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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 9, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 9, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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9 ! luncheon, noon, z Club, 6:45 a.m., Chapter No. Church. ub of Mason noon, Senior 8:30 Library. preschoolers, 1 Union Masonic Hall. Mason County Hospital District commission meeting, 8 a.m., hospital. Women of Moose fashion show, 7 p.m., Moose Lodge. Wednesday, October 15 Elks, 8 at the lodge. Kristmas Town Kiwanis Club, 6:50 a.m., Hy-Lond Inn. Children of Simpson employees swimming, 6:30 p.m.o9 p.m., at the pool. WARC, 8 p.m., Mt. View Annex. Thursday, October 16 LDS Relief Society, 10 a.m., at the church. Port commission meeting, 8 p.m., courthouse. Hood Canal Woman's Club, 11:30 a.m., Potlatch clubhouse. Harold's Bakery Clinic scheduled for women A special clinic for the and a colposcopic examination daughters of women who took(examination of the vagina and the drug diethylstilbestrol (DES) mouth of the womb with a during their pregnancies will be microscope). Follow-up attention started October 31 at University will be based on the results of Hospital in Seattle. these tests. A small but significant Clinic appointments may be number of women whose mothers made with Laura Peterson, took DES while pregnant have patient care coordinator, (206) b e e n f o u n d t o h a ve 543-3041. adenocarcinoma (a rare kind of cancer) of the vagina. OnlyNo holding women who have reached puberty Stone walls do not a prison will be seen at the monthly clinic, make, Patients will receive an initial Nor iron bars a cage. screening that includes Pap smears Richard Lovelace $2.00 off list $2.00 off list 426-4302 THIS WEEK'S 205 W. Cota Shelton SPECIAL "I'm Sorry" LP Album 8 track tape $598 Civic Club, 'and auxiliary, 8 H is torical P.m., Squaxin lief Society 10 a.m., in p.m., home of CHOCOLATE ICE BOX Doz. We specialize in decorated cakes for all occasions. Phone 426-3377 =I =HEALTH & BEAUTY by Mason y, 10 11 sponsored 7 p.m., 5:30 a.m., Ladies tkfast, 4:30 Hall, by 12 invite you of your Ikfast, 4:30 Hall, by 5:30 a.m., ck Ladies I~ig FOurs, 7 p.m., 13 COmmission conference meeting, Club, 7:15 *1 COmmittee Center. Partners, CBers, 7:30 *1 Hospital noon, St. 14 n, noon, meeting, 2 7:30 r~y. a.m., Fir eeting, 8 p.m., P.m., airport Schools 13-17 i and and With ~alad, )kies, and and roll, ND 101 AsSORTE D 16 OZ. BOTTLE • COTTON SWABS PARADE ..... .... ..... 180 COUNT BABY OIL PARADE 16 OZ. BOTTLE . • ..eee. .* DAIRY FOODS PARADE QUALITY PINT MEDIUM CHEDDAR PARADE Sd .,..,.,,...2 LB. BRICK SHARP CHEDDAR PARADE Sij . .. 2 LB. BRICK '*" ........ MONTEREY JACK PARADE .... ..2 LB. BRICK FYOU, LL F|ND PARADE DAIRY ]PRODUCTS TO BE OF THE HIGHEST / |QUALITY AVAILABLE...WE }GUARANTEE IT, OR YOUR_,~,,,/ e• LOOK FOR THIS WHEN YOU IT MEANS TAG " QUALITY MEATS FROZEN FOODS ITEM EACH CASE PARADE CORNCREAMED°R 29 KERNEL,,,.,,,,,;* .... 16 OZ. TIN,,,,..,..CASE OF 24 PINEAPPLE JUICE 53 6 15 PARADE S .,,,,,,,.*,.,. .46OZ. TIN ,,*,,., CASEOF 12• APPLE JUICE ............. ,, OZ. BOTTLE 43 ....... CASE OF 12 PARADE 4151 .o,....,...,.,..16 OZ. BOTTLE .... ,,, CASE OF 24 PARADE KETCHUP. 35 ....,. .... e 14 OZ. BOTTLE .,,,,.,,CASE OF 24 APRICOT HALVES pARADE .,,,,,,,..,.,.,. 17 OZ. TIN ,,, .... CASE OF 24 ELBERTA T,N .... CASE OF,4S14.95 BARLETT PEARS OZ. T,N 35 ........ CASE DE ,4 PARADE PEAS GARDEN PE2S 29 e,,,.,.,.,.,,,,. 17 OZ. TIN ,.,,,.,,CASE OF 24 TOMATO JUICE PARADE 53 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46 OZ. TIN ,,---,,,CASE OF 12 BEANS PARADE DARK 29 s6 85 RED.,.,,.,,.,.,,. ,, 15 OZ. TIN , .... ,,, CASE OF 24 • PARADE CHILl 43 =10 25 HOT OR MILD 15 OZ. TIN CASE OF 24• SEEDLESS RAISINS 59 PARADE...,,,,.,,,,.,, 15 OZ. BOX ELBOW MACARONI PKO 65 PARADE.,., .... ,...,, 32 DE. MAC 'N' CHEESE 4/89 PARADE DINNERS 71.a OZ. PKGS. INSTANT POTATOES PARADE MASHED..,,. ,.15 OZ. PKG. BROWNIE MIX 79 PARADE FUDGE..,.,,,, 2212 OZ. BOX FROSTING MIX 59 PARADE ASSORTED,,,,, 131a OZ. BOX DISH DETERGENT 79 PARADE..,.,.,,,,,,,,,,3$ OZ. PKG. COFFEE CREAMER PARADE ............ 16OZ. JAR C -"DAISY FRESH" PRODUCE = BEEF BLADE GREAT FLAVOR. ........................... LB. SLICED BACON s 1.79 BAR-S REGULAR oR THICK SLICED LB. ROUNB BUt ROAST S I 009 PARADE ARM CU S ,,,e,, LB. CORNED BEEF s,... CHUNK SALAMI CUDAHY BAR-S QUALITY ..... 12 OZ. PKG. '~O FREE FOOD | SWEEPSTAKES • . • | • • .DETAILS HERE. ! RED OR GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES MIX OR MATCH! PERFECT FOR THE LUNCHBOX- -PRICES EFFECTIVE: OCT. 9, 10, 11, 12 - LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED- PORK CUTLETS $1.79 ! SPARERIIIs IFISH STICKS FRESH PORK cUBE sTEAKS.LB.B , LS8|.39 S9 FRESH COUNTRY STYLE BREADED & PRECOoKED. LB. FRESH BOSTON BUTT ROAST WITH ONLY THE SMALL BLADE BONE. MEATY BLADE CUTS $ LB. • $ LB. • STORE WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING EVEN A SMILE! HOURS: SUNDAY 10 TO 7 - DALLY 9 TO 9 Thursday, October 9, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7