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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 9, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 9, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IIIHillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll4 Mason General Hospital A son to Dale L. and Nancy Sutter, 520 Bellevue Street, October 3. A daughter to Michael A. and Lynda Laffey, 1725 King Street, October 4. A son to Mark and Valerie Wittenberg, 1711 Stevens Street, October 6. Jeffery Dennis was born in Seattle on October 5 to Gary and Stacy Larirner. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Larimer and Mr. and Mrs. Art Fitchitt. Too Late to Classify WANTED: BABYSITTER, Pioneer School area, days. Phone 426-1226. H10/9 WANTED: BUYERS for veal calves. Phone 426-1226. HI0/9 LOST -- FAWN Lake area, husky/shepherd mix, grey and white. Call 426-6514. M10/9 FOR RENT -- 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, fenced yard, close to town, $145 month. 426.3582. H10/9 1972 SECURITY Camper, 11', self-contained, excellent condition, $1,995. 877-5857. S10/9-16 LOST -- SATURDAY, side curtain for boat, between Arcadia and Kamilche. 426-8636. J10/9 NICE 20' wooden cabin boat and trailer for sale, $200. 426-5432. DI0/9 DDO-THERM GAS furnace, 30,000 BTD, like new, 57" high, 14V2" wide, 191/2'' deep. Also gas cookstove. Make offer. 943-5165. R 10/9 WANTED -- WOMEN to do cleaning on call. 426-1205. • G i0/9-16 BROOKDALE 12x60, covered porch, skirting, excellent condition. Call 736-2732 Centralia. W 10/9-16 5-WEEK-OLD part toy poodle, black and white, male, $15. 426-9020. W10/9-16 "WANTED" -- AN opportunity to provide you service with the hlndttn9 of y6ur real esta~ problem. We presently are having mo~e calls for land and homes than we have properties to offer. Since "service" is what we really have to offer, we need your problem to work on. Let us match your property to a buyer whose needs we have learned something about -- one we find really can and maybe will buy it. Call any of us at Knauf Realty for a no-obligation visit about what we might do for you. That's Knauf Realty, 426-5559. K10/9 SELL OR will trade --Walther P-38, 9 ram, parbeltum automatic for .44 magnum or .32 special rifle and .22 pistol. 943-5165. R 1019 1972 KAWASAKI 750, quick sale for college, $850. 426-4228. L10/9 GARAGE SALE, 10/11, 9 a.m. Fall cleaning -- closets, cabinets, ~arage. Paperback books, etc. 612 Washington Street. B10/9 BATIK ORDER ready placed at Mason County Youth Fair. Call Leslie, 426-5927. T 10/9 FOUR-YEAR-OLD daylight basement home, excellent condition. Fireplace, large rec room, garage, panoramic view. Asking $23,950, terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. SI019 FOR SALE -- 1969 GMC school bus, good condition, styrofoam insulated for Alaskan usable. Excellent for conversion to motor home. 426-8444. N 10/9- 16 ALMOST NEW Westinghouse refrigerator, 6 cu. ft. with freezer compartment. 33" high, 23Vz" wide, 23' deep, $80. 943-5165. R 10/9 EXECUTIVE CAR, '59 Ford Galaxie 500. Power equipped, only 21,000 miles, for quick sale, $1,195. 426-2384. B10/9 Secret of happiness if solid happiness we prize, Within our breast this jewel lies; And they are fools who roam: The world has nothing to bestow; From our own selves our joys must flow, And that dear Hut, - our home. Nathaniel Cotton Mario Chapa, a 16-year-old Mexican youth, is living with a Shelton family and attending Shelton High School under the sponsorship of the International Fellowship. He arrived here September 5 and is making his home with the WO Norman L. Harding, 23, Shelton, was booked into the Mason County jail Saturday morning on a charge of grand larceny by possession of a stolen vehicle. Information filed in the case charges Harding with being in Washington's private forestland owners are bracing themselves for what has become the annual upsurge of costly vandalism that comes with the buck deer hunting season which starts Saturday. Wilton Vincent, president of the Washington Forest Protection Association (WFPA), said a recent study showed that more than a third of the estimated $6.7 million in theft and vandalism losses among western Washington private forestland owners and logging operators in 1974 occurred during the hunting season. The damage goes beyond bullet-riddled road signs to include incapacitating damage to emergency fire suppression gear, road-building and maintenance equipment, logging tractors and the like, plus significant damage to the forests themselves, Vincent said. In addition, the operation of vehicles on soft road beds can lead to extensive rutting by winter rains which necessitates costly repairs. Radio MARIe CHAPA, a student from Mexico, is surrounded by his Shelton family here. Seated in front are Annette and Phyllis Evans; in back, I Raymond"Evans, Mrs. Evans, Mario and Sid Evans. Another son, Kenneth class Evans, was not at home when the picture was taken, offere d Raymond Evans tamily, 126 East E Street, in Shelton. He is one of three students being sponsored here this year by the International Fellowship. Mario is taking classes as a junior at the high school. He comes from Monterrey, possession of a 1955 pickup bdonging to Chris Pyle, knowing the vehicle was stolen. He is being held in jail in lieu of bail. Harding was arrested about 1:20 a.m. Saturday in the 1600 block of Railroad Avenue by Milo Stansell in Airman Milo G. Stanseil, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Stansell of R.R. 1, Grapeview, has been selected for technical training in the U.S. Air Force aircraft equipment maintenance field at Chanute Air Force Base, Illinois. The airman recently completed basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, training where he studied the Air Force mission, organization and customs and received special instruction in human relations. Airman Stansell is a 1975 graduate of Shelton High School. is charged Milo G. Stansell Howard F. Christianson, 33, 902 Barnard, Shelton, was booked into Mason County jail early Wednesday morning on a charge of burglary. He was arrested by officers who answered a call from a woman in the same area that a man had entered her residence and that she had told him to leave. ivln Mexico, about 144 miles south of the Texas-Mexico border. The climate, he said, is hot and there is little rain. Mario's father is a salesman for a ceramics company. Mario has two brothers and two sisters. police Shelton police officers. Also booked into jail was Carl Dodge, 27, .Rt. 3, BOX 662, Shelton. He was charged with uttering a forged document. Dodge was arrested about 6:30 p.m. Friday at the Cub ml The young man says he likes soccer, baseball, football and movies. He also likes U.S. dancing. He is presently teaching soccer to students at Mt. View Elementary School. IS wee Tavern by Shelton police. Officers said the arrest followed an investigation of a report by Frances Simmons, Shelton, that when she received her cancelled checks back she found one of them was a forgery. Amateur radio classes leading to the issuance of a novice class amateur radio license are being offered at no charge to Mason County residents. Classes will begin October 2 at Hood Canal Junior High School and will be taught one night a week for ten weeks. Instruction will include material on rules and regulations, radio theory, and International Morse Code. The ability to send and receive five words per minute by Morse Code is required prior to the issuance of a licedse. Classes will be taught by Bob Hart, WATHRA, who holds'an advanced class amateur radio license. Call Hart in Hoodsport at 877-9708 after 6 p.m. for further information. iiiiiii iiiii!ii .......... iiiiiiiii!i!!iii! iiiiii! i !ii! ! !iiiiiiii!ii!iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiii!i ............... .... ............... .......... iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiii • ............................. ............................ :~i!!!!iiii!!i~ili!i :.!:. i~ ::::::::" :i;):]Fi:::::: i::ii!i:iii!!i!i ::~[i!ij: ::L::::: :[:i!:i!:!:i: • . ....... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :iii!~i!i!: iiii Buy now! No monthly payment till February! The new RCA XL-100s are here---just in time for RCA Week. Don't miss this once-a-year chance to see what's new in color TV~and take advantage of ROA WEEK specials and Teatured models, No monthly payment till February, on approved credit. (There is a finance charge for the deferred period.) RCA Model GT702 25" diagonal screen More of these TV experts own RCA.., More TV program directors, TV stat!on ch.ilef engineers, senior TV film editors TV ano m P ooucers and cameramen TV and " ' ' ""A'~ independent TV service technicians own ff~ man any other brand of color TV! un "It's happening all too frequently for us to sit back and hope it'll go away," Vincent said. Not only does the vandalism "cost the surrounding communities" in terms of lost production and wages, but it could result in the closure of more and more private lands to public access, he said. Dick Simmons, security officer for a large western Washington forestland owner, said the most effective assistance in the struggle to control the problem could come from the hunters themselves. He called for an increased effort among responsible sportsmen to "write down license numbers and report acts of vandalism to State Game Department personnel, the forestland owners or to their local law enforcement agency." Some industrial forestland owners are hiring additional security patrols to do just that, he said. Buzz Chevara of the Washington State Big Game Council said his group is actively engaged in a program to involve its n]embers in control eftbrt. include the describing a i n f o r ma ! ion | convictions for property. Vincent said released m August, lost profits i nl erruptions vandalism of accounted to, 31 year's $6.7 losses laid to were another 11 total. Historically, excellent coo forestland owners Vincent said. The number of companies publist sporstmen. of the some Washington there minority of individuals who others the pri~ hunting on said. Under New Management Joseph and Myrna Fall feature for month of October Complimentary shampoo style and haircut with permanent wave Mom or Dad. Your child's haircut ½ price with regular cttt Ph. 4 Kneeland Center !i!i ii!i: ii !i iil / iiiiiiii ) il RCA XL-IO0 25" diagonal console! • 100% solid state chassis for reliability. • Great picture performance--handsome styling. • RCA's SuperAccuColor black matrix picture tube. • Automatic Fine Tuning convenience. Only Also great RCA Week buys in 15", 17", 19", 21" and 25" diagonal screen sizes! .... ]ii ?i!!!¸ if:: i: i i If it isn't FleA, it isn't XblO0. t975 Hallmark Ca,o* inc Brighten your home! Novel gift idea,too. Husqvarna SAlo=a ....... MOTOR SHOP t 306 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4602 ~AAo~0. (~0u.t~ ~toti0.e~e 118 North Second Shelton 426-4213 When you care enough to send the very best. P, ge 10 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, October 9, 1975