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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 9, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 9, 1975
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Memorial service setNeva B. Bisson, 67, of Belfair dies Tires are important • • Giant garage sale for F.dward C. Ruff Neva B. Bisson, 67, of the Old Survivors i nclu de her A giant garage sale will be Belfair Highway, died Sept. 30 at husband, Roland J. of the family Safe winter driving means he added, should only be inserted a pound for every IO-d,e, gree held in the Belfair Elementary Edward C. Ruff, 65, formerthe Naval Hospital in Bremerton. home, and a sister, Elizabethgetting a grip on the road, and into new tires, since road grit can change in ,temperature, he School gym from lO a.m. to 5 long-time resident of North Born Mar. 1, 1908 in CowdlofBremerton. . according to Marvin O. work intothestudholesofused explained. 'Thats why it is p.m. Oct. 11, sponsored by Shore, died Oct. 3 in Bremerton.Missouri, she came to this area in A memorial service will be held1954 from San Diego, Calif. Private arrangements were Christman, executive vice tires, preventing the studs from important to check your tire Francis Gladwin Orthopedic this Saturday at 1 p.m. at Belfair w - under the direction of Miller president of Evergreen Safetyseating properly, pressure when your car is outside Guild. Money ra!sed will support hereshewas employed as a Council, the grip drivers get Most states, according to in the will be the Children s Orthopedic~ Community Baptist Church. cashier. Woodiawn Funeral Home. He was born Feb. 17, 1910, in depends on the tires and traction Christman, restrict studded tire driven in. Tires checked in ~Hospital in Seattle. Pasadena, Calif. He was employed aids they select for winter use. use to several months in the late healed ~araRe may show proper at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in "Drivers should check their fall, winter and early spring, but air pressures, but the same tires Bremerton from 1937 until his Mathew Bischoff of North Shore dies tires to make sure they havehe cautioned drivers using moved out into the cold may be plenty of tread for traction on ice studded or snow tires to avoidunderinflated." ~! retirement in 1963. In 1949 he Mathew Bischoff, 82, of dES, in Seattle. and snow,' Christman said, "but extended travel on dry roadseven'"It's always important to moved to Belfair where he livedNorth Shore died Sept. 26 at the He was preceded in death by even with new tires, braking during these cold months, choose the right equipment for, until 1964 when he moved to U.S. Veterans Hospital in Seattle his parents, two sisters and one distances will be great!y Studded tires, like snow the job that has,to be done, Bremerton. He was a member of following a long illness, brother. Surviving are his wife, I e n g t h e n e d a n d a c a r s tires, heat rapidly at high speeds, Christman said, 'but when it 1[ Bremerton Elks. He was born Dec. 14, 1892, in Augusta, of the family home, one acceleration capability will be resulting in damage to the tread, ' comes to choosing the right tires Mr. Ruff is survived by hisStreator, Ill. He spent most of his stepson, James McDonough of decreased on ice and snow as he explained, and traction aids for .wirlt¢~r I wife, Anna L.; two sons, Patrick adult life in Washington and Westport, Conn., and four compared with dry pavement." Christman said motorists who driving, the choice is even more ! of Belfair and William ]. of Alaska. stepgrandchildren. According to Christman, the are remounting studded tires this critical than most. Safe starting, Bellevue ; one daughter, Mrs. Mr. Bischoff served in France average car needs 17 feet to come year should mount them in thestopping and cornering in winter I Terry (catherine) Moore of Port with the U.S. Army during World At his request no services to a stop once the brakes are sa m e p ositions they were weather depends on the grip a few ! Orchard and five grandchildren. War I He was a member of were nelu. rim remains were to be applied on clear, dry pavementmounted in last winter. Tire square inches of rubber can get on ~-'. ~¢mation was handled by " ~e No 288ofF&AM cremated and laid to rest at It Masomc Lad.. . " Mem " " from a speed of 20 miles per studs, he said, wear at an angle, wet, icy or snow-covered Bleitz Funeral Home of Seattle. in Belfair and of Aloha Chapter, Acacia anal Park in Seattle. hour. On loosely-packed snow, depending on the direction thepavement. It's worth the extra i The family requests, in lieu of the same car needs 60 feet to wheel turns. If the direction of time and effort to make sure !hat I flow~s, remembrances be made t%~¢tren's Orthopedic Hospital stop, and on glare ice at 25 wheel rotation is reversed, hegrip is as tight as it can be,' he o~)~l~'~cer Society. -=~~~.. ~_.._~__~__~_ degrees Fahrenheit, braking continued, the studs will rotate in concluded. l distance is 149 feet. the tire tread in an attempt to I I'f~ "Reinforced tire chains are correct the angle and may loosen COMPLAINTS MADE :> Cane I ... still a driver's best winter traction and fall out. Owners of vehicles parked in i m buy," Christman said. "Chains on Christman also warned dryersthe parking lot of Belfair Cafe pvak. ., south shore the rear wheels can cut a driver's mounting winter drivers to avoid have been filing complaints in the lit braking distance on snow at 20mixing tires of different sheriff's local office of persons, ~-~--------- --'------~---'~---- ~ ............... -...a miles per hour to 38 feet. On onstructions, saying that mixing possibly children playing in the NOTICE OF MEIrTINGDATECHANGE Lion President John salmon bake;deliciousbarbecued glareiceat20milesperhour,"he r;diicall:ndregulartirescouldalter area, stealing or damaging [ continued, ' rear wheel chains can " handling characteristics,property. Recently a pickup truck Beginning October 15, 1975, Campbell, Randall Updyke and salmon as prepared under the cut braking distance in half. "Any type of tire a motorist locked by the owner was i the regular monthly meeting ofthe writer attended the Lions supervision of George Adams, and camper which had been the commissioners of Mason Clu b Multiple District19 fresh vegetable salad prepared by , "In addition, Christman said, chooses for winter use should be enterldd County Fire District 5 will be held on the third Wednesday of Mid-Year Conference Workshop Mrs. Frances Radke were the ' chains give more than three kept properly inflated according the brake released, and roll i each month instead of the fourth Sept. 27 and 28 in Olympia. "Highlights" of the menu lasttimes better acceleration traction s,pecifications,"t° the tire manufacturerchristman said.S down an incline into a dictkh, ! Wednesday. The commission Members attended from Canada, Thursday at the Annual Salmonthan regular tires in moThr~ story that motorists can get damaging the truck. Last we a meets at Allyn Fireball at 7:30 Idaho and Washington for a total Dinner held at the Lower loosely-packed snow, and more binder, chain, hammer and flag public.P'm" and meetings are open to the of 1,050. It was very nice to meet Skokomish Grange Hag. The than six times better accelerationtraction out of their tires by were taken from a truck and ! William E. Morgan, so many of the Canadian Lions.salmon were prepared over a than regular tires on glare ice." bleeding air pressure below burnt matches and cigarette Chairman, Fire Dist. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Dick Johnson picturesque campfire which Snow tires, Christman said, recommended levels is pure papers were found i, the truck. I1[ Board of Commissioners spent a week in Chicago. They furnished local color for thecut braking distance on snow and fiction," he continued. "Driving 10/2-9-2t saw the boat show. affair. There were lots of both improve acceleration on both on tires with less than the Seen along South Shore: fresh, butter and cream, snow and ice. recommended air pressure only$ $ $ $ $ NOTICE OF APPLICATION Mrs. Ruth Jansen washing her Special thanks go to Pete "Studded tires, he said, cut produces excessive heat build-up, Senior Citizen TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS float, Jack Saeger mixing cement, Allard, lke Palmer, Mrs. Wanda braking distance and increasewhich can cause sidewall Discount STATE OF WASHINGTON, and comoa_ ny at the Jack Bishops. Wyatt as well as several, others for acceleration substantially on glare damage." Ray's Barber Shop DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY About 5 p.m. Saturday there was their kind help re, preparing and ice, but provide no benefits on Christman said keeping close TAKE NOTICE: a two-car accident in front of the serving the dinner, loosely packed snow. track of tire pressure is especially Belfair - "Studded snow tires on rear important in the winter, when "tlU~i~~~~ That KENNETH E. BANACH Casa D' Canal Restaurant. Both of Brernerton, Washington on June 24, 1974 under Application No. S 2-23532 filed for permit to appropriate public waters, subject to existing rights, from Tiger Lake, tributary of Mission Careek in the amoun~ of 0.02 cubic feet per second, continuously each year, for domestic supply. The source of the proposed approprBtion is located within Lot 11, of Tiger Lake Tracts of Section 5, Township 23 N., Range 1 W. W.M., in Mason County. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, Southwest Regional O ,O wA.:: 4 wI{h~n thi~y (3b) daysg~ro~ October 9, 1975. 10/2-9-2t parties were taken to the hospital; the Washington State Patrol and sheriff's deputies were at the scene of the accident. Many friends are on the sick list: Clarence Ingle has the flu, Mrs. Don Myers is home from the hospital, "Papa" was sick with the flu for three days, but he managed to clean the house and dust. Tony Floor had an operation on his mouth, Mrs. Katherine Dills and Mrs. Torchy Hays are also on the sick list. Les Miller is in Swedish Hospital and Ira Miller is in Providence Hospital. Copy ~om the, ]dk~. C.amd News of Nov. 28, 1947: "Hood Canal Sportsmen enjoyed a Snyder & Sons No job too small or too large Slabs, sidewalks, foundations curb & gutter Belfair All Suzukis Marked to Clear ---EXAMPLES-- GT 250 Hustler Reg. $1025 .......... IS 125 Enduro Reg. S775 ........... CYCLE CENTER 3410 Hwy. 16 373-7444 Head of Bay-.-Oorst (Please send me clippings of events that happened many years ago.) Note: Randall Updyke is present president of the Hood Canal Sportsmen's Club. DOG FOUND A black and white bulldog was found near the intersection of the Old Belfair Highway and North Shore Road Oct. 2. MAJOR & SMALL Make appointments after 4:30 p.m. for Service Calls Lowell Gunselman 275-6751 Sunday Services 8:30 a.m .... , Worship Service 11 a.m ....... Worship Service 9:45 a.m ..... Sunday School 7:00 p.m .... Evening Worship BELFAIR P.O. BOX 407 John Senn, Pastor Church phone- CR 5-6262 II wheels and regular studded tires on front wheels make a good combination for safe acceleration, braking and cornering on both snow and ice surfaces," Christman said. Studded tires and snow tires need special care, according to Christman. He advised motorists to have studs inserted by a tire dealer or garage and steer clear of do-it-yourself studding kits. Studs Haul Rock Bulldoze Fill Dirt t B&D BULLDOZING CR5-2195 CR5-2113 CHRIST LUTHERAN Church at Belfair Service of Worship & Sunday School 10 A.M. COME AS YOU ARE Lower Elementary School Gym Nursery Provided CR 5-3354 abrupt changes between garage and outdoor temperatures can substantially affect inflation levels. "Tire pressure varies by about Menu For North Mason Schools Oct. 13 thru or. 17 MONDAY: Beef stroganoft over, rice, green beans, muffin, fruit, milk. TUESDAY: Sloppy Joe. mashed potatoes/butter, carrots, dessert, milk. WEDNESDAY: Tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwich, apples, brownies, milk. TI-;URSDAY: Ground beef in gravy over noodles, buttered peas, fruit, dessert, milk. FRIDAY: Taco, French fries, buttered corn, cake, milk. Puget Sound The hometown bank. WEATHER A weather in Wooten Lake the area who sheriff's office. It 1 -the U.S. Illinois. It had reportedly had evidently chemicals. ~IILLER.W()OOLAWN EVERYTHING IN ONE BEAUTIFUL PLACE • Funeral Home • Chapel • Mausoleum • Crematory 5505 Kitsap Way ES7-7648 Bremerton, We. It's savings time on Frigidaire apl: mm lmmmmlmm Frigidaire Has Raised Our For A Limited Time We Are Giving Last Year's Get big washday Heavy Duty and save during Discount Days. Th( Duty dependability, f~ capacity, even knits built right into thiS Custom Deluxe Heavy Du Washer. Its exclusive up" Jet Action washing deep gently yet thoroughly ar clothes under offers an Infinite lector that lets you matC level to the load and water and the energy it heat it. Discount Priced! OTHER FRIGIDAIRE WASHERS AS LOW AS Save with our big discount on Frigidaire's most popular refrigerator-freezer. You find 170 cu. ft of well organized space inside this 100°o Frost-Proof Frigidaire refrigerator including a 4 75 cu-ft freezer section Get big-load capacity, energy use and a big on this Frigidaire Dryer. puts full 18-1b capacity and a dependability within easy reaC this Custom Deluxe Dryer. 16" to 28" lifetime warranty Still in effect on all 1975 Glas-Ply & Marlin Boats in stock We specialize in Me¢Cruiser and Mercury outboard repair. Bank Terms ( 275 2297 Y f CONTESSA Our seductive "Contessa" long gown of nylon tricot. The neckline plunges daringly low on the beautifully flattering bodice. The waist is defined with lovely lace and ribboned beading. It's elas- ticized in the back for beautiful fit. Here's an elegant way to have pleasant dreams. Lovely and luminous is the long cover-up of sheer nylon tricot. Full billowY sleeves and a dash of e satin bow at the neck Ipell elegant coverage. A beautiful ensemble. • Crystal Blue • Gentle Green • Orange Blossom Mary Wright 275-2033 Belfair Discount Priced! 95 OTHER FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS AS LOW AS $249.00 Discount Priced! OTHER FRIGIDAIRE AS LOW AS 4 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - October 9, 1975