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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I LgS ott, m ett tL MCCONKEY Pl AMACY 4th & Railroad lone 303 • 0 H CHHIyU r new al|-r  J Isn, aZlOl;! ,#. ,,u,......, Ume, i;]ds extra sparkle, doubles dur- ability om any pollsh| HAK[ THIS T[ST! Lf[ 00pply o" umual way to , \\;  t£/ one hand. Apply "% 't • to other hand. Prove i for yotmelf how Twincote keeps polish 'lovely longer! 60€ plu t=x. PREpP'S REXALL STORE 2nd & Railroad - Phone 89 Fluffy, Washable , , . CHENILLE ROBES 8.6S Enjoy the luxury of wearing one of these thick-as-moss chenille robes, after your bath and on chilly nights! In the ever-popular wrap- around style, 'of pre.shrunk, washable cotton chenille in bouquets of lovely colors! Sizes 12 to 20. Progress IRONING BOARD COVER and PAD Fits standard board& 5 in, long by 15 in, wide. 1.49 George R. Kneeland And Seattle Girl Wed Mr. and Mrs. George R. Knee- land announced their marriage at a cocktail party last Sunday in Senttlc at the home of Mrs. t{ieeland's brother-in-law and sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. qlliam L. Da- l'oe. " : Tle wedding wa,q held Thurs- day, September 26 st Ellensburg. The bride is the former Peggy Calvert England and the bride- groom is the son of Mrs. Signe Kneeland el* Slelton Valley. MRS. GOLDSCHMID LEAVES FOR ENGLAND THIS WEEK Mrs. Augusta Gotdschmid plans to leave in a few days for England where she will visit relatives, _A farewell no-host dinner party was given in her honor at tlle Colon- al House Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Goldschmld and Ms.: Goldchmid were in Sc-,- attle a few dayff, this week aBd re- turned to Shelton in time to leave Thursday for Vancouwr, B. C,, with Dr, E. L. Lovell from where Mrs. Goldschmid will leave for England. BENNY BANNERS HAVE SON .... Mr. and Mrs, cnny Banner, Jr., are the parents of a boy born Tuesday, Octoher 8, in the Shelton General Hospital. Chehalis Last Week A two-day conference of the Vancouver District Woman's So- ciety of Christian Service of the Methodiqt Clmrch was attended by Mrs Tom Rowe, Mrs. William latchelor, and Mrs. H, W. Harsh- man Wednesday aml Thursday, October 2 and 3. The two-day meet was held in Chelmlis and was highlighted with the appea.ranee of Miss Marie Cot'- nor. returned missionary from In- dia, as tlm speaker for the Wed- nesday evening service. ' Mrs. Harry Smith, president of tle Western Jurisdiction. spoke on Thursday concerning the Jesse Lee Home mid had charge of the in- stallati(m of the district officers for the coming year, Mrs. Harsh- man was re-elected recording sec- retary for the Vancouver District. The meeting closed at noon on Thursday. CECIL SOLLY TO TALK TO GARDEN CLUB MONDAY '/'he ,Shelton Garden Club will have a special meeting Monday, October 21, at 2 o'clock in the' Memorial Hall and at that time, Cecil golly of Seattle will .be the. guest speaker and he will talk on the important fall .things to do in the garden, and answer any ques- tions the members have. The meeting will also be a mem- bership tea and all members and anyone else interested is invited to attend the meeting and bring floW- er and vegetable arrangements. A good attndance of members is desired. LAWRENCE PUTVINS HAVE DAUGHTER Tlie second girl to arrive in the week at the Shelt0n General Hos- ita] arrived on the same day as e first, Wednesday, October 9, for Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Put- vim MR. AND MRS. MATHEWS HAVE BOY IN SEATTLE Woz'd was received here of the birth of a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mathews of Seattle. the for- mer Frankie Ann Fieser, October 4, Robert Allen of Shelton is the great-grandfather and Mrs. Harry Shelton of Shelton is the great- grandmother. CLEARANCE SALE Everything New and Used CLOTH I NG Some Furniture TWIN BEDS DISHES MARY JUNE'S GIFT SHOP 126 South 4th Street Roomy and Tough! MEN'S ATHLETIC SHORTS 69¢ For Men of Action MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS 2.49 Men of action will like these handsome cotton plaid shirts. The fabrics are made by Pa- cific mills, Sanforized* and vat dyed so you know they wash well without worry. The printed plaid patterns range from aneater type to the.. larger., bolder., checks. Stmrt sleeves. Ladies RAYON SLIPS Dainty as nosegaysl Shim- touring, soft rayon slips .... bordered with lots of creamy lace. All have adjustable shoulder straps to insure the right length. In delicate tea- rose and white. 32-40. Full-cat cotton fabric shorts. some Sanforized*, some with gripper closure, all of 'era sturdy and long wearing! Standard sizes. Is Married In Seattle Oct. 2 In a beautiful setting of candle- light and autmun flowers, Miriam Phyllis Seal became the bride of Dr. George Lewis Grapp, Wednesday evening, October.2. The ceremony was performed in the Blaine Room Chapel of tile First Methodist Church, Seattle, by Dr. Newton E, Moats assisted by Reverend Hardwick Harshman of Shelton. At the organ, Mrs. Lester Nor. thup of Port Angeles played the wedding march and incidental mu- sic during the ceremony and the receptio n which followed in the ladies parlor of the church. Miss Seal, who is the daughter of Harvey Bcal of She!ton, wore an Adrian stilt of soft green with brown accessories and carried a prayer book with an orchid and a white shower 'of ribbon. Mrs. Werner Conrad of Seattle was matron of honor and wore a brown suit c0mplimented by a corsage of P0npom dahlias in au- tumn bronze. Mi Patricia Grapp was mai of honor qd. wore a gray suit with a simdar corsage in tones of burgandy. RoY Grapp wa's his brother's est man and the ushers were rYgve HPff, of Seattle, and Char- les Runacres of Shelt0n, John Har- ris, baidtdne Of Seattle s:n Ivl'al- lot's. "The Lord's Prayer" during the ceremolw. . --_ ,,, During the recep;ion .lrs. w. W. Warren, Mrs. A. S. Elford and Mrs. George HaroldThompson, all of Seattle, were hostesses; Miss Florence Allyn of Monroe, and Mrs. Will Fisher of Seattle poured during the first hour with ,Mrs.Newton M0ats, and Mrs. Roy Grapp pouring the last hour. serv- ing were Miss Grace Moats, Miss Marilyn Thompson, Miss Carol Hoff, Miss Margaret Anna Downie and Miss June Sttherlalld,- all of Seattle. Mrs. Trygve Huff served the wedding cake and Miss Eliz- abeth Miller was in charge of the guest book. Dr. and Mrs. Grapp left im- mediatel after the reception by plane for Los Angeles and Palm Springs. After October 15 they will he at home in Seattle at 5810 Cowen Place. "LOCAL LAD IN COMPANY TIIAT WINS PENNANT Edwar d Prentice DBnbar, of Star Route 1, Shelton, aiid who recently enlisted in the U. S Navy is a member of Company No. 28{} which was last week awarded the pennant for excellence in the per- formance of mlitary drill at th? U. S: Naval Training Cefiter, San Diego, Calif., aec0rding to word received here from the Center. GOOD WILL TRUCK THURSDAY, OCT. 17 The Good Will Truck will be in Slmlton Thursday, October 17, and anyone wishing to have them call on them may leave word with Mrs. Charles Lentz either by mne, 236-W, or drop a qard to r. VISIT IN MONTESANO Frankie and Betty Lee Winkel- man spent the weekend at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Harris of Mon- tesano. MERLE NEBELS ARE PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Merle Nebel are the parents of a boy born October 5 in the Sh¢lton General Hospital. TIRE REP,glR$ RAUSCHER & SON 1528 Olymplo Hiway (Hillcrest) I of Centralia, October 7 at Shelton. PHONE 585 Edwin L. Hall 22, and Rosalie , Iendrickson 19, both of Shelton It|l["i--1 llUlll:*l--"lW'----4I;'-- October 7 at Shelton. Miss Cole is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C, Cole, longtime resi- dents of Mason County. She is a graduate of the Seattle General School of Nursing and recently at- tended the University of Washing- ton. Dr. Proff is the son of Mrs. J, W. Graler of Olympia, a well known family in that city. He is a graduate 'of the University of Minnesota medical school. During four .ears of the war he was a prisoner of the Japs and was lo- cated at Kyushu. He was cap- lured on Bataan before the sur- render of the Philippines. No wedding date has been set. F.B.I. MAN TO TALK ON JUVENILE DELINQUENCY The B0rdetix and Lincoln P-T)A's are sponsoring jointlY the £ppearance of a man from the F.B,I. to talk on "Juvenile Delin- .quency"" Wednesday October 23, t' 8' o'clock'in the senior high auditorium. The .B.L man was secured through the efforts of B. Frank Heuston. FRAHI C. CHESTER ESTATE Judge Wilsofi gave an oral order Saturday in Superior Cburt ad- mitting' he will of F-ank C. Ches- ter to probate and appointing Hel- en Chester exeeut'rix to Serve with- out. bond. FIRST GIRL OF WEEK ARRIVES AT HOSPITAL Mr." arm Mrs. Robert Coates are the parents of the first girl to ar- rive in the hospital during the week. She was born Wednesday, October 9. V.F.W. AUXILIARY HOLDS FRIDAY MEETNNG The regular mee'ting' Of the V. F.W. Auxiliary was held at the Memorial hall Friday, October 4. There was a large attendance present. The sewing club will meet with Mrs. Jack Gray, 428 ERnor on Hillcrest, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. A sack lunch will be serv- ed. WHEELER-SATTERWHITE NUPTIALS FRIDAY Justice  W. A. Magoon perform- ed a Wedding ceremony for Wil- liam Henry Wheeler and Alice Emma Satterwbite, both of Ta- huya Friday,' October 4. The hamper will also be award- ed at this meeting. AMARANTH TO HOLD MEETING OCTOBER 16 , Laurel Court No. 26 Order of maranth will bold its regular meeting October 16 at 8 o'clock. There wili be initiation and re- freshments and all members are urged to attend. " BOY FOR CURTIS GROUTIS A boy was born October 4 in the Shelton General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Groute. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS Russell L. Richards 29, and Vio- let Trousil 27, both of Shelton, October 1 in Shelton. John J. Collins 24, and Elaine M. Ross 20, both of Bremerton, October 1 at Shelton. Donald E. Paul 27, and Hazel M. Huisingh 30, both of Shelton Oc- tober 1 at Shelton. • Allan Hall 68, and Una Dennis 67, both of Grays Harbor county, October 3 at Shelton. George E. Rockwood 29, of Ma- son County, and Martha Farrcll 23, of Pierce County, October 3 at Shelton. Robert C, Donnelly 30, and Dor- i othy Eichorst 20, loth of Thurs- ton County,' October 3 at Shelton. Francis M. Gaskill 27, of Port Orchard and Florence Herreid 32, o£ SotJth Colby, Wash., October 5 at Shelton. ' Verle E. McMillen 21, and Max- ine Leaton 21, both of Shelton, Oc- tober'5 at Shelton: William D. Owen 21, of DeFun- tak Springs, Fla.i and Betty Lou .Arbogast 18, of Shelton, October 5 at Sh¢lton. Ralph C. 8allock 21, of Devine, Tei. khd MarJdre V. Downer 18, Of Shl't0p, October 5 at Shelton. Leonard Perkins 24, and Miss Phyllis Gunter 1, both of Shelton, October 7 at Shelton. Arthur L. Guernsey 47, of SheI- ton and Mac  Vender Veer, legal Suggestion To Shelton Residents If You Can't Get What You Need at Home Let Us Serve You Electric Appliances, Radios, Expert Ra- dio Repair. Stop andsee us on your way to work, or on that next shopping excursion to Olympia. "Sparks" Radio & Appliance 2001 W, Harrisbn Phone 7821 "On the Hiway" at Butler Cove - Black Lake Intersection Thursday, October ] O. ] fl46 VISIT IN CAMAS [rs. F'rank ,Vinkehnan and Mrs.    NGTON A]nm Goldy enjoyed several days last week visiting in Camas and I Vaneouver, Wash. Mrs. Goldy is --Yours for the tee r 60 per ten÷ o the ofWinkelman'Ssielton nowm°ther'living" former-in He- One 'call and we'll tos Fir Plywood. your laundry, do it . , qtliam. MR. AND M-BARWICK pits, clean" in our ,nl/. I sc'e tific .plan ._ _ : .-= ,- .-_ -_ Mr. and Mrs, Vincent Barwick and ==.=.a==.=w.=s=,.=r_.. are the parents of a boy born Oc- n • I tuber "l m t e Shclton General ! Hospita . for use. i ... _  r Irm  Ieets or vane, all pure sug( BOY FOR MR. A-ND eOff in sweetness and quality. MRS. MOORE Mr. and Mrs. Warren Moore are the parents of a boy born Mon- day, October 7, in the Shelton General Hospital. NAVY MOTHERS TO MEET WEDNESDAY EVENING The Navy Mothers will meet Wednesday evening, October 16, for their regular meeting,. It will Start at 8 o'clock. Members are urged to notice the change of meeting date. I MIRS. ROY CARR IMPROVES Word has been received that Mrs. Roy Carr is slowly improving in an Aberdeen Hospital where she was moved a week ago. Belfair Last week the regular meeting of the Evergreen Garden Club of Belfair was held at the home of Mrs, Mae Henningson. Most of the business meeting was involved with the fair and its results. A luncheon followed the meeting, and a program was enjoyed the remainder of the afternoon. Mrs. Maude Paxton was in charge of the p.rogram in the absence of Mrs. Hulda Bailey. Mrs. Irene Hill gave a very interesting talk and exhibit on the growing of tuber- ous begonias. Mrs. Viola lewkirk reported on the eulttrre and growing of gladioli and a plant sale concltld- ed the meeting. The aternoon was enjoyed viewing the beautiful flowers and receiving slips and cuttings from the hostessess garden. The gifts were presented Mrs. Lince in a baby basket filled with pink and blue wrapped gifts. Present were Mrs. Laura Allen, Mrs. Hannah Wieland, Mrs. Paul- ine Grsgbauer, MrS. Lucy Sch- lenge, Mrs. Wilma Jones, Mrs. Clare Bernson, Mrs. Erma Roes- sel, Mrs. Bonnie DeLeo, Mrs. Top- sy Travis, Mrs. Dawn Eddy, Mrs. Erma Miller, Mrs. Hedvig Hen- hint, Mrs. Anne Stuyts, Mrs. Mc- Millan and the hostesses. Hauling Experts Our clean, de luxe trucks will move your furnishings safely to a new home, under insured carrier fiandled by hauling experts at reason- able rates anywhere in the state. SHELTON TRANSFER Mason County Steam L I aners Phone 8 :'!:!;-- - - -- A N C '::: Look Your Best In 00very 00aturoa iii .r- ,, r. 0000I00LIGHT PAl00 :f.: ON 00AKE ,SAB 11 Ig,| I [::NDER NEW MA] " " new ' ( ext Rau's Or( We have just recezved large g MILRE GRIMES shipments of H.E. Miles On tl RAYON DRESSES " BLOUSES Dancing 9:30 p,m. to SWEATERS "k HOUSE And Many Other Articles of General Women's SPENCER FOUNDATION GARMENTS Women's Apparel 1416 SUMMIT DRIVE PHONI (One Block West of Highway Between Elinor 'Dearborn on Hillcrest) Santa Says -- It's Time to... _| THINK OF XMAS PORTRAI ,i]'l00il Specie Scalp and Hair T All Special Your Services Will Get Sp S BEA[ Owned and Operated by THEATRE BLDG. Monday Tiru Saturday, The Most Personal Gift • You Can Give Make An Appointment Today Andrews Studio 119 Railroad Phone MILLER'S MEN'S SHOP Invites You To Attend Monday Evening, October 14 FIGHTS 3 WAYS Between the Hours of 7 and 10 p.m. m In Its New Hotel Shelton Quarters E5 !€