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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 10, 1946. ..... 51TELTON-tkSON C JOUINAL Thursday, ........................... CASE ................................................................................. Use the Journal SHELTON GRIDMEN FACE TOUGH FOE FRIDAY If You Can RENT a House... : surance ' "=s a'enc-- You Can OWN a Home CHEHALIS FAVORED TOMORROW; ,.00u,00ooe o Come in for a chat HIGHCLIMBERS00os000000e tho 000o-sidednoss 00heWHIPtbo 00e00ther.ELMA'00hen bogged18"000own Reserves Match ]Canal Salmon Derby Ladder Unchanged "° • " " UJ[ '; . _ ,jVars;*- ,at|n .t vl{- For the second consecutive week I Tlae first prize outboard motor is Church -+ ' "=: W,th no newcomers managed to muscle now on display at the Canal Table .!l,: see how you can own a game, Coach Norm Hillyard was and failed to convertuntilanothertwo minutesSC°r" l' ,.| onto the Hood Canal salmon derby ] motoi:Supply' the second prize outboardHoods. 10 "a.m. and7 p.m. #ck & George little cheered by tl,e performance ing opportunity Win Over ra,,es_o___ ladder, reports Derby Chairman' is displayed at the home with our financing or' iris Shelton Highelimbers in from tlm final gun. FISHERMAN ADDRESS ' WEIGHT WHERE CAUGHT 1404HIGHwAOL-YM;t . " their 18 to 0 victory over tile to- 5 Fumbles St.nie Shelion Following the lead of their car- Wally Oliver from l-[oodsport, l)ort Mercantile, he added. _,G,]i I, 1at St Phone 46-J plan. ]unless Ehna Eagles at Elms last With practically nothing to sity teammates, the Hig'bclimberthree. Ben E. Treischel Union 29-12 Union : mentorFriday lookedand the chunkYforebodiagShelton offer.climbersthe offEaglesby stOOdrecoveringtle High-five football reserves scored a " with at touchdown triumph over the Ehna Leo F:. Schmidt Union 25-0 Madrona l.odge ,, Shelton''- dn- f tomorrow's Chehalis battle on Shelton fumbles, three inside El- reserves on Loop Field Monday Robert Bearden Hoodsport 23-12 Hoodsport or You Directors '. Loop Field. ma's 20-yard line. One other afternoon, 19 to 0, to square their Fred Miller Shelton 23-5 Minerva Park C.S. Hamilto , i NOW HAZEL WALMER. The Beareats showed a lot of threat the Eagles stopped without season's record at one victory and Floyd Vammer Aberdeen 23.2 Union  . stuff in whipping Raymond 18 to the aid of a fumble on the ten. one defeat. C.D. Mifflin Shelton 21-8 Calm Cove _ . : a The Higimlimber reserves go to A.C. Mercier Union 21-8 Union ., t G. W. DRAHA:M CARLTON I. SEARS 0 at Raymond last week and at Elms tdcked on the third play Olympia next Monday afternoon Mrs. Florence Howard Shelton 20.4 Minerva Park -. WILSON CO. K. L. PARTLOW FRED HOLM tomorrow's two o'clock ldckoff the .... - .......... h- Dess J Haines Hooflsport 20-1 Hooflsport ,L| 1"I] rnr,,-,- • alter ne opening glotoir ainu t V BRIDENSTINE H C BRODIE Highclimbers will be shortepders 4,u, ....... 1, ,.l,t.,  ,. for their next game, John Hart" Seattle 19-10 Lackawanna  . ___Vga, * (lll .H-'"n" .... on the odds for this crucial Cen- co'er;L"o; " [le"'a'e" "f,'on Like their varsity teammates, Ben V. Leighton Shelton 19 M nerva Park lt'ellI;eCOSl;t .,:,: tral League skirmish. Chehalis ,, .... t ....... l, hL,, " ..... tn, the Shelton eleven marched to a . •  :.::.,. %4 whipped Elms 31 to 0 a week be- " ...... ' "": .... " .... Vi: touchdown the first time it gained Joe A. Lew s Un on 19-0. Umon 4on =st pi,e, - , . . tor a ouenaown. uene wne possession of the spleriod with Jack Robinson Edmonds 18-14 Union ...... 6  fore, so the comps •on gives Shel- ........  knocked off nine on the first and Halfback Emmett Smith tossing Marvin Morgan Shelton 18-11 Calm Cove Sunday School9:i!  n :onifzanSthe HigntUehclimbersCneer' continue to opnomore ........... v'aut l.oe snook ozt a H.L. Jackson Olympia 18-5 Hidden Cove Mornin Worshipy"J: i THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL ,,,h,e tomorrow romisc ...... 1,, host of tacklers while traversing tuna 25-yardin Elma'sPaSs endt° EndzoneBObonHt!t-um Jack Johnston Hoodsport 18-2 Hoodsport SundayEvangelistt0i:i.'  " -..:.- :. ._ v -:.""  the other 18 Bob Berg's place- •  • : ':' "W" ::'::: as tney nave inert' past three n n ai ' " fourth play attempted by the Roy Sherry Shelton 18.1./ Minerva'Park Wednesday Prayer;:! Robert W Burman L I iwaup 17-10 Stetons Resort ' 8"00  m ii.:..  SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION games they'll leave little hope for ':m eided o-I " one "la,, after Shelton lineup. • . ,. ......... .:,::::::: victory over the Bearcats. ..... , ,, q _v f an  It wasn't until halfway through Nell Simmons Hoodsport lY-8 Hoodsport Friday Reular':!i  Telephone 7551 Security Building At least two, probably three amg,n% e nsung,cKo,,,,l; the last period that Shelton man- Arnold Rex Shelton 17-7 Minerva Park  8"0 p.!i: i! f t  ...... v ....... , ........ "" ...... aged to ,hark up its.second score Leo L. Schmidt Union 17 Madrona Lodge " -- ii  touchdowns were t n bled away at , . . . :. :: .::. .: ,:* :, OLYMPIA, WASH. Ehna b • the Red and Black elev on the Eagle 26. In six plays Shel- and again it was Smith who play- L L Day Pot at0h 16-1 The Grove EVERYONE W : "' '- ....... e-"-s "- e .... " ton had another score White lug- ed the headline role, the rangy G C. Eck She ton 16 Tillioum Beach Rv R D C!  el] %rlllCll sparKt u a IL coro(l L|]e r ,'h l¢t bl lnob +ttt Feed Oletzke Olympm 15-14 Lackawanna ..........  first two times it laid hands on s,,, "Z "2 ..... _.., 22°2 qy back intercepting an Eagle pass ......... :"':::: .......... yaras alter ,mocmg or[ ten on and cruising 45 yards for the tay. Sob Morris Potlatch 15-8 Hoodsport :  " .......... ........ one try during the series. Berg's Glen Anderson, recent transter H.L. Jackson Olympia 0-11 Hidden Cove "'' - -  -I I I i pass was incomplete on the con- from Tacoma who played an out- -- ----------- - ' _'i." .i   • I version try. stafidlng ball game, kicked the First Baptist Church till IITKTTrIT) TTTI41" i! NirIL N aCUHH TY--- "ff'olaMgE " | With the game nearing its con- extra point. ,i, vvrnr n=u For • 1 clusion, Shelto,n returned an Elms The final tally came within arc- : 1 / Ill" [ • : B punt to Elma 38 and scored in onds of the games end, Guard J.O. Buyer, Pastor I1 .: _. :111% lIHlalH ml41Hll I Ual• L at B llSiX andPlays'12 Whiteyards made gainSthe two* times°f DOnand runningEmery Intercepting a20 yards fox' pasSthe P-,- "'st.t Ill IN SPIRIT X Your W0rp00!:F O B illSllFNIII;M ann H00Ni IN IN I o ,, ,,, . .,. ...... ,,,,, he carried the ball and Bob Rice ann ". :, score after Shelton had driven . l U iVPllll la qlg I =,,,--, --,V ----," ------ • in two chances moved it 12 yards, deep into Elma territory on tho ' 1 including the last three. A line strength of Gene Wells brilliant Ill llA 11 !. [T! l  l K play failed to convert, running only to lose the ball on :Morning Worship at 11 III at '.. !/o , ....... $ hh • Contagious :" --have founa .  R '. • 1 HERE AT LAST We Pay Cash for Ashes and Sell Dirt Cheap I amhloon the Eaglel7. Young Peoples Meetings ill Assembly of God  .,_. . E!ma stopped a Sh@to.n drive Shelt0n dominated the game - m !  • • t -as nnest line oz - • on tne magic ten tne tmra time from start to finish and was stop- 6:40 p.. lit Tabernacle i i °; mrtt' ' " n the Red and lack gained posses-ped from several additional scores t t , , r cr,:  ::r::i: Alumi • | sion of the ball in the first quar- by fumbles, pass interceptions Evenin Sermce at 7 45 [ ; erience ' " g " : 710 Dearborn Phone 476-M  P ..-7 truction inside and _ .... .... _' _ .....  I ter, after blocking El•o's punt on and bogging down of an attack ALL ARE INVITED key. Sam MeGilI, Pastor  tlFalt$ nlAnnunNnmAA A•mmlllA• unto lithe home club's 28, then in the which ran up yardage at will most W__ 1 in-[ . :. tility with = , a ve [ ' : l._, =utomati; tempera- nm inmstw Huu,inmm tt, nmum unmunn-i •lsecond ueriod Shelton lost the ball of the time with Wells and An- ,1'[   roim:Q'u]e; action U U •  U   HI -. L1   _   I O IF,. | i on fumbles on Elma's 16 and 46. NiMW lUlW N I V 'qNW a ! I N llW 'IDr " qiU n =i a m v naul,  i made n t After the sec°nd rec°very Elms ders°n running f°r c°nststent and It0n territory,its only movingadvance tointOtheShel'15 Buck°ftenter Wayneandl°ng GuardgainS'clarY'DonIn TackletheEmerylineNormplay_Cen" ,,Fr tn :{ I:?m?unn itltCy ,l ! 120 South Thrd Street . - Phone 540 i on two passes of 11 and 13 yards ed the kind of ball which drew •  " N t and a Highclimber penalty, but praise from Coach Grant Pack- d ' 1 ! the Eagles in turn were bitten by ard. - u _ I _!j the bug and Ken Cardinal stop- The Shelton mentor cleaned his I Morning Worship 11":00 a. m" i eo them today/ __ _ _ . bench, using 26 players during the i • l av. - ..... T ...... -'-" , .... fits IS e ualy " ............ game, of whieh the following were ] Sermon Topic: The Assets of a Man. i  r'ilA ....... " • starters: Bob Hutton and Herb t > for all. d "mra's Finest ana It • __/_' A e I ' HARDWlOK W. HARSHMAN, Minister i" .... , ;- . am- |  t t . " tee ".Or I=ooa freezer. :t= 0 , N[|ller, taekles; Don Emery and ; _ . "e t -- at Loop, ends; Norm Buck and John ] Parsonage 320 N. 4th Telephone 276 :; The completer  ""* ot I'Ood BillValley, guards; Wayne Clary, U__ : i] . \\; ,mm'_]ilv m /__ [  r .'-" I [r , center; Gene Wells, quarterback; t .........  and its scw   . (' _ /f'_ "// ]] | _ Glen Anderson and Emmctt Smith, ] . Christian me | ..-- --: -_ Mr. Ohve Lutheran Church i of gool--the gO , b- ".. " / "::  - is neededunder: i ,  " /]::111  7  fumble on the Shelton 18. In the final period Elma recur-  ditions, is give tt[ I  "[ i' t i]   Eagleered Highclimber12 and i8 fumbleSyard lines°n andthe n H! LLCREST - HIGHWAYr. AT CASCADE ''* bookChr'lstian ScieB¢ []l o. 0hpl=yl i .... I Telephone 39o-N[ and 230  ' t  - in the third period snapped up , one on Shelton's 46, but Rice im- Sunday School 9:45 a.m. -- Morning Worship 11 a.m.  SCIENCE and I'I: , ,: r " mediately intercepted an Eagle pass. / . ;. with Key to th ' vin Wilson Co. .'-" J t"i[''"/t'  Statistically the Highclimbers ' =_1 ........ -- -- '-- .... l  turesA bookbY MarYfor: ' Hoodsport i outclassed Elma in every depart- . ........ .... ,= I .  i ' EddY',! ] ttOodsoort 10 or i7 ment. In first downs it was 13 to I -- - ' , i  3, yards from scrimmage 321 to , 40, yards from passing 40 to 31, il '1. T%..  to understana  : ' _ --, , ':* | 4"'--'  eac team completing three toss- - . = . '-  n ',\\;-...1   es.  n e ' i ' The lineups: $3.5 [ Elma (0) Shelton (13) Bicker ............ LEa ............ Berg Hinman .......... LTR ...... Sundsten Christian 00vore. ............ ...... . . . . ......  C.McMasters.. RC ........ Cardinal N.Sutherby ...... RGL ...... Newman First Church of Christ. Scientist 00,de, J.Sutherby ...... R TL ...... 1IcBride SH ELTON " SheltOn • Drive in for a check-up by expert Ford G.l{cMaster .... LEL ........ Carlson , . .._ Monjay .......... R HR ............ Kocl IL still looks like a long wait [ Mechanics. They'll give speedy service, using Branch of • '  4' • , . .  . . Mours: /-" ' , II4 for new cars. Meanwhile, why put up wAh | Genuine Ford parts and special Ford methods. Rose,'Ols°n . ................ ............... QHL ........ .......... ClevelandWhite The Mother Church, TheBoston,First Moss.Church of Christ, Scientist ........ weDnesDay 'a5 [.--:....::;=..::::: a car that looks and acts its age? ! , Your Ford dealer knows your tord best. G.:McMaster .... F ................ Rice Scoring Subject Next Sunday: This Reading t I[iF"  I # __, Shelton ................ 2 0 0  S "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?" open to tle puli t iil|--' il I I I I  | - I II ! Ii  I I I I I I I I I I I Ill Elms .................... 0 0 0 0---0 ' r t ' TouchdownsWhite, Koch, Rice. • 5 study of the Bible, gllllt iii$11='( =:::: ' SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9.4 ........ ] !,'._i] :d. Substitutions: Shelton--Eager G, SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK oz mlaz'y laK ; : il ---, "A--- atal g_ aiaal '__ m. Frasor Gibler B,E, Crows Cottrell T,B, Hunter Wells T,C, WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK other Christian.-]1  *  "L::, *.=---- Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Alder Street, erature, withoU  ' • __ _ •1 I m  , LangesutherbyE, T,AnkersheetsB" B,E)maprante-- R.B, open daily, except Sunday, from2 to4 o'clock, for the purclmse4 t, ( U 7 Gowan G. All. are cordially invitedthe Readingt° attendRoom.the servicas and visit I -°ublicati°ns" [# _JJ / Do,If ,,_ ,lr//t  , ta '  , , , - ]  I  ""-1 1 '  '1   '    "' "  Simpson To Pace Major Loop Loggers Continue .................... w FT,:a/00 -------- r_ --  l  i '': .......   , 1V[ason Cleaners .................. 44 t-- T 0 DAy//I00! ,,, , :Morgan Lumber . ............... 2 6 High Qame  Jess Daniels, 232  ': ..... :il;i '  i:.:;i;iiii:i::'.{i.:'.:;].i}', `  , , , . .... -o oW t'lally [.v "0 U / I / ,.,t:¢'!!i?: ..... ::',, h - i [][ " ' men Thursday son Cleaners cost cont!nued highest forC°ntributin°ur the s Logging them m flight sihgle inanight'but its J last one o as r torrid, games, Company week's wen game bowling apace as slow the play. to top the ,in quintet league Mason Simp- totals three start the ........................................  \\;"'- ---- " ' ][ ] ecOtne Ices ' ['llr°ugh Ceor ave of relied their a war, lean part for Washington it . years aof has quarter-c( their carrie and/if . Y AI Ferrter topped the circuit- %-- f marketing their p, rodm m scoring with his 611 total' but ark Frdson, Jess Daniels and . ,.;a I farm supplies, make A your Fo t ac and look young Bab Stewart were all above 575 b : ..:: and Daniels contributed a 232  ;i tune up _,ll rd ac Yes, your car will .$ young younger, game, Fredson one of 228 and again. And it'll look too, [ again. And you ll feel great to have that {"I:""': of emergency--," ,with fenders straightened, upholstery cleaned [ ne'-car pep under your foot, that shiny Ferrier a. third of 224 to give the when the v Loggers a 'complete monopoly on i:': and repaired, paint renewed, spick-and-span car to drive, scoring honors for the night. Fir Drug Store, however, with  farm productlot the aid of 142 pins handicap, pro- duced the night's best total at ....... were aSle to mo 2,925 pins while taking a 3 to 1 :'*L'} t[Vely " For prompt Service Fairly Price d decision over Morgan Lumber, 7;" ,' through their .rga* which had a 1,048 single game for --. its lone point of the match. G. A ....... Gustafson Paul Fredson and Bud ,.;;i b:::.: ot only is their Washiz SEE YOUR FORD DEALER Forbes allfashioned better than AmeriraaBudue. Men',K h ...... Pply Ideir n 200 scores as the lumbermen Foundation counted their big game.  w. JackeD. Blvd.. Chicago 4, Ill. *" . :Morgan Lbr. (1) Fir Drug (S) the/r shoulders, ready t , handicap 222] handicap 426 'Gustafson 5551E.Lindeman 538 "Ttmt movie 'Lost Wcck End' was lcrrific, "The distillers claim they want r,tlly one farmer to tac Bayley 4871B.Noblett 473 wasn't it?" in moderation only, yet 'science ....... P.Fredson 539]A.Kopperm'n 516 "Yes. I sec tim distillers arc fearful that people way to determine--who of thcscmaY rail speak and act w K.Fredson 554]J.Dotson 476 won't really understand it and that it will give not become an alcoholic--' according to a I B.Forbes 549[W.Earl 496 whisky a black cyc." ' scientist." Of its strong member Total 29061 Total ' 2925 "I know their argument is that only 5% 'abuse "The drys blame whisky, the distillers A1 Huerby Notors IM[asonClener(1) Simpson(8) alcotmI.'" t,..drinkcr, who do you blamc ?" ' handicap 217 handicap 0 Tlmt 5% is nearly 3,000,000 Americans ac- "Whisky and those who make, sc "The Emblem iS Y [Allan 5571R.Stewart 575 cording to a great University. Thc same Univcr- promote it. All are equally guilty, f t Petersen 4971Daniels 578 sity indlcatcs that 25% of this number arc now use should bc discouraged instead o Holt 445]Mackey 463 addicts and more arc being added daily, no one in auttmrlty can deny that." ' , B.Smith 507[ Ferrier 611 I.H.Woods 467 :M.Fredson 578 ,=.,,, . ,.a;,¢hor;zea Ford Agency Total 2690 Total 2805 Sponsored by the Shelton W.C.T.U. with contributions from the Baptist Church, FANNA B. WRIGHT ESTATE th APPRAISERS APPOINTED Fifth and Railroad Ave.- Shelton- Phone 16 .n order was sigrmd appointing B, Frank Heuston, Arthur L, Church, the Baptist Woman's 8ooiety, the Methodist Woman's Society, Women's Clubs and Ward and M. E. Kennedy apprat- ,L :  " era of the Banna B. Wright es- I tats. ,L m lll/