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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 9, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 9, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE @ Sale :lay. Chair, ends. 907 For Sale RABBITS, FRYERS and breeders. Call 426-5421. $10/9 and dressing condition. Call E -- Friday, )w garage PATIO SALE -- Friday (after 3 p.m.), all day Saturday. Rhodies, houseplants, antiques, dishes, clothes, dolls, and misc. 11/z miles from Pioneer School on Spencer Lake- bargain priced! D10/9 1970 AIRSTREAM trailer, 17' long, bathroom facilities, fully 628 Grant, self-contained, mint condition, October $3,200. Phone 426-5270. N10/9 ay. 426-2430. RUMMAGE SALE. Clothing, household appliances, motorcycle ,ly rated trailer accessories and parts. 9th and rims. Franklin. 426-1267. P10/9 M Thursday, aple Street. CONN CORNET, excellent condition, $100. Call 426-3729. F 10/9 OR TRADE -- 2 10x16.5 tires, bile home. 2 one 8-hole Chev wheel. Frigidaire room, automatic washer, like new. 1968 y Bridgestone 90, needs work. T 10/9-30 426-8435. B10/9-16 neat stuff. GARAGE SALE by club. Antique yard sale. floor clock, commode, desks, 9-3, 319 misc., clothing, recliner, lamps, oil decoupage boards, fruit trees, big antiques, variety, some new items. Friday, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Mt. View, 1619 Pram, $30. Monroe. W 10/9 GARAGE SALE -- October 9, 10, 11, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 404 Laurel Street. Suzuki 350, cars. M10/9 wagon, Les 10/9 WALL OVEN with stainless steel doors. Baby bed. Call 426-6915. Infants and G10/9 appliances, camping FREE -- ONE gallon of root beer Sign on to Ran Cannon, 1405 Dearborn, road, I/4 from Minor's A&W Drive-In on ts. October Mt. View. A10/9 a.m. to 6 garden 15' ROADRUNNER trailer, sleeps 8, new condition, 1-796-4754, Brinnon. K10/9 beehive. 2 PINTO wheels and tires, all ngs. B10/9 mounted. Snow tires with studs, $60. Antique White House cookbook, Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. 426-2840. T10/9-16 Jay for BUnko RUMMAGE SALE by North Shelton Community Auxiliary, Island Lake Firehall, Saturday, October 11, 1975. Open at 9:30 a.m. N10/9 ~ANTIQUE OAK dresser with matching oak trim mirror for sale, $100. Call 426-4915. No Friday night or Saturday calls. P10/9tfn Back TOOLS, PLUMBING, auto. Jacks, burning outfit, small bicycle, forge, fire extinguisher. 877-5521. K 10/9 AND CO. Square ing 426-820 1 FROM WALL to wall, no soil at all, on carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer, $2. Coast to Coast Store. C10/9 For Sale Finest In: 'MIX GRAVEL POURS :OSs FROM COURSE NGS 6/13tfn For hie FINAL MOVING sale -- VlTAMINS, GRAINS, bakeryand- Furniture, potter's wheel, dairy products, all your health complete drum set with cymbals, food needs. Old Healthy's Natural accordian, antiques. (Dishes, Foods, First and Railroad, bedroom set, rocking chairs). 426-5158. O4/17tfn Snow skis. Will take bids on World War I collector's rifle. Lots C E D A R F E N C I N G. C a I I of misc. October 10, 11, lZ. Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550, Steamboat Island area, 299 for free estimates. E5/16tfn Simpson Road. 9 a.m.-8 p.m. W10/9 CORDWOOD. CALL Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550. E1/31tfn FOR SALE, single axle low bed, 25,000 pound capacity, 900 tires, BARGAIN TABLE -- Misc. items, $800.877-5454. 110/9-30 some 1/2 price. Photo Center, 426-6163. P3/6tfn YARD SALE -- Saturday, October 11, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Rt. ROOFING -- NEED a new 10, Box 625. Across road from composition roof? For free Cherry Park entrance. Cancelled if estimate call Norm Bunko at raining. B10/9 Sears, 426-8201. S1/10tfn TWO FOR the price of one. Two FRAMES -- FRAMES -- frames. 175 Bridgestones, one runs--one Photo Center, 426-6163. parts. $200. 426-4052. E 10/9 P2/2Otfn APPLES FOR sale, red and JX BRAND country-fresh beef. golden delicious and Jonathans. Phone 426-3325 weekdays. Call 426-8390. C10/9-16 426-2806 evenings and weekends. J2/27tfn GARAGE SALE -- Friday 9-5. Quality miscellaneous items. 426 SHELTON JANITORIAL Service, Grove. S10/9 carpet cleaning our specialty. Phone 426-8936. S 11/30tfn BLACK AND white console TV, $65.426-1125. M10/9 ALDER SAWDUST, bark. 426-4035 or 943-9845. L5/15tfn 16' GLASTRON ski boat, 55 h.p. Evinrude, Holslaw trailer. CAMERAS -- THAT make Excellent. 426-2953. W10/9 picture taking easy -- yet give you beautiful photos -- Photo Center, SPLIT ALDER or fir fireplace 426-6163. P5/ltfn wood, $32 a cord delivered. 877-5324. $10/9 RUMMAGE SALE --October I0, PUD auditorium, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. PORCH SALE Saturday, Sunday, Maso n General Hospital 10-6. Catalytic heaters, floor Auxiliary. S10/2-9 sander/edger, 51/2 h.p. outboard, misc. Rt. 3, Box 118, Arcadia KIDS! JOIN the Great Root Bear Estates. Follow signs. 426-4643. Birthday Club. Free hamburger H10/9 and root beer on your birthday. Sign up now at A&W Family 21' CRUISER. Call after 3 p.m. Restaurant on Mt. View. 426-5435. HT/31tfn A10/2tfn CERAMIC INSTRUCTION. ~ON~ greenware, retail and wholesale, portraits by Kalan Brunink, Oak Park, 141 Maple Drive, reputable artist. Done to order 426-4355. N10/2-9 from snapshots, 18x24", $50 per single portrait. Address: 5200 De Longpre, Apt. D, Hollywood, CA FOR SALE -- 1972 CL70 Honda, 90028. D9/25-10/16 $225. 426-6785. D10/2tfn SHAKLEE. ORGANIC food sup- TOOL AUCTION October 19th, plements and cosmetics. Biode- 1 p.m., $80,000 truckload gradable cleaners, home and surplus. All new name brands, commercial. 426-4287. G9/25- electric and air impacts, sockets 10/16. to 1" drive, hand tools and tool cabinets, many, many more. MOST POPULAR sizes of tires Reading Auction Company, and batteries now in stock. Call McCleary, WA. Phone 495-3541. Sears 426-8201. $9/26ffn Regular sale every Saturday, 7:30 p.m. R 10/2-16 TRADE-INS WANTED -- Top allowances for good, clean refrigerators (all sizes) and gas or electric ranges (20" or 30"). Trade in today on new furniture or appliances. 426-4702. Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 07/17tfn 16' STARCRAFT runabout, aluminum hull with 115 h.p. Johnson outboard motor, $1,850. Materials 5 Street 211 ltfn Call 877-5764 Hoodsport. O 10/2-9 ALFALFA HAY, Shelton. $4 bale. 426-1446. J9/25-10116 MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at PHOTO ALBUMS -- famous REFRIGERATOR, 56"high, 24" Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and deep, 25" wide, excellent running Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn Holson line -- others -- $2.95 up. Photo Center. PlO/2tfn condition, $95. See Saturday only, 189 Ballantrae Drive, Lake TRADE IN your old furniture at 16' WOODEN boat, 40 h~p~ Limerick. T10/9 Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cots. Johnson with trailer, $400. 4/16tfn Buick Wildcat convertible, 430 The Herculite Jungle Manufacturer of Boat Tops • Patio Curtains • Greenhouses. 1 5 years experience. 426-2321 Rt. 4, Box 312 Shelton, WA 98584 tfn TOP SOIL Supplied soil for 25 years. Skokomish Valley good, sandy loam or top soil. Pickups welcome. Will deliver truckloads anywhere. Small lot clearing. Call 426-3735 or 426-8993. JAY'S 10/2-30 CUSTOM MEATS (Complete Meat Processing) FARM SLAUGHTERING Custom cutting, wrapping and freezing. Hams and bacon cured. Locker beef available. E LMA 482-2203 6(,,-tfn~_. Otto Field Phone 426-1500 after 6 p.m. Serving Mason County • Septic Tanks • Backhoe Service • Bulldozing • G ravel . * P.O. Box 37' Grapeview WA 98546 UPRIGHT OAK7Piano, good cu. in. engine, radials, $700. condition, $ 5. Phone 426-5411. J10/2-23 877-5296. L9/18-10/9. PASSING FANCIES by Jan WOULD YOU like to sell or get Danford. An illustrated book of free Sarah covemry Jewelry? Ca,, verse and prose. $1.95 at the 426-5859 after 3 p.m. 9/18-10/9 Journal and book stores. O2/24tfn "SPRING BULBS" available now! For catalogue, send stamped, HAY FOR sale, Nalley Farm, self-addressed envelope to: Bulbs, Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Call 3621-14th Ave. South Seattle, 871-1121, Port Orchard. Wa. 98144.B9/18-10/9. ' F9/4-10/30 SONY CAR c a..s.sette player, excellent canon:ion, even,,-.-,,,~= 352-4583. D9/18tfn BEEF Grain fed Holstein steers. 35¢ lb. live weight. Phone 426-8856 tfn TOP SOIL Skokomish Valley, good sandy loam, no rocks. Have supplied this dirt for lawns and gardens for 25 years. Deliver by truckload anywhere. After 5:00 p.m. call 426-2570, F. E. Ogden. 9/11tfn L~. Call Norm for fast quotes on continuous aluminum guttering. Satislaetion Guaranteed or Your Money Back SEARs, ROERUcK AND CO, Evergreen Square ('all Norm ' 24-Hour Shopping 426-8201 Cards Of Thanks CARD OF APPRECIATION The kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends in our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts. Lula Leggett & family 10/9 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends and relatives for the many gifts, flowers, cards and thoughts shown during the Anniversary Mass on Sunday. Also for the masses, and flowers that were sent to our home. The memory of this occasion will always remain dear to us. Mr. & Mrs. Mel J. Vermillion 10/9 ~~v~A~~-- I.ost & Found LOST -- CHILD's pedal-car, red plastic Volkswagen. Phone 426-1961. T10/9 Used CASCADE CANOPY camper, long wide box. '65 GTO, new paint, excellent condition, 3-speed. 426-8516. H10/9 '69 CHEV Vz-T. 6-cyl., 3-speed. 426-1002. H10/9 '66 CHEV station wagon, runs good, $450. '51 Chev 5-passenger coupe, $395. '67 Plymouth, needs transmission work, $175. Call 426-1373 evenings. N10/9-30 Services %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%~ So.ices CRUSHED ROCK for your driveway or the permanent solution, concrete paving. Graystone, phone 426-3344. G12/7tfn AUTO PAINTING, reasonable prices. Also trailers, etc. All work ~uaranteed. Phone 426-4322. 202 Cote St. R7/20tfn BING'S PLUMBING and Repair. Call 426-5397. B1/4tfn ARE YOU still wasting expensive gas? Call John at 426-2489 after 6 p.m. for help. H10/2tfn- PRESERVE THOSE precious old photographs with fine art copies. Twenty-five years experience. Dean's Studio. 3/Ttfn CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, accurate precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest." Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn Used SHARP 1972 Datsun pickup. H.D. rear bumper, radio, side mirrors, 4-speed. New front tires. Blue with white stripe. $2,395. 426-6679, Lew Taylor. T10/9 '47 FORD pickup, runs good, $400. Call 426-4276. T10/9 1970 F250 pickup, automatic transmission, excellent condition, asking $2,500. 877-5560. H9/25tfn 1971 CHEV 4x4, low mileage, extras, $3,500. 1969 King Cabover camper, sleeps four, $800. 426-1710. K10/2-23 '68 T-BIRD, excellent. %9 Ford LTD. 898-3525 after 5 p.m. H10/2tfn 1969 FIO0 Ford pickup, R/H, auto., $1200. 4 new Uniroyal G7815 polyglass tires, 2 on wheels, $160. 426-8320. W10/9 1971 Buick Elect., 2-dr., PS/PB, P/W, A/C, C/C, T/W, 60/40 seat and stereo tape. 68,800 miles. $1600. 1973 Buick Centurion, 2-dr., PS/PB, P/W, T/W, A/C, C/C, 60/40 seat, 28,000 miles. 1973 Pontiac Grandville, 4-dr., PS/PB, P/W, vinyl top and power seat. 29,700 miles. 426-8295 or 426-9208 after 5 p.m. HORSESHOEING -- Jim Brummitt. Phone 866-1646. B4/10tfn Ammons Septic Tank Instdbtions Phone 426-3153 5/22-tfn Lew's Tree Service Tree Topping Tree Removal Stump Removal Phone 426-2064 Shelton, Washington 9/19 tfn GUNSMITH • Repairing Modern and Antiques • Precision Scope & Sight Mounting • Shotgun Choke Alterations, all gauges. • Shooting Supplies Warren A. Girard Route 2, Box 79S Phone 426-2S01 Cleaner Cutting Saws Your saws will cut cleaner, ~"£-'t~ truer, faster when filed on our precision machine. Quick service on all types of saws.,~ Bring your saws in today."~i~7- Old saws retoothed. Al's Precision Saw Sharpening 111 W. Cote (Alley entrance to JADS) 426-9205 - Eves. 426-1421 Used Cars 1974 Plymouth Duster Six cylinder engine, power steering, air conditioning ........................... 1972 Plymouth Gran Coupe Very well equipped one owner vehicle ......... 1972 Pontiac Firebird ................................ 1970 Chev Malibu ................................. 1968 Buick Skylark $, Very clean .............................. 1968 Plymouth $ 4 door .................................. i967 Plymouth $, 4 door ................................. FRONT& RAILROAD SHELTON 426-8183 II 1975 LTD 4-dr. (was rental), Was $5,225, Cut $230 ....................... $4,995 1975 Taring wagon (was rental) - Sold ........ $4,895 1975 TarinG 4-dr ......................... $4,695 1975 Pinto wagon ....................... $3,995 1974 Mustang XAT 516 ................... $3,795 1974 Mustang, XAS 784 .................. $3,650 1974 Datsun PU & canopy, Was $3,495, Cut $200 ....................... $3,295 1974 Olds Omega, Was $3,595, Cut $345 ..... $3,250 1974 LUV pickup & canopy ............... $3,095 1973 Jeep .............................. $4,095 1973 Vega, Was $2,895, Cut $500 ........... $2,395 1972 TarinG sport 2-dr .................... $2,995 1972 Pontiac Venture, Was $2,795, Cut $200 .. $2,595 1972 LUV Pickup. Sold .................. $2,100 1972 Matador 2-dr., Was $1,995, Cut $100 .... $1,895 1972 Courier, GF2358 - Sold ............... $2,350 1971 Chev Malibu, Was $2,395, Cut $400 ..... $1,995 1971 Comet 4-dr ......................... $1,725 1969 Westcoaster ........................ $ 425 1967 Ambassador 4-dr., Was $1,125, Cut $126 . $ 999 1965 V2-ton & canopy ..................... $ 995 JIM PAULEY, INC. Mt. View at Kneeland Center Phone 426-8231 Thursday, Jack Frost Construction Licensed - Bonded Remodeling and new. No job too small. Call for free estimate. 4264227 tfn Crushed Rock and Gravel for Driveways -- Parking Lofs Eddie Kneeland 426-4889 10/9tfn ~b w.,nd WANTED -- FULL-TIME • caretaker for Walker Park. Water, septic tank and electricity p0ovided. Must own mobile home. Contact Gary Plows, evenings, 426-2823. M 10/2-9 WANTED FOR Christmas tree frrOduction season, contrKt uckers and balers. Contact Welt at J. Hofert Company, Sholton 426-8411 or call Olympia 943-8850 between 8:00 and 4:00 Monday-Friday. H 10/2-9 Wanted to Rent WANT TO rent with option to buy -- 2- or 3-bedroom house or mobile home with 4~r~.~ November 1 5. 3 R10/9-16 WANTED -- 1 or 2-bedroom house near Steamboat Island. Mature couple, no children, excellent references. Phone 1-321-5151. E10/2-9 Work Wanted LICENSED DAYCARE, programmed day, Angleslde, 2-10 years. 426-1580. H10/9tfn Red Estate Wmtod WANTED -- AN opportunity to provide you service with the handling of your real estate problem. We presently are having more call for land and homes than we have properties to offer. Since "service" is what ,we really have GIRL FRIDAY wants a boss, to offer, we need your problem to prefer full-time. References work on. Let us match your available. Phone 877-5857 any property to a buyer whose needs time. M10/9-30 we have learned something about .... one we find really can and WANTED: MATURE person to maybe will buy it. Call any of us clean houseand keep an eye on 2 at Knauf Realty for a g__randmas from 3-7 p.m. on no-obligation visit about what we Fridays. Lake Nahwatzel, might do for you. That's Knauf 426-3648. H10/2tfn Realty, 426-5559. K10/9 LI(~ENSED -- 3 blocks from Evergreen School. Want lots of love, care and fun for your children? Call 426-2589. C8/21tfn WILL PAY cash for a two-bedroom home in the $8,0OO range. Mall particulars to Box 10, c/o Journal. H7/3tfn WE BUY and sell equities or contracts. We trade or exchange CHRISTIAN LICENSED day care, Bordeaux area, 0-10 years, homes, farms, waterfront or drop-ins welcome. Hot lunches, acreage -- paid for or not, Call Mr. big yard, scheduled activities. Mitchell for quotes, bids or 426-5627. B10/2-23 further information. Have buyers for 2 and 3 bedroom homes. CONCRETE FINISHING. Patios, Mason County Realty, 8th & sidewalks, driveways, concrete Railroad, 4264486.8/12tfn repairs. Small jobs welcome. 426-1710. K10/2tfn LICENSED CHRISTIAN mother, experienced and dependable. Loving care, reasonable rates. Drop-ins welcome any time. Please phone Mary at 426-8480. D9/18-10/9 HANDYMAN -- PAINTING inside or out, hauling, yardwork, you name it! 426-4594. M9/25- 10/16 LICENSED children, in Bordeaux. Ag/4tfn BABYSITTER, loves her home, close to Phone 4 26-3814. LICENSED DAY care, all hours, Hillcrest area. 426-4159. $9/18-10/9. Wadnd WEIGHTLIFTING set. Call 426-8004. O10/9 -STAMPS AND coins. As a collector, I can pay more than most dealers. 426-8007, 426-9085. P10/2tfn oD{H. KNUDSEN Pole Co., Port Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy and land. z~oles, piling, stumpage ano lar~. 26-6350, home phone 426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn RIDER WANTED, Shelton to Olympia, round trip, 8-4:30 shift. 426-2690. L9125-10116 Ihlp Wntnd EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted at Hoodsport Cafe. Apply in person. H10/9 BUSINESS MANAGER for multi-faceted program. Complete knowledge of office procedures with management background. Bookkeep0ng ano clerical skills required. Closing date October 17. Equal Opportunity Employer. Send resume ¢o uox 55, c/o Journal. $10/9-16 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY, full-time, for Shelton office. Send resume to P.O. Box 626, Shelton. S8/21ffn Wanted COINS Private ¢ollea~r nee(Is ALL UJL COINS. I Pay mMeh more then Jmlm11. Call 42S-IS32 after 4 I~m or weelmlt4L 10/9 I I II I I" I I f dke Now purchased at McClea Mill. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. daily T & L Cedar McCleary, WA 495-3909 days Timber and lend l wanted e e Fir ie Minimum 10-inch top diameter, minimum 9 feet long, $3.00 each sapa , 426-5571 October 9/18-ffn I I I I 9, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27