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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 9, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 9, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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COUNTY REALTY, INC. 724 Railroad Ave. REALTOR alt W/F, 8 acres, 226' frontage, 116' bulkhead, outbuilding. Terms. $169,500. #673. LIMERICK - 3 bedroom mobile, community water, 40 lot, all amenities. Terms. $27,900. #903. SALT W/F - 1.5 acres, Little Skookum, community water, discount for cash. $55,000. #890. CITY- 3 bedroom, fireplace, attached garage, gas, cop lot. Terms. $39,500. #884. ISLAND - Mt. Rainier view, waterfront, summer cabin. Will consider tms. $49,600. #86& CITY- 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace with heatalator, gar- age with carport, 16'xl 8' shop with breezeway. $49,900. 752. HORECREST - 2 bedroom mobile, community water & pI, public salt water beach & boat launch. Terms. 2,900. #910. obile ood condition, outbuilding, CITY 2 bedroom m , g .= loan, terms. $26,900. #909. DW BUILDING - 2 bedroom shell in recreational area on acres, Spencer Lake area. $29,500. #906. LAKE - View lot, 2 bedroom mobile, lots of extras. 4,900, reduced to $13,900. #791. One is 3 bedroom, other is I bed- room apartments. Good income. $39,000. #596. HARTSTEN E POI NTE Lots from $8,500. Homes from $39,000. Weekends- agent - call Dennis, 426-3248. Member Mason County MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE SPECIALIZE IN WATERFRONT& RECREATIONAL MARLIN CRONQUIST- BROKER - 426-2020 ,%=,_ .ncer for sale! Nearly 1/= ac. Lake front. Water/power/ avail. Great swimming, i ng. Only $26,000 owner tms. = elton Land and Homes, 426- 5555. 42/26 a, tlock by Shafer State Park acres, divided into 8-5 acre ' rcels, all nicely wooded with rlt-rses, pick of the best one for owner tms RH&L Realty, ¢U'3184. 35-42/26 Untry living in town. 3 bdrm, 2 , ry home, 2 secluded lots, ntral Wood heat, hardwood and lots more. $54,900. Grant Ave 426-0232. 40-47/26 aCUlate 3 bdrm, bath '."0bile 2 miles from Alderbrook 106. Hood Canal, Olym- t. view, separate hook up or trailer. Plenty of park- 1 ,72'600. RH&L Realty, 426- 36-43126 Lake Limerick, charm- + bdrm, 2 bath home on ¢l~i~,wooded, landscaped lot, carport, hot tub, wood access = go . frontage on Olympic Hwy. in Shelton. Was a hand store, over 2000 u 'lder roof plus extra lot for or building. $42,500 tm- "=L Realty, 426-3184. 39-46/26 l %l _tional value offered for a 'h e ,.time. Well kept 3 bdrm, I,i. r. h home situated on Lake llr_ golf course. Beautiful With oak cabinets, dish- 1"'tjr, garbage disposal. Den, ndscaped.$53,500. ~45. 41-42/26 IL= ~h~t~!!~ing! Mt. View3 bdrm, 1 replace, corner lot with loaded log truck cy- ;d;v9 r I a; 26-3184. 41-48126 ]'(~E YOUR AD CALL 426-4677 Long Beach Peninsula, Willipa Bay frontage. Unique 4 bdrm, 1 bath home. Sits on acreage plus tidelands, $79,500. CB114. Century 21 Ceglowski Realty, Inc., PO Box 1109, Long Beach, WA 98631. (206)642-3707. 40-47/26 Rare Hood Canal low bank W/F on North Shore with prime beach inc. tidelands. $30,000, closing costs down, low int. rate, name your pmt. Very motivated seller. RH&L Realty, 426-3184. 35-42/26 You fix/you save! 10 acres, Mill Creek. Large older farmhouse. Basement. New well. Old wind- mill still works. Close-in. May divide. Only $71,500 tms. Shel- ton Land and Homes, 426-5555. 42/26 Ultimate privacy - saltwater three sides, Build your dream home overlooking Rainier and Olym- pics, Dana and Peale Passages. Utilities in. Tidelands. Southern exposura $49,500. Lois Walker, Coldwell Banker, 1-851-9988 of 426-1406. 35-42/26 Wooded 21/= acres, sandy loam soil, water, power & telephone in. Includes driveway & bldg. site. Low down payment & int- erest. Call 4264378 or 426-4644. 36-43/26 Timberlakes lot for sale, $5000 tms or $4500 cash. 426-4561. 42/26 Will finance this quality 2x6 con- struction 2 bdrm, each with private bath on Cushman lower lake. Energy efficient, appliances, drapes included. Furnishings optional. On 3 wooded lots. 877-5891. 36-42/26 Level 5 acres with power, phone. Near Phillips Lk. public access and boat ramp. Secluded end of road location. Bldg. site cleared. Asking $17,500. RH&L Realty, 42 6.3184. 35-42/26 Quiet & private, Liberty 14'x70', 2 bdrm, wood & forced heat, large lot, access to pool & club. Cur- rently rented $14,500 OBO. 427-8966. 38.48/26 OR 1-800-451-7902 8am-5pm M-F MOBILE HOME LOTS Between Shelton and Allyn in In Belfair, good and level, ready Rustlewood. 3 bdrm rambler, Ig. to move onto. $18,000 with small living room w/frpl., dbl. attached down. Harstine Island, 2 lots garage, fenced yard, comm. salt side-by-side, $4500 ea, power water access, boat and club nearby, on paved road. Call Nor- house. $41,500. RH&L Realty, man, 1-800-572-0930, Beacon 426-3184. Properties. 39-43/26 39-46/26 Small motel, 51/4 acres on Mill Road, building site in! 61/4 acres Creek. 4 houses, trailer spaces, with fantastic view of Mt. Rainier, apartments. First cutoff into Pickering Passage, Harstine and Shelton, Hwy. 3. Many options, Squaxin Islands Boat launch close. offices, mini mart, etc 426-4420, $19,950 terms. 25% discount please keep calling. Excellent for cash. RH&L Realty, 426- property. 36-43/26 3184. 37-44126 5 acres near Phillips Lake, public access, power, phone, stream 6.7 acres, 1,000 maturing christ- with live beaver pond. Short mas trees, 5 varieties. Good U- platted. Owner will sell all or cut site Creek firewoo( building Dart. $15,000 trns $13,000 cash. site. End of Cedar Flats Rd., 5 RH&L Realty, 426-3184. miles from Capitol MalL $24,900 37-44/26pre-listing price. 491-2144. 39-46/26 Neat, clean, double wide mobile on city lot one block from Everybody's, Nice neighborhood, level lot, storage building. $19,950. RH&L Realty, 426-3184. 38-45126 For sale: undeveloped corner lot at Lake Limerick with timber. 426-2757 eves, 3 /25 Angleside 5 bdrm, 2 bath, 3 fire- places, garage plus carport, cor- ner lot, huge living room, rec room downstairs, fireplace in master bdrm. suite. $53,500. RH&L Realty, 426-31 84. 39-46/26 Money maker:. 1 & 2 bdrm houses Large 2 bdrm home, 1 acre on on same lot in Shelton, renting Arcadia, close-in,hugelivingroom, for $460/mo. Insulated, well fireplace with insert, extra room maintained, 1 lx20 living rooms, could be office or den. Separate utility rooms. Cash sale only. shop and greenhouse.S41,900. Best offer. 426-9194. RH&L Realty, 426-3184. 4o 7/25 38-45/26 The Locksmith Han Locaxk n 212 South 2rid 24-HOURS 3 bdrm east side house with cute rental cottage, partly re- modeled, garage, W/D, stove, excel, income property, 2 lots. $49,900. 786-5023. 39-42/26 Perfect development property.. 10 sq. acres loaded with timber, mostly fir. 660' Agate Rd. fron- tage 3 miles to public salt water access and boat ramp. $28,000. RH&L Realty, 426-3184. 35-42/26 COMMERCIAL LOT Excellent location. 90'x100' lot in downtown Shelton, corner of 8th & Franklin. Great potential for offices or professionaL Terms, 427-9487. 3~-48/25 Horse set-up, appro~ 10 secluded acres minutes from Shelton. 2 bdrm house, year round stream, lots of trail access $65,000. 426- 8444. 40-47/26 4 bdrm, 2 bath home on South Hill with extra city lot. Over $12,000 spent last year in im- provements. New roof, siding, paint, carpet, $49,500. RH&L Realty, 426-3184. 38-45126 For sale: salt waterfront, moorage, medium bank, Mason Co., Kam- ilche Point, woode water, power, community association, by owner. (206)943-8834, Olympia. 35-42/26 Well kept 1300' 3 bdrm home on 1 manicured fenced acre in town. Double garage, shop, ad- ditional septic for mobile. Pdced to sell at $55,000. RH&L Realty, 426-3184. 38-45126 PCSING MUST SELL TrHevel home, large lot, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car garage, family room Assume 9.5% VA loan. t-5 exit 114, left on Duterrow into Meadows, right on Rockcress, 1220 Gad- well Ct. SE. 491-8756. Near zchool. 38-45126 Have substantial property owner that wants to trade contracts plus several properties for salt W/F home. Call Vi, Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. 42/27 Need 3 bdrm home w/acre. Near Steamboat Island. To $75,000. Call Vi, Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. 42/27 AD DEADLINE TUESDAY 5pro Need small lakefront home to- wards Olympia. To $60,000. Call Vi, Shelton Land and Home 426-5555. 42/27 Have cash buyer for timberland. Any size lot or acreaga Will send videos of your land. Call Vi, Shelton Land and Homes, 426- 5555. 42/27 Need 15 acres. Pasture. Within 30 minutes Sheitor To $50,(X)0. Call Ralph, Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. 42/27 5 bdrm, 3 bath home overlook- ing Hammersley Inlet on 3 acres, (more avail.) 2 car attached gar- age, raised hearth used brick r otce, fruit tree garden area. $99 500. RH&L Realty, 426-3184. 37-44126 3+ bdrm log home. Carport. $400/mo. Rent, sell or lease option. $59,500. Call Vi, Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. 42/27 $500 FREE! Bring thi~ ad and see us before March 31, 1988. Apply to down payment or discount on the price. Lots & acreage with lake and Hood Canal access from $6900. Call now for free brochure. Lake Cushman Properties, 877-5611, 1-800-752-6804. 40-43/26 Studio apartment or commeri- cal rental downtown Shelton. $295/mo. Will remodel to suit. 898-4508 41tfnB/29 Mobile home site, corner lot swimming pool, boat launch to Hammemley Inlet. $60/mo. 427- "13mbedakes. A private good fish- 8880. 41-42/29 ing, waterakiing lake. 2 yr old 2 bdrm mobile, dose to lake access, beautifully manicured lot, view RENTALS OUT OF TOWN of lake, many extras! Owner terms 1 + loft, w/s, $260; 2 bdrm, w/s, $29,500. RH&L Realty, 426- $260; 2 bdrm, w, $292; 2 bdrm, 3184. w/s, $350; 2 bdrm + fam rm, s, 39-46/26$475. Preview Realty, 426-9748. 42/29 TWICE YOUR MONEY'S WORTH! • 30 words or less • extras not included • no changes • no refunds • one property per ad • no front page placement Just check the Real Estate Special box in our ad form! (extras are $1 each PER WEEK) The Shoppeds Weekly VoL8 N