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Trees, shrubs, hedges,
topped, trimmed, removed
871-1366 Port Orchard
"Hanover Shoes
since 1899"
The greatest shoe value on eartll
Charles R. Hoem
Episcopal Church Welcomes You
ST. HUGH'S -- ALLYN -- Sunday 9:15 a.m.
ST. NICHOLAS- TAHUYA --Sunday 11:15 a.m.
Come As You Are
Young volunteers
sought for program
Program For Local Service, a
statewide volunteer program for
Washington State residents
between the ages of 18 and 26, is
now accepting applications from
prospective volunteers and
sponsoring agencies.
Program For Local Service
(PLS) is designed to give young
persons a chance to become
involved full time, for a full year,
with social service agencies in the
OOlOlOlOlOlOlOltlOlOntlOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOlOllOOlOl! area. In return for their service,
N rthB y 0 b C "• volunteers receive a $50a week
i o a x ow ustom :
living allowance which is
• JOHN C. DALBERG • administered- by the
• • State Employment Security
• The Finest In Oak Cabinets • Department. In addition, each
• 275-3109 ALLYN. WA. oB volunteer receives a $70 vacation
Io~ol°uouou°u°uonololOalOU•r•ouououououonoul allowance, comprehensive medical
insurance, emergency dental
coverage, and a $300 termination
allowance at the end of 12 ....................
Fire laces and accessories 275 6 165 ~ moilths of service. ' .....................
~ P Next to Belfa,rir Home Center " ~S and PLSextendVOlunteerSthe servicesSUpplementof such
6 days 10 a m to 5"30 Sunday l0 a m to 3 p m
......... [ sponsoring agencies as the
.......................... ...; community Action Program,
Future s Clear, Kitsap Day Care
Center, and Hotly Ridge. Their
D & G TREE activities must relate to specific
community problems dealing with
TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED human, social or environmental
FULLY INSURED needs, particularly those related
.,~ Wes Griffey CR 5-2117 tou Dobbs TR 6-47fl3 to poverty. Some of the activities
.... _____~___________________ .... ______ _________ _________._.___ .... p e r f o r m e d by last y ea r's
volunteers were parategal
k, J ADa.s
275-2032 Tree "
•/f.ffdozi,,g BELFAIR
assistant, special education tutor,
outreach worker to senior
citizens, activities coordinator for
handicapped persons, and
counselor aide for family planning
and mental health agencies.
A unique aspect of PLS is that
the volunteer can select an agency
that sounds interesting and then
I Winterize fuchsia baskets,
! North Shore Nursery & Gift Shop
275-2558 6 miles up N. Shore
PIXLEY, an artist from South Shore who lives part of the year in Hawaii, is
seen with some of the velvet paintings from her private collection which is
on display during October at Belfair Post Office. The black cat is one of two
paintings on display which she painted; the others were created by Hawaii's
top velvet painting artists.
Bear Creek negotiate a placement with that On display at Belfair Post
agency that is mutually agreeable. Office this month is a private
Mini Mart Those interested need not have collection of velvet paintings by
any particular work experience or Hawaii s top velvet artists. Owner
OLD BELFAIR HIWAY 275-6222 educational background. For of the collection, Pixley, a local
Hours:lOa.m. to9p.m. Tdaysaweek. more information, and artist who divides her time
We may be small, but we have it all -- from applications, contact the between her home on South
Bremerton Employment Security Shore near Union and Hawaii,
feed to yarn and groceries too! Department. painted two of the paintings.
BOAT LOST Pixley was raised on ttood
-~d~ A 14-foot wooden boat with Canal, earned a BA and an MA in
FUNERAL CHAPEL motor was reported lost in the art and the history of art and has
Zt.-''+r~--Z --/_,., '. ~' Grapeview area Oct. 4. studied art in Europe. She works
iS: ;hilngcomcnunity families .i~ ,,lll.,| . ,~'" J~'~'~ i ................................ q
5303 Kitsap Way Call us collect from anywhere ES 7-3836 i~ • Landscaping of All Kinds S
Lester M. Lewis, Sr. Lester M. Lewis, Jr • Lawn Care • Beauty Bark Delivery
! • S rinkler Systems • Top Soil • Bank Run i
nelfair Telephone ~ '~lt Don Shellgren I"~ "1 r" #*'~ r" lr'~ "'7 !
:: Answering Service cil" .o 92 / / h x / t
iH,,. Allyn, 98524 /" 1 qJ I~ . U J~ i,
~,~ . Wake-up service " L,-~, ............................ .~
. i i
John & Pat's Tackle Shop OF ALL YN
• ",. Member of Northwest Steelheaders. Effl~tive | i/1-3 ~_h~G:f'f_O~f i~lI
] ~ ~ ~; Retail & Wholesale a G
i Oct. 1st, 1975. our shop I~
hours will be g a.m. toSp.m, l l lll Dave's,Bel!a!r ArcoStation
I I I ~ Wed. thru Sunday, until
l,,,, ! !D,,, ,,lstIof April.,, '"' l o...,oo~ ~Z:C~o!,; ~o.o. ,. ~tl l
.............. CLIP ..............
pRI mllY el.
New RINSE N VAC operates on the steam
principle to get your carpets professionally
clean, Portable and easy to
operate--we'll show you
how. RINSE N VAC is
the powerhouse that
cleans, rinses and
vacuums out dirt and
residues. RINSE N VAC
cleans carpets cleaner
... keeps them cleaner
longer. ©
Rent for only
a day
Renew subscription
for Joe at new
Air Force address
Send Herald
to Mary Anne
at WSU
office 275 6680
to place an ad
to sell a car!
Weekdays 8:30-5:30 p.m.- Sat. 8:30-5 p.m.
Post Office Box 587, BelfaSt, Washington 98528
Telephone CR5-6680
Belfair office open 9-5 - Wed., Thurs., Fri.
LOU DONNELL ..................................... Editor
CAROL WENTLANDT .............. Advertising Manager, Phone:
Office Telephone CR5-6680 Eves. CR5-6259
th~bli'~hed by Shelton Publishing, Inc., Post Office Box 430, Shelton,
¢~a~hll~gto~i 98584; telephone 426-4412.
A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal.
A Great SALE on all
Page 2 - Ftt~ckteberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - October 9, 1975
d different itemsl
Hawaiian artists
in all media but prefers oil. Mosl Orle of ttawaii's top artists,
of her oil painting is done on John de Ponce Ili, helped Pixley
masonite but some is done on pack her collection to bring to
canvas and some on velvet. Belfair for the local art show at
She explained that painting the post office. Some of his
on velvet was an ancient Spanish pictures are included in the
art, with some 1,000-year-old display. Due to lack of space at
paintings still to beseen. The art the post office, one painting
travelled to South America and entitled "The Native" will hang
then it became a lost art for a on the wall of the Huckleberry
time until early American women Herald office during October.
did some velvet painting, mostly Pixley, a widow, supports
floral designs. She said it again herself by her artistic talents,
became a lost art until the teaching art and selling her
well-known renegade artist paintings. She has purchased an
l.eetag, in Tahiti, ran out of acre of land on the big island of
tlawaii and hopes to build a small
canvas and the storekeeper was house and studio there.
out, too, but said he did have a For those who view the
bolt of material if he wanted to colorful display at the post office
use it until some canvas could be and decide to try the art of velvet
ordered. It turned out to be a bolt painting themselves, Pixley has a
of velvet and Leeteg became word of advice, "Never paint ON
fascinated with the results and velvet, paint WITH velvet." She
revived the art of velvet painting, said velvet creates a living
Some of his velvet paintings sell background for the oil if applied
for $20,000 to $100,000 and correctly. The lifelike portraits in
many Hawaiian artists have the collection prove I~er to be
copied his style and art form. right.
Key Cases
I.D. Cases
9-7 Weekdays
9-8 Friday
• Tote
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