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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 9, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 9, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Member: Multiple Listing Service of Mason County 7th & Railroad 426-1435 • HOMES • RANCHES • WATERFRONT • INVESTMENT Matlock Farm New Ranch House 10 acres with large barn, Two-level home over 1800 sq. equipment shed, chicken ft. just being completed. All house, old cabin. Plus a bonus fenced. Pasture ready for your of a six-room farmhouse. Only children's pony. Large garden $22,750. area. Priced right at $39,500. I- --Jla Lake Limerick ,.,,.o =,=am F " me ......... antast,c 5-bedroom ho ~.ozy s-beDroom Z-Dam home • • , .......,4~,-L, ~,..,~,l ...... ; plus recreation room. This with storage unit. Waterskiing. ~,,H ruP( your mobile home, apartment, downtown. Good Beautiful 2-bedroom, fully OlsenSeptemberFurniture,lSt" See4thROd& Olsen,cota. after 6males left,p.m. V10/2-9535" Call 426-5994 and MINNI'E H. VEECH, husband 98584 10/2-9-16-3t followingplaintiffsdeSCr!a~ paid for or not. Olympia Mobile location, walk to all stores. $85 furnished wacerfront home. Top and wife; and GEORGE W. Homes, 3813 Pacific, Lacey. per month. Call Mason County quality, $235 per month. No OS/21tfn HAMILTON and MARY C. ~ defendant s ' 456-8890. O11/14tfn Realty, 426-4486. M10/9 more than 1 child, no pets. $150. COLLEGE STUDENT must sell 2 HAMILTON husband and wife. property to be i Security deposit, references.MOBILE SPACE available. Quiet, ~-Arab colts, $150 each. YO U 'A R E H E R E BY SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION plaintiffs' claim secluded, laundry. Walk to twon. NO. 66212 adjudged null an TRAILER HITCHES, all types. ~ M10/9 Ca11426-3242. B9/Stfn 426-6152. F]0/2tfn SUMMONED to appear within Trailer wiring. Sway control, furnished waterfront home. sixty (60) days after the date of S U PE R I OR COURT OF Lot 27, Plat jacks, brakes. The Hitch Shop, Couple only, no pets. $225 per 3-BEDROOM, 1Vz-bath, modern REGISTERED 7/8 Arab, 12 the first publication of this WASHINGTON FOR GRAYS 3, according t 4814 Lacey Blvd. 491-6150. month. References. Mann Real home near Hoodsport, $185 MR. AND Mrs. Landlord. Mason years, Textansaddle, bridle, breast Summons, to-wit: within sixty HARBOR COUNTY thereof in e Hll/28tfn Estate, 121 Railroad Avenue, month. 877-5834. E10/9-16 County Realty has complete collar, also other tack. CH5-2244. days after the 18th day of C.F. KELTNER and HELEN Washington. rental management service. We 426-6592. M10/9 UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom provide all the forms, show the I-I]0/2-9 above-entitledSeptember' 1975, andactiondefendin thethe JERRyA" KELTNER,KELTNER,his wife,and SUEand GERALD G, /s/E~erald Tu LARGE STOCK of used mobile house, all-electric, adults property, check credit and FOR SALE -- Registered above-entitled Court, and answerKELTNER,IMOGENE hiSswEARINGENwife, PlaintiffsVS.and CampbelI, M°f Karr, Tutl references, collect the rent andhalf-Arab mare, 4 yearsold, verythe Complaint of the Plaintiff, CHARLES ANDERSON and homeSolympiafromMobile$2,495,Homes,easy terms.3813 "-'-~--------'------'------- B10/gtfnPreferred' no pets. 426-3242. deposit to your account.. Call gentle. Also large I~uoa diesel and serve a copy of your answer wJfAeNDEefDeOE" ANDERSON, his Morrow , Attorneys f0 Pac i f i c, Lacey. 456-8890. IMl=l, Jl,= IJl,~,,~, "Mitch" at 4264486 for further motor. 426-1287. R9/18-10/9 upon the undersigned attorney Ol|/14tfn mlmmlRI [Immm~ WALKING DISTANC~ details -- we take care of the for the Plaintiff in his office " , dante, Law Offices of , appliances, washer, dryer, free TVFaro Slaughtering I below stated; and in case of your WASHINGTON TO: CAMPBELL, Mt failure so to do, judgment will be IN THE NAME OF THE MORROW DISPLAY MODEL CLOSEOUT! cable, garbage service and garden bachelor apartments. Dishes, I Custom cutting and wrapping. I rendered against you according to STATE OF WASHINGTON, you 2600 Seattle-F~' area. ~t~o monthly. 426-6251. linen. $50 to $65 per month. I Old fashioned curing done and I the demand of the Complaint, are hereby summoned to appear Bldg., Seattle, BROOKWOOD ,Livestock' pepperon, andbought,sausage| which has been filed with the within sixty (60)days after the 223-1313Date of" @A'v&A' Ll0/2tfn " Shelton Apartments, 2nd and sold Clerk of this Court. Fill Grove. S6/Stfn this summons, to-wit: within Pubh,.~don: O :t QUIET APARTMENT -- Free I hauled, j T h e o bject of t he date of the first publication of J"ii' AVV above-entitled action is to obtain sixty days after the 11th day of electric, heat, water, garbage. Date of r MOBILE HOME Cable TV. Adults only. $65. MASON LAKE 2-bedroom, 1'/2 Waterfront home, 2 bedrooms, ] baths, rec room, wall-to-wall I Heine ~lt ~rvic(} J foreclosure/s/KennethOn a R.lien'Ahlf September, 1975, and defend the October 9,191 ? above-entitled action in the 10/9-',b child okay, $175 month. Jerry carpet, copper appliances, 3-car | Glenn& B.J. Probst " I KENNETH R. AHLF above-entitled Court, and answer ------- I. the Complaint of the plaintiff and Smith Realty, 426-3363. Sl0/2tfn garage, $200. 426-8836 Hg/25tfn J 426-1643 Kamilche of OBERQUELL AND AHLF Attorneys for Plaintiff serve a copy of your answer upon ORDIN/N FOR RENT: Trailer space close 45]5 Lacey Boulevard S.E. the undersigned attorney for AN ORDINA ~i to downtown. Call 426-4426. Lacey, Washington 98503 plaintiff, at his office below LEVY OF . • 3 BEDROOMS • PATIO KITCHEN reasonable2- and 3-bedroom,rent. Edgewood,n° pets, 10/8tfn 9/18-25-10/2-9-16-23-6t stated: and in case of your failure TAXES IN • 2 BATHS • EAVES 426-4364. Highway 101 past • GUTTERS • DOWNSPOUTS airport. E6/26tf " " l One and Two Bedroom | SOrenderedtO dO,againstJUdgmentyou accordingWill beto CALENDARS H E L T O |Apartments, with carpet, drapes J [~111 Publi~ltioes the demands of the Complaint, P R O V I D I I~ u 1- AND 2-bedroom apartments for I & appliances, no pets. I - ----~-~ - ~--------" FOR SALE, OLYMPIC NATION- Clerk of said Court. EFFECTIVE I • STORM WINDOWS • CARPETED rent, close downtown. Heat, water NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER which has been filed with the O R D I N A ~ ~'~ and garbage furnished. Call | I AL FOREST, CANYON RIVER 75, The object of this action is to BE IT O ~ IJ ff Apt H3 SALE located within T. 21 & obtain a Judgement for damages, City Commis.~ 0 • DRAPED • SPECIAL INSULATION PACKAGE 426-3859 after 6 p.m. F9125-10/16 • er=oa s. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS 22N., R6W., W.M., partially for trespass- cutting and removal Shelton as foil " AT KE, 2 bedroom tra,er with =1 t No. 4653 surveyed. Public notice is hereby of timber. Section 1. I~ sig, 595 deck' $120" B°b Lee' 1928 l 2329 Jefferson St" I the prov'-~" IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF given that pursuant to the '/s/John M. Wolfe Stevens Street after 1:30 p.m. I Mgr. Apt. 2 or .I THE STATE OF WASHINGTON provisions of Section 5 of Public JOHN M. WOLFE 35.33.135, th' LOWEST ~............... " .... 426-1916 "7/12tfn FOR MASON cOUNTY Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. Attorney at law is hereby fi~ TISED In the Matter of the Estate of 132-16, U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and 314 Necker Building necessary to ! !~ 2-BEDROOM house for rent or CARL C. COOK, Deceased. the Cooperative Agreement for the Aberdeen, Washington 98520 lease, wall-to-wall carpeting, T he undersigned is the Management of the Participating 9/11-18-25.I0/2.9-16-6t tax levies reqU ~, MT.'VIEW J of meeting : paneling, fireplace, fenced yard. J appointed and qualified Forest Properties, in the Shelton estimated in t 426-51(;4. C1~/2-9 " I Administratrix or sam estate. Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit the.currentCity of Shl ~' Persons having claims aga!nst the entered into by and between the NOTICE OF HEARING S t~ eet $ Ii tj thousands over o~ox~ DUPLEX--You can I ~ ~ I deceased must serve the claim on United States of America and the ON PETITION FOR rent a large duplex unit with the undersigned, or the attorney Simpson Timber Company, dated AWARD $15,000; [ master bedroom plus 2nd of record, at the aDDress statedDecember 12, 1946, an estimated No. 4649 $21,000; Uru bedroom. Wa,k-in size I J below and must file an executed 23'700 M board feet °f timber IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Flood c°nt ° hKt rde pd light. Fully carpeted plus drapes, copy oftheclaimwiththeClerk marked or otnerwlsecleslgnated THE STATEOFWASHINGTON $267,670.2• Dry o r ce kitchen has loads of of the Courtwithinr°urm°nths f.o.r cutting will be sold to Simpson FOR MASON COUNTY Section , co u nt er s a nd c u pboards,J 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished I after the date of first publication Hmber Company, Seattle, Wash- In the Matter of the Estate of necessary for ~" ~ ~ ~,~, ,, ,,o,,, $19,595 dishwasher, range and two-door of this notice or within four ington, on October 28, 1975. The LAURA M. SHEFFIELD, public peace, :t ~o,M mi,=., ""9 75 refrigerator. Utility space, I Available NOW -- No Pets I months after the date of the filing mfnimum acceptable bid per M Deceased. and shall take ". of a copy of this notice or the board feet is: Douglas-fir, $93.13; A petition for an award in lieu upon its pas~ qu~m~ II~l ~P|¢~= oRREFUNDcREDIT I[ffe¢tbe i~'tceLeulovt" tax rare(lit$1_8,815.25P=,,=.,u GlassattachedslidersCarportto patio.and tOOIcallstorage.Mason I CONTACT MANAGER I claim will be barred, except under western hemlock and other of homestead has been filed with I NTROU ,.;i County Realty, 426-4486. those provisions included in RCWconiferous species, $10.87; Wee- the Clerk of this Court. Said Commission M10/2-23 1426-3|00 I 11.40.011 .... tern redcedar, $3647. Additional petition will be heard October 31, day of Septe~ Date of filing coPyo~nozlce deposit requ red for slash disposa 1975, at 9:30 a.m. in the PASSE !, ......... -- tfn to creditors: October ~, ,:,o. is $7.63 per M board feet for all Courtroom of this Court. Commission ~ f,rst pubhcat=on above species. Road amortization Elaine Province ,.o O L T **tin, O .HOor u. O to O*e o, O--ont. l 0erM NCOU T. o Oto**F ' References required, no pets. /s/Lanita R Cook board feet for all above species. By:/s/Betty Thompson Mayor HO"=cm Lawton Apartments, 703 Pine LANITA R: cOOK in additlon there is within the sale DEPUTY CLERKATTEST: -