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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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"':,"0ctober 10, 1946. Page 12 , SEELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Thursday, October:--, - ' .... " " .......... .... 1 ,'-" False Alarms Takes HAVE l  Firemen to Mt View =': FAULTY RADIOS FIRES r]]lO fire departlYl;;l ws called Is Not Operating Perfectly CAUSED t [i:I0[qC INSPECTION MAY iSAVE PROPERTY FROM FIRE Potential dentil, serious injury their residences, the following and financial loss may lie in some suggestions are given. uniorgotten corner of your house national and local fire authorities warn. Periodic inspections of dan- ger pointv; will pay dividends in safety. "Do it now. It is too late after a iir(? has bcguu," authorities ,V al'n. To assist Imusehoiders ,in elimi- RECORDS pR0Ig"v d,,-,m 0NE I:o Mr. View Monday evening but  Some one was burning debris, with n "':] : a fire permit, and a neighbor ..w In Everytl;:-", :--. K p You H d. SIX ]lotlse aud till'ned in the llllrn'l e Sfefr F ! B i ss a om ire tIellt'y Dahl, Forest L. N(lble and H and Destruction of Homes? If Your Radio Have It Checked Over and Put in Proper Condition by TAYLOR R&DIO 4TH AND COTA PHONE 128 .......... noting possible fire hazards from .................................................................................................................... lamps, etc. See that the insula- lieu is not worn and timt all plugs laving and Dining Room Provide a heavy screen for the front of the fireplace. Always place screen against fireplace be- fore leaving the room. See that you have plenty of ash trays for cigarettes.' Cigarettes cause nore fires than any other known cause. Check all extension cords on Mr. Huntsman-- Don't Let Your 00al:00elessness Result In A L. tar ],ike This / / i Veterans can't have as much fishin9 and hunting if forest and woods fires continue to take their toll of the nation's playgrounds. 31,000,000 acresan area the slz¢ of NewYork State--are blackened annual- ly. Watersheds are denuded. Floods, erosion, silting ere induced, Wildlife is crippled and killed. mericn s bcatlty is scarred. Can anything be done bout these fires? Of €oune. Because 9 Out of 10 of this nation's forest and woods fires are started by good, law.abiding citizens like you qnd you are the one who can and must prevent them. It's time we quit kiddin ourselves: Forest arid woods fires wont s!op until Ame.&ns learn to be careful with ciga- rettes, matches, and oH out-ohdon fir. This year make sure you ere cere|ul. Read the rules on this page--read them again memorize them, Do your part, alw#ysl oa00n PREVENT F!R/$ For Your Camping Comfort As Well As ,Safety in the Woods From Fire Equip Yourself With COLEMAN G.I. POCKET CAMP STOVE 2-Piece Aluminum Telescoping Carrying Case. Brass, nickel finished, fuel fount holds one pint of fuel, enou Ph for 3 to 31/2 hours of operation. Instant lighting. 5,000 B/ L heat units perhour. Frame and folding grates of stainless 109S steel - will not rust or corrode ................................ $ SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT For Your Hunting Supplies ETABLI$HED 1895 are tight. Be sure that your radio is pro- perly grounded and that you have a lightning arrestor on the an- tenna. As well as safe guards these will improve radio recep- tion. Clean up all lint air registers. -Do {ot'use lighted candles as decorations for tables, etc. Make sure that all "electric appliances ore turned off before retiring or leavillg the house. Bed ,Room and Balls Repro Check all extension Cords. Nev- er allow a flexible electric •cord to be wrapped around a metal bed post. A'short in such a cord can easily catch bed clothes on fire. Smoking in ed is a bad habit as well aS dangerous, Do not al- low this in your home. Never leave an electric appli- ance such as a curlilag'iron, raz- or etc., plugged In. If nothing mqre it Will at |east ruin the aP- p!lance. Basement Clean up basellieng. 11 rul- hish and 0ily rags shpuld be re- moved, to prevent spontaneous combustion. Check all posts and wooden sur- faces near furnace and smoke pipe. These surfaces should be covered with asbestos board. Heat pipes stmuld not come in contact with wood anywhere in the build- ing. Clean the furnace and chim- ney annually. All defects should be repaired. ROBERT II. ALLAN ESTATE Judge Wilson signed an order admitting the will of Robert It. Allan to probate, Saturday, during Superior Court. The order also appointed Corinne Faubert Allan executor to act without bond. WILL A FIRE LEAVE YOU WITH EMPTY POCKETS? Our Special Fire s,:a . ',&t Gives You Unusual Protection Features extra Coverage not avail- ble frqm other companies. We will glidly explain them to you. BILL PEARSON District Agent OSCAR MELL Local Agent /+ : nNSUnAHCE S T 0 P T MOKING materials carelessly used are among tile most frequent causes of fires. Be careful in disposing of used matches and cigarette butts. Keep matches out of tile reach of small children. Never smoke in bed. i AKE no chances in leaving children alone in the house. They might be trapped should a fire occur. Fires often spread very rapidly. Save life first. Let tile fire depart- ment save your property. ILY rags or waste should be kept in elosed metal wa'ste cans outside the house. Never hang oily mops in a closet. The spontaneous ignition of oily rags has been responsible for many serious fires. REPARE for safety by using fire-resisting mater- als wherever possible. Eliminate tile hazard of sparks on wooden shingle roofs by usitig fire-retardant roof- inK. Construct claimneys safely. EAC!K everyone in the family to be careful of fire to watch stoves, fireplaces, electric irons and all other possible fire causes, and everyday to remove old rags, papers and other rubbish. OT aslles should never beplaeed in wooden barrels or near wooden partitions. Use metal .barrels for ashes and for rubbish. Covers on the barrels add to cleapli- ness anO fire safety. I NQUIRE of,your fire chief, when buying a fire extin- guisher, to be certain of getting the right type. Know wliat to do should a fire start. Never run with yore" clothes ignited; smother the fire with a blanket or rug. S END your clearflng work to the dry cleaner or use fire safe cleaning fluid. !ever use gasoline or kerosene to start or qicken a fire. • Flammable liquids cause the greatest number of fatal home fires. FIRE CHIEF LISTS IMPORTANT HAZARDS WHICH CAUSE FIRES bY Fire fhief T. E. Deer around light fixtures. With over-cr0wding h o U S i n g conditions in Shelton still existing it is necessal7 for each family to take precautions tO eliminate all fire hazards that aturally result from such onditions. This week, October 6 to 12, is set aside as National Fire Pre- vention Week. It is" up to every citizen in the city to do his share in helping to prevent fires and eliminate loss of life and prop- erty. To date Shelton has a very low fire loss and this can only be maintained through the coopera- ti0n of every inciividual. Each family should check its home carefully and eliminate the fol- lowing fire hazards: 1. Deflective chimneys, such as loose brick, loose mortar, joists too close to chimney, etc. 2. Defective wiring, such as kots in cQrds, wire strung over nails witholat proper instilation, Cords strung under rugs, etc. 3. Do not have paper decora- tions or combustible material i DON'T (JLEAN YOUR CLOTHES AT HOME! Don't take chances with fire by dry clean- ing your clothes at home. Be safe and avoid danger o( explo- si0ns and ihaiuful birns by sending all your cleaning to our mod- erI plant. Our prices are reasonable; the service is fast; and your clothes are clean- ed perfectly. Mason County Steam Laundry nd Dry Cleaners Phone 88 As A Safeguard Against Fire' INSULATE YOUR HOME WITH CELLULITE OO,TO, INSULATION Flame-Proof ------ Verinil-Proof AMERICA'S FINEST HOM4E INSULATION "Weighs Only 1.412 ounces Per Board Foot The most efficient barrier to the passage of heat and cold now available commer- "cially. SAV ES H E AT  TIME -- M ON E Y Lawton Lumber Co. 420 South First St. RhOne 6 4. Check defective epnnections and adjustments on oil stoves. See that they are kept clean and also that all stoves are at least 18 inches froIn all walls. 5. Do not smoke in bed and see that plenty of ash trays are avail- able. 6. Do not clean with gasoline 0 r store gasoline in buildings. 7. Do not pile wood too close to stoves or furnaces. 8. Clean all rubbisll and unneces- sary combustible material from at- ti? and basements. Keep all oily rags and waste material in metal containers. 10. DO not dry clothes too close to stoves. 11. DUmp ashes only into metal containers. 12. Keep all moss off roofs and see that shipgles are in good con- dition. 13. See that smoke pipes do not sag and that all joints are tight. 14. See that all flue holes have metal stoppers and that wall paper does not extend under same. 15. Keep all matches out of children's retT, ch. Eigllty percent of fire losses are caused bY the above hazards apd tl)ese can leasily be eliminated bY careful iIlspectiqn of homes. Shelton Valley by Signe A. Kneeland Election day has been brought to mind as posters of numerous carMidates are being posted in the valley. Let's vote. Miss Jean Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Baker. who is attending, the Western Wash- ington School of Education at Bellingham, was home over the wel r end. • and Mrs. Rea Howry and their young son John moved to Rainier. Formerly they made their home in lower Shelton Val- ley. Mrs. Rea Howry is the daugh- ter of Mrs. StelIa Holman. Charley Cooke and W. M. Avery made an'overnight trip across ttm Cascades last week. M'r. Cooke in- spected some land he acquired 16 years ago but hadn't seen before. They saw some nice country but neither are about to leave this valley. Mr. and Mrs. Corliss and their son Larry, of Tacoma, visited at the Slater home over the week end. Mrs. Corlis$ is Mrs. Slater's niece. :Mr. and Mrs. John Kneeland, their daughter Marie. Lotlise and son Edward, called on Mrs. signe Knee!and last }Vednesday. Mr. arid Mrs. CarI Kimbel and son Roy were guests at tile Alder- brook farm last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harris and daugh- ter Pacldy aAso were callers on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Clover spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Leg Spilseth of Moun- tain View. Tom Shljestad called on the John Vincents one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Killough, of Day- ton, were dinrier guests of Mr, and Mrs. Morton on Sunday. Callers were plentiful at the Walter' Sunday. lY[r. and Mrs. James Frazier were the first arrivals. In company with the Cookes they enjoyed the fine wea- ther by driving to Lost Lake. Later in the day the Slater f#m- ily and their week end guests, the Corliss family, also called on the Cookes. There is something new under the sun as far as this valley is concerned. Lee S!ater has a unique method of calling his herd of cows. He blows a srrlgll tin whis, tle at a'distance of abo.ut a thous- and feet, which start the cows filing toward the barrl, a saving of ttme and e;lergy. " Mrs. Signe Knee!and arid three Shelton friends, Mrs. Harry Mc- Conkey, Mrs. Homer Dion and Mrs. Dewey Bennett, picked huc- ldeberries near Allyn Sunday. TheY were well satisfied with the l;esults. :Mr. and Mrs. Karnes drove to Bremertan Thtlrsday. They yourlg qon Corky returried will! them. He had" been Visiting with his aunt since Sunday. George Milosevich aPl)raL';ers of the Louis Kapalo estate. Dry Clean at Home RIFLE WITH LUCK NSURE FNi;':Against from  you were Born LitMe. aybe tomorrow Will be destroyed one's - " ' !l,,.lat Titan? , t:r l;,l,ll  Your Fire Protec- Cl01 get together and see . You need and how IT CAN HAPPEN } B. CASE afe ie Insurance Covera e Do It tile m 211i2_ g. FREE BONFIRE i " 4otlUNt St Phone 46-J • By Sending  ,"- .' Cleaning to ,, oo00,00,ou o o..,o. ,, ,oo, H EL HEAT home carries fire insurance. S i Our policy selection aflerds " E] .o,, ..o,oo,,o,, o.o,.., o,, CLEAN • .... 'o.osthrough 00e,tr.ctio. " Ior t/rearer Hi Next To SafewaY .... l,  ' 2-Bqrner PHONE Oe¢: :'0 ..... W. A. MAGOON " T PLATES 32" R - * * * '' 30, 40, and 60-Gallo ai,road vnone 15 IF T'S A RUS J. ....... HOT ,WATER GENERAL INSURANCE Our Dependable, t'i; rlPARI.I I. Service ,',' -..=uia ataz , .... '.'i'7'" . , In Single or :: KILLMER E: i 'Cota Street FRAYED INSULATION EXPOSED OR BROKEN ., . ...... Invite Fire In Your Home FOR SAFETY'S SAKE have your wiring checked NOW?? J. ERNEST CRANE 216 S, 4th Street Phone 379-M' qdde,00 Bea00 A PERFECTLY SAFE PET: For Removing Spots from Fabrics and Home Cleaning Purposes BECAUSE IT IS A NON-INFLAMABLE NON-EXPLOSIVE New and Greatly Improved Liquid Soap Grease Dissolving Properties Even in Cold or warm Water. -- GOLDEN BEAM -- THE CLEANING DRNAIt AVAILABLE IN SEVERAL RETAIL STORES IN SHELTON Manufactured and Packaged in Shelton BY PRICE DETERGENT C! SHELTON 110 4th St. B. W. , SAFE.DEFt '(ai Have No Annoyi of Service W] Gas, as used in,Sheltor non-asphyxiating, depel gas appliances are fioieney ° and economy of o RANGES AND HOT .&VAILABLE FOR IMMEI Gas Third C.C. Co Fire destroys without mercy! What must be or replaced is preventable expenditure -- and fore g0cs hand in hand with inflation! Io yoOr." to prevent fire losses. They're so costly! B0 tected against fire losses; insurance is so .... REAL ESTATE " BONDS-NOTARY PHONE 306, • SHELTON , Is It Equipped Do the Extingl PYRENE, fame Fire 1 Extinguishers WEIL Double JET PUM for Well 317, Railroad Avem