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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lage_ ........ 6. - .,.. ..... SF£ELTON.MJkSON 69 3OI/RNAL Thursday, 0 AMERIC"H L ION TAXI .... """--&apos;Pickering ...... """ ' ' Published every Thursday morning ........................ Specmhze Ill rash, "--(y;oT;OOCWO:';'" Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association The district meeting of Feder- Mr. and Mrs. GeorRe Jackson and Natlonul Editorial Association  Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Shelton, Washington ated Women's Clubs will be held B and Marjie were dinner guests on WILFORD L. JESSUP, Editor and Publisher SERVICE t the Shelton Methodist Church 11I MEETS AT 8 P. M. IN MEMORIAL HALL onday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson at Bill Diclde, Advertising Mgr. Bessie Bolen, Business Mgr, on October 15th. Anyone wishing to attend should call Mrs. Lund- 1st and 3rd TUF00DAYS tJ i, i i • % WORN STEERING la wrong steering and May wrerck your car and injure yju and At any curve, hill, or in- tersection. Let Sial correct it so you can motor safer. SHELTON GARAGE 24-Hour Wrecker Service 1st & Cola Phone 52 IF YOUR CAR LOOKS LIKE TIIIS Like It Had Been Thru the Frorlt Lines, OUR BODY AND FENDER EXPERT Can Soon Have It Looking Like New. SHELTON GARAGE Lilliwaup. Mrs. Minnie Hamilton and Mrs. Gladys Lockwood were honored with a surprise party given by the Birthday Club at the home of Mrs. Lockwood. The Hood Canal P.T.A. tmld its I regular meeting October 10. Guest speaker was Harold Sunde. The Junior Women's Chtb held its first fall meeting Monday night at the home of Mrs. Eleanor Addleman. A guest was Mrs. Myrtle Breseman. The Hood Canal P.T.A. was host to more than fifty parents and friends at their "Get Acquainted" party honoring the Hoodsport teachers, October 4th, at the Hoodsport school. The teachers were each presented with a lovely corsage and Mr. Shapley a bou- tonniere, after which games were played with much amusement and merriment for everyone. Winners" in the mixer game were Mrs. El- eanor Addleman and Mrs. Hunt. The prizes were Yo Yo's and each winner gave a demonstration of his skill. Winners in the Geog- raphy game were Mrs. Marion Robbins and Mrs. Carrie Gifford Mrs. Smith, Ralph Hill, Ed Des- champs and Charlotte Jolmston were the winning team in Char- ailes which brought out the imag- ination and acting ability of every- one. Community singing was en- joyed by all. Mrs. Dorothy Pal- mer, president of the Hood Canal ,,,, - P.T.A., gave a short welcome and ....................................................................................................................... introduced the teachers, who in tm'n thanl<ed the group in show- ing so much interest in the school and it, teachers, Mr. Shapley gave a short talk on teachers and how DOn'T the community never thinks of them as human beings. J.W. Goodpaster gave a short report on the recently held State-County Superintendents meeting in which he stated that one of the state's aims is to get communities to know their teachers better. Teachers at the Hoodsport school are 5. Lewis Shapley, prin- cipal; Mrs, Mamie Lallathen, 5th and 6th grades: Miss Tjellinger, 3rd and 4th grades: Miss Francine Latlathen. 1st and 2nd grades. Mrs. Margaret Jackson was hostess to a party for Mrs. Myr- tle Reader. Guests were Mary Elaine Dickinson, Alma Hill, Flora Lockwood, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Nance. Mrs. Hilligoss, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Gilbert, Gladys Lockwood, L ',one I:,eal, Mrs. Laamy, the hon- ored guest, Mrs. Reader, and the hostess. Mrs. Jackson. Sam Lockwood spent three days in Tacoma last week and returned home to help celebrate Nancy's thirteenth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Slim MeClanahan made a trip to Seattle Sunday to take home Mrs. M:cClanahan's mother who has spent the past week with them. Stmday "¢isitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Morgan and son. Frank, of Gig Harbor and Allan Coatsworth of Mexico, Missouri. I II II III Ilflll Ill I r., PHONE 196 or 292 WE'LL FILL UP YOUR TANK PROMPTLY WITI-I ' BETTER BURING, MORE DEPENDABLE ASSOCIATED IUEL OIL FOR YOU 50 TO 1000 GALLON STORAGE TANKS For New Oil Burner Installations Frisken!"OiI • Mason County Distributor for A'ssoclated Uil Products [ you can Paint Concrete in damp weather! When you use MEDUSA Cement Paint on your concrete walls or buildings, you don't have to worry about damp weather spoiling the 1ob. As a matter of fact, it's really BETTER t O paint concrete in the cool spring and fall months when surfaces are not too dry, More and more Structures are being painted with MEDUSA, one of the finest brands of cement paint on the market. We stock it in ten colors, in 10 lb. and 50 lb. cane. Call us for informatlonl Full information gladly on coverage, prices, and application methods for MEDUSA. Just phone, or drop in and see usl Medusa is inexpensive to use-- foe matedals only, cost is less than PER SQ. FT, Subscription Rates: $2.50 per year in advance; 6 months $1.50: outside Mason County $2.75; Canada and Foreign $3.50. POLITICS AND YOUR MONEY Lost in the welter of news concerning the A-Bomb, the United Nations Conference, and other items of cosmic importance, is a fact which should be known to all the people of the United States. That fact is: this country, for the first time in many years, can have a balanced Fed- eral budget. All the American people should also consider the words of President Truman when he said: "For fiscal 1948 we must plan not only for a balanced budget but for a . . . re- duction of the national debt . . . Sizable debt reduction is nothing short of obligatory." As Time put it, the President's budget policy "might not please practical politicians, but would be applauded by practical fiscal experts." Its principal points are that tax reductions shall not be made at the present time, and that strict economy prevail in government spending. Just what is going to happen to this policy remains to be seen. It is evident that Congress is about as free with the people's money as ever. It is still voting money for needless waterpower developments, to name one source of gigantic waste, and other useless luxuries. This is an elec- tion year, and the boys who want the votes are saying it with the public's dollars. We will have economy in government only if the people make it clear to Congress that unbridled spending is "he road to political defeatand not the road to eternal reelec- tion. And if we don't have government economy, we will have inflation and eventual economic ruin on a scale unprec- edented here. Profligacy can be as destructive to a nation as to an individual. A MODIFIED OPA The recently enacted OPA bill is a compromise between those who believe the office should be indefinitely continued in its old form, and those who believe that the time fop governmental tinkering with the law of supply and de- mand is over. It is obviously designed as a sort of transi- tional measure, to bridge the change from a government- dominated war economy to a free enterprise peacetime economy. The most important new feature is its establishment of a three-man "decontrol" board with powers superior to those of the OPA administrator. The job of this board will be to remove controls from commodities when supply is in sufficient quantity so that the free market will auto- matically assure fair prices. If the board does that job successfully, it will be of immense aid in getting this coun- try back to its traditional ways of doing business. .In the meantime, the consumers of the nation must realize that the basic solution to inflation lies not in law, but in vastly stimulated production and distribution. So long as the supply of available goods is below demand, we will continue to have black markets. So long as labor trou- bles, governmental interference, or anything else blocks the production machine, an out-of-line price problem will con- tinue to be a major factor in our national life. The distributive machine is doing a fine job, and it is ready to do still better when goods again become plentiful. Firms, have consistently worked against price increases. [systems, ,.have eoniistently worked against price increases. They cannot, of ourse, prevent price increase made neces- sary by higher wage, supply and tax costs. But they are a constant guaranis of the lowest price for what you buy, consistent with the: economic conditions of the time. A pedestrian is a man with a wife, two sons, three daughters and one .automobile. "''''"'''"'---''''' honor guest as a gift fronl hot" Potlat h I many Potlatch friends. Those C present at the party were the Mes- *'T5',olacewnrtT'T, Te I dames Carlson. Reiman, Picketing, I Arty, Worl, Simmons, and daugh- at the Hussman home last Wednes- ter, Patty, Lockwood, Bowles and day. It was in the nature of a daughter, Roxanne, Rodgberg, farewell party for Mrs. Cliff Rea- Morrison, Schrimpf, Jackson of der, who with her family, is mov- Hoodsport, Pierce, Reader and the inff shortly to Port Angeles. At- hostess, tcr a dessert luncheon a handsome wall mirror was presented to the Donald Rea:der spent Saturday l-[ll|i|iil-ii''i-li]||/|i-lillH-IiHIHll ! "nigbtvail in withSkokomishhiS friend,Valley. Marshal --  Having sold their Potlatch home = Mason County - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrison left Thursday morning to hunt up a Creamery' Says.' . _, new location. Thev found a de- sirable place at Silverton, Ore., ---- * _[ and purelmsed it at once. They  expect to move to the new home in _-- the near future. ' Bottled milk prices are ad- E Kathmwn Wilson spent the week vancing in several localities. -- end at her beach home the "Hell- Place." day I Olympia has raised their  Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gray of Clar -- -- Mel attended the football game at , prices to 20¢ a quart. Brem- _-- Seattle last Saturday. ---- erton, Hoquiam, Chehalis and ---- Mr. Magnson who came home ; Bclhngham have ra,sed 1€. ; .... from Alaskan fishing about a week = . -- ago, went to Monroe today to visit = Due to increased costs of who has just'returned . raw material, labor and gen- . to America from a visit to Sweden. Thursday night Mrs. Reader was . eral overhead, several other g honored with a handkerchief show- markets are considering rals- . er at a party given by Mrs. Gee. .... Jackson of Hoodsport. = mg thew prices also.  :Mr. and Mrs. Nell Simmons -- * --- went to Puyallup to spend the ---- .- week end and to greet Mrs Sire- mm , . E Indwidual wishful thinking  mens' brother who had just re- ds human and bearable, but , turned from overseas duty in F= national wishful thinking is g[ Japan., not only stupid but can be [ Transmits Malaria disastrous . [ The anopheles is the only kind of _ _ mosquito tlat transmits malaria illllilllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllli from pe'.'on to person. t i .._ - Fro m where I sit... Joe Marsh( Are Returning Veterans "Different"? During the war you heard a lot about how hard it was going to be for returning veterans to get ad- justed to civilian life . . . how they'd be "different." Well, plenty of them have re- turned to our town, and a finer, steadier bunch you couldn't ask for.. Most of them are back at the same jobs.., going vith the same nice home-town girls (get- ting inarried, some of them, and setting up families) ... renewing the same old friendships. Even their amusements are the same. Nothing more exciting than fishing Seward's creek or pitch- ing horseshoes . . . enjoying an outdoor barbecue with friendly wholesome beer and plcasant talk. If they've changed at all it's in the direction of maturity and ton cranes.., tolerance for everything except dictators, and those who would destroy our democratic principles of live and let live. And from where I sit, that's another reason to be proud of them. J / Corigha1946, United State Brewers Foundation Phone 392 CONVERT Your Ranges and Heaters TO 0IL $14 75 For • Burner $29.S0 Furnace Burners Phone 616-R4 WRITE E. F. LANDIS Rt. 1, BOX 212, Shelton quist. In honor of Miss Mabel Wylie who is leaving next Monday to spend-the winter in Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Maldor Lundquist enter- tained at a small dinner party last Friday evening, those present, in addition to the guest of honor, be- ing Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Wylie and Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Cole. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Carl John- son of Shelton also entertained at dinner for Miss Wylie, their guests being Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gwln- nett of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Parker of Portland, and Mr. and Mz's, F. F. Wylie. Mrs. Wylie also shared honors, Sunday being her birthday. A Community "Get-Together" will be held next Saturday night, October 12th, at .the Picketing Club House where you will have a chance to visit • with your neigh- bors, play cards, sing and dance. Coffee, cake and ice cream will be served for which a small charge will be made. Cream for coffee will be furnished but we'll have to ask you to bring your own sugar. D-A-N-C-I-N-G SPONSORED BY GENERAL WELFARE CLUB EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT From 9 P. M. to Midnight Memorial Hall Music by General Welfare Club Orchestra ;. .!. £ .:. "I: WINTER S COMING -- ii ::: A ' }il But New Cars rent... • 4 PAINT YOUR 0LD CAR For Its Own ProtecLion, Longer Life And Better, Newer Appearance ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN E.xperienced Workmanship First Class Equipment Guaranteed Results Third'and Grove Streets Phone 84 EATON BODY & FENDER WORKS :'''" . • • ... . • . : • . • ";'" ";.v.:-:o.:....:.v.:.. • .'..;. *:..:..:-:..'..: .:..:-:..:..:..:.. • .:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..;..:..:..:-: .:..:..:-:..:-:-:- Monogrammed Book Matches CELLOPHANE DRUM of,50 Plain Colors .................... $2.00 CELLOPHANE DRUM of 50 Metallic Colors .............. $2,25 Monogrammed Matches Make Very Smart and Attractive Gifts! MASON COUNTY STATIONERS, Statio.ery, Office Supplies and Equipment 118 N. Second Street Phone 602 You'll enjoy having yo, ur own Book Matches stamped with your name or initials, in the beautiful new Kingsley - Hollywood process. Order Now ! Tono and M0! . QUICK DELI P.O. Box 104(} Fl Capital Oty Olympia,  LITTLE J HOB] CHA SUNDAYS--1 P. M. T( SATURDAYS--1 P.M. T SHELTON RECR and Sporting ( ST AND FRANKLIN - Sporting Goods - Tob The bell-like € Golden WITH Radio - bring to your the program of from records Y¢ lect from our ( artists whose may not be able or by popular and singers such as the f suggest this west collection of Pc Records: world that's why we g and pressing sen CLEANE 215 S. 2nd St. What Did you Kiss ? Welkin" Aw Heart OFFICE QUAI 1324 OLYMPIC O• PHONE ( AND BUILI After You Get Want Boogie In Bee Crazy Cause I J Three.Way £ You Keep  ,n' Like A n The Way T.a Blows BOBBinG OFFICES BECKIV SH ELTON MUSP 120 lailroad That Amazing AQUELL a Waterproof S.urface Coating NOW DISTRIBUTED IN SHELT0100, STOPS t wATER LEAKAGE } DAMPNESS MAKES POROUS SEEPAGE MASONRY WATI 1' For Either Exterior or Interior Use Above or Below Ground On Such Surfaces As CONCRETE - CEMENT BRICK - STUCCO MASONRY BLOCKS - CEMENT PLASTER AQUELLA is a scientific non- toxic mineral coating which is inexpensive, seals the pores, im- proves the surface and leaves a snowy white finish. It will not powder, rub off, blister, peel or flake. AQUELLA turns Wet re.l: , q tv playroom, workshop,.   Damp - proofs f0undS' keeps house damp-free; ditions leaky swimming  fountains, cisterns, wate floors, buildings, reta AQUELLIZE FOR WATERTIGHTNESS Nothing Like It for Effectiveness - Endurance - Beauty InDsitebunt3d LAWTON LUMBER COMPANY SEPTEMBER 30, 194( RESOURCES "rot n0 Due from ,) s ................... $152 39 078.01 oV't ;e'urit ies rt, n d Fully 2 I teed .......... 289,393,497.0 ? Unicipal and Lond and uHtles .................... 11,479,781.62 [ d Discounts ................................ ,.leserve Ink Stock .............. I ,lldlngs, Vaults, Furniture 1 t :Earned Not Received ............. ers, I,ial)llity llnder l,ettcrs redit and Aeeep(ances .......... ... 'OTAL ........................................ LIABILIT,IES 8took .................. $ 10,000 000.00 8,500'000.00 Proflt ............ ,474'J 22.1'2 ............ 4,066,010.00 for Interest, Taxes, etc ....... Collected Not Earned ........ of Credit and Acceptances .... 'IOTAL ....................................... Reserve Member 1; Systcm In,uranc