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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 9, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 9, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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improper passing, $25 forfeit; COURT Alexander Peterson, P.O. Box on the docket in 533, Shelton, no helmet, driving District Courtwithout a license, $30 forfeit; Ii1 Fuller during Michael Dupont, P.O. Box 331, q.: Belfair, contributing to the i' delinquency of a minor, $100 .ourt Fuller, 325 E.forfeit; George Stilbs, 31A Calle Aragon, Laguaa Hills, California, speeding, $41 speeding, $38 forfeit; Jerry Wood, coin, Rt. 2, Box 418 Sheridan Rd., Bremerton, Speeding, $37 speeding, $25 forfeit; Rt. 5, Box 517, Carl Sharer, 212 Gumwood, g, $41 forfeit; Moses Lake, speeding, $61 forfeit; , P.O. Box 4, Allan Miller, Rt. 14, Box 449, g, $25 forfeit; Olympia, fishing for game fish on, P.O. Box without a valid license, $25 Speeding, $41 forfeit; Robin Schultiz, 3225 |well Rt. 5, Box Avalon Way, Seattle, fishing for • driving while game fish without a license, $25 b fme' 30 days in forfeit; Roni Sheldon, 3225 Avalon Way, Seattle, f hing for rL 1703 Adams,game fish without a license, $25 |Ore to yield forfeit; LesSer Qest, 1466 Cedar, 125 free; MaryPort Townsend, improper passing, delivery, Allyn, $25 forfeit; Earl Freeman, Rt. 5, $65 fine; BoydBox 288, Shelton, failure to stop 01 NE 59th, at stop sign, $25 forfeit. 0 motorcycle no license on Municipal Department ; Adam Leclair,David Quittmeyer, 614 4th, t79, Shelton,Shelton, speeding, $34 forfeit; re to yield to RonaldDickinson, l128W. Birch, h, $76 forfeit; Shelton, failure to stop at stop ablin, 104 E.sign, $25 forfeit; Victor Wright, Speeding, $25Rt. 4, Box 416, Shelton, failure to use due care and caution, $30 -kn n, 923 Roy forfeit; Leonard Lee, 2708 speeding, $25Schillings, Missoula, Montana, gPman, Rt. 10, failure to yield right-of-way, $25 rt'n°°perators forfeit; George Craig, 1909 $25 forfeit; Stevens, Shelton, driving without ,t. 7, Box 7059, driver's license, defective lights, , COmmercial gill $35 fine, suspended; |on in Old 0rfeit; AlbeS Andrew Pfaff, 4500 Martin Way, Olympia, failure to use due 2, Box 130, care and caution, $25 forfeit; h $76 forfeit; Harvey Robinson, Rt. 5, Box 208, 10701 PacificShelton, consuming alcohol in orna, speeding, public, $25 forfeit; Edward Weston, 119 Eastside St., Rt. 14, Box 69, Olympia, failure to stop at stop , $25 forfeit; sign, $20 forfeit; Leland 14, Box 69, Snellgrove, 620 Ell|nor, Shelton, ) Stop at stop failure to use due care and it; Kathryn caution, $55 free; ies Inlet Rd., Randy Augustine, 100 S. to Stop at stop Tilden St., Aberdeen, disturbing Yemon Hahn, the peace, $35 free; Doyle Scott, Portland,Hy-Lond Inn,SheRon, disturbing 32~f°rfeit; the peace, seven days in jail, ~rth, 723 Pine .... suspended; William Clark, Rt. 2, $50 forfeit; Box 557, Sheltun, speeding, $40 '516 NE46th, fine; Miles Gordon, 421 W. to keep rightEll|nor, Shelton, failure to yield , $25 forfeit; right-of-way, $15 forfeit; .asey, 2811 Gregory Johnson, Rt. 5, Box n, crossing 583, Shelton, minor in possession felt; Bruce of and consuming intoxicants, E 176th, $50 forfeit; Michael Coots, 404 e due care East C St., Shelton, minor in rfeit; Brian possession of and cbnsuming [vy Rd., intoxicants, $50 fine; Dennis tires, $25 Fraisure, 104 East D St., Shelton, minor in possession of and • Box 87, consuming intoxicants, $50 d, failure toforfeit; Robert Chollam, Shelton, it;Kenneth disturbing the peace, one year W. Alder, probation. t license on @ing, $25 SHELTON POLICE , P.O. Box A car owned by Darrell in8, $25 Martin rolled into a parked car ams, P.O. owned by Kathy Foseide. . to use due A window and door at the Lt.F°rfeit;5, Box PUDopen. 3 warehouse was found g, defective A door to the shoe repair ; Steven shop was found open. ,Speeding, Retha Schwartz reported a stray dog at her place. Sherry Sovunen reported a 1901 mail box and mail damaged. defectiveA purse found near Puget Jennifer Sound National Bank was turned Olympia, in to the police station and SOLID LOOK bF II. This remarkable dly gives the bold yet it's a expansion band. watchband look" too. Four styles L JEWELERS at the same location", 426-6182 • Matlock al Ladie i . for h; t By DORAHEARING wife was seriously injured. returned to the owner. J ack Garaghty reported Hedlund, mobile home, $2,800; Roats En neerin , W and A The Matlock Ladies Club will Stem an was.superintendent of the A no parking sign was foundlumber taken. Charles Pede, utility room, $780; Develonment, Mr. and Mrs. Allen sponsor a hunters' breakfast from Mary M. hmght Scnoon mr several in the Timbers Restaurant parking Dean Ashton reported two Archie Smith, storage building, Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. 5:30 a.m. to 3 psn. Saturday and years. lot. wood-burning stoves taken. $1,680; H. W. Strikeleather, Adolfsen and Transamerica Title Sunday. Non-hunters are also _ Mr. and Mrs. Walter S h,a.w A set of ear keys found at Mrs. Richard Knight reported .......... : .... returned :ass week aster spenamg cabin, $4,530; lom lamox, Insurance Co.,quiet title. - ......... . ....... Pioneer Way and Delaware Street a dog strayed to her place,recreauon- ..... room, ................... reter L. vanuer was, Matlock. Ladies. Club met last .sen aays,._ wtth .the:r.. son,. ,.--uaptam. were turned in to the police Byron Harper reported a SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT VanderWal, PeterVanderWaland week Wednesaay with Paula Jerry naw, anu mrs. J. 3nawana department, sailboat missing ........ Marie Vo Wo; o;nst the Citv Butler hostess. It was election of familyMr at Anchorage, Alaska.. Vehicles drivenbyJohnWeish Vandalism was reported to October 1, 1:45 p.m., brush .f gh ltc n M2t.n Cc.mtv officers for the coming year . and Mrs. Don Slehl spent fire, 13th Street. Those elected were Kav Barnes" Tuesday with the Grant Siehl and Ronali Fosdick collided at the Jantze cabin in the Jorstad L, uputy t. lleilll JriVu [llalll ,, . . " ' f ., First and Kneeland. Creekarea ...... I, RC, ,,RT Deputy Sheriff Dean Byrd and president; Emily Harvey, anu)y. .... ourr. w oo other ..or. ..... f the et.o:...., vice-president; Melba Mrs. t mn t earmg was a David Trail reported he wasAlma Club reported a Great Dissolutions of Mart'- e .... " ............... forced to go off the road on his Dane dog missing. It was lag Police De-art|out and" Mason Trenckmann, secretary;and Linda droner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rand LaleeMartin and Harrell r. C o Anderson easurer Iverson Thursday evening motorbike because of a car which recovered by the owner. .. County She, ............. , ...... • ....... " ... pulled out in front of him at A window was found open atMartin. and clam~,o~e " Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hehn mr. anu Mrs. ~anay ~riuges Victor Schroeder and DeeAnn .......... ~'~'" were Thursday guests of Mr and and two daughters of South Bend Northcliff and North 13th. The Taylor Towne Areo. Mr -- " Schroeder . and Mrs. Charles Doland Mrs A C Anderson at Port spent the weekend with Mr. and bike struck a tree. Trail received May Spring reported a Donaid Rothenberger and against Bert Bradeen, quiet title " " " Mrs I C Ford minor injuries, residence burglarized. - T • Orchard. • • • • Ursula Rothenber er yee Well Drilling Co against Pinochle Club met at Mr and Mrs Paul Johnston of Susan Miljour turned in a set A pumphouse was found open g • . . • the • • of keys she found in Evergreen at North Mason School. Jack Hauge and JoAnn Hauge. Anme Stroebel, foreclosure of Grange Hall Saturday night with Satsop stopped by their mother's, Square. Robert/Johnson reported the Merrilee Miller and Richard lien. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trenckmann Mrs, Herbert Brehmeyer Sr.'s, C. W. Saekett turned in a burglary of a residence• Miller. Mr and Mrs Marvin Morgan host and hostess. High score went home Saturday and left their • " - " .... ,. r~..., UitchelI and r~.._three children for the weekend wallet he found at the end of C Richard Wicket reported a New Cases against Mr. anu Mrs. walter ............. The ...... " Street. motorcycle taken .......... Fuson, quiet title Hearing; pinochle to Louis Aschle ,y attenaeu a mus cat concert mr. anu ,rs. t atpn • lnOd .O Mo SseaT tt Ta Robert Pederson reported aBonnie Furnish reported she 1 dog poisoned, found a bulldog. R::::rr, anM .M?LdMr r?ltPahdR; pa A bEv::ts,M :tr" Hay Co. against ;ond znl M toChw: 3da s nKt Y Don Phipps reported a St. Eric Bultee reported a fislmet r ~h ..... "- o ; - ~*" Ciral Mildred Peterson against Ford. . Y . pe . .......... ~-~ = "-? ° ~ • -. Ce-t .... r ~,,a ~,,~ ~t.o,.~,., ..c Word was received here of the weekend at their farm here with Bernard dog missing, taken. Develo ment Co., Mr. ana Mrs. ..... ~ ................. . P • - . a.,~,t. ~o, week of Edw,.- e ..... Mrs. Alta Kelly Marilyn Wilson reported sheDonald Skaar reported a w 1. a u.o s juagement ........... --. ,.,nnec,,, ,,,r. an,, ,.-.. -- " ..... aent .... o.__. ..-_ lost a purse, summer cabin broken into. Chilton, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Casteel, m an auto ..... ,t cut. ms A parking meter found A small binder, a chain with downtown was brought to the hooks, a sledge hammer and a red [ police department, flag were reported taken from a I Jerry Waldrip reported a truck belonging to D. C. Hauling dinghy missing. Company. ~i p~~t~S¢ ~S tO t ~e A purse which was found and Bernie Lung reported tools turned in to the police taken fromagarage, i ce t mb rger kVar department was returned to the A.R. Anderson reported I owner, vandalism to a trailer house. II A juvenile male lost control of A burglary was reported at the vehicle he was driving at 13th Taylor Towne Arco. ~ 1 and Laurel. The vehicle hit a Mrs. Stun Smith reported a telephone pole. The youth was. dog lost. charged with driving while A door was found open to the intoxicated and remanded to BelfairCommtmityChurch. juvenile authorities. Tom Snyder reported he Harold Floth, El|a, reported found a boat. his vehicle was taken from the The George Wood residence at I m~------.~m,~--m~--um~m.~nm~m ~ m--mmmm--m.~mmm..~mmmm--mmm~ I high school parking lot during the Kamilche Point received minor • s _ ~ ~ , _ . Shelton-Elma football game damage from a fire. I I (' 1st Week "1 I ( 2nd Week "1 I Friday night. Leroy Ftdtz reported a tent I I . I Vehicles driven by C. H. entered and a number of camping [ i|l~.~.~ ~~ I Williams, Lowell Williams andgear items taken. Glynn Roller collided at First and CITY BUILDING PERMITS I I/ ROOT BEER I Franklin. Building permitsappr°vedbY I '/2 - ......... .,Es il: I Dorothy Olds reported mail the City of Shelton during the taken. I Vehicles driven by Wayne past week were to Delbert , : MAMA BURGERS : Roberts and Troy Gamber were Hartwell, reroofing, $500; Glen | ' ~ | / A ~1 | I m~i~l~':: (Regumroroeq ~ /-'~.'IYA.~ ~l II andHighway3South.inv°lved inn collision at Arcadia Mickeyg°berts°n'Goodwin,rer°°fmg'remodeling,$1 00; I i 1 I AND FRIES il II !11 | I For the price of one 1,1| ..... I $6,000. I I l II utrer gooa from i// , .= | SHERIFF'S OFFICE COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS I I. / Buy2 magnificent Mama Burgers and2 regular orders ~1 I I ~ 10/13 thru 10/20/75,u. / Gilbert Sanderson reported ". " s two horses loose on the roadway• Building permits appmved by [ [ Marylin Smith reported items the Mason County Planner's ::ual ePnt;lJU:tlh: oPrl th th pon taken from a residence. Office during the past week were Mitt Jonson reported cattle to C.G•Chapin, carport, $500;E. | mt~ Coupon good at Minors A&W ?, k~ Coupon good at Minors A&W / m m loose on the roadway. B. Cokelet, mobile home, $1,250; I '"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',,''''''''''"," I Monty Fuller reported a Donald Davis. mobile home, no I I I | burglary of hisresidenc=, value listed; Gale Vow, mobile I | : ' f/ 4thWeek I Nancy Selvidge reported a dog home, no value listed; Jack I i I .... I missing. Egbert, storage building, $840; I :/~__.'~ ~ii I Raymond Johns reported Lee Geib, mobile home, $2,554; ~ : * I Mike Hickson, mobile h°m°' I PaBur o 'il| )°'ii1 I money missing. - I "'--"" "" / " Vandalism was reported to $6,000; I the Baird residence in the Belfair Bill Hicks°n' residence' l [ * ' I l $17,539; Robert Hopkins, porch, :1 -- area. A back door to the nimrod $672;H.L. James, cabin, I : ~v ~~'~ ill, Teen il: I Club building was found open. $23,879; Albert Keely, garage, I .- - ~".:"-.\ . - ~'~'~ :. ~ I . .~ Don Johnson reported a $900; John Kimmel, garage and - Burger garage broken into. breezeway, $10,000; Mason I I !1 I/ RootBeer, TeenBurger,Frles I l°stK. M. Roberts reported a boat County Parks and Recreation, I I \~~'~e-~~'~ ~l II / What ......... l pubfic restroom, $13,740; O.L. I I .... ~_ I I l a Deal uur spectacumr/een uurger wim ~=1 • I • ~ b=l'ggies, h Th ' " ~l 1~ frosty A&W Root Beer plus a regular order ofbacon and cheese, plus an 8 oz mug of ~111 II I II These are the eavyweights e buggms II • . Montgomery, cabin, $13.435; | ~[_| Angus Cain reported he found Myron Morgan, reroof'mg, $480; . N~om 10/21 thru 10/2R/75_ 2 I / ~ ,rtes ,AH for just uu¢ trom tu/z/ ,~l II a mtotiller. | II Do~~h the works. ~ [ II / sizzlin ....... ' .......... II Now 2 for 99¢from 10/21 thru 10/26/75 II hru ' Glenda Hunter reported aGeorge Nilend, addition to mobile I Now2f 99 trom 10/21 thru 10/26/75.~ I l t 11/2/75. " I bicycle missing, home,Earl$1,000;Nelson, addition to I : Coupon good at Minor's A&W ? ! Coupon good at Minor's A&W : I """"""""'"'"""""" I found. Front Don Waggoner Lumbermen's Electric is proud to announce the appointment of Don Waggoner to the position of manager Don assumes the former position of Bob Taylor, who has left Lumbermen s to form Arcadia Electric. Don has had over four years of experience with Lumbermen's Electric in residential and commercial wiring and repair as well as heating service. He and his wife Marie have three children and Don is currently serving as scoutmaster of Troop 155 in Shelton. You can be sure of expert help and conscientious service from Lumbermen's whenever you need electrical services. And we'd like to extend our best wishes for success to Bob Taylor and Arcadia Electric. Congratulations, Don. You're one of Lumbermen's "People on the Move!" Residential • Commercial & Pine 426-26 14 ONE DOLLAR OFF ON ANY PURCHASE OF 2 DOLLARS OR MORE Offer good at participating A&W's listed below. Good any time. Offer expires 11/9/75. BEAR "Dollar-Off" discount is not applicable towards already discounted items. The Great Root Bear On Mt. View ® Thursday, October 9, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19