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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 9, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 9, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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North Mason School News By SHEILA COBEN Mason Girls Club is Superintendent of Public 1 • this school year•Instruction Office in Olympia, as re made over $200one of many cultural enrichment at the ham and programs throughout the state. :r and from the Finally, a special thanks to ehsocial, the students who have helped ations to Cindy keep the halls clean at lunchtime• ' being chosen girl Since the meeting with Mr. Davis or September. The about the dirty condition of the on, which she was halls at lunch tile halls have been k= Best Dressed• pretty clean. Because the httermg ncan was chosen has been kept under control the ay of the month for various clubs can continue to sell or. The Girls Club their "goodies." :llange the voting For their first play this year s Year to include the North Mason Drama on the monthly Department is putting on a fall ,Past only a girl was production of a three-act comedy • ,t month and only with freshman Steve Lomax 19 playing the lead role. Mr. T. M. ' the student body Haydon feels that Steve is very t aSSembly of thecapable All the actors and crew gram included five are from Mr. ilaydon's third the Seattle Opera. period play production class and w0 ladies and twothey rehearse on the average of -finale accompanist three times a week. They demonstrated The title of the play is af Opera that they "Boarding tlouse Reach." It will SOme of the skits, be presented on Nov. 14 and 15 Picked from the with the band playing jazz P demonstrate In ensembles between the acts. This a gave the crowd a play focuses on character rather he received a ira. The SPonsored by the than plot• Most of the previous plays were centered on the plot of the play. Minor Repairs, Lubes OPen 6 days a week, 7 a•m. to 7 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. BUCK'S TOWING BELFAIR TEXACO Buck and Minda Church CR 5-2077 r Ieartllstmte I Nestanrant & lrm ! [ , 4312 Kitsap Way, Bremerton i .fin Lunch: I 1 a.m• - 4:00 p•m. 'D" " - Dinner:4 p.m. - I 1:30 p.m. ~n,n~¢. ('losed Sundays r] 'or Your Restaurant: ES 7-5531 ~,~e hm : 479-2 i 32 J ,ING JILDING :LEARING WORK CONCRETE WORK LINCOLN UCTION, 373-1514 Get. 16th - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Gifts • Things • Baked Goods HAVE LUNCH WITH US ~1 organizations will have items. ange Hall (W. end of Victor cut-off road.) EVERYONE WELCOME "DELIVERY BY CANAL BLUE TRUCKS" • For Chevron Heating Fuel • Modern Heating Equipment • Complete Housewarmirxj Service Our accounts Payable at I~lget SOund National Bank in Belfair e Fuel Co., Inc. *VE. 479-2772 llcwth Shore Garage "" GENERAL AUTO REPAIR - 'IZING IN: transmissions sYstems State Park , I l I )CT. 1 lth -- 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. I ~e Room Belfair Elementary School 'NAME IT WE HAVE IT! I by Francis Glaclwin Orthopedic Guild to Children's Orthopedic Hospital I By ELEANORA FEDENK • Mason Lake CR 5-2774 By DOROTHY TOBEY and ANN WESTBERG Understand the Seattle P.I. saw Harrah's collection of was advertising a Grape Festival in restored automobiles of all makes, By INGA MARIE ST. CLAI R 426-8824 our area for four days last week foreign and domestic, which they :~~-~--_-~___~__:~::~=:_~=~z~ To people living around Tiger parks of Yellowstone and and had" a call from a reporter thought was very interesting Lake, don't be surprised if a white Yosemite, and to, the family wanting to come out to interview (incidentally, this was at Reno). Believe it or not, that big have had the fun of entertaining goose comes calling and comes homesite in Colorado. They people and take pictures. Let me After taking several trips holiday known as Christmas isrelatives during the wonderful into the house for a friendly isit. toured parts of Utah and Nevada, know if I was wrongin telling her throughout the country this past just around the corner. Ladies of weather we were blessed with. His name is Benjamin Franklin but came to a halt with car there wasn't a festival to myyear they still think Stretch Island the MBC Club are preparing for Emil and Dora Thompson of (Ben), and he is the pet of the problems that delayed and used knowledge, rates number one. their annual Christmas bazaar and York, Nebraska, and Helga anyone interested in giving their Peterson of St. Edwards, Run Harmon family. Ben is about up the vacation time they planned A beautiful sight was 17 Fair Harbor Grange met last time and talents is asked to meet Nebr~ka. Dora and Helga are four months old and looks like a to spend along the coast on their sailboats anchored off the north Thursday evening, with Daisy large duck. He is lonely since his return trip home. They brought end of Stretch Island a week ago Bush being presented with a at the clubhouse on Monday, Chris sisters and everyone playmates are back in school and some of the maize corn that is Sunday. 25-year certificate and silver star Tuesday and Wednesday of eachenjoyed having fun in this area. has taken to rambling in search of being grown for feed in ColoradoWeekend guest of Milt and pin. New members initiated Were week starting at 10 a.m. So, Neal Christensen, grandson of company, after the regular corn crop was Marge Jennings was Marge s Mrs. Milt Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. gather up your ideas and comeChris and MiUie, spent three days Recently a small boy acrossdried up, and will try some in cousin, Ramey Lavendar of Deer Jack Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. join this ambitious group, visiting here before leaving to join the lake from the Harmons feeding their chickens. Lodge, Tennessee. Mr. Lavendar Earl Franklin. A silent auction We are happy to hear that the Marines in San Diego on Oct. became a newfound friend~ with R e m e m b e r wh e n t he makes a yearly visit to this area, was held with proceeds "going to Herb Nelson is doing very well 6. Good luck to you, Neal, and I after his recent surgery in Mason hope all your future plans come Ben coming into the yard and non-carbonated Delaware Punchstopping to visit with relatives purchase some items needed for General Hospital. He says he has true. following the boy into the house, was a popular soft drink here? It along the way. the kitchen. Mrs. Harmon came to retrieve the is still on the market, and the Rusty and Linda (Spooner) The September weather to take it quite easy for awhile John and Frances Smith of pet in the boat when notified that Wilburs enjoyed having the Humphrey and family have justreport is as follows: total yet, but hopes to be as good as Ballard, who own a summer home Ben was there. (Ben went back long-ago beverage at one of the moved from Ithaca, New York, to precipitation, .11 inches new in a short time. Good luck, on the west side of Mason Lake, Herb. are now the proud grandparents later to hisnewfound friend). The stops on their journey. Long Island, New York, where compared to September, 1974'sMillie Christensen is doing of their first grandchild. The worry is that some people do not Our sympathy to family Rusty will now be employed at.39 inches. Highest temperature, favor having a goose walk into the members with the recent passing Brookhaven National Laboratory. 82 degrees on September 21. very well now and is getting back baby s parents are Gary and Rita living room to visit and some have of Mrs. Neva Bisson at the Naval A t t h e T h i n g s a n d Lowest temperature, 42 degrees to doing her regular chores Marstron of Lynnwood. The baby big dogs that may not appreciate Hospital. She was limited in Experiences Auction of the on September 18 and 30. around the house and yard. boy weighed in at 8 lbs. 14 oz. having Ben around, activity for some time due toFriends of the Library held The Grapeview School Lela Rodewald is improving inand his mother, Rita, is the It's impossible to hang a sign heart trouble, but fight ready to recently, Louise Spooner reports enrollment is now 64 studentsstrength each day and is able to daughter of John and Frances. get out and drive her car once Russ and Peg Denny are busy on a pet goose. The request is that jump up and serve her favorite she was the successful bidder for a with a breakdown as to grades as again, getting settled in their apartment if Ben comes calling, please don't toasted refried-bean sandwich day with the editor ofthe follows: grade 1, 13; grade 2, 10; I hope all of you who have in California. Russ is stationed at feed him or talk to him, just send during my visits. Until her health Huckle berry Herald. On grade 3, 7;grade 4, 20;grade 5, 7; been under the weather are the Sunnyvale Air Force Base. him home. If he won't leave or failed she was active in various Wednesday of last weekshe grade 6, 7. answer "honk' to the Harmons' community and Navy auxiliary cashed in and had a most gaining strength and feeling much calling, let them know and they affairs There are special enjoyable time watching Lou better. • Lloyd and Ethel Furs are busy DRIVER will come after their pet, memories of her thoughtful Donnell and Carol Wentlandt, BCIZCICIr to be held getting all their yard work done Benjamin Franklin Goose. kindnesses, learning from them and chatti'ng AND CAR NEEDED Martin Tare has a different with them at lunch. She hopes the Early Christmas shoppers will so they can concentrate on the_ way to celebrate birthdays. He Friends of the Library have have a chance to choose gift items jobs they have left to do inside North Mason School came home from the hospital for another auction next year, with and baked goods at a communitytheir home after the weather District is looking for the 79th candlelighting of his this experience repeated, as she bazaar to be held Oct. 16, 9 a.m. turns to more rain. Lloyd retired someone with car to birthday cake, returned to the .--I felt it was a day wellspent, to 6 p.m. at the Twanoh Grangefrom Tveten Motors in Tacoma transport students from hospital the next day and had TWO cogp| es Peggy and Jack VanGasken Hallon the west end of the Victor where he worked as a mechanic Trail's End Lake to South have just returned from a Cutoff Road. Several local for many years. Ethel at one time ~hnr~ gc I hH~ ~t surgery for removal of gallstones, odes ......... hoG ...... up. ',. I 4,000-mile jaunt through nine organizations will offer items for worked at Rh ~n the • - • e •,. F ve round trips daily He is doing great and is able to to c ebrat western states. They enjoyed sale. photography aepartment. They ........ drive the car on short runs ..... o ..... lapproxlmately ,,:) miles a recently maoe a mp t ~t. He~ens ...... ,,.,-,,- Happy 13 years to Rene Yellowstone National Park, took .. . :.:, e.~ends ' Gay} ~pproxlmalely ~l/D in a musical at the Mormon uregon, tov ........ • Smith who joins the teenage set anniversaries Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, D__tA/ ...... L-_ Chris and Millie Christensen raG. 275-2881. on Oct. 13. A doubleheader birthday wish for Betty J. A joint open house visited copper mines, also Bryce, ,~¢;rV'V'~f:~ K:(JrJK:I~I~,% Dimmen and son Eric, having celebration will be held for Mr. Zion and Grand Canyons. On toNorth Mason Pee Wees are in * ---- ......... ; ........................ I their special day t°gether °n Oct" and Mrs" Orrin Sande °f Tahuya Las Vegas where they l°st a little need °f c°aches f°r the C and D i ~ ~' BELF I I. and Mr. and Mrs. Michael cash at Caesar's Palace. Visited teams in basketball and,soccer, AIR ELECTRIC CO i Mrs. Ruth Hobrecht was Thorniley of Olympia in honor of Carson City and Virginia City and also a coach for the girls soccer • pleasantly surprised on Sept. 24 their 25th wedding anniversaries. Death Valley, which Peggy says team. Anyone interested please for her 81st birthday. A group of Hosted by the children of both was full of stinging gnats. They contact Don Corliss at 275-2459. } ~ LOCAL LICENSED ELECTRICIANS ! close friends brought cake and ice couples, the open house will be II ~"~k.~)~I1~''" Wiring.,.GUARANTEEDLighting... ElectWORK I cream to celehrate the special held at Tahuya Firehall from to c eat day. Guests were her brother, 4 p.m. Oct. 12 with a potluck Ze~6 ~ h]1 ! Leon Knapp of Renton; Rhea supper at the Sande residence Jean Rath, Orene Sevedge, following the reception. Friends |ODY SHOP ,. .w. HELPFUL ADVICE--FREEESTIMATES Ruth Zimmer and Melvin Smith.of the Sandes and Thornlleys are ! SHOP HERE FIRST FOR YOUR | Sending best wishes but unable to invited to attend the open house. T/"~ A II • I/'~ LIGHT & HEAVY TOWING i MAJOR APPLIANCES attend were Fay and Blanche The Sandes were married Oct. /kJ YV 24 HOUR SERVICE Caldwell. 20, 1950, in Renton. She is the ~ We are franchised General Electric Dealers I The bookmobile will be former Leone Baldwin. The 275-2861 '~~ I~ Special Pricing- Factory Service ~ | around on Wednesday, Oct. 15, Thornileys were married Oct. l l, | Terms--Free Delivery /~1~.~1~ | stopping at Leathermans at 4 p.m. 1950, in Bremerton. She is the Allyn & Belfair • | ., We ~,lke trade-ins. , ~lr~ll| } | 275,2020 '*% ": 'I1 7 | and Moores at 4:30 p.m. former Barbara Baldwin, a sister 426-1731 I lb BLOCK NORTH OF THR IFTWAY ~ I A fatally of pets is glad to to Leona. The Thornileys lived on have Lou Taggart safely home North Shore for two years after Shelton from her grand time in Denver,their marriage. - ..................................... Colo. She traveled by plane to attend a dinner party at one of the formal country clubs there for her mother's 78th birthday on Sept. 23. Brunches and dinners at push places added to the pleasure of the scenic trip over the mountains, and the bringing home of some of the treasures that are Lou's family inheritance. The animals extended that welcome to me this last week as a host of white geese honked at my car, the huge dog Lover Boy gave a friendly slurp, a Siamese kitten crawled in my lap, parakeets Micki and Maggie talked up a storm and the short-tailed cat Bobbi curled up near my seat. Another couple brushing off the dust of travel are Joe and Idaleah Wilbur. Their trip led to Fort St. James in Canada for a two-day visit with their grandchildren, then meandered through the national forests at Jasper and Banff, the national Mr. Sande is co-owner of Sande's Boat Works in Belfair and Mrs. Sande is a dispatcher in the Belfair office of the Mason County Sheriff's Department. They have four children: Mrs. George (Eileen) Palmer, Earl, Carl and Dianne. Mr. Thorniley is an official of the State Game Department and his wife is employed in the personnel department of the State Fisheries Department. They have five children: Steve, Michael, Jr., Mary, Linda and Tom. * Fireplaces * Block foundations * Anything with masonry JOHN KIMMEL Licensed, bonded and insured. Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 Shelton N;:I ILiS:°; ' Weather FREE Cookies coffee & Ready-mix Colors PAIN are the people parents ABOUT!I" Saturday, October l lth HANDCORE PLASTIC FLEXIBLE Perforated or Solid 10' Long, $1f reg. $4.10, U-Haul ..................... SALE EA. THE LARGEST SELECTION OF MOBILE HOMES IN THE NORTHWEST Come in and see Jim Yoest, AI Logan & Dave Macomber Phone 3774461 BELFAIR HWY & GORST TRIANGLE Big set performance/ Full Zenith Quality Compact! Lightweight/ I Shop labor charge l 1_*'4 P~ hZ'._l BELFAIR TV 275-6244 s630 Wall Kolor Int. Flat Latex ....... Gal. *'poa Wall Glow Int. Latex Enamel ....... J I. 4 x 8 x 5/8 Ea. SHELVINI} Lin.lX Ft. I Light Bulbs 60-75-100 Watt l'l'j 4" x 12" Concrete :~.~:. ................ ~P~P Ea. in 2 Bulb Packs ROOF COATINGS wet Patch "~~al ......... Roof Coating Plain or fibered ........... Gal. • Coldheslve W GaL =;9' Galvanized Ii Lb. 2x6 Sel. Deck T G.K.O. 24 tin. Ft .......... Roll Everything you need to fix-up the home./ Phone: CRS-2090 Belfair, Wash. Flours: Mort.. Fri. 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m: Sat. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. I , 3S" IIO!,1. WRAP ON PIPE INSULATION Use your chlrll Glrlls. October 9, 1975 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 #