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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, October --Yours for the telel b • a • • 60 per cent of the One 'call and we'll la m"vmme" S Fir Plywood. fr your aundry, do it ii  "="'="  0,,o, o,ooo, ,o o+ == A..I: J/ +tto you .aokaged a.d : .... " " "" • " " • " :,UW nsds ;i runty Steam Lau r!  --7----- =very Saturday Night • Best-In ::,/:+  ,P i= r-. | LIGHT PARK HALL , !'=11 I',norV ON'AKE,SABEL'A .%mnn ..n..- I i: DER NEW MANAGEMENT •  .... ; ,^- l-e new Bert Rau s Orchestra jub JLtlvt.t lctx g( !Urng MILRE GRIMES AT THE PIANO s oi: H• • E. Miles On the Drums DRESSES  BLOUSES Dancing 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. RS - HOUSE :)RESS .=r Articles of General Women's + Special Reduced PRICES on All L PERMANENTS thru the month of OCTOBER UNDATION GARMENTS Permanent Waving, Hair Styling, Scalp and Hair Treatments All Specialties Services Will Get Special Attention at BEAUTY SHOPPE !Owned and Operated by Effie E. Avery THEATRE BLDG. PHONE 117 Monday Thru Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. I 1€n S IVE PHONI  'est of Highway Between EiSner Dearborn on Hillcrest) : - It's Time to... P XMAS Iost PersonalGift ou Can Give Ln Appointment TodaY, Jrews S d - - Phone S SHOP £tend 14 FIGHTS 3 WAYS Plans Laid For Issuing License 18-Year Sffelton Resident Passes • $2.00 BOTTLE DOROTHY GRAY :L DRY SKIN LOTION ....... $1 !uarters ': 50¢ JERGENS LOTION ..... : .......... I : +i 25¢ DEODoRENT CREAM .......... I 39¢ I  $2 Lighter, plus 50¢ Berkley Blades .. 98¢ I ++ I i/ +?+ • $1.88 LADY ESTHER CREAM hND POWDER.• 98¢ $2.00 JAR DOROTHY GRAY CLEANSING POWDER ... $1 COSMETICS MEDICINES $1.20 SAL HEPATICA ......... 97¢ 60¢ ALKA SE.LTZER ......... 49¢ $1.00 ZONITE 79¢ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $1.50 LYDIA PINKHAM PILLS 98¢ 60€ D.D.D .................... 49¢ and Lilly Sebring attended the cou- ple. Alice Wilson came here re- cently from Sumner. Henry, born in Alaska, has lived'in Tahuya for thirty years. Celebratilg their first wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs• H. L. Rendsland ha:d dinner with Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Knowlton and family Sunday, October.6. Ed Hadly of :Bremerton and Orville Orcott were also present. There •were fourteen at the table, after which the hon- ored couple went to Seattle to join Mr• and Mrs. Earl Nelson for an evening's entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nelson are staying i Seattle for the present where they can care for Mr. Nel- son's mother, Mrs. Nelson, who suffered a complete nervous break- down after she had returned from their year of travel by trailer. ' Jessie Lou Whitman was init- iated into EiSner Chapter, O.E.S., Tuesday evening. Others from this side who attended were Fran- ces and Dorothy Akers, Eleanor Orcutt, Helen Mitchell, Christine Ahl, Gladvne and Larr Drake, Frances Huson. Margaret Suhr and Elfin Knowlton. Helen Mitchell, her mother, Mrs. Anderson, and son, Davidl have returned from a pleasant motor trip to Illinois. Mrs. Anderson's sister returned with ttlem for a short visit here. Mrs. Lillian Johnson has been entertaining extensively in prepar- ation for'her proposed trip to Cal- ifornia in November. Her many friends enjoy hdr cordial hospital-. Sty and the restfulness of her lovely beach cottage. She expects to spend the winter in her ttolly- wood home with her daughter. With his nerves much rested af- ter the strain of the war, Captain Walter E. Nolan is preparing to go back to sea. Mrs. Nolan will remain in the Tahuya home which they recently purchased. Captain Nolan is most grateful to those who helped make his summer so pleasant and profitable a one. He painted nine houses in the North Shore district while vacationing• :Mrs. C. Chester Carlson of Cor- dova, Alaska, and her two Seattle sisters came out Sunday to visit their brother, Elmer ellis, at the Knowlton ranch. Fairbanks-Morse PUMPS For Every Purpose SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. Govey Bldg. Phone 154-W G,+00H00M Friday- Saturday October l l, 1 George Brent, Luellle Ball "LOVER COME BACK" Vera Zorlna, Charles Winnnger It's a Gay Comedy MARCH OF TIME News - Cartoon iilJ Stmday- Monday - Tuesday October 13, 14, 15 Dorothy McGulre, Guy Malison "TILL THE END OF TIME" Robert Mltchum, BIH Gallon Bottles 3e50 Deal's Wax and Cleaners ................ ::.i .... 98¢ Quarts Rubber Gloss Wax..: .................... .89¢ Quarts Rubber Gloss Cleaner ................ 85¢ Pints Furniture Wax .. ........................... .... 75¢ .. Spilled milk, tomato lulco, orange lulce ' or other foods need not stain ol; soil baby's dress or play lull, surfa¢o dirt comes out easily..  washing Is quick and effolos,.,. Iron In half the ulual time. When soda pop chocol@te candy, dirty , hand, mud plot, rainy days, hard wear and other "spoilers" become gPowing probtoms, "LIFE" continues to provide much needed pro,oction. By ranking chllo dren's¢lothes"water repellent"thoy look l better, resist staining and soiling, and wear twice a, long. Got the "LIFE*' habit.., savo money .., and effort...keep children's clothes dean loss often...Ioss work for Mother. and Iovolythls simplo, modern way,"LIFE" ...... :'7- z condltlon,d fabric, need les, washing... •  saNE PRODUCT AT "''+°" work I I ]AI AN EASY WAY TO ENJOY NEW FLOOR =I ,^ SAFETY AND LOVELINESS .::..=,=+.:.+.:' +" +'+ I I/ v=+,., .... /We× is the most sa,tis- I II ++.,,=,] +c,+,or,, wax ,,o,, ,,e I 1.-:.'3.t [ ON ,=L ever used. Zt does o' I Asparagus 1+ I  be.eriob,o+:kor and I Apricots I. It I 79"'.. I with less effort. I Broccoli  Corn Corn i Chic] peas Tesled by Better Fabrics Bureau . ,, U, $. Bureau of 5tond¢:rds and other oulhorltTo$. WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE We can Now Offer You AGEN'g ' + Corn Bf Hash Chicken A la Ki,g Here's a qutcg and easy way to beautify your floors--at little cost or offort. Franklin's Rubber Gloss CLEANER removes all dirt and old wax--Franklin's Rubber Gloss WAX forms a glossy, durable,,lip-resIstant, washable coat of protection. No scrubbing, rubbing or polishing neces- sary, Buy the convenient combination package of Franklin's CLEANER and WAX today. FI00RnKLIn'S SPERRY'S PANCAKE 1, t, Libby's Deep Brown BEANS ................ 6 cans 59¢ Happy Vale 6 7 € PEAS .................... 5 cans Phillip's Delicious Beans 5 7 € & Frankfurters :... 3 cans Valveta SPAGHETTI In 4;¢ Tomato Sauce 3 Cans Ferg's CHILI 69¢ CON CAI.NE ...... 3 cans Carnatio Malted lMl 39¢ Natural Flavor ar Chocolate Flavored SYRUP 20-oz. jar 27¢ TOMATO JUICE, Rock- ]gO. Dell ........................ 4 cans  SHAKER SALT 15€ Rock Dell ................ 2 for FRESH ROASTED 29¢ PEANUTS ................... lb. 49¢ NUTS lh. HERSHEY'S '. i Pes and Carrots Peaches Pineapple Raspberries Squash and Strawberries PRETZEL STICKS ............ ]gee pg, 25€ FIG BAR COOKIES $7€ Fresh ...................... 2.1bs. DRINKING STRAWS ' 47¢ 00ooi.,k+ .... , ....... : ..... ....... P&PEB CUPS with han- dles for  hot drinks pkg. POPT-CORN Fre§h Fried ............ pkg. 10€ 10¢ P'NUT BUTTER. Armour's .......... 2-lb. jar 67¢ SPACxHETT! DINNERS +o++o+ + ................... '. p,,+. $7€ Gcld¢'n Grain - Cpntains $paghettl, Tomato ,auc¢, Cheese, Flour, Shortening, Onions, Salt; Parsley, Celery and Herbs. 37¢ L. M. Brand ................ lb. We Wtll Grind It as You Wish. DILL PICKLES - Mixed Or Slices ............ 2-at. jar 63€ LOCKER PAPER out from cOUnt/ass w0hingt. "LIFE" CVtt Irlgg time In hall Nylon, rayon or cotton ctosk$ weor longer, look better, end • are pr¢,teclsd agatad mud and water potling when dod h • Iolfion of LiFE for fobr|cs. Byrd cloth Iockeh and ohnr sport and play ¢lothet ore ro. letted ogolnst the weather, per. splratign and =tolnt. Konp look, lag smart and fresh..ut* "LIFE". Your son or husband will cer. to{nly be pteosed. Back at last.. Eager to FLOUR ............. 10€ I+nRolls .............. 59¢ + $1 get their arms around a Alber's Friskies DOG HUNTERS: For putting away the kill for girl! l! ' the winter. March of Time - News 3-lb. pkg. FOOD ....... 25-1b. sack Cartoon   CLOTHESminum PINS - 4Pr:g (DO Wednesday - Thursday  Fruit Co0kles - Calorox   Alu 4 rzs ..... . .......... ( .71b October 16, 1'7 & C " p, Crunchy, twin pkg. ;Ailb They .old Fast: " TWO FEATURES "WUTHERING HEIGHTS" A Story of Vengeful, Thwarted Love!! Starring Merle Oberon, Laurence Oliver, Dvid Niven --end- "THE CAT ' CREE_P.S" + ESTABLISHED 189'5 Lois CoUIor, l+red Brady NEWS trs of tl. )ctober BABY NEEDS 50¢ PABLUM ................ 39¢ $1.20 S. M. A. .................. 98¢ 50¢ J & J BABY POWDER .... 39¢ NESTLES BABY HAIR TREATMENT ...... 98¢ J & J BABY SOAP ........ 2 for 25¢ BIG SIZE Q TIPS 43¢ I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Use the Journal Classifieds-- they really get "results. plying for renewal of license• If lost, a duplicate must be obtained before application can be accepted. For the first time since 1942 Director Huse has arranged to have two license plates for all re: hicles except trailers and motor- cycles. These plates will be made of aluminum manufactured in the state of Washington and will have green letters and numerals on the aluminum background• New li- censes may be applied for on and after December 1st. Plates For1947 ,'+owe,'.%F"n°"+Iservicesf°r+"s'au"a72, will be bold today at See the FACTS about "LIFE" Plans for issuing the 197 li-2 o,clock fro m Witsiers Funeral m € S DEMOIISYILAYIgD cerise plates wore discussed last for fabri Friday in Olympia by J. D. Me, Homo, with Reverend H. W. Dougall of tle State" Department Harshman in cimrge and burial of Licenses, County m" dcputy aud- following in Shelton Memorial itors from this vicinity were pres- Park. , ent in addition to members of the Her death occurred October 8. State Patrol, license agents and,Bar n August 9, 1874, in Fulton L " 0"--+ q--  '-- moLar vehicle dealers. [ County, Ind., Mrs. Powers had Thbse attending from Shelton I been a resident of She]ton for the h Wcre deputy county auditors, iPast 18 years. Marie Schuffenhauer, Merna Mif- flin and Jeannette Dittman. I A.Shepowers;leaveStwoher sons,hUsband'williamFrankB. McDougall disclosed that under] of Lilliwaup and Louis B. of Shel-  , a ncw plan adopted by Harry C. ton; one daughter, Mrs. :Mabel FRDAYand SATURDAY " . Huse, director of licenses, a reg-j Marshall of Shelton; nine grand- istration cet.tificate will be issued., children and seven grcat-grand- J by the county auditor at the time children. the license is applied for which I " .... BABYI/I/ WASH"  t -,%  them. This new i)lan, however, I rahuya "t will apply to renewal of license October 10 and 11 ..... .... transfer or re-issue of title in con- September 21 to vote on an extra WE WANT YOU TO COME IN ...... t-- " I ,] ' junction with his renewal, or when levy to build a teacher's cottage, , . . , rr  • [. J  , he applies for a new car title and license, the certificates will be carried" There were 52 votes cast LIFE and only three of these were  W mailed from Olympia as hereto- against. Sylvia Godwin was in- ' ,  fore. specter and Eva Curl and Elfin ,' f4 +]'Homo... Remedy Director Huse urges all owners Knowlton acted as judges. to apply for transfer or re-issue The little home of Mr. and Irs. 39¢ '  .t%,.'%___.J/+ k,.  +"' "/(' ' t[f°r+ Fabr|ct t=r ab,;€,.s, re|coy of title during the present month Henry Wheeler was filled to caps- Half Pint Bottles ............................ ' receiveWhich willcertificatesafford amplebefore timethe re-t° city Saturday evening, October 5,    . {+.% iih,i;i, 0,::,.,, i!! newal period begins. He also Pint Bottles ' '='- -'"'-': ','° urged automobile and truck own- there to wis]i the newly married couple a lifetime Of happiness. ...................................... +1 ,  ,=- x...++.] ,am,-,*, era to be sure that they have their Henry Wheeler son of Cleveland LIFE for fabrlcs, HELPS PROTECT CHIL =, . registration certificates when ap- Wheeler, and Alice Wilson were  "--'-'luar*otles + . ............ , ................... 1.39 DREN'S CLOTHE5 AGAINST STAINING, united in marrlage'on the preced Ca, tern, ,to e,lF and d,a, t0r ' +mnlhl. Protected ogo+f toln, ing evening in Bremerton. John + SOILING, PLAY AND LAUNDRY WEAR +t'\