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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 9, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 9, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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incla an Shelton Middle School's girls' track team swept the first three places in six events September 30 and coasted to a 185-73 win over Hoquiam. Coach Connie Dafley's visiting thinclads swept the shotput, softball throw and 60-yard dash events in the varsity division and the hurdles, 50-and lO0-yard dash in the junior varsity division. They also took firsts in both high jump events, the varsity 100-yard dash, the softball throw, long jump and 180-yard dash on the jayvee level, and both relay events. Those placing for Shelton, and the winning marks, are the following: Varsity Shot -- 1)Scotti Seljestad (28); 2) Pare Ahlf; 3) Tricia Byrne. Softball -- 1)Lee Shelton CLIMBER ROOTERS make way for the defending AA champs at the start of Friday's mudbath with Elma. e ulam (161); 2)Robin Winne; 3) Pam Ahlf. 60 Hurdles -- 1)Lee Shelton (9.6); 2) Denise Wheeler; 3) Karen Baze. High Jump -- 1) Sheri McGee (5-0); 2) Leslie Schumacher. 100 -- 1) Lee Shelton (12.4); 3) Leslie Schumacher. 180 -- Sheri McGee (23.9). 440 Relay -- Shelton, Winne, Shelton's frosh football team fell victim to its own mistakes last Thursday in Centralia, riding one penalty after another to the short end of a 7-6 score. Amassing a total of seven 15-yard penalties - one of them r but officials spotted a Climber clip at the one-yard line and called it back. "We just had too many penalties," understated Coach Gone Crater. "Off*ides, on,ides, motion.., you name it, we had McGee and Schumacher (59.2). wiping out what would have been it." Jayvee . .- the winnin~ touchdown - the The game's outstanding Softball -- 1) Kris r~utt o • (123-9); 2) Leslie Schumacher. young Climbers hung on to a 6-0 hneman and back were Tod Long Jump -- 1) Marilyn advantage until just four minutes Young and Lane Jackstadt, McGH r(lle -7); n B xter from the end, when Centraliarespectively. The selections are (10.5); 2) Cindy Baxter; scored on a short dive play and made weekly by the coaching 3) Mar.ilyn McGee. -. "" " tti converted the extra point, staff. _ . _ . SeljH agg; 2 UMmrPilyn MZclGe C°nd Shelton got its score in theThe Climber frosh, now 1-1, Debbie Bostrom (tie); second period on a pass fromtravel to Chehalis tonight. Kickoff Oiv--B1)nJ°Y eTeBriiShT°P.i(7"3); Willy Nutt to end Tad Young, but is at 6. " 10~ '-"]~) Robin Winner1"3.8); the kick for the PAT failed. _ , ,, 2) Tricia Byrne; 3)Alice Tomas. A third-quarter touchdown I I 180 -" 1) Nila Shelton (25.6); ...... I • 3) Lisa Brown scamper at 40 yards oy Lane | | 440 Relay -- Rasmussen Jackstadt appeared to give J II • • il I B6rso.~)n. Bergeson and BishoDS.o,,on t.O o~,on,,no.. I Helnle.s i Girls' tennis team JS.ndav J ,,.,,e ..... o . remains" unc efea I -- I Shelton High Schools undefeated. I lluffet / undefeated girls' tennis team _ Tuesday's game aga2ns I "-- .... / swept past Hoquiam last Capital was rained am. L-4ext I i Thursday for its fifth win of the a ctton Is.a. home contest etl n | __ -- | on ulympia tins aiternoon anu / Ill --,- - ] sea*The 5-0 score wasreminiscent the team will host aArbe l :; | nOD. - t p.m. I of earlier victories, a fact which Tues y. Both games prompted Coach Sue Hanson tofor 3:5 p.m. , , i remark, "Yes, we have a really ...... ........... ...... exceptional team this year -- a m " il very fine tea . | g_ L JL .L_ L ,iL --ill , She ought to be able to call ~~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'~~ )(,,,. WHONOS~ ~ ~L , • -- At" Mens Hi Game: _Duane Nau!t 237 ~ ~ d~l]~ar~ O~ J~ll Men's Hi Series: Ouane.Nau'spl5 IF L1 4P'l~'llllJ,-lllmalll XI. S tanding.s. Brao S 16-4, ~ --I All ~ll~' V ~l~'/I -- Nault's 15-5, West. Parts 10-10, ~. Mason Garbage 9-11, Elks 9-11, aden Man Sat 9 a m to9 p m --Sun 9 a.m to 6 p.m. ~" r " " " " A&S 8-12 Jess's 7-13, Lager 6-14. Ii. Lager'2, Bryan Johnson 531; " . Garbage 2, Howard Pearson 477; Jr~ Brad's 4, Joe ColD 523; Jess's 0, .. Jess Phillips 521 ; Nault's 3, Duane I • Nault 614; A/S 1, Dick Arnold l1 512; Elks 1, Ran Eldridge 536; Jr West. Parts 3, Wayne Howland .- 518. , SHELTON RECREATION LEAGUE Women's Hi Game: Joan Engen 1 75 Women's Hi Series: Evadean Lord 447 Standings: WHite 13-3, Limerick 9-7, Lager 7-9, Angels' 3-13. Waite 3-1, Dixie Aitken 436; Limerick 1-3, MaryLou Nault 402. Angels' 1-3, Joan Engen 441; Lager 3.i, Evadean Lord 447. ;iris' volleyball team on sweeps, !=,lets swept Shelton High s girls volleyball varsity prevailing Tuesu,,y over teams participated in two clean Capital by scores of 15-12, 15-7, By HERB WILLIAMS sweeps the past week. 15-13 and 15-8, wtule thejayvees Of the many recipes tbr cooking fish, one of the best the Camp Cook has prepared is a white-meated fish poached in milk. This should be a good white-meated fish such as ling cod, sea bass or rock fish from salt water or fresh-caught perch, walleye, or crappie from fresh water. Bass from cold, sweet water can also be used. The process is simple. Add s',dt and a little pepper to the milk and then poach the f~;h until it starts to get flaky. Be careful not to boil the milk. When the fish is eaten, the remaining milk tastes a lot like a high quality oyster stew. The Camp Cook says that if you wish you can add parsley and paprika to the milk, or if you want, add one only of such spices as basil, thyme, oregano or marjoram. But only one of these, she says. You don't want to overpower the fish, for the ones named here have a delicate flavor when they're caught from good water. Shell Service One was theirs - the other they'd rather not talk about. Both the varsity and jayvee squads swept by without a defeat Tuesday as they played host to the distaff spikers from Olympia, but action the previous Thursday in Hoquiam was not as rewarding. "Let's put it this way," said Coach Judi Radtke. "It was also a dean sweep - and we weren't the winners." The girls came back with a vengeance, though, with the took it to their Capital counterparts 15-11 and 15-5. The win gave both teams a 3-5 record going into this afternoon's home game agaimt Olympia at 4. Then it will be at home against Aberdeen next Tuesday at the same time. Coach Radtke's gads now number 40 - with 16 of them holding down varsity spots. She substitutes freely and "everybody gets to play," added the coach. The program is in its third year. Sports twenty-five )'ears ago CLIMBERS LEADING LEAGUE The Highclimbers football squad took over the top rung in the Central League standings following a tight 7 to 6 victory over the Chehalis Bearcats on Friday. The victory gives the Climbers a 2 and 0 record in the league, making them the only team that is undefeated. With the Chehalis victory under their belts the Climbers are preparing for the trip to Raymond to face the doormat of the Central League, the 0 and 2 Seagulls. The Raymond contest will be a special one for the Shelton gridders who have dedicated the game to injured team captain Take Hillman. Hillman, the SHS star center and defensive ace, suffered a bruised kidney in the final moments of the Chehalis game and is likely to be out for First & Cota FREE COFFEE! ALL DAY! EVERY DAY! the season. -"--"-Service Special'----'-" Tirecap 4~ Car Core 1st & Cota Shelton Wheel Beadngs Front Tires Gary Robinson: Owner /Manager First & Cote 426-4304 Game Bags Keeps game clean ............. ea. Rubber Boots Insulated - lug sole ............. from Boot Sex Heavy wool, sizes S, M, L ........ pr. Hunting Hats Crushed red velvet .................. fety Vests Fluorescent orange, Reg. 1.99, Special ...... Remington 30-06 Model 742 auto. Reg. 209.95, Special Winchester 270 No. 70 bolt action. Reg. 189.95, Special Hind Wamen Water-activated, no flame, no fuel only.. • Hunting Arrows ............ ea. Open Everyday! Weekdays 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. J leerv-'ce Saturday 8 to 8 p.m. Shell ~o,,oay ,o,~ 1oo o~. i i I 199 99 Cedar shank, 29" for 6 Mercury 7x35 w/case, Wide angle ..... Winchester 22, long rifle .......... bx. Complete line of sport a ccesso r I es. Use Safety and Common Sense while Hunting. Page 12 - Shelton-Mason Coul,ty Jo Jrt al - Thursday, October 9, 1975 In 34 years of Joe Harris has 82% of the time! bringing him to for the eoeeeooeee*o~ eOlaeaboro Bt4te ..... )rmte t~m qo. IIL"Z'IlOI)~Ir ....... 31 2~JUS OK eAIbJBtJ~ ............. }~ ~aXNG~OI ...', *&lbio~ ...... .... .... 1~ AdrJ~a ..,...'" £1br~J~t ............. 2; e~ett~lb~f~~ Aleorn State ........ 28 *Texas 8ou~- etmmrlelo Xnternalktol~ 21 Borthoastern .', *Amherst ..,........,. 1~Bo~do4n .,.,.," ~X~OHt S~TE ........ 2; *iE~ ~IXI~O .,-',' ~lilZOm .............. 2b *O. ~ (15 n ~8t8 ............. 17 *atw OR ..... .' *Aal nd .., .......... 2q ort oM *A~uatan- (8.D.) ....215 North Dakota .~ Baldwin-Wallace ...... 1~ *NUSkLJIWP~I ,'" Bell State ........... 2b *Richnond ...... oRetea ............... 20 Worcester Tee]l. ' Bolee 8tata .......... 3,T *Idaho ..., .... ' oBOBTON C~ ...... 2~ TUL~ ......... *BO~ING GPJCgN ....... 21 TOIl90 ........ ° *!~0~ ............... IW TAX~ ........... e~utlet , ..... , ...... . 21 Vel~ral|o °,.°' CALIFOrnIA ........... 2k 0m~011 ......... *Calttor~l~ P~ (1~m11)28 Puget Sou~l ..', eCepital ............. 21 Oh{o lk~the~ L' Centrex Connecticut .. 1~ *~ontelel~ 8~~, *Control Rteh~en .... 21 gestern !~ Clarion State ........ lk *gdlaboro $t~ . *GIZJ4BOH ............. 2b ~ F01~ ..' eColby ............... 21 Boston State .,' COL(~TE .............. l~ *ilOL~ CR~ .-':' *Cortland 8tate ..... , 2U Brockport StAw C. W. Post ........... 21 *Rhode Ialal~l " *I)~TMOITI~ ............ 21 Pennsylvania o" *De]J~lre .... . ....... 28 C ol~t~eetle~lt ,*~' *Delaware Yalley Lyeo~J~g ...... ' eDeniaon ............. lb 01110 WealeYs~ " eDePe~ .............. 3~ Principll ..... . ~K~ ................. 17 *Jd~X .......... gAST C.,JUtOLIIO, ........ 21 *THE CIT~ "_~ *Beatern Kent~cM~ .... 28 Middle Te~nettF, Best 6~rc~sb~g ..... 21 *Cheyney Stl~ t *Bait Tenaessee 8tare. l~ Appalaehlaa e~ BvaPJvXlle ........... 28 *Waoelh ...... ' *Florida A. & M ......28 Allbui Ste~e' FLORXI~ ST~Tg ........ 21 *V~GINI~ TIP~,' *lq~II~ ............. 20 YA~ILT .o" *Fran~ln & Marshall • ~6 8wertha~ro .," *OBOROXA 'I~CH ....... 31 V.H. :I ....... ~O~XA .............. 21 *XISSISSllPPX "~ Greld)linl ............ 28 *Tenneaaee 8t~ *eZRVtJ~ .......... 28 COLU~IA ...... ,~o~ .... ::: ......... 2e mm,- ..-a ~OUBTOH .............. 31 NO~Ta ~ ~ Howard U. (D.C.) ..... 21 *Delavare S~w Idaho State .......... 28 *Montana ...... * XLX, XNOI8 . ........... 2b NZ~SO~ ....' =_c.o,., ...... ,; *Indiana 8tato ....... 1~ I1 IOWA 8'L~.'IS ........... 17 lr~l161u8 8TA Ithaca ............... 28 ,S~fiela : *Joho= HopXins ....... 2~ gretnus ..... *JunAata ............. ~,~ 8usa~ehel~ smf ........... =w mtc Ben~nlck~ State ....... 21 *Central (Obl~ ,~X~[X ............ 17 A~ ....... *Lafayette ........... 221 Buclme~l..~ bait ................ ell. B. LOU s *Lebanon ValAey ...... 21 Nubleahorg .'" ~ ......... 28 *Devi4son *Leu~elano Tech • ..... 3~ a.W. l~ *Mtil m} .......... ,. 17 HO ¢S ( *Hasseehtmett~l ....... 21 Boston U Nc~eeee State ....... 21 *U. .NI~i~ 8TA~ ....... 28 80. HIAJ~ (OHIO) ......... 2U *D~YI'ON .. IUCHIGAN ............. 10 *HICHI6AN *Hlllersville 8t4te .. 3~ IU,66 X.S8 ZPP X 8'gA'l~ .... 1W *l~O~I ............ 1~ *Horevian ............ 28 *Morehead Stage . ..... 21 * Hount Union ......... 28 Murray State ......... 21 *I~V~ oo..o .~ .'::'::'":: I~ Hew Hanpehira ........ 21 ~XICO STATE ..... 21 *North Dalwta ........ 28 Northern Ioee ..., .... 21 *Northern H~eb~gen ... 21 * NORTIfiCF~TBRN ........ lb *No~lch ............. 21 NO~g ~ ........... 2b *OHIO STATE .......... 38 01110 U .............. . 21 * ORF~ON 6TATE *Olivet , ............. 21 *Pacific (Callf.) .... 28 *Pacific Lutheran .... 35 *PENN STATE ........ 1z ~zr~S~H : ...... :. ~..-lr *Preabyterian ........ 21 PRZ~ETON ........... 21 Roae-Hul~sn .......... 21 RUTGF~q~ .............. 2t~ San Diego 6tat* ...... 35 6an Joae 6tato .... ... 2~ *S OI~ZI'X ~0LXNA ...... 2~ *Breath Dakota ....... "~0 ~,~, : ~ *Tennesaee Tech . ..... 21 • Trinity (Colan.) .... . 28 *TOI~a ............... lb U. C. L. A ........... 2~ U.Tera~. (Chattanooga) .21 *tr~ STA?g .......... 2k *IrrAl~ ................ 17 Wa~rae 6t. (Detroit) .. 21 Weber 8tare .......... 1~ eWeale~an ............ 21 West Chosta~ ......... 28 eWestern Carolina .... 28 *WestaAns~er (Pa.) ... ~i *~idener .............28 *Wilkea .. ............ 20 Wllltp= . ............ 21 Wittenberg ........... *~A~II .............. *~J~HIB . ............ 22 JACK80IW IM~ ... ..... . 8AN AHTOHIO ,.,,,,.,,, *80. etLIF(]~IIIA Sough *~a~ ooo°"Y *WILLIAM COLORADO TEXAS • •" Alma Eastern *TEXAS Wofford Diekinaon~ *puKDt~ • ~A~O ............ ,. • C II~INI~TI . ......... 20 NEW DAX~A8 ...... 2b *I~W • vm0zT .... "':"": :: 2o OREEE ~AX ............ 17 *~W HO05TON ............ 2b *CLE' ,.o6 A,~,~ ..: ....... 2~ *SAH • )UAMX ........ • ...... 20 • NI~O~ ........... 17 l¢~W • 0kl~/~) ............. 2b KANSAS • PXTI~B~ .......... 2~ D~V~J~ .... • SiN F~LHClSCO ....... 16 ATIANTA xo~z, • ~A~ff~TO~ ......... o