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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 2 - " (n i i I i i i • i r I ,),* She]ton V7omen Travel accountant, returned to their du-&apos; ORDINAN{'I, Nt). 1,)-.I~ ties a few days ago after enjoying" 5000 Miles On Trip a 5000-mile motoring trip into the AN ORDINAN(:E ADOPTING TIIE 1947 BUDGI,IT Leer TItE CITY Ol,' Irs. Ethel Ftatner, :Mreil Chev- Middle West, visiting friends in SHELTON. WASIIINGTON. DIC- foist bookkeeper, and Mrs. Lydia Nebraslm as the principal detail TER1MINING TIlE AMOUNT OF Tower. county treasurer's office on their vacation journey. TAX LEVIES NECESSARY TO RAISE THE AMOUNT OF EX- 7  ....... --q ................. : ........ 7--=$, .................. :," ............................ ,--":,- ......... IENDITURES FOR SAID YEAR TO ]{E LEVIED UPON ALL TIIE TAX- RE-ELECT ii ABLE REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY WITH 1N SAIl) CiTY AND DE(TLARIN( AN*" EM ICB,- (}ENCY. WHEREAS, on Se)teilll)cr 17, 1946 lbe City Commlssiol, t,f the City of Sbeitou,' Washillgton, colnph, to(l and filed a preliminary bridget, gays, notice of the hearilg lhe,e'n Its v(quir,d hy B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Republican For PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Veteran World War II Member V. F. W. and American Legion  , ,, , ,,,, JOHN Democratic Nominee for PROSECUTING AITORNEY A Disabled Veteran SITELTON-MAGON COUNT J6UI%NAI i i i - v , ,| ,u, u __- law, met on tile first 5Tondav in Octo- I)el' for the pt 'pose of iwhring any laxpave' l'or or aglillst lllV I)Ill'[ Of Sa d I'Ildget. Nt, one al)l)eIlri'llg" I'OF OF against said budget, aud on Ilu' 7h day of O tote' 1)46 ath pied the final btldgl't setting forth ill detail and by classification as required by law the cnlnplete financial l)rtll'flnl of the said city for the 19,t7, VVVVVV.V-,rVVVV'V".r'Ig,'VV Lake Cushman Piemer parents. Married sixteen years, one boy, Worked in Woods, served in war. Has a sympathetic and sincere understanding of the workingman's prob- lems. Member Y.F.W., American Legion, Public Own- ership League, State Bar, Elks, Clvll Ltbeies Union, Eagle=, Lawyers' Guild. Served as Act, ng Prgsectqr. Twenty years in active practioe. Personally tried over 3(!0 Super|or C0urt jury cases, which Inoludes 47 mur- der tri;als. Seven years as Deputy Prosecutor. ' "T' e I • n re is No Substitute for Experience" B'V**P"V'V V V ,qp-,qr qyr--qPv  v'v ,w-w,qvvvv A double stork shower was giv- en at the home of Mrs. Vera Lin- scott the evening of Oetober 10, in honor of Mrs, Frances Lewm and Mrs. Merle Smith. Mrs, Nan- cy Brown was co-hostess. Unusual table decorations con- sisted of tiny baby figurines fash- ioned of clay and painted in life- like colors and positions. These were the work of Mrs. Brown. Baby faces were also lmnd paint- ed on the white paper napldns and the rooms were decorated with pink and white crepe paper streamers• Games were played with prizes going to Mrs. Eleanor Addleman, Mrs. Rule Dickinson, Mrs• Ira Col- lins and Mrs. Frances Radtke. The games were under the supervision of Mrs. Maxine Peterson Tim guests of honor were each presented with a crepe paper bas- ket decorated with storks and' con- tainhlg a lovely array, of useful and beautiful gifts for the babies to be. Tile George Hixons and the Rea Howrys have departed leaving two empty houses in camp, Mr. Howry is to work at LaGrande, Wash, Mr• Htxon has purchased a home in Oregon near his nut ranch at Forest Grove. Mr, and Mrs. W, G. Peterson were in Oregon this last week end as were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ryan, :Mr. and Mrs. C. M, Bennett and daughter Linda of Spokane visit- ed the O. K. Linscotts from Tues- day through Thursday of last week. Mr, Bennett, a substation operator in Spokane, is on vaca- tion enroute to visit his mother and brother at Oregon City, Ore. Mrs. Bennett is Mr. Linscott's sister, The Robert Rains and Ronnie are speuding the week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rains at Shel- ton, The four teachers of Hoodsport school, Mrs. Maymee Lallithin, Miss Francena Lallathin, Miss Al- ice Fjellanger and J. Louis Shap- ley, were, entertained Wednesday evening at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Radtke. Vary Vegetables To get vitamins the pleasant way, have green aud yellow vegetables every day. MILLIONS of DOLLARS ' of YOUR MONEY ARE ABOUTITO BE SPENT Without a Vote of the People/ Today there is a deal pending for tee sale of Puget Sound Power & Ughf Co., to a group of PUDs for 13S MILLION DOLLARS. Sixteen counties €onfain- ing over a million pepple are affected. And these people are powerless to vote YES or NO on they believe the plan sound; whether the price is satis- factory; or whether they want to assume the obl!gation for the bondsto beoissued. Other PUD purchases, of whmh several run well over the million dollar figure, are being planned . . . all witholt a vote Of the peole affected, d INITIATIVE 106 Gives YOU the Right ToVote on how YOUR MONEY Is Spent Initiative 155 ,does not stop PUD deals--if the people want them. It merely permits the people, instead of PUD commissioners, to decide.' :It provides that the plan of purchase, and the amount of bonds to be issued be submitted to a vote of the people. Vote FOR INITIATIVE 166 Why should anyone object to giving the people thls democratic American right? Who Is afraid to allow the ptople to vote on how their money is spent? * COMMITTEE FOR INITIATIVE 166 Robert J'. Lloyd, Chairman, Tacoma George E, Thomas, Exec. Secty., Bremerton STATE COMMITTEE L. E,' Babcock, Kennewidt Elmer Schoesaler, Ritzville Clifford 8, Bell, Raymond Everett Hiadmsn, Belllnghara D, M. Shattuck, Orchardt George N. Campbell, Kalama Ernest C, Huatle¥, Colfax V. Swank, Cmas Rslpl* H. Chaplin, Tacoma Gee. W, Jackson, Dayton IIarold Synnestvedt, Jr., Everett Fank A. Chervenka, Sumner Itarper Joy. Spokane Louis Than. Underwood S, A, Gagliardi, Tacoma Roy A, Matson, elah Theodore Wall, Woodland Ward Gardner, Walla Walla . S. Moore, Colvllle Forest Watson. Seattle . Henry Gcllert, Seattle ;M, W#llace Motmt, Tacots ]FI, N. Weist. Omk D¢titly Givens, B¢¢4erLen W.' C. Mumsw,'Abrdeen E• R. Wells. Prosser e0rge F• |m Clareton Wm, ,T: Ruseh, $1okana O. Harry Whiteman, Wenatchee I I11 . I ii i I Jl L I I I I • Thursday, Oei ...... I _ I , L • im m i |, i .,,,l sho,,•,.: the a,.,,/,., ,o i,o ex- Nelsons Cover 3000 the Reed Mill. p(qld(}d, [}H' alllOHlt to be I':lf,('(1 }A%" t'e('('ipt: ()l]I('l" than idKalioll, and lh' Miles On mnount t,) I.o rais,,d I,y taxation :is -weeK .ri i) I'e(ltlit'od I)y I;IW i't'lOl'onl'o lo which iS lie ''[) IDa(It', :llld XVIIIREAS. lho said final budget for lho year 1947 shnws ill d('hlil lho I111101A111 Io H' o.'Kp(qldIKL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR YEAR 1947 From Uund; Salari. tnd Mirttortne CaPital Interest or warrant; DEPARTMENT Enlor(i. W&0os *% Operlion OUtlay and Oet, t Not Yet Ord, Tr,nfor - M U Rr, ot, mptiofl At*tltortod TOTAL Current Expense .............. .S.... $ 8,508.01 S 41.795.50 $ 51,50.00 $ 35.165.00 $ 17.,150.00 243.,196.20 Water . ......................................... 10,256.20 a.s(.oo la.Soo,oo 7.+u)..(I a:l.200.i)o .:7.ZT...\\;U.: ,i:<iZi;:i;ii s,4.7a.51 Reserve LibrtLry . ..................................... 255.37 .................... 3, 40,00 2,025.0( 900.O(I ....................................... 7.02(1,37 $ 6,{]75.00 Library Interesi .......................................... 200At ........................................ 6.875.00 Bond led. and .I7{i"'" : :::::::::::::::::::: :':':::::: ...... : .... , " ...................... 1.5:;..00 ................... , ,,5(,.0( street ............................................ 1,844,23 .................... 14,800.(x) 6,675.00 29,900.00 ........................................ 53 219,23 Reserve Garbage . ..................................... 5,605.76 3.5(10.00 12.100,00 2,375.00 1 000.00 ........................................ 24,5S0.76 $ 1539.75 L.1.D. Guaranty . ............................................................................................................................................................... 1.529.75 Bldg, Cure. Re, serve .............................................................................................. 9,700.00 ....................................... .q,70().0( Water Auto Cure Reserve ............................................................................................ 6,000.00 {;.60(},00 Reserve Sewer Cure. Reserve ........................................................................................... 22,876.35 ........................................ 22.76.35 $ 3,716,50 Water Bond Issue .................................................................................................................... 3,712.50 .................... 7,429,00 Water Tank ........................................................................................................... 27,636.00 ....................................... 27,1136.o( Park .............................................. I 844.75 ...................................................................................................................... 1 ,14.75 •  11,931,25 TOTALS ................................ ,$ 28.314.32 $ 49,095.50 $ 96,39(L00 $ 5:1,6(I.60 $1•1g.862.35  -75,(-)?() ,56&5"IS.92- ESTIMAT£D RECEIPTS FOR YEAR 1947 Bunds or Ca;h urplus Wnrrat, ts and Pd, Emery, Not Yet DEPARTMENT I nvestm.nts Transfers Tnxes Otlo¢ Warrants Authorized TOTAL Current Expense .................... $ 51,250.00 $ 2,500,00 $ 38,565,25 $ 53,9-t5.25 $ 8.508.01 $154,768,51 Water ............................................ 5,000.00 ........................................ 53, 2,10.00 ]0,256.20 "];5"'i)'0ii0(i ' 2-t2,496.20 Library .......................................... 57.00 5,350,00 .................... 828.00 255,37 .................... 7.(12o.37 Library Interest Income .... "5,625,00 1,250.00 ........................................ 6,785,00 Street ............................................... 25.000,00 ""iiTi':ii I:I::::IZZ:: ,s44,2a .................... 59,21.,).'a Garbag .......................................... 1,475,00 2.500.00 .................... 15,000.00 5.605.76 .................... 24.50,76 lond :Red. and Interest ........ 66,00 1,484,00 ................................................................................ 1,550,00 L,I.D. Guaranty ........................ 1 539,75 .............................................. : .............................................. 1,539.75 Bldg, Cure eserve ................ 3,700.00 6,000.00 ................................................................................ 9,700.00 Auto Cure. Reserve .................................. 6,000.00 ................................................................................ 6.000.00 Sewer Cure. l.bserve ............ 12,876.35 10.000,00 ............................................................................... 22.876.a5 Water Bond Issue .................... 8,629,00 8,800,00 ................................................................................ 7A29.00 Water Tank ................................ 27.686•00 ................................................................................................. 27.636.00 Park ............................................................................................... 1.844.75 ........................................ TOT ALS ................................ $! s.7g8`.19---r'a:g..65.25-$T:977775-T-s.a]-4i2-.l-7s776-7V'6s75'.9` for the final budget for the year 1947. SECTION II: Tat there is hereby levied against all taxable real and t)ersonal property in the City of Shel- on, Washilgtori, taxes for the year 1947 in the sum of $38,565,25, $37,081,25 tllereof being for current ('xI)onse l)LIt'- poses, and $],48-t.00 for general .bli- gatlon bond interest and bond re- demption. SECTION III: ThaL this ()x, ctillance , being one required by statute law of the-State of Washington, an.emery[ gency therefore does and is lmryb. I declared to exist, thls otainance snanl be in full force and effect and shall take effect immedhtely upon passage, approval and i)ublication, Unanimously adopted this 7th day of October, 1946. 1;', A. TRAVIS. Mayor. REC, INALD SYKES. Coll)nissionor of FinallCO alld At.collntint'. ROY 3". KIMBEL Coritnissioncr o[ Streets and Public Utilities. Attest: t SEAL) ALMA K. CATTO, Acting City Clerk Approved as to Form: CHAS. R. LEWIS, City Attorney• Amount to Im raised by taxation, which is classified for several funds or accounts as follows: Current Expense .................... $ 37,0I,25 General Obligation Bond Int, aid Bond Redemption .... 1A84,00 $ 3g,565.25 NOW THEREFORE, the City Coal- mission of the City of, ShelLon, Wash- ington, do ordain as follows: SECTION" I: That the Ffftal Budget heretofore adopted by motion on Oc- tober 7tit 1946, for the fiscal year ]947, reference thereto being hereby made and by reference the' same be- ing made a part hereof, be and th same is hereby approved and adoPLe@ Former Welfare Head Writes From Home In Japan A letter from Mrs. J. A. Wes- olowstd, nee Cora Barber. from Beppu, Japan, is very interesting, Mrs. Wesolowski was administra- tor for the Mason County Welfare Department before she entered the WAC's. She was married wlile in service. Since her discharge from the service she has been with the Seattle welfare department awaiting orders to join her hus- band in Japau. Beppu, their present home, is a resort town and from pictures of the house it looks like a small hotel. She has two Japanese maids and a garden boy. Captain Wesolowski met her in Yokohama where the commanding officer Rresented her with a, bou- quet and gave a banquet in her honor. She says they sleep on the floor quite comfortably. Sl)e has an electric range, and a little furni- ture. She p ly self, ha a piaao and wants 'slee music. 2 leie a,r( no fresh vegetables, but she has a sweet potato patch in the yard, Final Rites Held For S. F. Lisles Funeral services for Samuel F. Lisles, 62, were held Monday af- ternoon from Witsiers Funeral Home with ReX, erend C. S. Ham- ilton in charge. Burial was in Shelton Memorial Park. His death occurred at his home on Webb Hill Tuesday morning, October 1, from a heart attack =uttered when he returned to his home for breakfast after he had finished his milking. He had been a 'resident of this county for the past 11 months. Camp 3 Mr, and Mrs, Joe Townsend of Shelton b:nd Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanning of Skokomish Valley vis- ited in Camp 3 Saturday witll Schmidts and Galloways, Max, schmidt and Nfax, Jr., at- tended the Washihgt0n and St. :Mary's game in Seattle Saturday. Mrs. J. W. Grisdale of Shelton and Miss Sut¢liff of Olympia had an interesting darY at the (amp 3 logging works Wedfie§day. Mr. and Mrs." Fred J. Smith of Los Angeles, Calif., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. K. Myers this week, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Striae and family spent the week end work- ing on their home on Hood Caial. Miss Thelma Petty and chil- dren of helton were oernight gUests of Mrs. Charles ClarR Sun- d(raltera., COx spent the week end at Camp 3 wi:h Marvin Cart- wright. Hattie Dickinson, Capitol Hill, Dies Funeral services for Hattie Han- nab Dickinson, 72. of Capitol Hill were held Saturday, September 28, from the Witsiers Funeral Home. Due to a mistake on the part of The Journal, the name of the de- ceased as published last week was mispelled as Hattie Dixon. Mrs, Dickinson's death occurred September 2' and her body was siflpped to Ephrata for burial. She had been a resident of Shelton for the past 11 years. Her husband, James of Shelton, survives her in addition to two sons, a daughter, a brother, nine grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. William E. Spink Buried Saturday Last rites for William Eugene Spink, 82, were held from Wit- siers Funeral Home Saturday, with Reverend Hardwick W, Harshman in charge. Graveside services were conducted by the I.O.O.F. lodge. He was a member of the Rebekah lodge of,Shelton. His death occurred Thursday, October 3. Mr. Spink was born June 2, 1864, in Wisconsin. He had lived here for the past eight months. He is survived by two sons, Earl of Everett, and Roy of Olympia; two daughters, Nfrs. Irene Mikle- thun of Shelton and Mrs. Pearl Williams of Centralia; a brother Fewer Arrests In Past Month Chief of Police Paul Hughey's September report shows that there were 10 less arrests for Septem- ber than for August, Speeders again top the list with a total of 32 being arrested for that offense, A total of 78 arrcsts were made for the following: 18 parking viola- tions; 13 drunk: four failure to stop at arterial stop signs; four for disturbing the peace; two for drunken driving; and one each for negligent driving, no driver's li- cense, A.W.O.L., resisting arrest and passing through the school boy patrol signs. Use the Journal Classifieds they really get results. (Paid Advertisementl October 10, 1946. iolephone opcrator, ,.i, Such scenic hig1 Sl../ . Covering 3000 rails:; in over a Coulee Danl, the Cl'a^, ELECT i,,,lf do00,e,, ,,tat,,,,, M,•. Mrs day after a two-week vacation trip and Ol'ego  were ta'J  J ..... ,,a| i Vm to Lheir jobs here, Mr. Nelson with Shelton couple. ' . L " " REPUBLICAN C SERVICE Cancer Killer Cancer is the greatest killer of omen and the second grealest kill. er of men. AND EQUAL LAW ENFORCEME FOR ALL IN MASON COUNTY DAN ORCUTT Republican For MASON COUNTY SHERIFF EXPERIENCED - HONEST - This state 5as Investment in SENATOR MITCHE00[ . i His legislative record and his mernbershl, and work on six important senate committe: make his eturn to the U.S. Senate a mat .tel of first importance to the people o£ yrastv ington State. For Mason Count: COMMIS: SHELL OIL DEALER Whicl You Temporary A Permanent Sl Things Neces00, As Was Experi G. O. P. Days (This Ad Paid for By Democratic Centrz 00posed Amen State Con00 BE VOTED ON N H U 6 H B., iM ;'' " _,' a. Conr." Ore, ,)islature hereinafter referl lderation of the voters of th( t to the constitution of the s tStreV "° S cthe 0k°a ;° m d a' i f°i- --o... 'H d E oug l nia; six grandchildren and three LllllWaUp Newcomers will be especially welcomed by the Lilliwaup Corn- Let s quit being governed y '/.: Directives, Commissions, and <?" and get back to the American Government. IT'S TIME TO MAKE A Yore for EDWARD H. FAUBERT REPUBLICAN NOMINEE STATE REPRESENTATIVI00 munity Club, sponsoring a card party in the Lilliwaup hall Fri- day evening, October 11 at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Roy Prusia and Miss Virginia Prusia are members of the refreshment committee, plan- ning to erve supper to the play- el's, Political candidates are being invited by the Lilliw-aup club to attend its regular ,monthly meet- ing Friday night, October 25. They will be given an opportun- it:f to speak in behalf of their candidacies and all interested are urged to come to hear them. Week end guests at the Lilli- waup heine of the C. E. Hills were the R. E Browns and daughter Sally, former Shelton residents, now making thir home in Aber- deen. Suladay dinner guests in- cluded Miss Dora lebel of Clay- ton, Ill., A1 McBride and Bob Berg of Shelton. Dmner guests last Monday eve- ning at the home of :Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson enjoyed a "Sal- mon Suitmn," salmon cooked in Ii/dlan Style by the Open fireplace. C. E. Hill presided at the barebe- cue and other gtiests were lr. and Mrs. George Jackson and daughter Majori and Mr C. E. Hill and Miss MerrilY Hill. 24th District Clallam - Jefferson - Mason counties, Member of th( for ,27 A Pioneer of P°Pl Member of for 36 Outstanding Legislature for Member of cong rCs Successful owner- °f Business for e "The Hardest Ever Sent to We Need Him Are You Tired of High Taxes? FRED NORMAN will work to: 1. CUT YOUR INCOME TAXES BY 20 PER CENT IN 1947. 2. BALANCE THE FEDERAL BUDGET. We can cut income taxes and still balance the budget if we elect men to Congress with the courage and wis- dom to eliminate all the useless, wasteful and tax-eat- in ' agencies which your present Congressman helped g • {i to saddle onto the country. And thin can be done w th- out losing one cent of social security benefits! You Can Do Your Part By Voting For Return A Progressive Democrat George N. Adams As 24th District STATE REPRESENTATIVE (Mason, Jefferson, Clallam Counties) FriED NORMAN for CONGRESS SINCERE - HONEST - CAPABLE - EXPERIENCED (This ad paid for by Norman for Congress Committee). (This ad pa!d for by Friends of Gee. Adams) the Senate and of the State legislative sesslon election to be the Tuesday next Monday in No- shall be submitted of this state, and ratification or, to Article VII of the State of thereto as a as section 3. Staten and and taxed under any state, whenever as such taxation OFFIC Secretary of Sta the abovo and for House Joint Resolution Washington at its twen ;aid Joint Resolution on Hand and the seal of t] YOUR CHO Mason Cou JACK DE In the I u, "I was born an world War I, and a ea Legion. "I repea my p] elected l'wm r T, 99