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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i i ............ CAUSE NO. 4677 :NOTICE OF SIIER.[FFJS SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under Sne¢lal Execution IN THE SUPEIZIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY • Kaspar Kelser. Plaintiff. %&apos;S .M GeorKe Snkoel, Defendant Under and by virtue, of a special xecution issued out of and under, he seal of the Superier Court of tim irate of Washington, in and for said kmnty, on the 9th day of Septem- mr, 1946, upon a judgrmnt rendered n said Court, on the 24th day of kugust, 1946, in favor,.of Kaspar Kcts- ,r ann against George Sokool for the um of Efght Hundred and no/00 $800.00) Dollars, together with alter- roy's fees, in*crest, costs aud increlm- d costs and to nle directed and de- ivered, commanding me to sell the Pollowlng described property to satis- fy said judgment, to:wit: . . An undix;Idcd one-nell interest In and to a tract of land in tile North- ast Quarter of Section 81, Township 22 North, Range ,I West, 'W.M., par- ticularly desm'ibed ms follows: So- l, inning at the Northeast Corner of said Secthm 31 ; thence west along ite north line thereof 660 feet,; thence South 650 feet' thence east 660 feet €0 the east line of said Section 81; thence north along tile east line of said Section 31 650 feet to the point of beginning cxce]ting therefrom right-of-way fer ,eeonday State Idtghway N, 14A as, the same is now constructed and in use over and across said laird ; :Mason County, ,Wash.  tu'rICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That n Saturday the 19th day of October, 1946, at 10 ok:lock in the forenoon of said day, I will sell the above de-. scribed property, or so much tllercof] es may be necessary to satisfy said; Judgment, together with attorney's i fees, interest, costs and increased ! costs, in all anlounting ,'to the sum/ vf Nine hunared•, twenty-three and J (51/00 ($923,61) Dollars. ' Said sale will take place at the last door of the Court House at Shel- don in said County and 'State, and ill be at public auetion, for cash in imnd to the highest and best bid- tier, Dated at Shelton, Wash,, this IZth da of September, 1946. " ,, W.F. COMPTOI • :, Sheriff of said County. . , 9-19-2610-3-10--4t. c ANDREWS STUDIO 119 Railroad - Phone 152 I i I " '/";: A RE YOU: COMPLETELY H<PPY IN YOUR PRESENT JOB? • Do You Earn : Approximately $45 Per Week ? PLUS These Benefits 1. Free Hospitalization! 2. Ftfll pay while sick! 3. Free Doctor's care I 4; Free dental care! 5. 30 daYS vacation each year with full pay! 6. Free clothing and lmusing! 7. Specialized training ill many trades and skills! All these imatel A regular wages n of uric re- tint rulf. world minded 17 the kind of will eajoy MEZZAN1NF, FLOOR HOTEL OLYMPIAN OLYMPIA, WASH. NOTICE OF IIEARING Franchise Application No. 1772 In tile Matter bf tim Application of I:'ENINSULA LIGHT COMPANY, a corporation, for it franctltso to con- struct, operatt and lllllilliflin an elec- trk u'ansl fiss on and distributing lille Ul)On lJ]OIlg and across a portion of Scc0nttary State l{ighway Nos. 14-A and 14-B in [ason nntt Pierce Coun- ties, Wshlngton, WlIEREAS, the PENINSULA LIGHT COMPANY, a corporation, has filed witil the Director of Highways of the State of Washingt(,n, under the provi- sions of Cbalter 53, Laws of 1937, an application fcr a franchise to con- struct operate and nnllntalrl all elcc- Iric iransndssiou nnd distributing line upon, along aud across It portion of Secondary Stab, 'Highways NOS. 14-A and 14-B in Mason and Pierce Ceun- tics, Washington, for It period of twenty,-five (25) years, at the follow- in. designated points, to-wit: B(glnnlng at a point on tho West- erly side of Scconliary State High. way No. ld-A as now locaied and of record in the Office of the Director of Highways at 'Olympia, Washing'ton said point being opposite approxi- mately Highway Engineer's St;,Hon 6/N-{-00 (Sherwood Creek) in tile SEU of the SW);,, Sect, ion 20, Township 22 North, Range I West W.M. thence in a Nortilerly direction ahmg the Westerly side 0[ said ,highway to a point ,pposite.approxtnlately l:tighway Engineer's Staf].n 745+00 approximate- ly on the South line ,')f Pine Street i Lakewood, lathe SWJ of the SW%, Section E. Townstlip 22 North, Range 1 West. V•M,; Also, bcginnhlg at a point on the Easterly side of Secondary State lllKhway No. I,I-B as now locate, d and on record in tile Office of the Director of Highways at Olympia Washlrxgion, said point ' hehlg appo- site aDt)roximately Mile Post 2.0 hi lhe NW% of the SWI, Section 0, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, W.M.; thence in a Soutberly direc- tion along the Easterly side of said highway to a point opposite Mile Pot 4,5 in Government Lot 4, Section 16, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, W, :M.; tbenve crossing said iHghway to the Westerly side thereof and con- tinuing lu a Southerly and Easterly direction along the Westerly and Southerly side of said highway to a point cqp(,sile allproxhnately Mile I'ost 5.ff5 al the Mason-Pierce County Line in the NW}d ef the NW% of See.ties 3,1, Township 22 North, Range 1 West W.M.: thence crossing s:fid county line and conlimling along tim Southerly or right-hand side of said idgbway loa point opposite approxi- mately Mih' Post l l.,l (Key Center) in tile NWI,I of NE] of Section 1, Township 2t Nortll, Range 1 West, W,M• NOW', TII:LPFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY (lIVEN Thai a hearing will be held on said application by the Director of High- Ways ef the State of Washiugtcal at his office in the Transportation Build- lng, Olympia, Wmuhington, on the 19th day of November 1946 at 10 o'eloc C A.M., or as soon thereafter as bearing ma be had CLARENCE B. SItA1N. Director of Itighways. 10-10-17-24--3t. NO. 1861 NOTICI TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COIII%T OF TIlE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY • IN PRORATE In the Matter of the Estate of Rob- , err It. Allan. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tile underigned, Corinne Faubert Al- lan, has been appointed and has quail- fled as Execulrix of tile estate of Robert H. Allan, deceased, and that all persons having claims against the said deceased or the said estate are hereby required to serve the same duly ,crificd, with the necessary vou- chers attached, upon the undersigned Exc(utrix or her Attorney of Record at tile law office of Cllas, R Lewis, Bell Building, 119 South 4th Street, Sbclion, Mason Counly, Washington, the' sttnle being designated as the place for the transaction of the buM- ness of the said estate, and file such , claims with the Clerk of the above I entitled court, ogether with proof of me'vice within six months after dais of first publication of this notice. to-wit: October 10, I946. or all claims not so served and filed shall be fox'- ever barred, CORINNE FAIIBERT ALLAN, Executrix of the estate of Robert Iff, Allan. deceased. Bell Tullding, 119 South 4th Street, Shelton, Mason County, Wahington. CIIAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said estate ICell Building, 119 South 4th Street. Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 10-10-17-24-31--4t, NO. 1852 NOTICE TO OREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 09' TItE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOIl MASON COUNTY IN I'ItO|}ATE in the Matter of the Estate of Clmr- tic, I. tIamar. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Helvl Hill Latham, has been appointed and has qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Charlle I. Hamar. deceased, and that all. persons having,.clains against the salu ucceasea or tap said estate are herehy requlred to serw.  the same, duly verified witll the necessary vou- chcrs attached, ripen the undersigned Admlnistratrix or her Attorney of Iecord at the law office of Chas, R. Lewis, Bell Building, 119 South 4th Street, Shelton, Masgn County, Wash- ington, the same belng designated as the place for the transaction of the business of the said estate, and file such claims with the Clerk of the above entitled court, together with proof of scrvice. wit.hie slx months after date of lJl's publication of this notice, to-wit: October 10 1946, or all clarns not so served and flied shall be forever barred. IIELVI HILL LATHAM, Adminlstratrlx of lhe estat( of Charlie I, Hamar, deceased. :Roll Bnihling, 119 South 4t11 Street. Shelten, Mason County, Washington. CIlAS. R, LEWIS, Atlorney for sald estate, tell Building, 119 Soulll 4th Street, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 10-:10qT-24-31--dt. NO. 1780 1NOTICE OF IIEAItING ON FINAL IIEIORT AND I ETITION FOR DISTRIRUTION IN THE SUPEIIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR I%IASON COUNTY IN I'ROI]ATE In tlle Matter of the Estate of AH}crt P. Saegcr, Dcceascd. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that R.iehmnd I=L Saeger and Geneva Sac- ge.r Angle, Adnlinistraters with the Will annexed of the estate of Albert P. Saegcr, deceased bare filcd with the Clerk of tim above entitled coln.t their Final lh:port aud Petition for Ditributiorl asking the court it) al)- l)'ove lhe sane, disiribuie the prop- CI'|y Io tile l)ers011s tlferetn entilled ail(t to dis'hary'e the said Adnlinistra- tots with the Vill annexed. NOTICE IS FURTIIER GIVEN that f th , said Final Report and I etition for Distrtiluth.m will be heard on Satur- day the 19th day of 0cipher, 1946, at the hour (if ten o'clock in the fore- noon. in the Court Room. in the C.urt I-Iouse. ill Shelton, Washington. I)atcd this 14th day of September, ' 1946. (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN, Clerk of the above entitled court. CIIAS. R, LEWIS, AttornPy for the said e,s.tate, Address: 119 Bell Building, South 4fix Street, Simlton, Matou County, Washington. ................... 9-1926--10-3-10--.It, ) .11 [!1 I I'aICICT m':GIST R7'--6iTmS ................. Note: Registration, ]aooks close October ]9, 1946. PREEINCT OFFICER ALLYN George Miles( rich 'R(ADIA' ' Lawri B, HIll ,P NO. 3 h's Pearl' Schmid; CAPITAL }{ILL Mrs. lPrances J, Cole BELFAI}% 1. 2, 3 Emmett Orl John Whtthlg '.rS, D!}lphlne Rishcl Win, N. NanCi Wilton k, [ Waltzer O, c..n' ]lira. Hclcn Johnson Waiter O. Oliver Lawrio B. tIiil • W 0 IIATTON rs. Sadona John8 ChaS, E, Williams I,'. Pearl Vanderwal Mrs. Delia Morsu Mrs. Martha Wylie Mrs, Daisy Benthein Mrs, Lucy Lynn John W. Hus0n Wands Wyatt Madellne Qulnn DEPUTY REGISTIAR AT LARGE Georgo Clifton '0.0-4t, ADDRESS A]lyn, Wasllinglon Route it, Shclion Camp No. 3, Shclton Route 2, Shelten BeII'alr L, L. Route Ehna Star r{0U/.(t 2, Sllclton Star Route ], Bremertou Star Route 1. Shclten Grapeview Route 2, Shclton Hoodspert Reuto 1, She]tort l:toute 1. Shelton Lilliwaup Matlock l{oute 2, Shcltoi* ]outc 2, Shelton Route 2, Shclton Route 1, Elma Star Route 1, Shelton Tahuya ,, lint on Shelton Route 3, Shelton t'tARI%Y DI']YETTE, County Auditor FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE modern 3-bcdrooul homo downtown, in A-1 condition. fireplace, full cement basement, automatic 6it heat; unusually welt- kept yard with pool, shrubbery, rookery and hedge. Phone 157 for appointment. M. C. ZINTHEO, I%ealtor. • * * 5-room house with bath, large gar- age with cement floor, extra big lot, cement walks, city water; ou the flat one rail0 from city center. Priced at $6500,:, See M, C. ZIN- THEe, Phone 157. 40-acre improved farm on Harsline Ishmd. I2 acres cleared, plenty of fir and cedar tinlber, small streanl ou property; 6-room honse, Keod barn, chicken honse ; fanlily oF'- chard, hay land reseeded well fenced; price Includes cow. heifer, work horse, inlplements and sonic furniture. $5,500, terms, See M. C, ZINTHEO, PtIHI( 157. Partly finished 8-room house, city water and electricity, only $1,600• M, C. ZINTHEO. Realtor. High-class apartment hous0 pro- ducing good steady income. For details contact M, (. ZINTHEO, FOR SALE: I0 acres with four room llouse, barn and hen house. Star . Route 2, Box 77. R10-3-17 FOR SALE: 13 arccs on waterfront, 6-room house with bath. ql's. Ellen Gosscr, Roule 2, Box 305, Shelton, 9-26--10-10 FOR SALE: two and a half acres with small house on Capital Hill, between Dillon and Dunbar places, $1,000. Inquire at Jourmd or call Seattle, SUnset 6692. T10-10-24 FOR SALE: three bedroom modern house, largo lot, double garage, woods]led and chicken house. Phone 21J2. Potlatch. R10-3-17 FOR SALE: $1,559 equity in 4-room modern house and lot at 428 Fair- mont, Balance can be paid at $30 monthly. Arthur A, Cook, at. 1, c-o Jim White. /0-3-10 FOR SALE: corner lot. Also 6-room house, doub . plumbing, garage, floor lamps. ah at 1019 Cota St. C9-26--10-10 FOR SALE: .two houses. Apply at phone 284R or 518 Park St, 7-dtfn BIIELTON.MASON COUNTY JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVRTISINO RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00. I week €. Lower rates for larger ads ann more insertionS. Reader notices 8c per word. 75¢ minimmn charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, $1,00; originm poetry 50e per inch; class*fled display rates on request. Advertiseulants accepted over the temphone from phone sub- scribers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment roads within five (5) da,s of the firsi insertion to save expense of bill, tng. An extra charge of 10c wiU be made when billing is nee PRESCRIPTION SERVICE on nmdi- sary. cat contracts, old ago assistance, or PHONE I00 direct with you on our doctor's Second order. Prepp's Drug tore. ......... .o  , v,,- and Railroad. 10-3tfn. REAL ESTATE WELL DRILLING: Work and mate- rial guaranteed. Vern Davidson, 903 , Ellinor, Sheltou Phone 220W. 7-18tf Lake Isabella with attractive one [ room log cabin, dock and float. ] • ELECTROLUX , gravity water supply, excellent gar-t CLEANERS, SALES, Service and den spot, Picturesque secluded home ] supplies, Free pickup and delivery. see, or would subdivide, $3,250. Hal.{ Jack Manley, only authorized fac- FOlstead'-s-E:.'Ph°nelo 30, S-k-kom-i '9"18tfn" torY2W2, representative. Phone Hoodsport7.18__tfn PORTABLE STEAM CLEANER for Valley, creek runs through place, truck and auto motors. %Vork eve- modern 6-room house with fire- nings and Saturdays, Ernest Booth, place, 46 holly trees, barn, chick- 411 Harvard, phone 478-J 6-20tfn. en house, garage, woodshed, USED TIRES: passenger and truck cOWS, chickens. Carl Crawley, recapping and repairing. Sam B, Smith Co,, Legion and Cherry, Star Route 1, Box 72, Shclton. Olympia. Phone 7753. U. S. Tires 9-5-tn and batteries, ll-15tfn. FOR SALE: one mile nortll of Shel- toll--new Spanish type home four rooms and bath, wired for electro stove and heater, Level corner lbt 60 x 100. Ideal family location, Close to bus and stores. Priced to sell ?oUlCkly. Call Shelton 392 and ask r Ethel Hopkins before 5:00 o'clock for appointment. H10-3-10 FOR SALE: two-bedroom house. Com- pletely redole inside and out, Gas range and oil heater, automatic hot ] water heater. Phone 229R, B10.10t n FOR SALE: 8 room house on Mt'. View, Garage, chicken house, four lots 60 x 100. $6500. Would consider Classified Ads Classified Service Classified Service SEPTIC TANKS cleaned out, contcnts hauled away. Quick service. Call SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING. Chas, Jones, Olympia 3486 or .7026. also parts for all makes of sewing 8-22--11-7 machines, Phone 596J. B10-3tfn CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING and meat grinding. Have your locker meat cut by an experienced meat cutter. Beef, pork, veal and elk and deer in sea- son. Cut, wrapped and trinunings ground, 3c pound. Don Williams, 604 Dearborn Phone 381M. 9-12tfn DANCING every Saturday at Hateitery Grange Hall. Good music, good time. W5-30tfn, HEMSTITCH!.NG: 10c yarn, also but- tonnohng, Mrs. Ellis Wells, 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. (Corner Arcadia and Boundary Streets.) 2-28-tfn HEMSTITCHING 15c ]cARD. Knifa and scissor sharpening. Would like to continue witl Mrs. Twohy's cus- tomers. Mrs, Fred Elson, 427 Belle- vue. S-7-tfn IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND ELECTRICIANS contact C. L. Col- lins, Business Agent, 1612 Division. Phone 240W, 3-30tfn NEW BEARING SERVICE WE IAVE ADDED A NEW LINE BORING BAR AND TOBIN ARP BEARING RESIZR TO OUR EQUIPMENT. Also Federal Mogul Bearings Cracked Cylinders and Block Repaired by K W COLD VCELD :METHOD MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP late model ear ns part payment. FOR SALE: three-room semi-modern Phone 182M. Mc10-3-47 house $1,400. Wrtte P,O. Box 421 ..... Shelton. Me10-10 FOR SALE: 4-room modern furnished FOR S:ALE: 16 x 20 house completely furnished. $1•800. Write P.O. Box No. 43. B10-I0-17-24 FOR SALE--'tw'()'•'lots just outside city lhnlts on Matloc.k Road. Inquire at Maple Auto Camp for Merle E. .Cleve!and. 10-3-10 FOR SALE: 120 acres of stock farm, approxinmtely $1,000 worth of wood on the place to, be taken care of. Plenty of grazing land, Good, mod- ern four room house. Inquire, at Journal office• R10-10 house on waterfront property. Four miles from Shelton. Phone 10F3. M9-26--10-10 FOR SALE: 21 acres or waterfront on Toands peninsula on Hood Canal, $1200, Write Herman Dewitz, Grape- view, Wash, 8-29---10-31 FOR SALE: $3,500, 4-ro0m house and shower, 5 acres of land, four miles outh of Shelton on Olympic high- i way. Wood cook stove and walnut[ bedroom suite, davenport and kit- chen table and chairs. Ivan C. Shut- tel', at, 1, Box 24. 8-29tfn, MASON LAKE Waterfront Tracts 60 x 300 foot, beautiful, trees, marvelous gravel beach, good fishing, fine camp grounds, Take Bayshore Road, follow signs, ONLY 15 MILES, come out and select your tract, you name the down and monthly paymentsYou can't go wrong owning a waterfront tract. See Gordon Mendenhall Representative on the Ground W. C. MADING 702--3rd Ave., Seattle, El. 8745 7/4-tfn NOTICE OF CLOSING OF I REGISTRATION ROOKS Notice is hereby given that the Reg- I istration Books will be closed for i original registration in all precincts in Mason Csnty, Washington, on and after the 19th of October, 1946, for a period of 15 days until the 5th of November, the same being the date of the General Elecu0n .... Dated this 1st day bfOctobe¢19:6: IARRY DEYETTE. Anditor, Maon County, Washington. 10-10-17--2t, FOR RENT FOR RENT: 4-room bouse. Elderly couple preferred. No children. Conl- pletely furnished for $50per month, Call at Route 3, Box 127, Areadin Road. P10-10 FOR RENT: room. Middle aged wo- man preferred. 311 Cookson. Phone 436R. ' B9-26--10-10 FOR RENT: frozen food lockers. Ready on or about October 1. H, F. Boyscn, Phone 62R. St• at. 1, Box 13, Mt, View, 8-29tfn, FOR RENT: Beautifully located on North Bay and state highway 14A at Allyn, Washington, Known as Baysid0 Apts. , Management furn- !shea nsuaI furniture an.d funish- Ings, not and cola runnlng wateft refrigeration,, electric lights, oil burner and launary facilities, Apartment prices froth $2 to $32.5.0. abins $1& and $17.50. W. A. BeaK. ley, Manager. 8-28-tfn 6iVENT? to rooms -nd a three- room apartment for rent at Bay- side apartments at Allyn. See ad in this paper on page 10. 10-3-31 F'(R--RENT: modern ftnmished cot- tages. Close to boih schools, Three and four rooms. Oil. heat, $20.00 and $35,00 per montll• Phone Beffalr 251. Inquire at Happy Hollow Store. 10-3-24 WANTED TO RENT W'A:F,D%O'E'NT 7 'two "or "three bedroom house. Close ill. Mechanic at Olympic Motor Sales. W10-3-17 USED CARS WANTED TO BUY Good Used Cars for Cash at OPA Ceiling Prices. S. L. PEARSON Phone 548-W LOST AND FOUND LOST: liver and white Springer. Ro- e ward offered, Call 4.1J or 182. McC10-3-10 LOST: ll]ack and white male Spring- er .paniel. Liberal reward. Ed Au- seth at Agate Store. 10-3-17 LOST: man's yellow gold Elgin wrist- watch, Gold face, leather band. Re- ward for return to Journal office. LI0-10-24 LOST. 1)rowe cocker slJaniel dog, wearingfharness, will answer to the name o Rusty. Reward offered if found. Call 316M. BI0-10 ,OST: black Inale Scotty on Grapeview road. Reward. A. I. Maginnls, Grape- vlew. 10-10 FOUND: two pairs'of glasses. One pair ts rimlcss in a bluo cam'. with Newport News, Va, on the case. The otlmr pair has rims and look like they night fit a child. Owners Colile to Journal and pay for adv. 10-10 sOUND: one gold earring with srnall bhle set, Owner conle to Journal office and pay for adv. 10-10 CARD OF API'ltECIATION May we take this means of express- ins our sincere thanks and apprecia- tkm to the people of the Allyn and Grapeview eolmnunilies for their as- sistance and gifts following the in- Juries ,x',('etvctl" by Mr. Okonck. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Okone, k and *emily. 10-10 HOMES FOR SALE On Mt, View, 3 rooms, 2 lots, unfinished 3-room addition, new electric range and water iheater, $3500. . On "edge of town (Hfllcrest one acre, 4-room house, fruit trees, chicken house. $3250. SHICK & GEORGE 125 First St. Phone 46 Drugless Therapy Thermaire Sweat Baths Soap Lake Baths Zone Therapy George A. Schaller, D.M. 1731 E. 22nd Pitone 3042 Olympia, Wash. 10/10-11/14-6t S-I-G-N-S and PAPER HANGING F. K. McCutcheon 222 S. 2nd - Phone 685 II I Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Medical Contracts, Old Age Assistance, or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 II I nlll l CHIMNEY AND FURNACE CLEANING Heating System REPAIRS And Setwice William Graham Phone Uniol :183 or vVrite Union, Wasll. I PAPERHANGING INTERIOR PAINTING KEMTONING Plan New Brightness for Your Home Any Time George W. Sawyer 105 Front St. 407 South First Street, Shelton Phone 628 Quick, Reliable, Expert RADIO REPAIRS Western Supply Co. 218 N. 1st Phone 126 I! i CLARK'S 2nd HAND STORE 201 E, Pine -- Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHING THE GIFT BOX 200½ West 4th Olympia, Wash. Beautiful Sterling Silver St. Christopher Car Medals, 50¢ and up. St. Anthony, Scapular and Miraculous on eighteen and tenty-four inch chains, price range $3.50 to $4.25. 7/8-tfn Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 236-RX Promlt Service I AUTO BODY REPAIR WELDING, PAINTING GLASS WORK OO EATON Body and Fender Works Third and Grove Streets PHONE 84 I Shelton FIX-IT-SHOP O Remodeling O Furniture Repair  Appliance Repair Cabinets Built or Repaired O Free Estimates O Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD Route 3, Box 182-A Phone 462-JX DON'T READ THIS Unless Your Radio Needs Repair THEN CALL BURGESON RADIO SERVICE Phone 112-W 1221 Franldin Closed Saturday Or Leave Work at Killmcr Electric NO JOB Too SMALL For This Handy, Economical GENERAL REPAIR SERVICE Any Small Repair Job Around Home, Office or Store PHONE 656 For Handy-Man %Vith Truck and Tools Logging Equipment 2-Drum Skagit Donkey 150 H.P. New Chrysler Industrial Motor Twin City Junk Ccntralia Phone 112 i0,i0 SWEDISH MASSAGE Zone Therapy And Mineral Bath MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 228 South Second St. A. F. OPPELT Phone Hoodsport 24J4 or Shelton 448 HARD-TO-GET But We Have Cook Stove Oil BURNER CONVERSIONS Sealed - Beam HEADLIGHTS Sealed-Beam Headlight Conversion Kits FOG LIGHTS TIRE PUMPS & JACKS Table Model RADIOS 2 and 4Slice ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC IRONS Electric SOLDERING IRONS Mechanics Hand Tools Along with these hard-to-get items we have a general stock of auto parts and accessories. WESTERN SUPPLY 218 N. First Phone 126 i MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP 0 SPECIALIZING IN MOTOR REBUILDING REBORING the Clean Way VALVE SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP REBUILDING BRAKE DRUM REFINISH- ING. 0 407 S. First St. - Phone 628 - Shelton KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors and Garden Tools of all kinds Bicycle Repairs Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Cot PHONE 243 OIL CONVERSION UNITS 5 Lypcs to change your wood or coal range for oil Same units as used by factory mod- els. CAL WILSON CO. Hoodsport - Phone 10 or 17 HAVE CONNECTIONS ror new land alfalfa hay. Place your order now for winter supply while iits avail- able. Wagoner Fcd Co. 219 South First Street. 8-8tfn. FOR SALE: one .38 reveolver. In- quire at Journal office, R9-2610-10 KITCHEN cabinets, linen closets, store fixtures, and custom mill work. made to order. For free estimates Phone 217R2. Pctdrson Bros. 8-1tfn HOUSEWIVES: Why wax your floors every week! Use Plasti-Kote twice a year. Sold at Shelton E1ectrlc Co., 110 4th street. 8-1-tfn CONVERT YOUR KITCHEN RANGE to oil. See the new Therm silent Air Flow Bm'ner in operation at Sam B. Smith Co., Legion Way and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. ll-15tfn. FOR SALE: see Olympic Motor Sales for auto parts and accessories, First and Mill Streets, phone 595. 7-4tfn BRIGGS AND STRATTON alr cooled gas engine. Smith and Binger, Le- gion Way and Cherry, Olympia. Fhone 7763. 11-15tfk FOR SALE: saddle mare, gentle, can work around cultivator or in har- ness. Call at Star Route 1, Box 50. Price $50.00. J10-3-17 OR SALE: late '41 R.C.A. Victor cabinet radio. $75, Like new. Phone 760J4. Joe Tics, Shelton, Rt. 2.. 10-3tfn. MISCELLANEOUS: Rummage Sale. St. David's Guild October 25 and 26. Next door to Shelton Meat aud Ice. T10-10-17 FOR SALE: apples at Capitol Hill Store, $1.00 per box. Buck Arm- strong, Route 2, Box 31A. 10-3-17 FOR SALE: muskrat fur coat size 40. priced reasonable. Call at 1409 Rail- road. E10-3-17 FOR SALE: davenport, bed springs and mattress, garden tools, blnocu- lors 12 x 25. Phone 538M. M10-3-17 FOR SALE: one large wood heater, in good condition, one double bed and springs, tulip bulbs and glad- iolus, at Earl's Gladiolus, two miles south on Olympia Hiway. ,10-8-10 FOR SALE: ladies black Possum "Chubbie" fur' coat. size 14-16• Prac- tically new. Inquire Journal office. T10-3-17 Miscellaneous FOR SPENCER FOUNDATIONS and supports; phone 799JX for appoint- ment or call at 1416 Summit Drive. $9-26 OPPORTUNITY OF LIFETIME sup- plying DDT and other profitable products to farmers in Mason Coun- ty. No experience or capital required• Must have auto and good reference. Pernlanent, Write or wire McNESS COMPANY, Dept. D. 2423 Magnolia St., Oaldand 7, Calif, 10-3-10 WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OF: Re- frigeration Equipment. Home freez- ers. locker plants, milk coolers, etc., cold storage doors and insulation, portable coolers power meat saws 'Cat Line of Garden tractors. Kohl- er Power Plants. Prices right-- quick deliveries. MISKELLA RE- FRIGERATION & EQUIPMENT, Ph. 9690, Olympia, on the Highway at Mud Bay "Y". P.O. Box 612. 2/q -* fn  vvvvv - WANTED WANTED: to buy, ice box or refrig- erator and washing machine. Phone Charles Jackson 809R. 10-10-24 • WANTED: stud service by Dachsund. Write Chas, Dicson, Eldon ate,, . , 31, Lilliwaup. 10-10 WANTED: watcll charms and fobs Inquire Journal office, 10-10ttn WANTED: full or part time steno- graphic work. Experienced steno- grapher. Phone 667. F10-10 WANTED: poles and piling, all sizes. Quote peeled, also unpceled. State quantities can Supply, earliest ship- men*. Niedernleycr-M a r t in Co•, Spalding Building, Portland 4, Ore. I0;IO--11-2i HELP WANTED J. Hofert expects to start cutting between Oct, 25 .and Nov, 1, All types of yard help needed, male and female. CUTTERS AND PRODUCERS WANTED Man Capable of Acting as YARD BOSS WANTED See R. J. Bartholomew at Shelton Hotel or Hofert Office near N.P. Depot. (Office will be open after Oct. 15. 10-10-tfn I| WANTED- TO BUY: washing machine. State make, condition and price in first reply to J, B. Schott, Belfalr, Wash. 10-3-10 WANTED: Xmas tree stumpage, Write Star Route 1, Box 24B, Shelton, or phone 761R4. L10-3-17 WANTED TO RENT: one or two bed- room house. Phone Brcmerton 3728. C9-26--10-10 WANTED: permanent businessman in Shelton badly in need of two bee- room home for his family in or close to Shelton. Phone 28. W9-26---10-10 WANTED AT ONCE large quantities Alder and Maple logs at $40.00 per thousand net, no discourtt, F.O.B. Tacoma. Full scale. Prompt Settle- ments, Rall cars can now be ship- ped from Shelton to Tacoma at rate of about $4.00 per thousand, North- west Chir Compauy, Tacoma, Wn. 9-12---10-17 CHRISTMAS TREES Can pay top price for number one trees. Anyone interested in sell- ing stumpage of trees contact C. P. Roundtree, 1700 Yew Street, Olympia. Phone 3759. 9-1210-31 WANTED: Experienced woman for general housework and care of one child. Room, oara, goes samry. In- quire Journal. 4-11-tfn WANTED: women to wor as oyster cullers at Oyster Bay. Call long dis- lance, Oyster Bay, collect, ask for Oscar Zandell. 10-18-tfn WAITRESS and kitchen help wanted Apply Hotel Shelton Coffee Shop. 5-dtfl WANT TO BUY: old horses foi" Mlnk feed. Myers and Hansen Mink Farm. Olympia. Phone 4676 collect, l-itfn WANTED: ALDER,. MAPLE, TOP PRICES. honest scale, short haul. Branm Mill, Lyncil Road and Hi- way, four miles south of Shelton, 8-29tfn. it Tomato Fertilization In fertilizer tests with tomatoes the Wisconsin Experiment station found that the best treatment paid a net of $244 above the no-fertilizer treatment. The most profitable was a broadcast application of 500 pounds of a 6-6-20 plus 500 pounds of a 3-12-12 applied as a side- dressing. The fertilizer cost $20,80 and Increased yields 69 per ent. These tests were made on a late va- ricty and they suggest that on an early variety the results might hae been better. October FOR 10, t 946. RANGE OIL We install it' Sial tric Store, FOR SALE: two poort ackets, size DELIVERED IN 2-( urnal. WOOD: dry al for range. P h o n e lots. Frank Shelton. FOR SALE: two , ,lllllt|ttlll tapideras and one rence Clark at. MORGAN F] F 1941 Harley-Davidson 7J.% torcycle, Bill White, l, .......... Ave. FOR SALE : enameled. W, first hole Is z tn Skokle" r/'i: • 00uur I]i00_@n@KY .-- " n tlt %t !t#,1 , FOR SALE : circulating 15W3. FOR SALE: box wood legs geant at FOR SALE: one large ial wood circulating Chas. H. :Baker, Phone 14F6. FOR ,SALE: one saddle; one saw" G. Slater, Route i, Valley. FOR SALE OR Hartey-Davidson condition, for a car, FOR SALE : Lemke. Star ton. Phone 14F35. FOR SALE: two One brown winter summer coat. $5,00 each, FRED AND to take this thank their' ma for the wonderful to their son and b the numerou sympathy and ki the generous flora his last r FOR SALE: 14 ft. suitable Box FOR SALE: 5 volt motor. FOR SALE: four Wan boats, $30 each. Hood Canal• FOR SALE: lovely English plaid coat girl age six. 'i.',. Call 310M. FOR SALE: baby , $20. Also collapsible I)a,:i 'i'm- m-- -- $:o. Call 165W'. ;:  t  Ilttt , FoR SALE AVII|I Call at Route i,-o. ,-'-i : Road. # FoR un-'o.d "' RTE A DV ' FOR SALE male be {i, [ .a.a... Lat apartment over w c":..0t to Sawmill 0 --,- ........ ,_l Off;e- ,qi,,,,, ATTORNEyoAT! 2oo East is brew CO-( HOI CRAIG P. : ELECTRICAL Eliot Electric Title InsuranCS Phone 4 v Charles T.  Virginia G, Angle Builling, Telephons CHARLES ATTORNEY 119-121 South Bell Shelton, ALDEN ATTO R N EY Title Opposite First Phons 23 " FUNERAL Lloensed W,A, Phone 180-- "It l ity Tan pref Co- ELLIOT Accounting Bookkseplng 123 4th St.