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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 9, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 9, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications '-NTOF (followed immediately by oral On or before October 28, the undersigned attorneys for ANAGEMENT bidding). The required bid 1975, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder plaintiffs, at their office below JLATION guarantee in the form of a bank must make a minimum deposit of stated, and in case of your failure rST 12 1970: draft or certified check is 5. Ti;c'le 39, $2,000.00. The right to reject any $5,777.50 in the form of cash, so to do, judgment will be money order or certified check, rendered against you according to CODE and all bids is reserved. Said deposit shall constitute an the demand of the complaint, Publication: Preliminary award to the highest opening bid at the appraised which has been filed with the ounty Journa bidder will be made following the price. Upon award of this sale, the clerk of said court. ing: October 1, close of oral bidding. All of the respective deposits shall be The object of the above ' Alaska yellow cedar determined returned to the unsuccessful entitled action is to quiet title in 'requency of Issue: pursuant to public hearings to be bidders. The purchaser must, on the plaintiffs to real estate in surplus to needs of domestic users the day of sale, make an Mason County, described as and processors is exempted from additional payment so that the follows: ! Subscription Domestic Processing. Bidders are total amount deposited, exclusive All that portion of the south )I known office advised that violations of the Domestic Processing requirement of fees, will equal 10% of the full half of the southeast quarter of bid price based on the cruise the southwest quarter of Section :.27 West Cota constitutes breach of contract and, estimate, plus a $25.00 deposit on 20, Township 22 north, Range 1 Mils 1 County, may result in contract cancellation, .a...branding hammer and a $5.00 west, W.M., in Mason County, i o n o f t h e or in refusal to award timber sales om ot sale fee. This additional Washington, which lies north of to the violator, or debarment or payment may be by personal the north right-of-way line of the !neral business suspension from bidding on future check. Purchaser must also Stewart County Road No. 61 and sher:ton,227MasonWest timber sales. Full information furnish within 30 days of date of north and northwesterly of the concerning the timber, the sale a surety bond of $9,000.00 northerly right-of-way line of the addresses of conditions of sale and submission to guarantee compliance with all old Secondary State Highway No. and managing of bids should be obtained from the terms of the bill of sale. All 14A riaht-of-wav: EXCEPTING lay, 807 South District Ranger, Shelton Ranger checks, money orders, etc. are to THEREFROM, however, the Washington Station, Shelton, Washington. be made payable to the west 350 feet thereof, and also 9/25-10/2-9-16-4t Commissioner of Public Lands. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that Iton Publishing, A C C E S S R O A D portion thereof conveyed to the St., Shelton, REVOLVING FUND: $470.00 to State of Washington for the new 807 S. be paid on day of sale. Secondary State Highway No. 98584; NOTICE OF ACTION BY Accessibility: Via Simpson 14A; and Timber Company and Pope and All that portion of the south son, Omak, OLYMPIC AIRPOLLUTION Talbot Inc. Easements and half of the north half of the CONTROL AUTHORITY bondholders, Pursuant to the provisions of Department of Natural Resources southeast quarter of the Other security Chapter 43.21(c) RCW, notice is access, southwest quarter of Section 20, i or holding 1 hereby given that: Complete contract and Township 22 north, Range 1 of total amoun[ T h e O L Y M P I C A I R specifications may be examined at west, W.M., in Mason County, ages or other POLLUTION CONTROL South Puget Sound Area Washington, which lies westerly h E. Stevens, AUTHORITY did on October 1, Headquarters located at of the westerly right-of-way line t. Dickie, 2302 1975, take action which may or Enumclaw, County Auditor's of the old Secondary State Vlesa, Arizona; office, and office of the Highway No. 14A EXCEPTING may not be held or deemed to be Commissioner of Public Lands, THEREFROM, however, the SSup, Union, "a major action significantly u/ympla. following described three portions affecting the quality of the To I~e sold at South Puget thereof; repletion by environment". Sound Area Headquarters 1) Any portion thereof the regular Any action to set aside, (Enumclaw), on Tuesday, heretofore conveyed to theState 21, Postal enjoin, review, or otherwise .S.C. 3626 challenge such action on the October 28, 1975, at 10 o'clock of Washington for right-of-way part: "No grounds of non-compliance with a.m. for the new Secondary State have been the provisions of Chapter Additional information on Highway No. 14A. ratter under 4 3 . 2 1 ( c ) R C W ( S t a t e terms and procedures of sa e are 2) The west 150 feet. ' of this title Environmental Policy Act) shall contained in the ' Public Auction 3)All that portion of I:r~ .=r at the rates be commenced within sixty (60) Sale" pamphlet, following described tract of s subsection days or be barred. Said timber on said land will which lies within the south half of ~nually with the The action taken by the be sold for not less than the the north half of the southeast written request OLYMPIC AIR POLLUTION appraised value, as_appraised by quarter of the southwest quarter mail matter at CONTROL AUTHORITY, notice the Commissioner ot Public Lands of said Section 20, Township 22 )rdance with of which is hereby given, was as in the manner provided by law, a north, Range 1 west, W.M., statute, I follows: notice of which is now on file in to-wit: rmission to mail 1. Adoption of Resolution the office of the Auditor of Beginning at the point of Imed in Item 1 No. 57 amending Section 9.05(c) Mason County, and in the office intersection of the north line of rates of Regulation One of the of the Area Manager of South the south half of the north half, OLYMPIC AIR POLLUTION Puget Sound Area. measured along the west line of CONTROL AUTHORITY. /s/Bert L. Cole Government Lot 4, said section, single 2. Such resolution amended BERT L. COLE township and range, with the I==ue Section 9.05(c) changing Commissioner of westerly right-of-way line of Nearest particulate emission standards for Public Lands Secondary State Highway No. To boilers using hog fuel and 10/2-9-16-23-4t 14A (Shelton-Allyn Highway); Filing esta blished after December 3, run thence_ west, along the north 0nth= Date 1969, from 0.10 grains per line of said south half of the standard cubic foot of gas to 0.20 north half of said Government grains per standard cubic foot of NOTICE TO CREDITORS Lot 4, and the north line of the on: 7,000 gas. NO. 4652 south half of the north half of 3. Such action pertained to all IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF said southeast quarter of the -~alers areas in Clallam, Jefferson, Grays THE STATE OF WASHINGTON southwest quarter, 325 feet; nter Harbor, Mason, Pacific, and IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF thence southeasterly to a point Thurston Counties, Washington. MASON which is 225 feet west and 145 2,348 4. Pertinent documents may In the Matter of the Estate of feet due south from the above be examined during regular WILLIAM O. GRIFFITH, described point of beginning; 77 4,222 business hours at the office of the Deceased. thence due south 20 feet; thence OLYMPIC AI R POLLUTION The undersigned has been east 160 feet, more or less, to the 6,570 CONT ROL AUTHOR ITY, appointed and has qualified as westerly right-of-way line of said mail, located at 120 East State Street, personal representative of this Old Secondary State Highway No. Plimentary, Olympia, Thurston County, estate of the above named 14A (Shelton-Allyn Highway); Pies Washington. deceased. Each person having a thence northerly, along the Filed By: claim against tbe,~d~ceased must westerly right-of-way line of said 63 /s/John Rosene serve t he cla im o n t he old State Highway, to the point JOHN ROSENE, Control u n d e r s i g n e d p e r s o n a I of beginning. 6,633 Officer, Olympic Air representative or the attorneys of PERR INE & DAVIS )ver, Pollution Control Authority record at the address below stated Attorneys for Plaintiffs 10/9-16-2t and must file an executed copy of 219 Prospect Street the claim with the clerk of the P.O. Box 25 345 201 court within four months after Port Orchard, Washington NOTICE OF HEARING the date of first publication of 98366 80 166 PETITION FOR AWARD this notice or within four months 10/2-9-16-23-30-11/6-6t & F- IN LIEU OF HOMESTEAD after the date of the filing of a Dress No. 4583 copy of this notice with the clerk tN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF of the court, whichever is the 7,000 THE STATE OF WASHINGTON latest, or the claim will be barred, SUMMONS BY the statements IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY except under those provisions PUBLICATION In the Matter of the Estate of included in RCW 11.40.011. NO. 12345 orrect and LAURA DeETTE DeLAND Date of filing coPy of notice GEORGE ROATS, d/b/a HARNER, Deceased. to creditors: 9/30/75. ROATS ENGINEERING, Plaintiff, of ed itor, YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a Date of first publication: Vs. CIRAL DEVELOPMENT manager, or petition for award in lieu of 10/2/75. COMPANY, INC., A Washington Gay, homestead has been filed with the /s/Ruth Griffith corporation, et al, Defendants. Clerk of the above entitled court Personal Representative THE STATE OF WASH- which petition asks the Court to c/o Duane E. Erickson INGTON TO DEFENDANTS: 10/9-1t award and set aside to the Attorney atLaw WILFORD B. OHNECK AND surviving spouse certain property P O Box 178 BLANCHE B. OHNECK, husband in lieu of a homestead not Gig Harbor, Washington 98335 and wife; W. C. OHNECK, exceeding the value of Twenty or 3739 Tacoma Avenue SOuth RALPH E. RENNER, RALPH R. NDED Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) at Tacoma, Washington 98408 RENNER, STANLEY R. JOHN- TO 4TE the time of death; and that the 10/2-9-16-3t SON and FLORENCE M. 'ERS petition will be heard on the 24th JOHNSON, husband and wife: day of October, 1975; at 9:30 YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, HINGTON, A.M. at the courtroom of the ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to ECOLOGY above entitled court in Shelton, NOTICE TO CREDITORS appear within sixty (60) DAYS No. 4651 Washington. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF AFTER THE DATE OF THE DATED this 30th day of THE STATE OFuWpASHINGTON FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS on May September 1975. SUMMONS, TO-WIT: within tiol No. /s/Joseph Harrier FOR MASON C NTY permit to JOSEPH HARNER In the Matter of the Estate of sixty days after the 25th clay ot re, subject R I C H A R D M. M U N R O September, 1975, and defend the Stewart & Thomas, Inc., P.S. Deceased. ' above-entitled action in the Court Skookum Attorneys for the Petitioner The undersigned is the aforesaid, and answer the Skookum 101 First StreetSouth qualified Personal complaint of the plaintiff, and 1.10 cubic Montesano, Washington 98563 Representa[we .or said estate, serve a copy of your answer upon year, for 10/9-1t Persons nav,n.g claims against the the undersigned attorney for on season. ---~------~-- deceased serve the claim on plaintiff at the address below proposed the underslg;e.a., or the attorney ed within stated; and in case of your failure of record: a me.address stated so to do, judgment will I/4SEI/4 of NOTICE OF SALE beloW and must f,le an executed be rendered against you according ~ip 19 N., OF VALUABLE MATERIAL copY of the claim with the Clerk to the demand of the complaint, in Mason ON STATE LAND of the Court within four months which has been filed with the clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON, after the da.~e of first publication of said court. jections to DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL of this notice or within four The purposeofthisaction is to cation must RESOURCES, Bert L. Cole, months after the date of thefiling foreclose plaintiff's lien and atement of Commissioner of Public Lands. of a copy ot this notice or the recover a money judgment. ns; protests Notice is hereby given that on claim will ~ barred except under I by a two ing fee and Tuesday the 28th day of October, those Pr?'ons included in RCW NIEMEIER, GREEN & 1975,'commencing at ten o'clock 11.40.01 . ROOF, by C. Conrad Green, Irtment Or in the forenoon of said day, at the Date of filing copy of notice Attorneys for Plaintiff t Reqional South Puget Sound Area to creditors: _October 3, 1975. P.O. Address: fA. cj8504 Headquarters, located at Date ot first publication. 125 Front St. clays from Enumclaw, County of King, State October 9, 197~." P.O. Box 851 10/9-16-2t of Washington, by the Area /s/A. M. Munro Port Orchard, WA 98370 Manager of said Area, the timber A.M. MUNRO NIEMEIER, GREEN & ROOF on the following described state Personal Representative Attorneys at Law land will be sold at public auction c/o ROBERT L. SNYDER Poulsbo, Washington 98370 TIMBER to the highest bidder, to wit: Attorney at Law 779-5561 ~IATIONAL MASON COUNTY 125Vz N. 5th Street 9/25-10/2-9-16-23-30-6t LVAGE 75 Application No. 37814 . Shelton, Washington 98584 ". 22N., R. S h e r w o o d I o c a t e Cl 10/9-16-23-3t • The sale approximately 15 miles by road northeast of Shelton. The sale is NOTICE OF r)0otherwiseM board COmclc~eSed of all timber bounded SUMMONS BY MEETING DATE CHANGE :!ng. The by cearcut boundary tags and Beginning October 15, 1975, l!d per M property lines on part S½NEV~, PUBLICATION the regular monthly meeting of mr, $116.20 part SEVd; all timber marked with NO. 12512 the commissioners of Mason and Other blue paint outside the clearcu¢ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF County Fire District 5 will be boundary tags on part S½NE¼, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON held on the third Wednesday of bnal deposit part SEV4 of Section 36~ FOR MASON COUNTY each month instead of the fourth lisposal is MARVIN W MORGAN and Wednesday. The commission eet for all Township 22 North, Range ¢ DOROTHY j" MORGAN his meets at Allyn Firehall at 7:30 eposit re- West, W.M., containing 68 acres, wife, Plaintiffs, vs. WALTE'R C. p.m. and meetings are open to the tl is $12 53 more or less, comprislncJ FUSON and BESSIE E. FUSON, public. all species, approximately 620,000 bd. ft. o~ his wife, if living, and if deceased William E. Morgan, quired for Douglas fir, 90,000 bd. ft. o their unknown heirs at law, Chairman, FireOist. 5 hemlock and white fir, 20,000 bd. National ft. of white pine, 15,000 bd: ft. of Defendants. Board of Commissioners appraised cedar, and 15,000 bd. ft. T H E S T A T E O F 10/2-9-2t ard feet for /odgepole pine and otherS, or a WASHINGTON to- WALTER C. er M board FUSON and BESSIE E. FUSON, includes toeaiMinimumOf 760,O00acceptablebd. ft. bid .per his wife, if living, and if deceased, The noblest offspring their unknown heirs at law: n of thousand bd. ft.: $79.00.tor (and a Douglas fir, $7000 for hemlOcK __YOU are hereby summoned to Westward the course of empire oard foot and white fir, $5800 for white appear wl~nm sixty daysafter the takes its way ; foot per pine, $55.00 for cedar, anc/ Date of the first Publication of The tour first acts already past, this summons, to-wit, within sixty A fifth shall close the drama SEALED $34.00 for Iodgepole pine and days after the 2nd day of bidders, others. -- n October, 1975, and defend the with the day; ove,RangerbY DouglasBiddingfir only.Will be permittecl .° above entitled action in the above Tirnc S noblest offspring is gton at Timber will be sold on a log entitled court, and answer the place of scale basis. Timber must be complaint of the plaintiffs, and thelast. 1975 remOved prior to May 31, 1978. serve a eDDy of YOur answer upon Bishop Berkeley Shelton .................... No. 1, Hoodsport ............ No. 2, Belfair ............... No. 3, Grapeview ............ No. 4, Arcadia .............. No. 5, No. 6, No. 8, 426-3301 877-5565 275-2000 426-5035 426.3301 Allyn .............. 426.1232 or , 275-6333 Union ............... 898-2181 Tahuya .............. 275-2727 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. For all your fire insurance needs Dick Gardner State Farm Insurance 321 s. 1st, Shelton 426-2428 Professional Insurance Counseling... The Oldest Insurance Firm In Mason County... Dick Angle Herb Angle Angle Building 401 Railroad Shelton HOMEOWIq ERS!. SAVE WITH ONE POLICY! Wouldn't it be simpler to have a policy that covers everything " \ with one premium payment? UNITED/RELI,UU,~,. ~, We've got a policy that does PACIFIC/' '~'~ just that! Drop in and we'll tell trAI~IcUo~M~wNCAEsHCrNOGI~ITP~AI~Ills you all about it. ' ........ LaBISSONIERE AGENCY 118 South 3rd 426-1641 I II Your best choice for fire resistant construction... PLASTER INTERIORS STUCCO EXTERIORS Turn left off Hwy. I01,2 miles south of Shelton, drive I ~ile on Cole Road. II No. 9, Skokomish .......... 896.2181 or 898-2680 No. 11, N. Shelton/Island Lk .......... 426-3301 No. 12, Matlock ...........426-6767 or 426-6721 No. 13, Cloquallum ........482-2586 or 482-2770 For All Your Insurance Needs Fire * Auto * Marine * Life * Hospitalization Bonds * Casualty "Our P.rOduct,.i protection and ...... We sell the best" 25-year sponsors of the Jr. Fire Warden Program. THE HARTFORD You Are Our Business Serving Mason County since 1926 110 W. Railroad 426-4447 Your family is safer in a concrete and masonry home! Observe National .... o ...... Fire Prevention 7th & Park Week October 5-11. 426-3344 Safe El I 17 Qu,z (All answers should be "yes !) • Is the right size fuse (15 amps for lighting circuits) in each socket in the fuse box? Do you use a new fuse -- never a substitute -- after each blow? • Do you use extension cords within safe limits of their capacities (500 watts for the most commonly used type)? If you must use an extension cord to feed an appliance drawing more power than this, is it of the heavy duty type? • Are extension and appliance cords replaced immediately at the first sign of frayed or cracked insulation? Do you make sure that cords are never run under rugs or hooked over nails? • Are electrical appliances checked periodically to make sure they are in good operating condition, and are they repaired or replaced at the first sign of trouble? • Is your television antenna installed where it cannot fall across power lines, and is it equipped with a properly grounded lightning arrestor? mson coum e.u..o. = t" •< . /,I[] Edwin Taylor -*" Jerry Samples, MIR Im'