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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!akes View t was called evening but false alarm. g debris, with neighbor saw e behind the n the 'lllrnl Fe. tiN'rED ed appointing L. Noble nnd xpprai,mrs of ate. FIRE! ng, if your nsurance. ion affords igainst all truction. .OON hone 115 URANCE Thursday, RECORDS 0N hi PR Sl IFLE WITH LUCK NSURE RE you were Born from maybe tomorrow  Will be destroyed one,s t!l!,,.at Then?  rl Your Fire Protec- CIE  get together and see Dry Clean ,,Ch You need and how at R": Will Homv:{l:;,  cost. .t IF IT'S A RUSH J Our Dependable, S Service 10, 1946. ,lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh CHECK YOUR MEDICINE CABINET -- for -- • BURN OINTMENT • BAN DAGES • GAUZE • FIRST AID SUPPLIES In Case of Burns You'll Find a Full Line of First Aid Supplies at PREPP'S D INSULATION OR BROKEN vite Fire In Your Home FETY'S SAKE have your: hecked NOW!! IT CAN HAPPEN i' B. CASE  %ore Do I the Sat e'e!na'urance Coverage urug - °- :. Vo) st. Phone 46-J y enmng  + : " Cleaning tOll S HEL00000K. HEAT ELECTRICALLY r l v A Greater Home Safety Next To SafewaY,:;+:: : ' .Bqrner Electric Floor PHONE e,P,+ '.) ' !i  • T PLATES HEATERS * * * 30, 40, and 60-Gallon Automatic ..... HOT ,WATER TANKS TABLE LAMPS ' - In Single or Pairs "+ KILLMER ELECTRIC Street Phone 664 ERNEST CRANE L E T 4th Street Phone 379-M' US 'ECTLY SAFE oving Spots from Fabrics and Home Cleaning Purposes : IT IS A INFLAMABLE NON-EXPLOSIVE reatly Improved Liquid Soap Mving Properties Even in Cold or • BEAM -- THE CLEANING DRIA# 5,1LABLE IN SEVERAL RETAIL STORES IN SHELTON actured and Packaged in Shelton BY DETERGENT . C( CHECK YOUR HOME WIRING For Defects Which Might Cause Fire This Is Fire Prevention q - Week- Do It Now! SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. I;10 4th 'St. B.W. Soper - Ph SAFE- DEPENDABLE +'qtl Have No Annoying Interruptions ++ of Service Wheu You WITH Gas I I B Gas, as used in,Sheltqn homes, ,+ nen-p:i:oI1- I  +'" non-asphyxiating, dependable fuel, and the  IFt'(ll:lern gas appiiarlces are ,unexcelled ir design, --I e P"IrEr'tl°lellcY and economy of operatlo n. . i-gJ l I HoT WATER HEATERS f I VAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE D.EL!VERY ton Gas Company. Third C.C. Co!e, Mgr. Phone 87 SEELTON-MASON i CO JOURNAL Darker Fall Days Add To Highway Driving Dangers The fall season may bring many deaths on :Mason county highways according to public officials con- cerned with traffic problems. The months of September, Oc- tober and November colectively netted 11.,558 deaths due to motor vehicle accidents in 1941. they say, and this year's accident rate appears likely to surpass the '41 mark. Last year only 9,300 deaths were reported for the fall months, but the specialists point out that now there are many more auto- mobiles on the roads and a good proportion of them are in poor operating condition. Accident statistics show that a defective velicle was invQlved in 17 per cent of the fatal accidents, with defective brakes, improper light, and poor tires constituting nearly half of the defects. Last year 2,510 persons were killed in auto accidents during August and 2,830 lost their lives in September, an mcrease of 320. The major reason for this is the increase in hours of darkness, the safety specialists say. Drivers who during the spring and sum- mer go from office to home in daylight often fail to" realize that it gets dark earlier with the ap- proach of winter and that with more night driving the danger from lessened visibility increases. To make things worse, most of the additional night driving dur- ing the autumn months is done between 5 and 7 p. m., when traf- fic is at a peak and motorists are impatient to reach home. As an aid to motorists wishing to avoid trouble during the next few months, the Safety Commit- tee offers the following sugges- tions: Watch out particularly for pe- destrians. Death among pedes- trians in traffic make up more than 40 per cent of the traffic fatality total for all .months com- bined. Like vehicular traffic, pc-] destrian travel is heaviest during I homeward-bound hours, .and pe- destrians are just as anxious to get home as motorists. Be espe- cially careful at inter§ections. Slow down at dusk. This will compensate for reduced ability to see and make stopping or man- euvering out of trouble easier. Remember also that accidents tend to be less severe at mod- erate than at high speed. Have your headlights inspected and if necessary adjusted, for the weeks ahead will call for inten- sive use of headlights. Turn on the parking lights earlier, so that other motorists will have no dif- ficulty in seeing your car. Watch out for wet leaves and for wet places that may have frozen over with the coming of darkness. If possible, plan to return home a little earlier. With the quickly descending nights of fall and win- ter, 20 or 30 minutes often makes } the difference between driving ] home in daylight or after dark. Patrol To Launch Car Lights Drive A drive will open October 12 in :Mason county and throughout the state to pick up motorists failing to dim their lights for oncoming motorists and drivers who use spotlights illegally, according to State Patrolman Don Walker. hours of darkness Increased with the coming of winter months has prompted the patrol to give additional attention to defective automobile lighting, Walker said. He pointed out that it is never legal to use a spotlight when the vehicle is in motion and that even when the car is stopped the light may never be flashed left across the highway dividing line. According to State Patrol Chief H. W. Algeo, Olympia, traf- fic accidents have killed 415 per- sons on Washington highways this year. He predicted the figure will reach 600 by December 31. OLIVER BISHOP ESTATE Judge Wilson set the time of the hearing of the final account and report of the executors of the Oliver Bishop estate and for settlement and distribution of said estate for Saturday, Novem- ber 9. APPRAISERS APPOINTED Judge Wilson signed an order appointing Lee CeNSor, John Si- mops and Ed Wilson appraisers of the John J. Johnson estate. PROCLAMATION Because of the interest shown in pre- vious years, and the civic good resulting, I, as mayor of Shelton, do proclaim the week of October 6th thru 12th as FIRE PREVENTION WEEK, and earnestly urge the people of the city of Shelton to observe this week. Real fire prevention means not only the elimination of fire causes and accu- mulations of rubbish, but good building construction and the installation of ap- proved fire extinguishing equipment. Each year the life and property loss from fire in this coultry, has shown an increase over the prewous year. The need for real fire prevention work is be- coming more and more apparent, not only to fire department officials, bt to the general public. The majority of peo- ple are willing to correct unsafe condi- tions and eliminate unnecessary fire hazards when called to their attention. Shelton's losses from fire have been very small. Let us keep up this fine record. F. A. TRAVIS, Mayor, City of Shelton. AUTHORITIES, BUSINESSMEN OBSERVE FIRE PREVENTION Because fire plays a dual role Prepp's Drug Store and J. Er- in tie life of mankind, that of master and destroyer, authorities have been moved to create Na- /tional Fire Prevention Week. Dm'- ing the Week of October 6 to 12, Fire Prevention Week will be ob- served in Shelton, :Mayor F. A. Travis has issued a proclamation , calling upon all citizens to ob- serve the week by practicing safety in and out of home, office and factory. The watchword is "Be Careful and You'll De Safe Be Insured and You'll Be Pro- tected." Fire Chief T. E. Deer pointed out that, "The fire department will make every effort to illus- trate the dangers of fire, and is making  special appeal to every- one to help prevent fires." On these two pages readers are invited to inspect "carefully the advertisements of these merchants and businessmen: William Gra- ham of Union, the Lumbermen's :Mercantile, Bill Pearson and Os- car :Mell, Carlo Hardware, :iV[. C. Zintheo, Shelton Electric, Eliot Electric, Killmer .Electric, Shel- ton Laundry, Shelton Gas Com- pany, Herbert G. Angle, Pantor- ium Cleaners, Price  Detergent Company, Olstead Agency, Rob- erson Heating and Plumbing Co., Maon County Laundry and Clean- ere, W. A. :Magoon, Lawton Lum- ber, D. B. Case, Taylor Radio, nest Crane. Proclahned by Many Fire Prevention Week has been proclaimed by the President of the United States and various gov- ernors and mayors of practically every state and city in the union. It will be observed throughout the natipn by civic, business and fra- ternal organizations, industrial and mercantile establishments, schools and churches. A hazard which takes thous- ands of lives annually in this country and destroys millions of dollars worth of property is a hazard which deserves the serious attention of every man, woman and child, here and everywhere. k continuation of educational programs in fire preventive mea- sures will go a long way in cheek- iRg deaths by fire and reducing the enormous property losses in- curred. Everyone Helps The housewife, the merchant, and the manufacturer can great- ly aid the fire department by the observance of common sense safe- ty rules. Even though covered by fire insurance, remember that there is nothing that can pay for a lost life. To control fire' and prevent devastation may cost a little time and perhaps some ef- fort but that little may save a life, a home, a town or a city. Be careful--STOP FIRE ! 9 ,qr v v,p,r ,v ,v ,e4 m,ql-,v, 'v-4,m-qr ,-v Union An impromptu luncheon was given Thursday by the Ladies Club for :Mrs. Charles :Munroe of Buena --the mother of :Mrs. Howard Ir- vine and Lyle Bittle, The affair was held at the home of :Mrs. Le- roy Winne. After the get acquaint- ed luncheon all were entertained by the showing of :Mrs. Winne's large and very fine collection of salt and pepper shakers. A number of our [ervice boys have gone away to college. Dave Dalby to the University of Wash- ington; Robert :McGhee to Col- lege Place; Bob Co]linson and Rick :Middleton to Stanford; Gene Stark left Thursday for Pullman and Mrs. Stark will go over later if living .quarters can be found. Ed- win :Martin and wife left here Friday evening planning to fly to Pullman where they had to be by last saturday for enrollment. belle Avey sang "At Dawning" for the wedding and "Always" at the reception. Prof. :McGhee play- ed several lovely violin numbers at the reception accompanied by :Mrs. :Munroe. There were also baritone solos, one at the wed- ding and one at the reception by friends of the family. The bride was very lovely in a white satin gown and veil. After a brief wed- ding trip the couple will reside here until the next semester of college. Those from here who at- tended the wedding, besides the family, were :Mr. and :Mrs. Lad Andersen and John :Moffett. Use the Journal classifieds-- they really get results. ii DON'T d00o, lighted matches. At home use deep ash trays and make sure the match is OUT! Know What To Do Before Arrival Of the Firemen There are different types of fires, many having their origin in the home owner's carelessness, and therefore preventable. But once fire starts, every man, woman or cifild should know what to do to combat it immediately. There are three different kinds --insurance experts call thegn class "A," "B" and "C" Class. A fires are those which occur in ordinary combustible ma- tezals--paper, wood, etc. Class B fires are fires in inflammable liquids--grease and the like. Class C fires are those which break out in electrical equlpmentwizng, etc. If it is a Class A fire that you're fighting, use water and plenty of it--provided you're not afraid of causing damage by soaking the furnishings in your home. When you come to Class B fires, you have a much more difficult problem because a stream of wa- ter may do more imrm than good. Such fires ummlly involve oil or grease in some sort of container. This type of inflammable liquid fire has to be Smothered. You can do this smothering physically --for instance, by using a blan- ket or a pan cover. Oi , you can do it more scientifically with spe- cial extinguishing equipment. You may use watdr 5n oil-soak- ed rags or a small oil spill fire, but it's best to use a fine spray of water, not a heavy stream. The Class C fire--the electrical fire--must also he smothered; but here you have an added hazard. If you squirt a hose ,on burning electric wiring, the electric cur- rent will run back along the wa- ter stream and may knock you off your feet; if the voltage is high, it may kill you. So you must use an extinguisher agent which will not carry an electrical charge. Coast Guarders Hold Rate Under New Rule A change in the procurement policy for Class V-6 U. S. Naval reserve for Inactive Duty now au- thorizes otherwise qualified ex- members of the U. S. Coast Guard to enlist or reenlist in that pro- gram in the rating held on date of discharge or separation from the Coast Guard. Enlistments in the V-6 Inactive Naval Reshrve may be made at the U. S. Navy Recruiting Sub- station, in the Old Capitol Build- ing in Olympia or at the city hall, Shelton, Wednesday afternoons, 2 to 4. SAFE WIRIE Could Have PREVENTED The Scene Depicted Here For Expert Electrical Work Call ELIOT ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO. Title Insurance Bldg. Phone 64 i. ii iii FIREMEN g i i i J it Jt J * L ARE GRAND GUYS But Don't Encourage Them to Visit You Professionally You Court An Official Call By Dry Cleaning Clothes At Home With Inflammable Cleaning Fluid BE SAFE -- AVOID FIRES AT HOME by sending all your dry cleaning to our modern plant, where you'll get expert service, reasonable price, speedily, PANTORIUM CLEANERS & TAILORS 215 S. 2nd St. Phone 86 NOW -- MORE I00IAN EVER With Increased Property Valuations It Is Imperative That You Have Adequate Fire Insurance The Red Demen Is No Respector of Persons It Treats All Alike You May Be Next Fire Prevention Week Is An Ideal Time To Check Your Insurance COverage With M. C. (NEIL) ZINTHEO Title Insurance Building Phone 157 n n i I ii ii _-- i] i it i Be Fire.sightedl CHECK THAT FURNACE ! Now is the time to have your furnace checked against winter- time trouble. Heating equip- ment in many households has been neglected during the war due to manpower a0d mterial shortages. Here are the main points t Imve checked: 1 Are grates in good condition, not cracked or brown? -' 2 ,s firebox sound, without cracks or leaks? [ 3 Are flues, sm.kc pipes and chimney fre f aceumu- ! ; laid So0t ? + " : Are smoke pipes without weaknesses from rust? 5 Is smoke pipe tightly cemented into chimney with no I¢tSv joints between pipe sections or furnlc¢? '!,, 6 Is draft system adequate to carry away fumes or [ gases? ROBERSON PLUMBING -- AND HEATING--- 222 S. Secend St. Phone 685 CHIMNEY CLEANING FURNACE REPAIRING All Types of Heating System Service DON'T CHANCE FIRE THRU DIRT OR DISREPAIR GRAHAM UNION 383 WILLIAM or Write Union, Wash. (Recommended bY Shelton Fire Department) :Mr. and Mrs. :Morrison Pixley of RE PREVENTION WEEK Time To Check Up On Your Home Fire Protection!" 's without mercy! What must be is preventable expenditure -- and {i., Is It Eauinned With Fire Extinguishers? i ,:'[ . "1 1  ' ,nd in hand with infiatlonl q0 yog' illSO, DO the Extinguishers Work, Are They Filled? fire losses. They're so costly! fle " I st fire losses; insurance is so ineXP¢" -- ......  .... P.YRENE, famous Home rXl Fire =   Fire 1 - .l Extinguiser 1 R ! //D -4" //I /   , Extinguishers at  0o v FLUID .............. at • 0 m/ €* _.• • • • m i/ Idl 1Vz-Qt Sze I Per Qt INSURI I] WEIL Double Action I SEIDEL l n' 01 +, ...... ,,^---+ t"1 I JET PUMPS I HUBER +VO,oO  • P.lalt" DUN U'PlUlaK  I for Wells I HOT WATER TANKS 'HONE 0tt" 5HELTON, ] I " I, 40-Ga, Automatic Electric C&TTO HARDWARE 317,Railroad Avenue -. - Phone 48 Porterville, Calif., were here for several days last week. They were guests of Don Beckman and were feted by a number of old friends. Wednesday evening 1hey Were dinner guests of the Victor Han- sons, luncheon Thursday at the Nosworthys and dinner guests of Philip Johnson that evening. They checked over the effects of Frank Pixley, who m now living with them in Porterville, and shipped them to him. :Morrisson has a large ranch where all the chil- dren lmye horses to ride. :Mrs. :Marcia Clark was in charge dur- ing their absence. Papa and Mama Grout, Grand- ma and Gradpa Grout are all thrilled over the arrival of a 7 pound boy, born at the Shelton hospital Thursday afternoon. His name is Steven Douglas and both he and his mother are doing well. G. C. Lemon, newly elected su- perintendent of the Sunday School officiated in that capacity last Sunday at which time there was a good attendance. A wedding of interest to the community was that of Edwin :Mc- Ghee, son of :Mr. and :Mrs. Louis :McGhee, and :Miss Naomi Steele of California. The ceremony was performed Sunday at the Sev- enth Day Adventist Church in Bremerton by Elder William :Mc- Ghee, brother of the groom, re- cently of Chicago, who is now teaching in Portland, Ore. It was quite a family affair as :Mrs. William :McGhee played the wed- ding music and Mr. and Mrs. Earl :Munroe were the attendants. Pat :Munroe was flower glrl and little David, Bible bearer. Mrs. Ora []9 T let rags which have lSul] | been used for oil or paint, accumulate in cellar. Throw them away. 9 T use cheap electrical 1]Ul 1 wiring. Make sure it is approved and safe-- you'll benefit. DON7 use explosive clean- ing fluids. It isn't worth the risk. Explosions are dangerous. re,.00co UUlll "blown" fuses and remember to fix all defective electric appliances. , make sure that your plumbing system has no 2 gas leaks. Do" this periodical- a ly. Stop fire! i @ FIRE :i" E00EI1Y ** Every minute of the day a destruct- ** ive Iire rages somewhere. Statistics prove that fire never rests. YOU do not know, of course, when  fire will strike your' home, too . . . but you can quickly relieve your mind bY investing a few cents a day for fire insurance. Today, values are up! Be sure your home and your furnishings are properly in- sured. DO the right tbng when a' fire stars- call Central *j# immediately. I* DO away with all old. lash- ,!t¼:, ioned articles that are potential fire hazards. Seeads:: H • OIs|ead Agency on this page. • • -' +:+ m Ia your part :o teach your U eraployees the * ............... family or Start immed- ** 1£0 orm econa reet - rnone u dangers of fire. lately.  • • • • • • ' • • •