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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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g of Fcdcr- will be held )dist Church 7one wishing Mrs. Lund- Iabel Wylie Monday to Florida, Mr. 5quist enter- er party last present, in )f honor, be- , Wylie and r. Cole On Carl John- ltertained at their guests :anley Gwin- nd Mrs. Ed- nd, and Mr. Mrs. Wylie unday being t - Together" urday night, Le Pickering )u will have your neigh- : and dance. cream will small charge n for coffee we'll have to • own sugar. { :,ife i .?. s4 "j! :i: b******e • hes having Book md with initials, ful new Mlywood Order NE O Tono and qUICK P.O. Box 1046 Capital OI LITTLE TE CAHCES are wt,, eE A eiG AND t't.t. HAV I HARD 1P-ARN EO The bell-like Golden WITH Radio ° bring to your the program from records lect from our artists whose may not be or by popular and singers such as the suggest this wee collection of Records: Touch-Me-Not  Who'll Buy My VioN I May Be Wro.l)girJ:l | What Did You P t IJ' AT Kiss ? . Walkin" Away t'lm  Heart Bet  !i' | That's My Hoqne . -, Gotta Get Me S°" :' Love To;Y The Things W e  Summer , '] Sweet Lorraine : Blazers Lose To Centralia; Night Game Due Friday Plaqued by fumbles and erratic Specialize In Taste and Nutrition Bring All the .Family ENJOY A GOOD DINNER at the CHATTERBOX CAFE 3rd and Raih'oad SUNDAYS--1 P.M. TO 10 P.M. SATURDAYS--1 P.M. TO MIDNITE SHELTON RECREATION and Sporting Goods ST AND FRANKLIN PHONE 224 g - Sporting Goods - Tobaccos - Beer - Wine SI::tLTON-MASON COIfNY JOURNAL entering, Shclton juuior high opped another football decision Friday, ].1 to 6, this time to Cen- tralia on Lm)p Field even though holding an edge in play most of the game, The Blazers play a night game at Olyml)ia this Friday, meeting Olympia junior high at eight o'clock at Stevens Field. Fumbles and the loss of Dcb Getty, their passer and field gen- oral, from an elbow injury were the 1)rincip{H handicaps to the PAnzers Friday. Coach Ray Pa- trick's lads gained nine first downs to Centralia's three and gained almost at will on their running plays, but outside of a 93-yard drive mid-way through the second half were unable to sus- tain their marches because of costly fumbles. Contrails scored in the first quarter when Blazer center, Des Kock. on successive plays passed the ball over his receiver's head and the visitors gained posses- sion on the Shelton three-yard- line, scoring on the first' play and adding the extra point on a lafer- al pass. In the third period the visitors tallied again on a pass from mid- ...............  ........... held to'Shelton's 20 and running ..;*.;..;..;..;.....;.*;o.-.*.;-.*.;..;............;.';".....'e...'.-....;. it over from that point on scrim- °:; mage plays. A suc'cessful convert- . cd the point. The Blazer score came in the A Clean Shave A Clean Suit. You're Groomed A clean shave won't ] hide a spotted suit. But a clean shave and a clean suit makes you a well groomed man. We know how import- ant appearance is in world that's why we do faultless work. For g and pressing send your work to us. CLEANERS & TAILORS 215 S. 2nd St. Phone 86 .°:..:..:..:..:..:..:.•:,,:..:• .:..:..:..:o.:..'..:..:..:..:..:..:.°:o.:..:..:..:..:..:..:'.:o final period after Contrails had been stopped on Shelton's seven late in the third quarter. The Blazer running attack, Which had clicked nicely throughout the first h{lf, got into high gear then, In tbcee plays Roy -Levett hd a fi]st an 'Shelton's thirty. Clarence Woodard picked p another,' ten and Bernie Heuer scamlered "to Centralia's 35, then pick gd up an- other first down. Levett slashed to the 16, and in fodr plays from there Heuer went across. Kock's dropkick on the try was wide. The running of Heuer and Lev- ett was outstanding for the Blhz- ors while Centralia found the Shel- ton line tough except in the last quarter. The starting Blazer lineup con- sisted of Bob Creveland and' Ginger Deer, ends; Chuck Berets and Charles Pennington, tackles; Jack Mellinger and Bob Strobe, guards; Des Koch. center; Ted Dale, quar- ter; Bernie Heuer and Clarence Woodard, halfbacks; and Roy Lev- ett, fullback. RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I am free from pain and able to do my work that I wll gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, P.O, Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. Pd. Adb, NUE-OVO Laboratories TREE TOPPING Tree and Brush ' Removing OFFICE QUARTERS 1324 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY ee PHONE 656 ee rLING AND BUILDING SUPPLIES High Climbing Estimates Given After You Get '", I PHONE 221-J-5 Want Bee, ...i [r: Boogie In Darde) T ....... " llflnUlnG I OFFICES [ .... $2.00 .... $2.25 You Keep Like A e The Way ;! Blows ERS )ment SH E LTON M U610 i02 120 1aih'oad {! ::L i:! f 00UELL00 ' ' ) IN SHELT0100/ } sEP=.BE.00o ,9,o MAKES POROUS .,10 ., MASONRY WATEI*Y aso u ec Es .  a ............................  u,'.,-, .... 1 or Interior Use i),;,ot se,,u..o. qt eL and Fully i t'i tee d .................. 289,393,497,02 m Such Surfaces As ""'!., .,,,,,a-,,,a "r PUblic *.- t' II 1,1: ..ltlo.n ..................... 66,128,708.33 BRICK STUCt; U i, ,:: lOdu and o [ £11tities .................... 11,479,781.6- $519,394,665.58 1 "lr-T A L" m171 ") |aad m Discounts .................... i" 155.474,4S2.06 ,, it t!,lalrd 'Y( "i;"Y,5;::4/vo( ............. ,os,o.;o - s, amp eeps house  Stock $ 10 000 000.00 leaky :., .................. .'00'00000 tg!&i"oiiTZii:::: ',47',2.1. cisterns. )untains, ...... Wa¢ip or a ?:' !,:gencies ............ 4,666,010.09526.640,132.21 etc.......-. buildings, ret oors, e for Interest Taes, 2,211.787.S7 ,ttt Collected Not Earned .......... 359,183.54 l rl O °Ita f Credlt and Acceptances .... 2,,'120,787.29 ...................................................... 6,o,6o,o.o [' E R T I G H T N E S S o.r ........................................ $68,.,,,4,70.. s - Endurance - Beauty Federal Reserve Member Federal Deposit Sy.,,t em Insurance Corporation R COMPANY These faeilities.,and the reswregs as shown in our present statement of condition make the Seattle-First Na- tional Bank one of America's great banking institutions. This hank is in faet "a department store of Iinanee"----with a wide va. riety of s¢rvices adapted to the largest commercial and industrial organiza- tions o£ to the needs of al_.=ost any individual. In Ihe enlire Stale of Washington, one family in every two is a eusloner of this bank. The reason for this growth lies in satisfaclory service. I SHELTON BRANCH Shelton, Washington 4 Teams Tie For Rayonier Loop Pin Leadership RAYONIER PIN LEAGUE % L Maintenance .............. 7 5 Electricians .............. 7 5 Supervisors ............... 7 5 Grease Balls ................ 7 5 Office ......................... 6 6 Chemists ..................... 6 6 Research Girls ............ 4 8 Bleach Plant ............. 4 8 High Game---Joe Rank 205, High Total--Joe Rank 576, Four teams including two who weren't UP there last week, found themselves sharing the Rayonier bowling league leadership after Monday's weekly play. The juggling was accomplished when the Electricians and Main- tenance dropped two games each while the Supervisors were cap- turing three to come from far down and the Grease Balls won a pair to move upward. The Supervisors, with Ron Dodds and Art Lemley setting • the pace, whacked an off-form Office five soundly for the night's only triple viet0ry. The Grease Balls. despite the league-topping scores posted by Joe Rank of Maintenance. won the odd game thanks to steady pin spilling by Bud Kenyon A. V¢ Wi'ight and Willys Oliv#r Jess Tobler lgd the Clemists to a 2 to 1 nqd over the Electricians while Skipper Marie Kubik paced the Research Lab Girls to their first match triumph by the odd game over Bleach Plant, lifting the league's only feminine team into  seventh place tie. Re. irls f2)  Bleach Pit. (1) Handicau 9271 Handicap 537 M. Kubik 4151 Rains 364 I. Dammann 383 Lemke 403 G, Mark 2721 Dummy 408 V. Elsworth 285]Lunsford 371 C. McKinney 3611 Friend 451 Total 26431 Total 2534 upervisors (3) Office (0) Handicap 6751 Handicap 636 D, odds 547 Holt 483 Vl:oore 337' Dunseath 373 McCann 373 Poacher 328 Hawks 287 Thorpe 394 Lemley 469t Briggs 353 Total 2688: Total 2567 Chemists (2) Electricians (1) Handicap 792! Kneeland 339 Biehl 356 Dittman 461 R. Eager 293 Rose 392 Tobler 471 Stevenson 428 Dielle 401 Bare 442 3. Eager 331 Total 2602 Total 2644 'Maintenance (1) Grease Bails (2) I Handicap 387 Handicap 651 Skelsey 447 Kenyon 490' Jacobsen 456 C. Cole 336 Rank 576 Oliver 4771 Temple 408 Devlin 316 Westlund 542 Wright 476 Total 2816 Pheasant Feeding Sheds Project For Sports Club Construction of feeding sheds for pheasants at points to be de- cided by the game bird commit- tee was adopted as the next ma- jor project for the Mason County Sports and Skeet Clu] at last week's meeting, I Helping the game birds thrq the winter months and thus pro- riding better bird hunting is the aim of the project, according to President Horace Skelsey. A well received talk by Don Cruickshank of the State Sports Council on Referendum 26 was heard by the membership last week and resulted in the club g'o- ing on record as opposing the measure, an action which has been unanimous with sportsmen's groups throughout the state. Another feature of last week's meeting was a talk on rifle ranges and skeet shooting bY Rog- er Prior, president of the'Capitol City Gun Club. A committee is working on the establishment of a range here, The club decided to meet twice monthly hereafter, on the first Thursday and third Friday. Any- one interested in fish and game is invited to attend. A member- ship drive is now in progress. JACK MOFFETT DANCING LESS0 NS Children and Adult TAP, TOE, BA. LLET, BALLRQOM, ACROBATIC and All Styles Every Wednesday 2 to 6 p.m. Shelton Eagles Hall 0hone Union 385 Dunoyier's TAXI Phone Stand at Shelton Garage Shelton Lodge No. 6 I;O.O.F. Meets Every Wednesday •  p:m. I.O.O.F. HALL Visiting /embers will be Cordially Welcomed ELLIS WELLS, N.G. GUY CALL, Secretary Ruby Rebekedt Lodge M Second and Fourth Fridays Elizabeth Simpson, N.G. Elizabeth Butler, Secretary .11 i Zi:" "/ I ........ ' ::" ,ii;::.i .';:'':::::/'. . ", "%  ,. ........ CANNING SUPPLIES Jars - Rings - Crocks Weterglass For Putting Up Eggs Olympia Feed , Company O Nielll Bldg.- Shelton i ii SAVE TIME ! SAVE TIRES! TAKE A FERRY] BREMERTON - SEATTLE 12:55 5:00 *5:45 *5:45 6:15 6:15 *7:0q *7:00 7:30 7:30 8:15 8:10 8:45 8:45 9:25 9:30 10:00 10:00 10:45 10:35 11:15 11:15 tl :50 12:00 12:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M. 1:15 1:00 1:45 1:45 2:15 2:30 3:00 3:00 3:45 3:30 4:!5 4:15 4:55 5:00 5:30 5:30 6:15 6:15 6:45 t6:45 7:30 "7:00 8:00 "P7:30 *8:3,0 8:00 8:45 "]'8:45 9:15 *9:00 ,*9:30 "]'9:15 10:00 10:00 10:30 t10:30 11:15 "11:00 11:45 "'11:30 11:45 * Dally Except Sunday Sunday Only $12:40 on Monday morning (Sunday night) BLACK BALL LINE KIMBEL I2)GGING COMPANY Modern Equipment Operated By Experienced Men Evelyn Smith Hits 216 For New Fem Pin Scoring Mark WI)MEN' I,OIVLIN(; W L Ritner's Corner . ................... 8 ,I McConkey Pharnmcy ...... 7 5 Cash Grocery ...................... 7 5 Mac's Corner . ..................... 6 6 Mason Laundry .................. 6 6 Pastime ............................... 6 6 Pantorium ............................ 5 7 VVerbero'cr Winc y ............ 3 9 High g'ame Evelyn Sm,Li]. 216 Hi;b, il total- Evelyn Smith. 53,1 One new scoring mark went in- to the book. for this season when Evelyn Smith posted a 216 pin single game in Tuesday uight's weekly women's bowling league competition, topping the 212 score set by Incz Dodds Y.hree weeks ago, That one prodigious count gave Evelyn's Mason Laundry elub the game from Ritner's Corner but even though she topped the league with 534 pin total Ritner's won the other pair to retain their lea- gue lead. M:cConkey Pharmacy and Shel- ton Cash Grocery came out of a big scramble of teams tied for second place with odd-'game vic- tories respectively over Werberg- er Winery and Pantorium while Mason Laundry and Pastime were losing by the same margin. Bessie Bolen fashioned a h.'md- some 509 total to pace the pharm- acists. Mac's Corner was the night's fourth victor, edging PastirSe 2 to 1 with their dependable trio of Rubye Frisken, Dot Christen- sen and Ruth Edgley setting pace. Paltortu.m ,(I) Cash Groc. (2) handicap 366 handicap 492 Freda T. ... 4321G.Skelsey 363 P.Tembrurll 3421S.Hanson 404 A.Dundes 290 M.Gruver 358 Anna Carr 336I A.Barger 282 Frankie F 480[ M.Durand ,tO0 Total 2246[ Total 2299 Pastime (1) Mem'S Cor. (2) handicap 249 handicap 189 P.Staley 400] Frisken ,1149 A.Kop'erm'n 392 H.Smitl 383 M.Lindeman 4461 ]V[.Tfffany 307 M.Schuff'er 3821D.Christ'sen 470 M.Sutherl'd 425 f R,Edgeley 469 Total 23241 Total 2267 Ritner's (2) Mason Ldy. (1) handicap 4981 handicap 163 A.Godden 340! E.Smith 534 J.McCaslin 3681A.Simpson 340 D.Willour 2961 M,Mifflin 370 J,Hunter 336 E,Robinson 373 V.Bishop 393 I,Dodds 444 Total 2231 Total 2184 Werberger's (1) McConkey's (2) handicap 477 handicap 189 b%Corinier 289j V.McConkeY 418 L,Kimbel 3511 B.Bolen 509 R.Jacobsoa 421[ V.Russell 394 B.White 3961 W.Schirmer 385 R.Smith 337 L.Cole 444 Total 2271 Total 2339 Derby Doings Hit Faster Pace As Silvers Hit.Bay The silvers are in, Proof comes in the big increase over the pant weekend on the sil- ver salmon derby qualifying board, where 23 fish are now entered against a bare half dozen last week, with practically all catches made in Shelton Bay, Hammersly Inlet, Arcadia Point, and vicinity, Fish may be entered no matter where caught, however, as long as they are ilver salmon, The derby is sponsored by the Mason County Sports & Skeet Club. The qualifiers holding rungs at present include: ENTRY Lbs.-Oz. Charles Hurst .............. 13 1 Virgil Seay .................. 13 1 Bruce Schwarck .... 13 1 Angus McNiel .............. 12 0 AI Dickinson ................ 11 13 Marie Carlson .............. 11 11 H. F. Fuller ................ 11 10 Karl Schwarck ............ 11 3 Mary Morgar .............. 11 1 Greg [vlahaffey ............ 11 0 Lois eay .................... 10 6 E. A, Notson ................ 10 4 Bud Forb, es .................. 10 1 Bud Carlson 9 10 T. V. Dunning .............. 9 7 Carl Rains .................... 8 7 Carl Morgan ................ 8 6 K. L. Carlson 8 5 Casey Holmes .............. 8 4 Del Cole ........................ 8 4 M. S. Preppernau ........ 8 4. Audrey Prepper'nau .... 8 3 Merle MCNei ................ 8 0 FOR 0 LAND CLEARING • BULLDOZING • DITCHING (p BASEMENT EXCAVAT- ING • BULKHEADING HOME LOANS Convenient Terms Reasonable Rates PILEDRIVERS For Land or Water DUMP TRUCKS For Hire J • PILING AND LO'GS For Sale. ,k ]SO DELAY Masg Cutty Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance Blg. Bremert0n-Tacoma Stages Schedule NORTHBO JlD DAILY SOI/THBOUND Leave Ol:ympla "5:15 a.m 8:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 1:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m, 7:15 p.m. 10:15 p.m. t.eve helton = 6:00 a.m. 915 a.m. - 11:30 a.m, 2:45 i.m. 5:50 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Leave Bremerton 7:i5 a.m, 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m, 4:15 p.m, 7:30 p.m, 9:35 p.m Leave $'helton " '7:00 a.m. :30 :m. 12:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 9:00 p,m. Leaves remert0ii foi" Floodkp6t laily at 4.15 p.m:' except Sunday. " Leaves Hoodeport for Bremerton dally at 6:15 a.m. ¢cept SattJrday and Sunday. Leaves Navy Yard daily at 4:45 p.m. exoept Saturday and Sunday. Pickup at Kuetts for Hoodaport, t.eaves Shelton daily 2:30 p.m. "for Brernerton via Union. Roberson Plumbing -- and Heating- P h o n e 6 8 5 222 South Second Street Home Phone 181-J Home Address 528 Cedar SHIP YOUR FREIGHT BY BOAT FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON Seattle Freight slmuld be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, Tacoma Freight wp .tr. Skookum Cbief, Milwaukee Dock, No. 2 Time Schedule as follows: Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for Olympia and Shelton Arrives Shelton dally, excep¢ Stmday CLARENCE CARLANDER President PUGET SOUND LINES FREE MOTOR TESTING AT ALL TIMES e Our StUn. Master iMotoP Tester reveals causes for Hard Starting Ignition Trouble Loss of Power Excessive Gas Use INGRM-BR!DGES MOTORS First & Pine Phone 621 ............  ..................... " ........ LJJ KIMBEL MOTORS Factory Approved Chrysler - Plymouth -International SALES PARTS - SERVICE We Are Equipped to Repair and Rebuild All Makes of Cars '- Truck -Tractors and Heavy Logging Equipment In Our NEW SERVICE BUILDING AT SOUTH FIRST AND MILL STREET Electric Welding i PHONE I And Brazing I I 465-W Motor Testing I by the Latest Sunmaster Method Means No Guess Work AI I / . [I H Report to people waiting for telephone service •.. Pacific Coast's amazing growth makes iob bigger th=n ever We are adding equipment and installing telephones ius as fast as conditions permit. • • at a faster pace this year, in fact, than ever before. But ontinuing shortages of equipment and restric. tions on building construction haveso far made it im- possible for us to keep pace With the Pacific Coast's spectacular growth• Though we have already added mg, r¢ than 255,000 new telephoaes during the first eigh monds of this year and every bit of ot equip- ment is working co .capacity, there is still t big iob ahead..You can be sure we are doing eveyl:hing e can to get yOi teLephone to you as soon as possible Ti{ank you for your understanding and paenr The Pacific Telephone a.d Telegraph 0.  130 S. Third Street, - Shcltel - Telepttorle,497'