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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 9, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 9, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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the Harstine Thursday was Knight Five. She this week was Week and that stations will be from 7 to 9 She listed the of the nine their equipment. of being were outlined Protection. They and even help or storm number :need for medical The phone or general discussed the locations with i one or more which will be It was decided classes and class week. Pointe on the over the for the location. class will begin There will class p.m. and a at 7:30 p.m. should make it to complete COurse, which hours of CPR PUlmonary • There will be each and the course is have to miss evening you could afternoon class the following houses to be held of the nine opportunities and learn more what it has You can be of volunteer (both men Over). are held evening at the Deer week there was to be a drill at Hartstene Pointe. These are working drills, so if you are really seriously interested, come dressed accordingly and prepared to pitch in. The Women's Club gained two new members at last week's meeting. The membership welcomed Myrtle Parker, a new resident at Hartstene Pointe, and Millie Snyder, wife of the state park ranger at Jarrell's Cove. (Her husband Tom also takes care of Squaxin Island and McMicken State Parks). The gals extended a big thank you to Dick Seward for his efforts in repairing the temperamental sliding door between the dining room and main room at the hall recently. It was announced that, weather permitting, there would be a work party at the hall to install the new section ,of aluminum roofing over the dining room. The "good fairies" and perhaps even some of the "wee folk" must have done a terrific job of harassing Old Sol who, at best, has been pretty fickle these past couple of months. Because one look at Mother Nature's mood Friday had most of the volunteers convinced there wouldn't be a ghost of a chance of holding the work party. But then Saturday morning the clouds parted and Old Sol spread a full measure of warmth on 'ye old hall'! The following day, Sunday, dawned with nature's sprinkling system going full force. Last Saturday's good Samaritans included AI Bacon, Bud Glaser, Pete Peterson, Ike Carlson, Glenn Yates and Max Smith, to work on the roof. The second crew consisted of Sid Baunsgard and Joe LaLande, who kept busy repairing the outside door of the kitchen. And last, but not least, one island gal won a whole bunch of points with the two crews by showing up at just the right moment with a pot of hot soup and rolls. Char Smith was the thoughtful gal. And, speaking of good Samaritans, we learned the first of this week that a former islander who certainly more than qualifies in that department died in Chehalis Monday morning. For many, many years while Tom Tierney was a resident here, this island community was the benefactor of his numerous acts fof thoughtfulness. Even at the time a majority of the island folks weren't aware of who was doing so many of the good deeds, only that from time to time there was evidence of yet another kind and thoughtful act. The "fates family was the recipient of his thoughtfulness. Shortly after Harstine lost a ferry and gained a bridge Tom presented Glenn with a delightful souvenir of Glenn's years as ferry captain. He had taken a piece of cork, framed it and then attached a hunk of rope, a commuter ticket (glass covered and framed) and one of the large keys. A glance at that plaque brings back a flood of marvelous memories. The Jim Bowers, too, said they were touched by a bit of Tom's thoughtfulness. When they moved into the former Tierney home they found a small notebook containing a treasury of helpful information concerning the house and property, such as a list of the appliances, when and where they were purchased, where to locate the septic tank and drainfield.., anything and everything Tom felt that could be of use to the new owners in the future as owners and residents of the home he had built. (Bet not too many new tenants can make a similar claim!) Several months ago doctors discovered Tom had bone cancer and he has spent a good bit these days since that time in a hospital. The funeral was held Wednesday at 10 a.m. in Chehalis. The island bids a fond adieu to Wendal and Maude Porter who recently purchased a home and moved to Shelton last week. Wedding bells have been somewhat prominent 'round these parts in recent weeks. Last month one island home was even a honeymoon scene for several days. When Helen Olson attended the wedding of her grand-niece down on the harbor, she took along her toothbrush and nightie and planned to stay away for a few days. The reason, because she had offered the newlyweds her home for their honeymoon. The young couple, Tara Lundquist and Daryl Dora, were married at Ocean Shores and made their get-away in a popcorn-filled pickup. Last Friday evneing Bob and Elaine Ireland attended the wedding of Nancy Archer (daughter of Jim and Pauline Archer) and Joe Whitener at the Kamilche Church, as did Nancy's aunt, Maxine Waite, and her grandmother, Dot Smith. (Geolge Waite, being a lineman, was called out on some power outages and missed the wedding). Yours truly was also invited but didn't attend. Tile nitty-gritty of the situation was I couldn't find the church... until about an hour and a half after the ceremony was scheduled to begin. Ted and Elsie Ness traveled to Anacortes a couple of weeks ago to attend the wedding of close friends. Elsie reported it was also a nice mini-vacation as they spent a couple of days and nights away from the island, leaving the marina in good hands here. She said they had the opportunity to see some friends they hadn't seen or talked to for at least 50 years. Last week on Tuesday Ted and Elsie Ness accompanied the Mattesons of Portland on a jaunt to Victoria. The latter couple spent last week here enjoying the tranquil island life away from the hustle and bustle of a big city. In Victoria they took a drive along scenic shore drive admiring the gorgeous display of autumn foliage and flowers. Before catching the ferry back to Port Angeles the foursome dined at the Empress Hotel. At Sequim they stopped for a brief visit with friends of the Mattesons. Last Sunday afternoon the first and second degree drill team from Agate and the third and fourth degree team from Skokomish converged at the Harstine Hall to initiate all of the new grange members from Mason County granges. Coffee and refreshments were served midway between degrees. A potluck dinner completed the day's activities. Three new Harstine grange members were initiated, Mary Campbell and Carrie and John Erickson. This Friday night the Harstine Community Club will hold its regular October meeting. All islanders are welcome to attend. Live while you live Live while you live, the epicure would say, And seize the pleasures of the present day; Live while you live, the sacred preacher cries, And give to GOd each moment as it flies. Lord, in my views let both united be; I live in pleasure, when I live to thee. Philip Doddridge Vern Workman Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Expert Service Auto Body and Painting Free Estimates PHONE 426-9020 707.1/2 Rnt St. (Behind old Kimbel Building) • O O loans Simpson less. I it DM Robitussin Plain 4 oz., reg. 1.00 NOW Robitussin DM 4 oz., reg. 1.59 NOW Union has new truc I NyQuil Vaporub 6-oz. 3.1 oz. Formula 44 Formula 44D 3 fl. oz. ,3 fl. oz. YOUR CHOICE EACH with 20% down 8/10 of 1%* per month on unpaid balance. DISMISS Disposable Douches Reg. 1.69 NOW Square • 426-3456 • Shelton Shelton office: Ph. 426-1633 McCleary office: Ph. 495-3497 Ken Fredson, Manager Thursday, October 9, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journai -Page 21