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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 9, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 9, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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B EAD S • BEAD S The World's Larc, est Selection of Beads STORE WIDE SALE ; UP TO Shipwreck Beads ~ ..%~, . Open 7 Day IT¢,[. {zoO) ~o6"406J _ ~h,d ,~y :G,.',' Firewood - stock up now, $55/ cord, cut, split, delivered. 426- 0523. 42/17 A.J. Rowing machine/gym, used less than 5 times, like new, $1 O0 OBO. Call Michelle, days, 753- 5448 or eves, 426-7473. 42/17 1972 Honda 450, $400; Cobra sideband base station, $200 20 cu. ft. chest freezer, $200. Call anytime, 426-3460• 42-44/17 Pair of lined gold cotton velve- i "limh, ,,, .... teen drapes, 116x81, with trav- 3 '"o I 22 cu .. chest freezer, $150; erse rod & pins Make offer. 426- CO2 bottles, keg tap refrig, $150; 8 1478• 42/17 ~:~:~.,,,v=u~ "41"-'44/;~"B J man hot tub, $1200. 426- 3893. 39-41/17 CUSTOM GOLF CLUBS rh N u I ! $ P P, | ¢ • D Mini-Storage Self-Storage 24-Hour, 7-Day Access JAPANESE MAPLE SALE Choose from many sizes - hhe 20% off the regular price oice hardy Azaleas, $3.99; Odies, in hundreds of var- ieties. Now flowering: Mag- aaias, Cherry tree Rhodies. • arstine Is and Nursery, #1 iaqUality and selectiorL Open Sly 9-6. Cross bridge onto arstine island, turn left, go 3 mS., turn right at the hall (Crossroads), 426-2013. 42/17B YOUR BAD WELL WATER IRON & SULPHER REMOVAL SPECIALISTS We cure the problems in your well No Chemicals or Additives 20 Year Factory Warranty Free System Evaluation & Diagnosis Financin Available O.A.C 30 DAY FREE TRIAL OFFER ENDS MAY 1, 1988 CLEAN WATER SYSTEMS NORll-IWEST 823 W. Main Street, Sumner, WA Or call Sam, collect at (206)459-1691 New electric hospital bed, new Heatalator for sale, picked up at . 1_300, sell for $700; Hotpoint auction and don't need it, slightly retrig.,$50. 426-6591. damaged but new and com- plete. $200 OBO. 877-5678. • " ' 41-42/8 6 hp mulcher shreader with bag- g~.20~,,Ochment, $165. 275" 6,c .'~. 39-41/17 Jesus came to bring a simple, and better life, but man has $ ,or sale- large bean bag chair, 5; EZ $50;, convection oven, 0. 898-3788. 42/17 ReStaurant equipment and uten- Sils for sale: grill hood, char- )roiler, friers, one and three bin .Sinks, ice machine, dishes, misc. ems. 482-2734. 42/17 made it hard. Would you like to study about this man Jesus through a personal bible study?. Call Bonnie or Mac at 426- 5217. 41ffnW/17 Must sell: '48 GMC school bus, $275; '74 Wagoneer, 4WD, body rough, $325. 426-2670. 42-44/17 Firewood for sale: dry fir, green alder. Guaranteed full cord• Split & delivered, $60/cord. 426-4374. 41-43/~'J, DON'T JlUSI 352-1596 2103 Harrison Olympia (behind Skipper's) QUALITY Queen size brass headboard, $150; coffee table, 37" square, $150; Baldwin organ, $4500; incomplete set Noritake china Brierly pattern, $50. Eves, 866- 8911. 42-43/17 TONING The world's most modern technology in a safe Acu-Massage Table - exercise program. To shape you and keep you $2s0 for 15 minute session in shape - Lose inches and feel great $8/session or For all ages - For arthritis, head, stroke, poor circulation 10 sessions for $75 LET OUR 8 CONCEPTS N' MOTION TONING ($7.50/session) TABLES DO THE WORK FOR YOU 25 sesslons for $160 ($6.40/session) FIRST SESSION FREE! s4o SAVINGS Op State Rq EXERCISE BOUTIQUE 3726 Suite "C" Pacific Ave. Olympia Next to J. Vee's Health & Diet Foods CONNIE'S Olympic Gateway Center Shelton Mon-Fri 6am-8pm, Sat. 8am-12pm 427-8011 ;¢ 8 EASTER SPECIAL-- 5 SESSIONS FOR $30 April 4-18th -- 1:00 to 7:00 pm only Must have Free Demo prior to receiving Special GOOD ONLY AT J.VEE'S IN OLYMPIA OR CONNIE'S IN SHELTON I I Z O O | B m m N m mm m B mm mm m m m m m m CAPITAL DENTURE CLINIC & GENERAL DENTISTRY I Relines or Repairs WITH THIS COUPON I EXPIRES MARCH 31, 1988 3537 Martin Way, Olympia 491-7888 NO ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS WITH COUPON mmmnmmnmmmmmnmnmm __m Electric stove, 30", white, $75; 15' wood boat, needs work, $50. Phone 426-3636. 42-44/17 Ring neck doves, $15/pair. 943- 7479• 32fin J/17 1 year old Blaze King fireplace insert, $350. 426-8029 or 426- 7004 after 5pm. 42.44/17 Beauty barkJ $8/yd, delivery available. Call Pioneer Digging, 426-1803. 3S F/17 For sale: camping membership to Mother Nature's Acres $3000 OBO. Call after 5pm or leave msg. on machine, 426-5444. 41-43/17 Naco West Resort Club mem- bership, over $1000 already paid. You take over payments and it's yours. 426-9634, 41-43/17 DP Bodytone 375 multi gym rowing machine, like new, $125; Vita Mix 3600 complete with recipe books, $150. 898-3210. 40-42/17 SEWING MACHINES, parts and repairs, all make New machines at lowest prices. Free estimates. Jim Paul, 877-5798. 40-43117 Olympian Mail Business Services FAX- UPS - FED X Mall Box Rentals C "deal direct with the manufacturer and save" • CUSTOMIZED FOR You AND YOUR GOLF SWING @ GAME IMPROVEMENT PERIMETER WEIGHTED STAINLESS STEEL WOOD~ AND IRONS • TOP OUALITY COM PON ENT~: STAINLESS STEEL HEADS, TRUE I"EMPER ~ AND GOLF I=1~lOE GRIPS, EACH ~ POR YOU • METAL WOOD~ AVAILABLE IN NO. 1-34-5.&7 ~40.00 EACH COMI=I.="1~ (any combination) • IRONS AVAILABLE IN NO. 1 IRON TNRU SAND IRON 125.00 EACH COMPLETE (any combln~tion) • NEXT DAY DELIVERY - TRY OUR DEMONSTRATORS • WE ARE ALSO A FULL SERVICE REPAIR SHOP GOLF CLUB REPAIR "since 1970" 310 N. MI~Y STREET NW OLYMPIA, WA 98502 (206) 352-1331 Geoduck for sale: steaks, $4/Ib., 10 lb. min. order; chopped, $1.50/Ib. 426-5427. 35-42117 3'x8' lighted sign, all aluminum, can blink, 2 sided, $1000. Call eves, 426-9685. 41 tfnS/17 VACUUM CLEANERS, repairs, Wanted: one small bicycle for 4 parts, bags, all makes. Lowest year old boy. 426-9104. prices. New vacs, free trial, Pan- 41 3/17 asonic, etc Jim Paul, 877-5798. 40-43/17 8 C 8 Z LAWN SOD CUTTER Keep your foot firmly positioned on footplate by pulling up on handle. Let your body weight do the cutting, Slide blade foward approximately 7" end step on it. MANICURES YOUR LAWN AND FLOWER BEDS BEAUTIFULLY! MAKES A DEEP 3//= INCH CUT FOR SECTIONING OFF SOD FOR TRANSPLANTING, TRENCHING OR REMOVAL MAINTAINS A STRAIGHT LINE. CUT CURVES WITH TOE END QUICK, EASY AND COROLESS TOO! 5 YEAR GUARANTEE • Stainless steel blade, IAI" thick, 13" long • Blade welded to footplate with stainless steel rod • A-36 steel footptate and stirrup • Structural steel pipe handle • Manufactured in Hoquiam, Washington Price Includes shipping via UPS end WA. state tax GREENSTREET EDGER CORP. 506 E. WISHKAH, ABERDEEN, WA 98520 • (206)532-7066 Please Name send me GreenStreet Edger at 30 day Money Back Guarantee City/State/Zip , PLACE YOUR AD CALL 426-4677 OR 1-800-451-7902 8am-5pm M-F AD DEADLINE TUESDAY 5pm The Shopper's Weekly Vol.8 No.42 Mar. 24-30, 1988 Page 3