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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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10, 1946. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL [ I . Page 9 I )mers Are Very 0rk - Courtesy - 7e Have Given Them Gain Many New Friends and On A Policy Of mesty and Reliability rebuild all types of EnginesAUtO,':! valve facing and seat grinding, d!ag I, welding, machine work, b rar 0 C. NELSON-= :!'![ Lection With S. L. Pearson Local ' Kaiser-Frazier Cars and RototillerS st and Pine Phone 676 Farmer r Back Ache? Feet Hurt? tork Too Hard? Lrs Too Long? N'T NEED A DOCTOR.' Need A t You've Been Waiting r. PEARs000Uted In Mason County bYl!i LES AND SERVICE LTON GARAG ] D' COTA PHONE 5 Next Sunday tr Meal from This i Menu: ' Licken Soup Waldorf us Tips Tender peaS Entrees -- Lcken on Hot Biscuit. ........... $ ets Soured on Toast ................ , Chops on Toast, Mint Jelly-. ibut Maitre de Hotel .............. Steak, Tarter Sauce ................ Beef, Brown Gravy ................ ' with Onions .......................... ried Oysters .......... , ............... ken Noodles ............................ 3utterscotch Pudding Steak-- Soup or Cocktail , m Steak ................................ .... 1. Iteak .......................................... 1 Rib Steak ................................ r Steak .................................... Chicken a La Maryland ........ --Salads-- i ab Salad, Sliced Tomatoes .... ' Vegetable Salad .................... :i a and Vegetable Salad . 'e Feature a Merchants tnch at 55 cents Daily PARTY PACKS-- 1.- $6.50 in 5-gal. Products MoFe Than Ever lecentl x Reached Pre-War ,: ..:::.:,:.:::.-.: from native agates, flowers; feathers and woods, which could sold at resorts all over the west: Novelties fashioned of shells which are so plentiful on Mason County beaches may have a wide appeal. The list is almost endless- the opportunities limited only by a designer's imagination. The shop or plant devoted to the manufacture of souve- nirs would add its important bit to community purchasing power, just as any other factory, does. And further: the souvenir becomes a permanent advertisement of the region and stimulates new tourist trade for future years. The "souvenir factory" develops in the same manner as any HEN AMERICANS TRAVEL, they love"to collect souvenirs- curios and mementoes of their trip. Be- cause of that fact the "souvenir industry" is one which does millions of dollars worth of business every year, Mason County can- and should- share in this busi- ness. For souvenirs and novelties are manufactured of many things, including: wood and metal, plastics, fur, stones and shells. And in this area we have suitable raw materials plus the skilled workmen. A local "souvenir factory" might make attractive articles be shipped and other factory, too--and is dependent upon the same essentials for success. First, of course, there must be an individual or group of individuals with the foresight and the ambition to "get things started." In doing so they must risk time and money and work -- things which represent investment in their business. Employees must be hired, buildings either purchased or rented, materials bought. After all these things are done, there must be "something left over"--profit for the owner of the enterprise. This profit represents the return on his invest- ment, the reward for the risks taken. This philosophy of "risk-and-reward" is a fundamental American ideal. It is the very spirit of the American way- the way which allows any man or woman complete freedom of individual enterprise.., freedom to work at a job of one's choice . . . freedom to "go into business" if that be one's Mason County-and all America--was founded and built on the fundamental principle that any man or woman should have the right to work--should have the right to start a business of his own and to enjoy the fruits of his labor. As a result, no other nation in the whole world can approach the industrial might of America. In no other nation has the standard o£ living risen so high for the individual willing to work for it. This results from the American Way of Life, and is the pathway to an even greater America. Why change it? .... The sponsors of this series of advertisements devoted to com- munity betterment are citizens of this community. They own homes here. Their children go to school here. They have a deep sense of responsibility to the individual citizens and to changes which will affect the community. They are interested in devel- oping a healthy community following the American Way of Life, and thus keeping America and Mason County strong for the generations to come. desire. The American system of individual initiative builds fac- tories and churches.., stores and schools.., railroads and parks. It gives men and women the incentive to create these things, the .ambition to get aheacl, .improve their economic positions, build their futures. It is a driving force--the essential force--which will make this community and this nation even greater in the years to come. • One of a series of advertisements devoted to community betterment. SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY • RAYONIER INCORPORATED • LUMBER MEN'S MERCANTILE • ROY KIMBEL ENTERPRISES • GEO. M. GRISDALE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY • , COMMERCE • AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR LOCAL UNIONS OF SHELTN • SHELTON KIWANIS CLUB • WINE INDUSTRY OF MASON COUNTY $HELTON CHAMBER OF