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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 9, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 9, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BETTY PALUMBO grows gorgeous geraniums at her Lake Limerick home. Auxiliary to Glenn Grossman of Chicago, Illim,is, national president of the ladies auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, will visit Vancouver, Washington from October 12 through October 14. A luncheon and a banquet will be held in her honor. Mrs. Grossman, elected at the 62nd national convention held in Los Angeles, California, directs patriotic and service progrants for the more than half-million members of the organization. Her theme, "The Spirit of our l'imes,'" emphasizes that the people of America are the real spirit of the country. At the last regular meeting of VFW Post No. 1694 George Miller was niJminated to fdl the vacancy el junior vice-commander. Further nominations and election will be held at the October 17 fete president meeting. Verlene Morrison was initiated at the last meeting of the auxiliary. Both post and auxiliary will welcome new members, and those eligible may contact Commander Gene Hyatt or President Ida Hyatt. Commander Hyatt attended the Service Officer School of Instruction held in Longview on Saturday and Sunday. Card club to meet Simpson Pinochle Club will meet in the Memorial Hall at 7:30 p.m. on the first and third Mondays of each month. Any Simpson employee or retired employee and spouse will be welcomed. Call 426-6939 or 426-8193 for further information. J Iu "I'd never even held a brush in my hand until I began the study of oil painting in November of 1974," says Betty Palumbo who was awarded a blue ribbon on a picture entered in the recent Mason County Fair. "I enrolled in Helen Knudsen's Senior Center class," she continues, "and I took lessons until the end of April." Mrs. Palumbo and her husband, Dave, are active in Senior Center affairs. Betty was co-chairperson of the cookbook committee for the publication of Granny's Kitchen, a book of recipes compiled by senior citizens and featuring several of Mrs. Palumbo's favorite dishes. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Betty Palumbo in 1930 arrived in East Orange, New Jersey to reside with an uncle. She studied rn pain practical nursing and was employed in a rest home. She and Dave were married in July of the same year. In 1943 the Palumbos resided in Santa Monica, California. After four years they moved to Seattle, where Betty served for two years as cashieer for Highline School District. They came to their present Lake Limerick home two years ago when Dave retired from his work as a machinist. "Dave built our home," Betty explains. "He worked on it weekends for four years." Mrs. Palumbo holds membership in Eastern Star, Amaranth, Independent Order of Foresters, American Association of Retired Persons and the Agate Grange. "I'm a member of the Presbyterian Church, too," she LDS ladies present cl Mothers with young children at home are especially invited to attend the mother education class to be taught by Mary Lynne Armstrong at next Thursday's meeting of the Latter Day Saints Relief Society to be held at 10 a.m. in the church. The title of her lesson is "Parental Relationships Influence." asses A social relations class taught by Betty Davis will present a lesson called "Assisting Others in the Lord's Way." All women of the area are welcome to attend. Nursery and preschool facilities are availabk for children while mothers attend the course of their choice. DPW state board will meet The State Board of the Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington will meet at Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island, at 10 a.m. on October 15. Members of Mason County Chapter who will attend are llene R. Ager, Kay Edler, Vera Troy, Rose Fredson and Dora Fredson. Daughters of l~oneers will welcome into membership women whose parents or grandparents resided in Washington before 1870 or in Oregon Territory before 1853. Junior members may also join. The group was organized on November 27, 1 91 1 and incorporated on April 20, 1918. The State Association was perfected on May 11, 1936 and the Mason County Chapter was chartered on April 19, 1940. For more informatioh contact Rose or Dora Fredson at~ 312 West Pine Street, Shelton, or telephone 426-6458. rmillions cele The golden wedding ~mniversary of Mr. and M[s. Mel J. Velmillion of Northcliff Road was celebrated on Sunday. They were married in St. l'homas Catholic Church of Kent, Minnesota on October 5, 1925. The five children born to them are Elaine Renschier of Seattle, Millie Gordon of Seattle, Jerry Vermillion of Olympia, Dennis Vermillion of Spokane and Gregory Vermillion of Santa anniversary Rosa, California. There are 18 grandchildren. The couple came to Sheiton in 1958 and for ten years Mel Vermillion was State Liquor Store vendor. He managed the General Mills grain elevator until ill health caused his retirement. Mrs. Vermillion retired in 1971 after 12 years as Chief Deputy Clerk in Mason County courthouse. THE GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY of Mr. and Mrs. Mel J. Vermillion was celebrated on Sunday. I"HE VERMILLIONS were married on October 5, 1925 in Kent, Minnesota. They have lived in Shelton since 1958. IOJOJOtOJolonoIolOlOlll • • "_. Rummage Sale • by • North Shelton • Community Auxiliary |e Saturday • Oct. 11, 1975 Open at 9:30 a.m. Carpets Cleaned! Any Size! LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM & HALL ALL FOR We guarantee: No finer, gentler or more efficient carpet cleaning at any price! All our work is absolutely guaranteed! e $289sDining Room 3Reg" Hall ' .... 7~d i~nn~l 7o~Z7-- "I =" I 4.95 I SHAMPOOED .... $9.95 I -" I Living Room- I " I STEAM CLEANED $14 95 ...... _____L_ ............ ____1 I Call for Appointment: Monday-Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. em 692-5600 • Bavarian Carpet Service Watch Sunday • • omouonouo•onononononouo SERVING THE ENTIRE KITSAP & MASON COUNTY OO in in oil states, "but there is no church of that demonination in Shelton." Her hobbies include knitting and crocheting and the growing of house plants. She maintains a lively interest in current events. "Since I came to this country," she declares, "I've never missed voting. People complain about the government when they won't take the time to vote." Cabbage Rolls 1½ lb. lean ground beef ½ C. precooked rice 1 small onion, chopped ½ pkg. onion soup mix Pepper and salt to taste 1 egg 1 can tomato sauce 1 head cabbage Separate cabbage and drop leaves into boiling water until wilted and pliable. Set aside. Mix meat and other five ingredients except tomato sauce; place a tablespoonful or more on each cabbage leaf and roll up. Fasten with toothpicks. Arrange in baking dish and place in preheated oven for about 15 minutes, then pour slightly diluted tomato sauce over the rolls and bake at 375 degrees for approximately 75 minutes. Yam and Apple Casserole 3 lb. yams or sweet potatoes ¾ C. white sugar 1 tsp. nutmeg 2 lb. tart cooking apples Juice and peel of two lemons ½ C. (1 stick) butter or margarine Prepare the casserole a day ahead and refrigerate. Cook the yams in boiling, salted water until tender but not soft. Peel and slice in lengthwise slices. Peel, core and slice apples. Line a shallow casserole with aluminum foil. Arrange potatoes and~apples ~ .... layers, sprinking each with sugar, lemon juice, peel, nutmeg and dots of butter. Cover with foil. Bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Turn oven to 400 degrees, remove foil cover and bake until lightly browned and apples are tender, about 15 minutes. Illinois Green Bean Casserole 2 cans cut green beans ! small can mushrooms 2 buttons garlic ½ C. blanched almonds (cut) Buttered bread crumbs, cut small Prepare sauce by combining: 4 Tbsp. flour, 2 C. milk, 1 tsp. chili powder, 4 Tblsp. butter, ½ lb. processed cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Cook beans with garlic and salt for 20 minutes. Remgve garlic and drain. Place beans in buttered casserole with mushrooms and almonds. Cover with sauce and bread cubes. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove from oven and let stand five or ten minutes before serving. SHADE TONE With an attractive, natural skin tone, you can wear a cool natural beige, a warm golden peach or rosY-Pink tone with The choice equal success. depends on your personal preference. If you feel your skin has a flushed, over-rosy look, ach or rose however, pe . . - ,,, only accentuate makeups wm .. . its natural warmth- xou will look far better in a cooling t,o;,,o ~--ilarlv, if you feel you ~"]-~.~-~'~" saliow or olive ho, ,, complexion, a beige tone will further dull your skin and you should instead use warming peach or rose shades.. ^ Decide what type el -" " "on -,ou have oeIore ~,omplexl Y . sh choosing your makeup aaae. II.~tu OIll ~IUA/UII. Warm up a sauu,: c ,~h o~.~.~ Cool down tpe ~ou~'l~av~ over-rosy one. It Y good natural coloring, you can choose whatever coionng snaae you like, but just make sure it th of color is the correct dep Neil's Pharmacy Emergency Ph. 426-2165 Fifth & Franklin 5t'~426"3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays "- 9:30 to 6:00 !:iiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiii!iiiil;iii!iiiii!iii!~ii!;iiiiii!i!!!~i +! i:ili!i!i!!i:!!!!:iiii!iiii!iiiiiiii!iiii]!i![iiiiiii!ii!iZii:Zi: You'll great savings at Tile Clairol Herbal Essence For oilY, delicate r Your Choice The Gillette Company T.I~, -- ~?~_.~ by Gillette ~/~/ _~~ ~ THE COMPLETE ~ljJ~m~-'-- ~ HAIRSTYLING SYSTEM I NOW 650 WATTS FOR FASTER DRYING • 5 STYLING ATTACHMENTS • 2 SETTING POSITIONS Was $3.99 V Reg. Price $25.95 NOW ONLY Was $22.98 Clairol Nice 'n Easy Shampoo-in Hair Color Reg. $1.89 NOW Natural, One half gallon! Sales in retail quantities only. Prices effective thru Saturday 10/11. Fifth & Franklin Pag,:, 6 - Sheik)n-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 9, 1975