October 9, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 9, 1975 |
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Lovely older 3 bedroom home
on neat large lot. You would
live it. A rare listing. Close to
schools, hospital, shopping.
$42,000, financable.
504 Dearborn. Solidly built.
3arage with shop space. Near
& shopping. A fine buy.
Cute 1 bedroom home, garage
+ huge shop, level lot. In-
expensive retirement home.
Lovely 2 bedroom mobile home,
neat as a pin. Cathedral ceil-
ing. $38,500.
2 bdrm duplex, modern, carport,
access to W/D, extra storage
room. $265, w/s/g paid, no pets,
adults only. $150 security dep-
osit. 426-5969 or 426-6707.
Near Union, 2 bdrm home, Hood
Canal Mt. v w. Wood/ek c heat,
large yard. $325, references,
$200 deposit. 877-5233, 877-
5344. 41-42/29
For rent: clean unfurnished 1
bdrm apartment in garden set-
ting. W/s/g paid. Single adult.
No pets. 818 Pine #4.
Senior citizens: share my large
home. Private rooms & quiet,
secure atmosphere, includes
utilities, appliances, on bus line.
$205. 786-1649. 42-45/29
Nice, clean, small 2 bdrm cabin
in Timberlakes, Shelton. 241-
1648 (Seattle) motel switchboard
will take message. 40-42/29
Downtown Shelton office space
from $49 per month. Also suit-
able for light storage. Stewart
Realty, 426-5000.
All reel estate advertising in this
newspaper is subject to the Fed-
end Feir Housing Act of lllti
vdzick makes it illegal to adver.
tim "any plrference, limitation
or discrimination based on race,
color, religion, sex or natJonel
origin, or an intention to make
any ,,,oh preference, limitation
or discrimination."
This newspaper will not
knowingly accept any IdwrGs-
ing for real estate which is in
violelJoa of the law. Our reeden
are hereby informed that ell
dwellinls advertJ~ in this nJvn-
plp'M+ III IVllilel)ll Oil IN &'quid
opportunity basil To complain
of discrimination, call HUO Toll-
free at 1-100424-11590. For the
Washington, DC area please adl
HUD at 426-3500.
1 bdrm, w/s/g, $165; 1 bdrm, w/s/
g, $175; 1 + bdrm, w/s/g, $180;
1 bdrm, w/s/g, $200; 1 bdrm, all
utiL, $275; 2 bdrrr~ w/s/g/c~ $290;, 2
bdrm, w/s/g, $375; 3 bdrm +
fam. rm, $450. Preview Realty,
Free small young male Shepherd,
black & tan, new choke chain,
Found Sunday on W. Deegan
Rd. 426-9376. 42-43/8
Free to good home with no child-
ren: Pill~"l=.l~ULTSer, 1 yr old.
426-80'" ""'-----{ E41-42/8
4 bdrm, wood heat, garden spot, Free to good hoBpoBlack Lab/
2car garage. $375/mo, $200 ?hoe~S~Rp~,~.~.~u~r~
• damage deposit, references.
Retreiver, 1
426-2442. 42/29 Y •~: , unting potential.
426-8 1 45. 41-42/8
Must sell: 63x14 cute 2 bdrm
mobile, all appliances, located
Hidden Haven, space 10. Manager
has key. Asking $6800, ap-
prais,~00. Call collect, 1-
485-~'J..~fJ,, 1-486-8625.
1984 double wide 3 bdrm, 2
bath mobile home. Like new,
front & rear decks, storage, car-
port, Hood Canal, buoy, fur-
nished or unfurnished. 877-
9512. 40-42118
For sale: double wide mobile
home in Hidden Haven adult
park New carpets Asking $9500.
426-0198 or 426-9620.
Only At
Quality • Service
7821 Martin Way
Free: 2 cats, 10 mos. old. Good
mousers One long and one short
haired orange. 426-8508.
1984 Fleetw(x~ Banington, 28x48,
3 bdrm, 2 bath, comp roof, wood
siding, furnished with all applian-
ces, large deck and storage shed,
on 11/4 acres leased property,
Lacey. Was $33,000, reduced
to $26,000, easy financing. 459-
1 849. 39-42/18
We forfeit large equity for quick
sale. 1986 3 bdrm, 2 bath, beau-
tiful, lots of extras~ $26,000 firm;
fully furnished, no pressboard,
$29,600. Days 264-2336.
2 bdrm mobile, fully equipped,
14'x64', W/D, stove, refrig, dish-
washer, new carpet, freezer, cable,
all elec., in perfect shape in nice
park. Make offer. 877-5284.
Free: purebred German Shep-
herd neutered male, excel house
manners, good watch dog. 426-
0651. 42-43/8
Free: male Collie mix, black/tan,
approx 1-2 yrs old. Very gentle
dog, needs good, caring home.
Was abused by previous owner.
TLC required. 426-9947.
Free: friendly pup, 8 mos. old.
Schnauzer/Poodle male, tan, fine
with children. 426-4079.
Free to good home - puppies,
Malemute - wil be very pretty.
426-2576 after 5pm.
Free.. 4 kittens and calico mother.
426-6204. 42-43133-8
Found: Henderson BIvd, Olympia,
black w/white markings, female
puppy. Must find a home. 357-
9636. 42-43/15
Lost: black steer, Scottish High-
lander/Agnus cross, Dayton area.
426-5292 after 3pm, 426-8201
before 3pm, ask for Faye.
Free: Pacific berries (domestic
blackberries), U-dig. 426-3955
after 5pm. 42-43/8
Free to good country home:
spayed 3 yr old Golden Ret-
riever, loves'children and com-
patible with all animals. 482-
4373 after 6pm. 42-4318
Found: small young male Shep-
herd, black & tan, new choke
chain. Found Sunday on W.
Deegan Rd. 426-9376.
Springer Spaniel puppies, 7
wks old. Free. Call after 5pm,
459-3153. 41-42/8
Free to good home: 1/2 German
Shepherd, 1/= St. Bernard, male
dog, housebroken. 426-2955.
All expense paid vocational train-
ing sponsored by the U.S. Dept.
of Labor. This is an opportunity
for men & women between the
ages of 16-22 to learn a trade
and obtain a GED and drivers
license. Room and board, an
allowance and recreation are
provided at training sites. You
must be out of school, out of
work and in need of vocational
training. Call 753-4096 or 426-
5900 to find out more about Job
COrpS. 32ffnF/5
The password for a
You could win a new car at the pet is routine. A change in
First Annual Lacey Golf Classic daily schedule can disrupt
attheCapitolGolfCourse5225 stress your pet - leading
Yelm Hwy. SE. Tee off times for decline in health,will
the 18 hole Classic will begin at in better health if his
8am on Friday, April 8th. All who remains,
can swing a club and pay the ercise, decreasing available
$25 entrance fee are invited to and watching
participate. A hole-in-one off the as your pet ages will hel
1 lth tee during the Classic will stay healthier, longer. As
earn the lucky golfer a brand dog ages a veterinary
new 1988 Subaru. All golfers every 6 months,
willhavethechancetogohome year, becomes advisable. If
with prizes and awards galore, pet exercises regularly, is
Golfers, and the public are then properly and receives good care,
invited to the Luncheon at the can live a long, healthy life.
Capitol City Course Restaurant, message to responsible pet
beginning at 1:30 pm. The cost ers from the Humane:
is $9 for non-participants. For Thuston Co.
further information contact the
Lacey Area Chamber of Com- __
merce at 491-4141.
Shelton Yacht Club An nual Oys-
ter or Ham Dinner, Sat., April 9th,
5pm-8pm. Tickets: adults $6.50,
children $3.00, available at Angle
Agency or Lloyd's. 42-43/5
Powerguard generator
approx. 20 hours
2.5 ampa $200
Brush cutter/mower. =Roof'
American Legion Post #31, fessional 8 hp high wheel
Shelton - meetings 1st 8, 3rd behind, self propelled.
Tues., 7pm at Memorial Hall. condition. Does super jol~
32ffnF/5 offer. 459-0750.
V.F.W. Post 1694 meets 1st 8, Tiller, 5 hp, rear tine, Coast
3rd Friday at 7pm, VeteransCoast. Excel. cond. $300.
Memorial Hall. 32tfnF/5 1540.
United Way of Mason County.
People helping people. PO Box
373, 218 W. Cota, Shelton, WA
98584. TeL 426-4999, 426-8181.
Free informal playgroup - Holiday
Park, Thursdays, 10-11:30 am.
Parents & children ages 0-6 yrs
welcome. Just come or call for
more info - 426-7599.
Give a hand up- Not a hand out!
Take usable clothing and house-
hold items to: Attended Dona-
tion Center, 3505 Stoll Rd., (off
Lilly Rd.), between Martin Way
and Pacific Ave. or call for Pick-
up Service for large home or
business item~ 456-3232. Good-
will Ind. Rehabilitation Center.
We prepare people for work.
CFA registered male cream Per-
sian for stud service, 426-7072.
Please be responsible. Remem-
ber to spay or neuter your pets!
Thank you. Adopt-A-Pet.
Purebred male English Sheep-
dog, loves kids and cats, good
temperment, good with other
dogs except at dinner time! $75.
877-5043. 41-43122
Tune into KMAS Radio, AM 1030
Mon-Sat for the Bulletin Board.
9:20am & 2:20pro (3:20 pm Tues.
& Thurs.) and give a lonesome,
lovable pet a home.
AKC Sheltie puppie~ will be ready
for Easter. $150. Tricolor, bi-color
& sables. 426-9015.
Easter bunnies, Mini Lops, 6 left,
1 mo~,~3.d beautiful. $5 ea.
427-~I[~1. 41-43122
Miniature or toy. Most colors
available. 426-1425. 32ffnB/22
House painting the
way - with a brush and roller.
Free estimates. 495-4282. ,'
41 .~/3~
Home repairs, painting &
pentry. Spring & Senior (
rates. Call Dave, 426-1388. +
Alternator, starter & generatO,'.
rebuilding, all makes & m
els, foreign & marine. AlSO
Quality parts and over 5 years
experience. 426-0076.
Danged Storm season is
Let Lightnin' Tree Service
your dangerous and
trees. 426-2732.
of all kinds
ing & paintin~ Reasonable
Phone 491-3663 or:
Interior/exterior painting,
paper, drywall. Experienced,
liable Compare prices and
Don Bennett, 427-9055.
Lawn mowing, edging
pruning, hedge trimming,
ing gutters, and light
Call Ron at 357-9818.
Yard Care.
Carpet, vinyl, counter tops,
installation - remodelir~ some
sales. Valentino's Custonl
Floor Covedr~ Lic.& bonde~
#VALENSC130J2. 426-1112.
Lot clearing, septic
dozer & backhoe by
contractor. 427-0952.
Don and Charlene's Lawn
vice. Average yard, $15.
cut and trim. 943-5614. 39.42/~i
Page 14 The Shopper's Weekly Vol.8 No.42 Mar. 24-30, 1988
TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL 426-4677 OR 1-800-451-7902 8am-5pm