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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 8 , , &amp;, L' ................................ =.& ....... !.,.'! ................ ' ........................... Heinie,s Taxi-Grocery FIRST AND PINE  PHONE 392 Open Evenings -- Sundays Offering DELIVERY SERVICE for GROCERIES---MEATS--VEGETABLES ICE CREAMmCANDY--SOFT DRINKS Plus -- HUNTING AND FISHING EQUIPMENT RICHFIELD OIL ,PRODUCTS -- AUTO SUPPLIES PHONE 392 for TAXI SERVICE Truck Driver Gets Off Easy In Crash Joseph J. Bellaich of Tacoma was removed to the Shelton Gen- eral Hospital early Tuesday morn- ing suffering from h. broken nose and other effects of an accident thaL occurred a'bout 7 o'clock one mile south of the Golden Pheasant oil the Olympia highway. lie was driving a Halley's truck and was headed to Lhe Halley farm m Skokomish Valley with supplies when he apparently fell asleep and drove off the road where the truck tipped over and was Ca.ring in the opposite direc- tion from where he was going and on the wrong side of the road. Deputies from the sheriff's of- rice and state patrolmen stated he was lucky he did not have more serious effects from the accident, llECUPERATING Mrs. Roger Snelgrove is at home recuperating from a recent major operation in the Shelton General Hospital. CAR FINANCING / t We loan local money, our own, to Shelton people on new or used cars and trucks. SIMPLE INTEREST. You. pay interest only on actual balance due. Payments are reduced each month. We are too lazy to monkey with red tape. Bring in your title and get the money. EDDY BUSINESS SERVICE 120 South Third Street Phone 540 Shelton, Washington BLENDED JUICE BRUCE'S FCY. ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT, SWEETENED 45c 46-OZ. BRUCE'S SWEE] EYED ORANGE JUICE...46.oz. 54c _- - - - FRESH EGGS WASHINGTON CO-OP SMALL GRADE "AA" FRESH EGGS Doz ................. 52¢ _ _- -- - • Sunbrite lJ3.oz, cans Cleanser . ......... 3/14¢ Scours, Sweetens, PuNflcs! K rispy 2-lb; Pkg. Crackers ............ 39¢ Sunshine Soda Crackers Hind's 6-Oz, Bottle Honey and Almond Cream ................ 39! I<ceps Your Skin Smooth Add l'cd. Tax (.;r:Mcd "CIhiee" whole or  LEG O' LAMB ........... lb. 50 Graded *'CheSty" RIB LAMB CHOPS _. lb. 58¢ Graded "C'hoiee" Shoulder LAMB CHOPS ......... lb. 50 l:Ircast O' [,lnll:) LAMB STEW ........ Ib, 25¢ Square Cut. Lmb-Shoulder LAMB ROAST 4?.¢ Graded "CllotcC' Eviscerated, Gz'ad "A" OCOMA FRYERS ... lb, 83¢ Ivir:erat.ed, CtrlLUe "A." OC, OM FOWL '. ....... lb. 73¢ S h,aks or RoaSt s SALMON ................. lb. 49¢ Steaks or Roasts HALIBUT ................. lb. 49d Fresh Pacific, Small Size OYSTERS .................. t; 75¢ Red Snapper or Ling Cod COD FILLET ................... 38¢ iir] IlJll SHELTON-MASON Hunting Season (CE ntlnued from page 1) Work includes excavation and filling for the hatchery site. rear- ing ponds and raceways, drain- age and water systems, electrical distribution system, septic tanks, sidewalks and curbs, road surfac- ing, creek channel change, clear- ing and grubbing of the hatchery site, construction of the main hat- chery building, superintendent's residence and other buildings. 'IIUNTERS' AT WORK A BIT ]EARLY HERE A. A. Jennings, living three miles west of Dayton, hasn't much regard for the judgment of some, one evidently getting a head-starL on the hunting season, for about midnight last Thursday his only milking goat was mistaken for a deer and shot twice even though it was in a pen. Ann, 13-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jennings, heard a car stop, followed by the two shots and saw someone go into the pen with a flashlight. By the time Mr. Jennings was able to dress and get to the scene the party had departed, leaving the fatally injured goat behind when it wasn't the deer the shooter had evidently thought it was. Tendercrust Bakery Redecorates Salesroom Interior decorators refinished the retail sales room in bright new paint and trim yesterday at the Tendercrust Bakery. The retail counters were closed during the process but operation of the rest of the bakery was not affected by the project. I NEED A PLUMBER Phone 48 J. L. CATTO HARDWARE COUILZ JOURNAL .___.2'. • ' September.00,,ews Near Normalcy In Weather Report That September proved a reas- onably average month insofar as Rayonier weather records go, is indicated in its 1.44 inch rainfall, its temperature figures of 70 de- gree mean maxmmm. 46.6 degree mean minimum, 83 degree single day maximum on the 10th and 35 degree minimum on the 27th and 28th, its ten clear, 12 partly clou- dy and eight cloudy days. The chief abnormality of the September records is shown on the 15th when a 24-hour rainfall of 0.6a inches was concentrated largely in a 20-minute period and accompanied by hail. thunder and lightning which put 500 felephones and much of the electric light ser- vice in this area out of commis- sion. So far this year, now aL the three-quarter mark. 39.68 inches of rain has occurred here, slightly above the 15-year average for the period, according to Wether Sta- tistican Bob Pollock of the Ray- onset staff. Nice Timing! Remsbergs On Inland Empire Trip Timing their trip to coincide with the Washington-Washington State football game and the open- ing of the pheasant hunting sea- son, 'Mr. and Mrs. Don Remsberg left Shelton yesterday on a week'S motoring trip which will take in mosL of the Inland Empire. Combining business with pleas- ure, Mr. Remsberg, partner with Virg Smith in the Tendercrust Bakery here, will visit several fruit cannery concerns on busi- ness while in Eastern Washing- ton and will see the Husky-Cougar football game Saturday, then en- joy some pheasant hunting with Mr. Smith's brother at Moses Lake Sunday, and go on into Ida- ho and return to Shelton via Portland next week. 94-YEAR-OLD INDIAN DIES ON SQUAXIN ISLAND Mrs. Mary Kakal)in, 94, died at her home on Squaxin Island Wed- nesday, October 9. She was born in the island in 1862 and has lived there ever since. I II No funeral arrangements have .................................................................................. been announced. Fresh Cigarettes CAMELS, CHESTERFIELD, LUCI.:If'3 AND OTHER POPULAR BRANDS Carton. 1.59 EMJOY LOW #RICES EVmRY DAY AT Dr. Forman Leaving On 3-Week Vacation Dr. and Mrs. B. 13. Fornmn ex- pect to leave today on a three- week vacation trip to Cal.ifornia. During his absence Dr. Forman's office will be kept open and med- ical service provided his pa.tients by Dr. Don Callison, who has been practicing on Hood Canal with his honze near Union as his office for the past several months. VACATIONING IN SOUTH THINGS AS THEY SEEM (Continued fr( m page one) grape and wine business is an im- / portrait part of the economic well i being of this entire district, rank- ing close to the lumbering indus- try in importance. The crop is not up to standard this year, be- cause of unfavorable weather dur- ing the blooming season, but nonetheless many ranchers, vine- yardists and vintners will find much of satisfaction in what will come as a result of the harvest, and the county generally will reap a benefit from the grapes that are so luxuriantly bestowed by nature. Harstine Island Sunday, October 13, P. M. Sni- der, a former Puyallup banker and at present an insurance agent, will be the main speaker for Sunday School. Mr. Snider is an excep- tional speaker and a great Sunday School worker and an invitation is extended to all to come and hear him. TooLate to Classify I0TIHIRE: '37 V-8 long wheel bae fiat bed truck. 518 Park St. F10-10-24 FOR SALE: Tivc-room house, incom- plctc. Inquire at 518 Park St. :F10-10t fn. FOR SALE: Hupmobilc pickup, also a huydraulic truck hoist. Inquire at 518 Park St. F10-10-24 FOR SALE: 3-room house, 60 x 100 fL. lot. Built-in cabinets, mink, lino- leum. $900. Located on J and Laurel Street, Mr. View. See 3. B. Schott at house from 9 a,nl, to 5 p.m. or write BelfaSt. 10-10-24 FOR SALE: full outfit for Dictaphone in excellent condition. Reasonable.. Taylor Radio Electric Fourth and CoLa. ' W10-10 FOR SALE: 2 pair men's rubbers size 10, $1.00 pair. One pair ladies' rub- Bars, $1.00; one pair ladies white rubber boots new $5 00 one paw ladies' hiking boots $3.00 all size 5. Inquire 612 Cota S't. ' B10-10 FOR SALE: 10-tube console radio. Standard broadcast band with push button. Also 4 bands short wave. Star Route N, Box 14, Lilliwaup. B10-10tfn. FOR SAT.E: five lois of waterfront and cabin on Island Lake. Inquire at 316 EasL Itarvard. M10-10-24 F-OR"'sA'LE ;];ack h o;:se-a n-go o d rid- ing ])orse Ior children also a drag saw and buzz saw. ,r will tradc for cows or livestock. Call at Route 3, ro× 249 on the Cole Road. H10-10 FOR SALE: creanl colored enamel wood or coal range, tt. Nelson, Rtc. 1, Shelton (Kamilcbe Point Road). r 10-10 ;iPSri SALE: folding 1.,ab) plaY with pad. In good condi[ion. Call at _620_}f?,. Sl. sI0-10-24 FOR SALE: new whito trash burner. Latt nlotlel with built-in water jack- at. Phone 403M. J10-10-24 ............ ........... 2. ........................ 22_ .... FOR SALE: small table model radio snd l)honograph combination. Pilone _..77__ ................................ 212.2o:p l'OR SALE: log heuse, five r(,onls near Breulerton-I-loodsport junet on, Will take approximately $10"0 t  put in t'ondition, six-tenths of a mile Bre,fasf Foods 10 INDIVIDUAL CEREALS KELLOGG'S VARIETY ........ 24c "WHOLE WHEAT, 24-0Z. RALSTON CEREAL ............ 23c ALBER'S 40-0Z, PKG. FLAPJACK FLOUR.. ............. 27c EXTRA LARGE, 2.LB. " SANTA CLARA PRUNES .... 39c 00'ZTi;00 7.'.? ...... ,.,b e Beverages , CANTEROUY, TRADITIONALLY FINE I BLACK TEA .............. ¼Jb. 22c DELICIOUS BREAKFAST HERSHEY'S COCOA 1A-lb. 10c PURE INSTANT COFFEE BORDEN'S Instant 2½-oz. 39c LETS YOU SLEEP INSTANT POSTUM .. 4.oz. 24c THIRSTEE SWEETENED 0RAHGE DRIHK .......... Qt. 25c 'Time Savers EASTER GULF COVE OYSTERS .... 71A-oz. 59c QUEEN CHARLOTTE MINCED CLAMS ...... 7.oz. 34c CHEF BOY-AR-DEE RAt'IOLB" .................. 17c "ELLIS" BEEF TAMALES...101A-0z. 18c CREAM OF GREEN PEA HEINZ SOUP ........ 11.oz. 13c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Town House, faiicy....46-oz. 35c ORANGE JUICE, Full O'Gold, natural .... 18-oz. 23c PRUNE JUICE, Libby's fancy .................... Quart 27c CARROT JUICE, Sun Pak Brend .............. 18-oz. 17€ FRISKIES, Cubes or Meal .......................... 2-lb. 25c dRS. WRIHT'S BREAD, enriched ........ 2 Large 3h SIlO-WHITE SALT, Plain or Iodized ........ 2 'k. 13c LIBBY'S KRAUT.JUICE ............................ 18-oz. 14c EVAPORATED, MILK, Darigold.Federal .......... Tall 12c KRAFT COTTAGE CHEESE, nourishing .......... l-lb. 27c TOMATO SAUCE, Gardenside .......... 8-oz. 3 for 14c GRO-PUP, Dog Meal ............................... 5-1b" 57c .................... 210-z. Pkg. 12c BIRD SEED, French's  V0U 6El" MORE FOR YOUR MONEY AT SAFEWAY NSIDE, 20*0Z. CAN T PEAS ........ 2 cans 25c /ALLA WALLA FCY. 3 SIEVE SWEET PEAS .......... 20.0z. 17c FCY. WHOLE KERNELS, VACUUM PACK PICTSwEET CORN, 12.oz. 15c Jonathan, Fancy and Extra Fancy APPLES ................ 33-1b. box $2.98 Delicious, fancy and extra fancy, wrapped and Packed ................ lb. 12€ Local Sno.White - Well trimmed . no waste CAULIFLOWERS ................ lb. 10¢ U.S. No. 1, Large Size "A" 100-1bs. No. 2 50-1bs. POTATOES ............ $2,39 79¢ Washington Netted Gems *SWEETS OR YAMS, Calif ...................... lb. 10€ *FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, Seedless ...... lb. 10€ *BROCOLLI, Local, bunched .................... Ib. 17€ *YELLOW ONIONS, Medium ................ lb. 22c .kTOMATOES, Slicers .................................. lb. 15€ LEMONS, Large ........................................ lb. 14€ NO SALES TO DEALERS: Prices I',-lda)SaLurda'y, Oct. 11-12, 1946, subject to marl,,cL 'ha,'c c.'=J t:Cl... Bill Noblett. Reed Mill crane el)- from Olympic highway. Imnlediate possession. Full price $1,750. $500 er:ttor, lefL Shelton Friday to fly to handle. Mingus, Star Route 1. to Los Angeles wiLh his parents, Iox 40. 10-10 who Jive in Tacoma. on a two .................................. NOTICE week vacation trip to visit rela- I will not be responsible for any tires and friends. They expect to hills incurred by anyone other than return by air also. n yself. p00e00.OUN T x IIEATRE _ Sh._j,00oo, W a.,_ Tl!ursday - Saturday Octobcr 10 - 12 2 FEATURES ', , v CHINA S LI'ILE DEVILS" "WOMAN WHO CAME BACK" i Sunday to Tuesday Oct, 13 - 14 - 15 Alan Ladd Geraldine Fitzgerald "O - S - S" Wednesday Only October 16 2 FEATURES "FACES IN THE FOG" Sunset Car=on "BANDITS OF THE BAD LANDS" 10-10-17 GORDON SHEFFIELD. CAR1) OF TllANKS We wish to express our heartfclL gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and floral offerings gvcn us during the illness and loss oT our beloved father. Mr. attd Mrs. Alvin Miklcthun, HI'. aod ]V[i'S. Roy Fe]lews. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Spink. :Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Williams. JARS BaH Mason Regular Pints - Quarts Kerr Mason Pint= - Quarts 2 Gallons Crown and Kerr LIDS Regularr Wide Mouth Economy and Clamps Olympia Feed Company , O'Neill Bldg. - Shelton / When Your Little One 00atches 00old est-known home remedy you can use to relieve distress of children's colds is warming, soothing Vicks VapoRub. I starts to work instantly.., and keeps working for hours to bring relief while the child sleeps! No wonder most mothers always use V' # cks VapoRub when colds strike. Fine for grown-ups, to01' AT BEDTIME rub thz'oat, chest and bRck wi! Vicks VpoRub. Its relief-bring- ing actim starts instantly to relieve distress... WORKS As CHILD SLEEPS to bring comforting relief during the night. Often b, morning most misery of the cold is gonol VlCKS VAPORUB J O Our Customers Are Very With Work - Courtesy - We Have Given Them  [,:i !:: ,! ,, We Intend To Gain Many New Friends and CUSt0 1!1!ii / On A Policy Of Honesty and Reliability We repair and rebuild all types of EnginesAU Marine, Diesel--valve facing and seat grindln! trouble shooting, welding, machine work, electrical. LEO C. NELSG In Connection With 8. L. Pearson, Local Agent for Kaiser-Frazier Cars and Rototiller First and Pine Phone 676 ::: Mr. Farmer Does Your Back Ache? Do Your Feet Hurt? Is Your Work Too Hard? • Your Hours Too Long? YOU DON'T NEED A DOCTOR.' You Need A Just What You've Been Waiting Distributed In Mason County by BILL SALES AND SERVICE SHELTON GARAG] ' FIRST AND' COTA PHONE  i: Eat at Next Sunday Choose Your Meal from This A Menu: Cream of Chicken Soup Wal Asparagus Tips Tender FeaS Entrees -- Creamed'Chicken on Hot Biscuit ............ $ Chicken Giblets Sauted on Toast ................ : Grilled Lamb Chops on Toast, Mint Jelly -- Fillet of Halibut Maitre de Hotel .............. Red Salmon Steak, Tarter Sauce ................ Pot Roast of Beef, Brown Gravy ................ Grilled Liver with Onions .......................... Hood Canal Fried Oysters .......... , ............... Chinese Chicken Noodles .......................... -" Butterscotch Pudding -- Steak-- Soup or Cocktail Grilled T-Bone Steak ................................ --'" Top Sirloifi Steak .......................................... :: Extra Large Rib Steak ................................ Special Dinner Steak .................................... Fried Spring Chicken a La Maryland ........ -- Salads Shrimp or Crab Salad, Sliced Tomatoes ..... Combination Vegetable Salad .................. :" Diced Chicken and Vegetable Salad ..------" : We Feature a Merchants  Lunch at 55 cents Daily I Wheu It's Time For Treats • .' i TRY RITNER'S ICE CRI00311[ PARTY PACKS-- $1.40 gal.- $6.50 in You'll Enjoy Our Products Mo)'e Than Ever Fc Cream Mix Has' Recentl X Reached Pre-War 10 1946. from native a sold at resorl shells which may have a opportunities The shop or nirs would ad power, ,just a souvenir beco and stimulat "souve.nir fac SIMPSON LOGGI[