 250 feet to the Northeast corner of said Eli iott tract; thence South. along the East line of said Eillott tract, 320 feet to the Southeast cornet" thereof, being (he North line of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to M, E. Wright. a bachelor, by deed recorded in Volume 157 of Deeds. page 431. un- der Auditor's File No. 154198; thence East along the North line of satd Wright tract, to the East line of said NE of N'W'*,,. tence North along the East line of al N.E of NWi to the point of b eglmng..._ {2) A tract of iana m e oum half (S) of the Soutlieas quarisr ISEt) of Section 34, Townslflp 21. North Range 3. West, W.M. particu- larly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at the quarter post on the South line of Section 94, Townshlp 21, North Range 8, West. W,M.; thence East, (var. 22 degrees. 30'E) 80 challis: thence North 208 feet, mere or less, the point of be- ginning, excepting therefrom how- ever. the West ninety 190) feet thereof heretofore conveyed to G. Thompson, a bachelor, by deed re- corded in Volume 138 of Deeds, page 378 under Auditor's file No. 139985, and excepting roadways. levied on in the hereinabove describ- ed cause to satisfy a judgment amount amounting to $1511.50, together with interest, attorneys fees, costs In favor of Plalntiff. DATED THIS 3rd day of September, 1959. w, A. POTTER Sheriff of Mason County, Washington C. D. MORRISON Deputy 9/10-17-24-10/1-8 .'NOTICE OF SALE OF FORENT PRODUCTS ON STATE LAND Notice is hereby given that on Mon- day, the 19th of October. 1959. com- mencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon at the Port Orchard District Head- quarters of the Department of Nat- ural Resources, the following describ- ed forest products will be sold at pub- lic auction to the highest bidder. Application Number F-5603 -- Not less than 500 Christmas trees. Located In I!ilET.NEV Sec. 9, Twp, 22 N., Rge. 3W, Scale ale B, Forest products will be. sold on a tree count basis. Minimum acceptable bid will be 30¢ per tree, The purchaser must cut a mlnlmum of 500 Christmas trees from the sale area to be paid for at the bid price at the tlme of sale. All con- ifers eat are to be paid for at the hid rate or a total of $150.00. At tlme of sale thepurchaser must make a deposit of 100% of the bid price based on the cruise estimate, $150.00 of this deposit, plus a $5.00 bill or sale fee, or a total of $155.00. must be In the form of cash. money order, certified cheek or bank draft. The balance of the required deposit, if any, may be paid by personal check. BOND: At time of sale the purchas- er must also furnish a cash bond of $150.00. in the form of cash, money or- der. certified cheek or bank draft, to guarantee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale. Time for removal will be before De- cember 23, 1959. Located approximately 18 miles West of Belfair, Accessibility: over public road. A copy of the timber bill of sale contract ts posted at the Port Orchard District Headquarters office. BERT L. COLE, Commissioner of Public Lands 10/8 It NO. 3092 NOTICI ; OF HEAitlNG ON FINAL REPORT AND I'ETITION F(}it I)ISTRInI'TION IN TtIE SUPERIOR COURT OF TtlE ITATE OF l WASIIINGT()N FOR [ AsoN COl NTY (In I'rol)ate) Ill lbe Molter of the Estate of JAMES ROBERT STORY. Dot.eased, NOTICE IS iIEREI=]Y GIVICN that THEITtESA KING, as administratrix of the Estate of James Robert Story has filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court her Final Report and Petition for Distribution, asking the Cmn't to setth, said Report, distribute the orop- erty to the persons thereto eniitled amt to discharge said administratrix: and that said Report a(i P,qit{on will I)e hoard on th*" 16ih day of Oc(i)h(,r. 19R9. at lO:0fl A.M. at the Court Room ()f the Probate D(,i)artnwnl of snid (](lllrt. al which |iin,, and D]ace any t)t.l'Sllll interoslcd ill said Estah, Iliay appear and fib! < the('eto and t.ontesl l}l¢' same. DATED lhis 11th day of e{)lenibcr. {959. IctARRY DEYETTE lerk (if mild Court GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate 121 South F'ourth Slreet Sholton. Washlnglon (SEAL) 9/17-24-10/1.8 4t NO, .Ill 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORH IN THE SIrPERIOR COURT OF THE RTATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of (ho Estate of ZORA A. WALDRIP, deceased. NOTICF IS GIVEN thst .Tames S. Waldrip and Sarsh Wahlrin Butts sre the appolnted and qualified Jolnt Ex- ecutor and Executrlx of said estate: that all persons having claims against the aald decetsed are hereby requlred to serve the same ffuiy verified in du- plicate with the necessary vouchers attached, upon the un(iersigned Joint txecuter or Isxecutrix or theh. at- torney, Robert L, Snyder, at their sd- resaes herelnbelow stated, and file surh claims together witli proof of service with tile Clerk ef said Court wltlfln six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: October 1 1959. ALL CLAIMS not so presented and filed will be barred, JAMES S. WALDRIP Executor 1019 East Cascade Selton, Washington SARAH WALDRIP BUTTS !gxe('utrlx RoIte I, Bbx 259 OlYmpia. Washingion ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Bulldlng Shelton. Washin'ton Attorney for Joint Executor and Executrix 10/1-8-15-22 4t NO. 3132 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ENTATE IN -IE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate1 In the Matter of the Estate of MARY E. NICHOLSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MABEL HARRIMAN in her capacity as executrix of the above estate, will nell at private sale and for cash the following deserlbed real estate: Tbe North 5 acres of the EV.z of the NEt of the NEUh of Section 23, Townshin 90 North Range 3 West. W.M, EXCIPTING Tract No, 2. to the highest and best bidder. Ids must be submitted in writing and may he loft with the excutrlx at 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington. Bids will be received until the dlite of sale. The vale wtll be made on or after October 9. 1959. The f,xecutrix reserves the right to reloct any and all bids, MABEL HARRIMAN Executrix GLENN E eORREA Attorney for Executrix Bell Building t21 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 9/24-10/I-$ 3t NO. 3140 NOTICE TO CBEDITOR IN THE JPERIOR COURT OF TH]!I TA]. OX, W,ASttINGTON FO 24 Ja.  U fit L;UUN  X In the Matter of the Combined Es- tates of GEORGE NEWTON ADAMS and LELA LeCLAIR ADAMS, de- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Georgia Miller has been appointed and has qualified as Administ.ratrix of the estate of George Newton Adams. de- ceased, ana % as Adminlstratrix of the estate of Lela LeClair Adams. de- ceased; and that all persons having claims against the maid estates or the said deceased are heretly required to serve the same duly verified in dupli- cate with the necessary vouchers at- tached, upon the said Administratrix or her Attoriley at tlTe law office of Robert L Snvder, Govey Ruiiding, S helton, Vash'lngton, and file such Claims together wltl proof or service with the Clerk of said Court within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: Oc- t, tober l. 19a9. or all elaim, not so pro- seated and filed will be barred, GEORGIA MILLER Administratrlx of said Combined Estates Star Routs 1, Box 165 Shelton Washington ROBERT L, SNYDER Govey Building Shelton, Washington Attorney for said Combtned Estates 10/1-8-15-22 4t SOME EXCELLENT BUYS! A VERY ATTRACTIVE ISLAND LAKE HOME • • • Nearly new and has 3 bedrooms, lovely etone fireplace, table top range and built-in oven, birch cabinets, hobby room, all on nice lakefront setting, including dock. $17,250. A NICE :3 IIIg00 M DOWNTOWN HOME . . . One of tl0 vt, e0mfortable older homes that ham so many nice features. Selmrate dining room, fireplace, finest heating unit, automatic dishwasher, workshop, and lots of stor- age. $14,000. ONLY 12 MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN . . . And thl 3 bedroom home on 10 acres might be just the ticket. BUilt-in oven, table top l2nge, large stone fireplace, automatic furnace heat, etc. $1{,000.. IF YO WA!T A L,.}aE HqM! FOR MODEST PRICE ... tt n ltr:.|e..tllinl! then this  It' Think of getting a goocl, oUd, well-built home with 5 bearooms, 2 batn, full basement, fireplace, ample storage, etc. for only $7500 with $500 down $50/month! HOW ABOUT A FINE 20-ACIII SKOKOMISH FARM? . . , No bettor soil anywhere, fine large barn, good solid h0nle, andy orcharql, all fenced. A good buy at $10,500 with $1500 own $50/month. ! A NEARLY NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME . . , It's attractive and has many fine features---fireplace, hard- wood floors, electric heat, birch cabinets, built-in oven and range, etc. $15,500 with $750 down. HOOD CANAL PROPERTY NEAR OLYMPIC INN ... 130' df gbod @aterfront extending back nearly 1000' to give you ample room. Small 2-room cabin. Only $3000 With $500 down and $35/month. A OUTE 2 BEDROOM DOWNTOWN HOME . , . Which has clean electric heat, fireplace, small yard. Close to work and stores. $7500 with $250 down FHA terms, A NICE FENCED YARD WITH COVERED BARBECUE , . . Dandy fireplace in back yard, workshop, and nice view from this 2 bedrobm home in South Hill area. Only $8000 with $250 down pltm closing. NO. 377 NOTICI,; AND SUMMI)N, IN ('OUNT¥ TAX F|)RI*;CIA),IRE NO. 43 IN 'rllF, SUPERIOlt COl'liT OF TIlE STATE ()" M,'A]|INGTON FOR MASON (!OUNTY MASON C()UNTY. 'ASlllN(ITON. a Mllnieipel (htrporation and lint, of the (Jotlnlit's of the St:ire t,i t'ashington Plaintiff, vs, H, E. Htlt:hes Jr.. all persons herein- af|er nO/ll(,,'d as owners of any Of the hei'eill:lfler described real properly, and all pots(ins unkn,)wn ownlng or clairaing tO (iwn. or having or clailn- in to hawL any riizhi, title, estate. interest or equity in and to'said prop- el'ly tlr any part thereof. Def(,ndants : YI)tl. arid Pactl of Y()LI. al'e hereby nolifi,,d 1hat lh,. ab,we llalilt'd Plaint- iff. Mason IAilAll(y, a luunieipl/i cor- poralloa, and Olli* of lhe lawfully or- ganizt.iI and PxJstilll4 Collnth,s of the Slate of Washingt(al, is lhe ownoc and hold,,r of a ('ertifh!ate of dellmtueney isstied in one ('ertificute Ill book forni and dllted the 4th day (if September, 1959. I)..,' the Treasurer of sa|d Mason C(,llnty. WashiligtOll. and iBstl('d Iu the said Mason Connty [or the s(.vral aniounls due and owing rl)r taxes on each and every lot, tract, or l)areel of land herelmtfter nlore particularly described and S('t forth, sald am()unt being set out OPl)OSlte each parlicular description and being the aniount due and delinquent upon each particular lot, tract, or parcel of land respect- lvely for taxes for the year 1954 for which said Mason County clainm right of foreclosure as will more specific- ally appear by reference to each par- ticular description herein, together with aii intcrcst, coats, and penalties thereon up to and Including the 4th day of September, 1959 and tile name of the person, firm or corporation tO whom or. which said property is as- sessed being vet forth wiLh each par- ticular description, all of said property being situated in Mason County, State of Washington, and being more par- tlcularly described as follows, to-wit: Ortglnal Celtificate No. 1. Roll 1 page 66, line 2, assessed to It. E. Hughes Jr. et ux', Assessor's Tract 12 of SWli SEll, Sec. 21. Twp. 23' N., Range 1 W.W,M.. partleul, arly de- scribed as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of said Wl, j, SE;; thence N ah)ng W line of said forty, 650 ft.. nlore or less. to an in- tersectlon wltb the S(,utheasterly right of way line of Prituary State }{hghway No. 14 (Navy Yard High- way) : thence Northeasterly, along said right of way line, 125 ft. to a point thereon; thence Southeasterly at right angle to said right of way line,,, 1000 ft., mitre or less to a point on the l S line of said SW SE  which la 800 ft,. H of Southwest corner of said SW SEM; thence W. along the S line of said forty, to the point of be- ginning, containing 7.13 acres, more or less. subject to all road rights-of- way. Year in Certificate 1954. Certi- ficate $5.37. Original Certificate No, 2, Roll 1, page 58,' ltne 4. assessed to Rlcimrd Schubert and Phtllip James in Indeterminate interests; Assessor's Tract 6 of NW! SEA. Sec. 9. Twp. 23 N.. Range 1 W.W.M,, particularly described am fo]h)ws: Beginning at the S quarter corner, and proceeding th'mce' ah)ng the S line of said Sec. 9 N. 89" 02' 21" 1 1302.76 ft.; thence along the E line of tP/e Wll of the SE! of maid Sec 9 N 0  1T 34 E 1874.20 ft.: thence W 317.09 ft, to the Westerly nmrgin of Tiger Lake Road which point is the Southeast corner of tim tract herein described and the true point of beginning; thcnce W 1413.32 ft.: thence N 100 fi,: thence E 145.,t3 ft.; thcnce along tim West- erly margin of Tiger Luke Road S 21" Off 10" E 107,12 ft. to the true point of beginning. Year in Certlfl- c, ate 1954. Certificate $15,70. Original Cc.rtificate No. 3, Roll 1. page, 80, Hne fl. assessed to Vera L. Ailles; Assessor's Tract 4 of Gov. Lot l, and Tax 12 A, Sec. 4, Twp. 29 N,, Range 2 W.W,M,, particularly de- scribed as folh)ws: B(,ginnhlg at a point 1506.63 ft. S and 484.73 ft. W of tile, G.ovt. quarter S,,etton earner between Sec. 3 and 4.; thence N 1'1  10' E 499,8 ft, to true point of begin- thence S 55 ° 15' E 318 ft,.more 50' ft. : thence N 5 ° i5' W 300 ft., more oc leas. to a point which bears S 14" ]0' W from ttie true point of beginning; thence N 14<> 10' E to the trite point; (If beginning; ALSO all tidelands of lhe second (*lass. former- Iy owned by (he State of Washing(on, lying above the llne of mean low tide; ALSO a 15 ft. right o{' way to the present County Road for roan purposes; also, however, subject to a 15 ft, right of way over the above described property for road purpos. Year in Certificate 1954. Certificate $21.30, Original Certificate No. 4, Roll 3, page 10, llne 4, assesied to Frank Zink et ux: All that portion of the NW */t SE ', SW l,{ N W k'x See. 7 Twp. 19 N., Range 4 W.W.M., which llcs NortheHy of the Northerly rlght of way llne of the County Road as the same iv now established and in use over and across said land, excepting therefrom all gases, oils, coal, 'fossils and all mineralrights thercin as here- tofore conveyed to Mason County, Washington. Vet. 77 (if Deeds, page 298, under Auditor's File No, 108824, and subject to exceptions and reser- vations on behalf of the Northern Pa- cific Railroad Company, its success- ors and assigns. Year in Certificate 1954, Certificate $.80. "Original Cm"ttficate No. 5. Roll 6, ]age 51, line 17. assessPd to Charles ugene Anderson; Lots 6 and 7, Block 9, Hillcrest Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the Auditor of Mason County. Year in Certificate 1954, Certificate $5.20. Original Certificate No, 11, Roll 7 page 119. line 8, assetmed to L. N. Moiler; Lots 1 and 2 Block 8, Mc- Reavy's Third Add. to Union, accord- |rig to (be ecorded Plat thereof on fle In tat t office of the Auditor Of Mason County. Year in Certificate 1954. Certifleate $.51. Original Certificate No 12, Roll 7C, ae 112, line 14, assessed to L. N. loller: Lots 10 and 11, Block 10, Me- .eavy's Third Add. to Union, aceord- ng to the recorded Plat thereof on fie in, the office of the Auditor nf ason County. Year in certlfieate 954, Certificate $.51. Ortgid Certificate No, 18 Roll 7u, )age 1111. line 9. asseseed 'to L. N. oller; Lots 7 and 8, Block 15, Mc- teavy's Third Add. to Union, accord- .rig to the recorded Plat thereof on file ,n the office of time Auditor of Mason its certificate of delinquency, which im'ludes all taxes, penallics, intercst, and c()sts against said Ictt. tracts, or par(.els of hind tip to and including t}lo (lal( ¢)n wilich said certifi(:,(le was issued. Any pleading, answer, appearance, or proce:s, shlfll bc served i'q)on th# tindorsign(.d att(o'ncy f()l the t-'lahd - if f. Mason Ccmllly, lit hi office I,'h'w staltql, and ii i.opy tht,reof filed wiih tlw Clerk of thk above entl41ed Cmu't. MASON C()I'NTY. A Munieil)al Corp(ratlon by JOHN B. COI,E. Treasurer BYRON E. MeCLANAHAN. Prosecuthlu Atblrnoy, lind dt.1 lornPy foc Plaintiff horeilL (SEAL) Office trod PoM Office Address of Allorlie.V for P]ahiiiff: MaSoli C, lunty (7Otlt't f{(itlse. Sheltolt. Washint'tlri. No. 43. Pllb. Si.ptonlber 10. ]7, 24 Octobl,(" 1. 8, 15 1959, ................................. NO. $03t NOTICE OF llEABING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DIWI'BIlIUT[ON IN THE S[TPER[()B C()UItT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In tile Matter of the Estate of MATHA M. LOFFESS. Deceased. Elizalletl A. Oyer, Adtnin'istratrlx c.t.a. (-if said Estate. has filed with maid Court her final report and peti- tion for distribution, asking the C-art to.settle said report, distribute tile property to the persons tltereto earl. ledand to discharge said Administra- trix e.t.a, Said report and petition will be imard on the 18th day of Oc- tober. 19511 at 10 A.M, in the Court. room of said Court, In the County Courthouse at Shelton. Waslnngton. DATED THIS 14th day of Septenl- ber. 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of the Superior Court ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law Govey Building Shol(.on, Washingto:l (SEAI.,) 9/17-24-10/1-8 4t NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO, 1560 STATE OF WASHINGTOi OFFICE OF SU'PERVlSOR OF WATER RE- SOTRCES. OLYMPIA TAKE NOTICE: Thai 'C. Nolan & Lucllle I. Mason of Shelton. Washing- ton on September 10 1959, file d appli- cation for permit to divert the puITlh: waters of unnamed spring and streanl trlhutary of Hood Canal, In the amount of 0.05 second foot subject io existing righl s, eontlmlously each Year for the purpose of group domes- tic supply; tile(, the approxhnat point of diversion is located within GovlLot of Section 6 Township 21 N.. Range 3 W. W.M.. in Mason County. An)' ol)jecllons must be accompanied by a two dollar 152.001 recording fee and filed wlth the State Supervisor Of Water lesot(rces within thirty (30) dty from Oct. , 159. Witness my hand and effleial seal this 17tit day of September, 1959. M. G. WALER State Supervisor of Water Resources 00SEA00> ..................................................... 12i1.00 2t Journal Want Ads Pav Nt). :11.12 N(ITI('E TO CIII,]I}IT(IR IN T{ilq SIIPEIUoI. ("t)UItT ()t+' TIIE ST.VP Iq ()le WASi,IINGqN )N Ft)H. M AF'( )N ('()I'NTY in lh Matter .I Ill,' E:d!dt .CSTI',L- LA 1). IqU i(Kl'] l)H,,'a,,d [fll*: I l'ti M, {l[IFk, ' S Iil€' a/)l)oiltl o(t all(I ¢lllahfil,d |qxi,ctl|or of said ,stal, All p(,rs()ni ililving t-biilll ligltiliSl sohl dlq",t>{Lse(| lll'e t',f llir'('(i to Nl'l Ve llle StiliiO in duplivaio, iIilly x-iil'i,ll, oli said Executor or ttis :illol'ii,'v. i{tlhcqt L. Snyd,'l ill the ll¢llli'('i h,'l.w tllh'd md fih 'liie llliit, llli ih' t'l,.vk of said (hlnrt. togvthvr wilh )ru,)f .l: llet erx'itm. wilh o SIX I)lt)lilh a[lev tbo da(e of firsl llUt)li(,aim (,f lhis notico, or 1he lllil,. will llf ]):li,F/.ti. I)ATE ,)1" fil','d ptllllh'athnl Olll¢,ln- her 17. 1959, lit)WARD M PA J tIK It] 607 V%'s( 127ih (i'oPi S,mill,' 77 %Vti,Mlill'i.n R()NEltT i.. SNYI)Et' A|t,)l'i'ic%" a( I,tW ('lorey ttiilding ShP{l#l]l. *lVas tl i llD h ) ll D / 17-.21,-]0/1-, ,It Saini David's 0hur©h (Epiopal) 4th & Cedar Streets Rev. Robert Bonnet EcholI, Vicar " SUNDAY, OCT. 4TH 9 a.m. Holy Communion 9:45 a,m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist utd Sermon, Fird Ohridian Ohuroh "New Testament Chrlstlanltf' Lswis E. Whitney, Ministee Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET Bible School 9:45 a.m. Church Services 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. OHILD EVANGELISM RALLY For All Children 4 thru 15 Years FRIDAY NI6HT, OOT. 9 BAPTIST CHURCH AUDITORIUM, 7:00 ll.m. PRIZE FOR CHILD BRINGING MOST GUESTS (Which can include parents or other adults) REV. ARTHUR NICKEL presenting tricks of Magic, Flannelgraph Story, Other Entertainment NO ADMISSION CHARGE YOU ARE WELCOME AT THE FRIENDLY SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 E. Pine St. Mason Younglund, Pastor Sunday School (Sunday School is for everyone) ........ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ................................................................. 11:00 a,m. Christ's Ambassadors ........................................................ 6:00 p.m, Revival Service ...................................................................... 7:00 pan. Listen to REVlVALTIME Su0day, 10:30 p.m. KIRO RSHERMEH'S CLUB P,U,D. AUDITORIUM • SRD & COTA SUNDAY. OCT. 11 9:30 a,m. Guest Speaker-,Dr. H. B. Frank "What Mtkes People Tick?" 10:00 a.m.--Bible Study FAffll L00IIERAN eMUR011 7th and Franklin Street Worship Services .................................................... 8:15 and 1.1 a.m. Sunday' School and Bible Class ........................................ 9:30 Mid-week Bible Study .................................... Wednesday, 7:30 p,m; --- CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor THE MIETH,ODIST OllUlIOH NOrth 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R. RINGS. Minister Morning Worship 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. County. Year in Certificate, 1954, Certiflcate $.51. Original Certificate No 14, Roll 7C, page 118, line 10 assessed to L N. .oIler Lots 14 and, 15, Block 18, Me- Reavy's Third Add. to Union, accord- lttlg to the reorded Plat thereof on file in the office of the Auditor of Mason Coul%ty, Year in Certificate 1954 Certificate $ 51 That' any of the foregoing lots, tracts, or parcels of land hereinbe- fore described "and having been in- cluded in the Certificate of Delin- 0HII00H 0Nml, 00IENTIST 302 Alder St., Shelt0n. Wash, Sunday hool 9:30 a.m. Curch 11 a.m, Wedeliay evening testimony meetinge 8 p.m. Reading room located in chureh. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p,m. Mtm/& ri, Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45, ency heretofore issued to Mason ounty, will be sold subject to any cal improvement assessments for Pwing, drainage, irrigation° or an (thee kind or sort of local improve- meat assessment lawfully assessed, That all of the several amounts hereinabove set opposite the several descriptions of each particular mot, tract, or parcel of real property bear I .7:_00 :.m r!:i;:;;;ii'° 1 interest at the rate of tveh-e per cent (12%) per annum from and lnelud- S....4}25.m j " I ing the 4th day of September, 191, until the payment thereof be made, or judgment entered herein. You, and each of you, are hereby n An summoned to appear within sixty (/60) days after the date of the first pub- ltcation of this summons and notice, to-wit: within sixty days after the 10th day of September, ,959, exclusive I ls;i3n:;7';;g;:m by Re gton of said date. and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled V* Bob Remin large gar- house, fire- I* a area, pies- heat, car- space, 1 lot GEORGE Istate First court, and serve a copy of your an- swer upon the undersigned attorney EXCELLENT DOWNTOWN LOT . . . WILL RENT WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE . . . for plaintiff, at ills office sddresa Within only a few blocks of stores. Sewer, water, An older 3 bedroom Angieside home which you can rent iereinbeiow given, or pay tim an(cant ......... sidewalks, and surfaced street, $1,800, terse, and be given an option to purchase, $7950 at $65/month. as hereinabove set forth upon each o,,,,0,,_ = o,r. o,_ o. MT VIEW ALLIAHCE CHURCH erty of which you are the owner or ONLY TAKE8 $295 TO BUY THIS ANGLESlDE HOME . reputed owner, or in which you own I WATERFRONT REALTY en $45/month with total of $4450. No other Costs,';nd or claim to own or have, or claim to have, any right, title or interest Washington & J Sts. Eugene Breld, Paster you can move right in. Small, but excellent location, thein, together with all coats, I,- terlNIt er pelialtiIs attached thelto. Sunday School .................................................................... 9;45 a,m, In' the eveSJ: Of :Four failure to ap- Morning W0tshtp ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. .lar  dend sue action and pay the arttmt uo os such lot, tract Or pa.r.cel of land aessed to you. or ia wntca you nave an interest as herein- above stated. Judgment will be ren- dered againstyou and asalnet the lot, [, iiF lt'lidet < oflaitll, f6reei6itili thereon the lien of Mason County for Call HA 6-8535 Anytime or call KURT MANN HA 6-3228 Evenings A, ROY DUNN 226 North let REALTOR , Phon00 • Title I00urance A, Y. F ................................................................................. 6:30 p,m. Evening Service .................. 7:;0 p.m Mid-week service Wednesday .......................................... 7::¢0 p,m. EVERYONE WELCOME 8, 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY jOURNAL- Published in "Ohrts .......... 2/!L ff, (,Vo bo(lril[;lll n. Plmne ]tA W 9/17 tfn tiIL'l VI iil(,ni Itowll ileal' .ql o]'t%q. M 9/17 lfn ])(qh'(HIlll hqi|tle. for ,|OVoS, lib'€* liA 6,6270. D 9/17 I fn sh'epiog de- 720 It 9/3 Ifn REAL ESTATE '" hedr..m braise on F()T SAT,P;"--- Duplex, 84x28 with 10 Phone ]IA lot., Inquire 1726 Stewart street or M 10/I lrn photo, tlA 6-61511. N 7/23 tfn lil)]lH!, ('hqln. rum.c, ,5.. l.r I TWO BEDROOM ]V[t_ Viiw-h(ilb""IYlil - b' V, IIA ily I'llolll. ,(i I'a g I:', ec f'{tllll(' [ilO till }/I: l ' [I  ii { { 4}t* ' II c(Jnnilq's. ,,i){){L ]C'h(int IIh ..... (i-.t779 or t1A 6-4846. D 9/3tfn collages and EIl?-i'ly in ho):i--3 Pines. L 10/9 tfn be(h'cl()nl hi*me, den. fJrepla('e, lois /:)ill s. Ly day-or .f storage. IIA 6-823K S 10/1-15 PdI)IO()M Tffoodsilort home. }l,rllxVllul Ill)in's, TWO vaT' gsrage. Cl h'lit'll x'ard, g(,od '.:lr doll, Ph(IDP Tlt. 7-5265. Mc 9/17 tfn FOrt SA T,E --:-T,;i;;;i:.-(lTi./G bbhrl)7-,{ |)l)llIO. t'o I)011lS, Iol of cabinets nrd si{,r,'Ee, do t) e ,v3 "afro eh,vtric h,':it, f'ivvl)lm'o. 90'xl0O' lid'. 2 blocks fl'tinl I1. Vh,w s(,lle)(d. RoasonaillV priced. 2127 King st. W $/29 tfn MUST SFJ,I, - M.d,rn 3 bedrnom h,,mo. Sl(,,kom i.hh Valley. Fenced va,'d, alin(.hed g:,;'m_o. Phone IiA 6-.1121. N 10/I-8 2 P,1v, DROt)M " house wi(h acreage. IH)- downlown. I)vuhle prais(,(I nl $75o0, MuM lip r,,en 1o be Phone llh nppr,(:iab'd. Phlmt, 1tA 6-,q663. B G/11 lit, N lll/g tfn apartment" at /'-R-'-°'-'T'l''W-"ff"7f'l' take one small NI:. - NEI - SET; of Section 22. road. Phone lIA LaI2/4 tfn ITS. hop poles, l bt y ',qtl e,iale 7-9876. S lO/g tfn batteries, radia- tit all kinds. % First and Mill , 6-8626. S 4/7 tfn speedy, grinding. Now tit Hillerest. Phone 1/15 tfn tires. O.K, View. 1/10 tfn Alterations, but- zippers, crochet to order. Phone $4/23 tfn for Wat- er Sbelton. Work Own choosln $3.00 This for re- incense. 2109 East Washington. or 8:00 am to 10:00 3/12 tfn i $40. Also spray etc. For esti- 6-4322. Inquire R 3/12 tfn eeled fir poles ole and Piling Box 3012, Tacoma 4/16 tfn jobz! if you fixed call Henry 2/12 tfn stock, prompt, Phone us collect. Idar her Rendering, 2/27 tfn rer, three inca, failer wanted. evenings. B 9/3 tfn cash paid for lands. Call Enterprises, HA 9/3 tfn TiNG -- Residen- Phone Olympia D 9/1 (1-10/1 repairing, in- Shelton Third. Dial HA 5/1 tfn w'(itkL--tiil d hi, ling, roofing, ro('k and ]lardwotld, building. No by job or hour. Phone HA 9/24 tfn C Uasilinlft,ln. D :10/8 ffn or small tracts Cruiser available st Tie & Lumber Olympia. 9/20 tfn dress making ant* rlenccd sealastress. A 9/24 tfn maple logs. 12", Top PrcnlfulYl fop hirge rail. Prompt pay- 'thwcsi Chair Com- 1115. Taconia. 9;IM-10/S rk - bookkeeper. nanlc, addrcss, experience to Box B 9/-)'l locality Canal. Earnings average for person Work. No la¥-offs. known sntees and in Life, La- Good House, and other mass- write Watkins 11th St., Brem- or phone ESsex 10:00 a.m. 8/12 tfn of your bird In my G 9/27-10/8 tires, size 7:10x15, B 10/1-1b SALE cleared, 5 bed- room, 1 ½ garage, aiiles from town e Valley, q= $ low bank, orchard, house could be basement, fur- $16,800.00, room and fireplace, each room, separ- windows, double garage $ i x 385 feet, gravel low bank, cabin 1 $5,500.00. , house, large shop, 2 wells furnace, 750,00. $ close to town, full basement, and berries, $1,200 down monthly i , 2 lots, carport Ill. • t,,wnsbio 21, rang,J 5. Pri,'e $750.00, Phone I;-4064, K 8/20 tfn 11: AeRIe, q/1220 ft.--frgntd:5" 72 hif;n- TII Cnn,'ll rat1. letwen rah'md 11'slle angl priwor sltit loll AcPess frov, now Mt. View ]v own- o,'. $°100. torm% Strickland. PO Box 521., Wash. 9/17-10/9 WIIZJ--TRA DE - I lii-i,'7-It-'-/l' d-- tb r-e' bPliri)onl Ironic for three bedroom homo wilh arl'cagP, Phone IIA 6-4637. A 9/24-10/8 LOST , Oak auto lop eorrier rack bar. possibly towards Union. Phone ;th 6-3.198. B 10/1-15 (L2454. J 10/1 -- TIRED CARR ol-'pCYt-rTff-u-W-'. 2 new tiree. Iwo very good. $150.00. Plmne IIA ul FOR SALE 40-ACRES with about 12 under cultivation, some growing timber, new 2-car garage, 5-room modern home with unfinished uustairs, Has good water system with field snrinkling system and located about 7 miles West of Shelton in Dayton District. TAts will make a good suburban place with farm- ing oDporhmity. A good value at $7,750 with terms to reliable party. 5-ROOM modern home with 2 bedrooms, utility uorch and part basement. Located on Hillcrest corner lot and in nice condition. Priced at $5000.00. 100-ft. of waterfront including tidelands located at Towncreek about 1 mile East on Bayshore road. Includes small cabin. A good bavview tract at a very reason- able price. $2750 with terms. See it today for future use? * lit * Also have a number of desir- able pro0erties, including su- burban homes with some tim- ber and cultivated land. Herbert, G. Anle Many "don'ts" in his book Phone HA. 6-8272 CLASSIFIED SERVICE i ii ACCORDION private lessons In your home. Slaneata National School of Ac('ordlon. Mrs, Casada, phons HA _6-8229. I/I tfn ROOFING, blown rock wool insula- tion. Guaranteed. Phone HA, 6-6417. 6/20tfn ARTIFICIAL "BREDING service for both dairy and beef. $7.00 cash, Ev- ergreen Northwest Breeders. Inc. Call WAil(am Turner, Olympia. con lect. FL. 2-2113. tfn SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Expert work. Bonded employee. Leave calls at Journal office, phone ItA. 6-4412. inger Sewing Machine Co.. Olympia. 11/22t fn idenee nt,ar lhe LowPr Skokomlsh School. Call Trotan 7-5438 for ap- pointioont Salu rday, Sunday. and Wednesday. A. F. Oppelt. O4/16 tin C()MPLETE SERVICE-- Photostats mid reproductions, ()lvmpia Blue- print and Copy Co., 111 E. State Ave.. Olympia FL 6-6707, 0 9/10 tfn PREES TOPPED. trlmmeu, removed. Larrta Tree Surgeon Service, HA. 6-4823. 2/18tfn MISELLANEOIIS CARD (iF APPRECIATION re wish to thank the Dayton Com- munity Club trod friends In Mason County who contributed to the bone-, fit dance. ] Tile tIenry Warnes family 101g] ] CARD (iF APPRECIATION I We wish to eXpress our deepest { thanks and appreciation to ihe manY l friends and neighbors who so kindly I assisted during the illness and pass- ing of our beloved one, also. for the lovJe y floral oiferings. Mrs. Ruth Chester and family Mrs. Dora Taylm. Mrs. Elsie Henkel 10/8 lgal ihlleation, NO. 31,15 NOTICE TO CRED|TORR IN TII SUPERIOR COURT OF TH STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Tn the Matter of the Etate of GEORGE E. FREDERICKSON. De- tossed. Grace M. Frederlokson Is the ap- pointed and qualified Adminlstratrlx of said estate. All persons having claims against said deceased are re- oulred to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on said Admlnlstratrix or her attorney, Robert L. Snyder at the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court. to- gelher with proof of such service. within six months sfier tile date of first publication of this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first pnbllcation: October 1 1959. GRACE M. FREDERICKSON Administratrix oute 2. Box 120 Shqton. Wahin10n ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney t Law gm'ev uilding Shellon, Washington 10/1-8-15-22 4t Northcliff Home Large living & dining room, 2 bedrooms, den, kitchen, bath, hardwood floors, breeze- way, arage: large lot 90 x 125: oil fired hot wa- ter heat. 923 Roy Blvd. Price $17.500.00. Inquire of C, C. Cole, Phone HA 8-4411, 7/9-tfn PREFERRED PROPERTIES ALL NEW AND BEAUTIFUL . . . 3 bedrooms, fireplace, large all birch kitchen, baseboard electric heat, full:v olastered and insulated. Many more plus features. Price is $15,600 and can he yours for immediate occupancy. Call to see it today. 2 BEDROOMS. FIREPLACE, ANGLESIDE... Located on corner Int in excellent residential area, Large living room, dining room, attached garage, plastered, inmllated and has radiant hot water heat. Can be yours for only $650 down including closing costs. Full price is $9,400, FHA appraised. LARGE FAMILY? THEN THIS iS FOR YOU • . • This 7-room home on 5 acres, located in Skokom- ish Valley might be just the place you've been look- ing for. Small barn. excellent water supply and extra outbuildings. Call us about it today. Price ts $10,000 and owner will carry contract. GRISDALE WORKERS . . . NEAR MATLOCK , . . 20 acres, 6 cleared. 3 bedroom.home, all remodel- ed and redecorated. Excellent well with new hump. Small barn and chicken house. Price of $8,500 in- cludes 2 heifers and calf and about 25 chickens. 2 BEDROOMS, FIREPLACE, 5 ACRES... Located in Skokomlsh valley it is the ideal place for Camp Govey worker and his family. Excellent soil to supplement your income by raisin much of your own food, A real ood buy at only $5,950, $700 down and $55 per month. EXCEPTIONALLY ROOMY 3 BEDROOM . .. Jnst ½ mile from city limits. Has fireplace, elee- 'tric heat, large living room, dining room, roomy kitchen and utility, plus many more extras. Take over GI mortgage. Payments are only $58 per month including taxes and insurance. Full price s $8,250. ATTENTION GI's . . . Helmet's Important apparel An immaculate 8 bedroom home on corner lot, with large living room, roomy kitchen, attached gar- age. Includes ransre and automatic dryer, $350 down. Full price only $6,950. An excellent buy. Better call today. TAKE OVER 4V=% G.I. LOAN . . . On this 4 bedroom, 1½ bath, full basement home. Corner lot. fruit trees, shrub& After equity, payments are only $61 per month, including taxes and insur- ance. Immediate possession can be arranged, Must rush to his work. IMMACULATE 3 BEDROOM , . . Located on large corner lot, it has 2 bedrooms down and 1 up. Large livlng room, roomy kitchen with good eating space. Excellent garage, greenhouse and very fine lawn, garden and shrubbery. Price is $8,950, only $500 down. Call us today. 2 BEDROOMS, SOUTH SIDE HILL . . . This is an exceptionally good buy for only $7,600. Attractive living room, dining room, roomy kitchen with breakfast nook, attached garage, plus coral- finished uostairs suitable for 2 more bedrooms. You should call us on this one today. NOTICE OF ,IIERIFF'S ALE OF REAL pROPERTY By virtue Of a Writ of Execution is- stied out of the Superlor Court of Mason County, Washingxon, on July 10. 1959. by the Clerk lhereof, in the ease of Ted DePoe, Plaintiff. agatnst Owen Modlin, Defendant, being cause No, 7586. and tO me, as Sheriff. dircvt- ed and delivered: Notice is hereby given that I will llrOeeed to soil at public auction to th*. highesl bidder for cash. within the hoin.ra proscribed bY law for Sher- Iff's sal(,s to-wit: at 10 o'clock A.M, on the 9th day of October, 1959. before lhe Qf)urlhf, use door of Mason County, in She]ton, Washington the folh)wing described property situate tn Mason Ctlaoly, Washington, t(i-Wlt : A tract of land in that portion .f tire Fracllonal Nortlleast qTlarter (NE  ,) of the Northwest, quarter. , (NWA) of Section 3, Townslp 20 North Range 3 West, W.M., lying Northerly and Easterly el tim cell- ter line of the County Road. par- ticularly described aa follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast cor- net' of said Northeast quarter (NE'4) of the Northwest quarter (NW,6), thence West. along the North line of said forty, to apolnt thereon 1111 feet East of the Easterly right-or- way line of said County Road; lhence South, parallel with the East line of said NE¼ of NW., 5 feet morn or less to the Northerly right- of-way line of a private roadway; thence S(,uihweateriy a I O n g the Northerly line of said private road- way to an intersection with the Easterly right-of-way line of said County Road; thence Southerly along tile Easterly right-of-way line of said Cotlnty Road, 30 feet, more or less. to the Northwest corner of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to Lester D. Elllott and Josephine E. Elliott, husband and wife, by deed recorded in Volume 145 of Deeds, page 176, under Auditor's ]Pile No. 145690: thence East, along the North line of said Elliott tract, 250 feet to the Northeast corner of said Eli iott tract; thence South. along the East line of said Eillott tract, 320 feet to the Southeast cornet" thereof, being (he North line of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to M, E. Wright. a bachelor, by deed recorded in Volume 157 of Deeds. page 431. un- der Auditor's File No. 154198; thence East along the North line of satd Wright tract, to the East line of said NE of N'W'*,,. tence North along the East line of al N.E of NWi to the point of b eglmng..._ {2) A tract of iana m e oum half (S) of the Soutlieas quarisr ISEt) of Section 34, Townslflp 21. North Range 3. West, W.M. particu- larly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at the quarter post on the South line of Section 94, Townshlp 21, North Range 8, West. W,M.; thence East, (var. 22 degrees. 30'E) 80 challis: thence North 208 feet, mere or less, the point of be- ginning, excepting therefrom how- ever. the West ninety 190) feet thereof heretofore conveyed to G. Thompson, a bachelor, by deed re- corded in Volume 138 of Deeds, page 378 under Auditor's file No. 139985, and excepting roadways. levied on in the hereinabove describ- ed cause to satisfy a judgment amount amounting to $1511.50, together with interest, attorneys fees, costs In favor of Plalntiff. DATED THIS 3rd day of September, 1959. w, A. POTTER Sheriff of Mason County, Washington C. D. MORRISON Deputy 9/10-17-24-10/1-8 .'NOTICE OF SALE OF FORENT PRODUCTS ON STATE LAND Notice is hereby given that on Mon- day, the 19th of October. 1959. com- mencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon at the Port Orchard District Head- quarters of the Department of Nat- ural Resources, the following describ- ed forest products will be sold at pub- lic auction to the highest bidder. Application Number F-5603 -- Not less than 500 Christmas trees. Located In I!ilET.NEV Sec. 9, Twp, 22 N., Rge. 3W, Scale ale B, Forest products will be. sold on a tree count basis. Minimum acceptable bid will be 30¢ per tree, The purchaser must cut a mlnlmum of 500 Christmas trees from the sale area to be paid for at the bid price at the tlme of sale. All con- ifers eat are to be paid for at the hid rate or a total of $150.00. At tlme of sale thepurchaser must make a deposit of 100% of the bid price based on the cruise estimate, $150.00 of this deposit, plus a $5.00 bill or sale fee, or a total of $155.00. must be In the form of cash. money order, certified cheek or bank draft. The balance of the required deposit, if any, may be paid by personal check. BOND: At time of sale the purchas- er must also furnish a cash bond of $150.00. in the form of cash, money or- der. certified cheek or bank draft, to guarantee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale. Time for removal will be before De- cember 23, 1959. Located approximately 18 miles West of Belfair, Accessibility: over public road. A copy of the timber bill of sale contract ts posted at the Port Orchard District Headquarters office. BERT L. COLE, Commissioner of Public Lands 10/8 It NO. 3092 NOTICI ; OF HEAitlNG ON FINAL REPORT AND I'ETITION F(}it I)ISTRInI'TION IN TtIE SUPERIOR COURT OF TtlE ITATE OF l WASIIINGT()N FOR [ AsoN COl NTY (In I'rol)ate) Ill lbe Molter of the Estate of JAMES ROBERT STORY. Dot.eased, NOTICE IS iIEREI=]Y GIVICN that THEITtESA KING, as administratrix of the Estate of James Robert Story has filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court her Final Report and Petition for Distribution, asking the Cmn't to setth, said Report, distribute the orop- erty to the persons thereto eniitled amt to discharge said administratrix: and that said Report a(i P,qit{on will I)e hoard on th*" 16ih day of Oc(i)h(,r. 19R9. at lO:0fl A.M. at the Court Room ()f the Probate D(,i)artnwnl of snid (](lllrt. al which |iin,, and D]ace any t)t.l'Sllll interoslcd ill said Estah, Iliay appear and fib! < the('eto and t.ontesl l}l¢' same. DATED lhis 11th day of e{)lenibcr. {959. IctARRY DEYETTE lerk (if mild Court GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate 121 South F'ourth Slreet Sholton. Washlnglon (SEAL) 9/17-24-10/1.8 4t NO, .Ill 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORH IN THE SIrPERIOR COURT OF THE RTATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of (ho Estate of ZORA A. WALDRIP, deceased. NOTICF IS GIVEN thst .Tames S. Waldrip and Sarsh Wahlrin Butts sre the appolnted and qualified Jolnt Ex- ecutor and Executrlx of said estate: that all persons having claims against the aald decetsed are hereby requlred to serve the same ffuiy verified in du- plicate with the necessary vouchers attached, upon the un(iersigned Joint txecuter or Isxecutrix or theh. at- torney, Robert L, Snyder, at their sd- resaes herelnbelow stated, and file surh claims together witli proof of service with tile Clerk ef said Court wltlfln six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: October 1 1959. ALL CLAIMS not so presented and filed will be barred, JAMES S. WALDRIP Executor 1019 East Cascade Selton, Washington SARAH WALDRIP BUTTS !gxe('utrlx RoIte I, Bbx 259 OlYmpia. Washingion ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Bulldlng Shelton. Washin'ton Attorney for Joint Executor and Executrix 10/1-8-15-22 4t NO. 3132 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ENTATE IN -IE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate1 In the Matter of the Estate of MARY E. NICHOLSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MABEL HARRIMAN in her capacity as executrix of the above estate, will nell at private sale and for cash the following deserlbed real estate: Tbe North 5 acres of the EV.z of the NEt of the NEUh of Section 23, Townshin 90 North Range 3 West. W.M, EXCIPTING Tract No, 2. to the highest and best bidder. Ids must be submitted in writing and may he loft with the excutrlx at 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington. Bids will be received until the dlite of sale. The vale wtll be made on or after October 9. 1959. The f,xecutrix reserves the right to reloct any and all bids, MABEL HARRIMAN Executrix GLENN E eORREA Attorney for Executrix Bell Building t21 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 9/24-10/I-$ 3t NO. 3140 NOTICE TO CBEDITOR IN THE JPERIOR COURT OF TH]!I TA]. OX, W,ASttINGTON FO 24 Ja.  U fit L;UUN  X In the Matter of the Combined Es- tates of GEORGE NEWTON ADAMS and LELA LeCLAIR ADAMS, de- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Georgia Miller has been appointed and has qualified as Administ.ratrix of the estate of George Newton Adams. de- ceased, ana % as Adminlstratrix of the estate of Lela LeClair Adams. de- ceased; and that all persons having claims against the maid estates or the said deceased are heretly required to serve the same duly verified in dupli- cate with the necessary vouchers at- tached, upon the said Administratrix or her Attoriley at tlTe law office of Robert L Snvder, Govey Ruiiding, S helton, Vash'lngton, and file such Claims together wltl proof or service with the Clerk of said Court within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: Oc- t, tober l. 19a9. or all elaim, not so pro- seated and filed will be barred, GEORGIA MILLER Administratrlx of said Combined Estates Star Routs 1, Box 165 Shelton Washington ROBERT L, SNYDER Govey Building Shelton, Washington Attorney for said Combtned Estates 10/1-8-15-22 4t SOME EXCELLENT BUYS! A VERY ATTRACTIVE ISLAND LAKE HOME • • • Nearly new and has 3 bedrooms, lovely etone fireplace, table top range and built-in oven, birch cabinets, hobby room, all on nice lakefront setting, including dock. $17,250. A NICE :3 IIIg00 M DOWNTOWN HOME . . . One of tl0 vt, e0mfortable older homes that ham so many nice features. Selmrate dining room, fireplace, finest heating unit, automatic dishwasher, workshop, and lots of stor- age. $14,000. ONLY 12 MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN . . . And thl 3 bedroom home on 10 acres might be just the ticket. BUilt-in oven, table top l2nge, large stone fireplace, automatic furnace heat, etc. $1{,000.. IF YO WA!T A L,.}aE HqM! FOR MODEST PRICE ... tt n ltr:.|e..tllinl! then this  It' Think of getting a goocl, oUd, well-built home with 5 bearooms, 2 batn, full basement, fireplace, ample storage, etc. for only $7500 with $500 down $50/month! HOW ABOUT A FINE 20-ACIII SKOKOMISH FARM? . . , No bettor soil anywhere, fine large barn, good solid h0nle, andy orcharql, all fenced. A good buy at $10,500 with $1500 own $50/month. ! A NEARLY NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME . . , It's attractive and has many fine features---fireplace, hard- wood floors, electric heat, birch cabinets, built-in oven and range, etc. $15,500 with $750 down. HOOD CANAL PROPERTY NEAR OLYMPIC INN ... 130' df gbod @aterfront extending back nearly 1000' to give you ample room. Small 2-room cabin. Only $3000 With $500 down and $35/month. A OUTE 2 BEDROOM DOWNTOWN HOME . , . Which has clean electric heat, fireplace, small yard. Close to work and stores. $7500 with $250 down FHA terms, A NICE FENCED YARD WITH COVERED BARBECUE , . . Dandy fireplace in back yard, workshop, and nice view from this 2 bedrobm home in South Hill area. Only $8000 with $250 down pltm closing. NO. 377 NOTICI,; AND SUMMI)N, IN ('OUNT¥ TAX F|)RI*;CIA),IRE NO. 43 IN 'rllF, SUPERIOlt COl'liT OF TIlE STATE ()" M,'A]|INGTON FOR MASON (!OUNTY MASON C()UNTY. 'ASlllN(ITON. a Mllnieipel (htrporation and lint, of the (Jotlnlit's of the St:ire t,i t'ashington Plaintiff, vs, H, E. Htlt:hes Jr.. all persons herein- af|er nO/ll(,,'d as owners of any Of the hei'eill:lfler described real properly, and all pots(ins unkn,)wn ownlng or clairaing tO (iwn. or having or clailn- in to hawL any riizhi, title, estate. interest or equity in and to'said prop- el'ly tlr any part thereof. Def(,ndants : YI)tl. arid Pactl of Y()LI. al'e hereby nolifi,,d 1hat lh,. ab,we llalilt'd Plaint- iff. Mason IAilAll(y, a luunieipl/i cor- poralloa, and Olli* of lhe lawfully or- ganizt.iI and PxJstilll4 Collnth,s of the Slate of Washingt(al, is lhe ownoc and hold,,r of a ('ertifh!ate of dellmtueney isstied in one ('ertificute Ill book forni and dllted the 4th day (if September, 1959. I)..,' the Treasurer of sa|d Mason C(,llnty. WashiligtOll. and iBstl('d Iu the said Mason Connty [or the s(.vral aniounls due and owing rl)r taxes on each and every lot, tract, or l)areel of land herelmtfter nlore particularly described and S('t forth, sald am()unt being set out OPl)OSlte each parlicular description and being the aniount due and delinquent upon each particular lot, tract, or parcel of land respect- lvely for taxes for the year 1954 for which said Mason County clainm right of foreclosure as will more specific- ally appear by reference to each par- ticular description herein, together with aii intcrcst, coats, and penalties thereon up to and Including the 4th day of September, 1959 and tile name of the person, firm or corporation tO whom or. which said property is as- sessed being vet forth wiLh each par- ticular description, all of said property being situated in Mason County, State of Washington, and being more par- tlcularly described as follows, to-wit: Ortglnal Celtificate No. 1. Roll 1 page 66, line 2, assessed to It. E. Hughes Jr. et ux', Assessor's Tract 12 of SWli SEll, Sec. 21. Twp. 23' N., Range 1 W.W,M.. partleul, arly de- scribed as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of said Wl, j, SE;; thence N ah)ng W line of said forty, 650 ft.. nlore or less. to an in- tersectlon wltb the S(,utheasterly right of way line of Prituary State }{hghway No. 14 (Navy Yard High- way) : thence Northeasterly, along said right of way line, 125 ft. to a point thereon; thence Southeasterly at right angle to said right of way line,,, 1000 ft., mitre or less to a point on the l S line of said SW SE  which la 800 ft,. H of Southwest corner of said SW SEM; thence W. along the S line of said forty, to the point of be- ginning, containing 7.13 acres, more or less. subject to all road rights-of- way. Year in Certificate 1954. Certi- ficate $5.37. Original Certificate No, 2, Roll 1, page 58,' ltne 4. assessed to Rlcimrd Schubert and Phtllip James in Indeterminate interests; Assessor's Tract 6 of NW! SEA. Sec. 9. Twp. 23 N.. Range 1 W.W.M,, particularly described am fo]h)ws: Beginning at the S quarter corner, and proceeding th'mce' ah)ng the S line of said Sec. 9 N. 89" 02' 21" 1 1302.76 ft.; thence along the E line of tP/e Wll of the SE! of maid Sec 9 N 0  1T 34 E 1874.20 ft.: thence W 317.09 ft, to the Westerly nmrgin of Tiger Lake Road which point is the Southeast corner of tim tract herein described and the true point of beginning; thcnce W 1413.32 ft.: thence N 100 fi,: thence E 145.,t3 ft.; thcnce along tim West- erly margin of Tiger Luke Road S 21" Off 10" E 107,12 ft. to the true point of beginning. Year in Certlfl- c, ate 1954. Certificate $15,70. Original Cc.rtificate No. 3, Roll 1. page, 80, Hne fl. assessed to Vera L. Ailles; Assessor's Tract 4 of Gov. Lot l, and Tax 12 A, Sec. 4, Twp. 29 N,, Range 2 W.W,M,, particularly de- scribed as folh)ws: B(,ginnhlg at a point 1506.63 ft. S and 484.73 ft. W of tile, G.ovt. quarter S,,etton earner between Sec. 3 and 4.; thence N 1'1  10' E 499,8 ft, to true point of begin- thence S 55 ° 15' E 318 ft,.more 50' ft. : thence N 5 ° i5' W 300 ft., more oc leas. to a point which bears S 14" ]0' W from ttie true point of beginning; thence N 14<> 10' E to the trite point; (If beginning; ALSO all tidelands of lhe second (*lass. former- Iy owned by (he State of Washing(on, lying above the llne of mean low tide; ALSO a 15 ft. right o{' way to the present County Road for roan purposes; also, however, subject to a 15 ft, right of way over the above described property for road purpos. Year in Certificate 1954. Certificate $21.30, Original Certificate No. 4, Roll 3, page 10, llne 4, assesied to Frank Zink et ux: All that portion of the NW */t SE ', SW l,{ N W k'x See. 7 Twp. 19 N., Range 4 W.W.M., which llcs NortheHy of the Northerly rlght of way llne of the County Road as the same iv now established and in use over and across said land, excepting therefrom all gases, oils, coal, 'fossils and all mineralrights thercin as here- tofore conveyed to Mason County, Washington. Vet. 77 (if Deeds, page 298, under Auditor's File No, 108824, and subject to exceptions and reser- vations on behalf of the Northern Pa- cific Railroad Company, its success- ors and assigns. Year in Certificate 1954, Certificate $.80. "Original Cm"ttficate No. 5. Roll 6, ]age 51, line 17. assessPd to Charles ugene Anderson; Lots 6 and 7, Block 9, Hillcrest Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the Auditor of Mason County. Year in Certificate 1954, Certificate $5.20. Original Certificate No, 11, Roll 7 page 119. line 8, assetmed to L. N. Moiler; Lots 1 and 2 Block 8, Mc- Reavy's Third Add. to Union, accord- |rig to (be ecorded Plat thereof on fle In tat t office of the Auditor Of Mason County. Year in Certificate 1954. Certifleate $.51. Original Certificate No 12, Roll 7C, ae 112, line 14, assessed to L. N. loller: Lots 10 and 11, Block 10, Me- .eavy's Third Add. to Union, aceord- ng to the recorded Plat thereof on fie in, the office of the Auditor nf ason County. Year in certlfieate 954, Certificate $.51. Ortgid Certificate No, 18 Roll 7u, )age 1111. line 9. asseseed 'to L. N. oller; Lots 7 and 8, Block 15, Mc- teavy's Third Add. to Union, accord- .rig to the recorded Plat thereof on file ,n the office of time Auditor of Mason its certificate of delinquency, which im'ludes all taxes, penallics, intercst, and c()sts against said Ictt. tracts, or par(.els of hind tip to and including t}lo (lal( ¢)n wilich said certifi(:,(le was issued. Any pleading, answer, appearance, or proce:s, shlfll bc served i'q)on th# tindorsign(.d att(o'ncy f()l the t-'lahd - if f. Mason Ccmllly, lit hi office I,'h'w staltql, and ii i.opy tht,reof filed wiih tlw Clerk of thk above entl41ed Cmu't. MASON C()I'NTY. A Munieil)al Corp(ratlon by JOHN B. COI,E. Treasurer BYRON E. MeCLANAHAN. Prosecuthlu Atblrnoy, lind dt.1 lornPy foc Plaintiff horeilL (SEAL) Office trod PoM Office Address of Allorlie.V for P]ahiiiff: MaSoli C, lunty (7Otlt't f{(itlse. Sheltolt. Washint'tlri. No. 43. Pllb. Si.ptonlber 10. ]7, 24 Octobl,(" 1. 8, 15 1959, ................................. NO. $03t NOTICE OF llEABING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DIWI'BIlIUT[ON IN THE S[TPER[()B C()UItT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In tile Matter of the Estate of MATHA M. LOFFESS. Deceased. Elizalletl A. Oyer, Adtnin'istratrlx c.t.a. (-if said Estate. has filed with maid Court her final report and peti- tion for distribution, asking the C-art to.settle said report, distribute tile property to the persons tltereto earl. ledand to discharge said Administra- trix e.t.a, Said report and petition will be imard on the 18th day of Oc- tober. 19511 at 10 A.M, in the Court. room of said Court, In the County Courthouse at Shelton. Waslnngton. DATED THIS 14th day of Septenl- ber. 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of the Superior Court ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law Govey Building Shol(.on, Washingto:l (SEAI.,) 9/17-24-10/1-8 4t NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO, 1560 STATE OF WASHINGTOi OFFICE OF SU'PERVlSOR OF WATER RE- SOTRCES. OLYMPIA TAKE NOTICE: Thai 'C. Nolan & Lucllle I. Mason of Shelton. Washing- ton on September 10 1959, file d appli- cation for permit to divert the puITlh: waters of unnamed spring and streanl trlhutary of Hood Canal, In the amount of 0.05 second foot subject io existing righl s, eontlmlously each Year for the purpose of group domes- tic supply; tile(, the approxhnat point of diversion is located within GovlLot of Section 6 Township 21 N.. Range 3 W. W.M.. in Mason County. An)' ol)jecllons must be accompanied by a two dollar 152.001 recording fee and filed wlth the State Supervisor Of Water lesot(rces within thirty (30) dty from Oct. , 159. Witness my hand and effleial seal this 17tit day of September, 1959. M. G. WALER State Supervisor of Water Resources 00SEA00> ..................................................... 12i1.00 2t Journal Want Ads Pav Nt). :11.12 N(ITI('E TO CIII,]I}IT(IR IN T{ilq SIIPEIUoI. ("t)UItT ()t+' TIIE ST.VP Iq ()le WASi,IINGqN )N Ft)H. M AF'( )N ('()I'NTY in lh Matter .I Ill,' E:d!dt .CSTI',L- LA 1). IqU i(Kl'] l)H,,'a,,d [fll*: I l'ti M, {l[IFk, ' S Iil€' a/)l)oiltl o(t all(I ¢lllahfil,d |qxi,ctl|or of said ,stal, All p(,rs()ni ililving t-biilll ligltiliSl sohl dlq",t>{Lse(| lll'e t',f llir'('(i to Nl'l Ve llle StiliiO in duplivaio, iIilly x-iil'i,ll, oli said Executor or ttis :illol'ii,'v. i{tlhcqt L. Snyd,'l ill the ll¢llli'('i h,'l.w tllh'd md fih 'liie llliit, llli ih' t'l,.vk of said (hlnrt. togvthvr wilh )ru,)f .l: llet erx'itm. wilh o SIX I)lt)lilh a[lev tbo da(e of firsl llUt)li(,aim (,f lhis notico, or 1he lllil,. will llf ]):li,F/.ti. I)ATE ,)1" fil','d ptllllh'athnl Olll¢,ln- her 17. 1959, lit)WARD M PA J tIK It] 607 V%'s( 127ih (i'oPi S,mill,' 77 %Vti,Mlill'i.n R()NEltT i.. SNYI)Et' A|t,)l'i'ic%" a( I,tW ('lorey ttiilding ShP{l#l]l. *lVas tl i llD h ) ll D / 17-.21,-]0/1-, ,It Saini David's 0hur©h (Epiopal) 4th & Cedar Streets Rev. Robert Bonnet EcholI, Vicar " SUNDAY, OCT. 4TH 9 a.m. Holy Communion 9:45 a,m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist utd Sermon, Fird Ohridian Ohuroh "New Testament Chrlstlanltf' Lswis E. Whitney, Ministee Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET Bible School 9:45 a.m. Church Services 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. OHILD EVANGELISM RALLY For All Children 4 thru 15 Years FRIDAY NI6HT, OOT. 9 BAPTIST CHURCH AUDITORIUM, 7:00 ll.m. PRIZE FOR CHILD BRINGING MOST GUESTS (Which can include parents or other adults) REV. ARTHUR NICKEL presenting tricks of Magic, Flannelgraph Story, Other Entertainment NO ADMISSION CHARGE YOU ARE WELCOME AT THE FRIENDLY SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 E. Pine St. Mason Younglund, Pastor Sunday School (Sunday School is for everyone) ........ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ................................................................. 11:00 a,m. Christ's Ambassadors ........................................................ 6:00 p.m, Revival Service ...................................................................... 7:00 pan. Listen to REVlVALTIME Su0day, 10:30 p.m. KIRO RSHERMEH'S CLUB P,U,D. AUDITORIUM • SRD & COTA SUNDAY. OCT. 11 9:30 a,m. Guest Speaker-,Dr. H. B. Frank "What Mtkes People Tick?" 10:00 a.m.--Bible Study FAffll L00IIERAN eMUR011 7th and Franklin Street Worship Services .................................................... 8:15 and 1.1 a.m. Sunday' School and Bible Class ........................................ 9:30 Mid-week Bible Study .................................... Wednesday, 7:30 p,m; --- CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor THE MIETH,ODIST OllUlIOH NOrth 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R. RINGS. Minister Morning Worship 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. County. Year in Certificate, 1954, Certiflcate $.51. Original Certificate No 14, Roll 7C, page 118, line 10 assessed to L N. .oIler Lots 14 and, 15, Block 18, Me- Reavy's Third Add. to Union, accord- lttlg to the reorded Plat thereof on file in the office of the Auditor of Mason Coul%ty, Year in Certificate 1954 Certificate $ 51 That' any of the foregoing lots, tracts, or parcels of land hereinbe- fore described "and having been in- cluded in the Certificate of Delin- 0HII00H 0Nml, 00IENTIST 302 Alder St., Shelt0n. Wash, Sunday hool 9:30 a.m. Curch 11 a.m, Wedeliay evening testimony meetinge 8 p.m. Reading room located in chureh. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p,m. Mtm/& ri, Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45, ency heretofore issued to Mason ounty, will be sold subject to any cal improvement assessments for Pwing, drainage, irrigation° or an (thee kind or sort of local improve- meat assessment lawfully assessed, That all of the several amounts hereinabove set opposite the several descriptions of each particular mot, tract, or parcel of real property bear I .7:_00 :.m r!:i;:;;;ii'° 1 interest at the rate of tveh-e per cent (12%) per annum from and lnelud- S....4}25.m j " I ing the 4th day of September, 191, until the payment thereof be made, or judgment entered herein. You, and each of you, are hereby n An summoned to appear within sixty (/60) days after the date of the first pub- ltcation of this summons and notice, to-wit: within sixty days after the 10th day of September, ,959, exclusive I ls;i3n:;7';;g;:m by Re gton of said date. and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled V* Bob Remin large gar- house, fire- I* a area, pies- heat, car- space, 1 lot GEORGE Istate First court, and serve a copy of your an- swer upon the undersigned attorney EXCELLENT DOWNTOWN LOT . . . WILL RENT WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE . . . for plaintiff, at ills office sddresa Within only a few blocks of stores. Sewer, water, An older 3 bedroom Angieside home which you can rent iereinbeiow given, or pay tim an(cant ......... sidewalks, and surfaced street, $1,800, terse, and be given an option to purchase, $7950 at $65/month. as hereinabove set forth upon each o,,,,0,,_ = o,r. o,_ o. MT VIEW ALLIAHCE CHURCH erty of which you are the owner or ONLY TAKE8 $295 TO BUY THIS ANGLESlDE HOME . reputed owner, or in which you own I WATERFRONT REALTY en $45/month with total of $4450. No other Costs,';nd or claim to own or have, or claim to have, any right, title or interest Washington & J Sts. Eugene Breld, Paster you can move right in. Small, but excellent location, thein, together with all coats, I,- terlNIt er pelialtiIs attached thelto. Sunday School .................................................................... 9;45 a,m, In' the eveSJ: Of :Four failure to ap- Morning W0tshtp ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. .lar  dend sue action and pay the arttmt uo os such lot, tract Or pa.r.cel of land aessed to you. or ia wntca you nave an interest as herein- above stated. Judgment will be ren- dered againstyou and asalnet the lot, [, iiF lt'lidet < oflaitll, f6reei6itili thereon the lien of Mason County for Call HA 6-8535 Anytime or call KURT MANN HA 6-3228 Evenings A, ROY DUNN 226 North let REALTOR , Phon00 • Title I00urance A, Y. F ................................................................................. 6:30 p,m. Evening Service .................. 7:;0 p.m Mid-week service Wednesday .......................................... 7::¢0 p,m. EVERYONE WELCOME